Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1858, p. 7

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Arrivai oft Iii. "" IvitiREDa Loup, Nov. 1 kTh~e tte.uishîp Ind , with Liverpool dates of the 201h ult., arriivod off hero &bouft mon to4&y. GREAT liITIN, Defonsive works of,[ every nature have been comploted at Fert Matilda on the Clyde. ÊI A Àlatter fr ou Valentia *ays that the 'Uiore end of the (able wus about to b. lIaid; and tl'at aWlthe staff st Valentia had qgot notice b leave to Comapany on the 80th Nov, unleusa ometIiing favorable toma up. 'Puriamçàn- further prorogued bihlS th The French officer who threatened to shoot the Ntwcistle editor for libellh.g bhis * father, was flned fia-e pounda. London xnoney market continned very aisy at 2j minimum ratep of discount. Alntic Telegriph abares are. quoted at 300 a 030. RUSSIA. - 'The disturbancus jr. the Eagtern Pro. vinces wcre s;aidt! t be more t'crious than representet!; and lnthie Southern Pro- Visices bthei.surrections of peasants as- suméd a siiriorta chitracter. The lina s mplaisttsbat Reed, the. Dr. Wlsîaz'sBaIsant of Wild Cherry. The-'The utofnthe of Dr. Wstar la euwebad la-t-he arteaof teusauda vWho hava axporienoead atare coi- ? Ps.fe enaurally ity the unaetfbis Baksa- liueaoi cd sotIfur to gve tiidppr tien a caretuil trial, as Wa Ispaakfretnexpree More tha t tnyean.. ince lte aditor cf."ii p- par lested ts axaIllanoe by iaeividuiral =ter lis fànàIIy, ývit lte moet snrprislg imita, as a curative for puimonary, disere CASES O? Col4sIIPTIOI< A»>W»OOpnqe COUQE ceamai.- Tic toollrgfreins higitly respectable gan- tieutaân, speaka kr ititf :- KEYPORT, N. J., Msy 20, 1858. S. -%. FO\VLE & C.-Goamts..-Ttis oecr- tilles that 1 wsa fer rnaîay yetîrasffiicted viit s dîscase cftbite Icags untll i becante oe ack tai it vas vith rIiltty iculd widk. My congit dnriug Ihis limne vast'aveysavere, esnslun aia t*-equienlytoei-uise greae ijoutiries of bieo, se- tcudcd Wîth protuise nigit aeats. Afllr uiinR cari-ina rettedies te ne purposke i wica advised te tr) De. Wu.sar'e Biiisem of Wld Chf-rf. 1 did go, sud hiaore usitig the fira't botia vas entirely restdred te perfect iîcalth anid slreugtii. I w"eld.aise muention titat tItis Bas.em ered a little girl of iniiî.eof i.,'cvcrc snack tWlîoein- ing wltrî,vien lier lita vas cit-en cveri by th~e phiîiyit, sud mil otier reutedies itad faied. JOSIAT I1IOFF. .Vone gentine unies, sigued I 1BITI7S," otn tlie enter %Wriipler. 'I'reparcd b y !S fTl W. FOW LE & Co., Boa- toit snd for siso by W. Il. Dot, l, hitbhy, and Il. Bitîge, OsMswU. 41-4w 15 ictiUUtt i.' iioner 2ittUi- u hïiS, 1VIs Tiir GRtEAT- EtasîsGLI8- ii>n- Jarpes wcrthy of his country. W'hile lte Eug- Ciîrkra WIî-oe Ivca..pilis. p",eeI. hialisnd tt Frncb, cre ieîuîueiig us- 1ýtdLetkra Pttent. Prepxredfroma preaa-i> c oaf .,il-.1. (Yu.irk, if.M., ~siciaa £Ertraor ipual rigbits for ail xîtsri-il. Rt-ci beggeil li 10-. tth8e VQîeee. atrenty, for lînseif aud!litis nationi.'lit I hiýlitaitlîle nioiei-'îr laituliîtg inîtha er cire iti ail tîl.o,.c iittil snd Jaiigerons di>esest lus ne,4toïitaioîîfor fi-eectran- tu wîeli thte tellite econstituîtionî is ubjece. lu ..-leritemall ex--t-s ud reýinoves c ali-iobstrue- ait tbroti bthet cn_&u ; rnc ucw porta; and. 'mî. .lec-îl% ura uisy be reî.lied on.