his~lretmspoot d 4iunoean Influence té *prevant ià repeatad "fauhs.whidh ln the a rmny &Mount t ocjirns, boing brouglit te Iighit, and nevitabia punlAlimont. Philip undor this constant apprabansio:î boc equite a different balng from what- ho0 was whon Fra nl tirst came frein Europe, hoe wûs now aulion and morose, aootietws lirnost savà sge ln the mannoe' with~ whlch lie sp)oke to Frank whon alone tri thefr tanlt, thiii unfortuns.tly only Aggra vatad the cvii, as tho yotinge b-rbtitr Joiisted IiUseecking the sooetaof those who raptur- ously hpli ii9ded hbil, f lhe nging, as tho7 * n fmscu around the runi bottia, under tho jlolou slçky of an Indian nigbt. Wo w çill spare the render tho furtbor de.ý talla of bis dcsoant, nearly a year bad elupsed hinco the troop loft Dum Duni 'un. tt hifsa1 day wlsn the unhh:py lad for oye oiault1ztity wbilo Stà ggeriwfg home' in tho early nlng from, a ntgbts ýdo. banch. Soe.geaât 1{rbrV' trOOP lad beauawey rur St'yeral days onl a recoiitoi'ng pry o&' ivIiclî Frank would hava formed one, * bad lio net been Ieftlin th e iospitai tant sufferlng frein llnesa-froin this bospita ho lbad bcoaudia>hargad 'as oored, the eveên- hig before ha orteountod bis rate. 66 > . onclucZei i Our nut.) *A 64 Omart Womau" it teWartl '-ýýne WaEY ta IJUya ShuiI. Last ÙellingAn ologintly7draee wo. gcine shawlSi Àfter oAstitng9and -66 jiaring, t4ho nt Iongth mnado a soloctien, the * price bail>g b.uKled dollars,(Iraeo thuliy'prodtucing her'portaemonnalje, ahe2 tan. - 4 - erd.tholorka two thouaand ý dollar 1,111 * it-payment. IHo te>;kâxitbiIùiatOly te th c Asher, whý,ixsmùio'Pdît arotilly, and * ~thitri teulo k hmalpri sure, sent a clerk o2.t wjit to seeadah xpert sud 1oh_. * tain bis oà 'lnon. « Nlanwvhilodthe lady bo. caine.vary indigni4nt,,and .resented tho af.ý front which islîo said bad beau'put -uponl- her. Sowsnt hrcet eev * '.or pass ofe ad curreqcy, and would nererý * como cgains te StowedUs, th do anysbp ping. Pregohtlytha iaeîIssengor raturPed %vitlr the intelligence that theo bill was good. She e .«,li.It ..ro hMideclariýg th at abe itouldavmtaUO thé Shawl. Aftor a ùittlo lihila, boweverl saliesoamed to relent, sud-1 syinethit abs half becà , tý, à alarge ruum.ý ber of eatabflslmenta md~ the ahA W'I wusthe only one that ad alitod brho! h romarkà d thiat the wonld take Iti, adding lier dterminatlis n nt'ta expose ýhersoif again, to a similar affirout. The clark vas jvrofua sO apologia u a8 dup, ti artic'ie,'Àn1d thea two thousand dollar bill was taken by tlb.' à asiaerand' lifte huný. cred dollars promptty pald baclc te her,ý whon, without biddlng good night, 'bs took býr lenva. Tho.bil this tisua proyod' eobc" a eountarfuit. 8h. -had pald the. -c atrk.a differont ona frmteintI ne first ex-* * . eises of the, Liver., Vhan« the celebra eac M. Rusih declare4 *iabdrufikeiisfsasa dlsoab, ha anun. clà temfafsutIl hscrtlaax.1 n ud obsrvation of dedfreu ln' Wlà aftry' daY aanftrnsing. Thernlmwy,apq4ras>tliaisan çxcoosos of tbosa who indulga la ý' piritous. *liquars, May' tho ba' acooad ~or, 'Xh? tri>. cause of conduot, lsicil la kakou for Iiifatuation,'lIm ery (roueant1y a disessed %tate of the. Livar.1 N4 orgus>, i the. bu. mina ytqû, vIien desin>god, pioduoaa a mOrO irlgbtful cataloglnabf1lisoases, And' If, iiiatad oUà pplyinq femteditaste ýthe mon-' Lord&s- used to i~ tion. Bi, te 08517 l they tara Funny ph nama -frel ticket vas wam iu ti a sort odf1 ininded tâ L.d 401 be a De of -po tetrap af the member thuiy pre. hbrrd',.