Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1858, p. 6

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f -k.' -. c 'I. 1-m ibswosk phabetr tO bis naOQne,- b>y ats of tiuhe v.pe ,aoril hs 1>w-ý61 oei Tdd and study., That ia the -heur for the millioaire, ý'AUàiGn --Buoness.Tbomas Myars. The day at length arriveti, when and the mi&looat. ý1wajêd-N&thahie1 Ray. Englaud ahangad lher commercial pQ. W., conflias, aven when viawing Book anà Léatder Company-J. C.. li h), and ProeWamedlFree Tr-ada. -Let EtlgISSd's w«e.1 t4ht w. prefer ýhe ..Pheraon. it nea., hoevr, be forgotten, thi e t thiètlm, *61wellfd, and independànk, Notai ta Rent Or~ for Sateiî-31. Mutien. did hot do sa, until ah. fait perfeotly yeomau; to the stSnteti, melanchOly, F'ar for Sale -Williamb Nicholis. assurad of her position. Nos' muet, and degénerating race, whoge lot it 19 issution-H. J.. Madonait andi Cao. E1 we omit t». ebsarva, that under the ta ia errgaged in manufactures. To arGoILDartnell. generio wed gowing -phras, Free tha soi4t atha solIjet us flig. It , Car d- jCeoe &. lartnl. Tuada, a aifgit discs'epancy. exists, bc- aur vocation. It will not disappoint CardCmanianditw& Mactionai n tweeu thce 4*Mpage, and the contents aur expectations. Let aur motta ha, ~M~ La e~s ctah ted a m m u uge- o t hei' ti . g rea t w ark. F ree T rad a, in t a dispose af aur pr aducts in th« ' d n ' rup & Masos. Lhe-, strict sauce of thse terni, applias est, and purchase what ia needad, in Spaciat Notice-Northrup & Muoses. l*eiy ta breadstuis. Partial dueies ti.echeapest markets w. can find.- Tic Poke-Gxeonga Yule. Yet attacli ta most of the other articles That, we rapeat, is aur vocation. As AUCTION SALES. enumcrated lu Lie taif.- The admis- for tkeories, théea l no more certainty -L sien of corn, duty frac, (or' almnost so) in them, than tiare -ia in shcep-shaar- - Important Sala ai Freahaiti Praparty, dtsing the Irish famine in 47-48, ing. Furnitune, &c.-Dr. RL W, Clark. seaied the fate of the corn laws. Tiat Town Conneil. Sa9le ai Town Lots in Nottawasaga-An- this was an inevitable nacaasity, in the drew Russell. thon agitatcd state ai Esiglanti, WC Monday E-vesing. Nov. 1, '58. admit. That it brougit nisin andi dis- Tic Couneil met at 7 o'clock, ut tic uirïr may ta tisausantis, is certain; but it* Town Hall. VI-rL/jOiWà1t. provided fb -thse million. Tintt it Tic Mayor in tic Chair. waOuld havIle desolateti many atiditionai Meushers present - The Mayor, IVIitbv. Thîîrsdlav, NoienuIe)r 4, 1858. heartlis, is equaliy certain, had uaLttc Messrs. Nfàcdonell, Rowc, Trcsnayne, timiv, -,v may sa, 11rovidential dis- Hlodgson, and MePharson. -. ui Kelicr id our Travelj cov-ery of golti in Auýtralia and Cali- COMPLLINT ÂGAINST TUE ILEEVE. ing .4gyciie, «nd 1 awt/oried tIo 'e- fornits, cailie ta tise rescîse. IVe shall Tie Mayor rend tise folaowing coin- cei-e ubcrqtîns ndcult -t~scuetsnat enter jutoapay eoxact cnicusaîtonof mmnicatian froin Alexander Caiîneron, îfld ern iî*ceijef for moneys de zthc amount »of g'là i iported ftom Ciief Constable, coinpiûslng af Mr. tU .fflee. îhos0 s-otiong ngh lxttn -a-.Ilodgson's canduot to*ards-liin. -1 Ouirieadors cati do tlsrt, but we wvouid TO Ile lfoî-s/tipfild, t& M!iayor, and .%ule opîs < M< CnaNsLef a le (l irt ampress anc filet iupon ton cunmrc /eîw f1/t aC Jlr ;<' l'il le%, -ulo ar i, ext cdaor _aUentoiss mvhiei is, that aevery aunce ta~~~~~~ MPotO. ai wnclifor, anti recejues GE-rLncxEN-I respeetfully crave Protection or riee Trade. its equilvalent in articles ot iuxisry, or Ivaur attention ta the position linvhiciiI of ieceesity, whieh, but-for thnt disco- I arn placeti ns Chief Consttl a i ý Expei-ience,"1 says Dr. Joinsioss, i-ry, wouid meven have heen called TwandIapaltyorssea M s thse great test ai truth, and is lper- fbr ai- pmouluced. Engiant nattsralv whnat is si-ht ta do me justice. My petually contm:ditiwg thc Muorh e o wnas', soed aloiftby thiltunioaieed foi yennly stipend frons tic Town is ouiv tîxei." Xaow, histoî-y ansd experienoe and delicloîts traffie. le routve l I haveaLrg iles fm't bath establisli tii iislortaný flet, tlsist , sw r-ie fsliy up to the imark, nor m - - ai a lthare hlesa e-m t iL ivas tby Vsteî-nd uîlpî-otectiii- h,-r ii it nccessary ta point (oit iio Iv ta spendntaînnd teyare wli s oly d-2 infan nt itaettsr-es, that Eiiý,1tîîd tii- cal and viîtnisppart, hou' ismense jble, foi- suppmort. For someime pastt umjhaitk nsîuuedlier pî--eutpoild an iimpulse miist have heen impartedrycannsltsrept Âe poâition, a.s tic gicat crusîîoî-issm and ta hemrliv these discaveries ln the in- b4en matemiaiiy diîninishad, and int- suppierof he %vord. he iic tà fncv ai lier- îien-tiîeomies. 