- ne provision, for-theae te t iiff. T.. Matr-ic-JIidtco t ut ta ectltarly eîitced. It teubicmn.>LTiîe Uov-crnttîcrtt hail ptid 1'2 LclI l--ud.e, prîe e jie Doliai-, bears the Gev- million roub-les ovec-ht.rgc for coîtstriîct- toittSai1 .(-a iian up-vn 4uig ite St , Pehcrsbtrg and Moszot. Rail- iÉi "" cac- of Nerviuts an.d Spitial Affectiotta, l'aui.. iu t-elie tîk uti.I Li .bs Ftitiîe onîî lizltt roat! ; lte cntractors lIil-igchairgeil for r -1.c-u-atiî-uî..la1lt-atiuult..fitli ert, livmterica, a nuch longer fhne ttîti tas re.Ihi v ît01(i ll iitc>. tii c.cl'ille Nwill affect ac cure s-beît laid .iowe. 'Thîe rolling st.ck n-as furni-.- ti - .r îîî..ali.. tai sud aluul ed an Amuerictn Coi.ht)lnv, accor-iing to ttu1tîcjitî.îl it, i) titil[t iturtti tu te ieititu- distance, iucludinig a fearful <vercitargceî11 Fil]lie h- îc-itaiîctetpsekafa. titis bient! alsu. Many inilt.tentialpcraInaS --ole iAgetfrtii ele ititedl St-aîc.îJnd-anada. .10Bi. MuSES, were comproîttiscil, luit lte otatter n-as c (.itle 1. C. Bal.lwjîî & I.>.) pe te obé litîsîtle( i p. IRoches-ter, N. Y. pectel S $<Na.i6Gpostage aitîtîpa etîeload Treute-niltis fit-cs avere rc.oît.ed 10 lisse t,,s.' -miti ieIAgent1,"-il: elîlsure a buttle cf occurreel ut. Oi-l-500i., its adeettouei lt I[ --titQud] u-saeb i FRAINCE. l i ,ni W¼4iti-e tir G. A. BtuaeDun- A cifcln h as arise-n bctwcc-n Fra t Jstrel- V l occBuk îct ant! Britin luregard to te jroperty of Ereeîhi* ucbject ; te Frvut'î consul ati Pernanîîuîco struck Itis hlag attd aî.pea-tc-l DR]. TU.NBLET%*S Vugalje cl Coni-t udti res lietcatatism, - P1li. TI24B1ETY5S te uts i.evernuerItîî, iceat-atle iu pu i iiesWeak Iisckks, L u. ii'*~kvS The Freiilii îttî drat Rotie bil ,-t-li.î o.pomi- n.lt.us'NckSd by he iretio oftheEmpror maleDit. TU]IBLEIlS by tt drcçionof iteEnîero, tade Veîzeîuîhlc Ciîipoid lCures ISoi-e Cheits, à -strlnag represctttatiolitho te Pope uigîinsu luE. TU ILErY'S- tue ccen1 ahlucton h Caitohes c tii "igtuibe itilid Coutres palpitations, the rccnýbducion y Catolfe of heuD. UMBLETY'S .,..ieivisb chut!, Moitarn. I Sc-'ctcalc -.ýi.pmmi u reto-,.Chili Feîer. - - - D. 7LMBLETY'Sr Paris flour miarket firter. W'beat dui. V-cta.Ct- tpoitu..iCii-. Ch'Ioiera Moi-bus. --Provincial coi-n niari-es uncia n gd. --:r sýaset-lie itloe, t1i Kintg St-i-et, East, friuTor.Iît.i. 'riiuc 5Cl cents stnd $1 per hottle. Mtaruficttrers avell ertplîtyeilbut Tritîorîiv19 l5n1 eiders vers net se extensive as in loi-ner vent&. Daiiey's Xagical Pain Extrsotor. It iii reporbeilIhiat the Ereneli Goveru- i lunaIl disauas inflinatttîiou mort or leas pre- nictt reusel b aertit ngîut! e aî utlîtdîiiiîtatc-s-tow -to a y.> ifitîtin tsri-,-.se ment retulu.- r..tî i Enuutd lo net-etca-tle. -t iiiiîîedhttc cuire. tir uts aibîter or ined'iator betîveen France Iîiu/Cy c upul Pan L:urat4u, and ilteltig sUd Portugal. tc--eiliia .ttmti' ta îtc u .tîk - SPAIN. uffi4yse i.iicl P-,ii E.rtrae-tur vil! cut-t te' SP INtil hou itîg Iý.utnirîtt ecaiigue of lcaa A royal decr-ea enacîs thait cil sîcauters v.