Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1859, p. 2

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i aining teovotlo a.Whils à tb.Towlit M JmrMoudy msu&s t*ku ~ a. but à~ Dmu<Oiig on l9w Tldofa, loed,040-tbW,4 £ amava k a t t u O I 4 s otd io u p h DkS, D y àW4 O W Wblo Âutri m*prmaot t folIeup «stelr7Mu. voa< u ela00 oftbsel PauWun pld aiâ &dAf unm yan l i b* 5OOJ1ýutrmgNUmIUWo0gom Ir«» 0".y oul eloUg bu, dofonsv*W t tý o*__ Lnnb««#Ourtmlm#lprkain gw me « *la st a asu.(roma Lb. posit o f b« «.«,o no"t, Or*uu UM.M, -« ovMyu wuL alf.W owu i brook t go, se,.swslt lt.ef&tors abo4ký t lust& Ia sv. a d. et his mmen.t no, m, » 4ýi d in ««I lomm, Ad int«-hiw. vope IDfrU< op~# 9«o41,Po«WIWtby. .4otosuad boliUeaIamioie "oua b.Tc ofo . wJI, Ob*pbu se ami-4 31 $osr~ lm .oboozouzportion of tise< ueoe,,ffow Lb <e. n m,, tbat 'bel1r mbareIvoyes, il o'doefg *.i»r& 400WflMup. n. <ÀJor- bhq $«Wie Jd , havloÈ ndus edo' bup.u,'urdobtgfly, noir and 4 _9 tbon; 40,00 sues béve bosteg200,M LIv. 1,pZNlAI. tasanmt tesir# bîsi. oule"c t.fl bt b. ne mnmde nt etasoeon -FM e" téCh i, NUlis*ho'Inoituta, b ,Imau fOgr te b. sb.Tetetlou ntob osd tow theL. enlo 8rTsd ayru, lVMeekporion. «MM t4c sud luLa P*" Dc sud m n« O WETm , da çw aU0 4I OT as udl IL 1QUng.ti11 Ch*nsaJ~o SOMal i., Imycrel would b. 'mt clte suggt u$àrdiun '"' l~5OD adry won 5aui, or hisdn bord bu ewn for s week #pinotthe. EV LT. MYRNL (7o0#aUtimonsaU legklusateil ti bouabout te bU lot lomoe pco ber, Tb@dI. W jg*MotlISLaes, 1 30 06 .,,tMo rosd te u o Itilb TItLbI muit b. omopIad, lUsgh probab. Unîta4. VtoiwW&o_. t1s.,., Me.Isukmust Il not beld,, Tb.powero(ho ePiudmmtou t itn¼ S e, 0odOCI4, .M., 0 raote, sin. Us.e asiga lu whl monarcby VIII b b tu#>In tbe (,w (s EV .BTîtoïlgT0. cent ae=&pointsan sd Wh" 'nase wbieb Sordinls cestisan >d Lb. CY7 vPA#do ptrâw voeao, s rn naeialt 'bécoûu. a bellig virr. I if me 00ved utmae EM'P.rorvuasresowvd OP"n var, sMud aie WMa001y beins kep$fasting ndesr M suit a*. cénvieo ot'ds. becEmperor evoiwbdelbr; ii àsb, moreoou, fi wf JUS st tuis momou4 vienbar promptit bu ha.gien ber th. choieS otau offmosl vop llay. te uns.tii..reaooaiil* erattio vblc e I tiiit r 0 anIty and ti public opinion. ef EUTop. rrolm a tienIL iii!,. d"ifit o »Y th" #ho oe>tiroly vroug in bavlng seugbt te proc pitat. aa ridûuIn Wb"clab#uiova beIt« te dalis, But if tuisa s ortrwrdog iotan aggrealvoeos d dlant pollcy Auatris seekgat enter$aerdlulaas Lb. iun .4 spostlo of absolut"snasd oUrs-mao tauopriestcrart; irftsobu a laiop.up«hu1 venrd, milalou ed bissdn& tii.bodeus o eoeing Lb. mmndâ and eonsciencoAI bumiu beisg.bora luInaly, thon tii tu of h n vrg boanbth aI tWe coni Ibis var viii bu.no uslmportont- iLm f tl»,guet iidlatitwbU> ii lb. prou ulUuM# t.otndmioahwo byobr préci pitangy dmue tath.e epeorrof tIse Irand "bisgres tomod, Wboroas, tire. yen aMo, a411Bgo"olooW.dupoln s aon lm piai robbur, mkao.éeesleu te lat loom bis prepare. armins upo a poao louin n.lglbeuOr, tb. vorld viii sM.ilistus a s don atart sud in Lb. bs.tyau nsuad) ppratiou.09 apeloon lit, Mse re douce. Lbsa a*all bis rnenuosb. b.d noi inton4d o eprooethe.