Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1859, p. 3

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!bepue"dat, !.qu., i e* ealtae QIiu4ga*eremet PrIasa¶as b i usdut ie mate by eranOve,, Mnd *" 11. bid bu seotroubW &bout the. 4prsai me thâh aled net iept a bit .Méi te d'.lme@o! lb. -1eperauen.Is * apped to e b.Mucl faieed durlng the. -ffpt, sud fraqusutly sbed tuieu rey SOn Thursday, 1" o f Apritleu85, l ka town lu Coupany vitb Jobn Mooresand v»- bort Oves-,about butt.pat Sedl" envat '4p*t.utise nflvay Irerla;valkad *lonig 'oer isesami, tiltwvssoitote .paris .Md; preeedans gpwe t sfrot tell, Ope*mtnoO d màtacit A;Orer f&Ju«1wssaan Iasavr.dba ,Ie;bu s&igelash4me If 1ould bede. oaded open ; 1 old him 1could; hothon, '4ëlsto mee viatbu.wvaSegig ted; b.osaid thé mail crameug tbsie evury ftIjaa0at 10 or Il wodee, lu thé . e rof se anad It vas Ahebast'strlks va ~eudnake I~.Ad . i Ii sv as e ý6osi *0W4Imalte the .j~asnp t ehé vsggen, or 1 I vIl " iss'bm umble "b sid flas eay; Aida dod thilng (poinu te tisa gun) neyer lies; smuld4 eIgood0od, de't shoot theinu; IM10ildtv*» tlbuat plau, fer dsad -imn iteS no ta«as; Moo ere tid Wsla e cas spmw m au's lté, fortbers *Tere bseofet os utdAve must be poor mon If vs eau, ,», u"e b i. give ,op tLeboph witbomst1 uhllliog bio ; Ovf e A sein,> If bd se s 15 v.ane id; I9 1msde amver bat Ivouldrdhs< tuai b. rdik it <hm kuov <~gp.pai~bosuasmorder ucnver b. bld ; Mooe saffd.4 verdi t tue #une vffetOr ithon suid bat he voui ol llbnbut tbat vs venuld me liecoais:- ,.pas 1 4 agal Abt 1 voold n o1e~urf b.Iog fmud ont <rom iAirns 11W ; t au 14 ot wlsb the muanto 1e klh wu;ve vlkad *long then isatil vu -blsaid lis buggy couing; (lier polutsd mouer'atWlooa11wusplud, on tualoft .iiitro poing p nthe dge ft; t'F s;OVe-vasWU nlb. gully ou tise rlght fw, urbsa ou ban Moore , lb. vaggon «»eup ; Moore wvas lylg dvn ; I1vas s"auIng;I 1sxpeew esr te su eI b *relue oZgiibore,sud dsmsnd i,. te stop; ùt #9 d no -,bsfl#nt lng vu tbe ri. #W rtctoiusbarreofl e! bgun ln Abs band o.(,4»sin laboue fire ocondsh1 rd the secod brai, -, the horsa, ln tb. uaau ime > esgingoc; Ijuapsdorth.f.iosed yua *bout fearoda buclaof Mr, Goed' ÀiLon tue rigbt# ft s! leeadsi g o p ; I Uougbt tbatif 1 dd Mreluru iscit Ovîr ould shoot me'-fer <fur thâtîv ould ip1upl nthlulf fond ont; vhs. 1 4eme bock over seid 1 Vas a smut MMn ZsdIbtoughl you proals 100t e *« v~.Iooboot tl u1 bu5#Mti$s "cuso»V' ma& lA la »neiclust llk -bd Va - 11*lni tbo hersedown Wvlt teua inuhé asonaw, just mas li a as lssdins lt tbe tell one;e lad Abrasoomc i aêt or tu (w (e,«e-tbu w 14 hlmgo ju& jtma ued ctote mb. an sd con- i ju1id erclalug bis po"kt; vheà I asvrtai torued mp-b' nd sud iLto isuysslf Ah.mon vie*cando Ah!. m do *U$lun; 1took bold ttvo bop, m#oi mou MOve* ont, villa thguâ,1, e weut 0r wltb tue bop tote b* ou-dmansd ý',ppeà thons open villa aàmnImé((lii) * q4hep.teo sn tue 0aeatslalug <Srom 1 iltue rnon.y veufed ; bsd 001 14!