îîa el~ is, i-hates, more uipples, cornas, - - ,~c ,;, linittuta iii-ti:ci<t>ttains,,bites, Ipoison, chul- pl), îng regmlariy oeWeas- C.uban portsand blhaitis biles, serottlu, ulcers, fecer soi-es,ftalons, ports cf the Utuitt-d Stslecs or North Ailier- eurr tile. p.ile-, soi-c cyca, golît, avalliug, rttau- utitîstand .ead, saIt rienni, halducs i-y- les, are ho onjoy tht saute privileges as iîpcIua, ruiwmortit, barbera itou, siua.lI pox, Erugisb mail stenerïl. îvitb liberihy ig. car- tocasles, rash, &cl, ditC ry 8 lotis tucrch.tidisonatlthout payiitg iigbb- 'Teo au.rtt i nay appear inodulatuta tIsea mana dielesesslionld bc reacoted by onesrticle ; boutse tola .for thbem. sue. an ides yl vuish wîîen recliétieu pKlI" to Chic tact, Chut uhe ssivi-a sa ombinatlen cf iu- PORTUGAL. grediett, esc-h sud sa-ci-y eue al lying a pr f e anîtidote te its alpcositeds er. Tha e l"i-French uni -of-war remaiued 1 .mlle,f emailiu.d Puuit £cxtructor ln itâ fet atI lisbon ; bav Britishil vessels bat! aIseai-- is maugicuîl, buecanse te tinta is uic short bcetwaen rived u tht agus.dise.-tll anadtiperm-uanettcureansd île lauaitex- rive intheTagsýeractr, as it at. s aIl Jiwase ottut te tedt MTORO CO. 1ait, lcavnaiutttutre as perfect as batore the in Iury. le 1a scareîy itseassrv te say- biat ne A telegrai frein Algi i- sasys it is report- toise, work-mlitp, or îtiantai'atory ihould ha ed tat wo uro)e.nu- hae ben ssa sit itiotment aiitioteulit. et! hatbyeEuroueas bve ben SSiSI- No Ps n Ext-acter is genuine uitai the box naRteil. Thte vice-Cott.!uhs beieild it te be bas upou le a iteed plate etgrsyiug, with the apure fiction;- ou thé other baud the 1ratti 1 utRn- alc atoaerr 1 Pari" l'r sala hy utal ite, Lrîggietis patent Medicine -ýýournalïs say titat thîe intîsacre is confirîniei ldetîlers trottglîiout te *United St-teâansd -ccantada. -oue person being certaitiiy French. Th Principal Dapot, 165 Chambhers st-cet, Nea- vice-consul w-as doultfâl viiether tle - I rk. C. FCia. othervas nghiai orSpaul;4.r For Salcthy G. A. Baniatar, sud W. R1. othe wa Enlishor pansh.Doei, WhIitl.a; Lyua ii ros. & Co, Toronto. Ai-i-iai efthe Roi-usist. i _______ 20 îy I li~i Dy-IairDyeliar ye. N EW Yotîs, Nov. 1. - Tesem ipBorcîssia arriveil at Ibis 1Wm. .B" HLC IISD'.Tesgau The steamship ctîdl-aart isthé ce-d Aloteiart -amere inti- loi-t yestert!ay tooruing frein 4IJaburgI tatiots, sud shotelct bhavacoded, if you wlah Ce and Southatmpton witb Etropean usa-s te a-t- .7ety I5îir Dyedd histaul1]' 10 s tae 18tihuIt., tîvo ilys luter. -beauitll anud Ntbti-al Brown or 111=ek, wîi'teut The inhelligetYce i., the Sattie brouglit by te lIctelnjttiy to te Iltir ir 8kin. Si"tfaeî t làdls and I)iplo»taus have been swari- the Inian. cd ù)-\VWtt.. A. But itJei- sinee 1839, and eîer - 50,11.10applilctions liai-cbectu imade tu the Ramr out is pali utrosouhtatilltons Da-e. - Weîcs 1 WoliMs 1lý gret m n-y t-atis- ît . A. tiatchleri'a uHat- ye pi-oducesas as ha-vebacu aribhcfl 9expliilhtthe origin cul-jr nt t hadiseiutguislied frein nature, aud . %t ID C n-virmttud nutctto injure in ta leaîît, lieer of, artelclassîfyirtg the -ortîîs gencraledin [~litluuîav be cutîuuet!, cldte ili effeots et the humnan systeni..Scracehy suy boji,cof KtîJ Dves -reiuteiec-. Chie Hin tvigoratet fcr tueuital science bas elicitei more scute Ob' isfa, e Id or appliiad (lu 9 privs±e i-ceins) et servhionantIproourtl reearc 1 sd 1ye' ebuli'geFaucu-y, 2.33 i3i-asdway, New Yor-k servtio an prooun recarc; ad yet oîP ilii ail cieles ant lvs ofute United Stutea pbyuciciaaraie very mucit dividedinpitnp-t ud,. Cantada, by frnggiets sud Faîîey Geecla ion ou bhe subject. It mnust lie admitîcil. Dctlcrt. 