1114 eOpyad omtting eý h' ctrI MIlllo" - .Thitslà teg etty>. ahobjaot 'f 1Il T11J te lbiii4 sanltrguwsnt Il tisel w. lies of wlndy.w'ordineus, and! more, 4~l11 tt n*iur hoeporrysaproduCOtlo Glas> roula b. tuere oreditable' to blutai and benm4lslt1ibiTowvnuhp, Fak ,wer putforward ln sur previcua articles on th ltairoad, iot on@ ci wlch the Ohqpet fouud himislt able tb 'onfmts, snd, erc forée h.sumets otiisi'7prendîni,'whiet woe tii.>.worth examlinn *e coul prove to- bse etogstlhêc swiowusi, W chalonIe'-ourootonpory to diseuse thi suhomo'wliibir'wehivi put forvard on lj livothi'ItluIiIboar 'the.învomtigation o truth,au roll su orltlolam. In sttributing tï us an>. otinotrithîn à adosîret tofor isard, thmý prj9ot w. îdvoeato, -tha.0ôwor, ter stots unj Iîtiy. 7Thiw pnuijct "0 adv#o. cato mIncoî'ely, snd wltiîthe aoit adoni domir. for aits îpl lhcion. "ln ur, ou e ,=rAmeon wo shal compiaro -theohqim whloî w fiwzrsud tîtt ken Up-by oui cotouporar>., mndwe expet ot be oablo ti show ýcaly Wh.oh 'would uaoit conduit, to ti.permanent inturoait.s f ths ratopa>. ors Beah,andl the count>.. Tbs ParitauenteryOp#oltma Tho ,pormug f»,tii9 ' jkeqhan hati. f.h hTcer q ire b'hjing bt '0 oh: pulti il'Unit 'h1 ý11liowà in irai LoworIlIoui bila1'ti4i îa soaund tilast fit, at the op,4.iing cftias rystal Pal"c ii on f $he "rýo 're ctan throat. Thso tissas. apparorati>.la contaglcus.1 At thse ong 1fPi1Loaî StXih'tii ' cé~ Ad 'a l,ibu In peht. nd y hmeud dt, bly lu * Iapp. Ylended flu the Oplo;But, uieir$.t'f t> T ppa->Iuao-iIpn, joua' I#". 4# tDhork dfAi Dun the iti StstOf o6, *qPOOPmiiop i i - t hIipôt 'asl dlIu Uangca441r te14proantLym otqen' Wlith' i 0 t s 'ad fethqni"lu atheLoiw. u'ppéi, i do'utitv' uià fè,T-t. u<ol anti' 1h . oil 'omli-h 1 &&y# thÇotrhkmlm'tiomi omn bd ouMdÉ)- * provo t;lottb qteaohe,-, rQ41Ig-."t nature co I'llmitt"cI ýh tewrappoa-. rasce Intolligenoor of Phlladelphf i srm théainatai *t1tom P W ei~~ be ueontba hq Çq ïî~fnspm~ be In a-prà erou% duton 1 Ion. *the FW ~Deprtpenýblivs liontu4 ly inu cressed, wtl-ï r'ect qspI1, r 1on -4~ tho ti riaka; ' tIitlli heI, 0 inUe, l =u emIë tc'a 0aoy ami.It4 abeuc iaprq buolaaMq OV mleerpj 4posbn~ tloh, O1rt 5I1oit ý4e ' Igem!~alpp~ quta $ ~ii'nt~.indibalon re hiethtaal,4stad taà t duving,>the 'pont year ftbp,,, ael M«e o:,1tiyeabkePr~logIne the klÉru Mte'.Ce oà 'igppymaon, sure tuas 19 P5U11 pjawqu. waÇ6bf~1 "s pt4a~s, t aa bis aod - or"eun ha uo tth' imi for et. Aîf' I i .~ nuie diloa M ,r. Editor, to ha", a reuldent mimi sc-mongot 9qu11!hpwi-1iy ire101 If8 e ipo n *ap [Abia ue to OUI,' th , à , ljéauh l 'pg,ýor y ro. frstroo1w @ b ff> liersnWif n o bi4abu bu er-HoLd V otrulo Tii corrry ra a d î le 1atreal W e. t brohoms To h cu A woooy ng o hsTh. W. wou Kt ug.Itw blcure noraoy tif. go _ .q/na iaa~c '-hri t 8,o.,ni gu. at.toiof . 