Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1858, p. 2

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p. rpçawvo « îanek#fotln wtir M wun. 4 di S ty; p4 t4,W uuiy mmWomrbcviiote.4the »lp..e àt tisoeppWetesa ide offtheHouat. t- à a ps, th# s.alon,,bave isesb#4onie diegated oith H 1.the tii, Drown.Dors o n Iasnd will et the .red f0 se oponngo( Praaro4bu b. owd mupý@Tt poodler S Iu lo .sg th 1109A4MIDWAtraiou.0 dilysof l'hoprlvt bsiness e fth oisIonpfO.Tiie octi M;040 to Wb.o soi tl ab"iat ibanuuel, moied 't ~judgfni (ronm tbe numerou»a pplWtfons hicbl 0i siready ta%4feW Iota of Ise.,pomlonforq-m&UwoeMm ia.,rloua puTposes. The fidovi1a à sfa ah i cerd tb$ 02S wilab wu extran ktom th@ .olu*na &t'Ouïefulà athe OffielsiGasîtti - -mvdn 19 lnommt, Th Charemi oli'f 0beng rd 52 5a»On ut Cln t*, fb l ot - <t l il Tâ IngorpW5te l Thé. Bank of Wu4eu -1011 TIo Chirtor thé Il Union Dank M-.d'W'VI 0 DrltàhAmr1m" Cpitl, nty4fvernil- adug DvIMhÂnerie."CpltiftMutuel de To T01P14 ta Ioaêm l b. ProvincialV Mgt Bank of Caada., To Amendtbho Chàrtr o thé.Nrtbvast daaUte ?vmanpotttlon Navigation and Ralivsy oonmkteu - t: fli 4 tn&M Sand grue parsou a Iwoi *eturad tl orperatiou, or oLth bOy Uovpàor., WSa go oued Debtntureb, UIe oPrOper rsIOtÙ î ioud Vé ppbMbabe4 st once, otbsrvfa.hebos, ncom noelecting to.perforai Lbaduty, pu e-subled oL t Lipuuliiment "abo &W is Raturna, snob M vagIre baby bw * W g the nnrber of'-rsgteW d 1tton ps&of r- -M- . 1z-- the,-Northorn Hallva>' te 150 Port Hope, hd.Lndsny Rallay pasalng tiirqugb the pvopos.d Town cf Ontaro-Roacb. -- To-Minond the Charter cf Lth. Pot Hop an4d-LindsiyylilIva> Compieanydanlt coniti4ce a Brsncii (Voté' Mnvré &Itl t. Port Porry' - - To Charter Lime OtaMa- &Valloy Lîlva>' Company.-, va>' and lavlgation Conpanîl 1ÇO Incoeso Lb, capital Bol fthêa - Mprnora and Bellevîlli RaltvaylCornpl., To Iiicorpovato thol Union 'ýForua!dlog- sAla llway Company, Montreal. To Anend .n4, conaoldato the. varins 4 Actsof te- NlA84ro anldiri la Risilluay Comipany'. To Io- orporate the Metro rn ire Inauran<e Company', Montréal.'- To Incorpora. theliqult#bi. Iusurno - Compay, mouLvial. - Tô1r,;acrôrt tho eavir 'ire Inaur. To mbond Liie Ici or b. BriLi B rantford, -.To Incorate, Lb. Motrai Librai> JSoJety.- Te Ansend; Lbe Act Iicormtlng Lb. Canada Povd.nCompain>' To Arnond the. tatuts lnovprtlng the M4ontreil ifnng ompsuy., >Te Charter 'bthe l fo upmlson 'Udig Company,. To Incorporte au Agricutural Jeot Stock Compan>' of HarnllLob vlLb power to purchase land anmd .rotbulldlugs. To - ncovporata Lt.h rand ivlera.u J LOUP llridp Copauy, Tu Amnd'tbe CiiarLerof b. SOolty of Lb. Montresi Genart Uopttaî To Amu4 te Statut. lucorporstilng tiie ~anuisa Laoiddredii Company'. nTO iac or te Lia Aaadsmyof Bt. Jeau c - -D lheLpf0oitn(o1slle. iulCosi jjà bffo,ýzijà orontc. bTo2oeerpora$êthe BiCsand a ite em I34ooqm#teVc&ei OM lng joytsllation 1i,'The pby7a1051 eue,5Iei of mienibraaratazed-,by proongedsand moupedste apoëel st bin'. badi ue auiebut luet i, leto sregatlon 0<- topI1Oîsud laroit er hik ov is- . av vamipscbdb goal 1 ofbisabltln, Mc., quet Wlbstheéugngatle frm an M donulstat le- t(air bou ý ms, u oaltut .d.