1Ttc Gent-itis the bcnaie nesd sudrosatapon however,'bhab4, afier ail, samodle of cîlIýell- a stca1l plate cugrsviiug ou flour I4des cf eth ingthee orissudpe-îfiu th -Boxt,oft1 IL LIA M- A., DA TCIL Oit, 233 ing heseworig, nd pirifing he rtadwt-y, New Yor-k. body frein their pi-eserIce, ia cftmore WVîGS-VîGS-WîGS. Valua than tae wîsest ditquimitieus as Bzte?,eor,'e iîgo~'and Tsîpea atîrpasa i.- to the organ. The cxpeliniu agnît bas Tiuey tiie elegîitît, ligît-, easy cacd duable. at langth tbecu founi-Dr. A'L-anes Ver- [ttitiiyiCouf teia i or. t teo ~i-* ue, pepaet!hiFleming B-os, iq sabslishmtent wherc bbcethese things are pro- * su btsperiy understood snd tmade. 233 Broadwamy 5.1. Te much souglit ailer 'SPeCI XC.n hs 4" FrSaie by G. A. Buijàr, aud «. H ireaady supersedei l al other worm medli-:fluet, Wilittay; sud _Lymuan iSios. &i Ce., dures, ibt efflency being uuiversaliyaokuow,- Toronito. ol ledged by ail teedical practitioners. Purchaesr will be e rcluil to ask for Dr. W Laue's Celebrated Vermnifuge, mauufac- * tured by Fleming Bres. ef Pittsbuirgh,IPa Ail other Vermifuges in compriqn aré J orthless. Dr. M' Latte'a genuine Ver. inifuga, aise bis celebratet! Liver Pis, cau now lie hsd at aIl respectable drug stores. -Zaono gen-uise rttout £.'tcigruttur-e O;r. FLEMING BIOS. WIIITBY MARKETS, Weduaaday, .iov. 3, 1858.1f The. whist atarket la imnproving with an up- -4wrd taodency. F.Ar. Wta.r, sa4d sa od perbiusitai. 8-rae W!tAÂT 4s 6d <@ 5. Od par buahai, F'Loul 22s 6d-9 25s M par barrai. )-%.ae.sx2a @2a rd perbushe1.. Qin l6d.0 l-Bd par bushel. lo*o sa 2Oa par baashai. BMr» 6fd @073X0par lb. E... 7> Par dez. tue - il easci. Tzazzii 2. Oc6dasuh., LNOMIES. Important to Females. Dit. CiiltÀsUA'a Puct.,-PrOpUred by Cerne- lias L. Cheaseinau, hi. B., New Yo rk euby. Thea eombiiation cof ingi-adieuta lu Chose Pille are the reault ef a loug andtI enlîsive paaoekca. Tlîay araeutlld inCtaeir peraeîen, sud certain ilu ticîta, rezjio%,ing- ail obatruetions, vhethar frei coit! ci- ctai-visa, Ieaclache, pain lu the aida, palpitatinitof tae heurt, whibts,aI nevousý sifotiits, tystaries, tuitigue, pain in bta back, ud limbg, à&c., dliâatcibcud sleap, which. sniàe Lcdiea,-Br. Citeepaunan'idrnaturtr învaicusble, as tîtey viii hrinqr onie bita onthlY- Codriot!sis i-gularity. Ladies w ho lhavabeau disppoiutod lunte use cf Othter ills antiplace tse utuecat cîcidaec lu Dr. Cteems-P iIs dolng ail thev repi-eaut lu do. WarrauteaJ psraIy vegetable., snd freefatait aey iijutrios. . pliuib directions vAlob tibouit! adtacc-oipsnymalabox. Ire i Seuil b y mailon u eelstg 41 CoIL leRllto- ,e, Bei, 4,s81, Pet (Sfio., New Y«kk (lily, or- te auethoiized Agent. "olb ,o D !iA M -~ TOM mes6 FL. B. HetumasasN Gateral Agèpit for Lb. IJk ted Statesand Canal»u, 165 tjitambors-SI., lw york t un alWhoie.sle ordenaliQt4d ~ e u G A.raaate; d mubual, cnsemint. l -à M I _____________________________ Watobmakor and-,Jewofler. B EGS TO INFOU IITiIE INHAMXANTS by y carefeiiy stendiug to Jie Reepairs of Wates, Clocks & Jewellry ho racalvea s sbre et publia patronage. A welI salaeted Stock cf Jaweilry ou baud, CHEAP FOR CASH 1 1 W REPAILS .ATTENDED TO. _ffi Wiltitly, Nov. ai,1858. 