2av,'vo tei-iy, I have hlad but compnmnîivt-lv agt-nxcnt whili 4site lisld omnt ta tlic may alinet auld, that but for tisis tuai- littie einplaynn, owîstuig t IW(tooei,,fixetl pcrîsancutiy the w ut>1- i-chons influx af the pieuions nietals, consýtable business af thc Townha ia leu inantif:uctui-es inluicr itist ; tiseJ she comld scameciy bav-e met tîhe dmaiws iamgeiy eneneaseti. 31r. liodgson, tic wctcornc andti sippuî-t Nvlieis site nnud foi- bieaulstuuffs, whists deflelent bar- Reeve, cînpioysothier parties whaoen- éd to tise bansslscd Ilutrueriots, -w-asv sts,nand iîîcrensed deusanti 1equir-. the tude iuwlitli he ý an edjoy a monopoiy af tie constable buises-a Lie made l wiicisue uittedant cdness ea i s affice. I arn infoîmed, anti Y perfectedth loso oa' silk , Spitalilis, As w-c have aieady statoti, iou-oves-, believe tint at least anc oi tiese pir- fi Leedis andtI ltiddes-shi,, attebt tise tise terisFie-Trndc, except ils wient, ics, vii: Thionas Batemnan, is îiciet- t' happy i-esuhts. As regardtsliser cottoisl e ioeineat oueiI dt r ldsnfralto ad labnies, liem skiil, lieu- capitl, lier abisi- sttv still givt-s its incideustai nid ta andt îat said Bateman is employedtiea dance af' coal, anud lier ampl uiep1l>y tise*siik mannifncturei, ns aiso taeuuany do tise <onstablc business, luinorr of ba lnouî, esabed ier intisseoticiarticles, as,-, et not equal La a that saîi HodgsÃŽon miglst retain tiet branches, witiu an ilinost ni acîslous lisaîstitaIsantà encottar, mwiththetiCconstable focs0 in payaient. In the eeleiity, to assuisse anu uinineduute aud fOeigacir. W. nee-t scârrey point greatar number of the anses in wiich a decisive suspu-en-. fîs%, Tese cause- onit ane article, cspecinlly Iici wlsis- 1I have bocu cuxployeti before the t4 qjxau 'tly sîeued l ittia ai nu piotectiosu. key. Thieavorite niational beverage, Reevo, I have nlot reve nt n farti- a' Not so, liser silks andi woeileiss. Con- (fit for ttèe ilads of Olysupus> eau ha ing fou- nry troubla. Sanie ai tic cases t lèitueuticoe itian rioni v Znaa bongit lu Iret.and, aye, andtiispioveti rean unsettled, andi in others, I Nid~~~~~ titl hi 'i'i~.n~ buit by a tisree yenrs niatssring, fan 7st 6d knaw Lie Reevo te have. collectadthLe 0a fhrtue )roectais wht-i du4-ig t er r ~ -aalln, FieeTi-ade, as coustiqeti costî, and ret-aitidthern ta hiniseif; pý graini di-loîeieus, -asu-se« cis in EtsiInnd, inflicts a duty tint rmises anti if ho ha nat ro-electedtet the office w ald.Tise piodigious increase of 1ito-,l 78 Ot, aind upwards, wian lt this yaar,, I i-ilhave. no chance ai t, Englatisd's wealtlsandi populations,andsicassS.Gog' laal ctn ie.8 the 0cousequent eî-er4iicýeasiing cii-cie cs, cas-ct.îegs cha afer ttisb e W," herIan arm.n he o- st of cousunies, rtspidly encoumaget i her Varieteeoe fe hsbit- hte Iml nàn ifCO-a prodlatve uwe-s.Tie cane iseanti rapiti review af wiat EnglAnusla stable ai tic Town or not, I have tins ai mtII Auisinudre iter, as)i reganrdsuivnithse infancy of manufactures (wbec wouldt desire te act iu a spiit of j us- 3A eti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ia aklrneciie- srgrshrmvmatemint esîbcial, anti silleti la- tice unsd, fair play-and it la fonýtiem ta ol cotLons esp eeiaiiy, unappioaehlabie. ban are corupetitors,) is indispensable saty, W-ietiher or Viot, theis' Chiai Con- ai Tise pt-axiiuity anskili ai Franee, ' uccstati va yitipigsal l lt ia ropnrpiersan ta ha cl nosu emence ithattitinsbY t ngt table Si ti brio hmd ta encultinten, tise tua 0fte55 Froc Traitaou Lie footing ai s'ceeiv- sucesfis bltises a t c ngge,1 ing Reciprnnity. This she vary wisa- agninat, w1iasedating anu incessnt ly idi untie-conviction 'that seic nottis e coast-guatrd ai ail Englandiuii anamtigb'ecmu pros-et but ais iiuasuifFcieient bau-ier.