-cembat wbieb Tu. queuts o s nte o,ýnsiwg , h #ver, fa met beyr AusLris atm&d, or Atvhat pues Francs lisonsor aren bey oSm Sardmns nlaw'b. oirsrr.unbut, ebat la t16 poottimon sd poliq eof Englaud, Lord Derby bueaa44 eba-" If var, breaksout wbaMtaor bu the. cosusqaonc, Our noutrii ty, as Ièg asit My lait, soit, te so tain eztout, b. su arm.d u.utuality, "nblng s t. fOur put osnisaI i&da ,wbattru Stuas.y bo, wÏblsi ti.be.se, iii Tba ordg, eouplo 1vitb otisra b«Oing spoe Lb. opatlou .1 Lb.ab«of tM b. M*,IUo, s.o o tes su.ey ambignoms intimation Usat of Wtu toUn 4, mýud- ing var ; abudd r"elitroopos imo Lbrd.Vaw.tassZ9100mr, Esln ,wouldppw ras à eombrsti. tbe.sa4e. W. vtsre oteo umout aup ote .word lu à as 0<em s Naoe. 30et t ti .v.t âappmosoepr*o ansd its pro- adfisg eirsssataosb aim tcrwan, v#l -thin i itri5bt tIto ate 0 osrotet« B "iI5 $94 US Zuad oltiior fry Mi seo r msaorgurate, o drevwiuiumte bls parr Msiaujal qi.. rde Mr« Uuly vsare eto#ugtecommit geor agoïnL. anltconmittad by Our * au oblgatins le st for owralsor ot M ii to sd il'. ai. ai.If certain promise.tecertàa iprties c t a c e t i n C ty l n l b . 0 1 4 C o un t r y du Cneyer b.-More stsaenhylihdthli in bavre bou Ule pleage or àprolopt Oume 00 truquendy heM eut te tb. long sufferin 'consditions (or. anal liquidation) b. mas "i te tuaI or Lhé very attaisuateai lad #k udslMboritv rnd osme jec Dotain ld v, sud vbos. kk a&ar" a' suit#truckit etsixteas tiosu.ini vain sm nti rain lutalpus.4 'Min b. d'rd dit#r14 cms.vu strosigi anpect UssLfo liL me i lusmt poi-ini cash Uey muaI Ib bh au tuncetssavîuîopoe"Mnoviiî f4re wItih tisa dedal felwýersof tUs poat 1cbhiaimna bsy soedly re et riev Aisérevis. tisoir pesiqlesse.wu tel a 9me (rsnklat iu.#Wb of t uesAd * f»Ar. by Us.lr botter tact sudjusdgmonr b) tefrln ily ceshtlos or olisarvIo#,,s part etfs«».future Msalqet, Is ulea tuoy ade tbte mnture te vlb o #peins thq«ise vlluder ior praostlrnra«i bi. analoror-beal s u r, ba usil fittal for Charos ery vltos mais astdu price 01 "atlary inutuor bnsia POiU& .As Fadal> nid of "@*l,t- sa f«o tblue red &A(u tboy vue dual o It may b. tt u wran Gita alesfrssà 'M. test (s so e titm Usskl) amte 'q" quston Otfeng.rity vitu L)iitnet shit typ a miee DUsts l.y hbuo ae ,ome tmosg ive- suspoët ffards sud sletprusot pret.rsss.u t> toeliogluuser.sten>. Ib.raseof iss estise "reuoswmlrasW t b. £«Or Causa Cll tSec ,tia Usaearela "Mpon it asdappoaIe olvilosger towa.but àuia -M!s saara 119 bis 1 asss-uueaI.nfp. #Iahiydlre b'tttego et' 0«ri mm"s se lse aou- eere.esd nos1. et Whktbyp, Te*dy, 'Isy e19,18 The o rn for the. som-Weeldy wifl bu 2 0, n dmd o, o sa 6, nt dieMd ( h# mr biWeeldy, chronfdkillL 'b. ' pmtsiaow M, tuturus ln advance 2 vi bare whes psysble otberwise. tW>1Wn51f« ggg souecamr onok plint 'lbavesban toopow-pr. mit i6llng tbaos-lsobaos t re4fresadot-uo huprocise A t)w chsd ien tua Sau.ldi& iin" i nto ntsr Sti t h*ll tho in oelO. l-ous lb.ydeyvsyeWo n t tie fo tlo nUmudr anoIr avbl eldtr or tihr bomt.to.T 1AI lb. Optag Pair Iat.ly bei! ta ;t&Wbfidnd net even b. "fou f herses sovss0 t Ue (Mr, Tho (airla people vae uibi. te procure saluni MWa of ulctualsfor Ib#Mavusý, oradut or vaU ,for Usais r anor caIlla.M dt ùb. pu rtis ueobligeai l te ,tl borm .te Emapton assa olswlene, a msyte rrstàýe O0"v1$nalW bly aldochtng tfsalrtentje0n«vuspin bae ducod toge teaE0vomsssviflpbg'n