42 Ciwi;LAwcns DzArsxrrcac, Toi-ente, Oet. e-, 1855. XOTICE IS HEBEBY- GIVEN, TIIAT Athe edrmcntiouced lands lu the Town Plot cf SadImury1l it the Tow.lI-ip of Notes- wasaga' U. C., wilbc offci-cd for sala at Att- titn, sud tqo tpsat prlces satie, b h !e lesi dent Agenît, John Alexander, JEsqt;ire. ut Bar- rie, ue Neon, ounte twenty loitli ef hast mont!. Block 1, $60: . $54; 8, 45, 6, snd?, $40 eseit; 8,$ni..; 9. $50; 10, Il. 12, 1(l an-I 14, $40 ect!; lA, *60,'16 sud 17, $-0 cL.-', ; 16.19, $60 ent-b; 20, 21.- e40 ecd ; *22. $50, M3 24 sud 25, $6'. ascii ; 26. t- 0; 27 unîd 2S, $40 eaici ; 29 anîd 80, $5o eatit ; 31 tîtîi 32 $6.o e...]. ; 33. $.)0; 34 alîd M,. $40 cacle 36, 5-,, 3, - sud40, $54- eascii; i1and 412, $4(p caih 43, 44, 45, 46, 4. and 48, $50 ectî; 42P, $40: 5 a.cirs -ich. PARK LOTS. 'West aid ef Clittictretrc. S'amberl i(S.!Jjacses) 2 (' . 3), S 6)01 4 (5%). -(4%), eccl $10 per acre, 6 ( 1),,7 (-. rcb $1 u ce.ANDREW RUSSELL, 42 -Assistr.nt ,tiilaoi- P PRITATE BILLS. DARTIES INTENDING T,;) MARE AI'- Xplicateu.î lt itaeLegi-tlîite Assem bI)- fori 'riuate or Local Bis, citer for gi-sttitîg ex clusive privilegos, ior cifering ceorpÃ"r.tta powers fer ct,ittt.ii-rciai or cler ittrpoaca -f prof t, for iegltin'g survcs or bonidariem, or l'ir doiuîg auivtiiiugzteuditzto afect the risrbea of propur- iv, o.f otier îat l--.ilerehy it.tiied, tltat t1iey arc reqt>tircd b% the 62ttd, 61-J sîtîl 4t1î Rtutlale-, thht -epuittlihd lu ftilli itithe GCan- ada u.ae-Ue] tol ria-eTWO() M N FlIituuntice cf !fic apiplication ittlite cnaida Giîitt,ud aise in sotn1e uwp poi ptlisfied it lite Cciuy or utîlaon cf <buitica , tlacueil ,ueIi'g ce pes cf te fi-st aud lattof cf anu nties to tee Pilete Bill Offce, Torioite. ALFRED TODI), Chia-f Clark ut Priv-tae iii Utii1e. Troento, 'Net.2, 18iS. 42 &UCTION BUSINESS. i-pIlE SL'BSCiIIBEII TAIKE.S t-EAVE RE- 1.juetfuilly io uti)çuttce t..,tce îi.labtiuts ot telu Twtîil-tr iV hitti*-, lthe atulti locltit.., Kud the p1iutlie trceiilie thait Ie tuns penc.d hu- li'isitu i htthaaî the*&sitoru adjoîîttuig Fui) lor's Futititura WirYu (ui-, e., lrock Sre.witcrclie wiii be preared t-a atcutt l u ltloît ll.tsiuuess of au-ai -N eucriîuulou. AIl- o acot as At.prtdýser- Ceoniurtiaon Agrettad Fumier. Ail goeula crtuaittî-Jlu lîc.cm NttisOtaili reeive thue atot carafil snd pi-ompt alteuiloî. Put-ticsè tbi-otgholt th ie Counta tîaeiig Rl es Iate , Farming Stock, 'dlereliu.lisc, &c., bo di-pose of s-i ccitsuît taei es-n itre-us l'ycallring on tae aubaciier, bis experitîce and !knawlcdge of' the a-aine ot Real.J Est-ste sud chud i.l-c-,Ier% viil bc touad n tu iy respects adv-untlageous. ATJCTION SALES WEEKLY, Oùi Saturday'a te coummene at 1 p. in., at te Sala Reents, Brook Street, Whiîhv. The anb- scruter gua-istîta cttre batitsfaitiou, snd de- penîds fo- publie fat-or tîpen the satistucto-y intiei îu vhtis dealinga vieihteepubhliei wil) be carriet! ou. Refereces efthie fiirs ta- acter cati ha suppliaI t hois a distance. N. B. Ai! disgeaea eR oi-soes, Riugbones, Spavitta, &c., hrested vitit perfect tsuces. Uirders by Pogl pnîîceully stuande t 1. Addrett wu.hn b Post, te THMàMYERS, AutouBooms, Wtitby, C. W. Whilby, Nov. 3, 1858. -t-42 Hook & Ladder Company. tHEren roinLl etn f No. 1, lUnilonliokand Lcdr 6.outpany eofttte Townt cf Whîtby,,w!Ulhb el On Thuraday Evening Nov. 4, at T. Do0wnittg's- Ilotel, at 7 o'clcck preisi Whitby, Nov. 3, 1s55. 