- Ifi-esîsmarîkets, anti cousit base noti- %VWith tse adiver-se odds, hon conti- ig nenaluiigihtrpicss~ ~.1l As regards aur adopted cousntry, againet this i>îaneh oainiutusti-y. In a ts.usto C cenî rse~wcî happy montent, Mu-. Iluskisson, _;(tlison aneiLuistionsiaectanttempt tic ieto- ut isahe:d i tse oast f tnte Idusetion of manufactures, anti if se,- with nas agnl s boit as iL w-ns unex- wehe rtecto hut acnei peetti, ercivettIseÇ~noî-can inlusuppoting suci attempta. IVe ita îrgau-d ofpiejudices, tinik flot. Engianut md a limitati doos hic s ni->' ryand hic disemnrneit try>, ant deneppaain- eqlu herhrewmvet Lie t heu-y>' Canada lias an unlinited axtent et dutyou tc mi nenia, attue sanisli, anti a apaise popuhation. Eng- tius s-aducssgLis ispit riLls b' his4 d enos-maus capital. Canada smitliful a gradation, as Vriilst it eut tise mas yet tîsut important interna tae cre- -ý grou efsaux iner tefaeufaitieate. Englanti md labor cienp. Ca- suugDer-, esbei iemnuatrrnatin mc libor nt a figrura, tint if cm- tÃ")i~oucalinnia-eextnsiclyant ipîoyeci ou masnufactur-es, 1wonîtise in- tfeaply, Lian i ha d doue lhea-etafore. I ýqAce tlxsi ,whd sa îietcrea.se tise prce ai tic coulmotit> bils o oluxt La tiielu>' classas toprotitcati, as ta rentier genanal con-t se olai vrnew producwatiica sues sumption imprgeticable;.produce uni. quantity adptice, as- placeti thon gates ai illagal 0 __ 2émýce tem fie anar- withn te rachofwheretnenapiant gies anti aetivity of Lie smugglaer. For muuity. Tic restalLa iiat, wenay t * cold ipjda t - Fresi skil was b4ought La bear tipoii effots e ai tiascoubaniat, n onu thea falic, batl as regards pattae-n antid,' ~ - --enornius exnt QfËbountiau-y Ce textaure; the gratitedti >deprivot1'e"tdndto atie.dfi tise Bl emggtçr of his inîducements taecttes Lseq',stauaireene',e s'tux 1w>'itt haIst s lng useas'-sente itselî--shut ont fonaigîs goode, - fhly ancauatcred, anti- thetirooping anti viaee siould'wcsafise incarne ? man 11fieiton>' ias cas-ietit oarauxexteut, Ains! iL a a dan in-:s sng 0s ansdapefcinthtabedtta- woulwould geL Lieaystr-the pro- tes' juta fsvoi1abiecumpetition wiLi its.tceipstadLe~'vne i -ii4ai- Let IL not, io'w'ever,'be fongot-. auxpty Oief, -eà-sUpoôs- yeil muet tea, tiat for a very exteutotded drolaay r bndshi ecm ero1. ~raçLiu hti ackt La caile oansd labour sa supas-abundant, as La the infant fabric. -neilbi- or 1inu.ttuirg uspoes As -regards coLLons, wo haveaulraady Until ýtia eit éala'nveîû4. remarkuld, tint higi niachanil s kilitèesté-u-jlî lie thast cona'udesed by d-' bou-itiess capital, abundant, fuel, 1anti- veioping the inoxhaustible'riôiseg iofaas 'hap ir.ha pact ngianti, as iL alinost illimaitable-5oil; andi encourage- w & r p er .a u m ~ a n it o p, s'n g o a i - g b >' ev ery n m can 9 n o elrs-p o w er , t ie the iadder, alnost obviatlng i. ltt.. leethéaei - an d The inslrf' ;t> :uf.pilpotis, nan udpendant e sekjn n Iati0n.-'- If tisedat, srgrdt théetlree lsefertile soji[ fCansda eit A ILgréant greet tantsfàatuiigstaples af tiuimine ofweli-Al tsiônicd4 Mýq1ýý ptit1yare correct, (sud w. tiosâsresusidey. -Manysineldin& thiak tisey are) it fii(sws, as a neaus- massoiXmtuu-eo, (on îiuy- ttiig likeêasn 1 Ur' 4eduotous5tiat pro tection, inthe -ét" 5L- el. L4R 5sWý. At a subsaquent stage_ ai Lie pro- cacdings, on motion ai Mr. Mactioneil, socoutiat b>' Capt-aîn Roiva, a select Cammittea was appointet, causistiug ai Mesasrs. Rowa, Mactianeil anti Tra- mayne, te whom tie Chief Constable'a communication wits rttftrrad, anti who w4eaalse rpowered te enquira into anti repos-otheLa iaust ai fines anti penalties puiti into tie Town Trasis- r>' in cases befora Justices. Tic mayas' s-c atiacommunication on bahasif ai a paon womau uamet Gib- bons fan recie£ Also la latter fs-an Mn. Ritout, for payment ai a amail suai duc tic Bank for istas-at. 5TisEKs5£ND IpoxMerg Captain Raya brougit up tis e- port ai the câiàmittee, anti on motion Lie, Cauneil weut inta corumitte of Lia iviole thereon, Ms'. Hotigson i Lia chair., Aftas tise repart, wia la a ver>' volumnous docUment,' contis-.' ing full -dtails of Lia expendituté tia yens', being readtiei comnsfttee, rose*ý .reporteti pragress anti obtaineti tésve ta Bit agaîn, inoe-te give tise. absent- mambers a chance of beissgps-sent at 4àctio<s--that ýne mentionz ý"vas inade of the ýetIins preeastA,andhewisisad -tie comnuite& to repas-t whst, heesmo nfthem. s It w-as, xsndes'steod, tint >. eswos'k. 10w- goiug Cossah'oultinet ho aliwed- 't; ronlminisabeyancei b:li>e psoea.. dad witih i-the- meantime, l: ses'post:oftbls :committe- -as ad 'te4, reo6tnsten4uisg P ayýùsent of 450 to Wm. fChetëbn, llüý iise"n, or a yeaî-s rent ofan' oldubiled'u6 kée fho fise emgine; -44 75.. to John: Bcmý gough s fb a: ltt1e'job f'fi50% t ýL was propoed fot, te lisait Use licensa, TaosRo, Nov.' 29,188. but te u>'. iLt âtiè - l"g.Lj o the, LEi~< B3oýrdof faspectrU. IIn itrodlein1. 