Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1859, p. 2

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-'z AI. N9TIOur - - _ Sevd Ie s~ ~~~~~b Town~ srrzae udv < eouý b. iu, r qi liy ,ÏpSi ,tir " in lavmsdét w a, lling o ff it sflflir ,foebs i. gitt. urnam hIctftr ' otier -tge>s»vu, tboeiso idlré *o*sb b w*sd oo -et t Ueeleioneabou&d.Tv.of thes moros*do*thré winiasehe' Mem-r ooete, iitbipe tb.yw adgomo vl <twAlandly sbi -ja"Msde4 baa4ng dowu fur timon, sud raiscld bens.Ivo .bhoerlug sigbt. lIBtnmSer, isucooi 1Wr Wb'&e tire>' bahop.d sud prsyed *T.sOI(thênt. , erlisdWâsesretob ad IàitI ;and thé vee. de&evred, Wa jS&dThe. other body lay in-'thé. eabW.<,It wuati atboy, wbo bad býsaIe rom ti.ropudirousi en. dcon 4rndfuluight, <do" utir. ecsunio.wanisd rovuOd eut iWM ntk the doit-tw* i0eilra ye Y~tu1nvntred toWq ii.liin cule tiriIvoi es9 qupathy sMd ImoSm sduans nt *Wtlen. T.ndolym womm ntlarougb *sateok p the. por heljileaskons, s»J, bwered -hetm, d" 0by on«, lato tlreibse4 .h4sd thon à onud irc.oWp.Therë, e, théii-.càe 0<f -ail' re to t wIisd strongtb. rm me., EUW4eth~ ir et Wmate 'o ch. Dr&maAaw, loaaImmthe. <.11ev- ingdeail ebr dist.;sndtbo sue~ fioà de 'f hund ,er musuoC, p smig oba tatchson, aL acr c tblrtea nc, vti a aro elumber forilhi@M. . on tire merlng ef loti D~ernb, aver' eavy uerdhwest ' li p, vii ocesionsl show- * Aë 4 ý bmiout Solck the ébip vas bev t 1M 7In tii. evoniah. s"aL the Iopbat sdobligea tbmu tireu çrug a look, aud ail biandsvie, put nt ttse P004%14, vrr.tire> wu- timuoil to -M*>eruntil about oVeuook mWna>' mernlng, the msa toni mg Mdgher sud tiibaslok nreasigMe'A -tire tisa. thoebi »ppod suother tie- msudwse,,hies ept tr oke overythiiing nwbfr, cetrioLae'tre, 1~ti~*Tl ~uLeuuaol'zona plit the, lijtdi, boitirnguga5tirhestaibourd div av t Aw malb et",*fryvth a brge pen, rti9'ds(.uing sud rais »Is iggié" * l p.u uewere et"h die ,bleu'I roua iýrâ; A~s kt b. tjiae. 07ii.fleraUI4 ,afiltire loin w~~& alipaa.ThyjumpMitc The. wave eopm ashigs or », su =téon too veai teopo 0,viraiama, bol=& ïire vmson Tahdae>',fmagus froua tire bouMé'on deCk, down ther. eonapanlôu.vay int e i'c vin e W ooèahmfr.at stUe. tiUItbrtobov- lug Badttireeny-anetia.>' li honIalg-iuger *MI"'-bei.ttg9 s Ofp c<usI beý a Lperk ca oui-t &yto9b otjsury,t> g aiip iýen. <ur<~nbe. m~b, sud toek OT tiret eurivee, veet tii. crew, Mâuue coftres sud a bol MIUn4 Jobhn 14> mr aivng Ld Aler tii.ap -bore John M'Iauis Setim in lutfrtmate, Wiili ùenÎÏ os Dugud Cupieli, Mteýr befil about elgit 'wekafon MprevwaosN Caps. Htcis en, pu ,mo a ge ttn, ue %c a v u ag t s imdn 'go se ulsd. Mting itir tir ffais d bu w *011, Botnmfi -for sca, nthré 24tir efl'mri ,iiw el de t ln tvhe Isuintd i re hn a4b p85585 tue>' be fhel viir ma>'ex re e eaitue tcp.n ta , Caulkimsdh. vtsdetsl ( y la tie 1»"murIn, sudspe Ml tie igrettem ir mmiffn vgo t in 104eretd yCti *Y o i is u eu e mbew , tefou sffbu 4 ut h mw.tm um goaeS eutteaef&smace t& WM oÊae e oiromp. preves r. o. me moitl, &d et var of my. Eiei 0»vire vatd"edtir. Fienoirda.e itel*ouoom, ltisa vitirmuas mustirar pereelredlir (bue vas no keeqppetot.for. Viau"le s&d butno. Tley wvue, no douirS, a isIw4 Witir tiere oltdethtie caauspg; but thmu vscutainly 11U1o entirualam or love of milWiter'epilits toi (theitu 1 sek. Tire Italiasuscbstnof ttie PEmparo brifge eut tis feling mi t~tgy Éiblicoplâneuenrerbut once inS-e 18511prmn ced ileit toldy, aiskq su>', aud effeerely,sand tii la eaiute vai vitir a Old. euenry