42 JIOTEL AND PREMISES TO lIENT oR FOR tSALE. T HIE subscri4ir wiii sali bis Ilote!l InBrook- lia, te asusbstantiai psrty upol oî ie The hetel centicins ovar a dozýn -g-omaols litelttdiuAg a very lag ied baU i-ootat' tha- atabl is a=eo aud geod as u si6ieat te ecttiit 18 hrss.There la goil sit.Ispaci- oeu sledroce n d bhc lesi iwll- oft waerb- t-*san ta etwo laktes. Tiiei h 4lf ASeac groaud In whiob id afruaittet ycnng 'orcbaà.- The sItuuticu la bu lte gravai »« sbouti tiles ocorthbf te Town cf Wiiby, nd .10,- #Pu tae oîgers f te Inflamferail .1e northertzp ' of the .tiuty. 4pply te - -)LMULLEN,- The. prejrietor cn the premises. Bsookin, Nov. &jIM68., ;-»a42 &ohoowl Books! AT - TýIBLISllER'S PRICES, - AT THE YANKEE NOTION. TORE, BROCK STREETi A LL persons in.lebted ta the tabseri either ouse-cottut, ntét. lîoud Or inirte-age itînat sattîslte suite torthwith. Othcrwi;c, witot fni-tb.îi-notice lt e lsit swill! icp!sccd in te banda Uf My solicitor tifiolê-i.n -J. Il. PERRY. liOIsEs TO LET. T IE SUBSCRIBI-RIl AS SEVERA 1. BRICK C'ottnaes sud Tene-utttoettri-tiithfec to five r-,i... to li.t, ontî Iodinîate Teri,s. lTliy ai-c sittctd in ehe lit-t st inîg îpart cf the fovu eof whitby. JA ME '- WALLACE. W!bOot. I-,l, 555. 13 TO LET. T0 BRICK DWVELLINGS IN PERRY'S TBIock u B.% r-.n smtiet. Apl a R. E. PERRY. lVlitby, 0.-t. 11, Is5s.8 FOR SA LE. cif's 1s DRY ilIArD wootî Wivv - 2 0 i.,a titi.- otthe ttl.ieut Market. 2 u;Apply 1ta1. . PERRY. Whitby, Oct 1.1, 1S58 . 39 VINEGAR i VINEGAR 1 I Tj1 l, un.dcrstgutiidtakaes icave te infuuru te iàitahitLatba af Wuiavtnte c ublic, that tie tôao nvusitttrtgViu.cgsr et a -sttierior ipi1tlîy, v sl ii a prepatrud te ,uppblv W fiole- stuc tu Merchuttsansd otters, ai greiitly reduced 1re.'Tha Trauealibar.ilv -deule vitE. AI' oreaby uutil piîucuuaîly aitcutdcd tu. AdrsNA TIAN MILLER Atîguist 11, 1858. a 2 et ai s a e n '0 3. i-ta ta e o 2 o o Oc ~LP 4 5-a. c-E a-, 2" e- -a ut '-i ~rt- o e 6. a z Wî'sut ly. :e E Jo ALEX. THO MPSOIX,, A UCTIONEEII, dit., SCAIZBOROITGL-, &2 -- NO. 15 18 OUT 1 TII-E POKER!!' S'a.Sle ut George Yu]e'ut Bock Store IMPORTANT AIJOTION SALE FREEIIOLD IPIOPERTY Hotwehold Furniture, &o. IE iderailined iae ce-ived instructions te TBeli by publiectcion, ou Uesay, November 9,1858, lTse followine. property beiongang to R. W. CLARK, X. D. , a larize tweo story Frarne Dwciiing ilouse, witlh a!a~. attachc-d, tozteher with haîf un acre of lati ewll laid otit as a gai-Jeu. suid stocke.] Witt) ?rn1it aundcther trous, situate in- Dundas Strî,t-t, ln the cor tre or' the Titis prnpcrtv la the mo5teligîlcu)teand anutaà- g.-onml siaitteei iitte T ,wtfor RBuildiingpnr- posem, or a pivate rc,.ileue. AI-so t large Fritts Iloti.A', a aîo.-v asd a hlîf igli. ait îî.ted on Asîi tid.&aq; Sîree, oppoîîsite ti,.Nir.f.roge't; Plaili.,g Mill. flipre are attsichcd t wA'olits of ai. acre of lan, a nd there i,%an exelleiit well (if Wat-er ou thte preties. Also, a quaîtitv of HOUSEIIOLD FLRNITUIIE, W1îlce1burrow, (ne-w) 1 baud Sleigh, 1 voluug Matre, 1 o].! Marc, 1 excellent Cow linaf and a viember cf Ga.rden limplerneut.-. Also a first- glws s saerior toued Stodurt nearly new, aud fatitess in toue and mechunistu Sale toi commence at 10 o'clock, a m. TERMS.