9 -. With youu leome, as I1uhave Use by4aw Mr'. Hdso-Bt. h t tier more leisur. at preselit than la de- bis VieWSa O n lghdl teyudes'- arable, I wilt :aOSinally atidress yau a gene asssdes'al~ èaug~few linos about natte-s andi thinailii gets- Mr. Macdo>nell oompWainofaithse eral Ila tie metros>lio .anti elsewi-era, juiL publi1c inconveâeS Anc rsistg from the as in>'ewn mind happons te ho interestati iuscnaisano oîidiviual. That - with the pnRsing avants.bc& br n ýin(inuâteyý otindivd" Tht af For eigiit or'tan days bc hr a tps'tiseC0nnii hdiat egianissg of belen al gaad.deal ai feelingin tIse city lis the yaar laid it down that Liera siottit respect ai Lie robîary aLLihe Rank ai Up, ho no, more thisa»12 *taverÏnlicenseti, pet Canada, andtiheb.mysteriaus restitution IL wu naw Pr('oposcd Ilta Icave Lie ofithe mnna>. It la toarsbhy evident tint whoia tuatte' witi tie, Inspeetors.tLe.Chiai of Police, the Grat Ssi Sien- What'wgs the necessit>' he asitetifaf woati kuows ail about Lia malter, 'anti afacnding tha by-law'? - Was iL not migit, if ie chose, satiaf>' public cuuriasity, tia faeLtitbaLier. wara naw more for tiough te tieves :eem te bave beau Laas tu LepeteLias wr edti? sali,Il amnent aware tînt ha was untier Was t atampatita h ureti hatany obligation -te sareen theni or ta con- tia public gooti or public convenienca nive at if nat assist thair escape as hlail raquirati furtiar tavetis aoomiuoda- chargeti with duing. Sain bas beau se- tion ? No snob thing. Bu t the Reeve varely blameti anti as I thinit very justly ai Wiitby isati taken a particular hatl anti altbaugh ha has escapeti wftb a robuke undes' is wiug, andti Lis was lsow lha insteati ai Lie lassai his place lhe lias nat wanted taeg(ace it witihbis patronage, muci cause for crewing. for public opinion byotiiignhicse oai poro is very generally againat him anti unleas by btie (Mr.a eert he cli) otiesatihabehaves hinîseif witb renuuukable pru- tan.'Ie(r 3cdte4col t dence in Lhe future, bis ten.ure of office wiil usidenstanul howv tha Reeve af Whitby soan anti. coulti refusa a hotel hiccîsse te anc You ivili have sean ttit M. Bege>' tic mais at ana aida af the-street and give Secratary ai the Departinent ai Puublic ana te a man attsa otites sitie; how elle Wor-s lias been ranuoveti, in aLter wards mans sisulti hoc oMpllt tleaive tie dismissei. For a considerable Lime past tan-n for wasst ai a license, anti tic au oxamination inas beau proceadiîsg into soaean by-iaw ai the Lown ropaete certain transactions in ývhich ie a s cou- ablige anothier usan-he saiti, lie (Mr. cerneti, anti as the investigations piogress- iMaedoucîl,) coulai net understasui îîw et iut became evident tint is conduct hati tic Reeve ai Wiitby cosa recouchle 1n et bean eanctly O. K., but 1auunahie hinielf ith uch couse. e a ta t tluyou what was proveti against lnefwitimute aors b1utiti hlm. i coulti give yau rmeinurs but it la Iso isisita nspstemotves bu hounîsir ta sîay a man iit such weapons. ad Isis awn iden about tLeie aLter. Iusa>' iowevcr stata that Ntr. Beuley 11ke Tise persan for wbom tie b>--lnww ivs 2Mm. Andcerson tie Ex-Deputy Rereiver ta be ropeaheti uent routnd tise town General retires witi Lie wlierewiti te telling peopleaIlthat Mn. Ifodgson anti keap bisseif cazy andi comfortable, which i nsajority ofithe Catnceil hid agreed ius a piensant reflectisn-if thc atomesaitd ta support is petitiais, andti tthLose whstreuvith lias ouse in tlse riglut Wn. Of wh ttint it L sslu cs Womks has beau about thé most unfortun- terior." lIras iL proper ho asaketi for -tec in iLs head.s. Theme- was Mons. Ch&- nembers ai the Couneil La proiO5se bat, a jolly iellow, wha howevm united ta .lîing-s faittkiiid :- - ltw-as îvmîug9, bis convivial qualîties Lic cama ai No. 1, andi aimnsciully %vroîsg. As far ns lie andi who b>' haut or crook periaps b>' s-as coucerued ahthougi he isiglurt bath basimade for binsalina well lineti and stand alana ie woulti record Lais vote. ver>' nice nest. Hae us thc truc father ai tganstIt.Lt- Li cancî ofticne theiacelairatad Plama dawn Lha Loiver St. agains repeni t h hy-laî i f theîey io gt La wvrnc. Then lh a s-uafolloivetib>- that itbu rl e t a iftis yea îtienvur celabiaattialeapar, Mm. Lamicux, Mi. fit bu le tat f tis ea eneavurBrown'a naw Receivar Gcnai'al. Poar oe net with some couisistency. As for Letaiaux was just Lb. inuta ha dupet b>' as Mr. Hlodgsou's position wnts cou- tesigning ciever undenhings andtihie wsy aenes, lue (.Mn. Mactianali) as ho'had in wiicu i. cal-rietioau ta campletion, tic Ilras]>' tat-eticoulai flt understand national worka commencati b>'Mn. Chabot, thL gentlemn's posit ion, ta hut ana Mm. Baby alan. eau tlaL It is certain man out af Lie toîvu hy reiusing hlm bauvaver tint undan bis Atihlistnation a license, andtie use ailluhis cxeions tit universal. contracter maties sane vai>' oe procure a liceuse teo bc grnted hnism-pcakhterb n sia« ut anoLises'manu atthLe opposteside af sharati lu Lie piekinga ko nt1u ratier inclinettheLb.balliftiha t intu Lh street. sud tint all is mernt consists lu takii:g Mr. Hotig8an stated tiat Ile hat things easy aud Iatting otiiers iahlp Lieni. Dnly ativisati Mn. Caldiwell ta geL up a salves liberally. Mr. Alcyn camse next, 'etitiaiallasti tit he haut net tLd hua but extremailîl-beanti ovcrtook bisi ver>' wietier haoivoulti support it or not, soan aftar ha assumeti office ant ie couiti bat h ha d cianget i s -mid an Lie uaL 4o muai te rafomin Lia Dcpastment.