id rance,la cause alulto tk-ladiae.i <saof ea mlllas>.PIopie, "aIa Imuspeet et creat iwg s <derAdlou,< veWe " B to tbbir Sentir t tirsAlps.Every dvIirsbau>ý (ien., vas té b. îeized'byeoue beld iu tlio. pwenoslt autumu, ezited1 tentation.TW ieots of tire Imp"rlabt p foUrr. l1Ui(o '"',tirs, is isee-il- have been <orudden byeî apeclal - circula ofIL Delaugle. Butali iresbeoseé auik In&, su- *. uand ewebeïCdteo nise tuai, esep e% -mai boud etf&&en. turer,tie virole Trench n ation Iolegaoute- 1>' bout on pos.. Tis 1ssfistottal t te ire eu cira,ansd motîre4aurkingto Eutrope., i 15 oiSte ir botter spirt iraSwcr ovr a race ldLlaeto 1ma& de m msd 1344100leas >'elong sucecs.ion etpeliticul Celamlties. Tiremm of "rl c av meiiiv. .4 devu mqs "14vls, 4nd sen tité fâsidW I>' ti. moitusaugunseotu bave - tured three mti ince to hop@ for the pséifiétlon MEuzwreas tire cOusqueuce e( e moral baugelie -(b#,Froucir piiele. Theo cuses etis -change lu the Frei peeefaniot iffleut te trie, rsir Miost not»blequaeity in, tir.esse witir vicir tire>' sdapttresesnya Mpa.1 suit, Tbir orkdonrPutrlhnmeu ilss. tem for yeaie,, sud eue lmoe tire Charnie pi Deputis vas, Worabulit>'Mdsud gue=o inutiew*ord, t tirival -él* ouiffl Ofo Cosnmons. Thre spilt vtir vilciour national ammumnt lbea booe lntiodactd eFrance tireugir erlginay uncone. nai $0 tire peeple, shows tire" versatillty otire minds and tete&. But tire rust isu ln tbir .babils eof ludusti>'. ui, aineu tire uaccson MfTLoais Piiiippe $0 9tir roue p.liFrench r commercial pros. perity beseldto have ceai lto bWiug. Betore thit 'ime alvas stagnation. Tire maritiMsd olozlug spiitof tire'old m "Aiir'Upua sdaan sd tire man- ufatrlng tad ug efthtie pisseut del in daà lastlfteou yssre bus becomlAm- e greater (ntir e ~ggisb &, sudeve utir a reuisaGovernuient, dconstant vinb vouiâ have cthed herln tire dej vould ba se vomdes<l (t vs <anhadi> gemlc(the.-Treyvould prob&Wyin l Ém oef ran ov,7MULO . AI-1 do,0 Lm Oevod, dûoi~b..... 8,ami Ls d'd .,..Y... 00;puL W$ di. 00....70, p.tw . mWe do d............. 730,a.ru, sud ~ ~ ~ 0 S.tkxdd , M in Gum, pi2, le». Attire Town 10*14, av.ry Moýuday uir4nt 'vy Ony Veulug, a4 the Town u , lise muonsmiLsl, Yietorw B»l~, r 'StrO0,4 MWrgTrrdylcoe i iioi1 1Orusue lmodgo, No.13M so.od ?uaddy ln r5V«yUàonI, CdtiWpWuE(*,BrS et SU'e SLodge NO.,' u.f geou& YMay uieve"y a0t4BUf3DDwwibi710 g No.31 0 l"ofBron and müatr m4,il o'idock, odc R p i EY. T. LWBY, (Ogplou a hrccornrofByron and BEY. J. If. BYENE. lanudMehodweS hnîs, roi4~ f litre ,u I. Strea, 10 » 6 od lok . Ma, sd 9. . TIOTOISY Wi,. MeCebe, Wiitbl. .,AprI& le. rW.i'le- 14".#to eomueoeeet 30, pilm TO OSSORIBERS. The tonnifor the. 5cmIWeeklywýiil b.20indvae4 or$8 go, 'a the M. nd tthe, year. 'The W.eldy cQrrnideWinl b. pubBàihhed lu (ure in adtoàao;$2.wMilb. cbarged wb.u payable otberwise Têtate lyre pl.oed in, masud ciuto rov, Whether ow1oa-h.lvoll- sy bimpoe'd, , rby .ont Md upruaumt oeh" "poue'âPl it b.arnlfrueI bL aueor rom whet.vercMMse 15proeftdý"e, r <e Wsuudeulbl&. Iew of Oerspeci@irc s&&. dlscor hsrdships aud misfotuoe ini Our Iy imAsine otiroedo D;ne i ne.O IDOrdln"fat. ihuu ot pusLde. 1cois va re ve eposeue ol addlirc dise uuderstssadl m ad w.