-For the Bouse. su ad Lin.!, oee dts!. cf tbe ptirehape tnoney clown, aud the bal- anc ifour annual luatahasuta with intereat, seeiarad by Mortgaga. For the cjthar prc4,erty ail statua under $10 Casêh, oa'er thu amnottut 12 mouths credit w-l1 be given, by furniahing approved- eudlorsed notes, witheuni îtereet if ptuad wben ite, if flot 8 p8r cent. vill ha cbargedý For the Planet- 8sud 68 mentit.with. approvcd audorued notes to bear intereist. J. C. SIERLING, .Auctioneer. Whitby, Octobar 26, 1358. 41 TA,,,,XES, TAXES, The Collectors 'W hollesome Advice t. the Ratapayers P Aï yonr tixes bce tie-1t1of Novoeunui Titose l i-i-crar for Taxes atiter chue date, itaîl beteai-lookt eut for thte Aucionecr's haut- mer. 1 wilI bc found on- cxacry lawfui day frein 10 a. m. te 2 p. tut., nt ihç cornera, na-Iri. Taing'iq Store, aiter (liai, heur, tiîoac wlue vant to s ca me viii int! nie ah uîy cvii hotîsa, Hatnei-'a GEORGEMrG.LL Whitty, October 21 t~ 1858.41 DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE " 2ç13 LIVER PILLS. ýWE beg leave to* cali the atten-' tion of the Trade,' and more espedally the Physicians -of ithe" country, to two of the most popu- lar reinedies now betbre the public. We'refer to Dr. Chi& JE 'Lcnç'ý Vlebrated Vermifuge anid Liver Pls, We do flot recommend them ,as universal Curc-alls, but- simply Éër what their naine purports,, riz.: TIE VERMI1FU-GE, For ex:ipelling Wërms frorn ç- human 'system. ýIt bas lsd beehi admidnistercd with -the most, sats-; iactery resuits to varions Aninuis subjecito cýWorms.~ ,rJýHE LIVER IPI1LS, Fqr 4.,tcureoÃ"fLXVIR CM PLAINTS, ~'ItA-AC1 , In tisof P.,VER _AN4VtJA F, prepàratory, to or,,,fter taking Qui.- umt, t- cy alrnst naabymk. ià~~eyad permanent cuoe. AM âpecU1sfor.the abo0ve mnen-- tioeddiwes teyare éivaled,' nç'rInwnt l a ~~.a~ardancwiihth 111EGOOID TIREB' ~OII HAVE QOODS FOR EVERYBODY At Greatly Reduced Prie! And of the very Latest Styles, purcthased by rthemsefvèés in th' best Mrkets.- Their Stoc of is Staperb. Caps, mantdes, Furs, Ribbonz and Fowers, in great variety Blankets, Fiatineis, Beai'er, Whitneya, Doeskins and Tweeds of ahl descriptioný; yîats, Caps, Gauntiet, and a superior stock of BllffffMO ROBES QIYI $M TO V$7 Cl Their Stock of Grociories Groctery & Liquors às aloo Large. :erOYSTERS RECEIVED MRON THE SBA,-BOkI~Rl> WEEKLY. . Retallers and Families Supplied at Low Ratesl, Cali and examine'L. &-P's. stock before purchasing elsewhere. They have Goods to suit and for price none can compete with thein. Brook Street, Whlîby. 18s58. 41 \Fait lE 101 AUGES "F FANCY AND STAPLE- DRY GOODS GROCERIES, WINES &SPRTS OW OlPE. flIýIILIOiN &1ROBERTS, No. i & 2, Titi'. Bock, t~ ~~C Brock St-cet, Ocuobur, 188. f '8 Ju..t RHeeee, a large and -ma assorted Stocki of -#Cds,~À6~c ing 80040 fine -qp*eçm of CMýna and Dinner &rvicee. Haaving <niý portefl the sane direct from the Potteries inut octn; clv.eare prepa- red to offer it «t greadly redueed prices. IIÀMJLION& JOBIEILIS, Nds,. 