-Ther patriotie digits were then and thora detaimed,- tilI the. trap, clerkl 1elowi (who wu,/aware, by inOans ,of a wire,ý when tboy were eaugbt,) imarked the. vote pailled tha Caon .B>' the bye, thlspostof 'trap.' clerk" would, make a 'apecial flné op. pointmcà nt 'fbr Darcy medGet if "the ero*ii-Dorions should gt up a Cana. iian* uioumetrap 1 But te pro1eed, Englundf to our thifiking, wlIU ýsoout spcb rat ik11a bsrditi;. Am riCaj loudfly prectiis. îi digroeu ovidojices thw'utter wo Mtlcuess of s uch terrifi« sliýi.1n ýà rrle soroly for-har llbeoi,.ex4ubits the. naaaly, aud prodigiously'uisn'ùdlîug charactor. istiosýofsBach-. allaclous trnnpery., ,t in ý Positive &fueL--that smore'votes by -ono (hrd fefthe 'entiÊêe adul, popula'- tion were aetMIY'pbletd, luiihbvor ef * the "nèebW of "Miruem>ie,tbà ail France conld uhrly muster rPh a." lot-box for uaa$oa aleotiojns, l< o ur oyuai tge osruptr ,.iyy anî principle.. Nor, has k oven thé quas.] men ef ~lcoy' lunotaiang the de- ,ired reeult.--A man masygo tothe edge of'tthe' bo-, ândsa>','Ivote f«s À;'but who kniows tîsat bis bal wUil notbe p-ut in, fo,. B? Thora mut a, *t elear,lu eve.ry- arrangeFpent'ýof the balot a at~ef -opOU, for talllngan undiscoverablo ifs"rthe. whole- lu. ventloou lu uatfmai end. The. ineun> r«vw. of trWA ell thus be offaetualJy s'emoved from hiuman, transactions.. As an 211ýe ierremarks,1 titis de. gradatio '3hîiiivd, z4ay w not hope for' more aintil M'rse 'hlnes, teabolsh the othorrosdînai -virtuies." rIl s werd, th.elbafio t to eus mmnd simpl>' obyter ho maues, ",bc base, sud you wWil miot be despised, b. virtuoups, and you wiilnot, 4>»nored.e" ýle Abj, we, would nsk Mr'. Brig4hth. way ini ,which he wauld foster 'the, opiinA of a beld, blunt sud 'indomitable people? ;Was the iborty of Enilaud,, stab1ish- ýdidates (Withe i.exception: of 1Mr. Perry) ocoming forward at t ensunn election. Tha sefitlmnertss'epnned by Mî, Masoeell accord with our own,, and ns a private citizen, 'a wostbypub-, lic ôflcer, and s professionail snMs'. Macdenell ha.e arned Our fulI ýconifi- donce. That ho would offectiv.ly.flll thie po<fChi6f -Magi4trate d <the. Town, ai is sets hithentoi lbave Do roin xto.doubt.; and Aer. 1u littI. masons tofear that M.Mgtx1onell's bon. onalle amnbition will notbo gratilfied at. a fýtnre day. 'Atpr.usentwajoin»witb a miajerit' of the elootors oftble Town,' inpir.forrlng -Ms'. Ferry. He l. osir choice, and Mr. MitedonelI or any' e elso, wil acarcel>' atteMtpt ta don>' ms' Perryfié decided cbà it.y find-ftne à à toà -Ml the. civie chair, ivith houer te hlm-l self sud great service to tho,Town c f 'Whitby. Atleout threefourts.cf ti>. ilecors areunuanîmous in favor 'of M'. PeiT7.-Tbea-sgnatures te the numer- ouslsgned requie 'ition presented to hii eorstiime to enornase aven>' day,- cf tbis Ms'. Macdonoll 1':10 ponîbetlyl t aýe-adh. mqet e. ehoyruttenl>' i1' n'hspart orAbat of* an>'othas' ean.didate al attempts arü 'ai "oves A shadow of suegas. In privat. liete-h. dtractar la'.ÃŽrqorly rgar4d dwitb posAat ver sion. , u blie lite It ebosld b he i. ame, nayIn laa ger: degres, becausee Asamtnt of miseblef cotuitted Is r rotr-&ud ,h lnury, doué li>' much logi sli' epalred. W. ha+s long beau disgustsd witb' theý fliaations ia à sheet pubhiabd at Osa. wa, yeleped the "Oshsawa Pennuy bistle," osoblsImue of whicb rogularly coutdins sanie outrageouu Insuli, abuse, or-or animadvar. 9I on upan Atsebaractar of the fe*ow Cdli. se besotted, and iMr.Beorwus dooeod' te and out Ã0bis coot Abat bhobam tri- Abo 'point of endurance. Fonrmorne day. ive bave had a re- Port outrent At à tOie Grisinténd te adreat e i contînùand'ofetGovenui. ement lu TononAo fos'.,au9ther, tenm of Pour yorothon te: b. rauioved pan.: mafinntly te Montreal-and it is suipposed tbst thus dodge'wili[secnsr'the voi es Ofaà 1lh,. meinbers mest of Ringsto, -aud thes.et the Moutreal District, but Aho>' are,' itak'n ifAbhis lu:their. CAÃoulatdon foi " g odoipo~rtion ef the. Western meuiborswill not go that ticket, neither %ill--theé OAawamen, non yet ahI Abe Montr e al moibers.