#îeSud eeî "e a wel Tovn 'Of Whtby , e v amréit tir. T p fTir cronertro!TfntO, la taiuedlu tiretdomieu&. Th.ybaire ex-' The'Ulk Gewe ii,15 lsàe' doww k cited. in tiere ut to ftire cUlzenWQ et tii.vtir dwood snd v.udy t. procm Tovu, (~ullgt te grtmt indignation; ororikr, aud bave produoe4 ,M Pa ter.ptltoa 1s8temwreapk -l.Leq e * i .lgoe by ueulyIre burdsw ~teia4 d d, ealled bore on sturdsan sd P? sud i bclh ii r presew ot .tir. Bocw su on iigthi 1.edo mot eottala tire ligtt e tirt tre .gllsurevil gruttbepraer t, AM.oeiiO'iiids Là gr.a Tov, frst«iecase olg s o éld.a &rd'<i4 085taifGodomi terfree Irltirtire owu of Whitbyfl efn alsdw et~ would opeu ,thg te plir m&uasebotlipOiobe& d.Trlasuie" Wl lcgslsiouforeveyTou lC~uad ansd me~~g Tirerfgulernintr'meeting Mft' Houe on $âturda>' evenin& 2nd ist. Meams Lynde, Brown, Sprowle sud Pur, Absent-ML ýGordon. Tire inutes'of tire, liaitw(o mec vure î.d sud apprbve&d. Tire <IharngiopresoetLb. quart, report oM tir e mls, Sefnd l SunM Numir of<pupuls ois Boglter..222 Indigent do> do ...28 Averae ttndnc...... do cletduaell..1 JOUXv3w I 0MT COOL. Numie«R oBgista......... Indigent do ........ Âcave pattendance.. .....81 No report oM Auderoisn t Be c Tire Cbarmmàuenra 4altter froua E. crsen, Omet Oupiaeltend.mt Mof ua=ti uurdate oM 20th Mirobir, l4reY>'t T' communication frein tirew-,eTii. su-as pablotdetsteswe - l.tAil odcisi eidersor noes 'i e e' Cirema of the Bard, sbould lWe ttated b>' (meCorpoiete Os4i,"viraatire legmi PLM tuodeeofproceedng. fore md. The Boardet of0olTrasdom alousi are autÎIolzdte contract sud pa>' doit., dom sud theTown Tresurerihmsnolgt to ii p.>' eut scirool moue> vîit tsu 'order J (rom tire BOard. 1 rd, B>' tire Rclusug scton of dm Scbirool ofet1850, tiiTowVu ei! out faiisir. (aude as urerd b>' tic Board of Truste., entio re pepu, sd leel P eaiste tbe te-ard.&v 4tir Tiis point belug'àsubjt ofeta. Of0< qUtte, 15 Le iën tllud >'tir4 n.id rintaudent. Tirem ho cout mêoTIx bu publi.redauuel>, =sud4thÈ 1,erd lae net îesponslble $t eeuonelfor tire Mns. agemt ef 14 fonda, Tb@e8upsvlU"mdet closs*Ithllgremrk "Ilktis irovea toibe borne l in I, tiret ti»reofo j ScironolTrut aieu utrorlzd te give cirqus upoa-tire Town Treesuier for eiool-meneyo, Wltitiravlng proieu*y AI laid hetoetire coucil an estma te eof'"the u MM uorsuswhc tt, yuil bave te prend j< lu tire courseof ti.pa. z o Teiretelelng-scconta ver.ordeied t be p&14-. qartrSalrY.SOmt.. 120 0 " Me'Wodheuse 86 00 ~ E r BOPPe«. . 50 " " Mmes Hike>',. *2ý50 mm " " » eookson a 66, vi lire.Suikb imi eng John s 1&t do'Heny~de ~.. 9 00 do jtOjýýmI a due. Une& tirc1 eaJ t~ "s,..ha etns ~seio.. Twclfd t>' Boa ~ockney cuapen suminci n.~¶'~Loe' -theu et eds-, ,r .1 W t.e cone / o ta" Trc, tirs Th. timeof Mr. MeGe. vawu ork oai-baý lie desired Le retura b>' Lie nine dock, pr~trin Le bT*&ont e r ue evening, -lu eider to be inbis i.sà'wai o eoblige& toimale tire lectisro Lr. e~eh citer'm tieanho therwie ouiL bave yséL.î Nt ee expreesed irisderegretthsLb.vji. TheMerry-: W !d Urged k to e o tir.ut>' <of ~ nnrots 6e' euiL deose te autppi't ir.pl i@ rcfe"y sua 'Irose graute b>' <itriÇg a,, the. 8CWITO4-tIi"'nd àin tiripower for th. purpm, !wu witdn ai ii voths>' beturer mjue viý e Quum labt, M iris " smsd. e>'."tire auggeator itnia>' bave ouru~ Ir corespondent Omlme teoSri." me Wbitby sua" Omtarte Estive>'..fe r mneed 1froin te * IWSY, .-- .. eof epic. sud silk, d oblelrm s o dal4r e. tir eit oti o«.eeE urn! eogmti> ezresceit, "thé srs oba fimo i. lu sh rt nal>' gony.Who,-grm 1 stonisiinP'clànptudbiect u tri1s, must tiras "S"ftireOb. 'prepairesto f4epm stent for ibis exordnary dsv-ofte.sri 66 Wisb, r bLa, "arenbtm e iide e acias. é1,»"nn L1.I - f i -K

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