22Sen tot 'e Pchasgers ll ýab, euti irsuo BIO.of DiPML -inurë s.c'obathd erVa Pia.lXfugea l omp es .r'wrtli. Dwic lu LtnwoyJ good lneVeritruo, lObu ce cironeotib dru ud hotora M n o t o j.Moà ch. *tgwiuiube r, i t kf XIFUG;- i FLEri ING BROS.IN unetb (ha umetomafco ,Lnogsaei( t lo- I. audut>. on thqçiremt Ooomi to oeil, yoar arlt,«loin 0the questign> o the Soit of Govoinidgnt. of Oanade' The LoglilIatùroof L7iadahsviigreÃolv 1d that a hixod Seat of Govoriiwenà t shouit uelcte~ ~uIctodOirý^1ýrasoa' Qaueeu y usofisthe!Houlae, *:.yèrIsi ïPlt-prerogati"ln luaking auW 'uleottn An, Act, 'moroover, wà s a ~dot ,ana à pProprlqtng th-ie naary fundi. nad the deciton oftho Quoi n-o bldin8 qýîthaiExeoutlvs Govearnnt cf the Proê ïlnce,and'.lt wfll'boý thoir'dtaty:teocarr out tii. unâderstnuidlng. wfiloh exIét.d ai thse ilme' iben thirference was MAtde, by 1hioh, the Gdvoruuant wilI ýb. transfend SQuebeo fer a fixed pà r1ôd, uïtIlt 'tho' nè-. -'baparýy arrangements& aîal haveobô.u congi Tii. Qorreoaenecowlth ri Èioity'i Qovornmont w411 b. laid befôre anoî,sd 'connot doaibt that you wlll recogutitÊe ' séleotion imado b. er Majestl.'ait your fvr ,Inei sud. thaityou iid ut7 sO.ë 't Aq er nieiouir eouip 'lapce .Wltb' t~odrous awlh:ou ours' ' ei laffordu s' einuch à aatisfction! te îW.. dtthe Comisspion foi the iettoot thoe ljuËor1AsItéliùrowilsbërily cag. its, labbrn, anal that a moderato out1sy"bejoaial tbe ýapeoplatiou 0184 wLlutî I #m aoexpeetation on thepat.otth n.Te Municipal Lîw of Lowe, Osuadhre- Iires revisaI à snd-oasolldatlon.'Aïdoa 1 rd cf thai purpjose vill Ub. ubmnlttdfour 'The PosalhU4yof, Waft4ag 111110,o011e1tiie t( teral ohiaster, the, Brtlî> h Colonies lu .eorta Amerlo4bai fba'musithse subjoot- of egrapo ' euooé, wbloh wil b. placeal la' y'ur lhindi.Iwill l ulo cause to bei. - mnU Ou>er i"ybig ur 18ol, 40ttfor th. unit4d sti N.B.-s1,oo Ad 4pootmmg' the,, Plus- byr etr al Ppl~u ,itby by G. A.ý du street; W. IL Doel Brmni once. Kuaowm 3Iveo IfOur rondora wOullais forthe ollu uselil thtl limpos, rro Orl'aià ls ý"ta ~bbb0 I. I. BLSGIret9WslL'"reb« Toi Dyseptle Andai Vosnsrhto'u -eOmo Imadînts lia ono 'foritýor anc lly by umlig Dyiaipâmii Onu, of thé preva OmurCountry.- ;h#Tiat -Iowsrtu th alnost vii-4tl'v b al hbIt cf d ýBittorai, iblapîhà v, Iban ound1 FUM *Ublilip o v throu olesttîeofthuZ a iwo dqrl%-Ot1 gr ut botnof im oIn u6ý bavo'badin untîro':od -with aC , OPIR o #Usvorgil youru, immd a ind nothlffî%dkordd mayrelefnnwt1ll dua toBittrs. jnia o ohoorro~onm ad gMont toi W 1ýhô ireatl tuawlh hllýoubé»bo#nýéubbWu m oubloott'oa ;di 0 C-1 Idt '4 oft9qlaoi Di. Gqo. 13. Giiiio< -Dm.fzTeOjfu Ud fl~. lti wtI~i oowor a klnd à sto 1, urnAIS tazo, have.haçi alutary., utiseot intmy 0 cage. 1 waa trolabla t wth dy pilaê for four 1years dur.in wluilintui 1trio D. nAnyzlOm 'Aes, jt navor inst *itb mwy ago od milour, OI#nafl 0wfiuitii, oJymnlout cf goo-d ns. tiOxyglnm It belleme tht al l io' Suter, ad thomta J .rlosbo As %iifouzd tlon, Wlth hlh respoot, yourobt. marvm'nt No lYi 0sa # guttïhUlekA'âlgmod "11 BUTTIE411 on "Propard. by OWLEIi . Co., lieu. 4~nj~dr.ae'b.'-U. Dooli, Wldltby, imid Ver7 littIs'prodoo arrlvlng. FALL W iTs .o.dpobshl SaaWEA a Od 0 Os ad per busimol. 