- abject et hicensa, tint hoie s nowuinHowever b. titi commence Lia investiga- l Lion wiuich bas now resultati lu Lb. axpul- uvor ai gs'axting a licanse, or flfty te sion ai Mr. Bee'lv anti wiicih I ndrstn iny person of gooti ebaractes' antid t 1 aiL ol ÃŽ' ~jtsscaam..MI iapport Lia petition. - le thouglit tlsat Ur. Mactioneil, w-io boastati'ai baing )ppose t e chias legistation shouit apport tie motion for rapeal ai Lia ause la tic by-iaw. Ms-. Mnètdoneil, how are yoîs an Mn. Hodgson, agninst t-heaitetea- lly I Mr. Mactioneil, whats Lhe tiffes'- scec? What's tie uecesiity for tia &w Lavera ? Mn. Iodggon statat iat insteati ai ustics ivia cahotd at Hamilton anti Lobart8 Store, having ta ratura Ita put p at Downlng's as'r Brybu's hetel Lia>' ould be accominotiteti ontise spot. Mn. Mactioreli cailati attention ta ae wortiîg of tIha patition, andi stateti îat man>' pensons who, but signet IL id not know vint tba>' iere doing d tint mas>'ofitheanarnas wonre or ce formes' petitian prasented 1 againat rantiug licanse. >. Mm. Hodgson saidtat itis~ainlias etitio ad a beau ýg& up for doiag wa>' with as-amy tav+n la -te-,tawai. e voulti most cortinIlý go for iL Mr'. Per-y statedti tat ,ho hat an sentimentte m os-e, and tié, -lied >un as-des' te, suvetie -epiHatirsg of ie by-taw, wiich wcînhdtbetheYoaýùse yadop.timMn. lciioiSW»,esolftion. wum ssipi>' ta expuage tisa worda mo~re thsan twalve» -frOmtl ,proSant ,l&4rIr. 'Tie.e susdne&twsoPtwd, r- -. Ihotigeanand ib fflÉ,,put ws Lice of-ie Co uneilthe isaast the. XW ict mto tie preMpatfiofthe, f teaby thse - e'k<w1uhi àtise oi.sie.il-agreed >lintise"Captýmss -vîew en ns i th, i -di( ant th, gr, pal la am 50 by. by, hA mam Sertrsi n ihcaitrsi n Saratary hsxpusand thiaurie otalsia.- erTha h as pn(ust Lenuiriaes 50 fhr.- Thgnat illnafthereutartborough s'a-te you may safaly Laite for granteti. By the way apadting aof Sicotta, aithough Lie gaernmant ai which. ha la 50 pramînant.a member lsauassilad with the extrema ai abusive charge s, ll well known tint ?ufr. Brawrn or rathes' Mr. Darion was exceeti- ingtyanaxiaus ta gat hlm into the "strang- est govarfiment tha Province ever had," but h. was tao wid', awaka ta wrack bis fortunes thus aarly, and tha strong govern- ment went ta places frani suer inabiiity ta stand upan its legs. -The Montrent feed isl tha naxt politicai avant ta ha celabrateti, anti IL strikas nâe tint Lie datermined faa, ai Seaurna Sciaols, hight, Geargp, theýBrown, must teal a 1eette streaky juat now, tint tha ITr" »Witnua la clamoring for aclear unam- c biguous declaration in tiair favour b,> the ý -future Premier." Tiare uvill ha lots ai sasoke, yau may b. aura, andi na daubt i D'Arc>' will hava rumagad is aid lectures for savour>' jakes, but the bubbl ifl i j burst, aùd bath hlm, "and i&i protege wrl t fa1l ta ris. na mare, -or if' tbey do ris., iL wiibe, not as friands, but as foas. Letr atoýne, a4ssi i» ostvniandt Lie squndnessoai tus predictian. Yours, &c., DRawzoax.-Tia bady>'faam te'a cognized &&-GeOorge Googe, an intian, wag, difcflyared,, ,loatihg on Scugog lakê; on Fs'iduuy.masnin0 Lait Ms'. J. -.BigélôW,-of-ThtP sry, e s 5tise olowingpsrtietsarsm Qocw.I!'rt ?r>'.buStuu- day, OoLoher 1ý4 ,andýappeas-ed to be ~ 5~jitcanoe f Te Ontaiim.a. o alt eek li a athi hsOntarI Tins oltwaakYàq,'Y'ae arile hadeot si, "JA s ROWU, *Ry . t b*-ie ca manoat suaIfrciaaety ta l>.-pui sinaptain Ro-bis f uatonur ounpoarverh ainerofeakus lautnl oo nchae, the mea n op ei de truthfufly fov on go 1aptaon Rowe at dsewrea b tin entcoums paid thebis worth, byta lies. Bu whofek the Tizes ocliuto -ae 1w1aofilaf JesizRow, s ea Wityamd tesyf i-h a mes rqet ees owe, wb o n of with disparagement. Wa know that tCaptain Rowe la tbe last nman in the Town they would speak a gaod word of-an4 that they would fan prefar depraciating, tisa axtotli ng bis bigh character, unlasa thay had sanie sinistar abject in view.