1 &2, isBuildings, t o tsi oq1 I0 -eropert>' on Brock 8treet-For Sale or Ito Lmase. T 'OWN LOT 'No. 3,?.tuLt ide of ernck Street. .Lbinrthefirs.t vacant loînorlt of tlîelcegir-- ti y Office, 49 f eut front sud s03 feet d3ep fo s Uot No. A, formerlv occîtpiud by-Al1au' Lis-ery Stable,.e]3rock stret , sste atze as No. .3. Fr-r Business $tands those Lots are equal ID sny iii Town, sud vili be soid umo.t ressoiuablu tarins te prties Whto vilicecet good Stone ot Brick Buildings aou thetu. -ToLease. Oxa HRuensEn FEET Freattago on Brook Sýtmeat, direcltiy oppo:site "Brvan'a ilote]," t a ter-ni et 7, 14, orr21 yeard, lu jareelaoet20 tact frontaga andpwards. AppV te - J. HAM PERRY. TO SETTLERS-TO LEIASE. F OR a terni cf Sarcît or Nine Yemr, Saeen Lots of Land o et ONE IIUNDRED ACRES ýEACH, 'ù thea Tcwnship cf MA:RAt, Ceanty of Onbarlo Thte Land la of the fi-at qnality-in that Town shiP. Mcey ill ibe advacnced fdr the erectioui Of farta building.%, sud if i'eqnired, th eaaaîîet cau have te righit te pureliose at titeteri:niutioit of te Leas. J.RIAM PRRRY, 'JAMES H. AT.rRASS Ofetail 'funuised to cre. o, >5-t -Q il-i i.. bita adila »Wbiil l'la Ald ut ost eut ig olice Il beat rs i-on .vbeît I y, fills alua - t t gruat Il ai say ailI i t It N . neset glus, liert hae busi. usa. Gu-ýI- Ie blis nasmed Se Lina ughlins le 'ýday man, oef ih ras- is itu h for,- 1 COLUMN., TOWN, VILLA, AIND PARK .-LOTS 1Lots for Business PnMrpsei =d ý ,LOTU FOR pRIVATE RESIDENCES 70E &L= INiTUE Town of Wbitbyj, County Of ontarlo EM5T OrEJtOCE 5TRF.ET. L OTS Nu. 14 and 33. Las! of Brock tre and South of 'o11ird's Ilote!, a tlnablu jýropcrty extending froua Brork to Pitrry Lotm Not. 177 and 150. Eattstd ofBrock S~treet, North of Pollard's ota!. Piirtieqdp,4ifr in property on thie principal street in the Tow- wild these Lotsa well silniated Lots 203 and 204, a corner block 'on Maple und Perry 8trcet.. Lote 71, 72, 72, 74, 75Y 77 and 78.- These Eight Iota areliti one Block, Lsendsd by 1'enry and Cliesnut sud Aîlh Streetzs: Lot 37, We4iof Perry Street, aad directly col-, posite the 1Steatn Flor MiI]. Lote 64, 65, 66, C,7 ,82 8.3, 834,' aux85, Eaatt0 Perry Street, aud iajoining tuie'Stéwu Mill pro perty on tit Nortli. - Lots No. e)o, East ofPerry4treet.. TiiLob la well fcuccéd and otherwis5e iniproved- WEST 0F BROCK STRECET. Lots 104, 105 118, an4 119, boonded hl In tie, Walutiti ân Keu't Streetm. ThcjeL lotS ara ulilihtftlly sitiiatcd.- aud laving a strcet ow. tbrec aidee, are wcll a;daptc 1a to Ioilding pur- Lots 124 and 125, corner cf Rent and Johi.' Strects. ILot No lIl Esa-Lt of Kent Street, itud buit a few rods iurt'h ofDtindaLs Street. 1 Tite forcteoing clioiee Lot,; werc eicctclrd front ta&rg,. ln.wher. nirithtie view of lioldilîgtîtetii as ant investtiocut, but arc now offered foxr 9.0e t. ttnally wid ap a Large t ransaction. LENT STREET. Lot 214 . ne...............7 "22à5......... .................. re ECLIT) STRIEET. Lot 2" 0l ...l'nice .......... t "l2131, ..... . .. .. .. .. .. . 1 f0 Lot 298, îr........ Pié ...... t2(0 301 . .. . . l .. . " 345,.. ... . . . .. . . . .160 Lot s160....Price ......... 200 861, . . . . I . .. . . .. .200 3621 ... ... .... ..20 *"867,... ........25 37 . ... .......... 250 373,..........................25t0 -A LSO-- Lots 3491, 35n, 351. 3.52, 35l nnd 854, eontaining 'earv-one Arr" and a haîf, wMlIbc sold cheajt i oeeblock. One-fifth payable next December, sud tho balance exteuded over sttrat of from dca 10o teii, vears. Persona who will crcct httildittgs the preget 4emri,-the tirst payment wiU nfot leeumo ue tîli 'orplatt ansd particnlira a11piy te -propitr eWb1tbe' Mue trh ti.18,59. to

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