ë viet aandiunavlau lade Oyo ies ewu reonuol roottbwreboy oât vsoier " fpe *o@ors t as ýh.etbermodobe bo f, auýte goIMore sud euffopsued UoumfU1 MM 9 ,WUfft- M as&", bOI vUtlOveramd Meersumilgt to tb. do« of MI btuseAh e & strok twellve ',1 nosier baLbeaad il wd tr erernore, is(.re bat fight~, 0< muy Intenltion t. rob th"I'.malOve? promls. <sltfilly net te kilt be msn; sMd fMoffe urged h ise moot te do iw; bidî1 eugist: ho vould,I1 vouldbav. .rgued,1 air bs shle.#barrelled gpn at Oveo'sbouseonu Thuredy nlght, vbea- va 4ot Over lai t up la tbe -elft;-1I1haie nw ýo tbe Hsvlaig bnsai ret îrad ove, te me, I ubaoelbe my usme t. th uentas bdi geme laisvery partlcUlar.' Shsskint Mashrs inAu Mts À terrible, tragedy vas .naCW teh.# Tewn ofLe., la Main., ou Wednasdsy, the. 8LII listant . t h.evenig of bt day a boue,omeed by Mia. Itaunab Potter, sud barero busesesOliver, Mloand&r snd Msrsbsl PotLer, a&M a grandsen, Albat Potter, was enxanud by fire MI Lee Ou. ofth ti. o, Marai, pretendedto bse esaped hem Abs burinaigbuilding by jumoping hem n a àttlc vldew; at euy rate sfte, Aise roof and sidés bad <lîs ln, be siarm.d tii. uiest n.!ghbor, 1Mr., Ian. memr, Wbo eeuad vid i. to tiefidm, Mfter b. bsdosenwhat subaded,oserais ef tise half.eaimmhedlo . versdhseve- cd, on s..hag vhlib the - çcap.d momb.v of(tbs %amly raoff tAuexmhatlen of the bedesshoed h.,. to bava reeoel serious braises abo ut tehs ud, aneul-c dors, suf'd a Warrat vpisuel*rimars *Irs mrrat.IS vasucaptured ln et. Stopbea, R J, and brougbt ba& À Corone's Iaist wss bld tapon tbe be. dies, st vhlch h prlsoner made a ful coufffeiou of bAl wtl -crime of bavligs murdereul tii. holo boasehold, auditer. vardaseut flrarto the building, The lus tra. usant ased VAS a ahingls maul, vlth vblii bs daspstoead bis brothersand uapbev wiiite tbsy vue salep, sud befoe bi metiier, vie vs ab"t tisa bouse, ceuld corn to tbieliassistance, Wba.a bs dld se, ho kilisdber gise; thon Ioof& vbat money of bers be could Sund, snuttset b bousou lire.The cause ef tbe. moder appearste have been a loug.tUndiug qai roi itveu bs murd.eraujid bs mombara o!ý tua >&Mll#, sud ais te Jay bauds ou about $M800 vhleishknev te bailntlie house. Wbul. maklng bis conesIon, es- peeially vb4inspeaking othbis mothor, vie1 vais ear l ayyosra old, tisa muidwue shed tomis sd emed do.ply AfeetaLbut, jat be vastaa te $1 b. sppeeed quit. ludiuleraut about bis sitution. ,Tbs eiminalbisuit Io rty.bvera m fet sga Tm i tWaklV Chroaler., CQTZMPORARY NoTICE. Tum " u r luiw& - Aîouopgt4lbeMay oigme tliattbe pub. n~e mànd et Upper Cà"ie .tuaiig lit tb. igbt