- Tbey, have given Captain Rowe just cradit rfgr baing a far-seeing, clear-sightati mans- we can assura thern thcy bave spoken tru- ly, and that they will flnd bim tao mucb so, to ha at ail deceivad by their specious 0 i ttery. lVhen the worthy Captain seeks >ta bc re-elected XMayor of Whitby, we do nut know that ha will consider it necessary to consult the Tiise,' opinion. "This gentleman, with whose *name name most of our renders are fasniliar, bas this wack, tbrough the coluinrns af the Ckronicle, intimated that it la fnot lis in,- tention ta again solicit the honor of a seat at the Couuiciltal>le. WVe have found iL necessary on ana or two occasions ta ax- press 1lisîpproval af the course, taken by Mr. Rouve in the Couricil. In the println- miatter, for instance, we were, and are noiv, af opinion. that ha taak a couý%-e as inju- nious ta bis repuitation as a Cuncillor, aus it was obnaxjnus La theé interest of the ratepayers. i'he wonder ta us was, how a nman who on ordiruary occasions saldoin faill dta nienit the appellation af a clenr. sighted nman, could an that occasion take a course w-ch the large rnnjarity af the in. habitants of the tawn nppeared in direct apposition La right and justice. But with ail the blame which attaclied ta the Captain awing La his course on the i>ninting mnaL- ter, we by no arias view hini as ana who can easily ha spared froin the Cauncit ai Atýe Town. No nimnher ai the present Cauncil lsaÈ a ,clenrer knowlcdga ai the routine oai vuu- cil busQiness and we quiegtion if any main- bar has been moare regularly in attendance at the~ meetings of the Council. As a speaker, he can neither ha charged ivith .saying Loa rnuch nor too little. Ileis neither a slant unember, nor anec who seenis ennarad with the saunds ai bis awn voice. I)uring Mua present year we have been canpcliied ta Isten ta sanie ai tho ust tediaus, childîsi, and in rnany ca es nansensical discussions at Lhe Coun- cil board tint co,îld well beconceived ai, biit wa must give the Captain credit for naither par 'LicipaLing in thani, nor saeming, ta relish theni anc whit better than wa did ourselves. Posgessed ai goati commun sanse, and a desire ta parfurmhîs duty ta tha town, he has made a useful. wa might say, valuable mamber ai t.he Council, and we should regret ta sea bis naseeaxéiudad fromn tie list ai Couniciliors ai 1859. WVe hope that previaus ta Lie elections iL wiillha found iat the detarnuination ex-- prsstiryM. Rowe in tia cosmwîscn- tinreiored ta is net irrevacable. NWe have no-wish ta flatter Mr. Rowa, atill less ta throw out any refioctions an the inhabi- tants ai -the South -.-ard, whan wa aay that in aur opinion they will tinti it dificult ta find a succassor for hlmn in ail points as wel ledt serve thani. In refèence ta the Mayoralty, though we are nat in any mens prepareti ta sa we wauld support Mir. Rowc in preferénca La any atier cau-. didate wbo mught comae forward, stîll frooe bis long servic~es, andi -abiîities, it id an. -hanor which'bis friands might reaaonably, wisi ta sea conferrati upan bin. Rawe leno personal friend af oursa; Le , flot aven a subscriber ta th ' eTimes, still lv. are none the lass disposad te awar'd him- whatever praiso is bis due. This is wiat the Time says ci Captain Rowa. Wonderfut that it coulti not occur ta the smart yaung spei:ulators in newspa- pars, that it nilght ha thair own prajudica and bad unelerstandings, which ware- at fauit in the printing mattar, than the l'far- saaing and clear-sighted" Captain. Morus apreatoves' as-Lb vîti er rs'a>'w-iengsant Ias eunnsanedti thti denti bM pfai ny usother. -Ii. breaxes ver. lntieu--uitt-tie mlasof aariy sprn favera sutd seweptrgau,:ty through tic open. cer ent 5enL. concs fô itÇ.-yisn- Tic ýgolien rays ai-lise..sus gleaneti iuto, ticapl-t01, nd laytdligst>' vertihe fé&Ïureîs oi héruapo'n-wbse mua.rble brou- ; . deathi hat stamnpetih luis freezing kiss. AIl w-as atilI, gave thsee mltiius notes vbici. wer'ersoled forth, Inouisthe. tthrat ai mny>' nai van songstr,- Yet ail. Liae haticKesw-ere -but littie iseedati b>' ou.