- ~ ~ ~ b" tehd fu~Iaa re toar. ano*r. T u4 aL s apstacl. W, eW oit t'vi' .,Mir i ae iiad <-advers arrscy edu:OetivTe esulwon O Mie ýàth, v t,- a it L. 4panut, lnjr edu-nt don'% nlot suffiet4 "pilm'. iqi$Of Collle -Méca5keevthýý"<'oat cs- agi b àtv i ' cie-tbsLaontfona,, teuoa.bte fcm tear>' , T e s aty rultYIo kno 11; nor ud ithesfer- tii. auddt O ohe ronW*Loi Lbe Gbelou n- Ith ons.b orlsatisii. $sIe ur -mès cdilty-moniteept- The s.dai ousvuiboni ofu ovsierum ofaf ohnEonfldtha ad Lb. Houa *hM A scih'.timi. LillaL Cbamro e-.cb#otte ou.L - dain. Te ,undtheorLb radinrsof eLai Gloenbau êtopan ade lmrb. puibli p lba on- pLi- Tiperar> "uil o andkowi," vÏast eliposie o desîmuhto -be a@Éor Can dian, Tbertmmbu? re Tip.raits unio "lrdunho $du," vbo boatemln "mo ppuuk rU 5 ound,"hé tw uhq& pr sud e.- camgLes Hoandmie cfLa esbdcvinsu- sner; and .rveurbi' anad ébi4srit'as nae&e ofu theuGlobo.ncieus.nL velàiw.e vounld tbordeadi> bale b a pl.rc4e50 ar thvoliiouDerlon, Léenss Tonhibe thât; vculdretuWs- -. nov of fugur0s w 14sam6,r of1lot.m ntere&dsé, inone>'lit. ler, aund vqaeWred AtthLb. WilLb>' PoiL Offia forelt iafv y.ar;î i 6% inlu1858 4,700. waln upvç adsbut -- 40,0f wamdIncfiIc~ ca W4beatLiuat ' st ler>'oR-thé ntng;G3Ien ia ,Oov u cop>'e 00se rnuo f the. Isat ralsd asee. ment roll, su conlaîns tLbe ames. cf 'ait (io*,4bol4eransd bouseboIdemýrsW,utapon the volt j*'y the MunicipalIêy or WAvA4. The i~trll'. OCim bsIl pr ovl o pIl bck, ols15eptitlad POU5 pi fek. Tii. EMlfton#hall cVuine t 10 M0014c, onuLi. ýftrOt Muds>' lun Jati&ii?>. Tii. nottmng Ob&«cs ais>'1lcsthb F"100 aIfr no e Candi d"ates DOavenu at#>d vlubin ou. bour, Lban b>' bis vvlto'bo la t. ratur, ilamusethemo agr M*o cane dîdates, suds poil Ioldensded,tLb.-p ollisl t. bo kept opan «Ilt 4 o'ctcck p.;ta, of the fmit day', sud foma10 o'.oauk e. .,t. 4 p., mg, of Lb.ésaud da>', utilieou. fuît hour nia>'bavelspsedwvtLbout sà' q'Jei ied elector- tssderag bisvote, Lin egsh poili mal' b. losed at 4 ode",c< Lb. finit do>', or st an>',,untflerbour thLb. apomd day. ',1- . -ý Inun cifsu quslte of votes,: the R.. uinluMn -beso ê.rs ul- bid or ut-iaidllgvsvoaornte mer of théan 0 ütesgos.t u d b Eeto .