- And tison'tisê$ole'ef the Lamer Cou- adîas-Withs tthe exeeption-ef -s felir" Rouossm 8 or_10 penhawi-,Wig go dëad agolusitii.-r dogisô1 xn T bifoeohand Venitura tapreaiet Abat'ý Ifi b red it ill igaly fil- Thara is an .yident 'dispossuibnou the. part otfthe MoGeo p'art>' te pîtce Brown ova'boasd -sud--D'Ar >' miii fid Abat unie8 bo breuaks "h" ' zufamona compact with ubs, wbjlgim datractôr sud h. slaudares' Ofbléjeoplehe him- selfWill bceuent-of11ke su cld tboe. t is édean te Mo tîbat o9-e et Abores Wataerôrser el, UÀ firc' becîr purobal coat monoy. posod. W. triokery fact that tn.sch t oratien, à ibeen x- r sieak. As yeti 'nsrut ation> tu Of tb. eau kn l al the fOrtbC4 pefon l t Po udiagainsdM,ô shil.. liunge a n fous' pence the p!reý14iiu ycarý and Ihat the' total arnouttfor ail pur. poes te, be cohleed tbf. yoar', f. but *76 gisat$l3,el78 for-:J.850, AiÛR corý taxes ýouglt nover bo higiier thon the- promeut-rate, (8. cAs. on h. *1) but if poýssible, for our ewn- weIfà re und' prçosperiAy,'thý rate sbould still fartber lbe reduoad in 1859. As lA is, wo be- liete Abat Wbitb y, i. ase,,soçi at a, boirs'fire thonan>' nTownluinu ada, wbuI os the. otiier handi-'be Cosinty -bf Onhtarie stands No., i fer higb assesmont. -Tbf. subjeot oflTown aad Count>' taxes we's hali pursiïé fur- ther a Aa future day. . Captain Walia.g~1 ?Psy ýThf. conipany was lnspeoted on londa>" lauti, b> "Lieut, Col -lkoD'ou. gi the. Goverument Inspectas'. The ,uu4uahiuld'usatf&ln-*eu eése'by- the 'iuapeotig offices' t7-ti itas'y appearacOoet tho ýMoPn, and tbio disci- pliued 'mannes"le mmcwii' they meut hrough the _varieà us 'militas'> evalu. ieons, muet beb-igiily gratitying io' ,Gaptain Wae, ana .,the ,meo.-o, oeompany. ,W. heard Colonlel ê- Dougall. exp es .is appr'obatio>n -in thé bugrhe st tqri%.and Bay in ous'r a' tlnliad*unLilliser doatli,'Ai Mr. OeDay's Varrespomiolsosa wblêh, 'beik à dvisqdb, - gave ber -whst hoai .ld w 2la5U~OO,18 UP5rAIandod 4~E. of laudanuit n, a sspoon, itualsi, telljnia, my darlînt-tell il h tiala i>wolv, eeÀ yl ih ' Blua lssa sa tIa otwnof Wh]bbnd yeot - ' wourd net dissolve,. and h 'lis It tIs that Hedg-dsughter-tiaelshuokie- bisl inger, very shtly-ai baud tiof; ' .. ' the decpase& s.ppearod. Whoerobb'd farmeramd 'ali,-of whesi perd- hon huaband desinad' Abo 'weoId' dbef- r' ' (on Il It ibrueSir, 1 nak,sueh a bnIlli"edod clown h. gltqmynts la isaR.s*e su spîrs e h Mot i" .,ber if necessary. lab the 1 ! nesi saw the daceued, W -L It thnss a tth oknfu~complote'state of stupos', - eoa.,te roà ua.bean fail@sd,--,andt Froni thismuà bbloa and jeals'as' t town' LUa thtaistâtê untilShe died i la tthmsa'tl.itlsa hsspassud~~ip boingA. he'wish of tbý - ~ ~ ~ e ' wth ' ' ithe decesed,-tb&t su examin. irbo Iisrk- prï1ng and $soeklng. aicaýj"b ta sbould* tà 1i- ýpteé,it WC catch 1 '1- ' ing Abat t as thae eN aié t thrsu hsat two frIêdeoda'u scarco tallk te-' deoeased that it sheuld nc gaierhLe bedy'sooc ordingly Over ~ ~ ~ ~ ay ttshr woatWr, r tse ta o :: t] > "'e bowall rdng'th?t uadeÂt ne gls, qu>ijyusuld ta6 Pl'ace, t sCL aedg-dssghtot Da ha bcfoundnoar amised on Monday. evenli **tbi. spt; ' - healthy âpeamtseaof ti 'rosmake out sainc aonAplrsey, effanes oi plot 1 ' pearsuce .of thse s tousach 'Là tise at â, that-ao puaila tIe mokami for Iaw~,-' - ~ ,susptiiof !foul play. wae ~of on wn.dtrais a'aeves- sud ýW. Il. Toronto. 20 ls Meir