cliunel, veaumglud té perevth"êthe 4odmudo oftbseroad- lo, eiaeqet*y thiketbe people qfU.intyof OWSIsé~4 jouisiavoeatlaa$ eend cnstttion- tluellelbn as ted e htri. wwkIY,-IUlid'o! wWky, m formner- l)leauaof tlW. 40hddd'We boarti- oms$1~.o6f k w b bhoul eê.r commouie.d'a tisair toiru that cmild se muaIt cSue. te befr boe- fit me #Wb *jour"ialmathe uenk.welr Chlmo, nud'tlwy sheu'd guvet t AbtWS «ago,«pr riehl&ýitAOjustly nito .;lutem g setlwa. arebnmt b.. nefitlng hemsovar-,= g am an qulywi$lu Aie toiaof mencsd a Semi-Weekly Issu. Tne sude vaare pleasedteoneteAic e r duneetf luProspority. (Trou tRIse ar"fodvue,) is in sene A, besswi th u ,eaté .:Wa é. -lui 'eut baheL 87 25 Fem Thé q)"' eLpropritors cd the WbhbychrkroWenov publlah a semk ly h1editiou, Thers coetalnly ~, W rthW 1h5r nmisl'uohwoei$ bard time. suare nov sxperienced by alostvsrybody.ý (Prom tb. Uisteso Obnier.) 'Th Ti.frot oofo a Seml-Weeklyf WN(iby C1Onf4kkvu sued on Tuesdy--lut Tii. sheet la Mf goodl im o @ anexcellent seloction et, ;7àng ati, adboth >,t porabl cally Mud othcrwzs.*as aCred itabl journal, Tihe omiweekly furulahes anéother Instance of lb. nterprise of Mms RiUginaà; Moyerhofbr, on wliomiêteeTs: igli crdit,,botb sM publlsorsansd nojoùarnlwols The Whiiby Glu'onWeba c mouoed te Issue a sle tvicp a weeli. Tisa»M* Crfi: l a daervlug papejr, and buasour butvishes in Its »o o- have' recovedAbsh ifia t umber of the Seiwcekly Chronide, publisbod at Wbitbyl, C. W.- 15 la a double-dcmi SbO0 noiy t ýup, sud ,renomt shoot, on It>p&irid propretors. The WeeJèZy ChYM "f àelapnbled us uéua1 Wee ortly vialbotli every (Fr=m Lb. Nipsue. St$";rd,) The Wbltby " Chronicle"!o noir lW oued! semi-weekly, sud th. weldy di. tion laiselokcpt up. TbIi»spealcS eil for die supprt recevet! by that rel conductipopaper. We wmu the en- terprisug proprietora thea sucSu tbey menit. Ton Winm"CHgoao1wLE-Notý vlthutandung the "bord trne," the entrplslg ubinhereof t6,ao 0 number of the &ml4eddyOhonel m lddiio to theowekly. Thea Clro- nicleetanda hilgh anong thco nnnaleof "ui country$, sond in pVofTIUM, inde- pendent in ton e, takuug aoclearand ué. pjudhcedview cf il11questioùs wbich àfec the gooa of theo country. ;ýW. hope they May bcoably supportéd in their nev undertakin. (Prom the Outsro T"'as) Tho > &me Vaky qwonzecones tobond verynoearcy prînted. It con. tains iwenty-ight comue of motter, Inclndrng sd'vcrtsmenta. .And. m ther ig plenty of room in Abla Couu» for tire Whitby pap erehve ino heaittin fa opw3 Abat the Semi- Weekly May proveoesefudL (Prom the VLtoria JLcrsld.) We are qWto be onabled to re- cord the opirited enter»ieod the pro- Zritort et the Wbîtby Olz7o;dcZe wo are 130w lsmng a semlweekly lave before us the trot issueof - the serni-Weeklywhieh la very ereditable th the Couuty ofCOtario, (Prom tIiiNorfolk emuigor.) The Whtby kûnfete Ie noir pnb tCha theul eeky. W. oeMUA (Prom b. port no"eGid. Wb ltyiror4cl lafisw0tb01Whv d se I-ky. Tiepapr b eesi oodute wtbabllly *omtom-~ meeenntsd ie are ga ~ e suhe eeuament s te warranthAle (Prmi#h o t Une AMWa,) The whitbiy O4fmid, nz.fl ond vwe u«td pap.rla 9u1Wpub- llsli.d aernlweeldy, BALLAD-BEIT.