- - - t6 - - - -Lana, ~ so--a Mr. w;Ga- gof! til Lb. maongoder tby Obaag.lýlfncraLcng drilà,,but cult hou ln S'ph"jn ;,Andbe bain LtheSatnaufta 41.4 sud vý burled- 14 Ad IL came I. Pmas. athe endcf2 fort' sund Ltro day s bat the ÇcunellVau4 eidersf dtityL>qaain gtIj.vd tbemw telveï LogèoIer vian AuexunerLi.con-. stable a~i4 tnt. theni, pay, MisMy bill for drink, *bich' $510 iullo T Iueam thi oamarlte (*id the ium thei4< as ver large la Li. @y"aof the Couun andeiders. And tie'pbyalclsn gaveeIhI4 bill for pet ins an end f0 Lth îeknema 4ý Tvlp@aba Lie Osairte,anAL iw ierbfoo ho hrbe,I- mg of4baW811 *or# ulao g n lu159 rose sud idà ail bave no Si~tépo froui Lipop I n Lbe moul ga biban, IL memeth -good lu mine pae t %t i L.. cherlelmi;bis b. Petidout 'of ýba tueaof hiii peopie; suid Abab théelde canud idh Lii ooQuilysonvo& Lb. su lebile', for hoa lavgey isus Lb. èoýdis, nil>' of Lbe Co naill. 10, _nd Lb.>' MaiÙ Lb. b0Ia (on ti he s, n &u the- 0unnlIgl rea.d é& drinks vhlb S eugien suntoTipi bbsm, the. mismrîto,-ut !Lha seof the >~plosnd the Ouem tiereof «ýa tfLbree bdrd sud thirteen ushekels of 01110r, , ~, Aud IL murn t. #matwvil e iimO:ipyýrA binr ounited 6o the Li. resuuvy, tLbi KsPPer LandyLb. thcoupellior, ltook s 4.tb. (row "pnderuastb bsoaatgr L, n l vfpo esvest off bit St<aie, nclfLed q big yoles end ssîd, 1 aauob fesz'thst Lb. vvsktltofMtii poopia vilbu kindil spiust nuain the. imonLb O t for er b.couuLe- nance 1 bavegiven sunto tinsse cormisng bille cf Tvlnsbam,Lbhe Mamatien sd Lhe InAsn va snmod lu apd b. oréd S iov sud midi nvaul-1l vt O thLb ciblng sud' nningl>' rw"m Nultber eibsti1Iver .ov.stbr otïAbàbj the #Idéscf loiionaît gsud 4d filas ofi tharabe ilunla n d kviug itl dowv, M8.Thon Lb. anger ofAbM0, tiie Woud~ v -hot .gslw aNpp"v4ndythé inI zno, IcSImIJn4W1%I- ii >Ii Kpàae uy novth b.coaittoes aaumed, sud la thio point I muai coincide wlctithons, thut "th psynient of the finqa vero not aoknov. -ilgw a biéroelved by 3Mr.- fodgono, at the tLiane ofinakfug bit veLurh. j Tbf. <ast wouid furtber îLreu.htoit me, In Lis& o Ilntoni,.s1ltougb otýler fines bad beme. aIle yo HyM, odpyon On ILifda y Invblià tbe casas wore rled , nefver <(before :or' affer> uaaod tLb.anme liangisago In bis ratins t. the- Clork of Lb. Pacom Aftr b'erng the explansîbons jof br. Hodgaon Lb. commItI.. nmptly eramcd Lb. claus, 4n-uuetoné T"ètnu tbi. report I. -lit- Tho -aiount cf finea voolvetl by 'Ur. Hodgion for the yea85t , 85 no adantted by bîro, via j85 50i sud for Lb. ui mar .. pild t. o onTgw esa iur $levlgin I auds aLiet heend of Lte ysr b. aunof$25 '50. 'Mtbfa rnoy a . tbougb laylng, In Lb. banda of th e eve- foîr 15 or 105 onthao, was net pold f0 L b.e Town tilt afler the sppolntment- of Iho Oommtte., 2ntL The fines pald to Ur. Hodgion for 1858 vere $2575 nôt ont fvaotion of whb: waa pald fteLthe Town Treasurev until the montha ô Novinberand December of Lb. pacLyear, ler. IL voui be vwIIi to Tenr lisnthasuatheb.mastrates have te , uake quartely rqturns te the Ciri ofthLb Pece t.vblob ime MIaite lnpithe banda of :Magitrat«e shouid 1b. pal 4 te Lthepro, sear office. o ass oe re ' Ur, llodgaon atdieLim e. m durlng botb lo sud 1088 wbiohwversnotioturnod tu -b Olei f the 'PouceFor ecample Lhe casrHoyli75. Ca Oles, rlcd fn the Sprlng cf 1858, on vhieb p ine cf $10 vai, cvled andpold tf0-the, &.