- Ihefône une lhatt hee,Lovee, baene-ý tresE, whe. tutti atceatiovr ~my, infnncy,; w-'ha udconsolati ne vian-nc xihea so-- s'ovfui, h obo d ejoiced, "th-s~pr ts-nying bright icones l in,ÃŽe -,untnowns anti u tiitfutuür.; vise "hàdguititiny- vayvard feet thus inn, along- tsa tiasny pativa> ' <flitea sd, visa -vs nov about La b. cinspat iun tint ambrace, wIhhnéna cmu resust. As I guuzet upon thbat ýweet anti expressive. àcoantenance; su ad m ur- - nath Lienaine ai noLIasier*nmitbue eyos saaied taIsparklerw-iti neu- lle; anti: aihe gixet'ilong and kving uupopme >, tien raisete Linbeavenvard anti passet au-a>'. As I east aIeùgliageAùrg' bosikumpois ilur ie nýow etaeti Led in 'evelasinres, B'rock Roa to xrig thnc o dota xriia L ikigian.aS ott, a -g M king a total ai cam a 150 "6 Wbich at "acofai$500q Pet mita. Making the round suni ai $750,000. But is this an andti t the matter? -Ask ,Mr. Rawa, Ms'. Perry, Mr. Dryden. or âny .otiier Stackholder in the Part Wbitby& .Lake Scugog Rond if iL costs anything ta 'keep a well madie gravel road in42pair, 4,yes it'*111 cOSt a, trige, , a>10 or 14 jeaàrs equal to, the firsttoL" Dtiyou avar bear ai the. aid daritie, who witi hip hanning and face etongateti, ahewing avi- tient signa ai trotubla appraacbed bis mas- ter with bad néws ? 'lMassa, broke de sld. Neyer mind Samba it an't ha helpecL" IlDats:not aIt massa, kilieti ana -de a.xan." "-Ver>' bad Samba, very bati, but no use crying for spit mnik." IlAndi data. not ail masa, killed de -addar ane taO" Y4uemyno eq ecr reov, myufigure s mn>' o figut.cor- yre, ut I what yoes the figura ior yoursalithe ud sce witbar Le £8,000la utcabl b.Le cutinu't os' -bathoesew-anid But some yl say yusanc opposeti t ronds altagatier, I sa>, 1-Dot,but-4 oulti ha ,'caraful notpa 'todearfonlie w-iistle., I -wouitihave Lia reprasamtatives ai Rach, Brocit, Tiorai, &c., corné dovu antiativo- cate the subject on thse grounti ofassutusal benafit,. anti fot sny, Ilyau ara ieur anti alte-ta mate curir suhand yod ssal do* It nit e LantsLa en. 'Iw-ouhüd have tia rears-a>' o tie frontt, "yu w-ilb.- benfitteti by 'evar s->isl oai vist, aver>' tordt ot wooti; or loa f is illai1tfin Sda-iLs way ta yotur markt, it la thLî,trafic tint -bulIds np yens-Tovua andVfliige,ý' ind" ahauuiti aui>of Vyou atiace an itienso crude as ta sny.tbat-. iveseeral niles irons. guah Town -or Yillig-..ias rua lt, tLsell,- and cgnnot consaquentiy be besaefitted1 b>' thé:impnoennt- j4tpiot te tse Cit-y of The apening lecture ai tisé. present senson vili ha dehiveetb>' the 11ev. J. Shortt, ai Port Ilupe, on- Tuestay ei-cuing 9th inst., aL ttel. Macitanica':Hall. Subject W e are plensati ehan n' t hît hLnit ti- tuta bae mat viLb ru'tscisucces insecus- iug Lie services ai savaral enineat bectu- es-sfas-ti winter, a fial pr, e of, "Whtuai -l? be pÙ bisedin -a - The pruce of ticket& bs been nsranped as faloiav: Maniera ticket.- coustitutas n niember ai tia Instituta for ana .yens-vitis tbe pnlvileges ofti library anti admission ai Lie holtitirntimd threa mambars, ai tia famuly ta Lb.eîvhole ceuma eof Lvalva lectures-pnica $1. Lecture ticket an- ltles taeboîtier anti ana lut>' ta vitle course ai twalva lacturau-pnice 50 zents. Lectures ta commence at 7.30,.p.m Rav J.Short, Prof Wilsn, Han., O. Movat, Dr. Estvood, Prof Buctianti, Prof Nalhia, - ai Vittoria, Cohiaga, -Dr. Beatty,- ai Caiotirg, anti Ms'. Mcab aitee aireati>'canseutet ïotakatapart., ,Other nainas w-Ut ha atitet inl a short ima. IV. hope ta sas a goot attentance, as ve, bave no uouit but Ljnt thie lectures viii prove highihiî neresting anti instructive. Thse Tewm Conustable and thes Reeve. Mr. Canaron han furnisheti us with te pasicuhars ai caveaa ccas, ilu vhicb Mnr. Hadgcon coirectati anti retainati tisa costa- bia fées, viti nas-equest ta publisi tlien. As Lb. natter la nais- the subJect oainvas- ftaiams befos-êaeomuitTee ofithe manibers ai the Toyrn Counail, va do uaL vuista i ireta Lie prejutilce of aiLier past>'. WILD Ciivtay BÂUàm.-Tie Inc-- mos-y of Dr. Wister is emlutdin hi-ie Thx .1 t E c s] t1 j --I Gravel Roade. -PICKÊKi.,i, th Oct., 1858. Mr. Editor; While the. Ratepayers are voting on the Road Schene it may nlot be out of place to discuss in a candid and cool nian- ner th ubjeçt ipf rloada-in general, and the present.,sciieme ini partiiular. 1 need net tell you of the trickery ccertain mcm- bers afPe (Jounty Council-in chisselling into exrstence a sciieme whicb the ratepay- ers into every Municipality have so. point- ediy and unanimously condemnad.. No, for it is patent ta ihe- inbabitaiîts of this County that certain membars have at the axpanse of their Municipality canvassed-, not the'ratepayers-but thé Reevcs and Deputias to barter for their votes at the cont of the County. 