-At Wbltby, OU Monda. Lb. lSLh hast,. by be ev. J T. CAVTZON. ilonn&,m MU wowb" bot st..r. istvern, M(h" thoeis',Ab >~ ~ ownektp <5Tr&' OJTAEIO TUgrF CiRü-. mWai.sdsy 4u Mai Ti.LQUnth", to be r Usa ewll b.e àt h@ pgt Itmport-! mua, mà sil <u mo fth& a L.Ssr.hldiro lm, Mil lbApm l28,18luttd * ASIGNEÈ',S SALE TOWN LO1s ILD LA?'*iD Yrlay, W 01utof iuly #ui Tise <lwevinqiulaEa aI, a ltL TissA sa# ipo r W r ing lIIIkueva-astis 0 ENIrRE, MfL.Là$, fiitoum theiawewtIUTOVaIsii <W (01 c pola ,n ss Sto od ers, a,.iitJly nezk vhen pa"m seaa ba in, " lba itr lbrusad,stadé ol La.ed e tse iiila a bdsouass iax. lnia Stis "c J.eos !Il rvilhwvil.g "à dvitiithe Mli or "ePonté ltesilt pur, NO TTA WASÂGA.9, nerf* acecnIdoaljprovead, atituate lai, 00 eis-00 er. mprorsd a u, bu 110 RICK lU , ous fumn oue, Ave ouas., Md amOrebard. rjonte b. essiy diridefti o etis. This. pafoprty oflrgo uua ùuesal eps sa»sououuiy vl i» asrqufl e4 ov Como4ioii weln Hu. lm-ouIVdW lidf oftboUeVA»knevL si et b 1n*lsrsdrci opo itesi r Ol o!M 1se Oeashbeil, *nd aheold.tu bosSk 'son sese tand ln tis EILLiG0.9 f BR00.TUiÏZ 7to» ueAor, nom fessebsosport e tu 4th Ou lkvig fode Mae sd ii t VZ1~5< ON"t FRIPA! loe WIJY p i -mg$ 91P Beotoï................... dé ts,(01 esl.). ....... (,os iMs Z soJ* 1 .... 1........ 51 déoid. . . . . . . . .. . . 1 0 dé 64 dobl6sl6)......6 luC imErg.. .. ............ le CREET, TO1UONT0. 1 id id UwefCo er a . ....... o 7, ùù4 e 66 6id e!t à im Rnmnslled S. d ierde 50 0aloct, t b. see.bered thsA theab~oi sA, eonïpubin, a~tA Ouiupie. Artiele., amroaaustr.et the Provincial Pent..tiaryp Kingsof and t iÎ m80Wweil ks.wa Ath"snob m.sauot4A s er re .mytbist Of Ae ie 1, madu la Claa WiN. »#-Tis aboisaare oIl~Ao aaf.ue'Pi.. Toronto. ,,l.10.d 11yuvassBEST poprcsGrogede, et isaVery CIIEÂPET pil es., t i ls t olcoss plod by seti~ ~ ~ ~ ~~k te trsto sesi.Nne4 elAseaboieoku2eva ooeil se rZ n thati. ismulatsly madegeîpaiodass «a«eteveek o visiis ie prpard 10sal etthélov ek o ranrslg pries.. ao»a vcll.aseorted aStk "~nak aieendlgit pofla,"lhOiamotte of téT.,.MMILX P. .-ii.bilssA ria pisifo Bute, Egs su Cs ELe norNie b.4drs.-tei J.onre 4* endl'arr amkBok. a»StecWsLy W'lsltby, Pe1u. 2,1859. O &I 1e laBkBk rok66t hty ~ WHTBYPOST 010E. $TO *OL XR )TIOS, .A..ser ,Unnu hebiW<.due 0*Uic Mont«à ubmitb.d, asirai on lb. PIEST ('PiÂT. The notes et portlathen lis dofsnlt, ili bai andail er f«ceecton wkth- ont <flar ntie. Býyod, W MsHOINS, THE PETERBOROLYGK REYIEW FRID:AY MORNINO' AtOsDoilàper un,pyble lna diahle bat dlord%%#I» l 91#Oleaslssrg 'mi ordom".u,.Iv.aS Li. be lUbeu, Win b. pnncLOaJy s.D&d te. T.kLWHITE, otbllre, u ireAhlbe o n oie !bous ac, l db f. nin~ Tof oo! i» epen outserb CoAlinML!