à. l'Sfo't rotllfld, nov sooonted (ov'in &ny vq, T116s04< WilmioxYi, Shepiierd tri .4 about fbesmen Liai. and -ine of $7 pafd vau net raturtîld:' T4«re@rm mny' other c'una In wblch, n, were pal4 la thb. mre position. ' In do. fance Mr, IModuon sâtest t ma 'mit of tiiose mousW iratfdaOut bYbim. fortiie June reiani ,but tbroug m oneccdenL Oaver naicb.d thb, ofc fihe ilevk of tLb. Puce. Tuneas.ums vere du,1>'and- uinasi>'sma -Wnas ubduinot do, bacua> - vW distiectLy ' ilted vhuat thot- ar- <vltb MeursDydn th. May'or lu lt)vai-p119'tyof,,'Thot "0l4dcc.adeu Am Ch Ir"o Lhe -plagu. cforbis Ille, ho lng borvard. -'W iveava b>'lt by à4>, and dronme cf It st learn the. usuisOUI palI cf patent latlnsreonce plaoid on that w.a.tîŽ garpeto4 plýttovui, b.ho Ui4 exclaimnIl My >' race laà -Myi>'cours u llahadMyarn- rrn .ns biLlon' la itlid, oL »'th e ri o of ie COoasut>'Couneit vîifI1belcuger kuovuwn ~fs but lu 'loetns oI goid *1 1 h ave- INsibed ou ui> fovohes4 , 1ayoM t"' V ig . 8. Ws, mu mt MoDoeilremndodni.cf b. Ludo Tonqblp, aldufJ. DaoiWe, vho cn - taking up luncourt, Lb. -K- froaethLbi bac! eugpd bhita todefcnd a clientf, found vvftten on L o nly Liii luorîptlon *Ilamaa ii. ld1tqb tAc PLinera ît.ne .0ar voul&b1» Tbompoeon and Bn Mâao>', basotgeL Li u, f AuLI.PWrr l e uL imit thle cuty horso for hlm to ride. t- li thé ie- sblp maue on thie Mayoraltyi,buàt Mon t&a$outb m untiuvxa ud nortb vward* hb.SO ftÛbusL15écatetLý , asItev. bee lis sugre pop, tho' liih the Contre, as ap#. <sRee hr ClIA areI a l okn taln(orui lail sinilar Coming forvard for that lie bau no conoxtlon vlLb *î.-<aWvoCe a a b bof# an oic! voman advincod lu yea drs, de. Mi. Truimun P,' claves Liatsinco bisà PoundB3rlav,"'folk@ Cbapran, viii, vi ina' s> vyimt Lb.>' 1ko, b. lanot iouud CoîtityCounecl in Thon came MoPherason to dlolosansuie count ofîle stovardublp, and a Preclous' M.Gllv> a LIme hoiba i cf I.0,aldvîllon bis leftsud. &pin cones dov flais ulgougii la bisrviansd -tLb.'alec.'cil sothe Roovior$ tors, (Wallace sayos Lb.>'are Indepeudant, MnN 7: bope Lb.>' are cf bila> lIront . 'Bve 111f. MoDoul mes Inoni in' fblonwu iipivas neyrinbv. cî,av. presentshlv cf Lu bac! uot a vord t. aY n>' l I e bslf or 'obv oèfr asuggestion té mako lu ixtanuation of hb i X. R b~~ colauro blundero. Tbla s. vevy shabby aesieeit-i Conua:devl'g boy MOD. baso& ua.d Ifop',Nn Lhnouglot thie>'oat' toserve bis ovu enda, 1Ur. D. G. Ieitt If MoDu, wh vnadsiiodevo cfthe. fountjy,vii 'V - --- - - -,- -- 1w' ~SN4 sud j sent, i ascii Swords '-'cii. bytbli

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