06aq ~pobri~ 84 sis0:8;ou 'p. o mbai. oog ;ILoD&tpsvd6 - Zi .t' W., of&s daughter. tu Wh1eayoitth*I it.son. ta6f Wni.IED î:a. o'os~~î>n'.t Oomiy ~ork'.Oo, 4 h A Q..» ~'rnÙ,,rPr ot and l Vdi&oatî,luut oizia aiboot ~ %lqpenyp Plailadoip4ia, oyes ail obstrue.~~a~uu b. zpli.d on.-,EIJTA A~T7 0,0.. Ur no ilo7 auo 011V'osaels, cargo 1Istà t I f nits Iitrs te .,*, 78f59 tait~ ~~Pd a i~ 'i >&Jlopois, oxpounso, noma And lthloaagb à nIilfi T@1IfI~i Udu Ironca âôlol, emoipolsoô,g o i to tii.o OUstitu- uas RV!atoh And ~ 6md other or blts Ansduo.,, I., .W.,bola. lmul>~.~,daztI 71828 O au, C.w, 'aah un C l =1104 Anduthe Broo Str6tWlilby~8-4w IsunstJE'DiH' ~G R QOERMIE968 to'.' ¶ A1EST prhos, go to ti'4ndý osablanamtaly occuplud by %4ýVqxnr> JOSE"PH NOUR P ç. CoîuPilol ,Thé Subecirber tag.m Ion". to annoninon tb Illh' lôo Son murki fin u iopblethAt hIl h Irud aiipn thoia n kl,{ !iutoroo of id n J i-N (je it thie lotess. 8, e- aboya Well luowù UGroory Qlosîbleiet,,sud Lnxwn-. eubnxti i Ia-frgjuusaufa -k Grceié, hiz Llquorg, lapruparod to sou ut thseiowost ru- esuomoa i Pricou. Alau.a well-zîsmurtod stock ofUdui, (laa md Uookrywaro. 's WrhIoh t1ilà i. d 110i 011wl m i' qiiorr liguarstecla mot te ktlor'o bfîanw bu'aIod orqhlzay, nyIlin iviii dlsposil of .,~~ ý-L7i Twenty per cent below the USUaI P le& JiîîiiilotaîAdiN. E. Riuis. liollamidmandOId 'lot a(n. M mont WIîîus, SNittivn Port Wliien. (Jlîîger M'flomn, PI>oraillnt Vofoamie, Pritaspid.eFhhbodo ort US i9, tinudCol cs.,l ie . s ,ouaes Auabiadiinu ofutaierLbiers Vtesh saltuon, Côd Flsh9, riii,&c, Aljo Sot), Oýiîailaa, Hpes, cmnaadton- a>>CgrTobçio 'BSua, &-uorbo witi t dIe ,whloh conîpnlos.a..W;Idto, olorod, ltouo mmd OChina, >a ttetii, liistock of Olümmi and ,Mld- oai Waara là veremmrldIiuonm-. Omatlbo nuçiL euaMI li Obufun uroaamî &t '0 outl tns alm~toBat ne chronflo,'dii- ta proveomun lo- 1~~ i .5 0 igît po fi" sý omButte, F«14, mad Chue.. IW»Natc tho Addross%-Iato, .e.oùioo&Co. * fi tbîla ~ :BLISTE R: STEEL Alarge Stock or Indien ta ubber:adGutta percha (mou 2 to 14 ltoui. ll Ut n alephoil sJolie,"wuij otbor anakors cf Oms!e at, (lmculiar muid M it Mmnfaeurrl'a Prios. Ighnamond'a, Daten'tiaiid Mllnor's pronlnt EDGE OOLSJ. S, DONALDSON & Co. 0or4O BARRELS orF $ALEJýu ANDi P]RESSED NAILS!, IIALTER4 & L JLCfAIN, ILOTISE"F UIINIS1Ifl(GS, Cap, Finaik,, W adaf (3uteBu pit. * . o-voîy dorl)tlon et slHELIoAAni)UEAVY UAIIDWAREI FOR SALE M' No. ii& 2, TAS.D, j--- çuI e :< TS D1 tt a #mCO to bM osllint of Anotloat. itarlo. rof thiIs Ooaaity l id"realto 48 4q'sid Juté Reoevaca krye andl . auo8rtjcl Stock jrokM,.4ac andlDiuer &riff . H v n va potd<.eame dipviit ftý t4 ra:cu.ay id. Erg g. P.S--A ' tit cf DIIt APPLES,' ou à , and for Sale. SoholBooks! TAÈEM, NOTION 5GE .Apply to Whfl"ýy, Srd Maoh, Ot TO OUETTLEES- *ONT JUUNDRE» In the Townshilp of bl ARi Tie. Land in of the first q ,lmtp.Mono y m-111bcalir, of Lrm buildhing, andIf' camt have tlia righst » )pnrok of tho Lame. 'V1,ittw. Cal. ra. IS ARs cai JUS J,.' Vlaidlestor, Ostarle I flm, togiva Slaaeftdons.j wu!, goryt4