- Teai vol ausec son 0 ItU. »iý,eâAAamu :thdia &ItitANGENXIVTe Voit 1859. TNTILfardiser "laic, Magle vili b. closed M4 sddue 1er delvery nt t Liii.0"c. aol- Do" U Mals polsaa But ilz'-Ouli, s1mv unwle, NevoastleClark, ElugetoisMd i 1ort lLup,nsdotier cotreapmding clice, aio]mseh vofillig Pfl'e<0. olno hastlu. cludiug asl liimoutise ,West ào! Xngslou, ai Lettons for laMoca, insiplaces Xstofig.9 sieon re i ou cpatcsed byLb.e algist mail ge- inge' test, ai Op. su SUp mallgoiug Waat,.Incluinlu Dnnbertoss Pickering, oronto sud ail places Wct!To routo, sluéte .t J.E. 1B. trïvelling l1,0 OMM gofing Woet, losoî st 2e. um., sud lit SP. sMs Due for doiivery hère nt 10 a.m., ndst 7 e.m, 'ite* Mollso«r ikefilag 'sud Dubsatou are only mnsladyti tia inng tralu golng Wcet. North, Miai* baâve dlY £aWthtie arrivai o! tIse tra nftom.Trono, foi Brookilu, Manusc- toi, p-Por i asy moui, Llasay, minille, DBu- IVerosPot ovar, AsbnrnEpsomUstiSc sudu librle" Ai isrlthace of.uage' Maearca io aeio p ntesitinieloo, Aud- 'lcy, Broaigim 11soGrccnod ud Nias- w m on Tuaday, itlsursda sud Maoloare due for delivés rom**tises. eu0", ",(ULISAI MAILS.-Fom tise lot of April. 18O 'a clelttai f«o rt rtainaflustIVepri. Wiq bypostaïf .temp ,54b Lou9fnsR ltedi Aq.*«41 t ZZd L a ler .eeiý»op . -M enMIoutl chuarg e Iw srUuiaJMo'< I e mus W psojetes, é y; 190ny pis..l eU. tYitai "tes (potge Idt pMlso>d 110094> as.l;n aedct(~ -Mursad post op -ie to m » ntb i&îuim Eyb. pr lb terli #d-m ie q. Ji 66 dé'6 ]PO"tMaster §11C. IW. ue" Nwp bel anda. ;i " Tomsss~'orthelsspa1butak Bi-u TWr isaul l >UEr t'll . rra !, t lxit pael ie rvince oa erane Tise uberlptJos o i a l,- Pm T1Adu ADAO RATE E 0FAM.KTsIG 66 ti , itul ",MS n in er tn.sl u te Abv -PbticsUqtrioswedla"n.iad ev.e The Coiesi mo Averlsceuie 25<cus pria. l dOTh B arrlicrs BukewI4sdàtApntes %r-, Csnsiso clorFrcbnîs,>socue, .Lchae., Atvo n J. eccis on. Dorlla nse,.,olis 'd AorilssoIts lion IW Orannerio, esr, li-Asrte a out« ld .na Ieg usA tr tissizi ilo ,wàïttooll Do C ltrad ud addra'.s<. Tise hesu d i Pubulehesifor tb.di'îoprluy lt,.aid Uttbe w Vl toria Duld)àgr, ýJ yo r.Ari hye aeio0sntyIStb Maraisu S Ts$1nite Caadfam Bai Esttue and IIINTrS 70ideta iARdile=or.lit 'AVClcredPans W iyni.auto ImDo ionvthe te bay lc atta ethe Itizan reyo lu t !Moiiolvddoro: o,,.!YtfI11M rs6 vsnt trmtlil o «yenvztobp ûy vaut e Metgsgî Deen vnt teay ril en ret, inftuar, fd<uc ur tine #~ I J15r1v. ow M uib yen oa Yeu W- Of - 1 -

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