1 need flot tell yau that when mon go from Reeve te Deputy Reuve with a skeleton of a -schama to 611 up mn a manner to #umit eack, until a ma- jority is bougbtl that tbare is8 something rotten in Denmark. No, it îa but toa ap- pa rent and stands out in bold relief so that hae wbo runs ma.y rend. There îs some- thing wron g-I would 1 could spare iny- siff the pain to know that our liee and Deputy ware engaged in such a plût. But no, for at the Counci4b rd were none but the chosen few mnay sp ak. I look at a man of my choica-cma wbom 1, with my fellow ratapayers, have Inade executor of aur affairs, and hear Lm proclaiui ing, loud and long agairiat discussion an a inatter aI- ready rcttled by affixing our naines ta the scheme, matured at -Aorne, lind. which now only awaits to go through. a foria to ha- corne law. And when 1 sea how cager they are lest the3t lose the last chance to Iviolate on a great scala the trust reposed in thern, 1 cannàt but think, that they too are parties to a fouI plotand feel that 1 ma> naw for the first tirne turn prophet, and sny, tint the vote in aué Township will îîot anly disapprova, but will ha such as to spcak in plain language. WC tl oU longer À-cep in our hou4ehlold a seretnt iclo "u, proven unfaiit&.f'el, and trust thaý Rach wîl! on the first Mond&iy in January next secura the nmter clisseller snfely and thus check at the fount the source of so much high-handad bartering and chissel- lingý. But stop, I saIid. disruas cooly "nd in order ta do se must not aven - think of the perpetraturs but tturn ta the scheine it- self. Will vou then with the by-law ha- fore you ta ka pencil in hand and assist me~ in the iollowing calculatian, and correct whare I prove incorrect in distances. The by.law ambracas the Contré Roudi ta Beaverton, then.ce to the Narrows, say 510 miles. Simcoa Street, ." 30( nowadd 6O porent. in irreof 0 ey- well ex patdetioves faaIah waete, whih woulti show $2400 agninat $809 as uual> expandet. Tem illustsate tipg pro l n ai o w m e L nna a w a t'fel u nistiar sY o un - -observation.. During the. surmer of]MW7# Lb. sun ai $400 was gu-anted ian a CIÃŽ9 rod anti coimissioners appointedt taex. -pend the'sane, wba -mhd uaL suecribati anti ai course had ti ntofa laep L tout>' otth Liehst eans ta expet iL. Mark the iesàlt, ame alf dozen men witb s ove s w re plieati nl eac b ditc , large - lu m p s a I s ti li ca >' a n ti s o ti ue me L iso un o n tia pike, Tain feu sund nuits came making the aIranti deep bles deeper util it was nearly impassible; rils wera s toert rons the lnces ta lift out Lith wagons ant il61 up bles anti the&rosti ahndouaedti li near. 1>' te fal, wen Lb.es-asti partially rcov- reti by timuti iÈans the effecta ai ili-spnt moe>, as agan attactati in tic ne*~ dtilLa witi lie résult. I uould. aet vit benefit 'vas derivati fronttis $4001 If you wa t me La answer I ouiti as>' none. No , ,. wQnlr tien tit urtaxes increàse, wvile mu'] cepens. l iing mrc easy ta finil iut than ta do btter, iL becises ue ta offer ni> suggestions on making 'rods.; 6i.st I oulti commnenceruno me pika tuan 1 couiti uake tic proper shape wbiciu siouid aivays have a ditelu an aiLier aide, sufficienty wida ta admit a sicti anti the bian s af n gente !s op eut a L IL M an' aL lae iLs shape. You' are iveil an-arc tintthLe snaw gaLbers lu suci a ditci su as ta mate guati slaigising -t?îilathe top af th -.al lu a bad condition, but tbi s la Muie grentezst advantage ofisuci ditches. l>uring tîse wintu- a lai-ge body ai suow gaLbera le beat into a mars ai ice anti lasta Ion,; after aIl sleighing dissiappears on the pike anti at the vary Lusne when the- ods are *Rast cut up anti daeuigadl, ianving tic pi.ka cos- panativel>' snîuth. The rond bainq once- format I wouit suggast tint enlcihbaut furnisi a set af long wooden scrapers iran sioti eauplet together somewhat in shape ai the aid wiid guosa trag usetiw-heu I vas a sapling. This haulati hint anti ba- ioe just as the lumps beglu ta tdr-, flin up the Isoles nsakin- tihe ron-d aImmut sooti sud lias a teudane>' La keap It bii- est etthLe centre ta ha avare ai Lia gi-ast gooti doue with a tnifie af bubon, yau sisauid travel a roati wleme suci an insil- ment is uset anti compara wiLls ana ueLg4 lectet. So inuci being accotnplLsiuati yau will %vanter whi kta ha dune wîth ahl tise statate labar-, Lu ivilchI-iwolt say unake me Ousser ai Ronds. anti I wil _ ' .haui gravai anti place it judiciausi>' ou sotplaces anti ivulti have Lie usan flued via voôutti isfiguro Lie rond, for cia>' La niake a sud hale usure mutiti>. 4ý1 I fear I rspass upon your patience wbite my nemarks have swollen' ta sncb au axtant that I féas the useful uaL mn>' uaL ho ivorti cafing out Youms trul>, A VOICE s-ROM PICKRI.NG. Ilqv

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