mot b. anlbing but agrsosbls te d peoplOfetBovmsnvl-ht. l ia iilot stat.O et Linp et, s. t ct " ross" tuaI tua liqr trafcla sot« doeree d la tho daiilog st 0 aill "ouo.Thoe ai tillorylu vn aaville bslu nfull bIs tuasilg oatbsssdredeotburelaof wluf.l ,Wbleb are seld suddrink byvIsmolso t"u Ue-dltta 'On lia (alr.dayc«0 vmr twsraao lulolbgirseand ePm Lon tua f<aIronui aa" ovey oo.'Ised" hiuseeiL Tha paepk -tf Bewmuva a b e n d l a k e b e m u o l u sl 'ts e lsh v - esle tbulr ile.t sd is. sans etualr T ova le sauge Usobi à< sw <Ou'usng' bypomisaw coflueva AmaI e<Tbsraalaje aeb.à lu ois.taie poel b. lubabt -etba Westaripat t ue T*aslslp luslaUe dwroti«on t m ltLâku 1<., du.ppmore#""maïuyr om dit ls4ttisse, Nol bdousiug to il, lusses. 0£vs ur% i mris cSlo eards tve fin&idssalare.ldingMe Use Lai te ual (r a"d oaw 3simu sortb vrandt svas eblslnai, anal t1e 0<b.ug ba dva <uu o mmt uatb Tow1'tantotck te lb ol m-a. fr- &0"& Cy m mort __Y Wlbsiteo sPMII bMoeoSte our tom, TTlfrriffl volks. to .conder thetot nIêw,tsy or Attention, pm1lcary oniss«itu*mdoor dieb &sdls Comitw 0n 5 n 0 ' DKeMM. fil roqured te b. in, y w onu s t s » 4su lojrov onsosa, U Wi goris t e U d-- 405thst la sgrm t oes dw ti os alto- bf.kstpproveslly tise O<lait ~thm ueIrd, #me :but & ailtaIlare4nfred sud'i~uo osutedisedal Is en inetii.mu, 1la sMWou eergstic aud eter- any ti O t* Wtff fr wm g & prislsg lndldal.te takebolalofet Itanald ulia.~ ~cealdraio 01 tii. reporlaso t w UOI iii MdOOl t *54 1551thOe-, tii. ey a ubiilg0Qs rtelais is the Tovn, 1010 à" C.4 PUèjlowet tbe fo lb. puipeaeoef selisug sud oassing te amm vietli iboll.vod uiiet ue, ohes. caIel" la . tustaImmBof o ur edis ilou 440Y md &V fiat fuai"village. l 'u "the L. Ysem bai nde. Capta lè e.repliedubal 4eeonidered ioos adoted, ana l raly spmwklg, thse PI tue aimaIsflmo er tise pre.oîyaar 1Pain areavil att.dhd and a gret Dam. d -.1 Ieotas mub au iii. Tovn cld aï, 'ber of <aIde, are 50diopoiof ette b the ford to .xpoud for ou- 0 7<ar. . th#but adrstsg; sud vhiy ne the Tovnt rinit Céo itî«. u d unalr conerjation té <ofW itby hie its Quad rr ails? It ralsng of à bas, on 20 ymaucrditlfor an mcoinly #fo dh acommodtion, more amn, Oic, eomnt a onî to-ro par Us. streetapr. pIc sund confenlent tusu usmi Villa tise usasseotly; bt *tW idpendteg pen t"ltwitii sot moe i tslvos, store. sud >1ng plu#anl.prment yuar,,wouldthrovâmbrnblacmitmlisbop, vblalfou la s aOmso k o r b a c k 't e e f nti r lum nlb.a s s t e a o p î ii w bo u t I o f v" c h i o d Q a t e ly P a i r 41W the luspOV.uoutano v aiselut@o di , Tb@ mode . of traeiling loir p arti. Ding ' ~ee mditey eoay tbm d. Ti p et -distance rom si ItbY i9.oertany b. 11f propriston v. sallnddfrl. pro s die.4 lsspet sd m e o us veoi't m Dsot Ym ,, ad i i lb. m au aW ord o yop. a 7 tber, P art - i vin5 gi u t s. tia s' 7, ti po te, m weo f- (al ce mo.tredélA"sud et sm ir ms. 4 ud 13 O, 0 y M « di - ,jvtbè I," pdioý ý'be Godoreb re visa gý4 ours tgrral 0< bis Tow n b aUW y t tg - W tby,, L Imv 'cme the .l Io eudom lS. i I eA" M105.Da.iytii&& .MLbr"Wy mior aoi=bosýý b is t ii. C om m ktt ea vosld n et w rcm tie 550 0< t as. " b @ mlh. o t tj dl u su d as. la«e ovulb. mena eftlyu, bpte td tmdlg ta Ys,'10Wmtby7 'Onte,4uOm otbeapropisü onlaol bave» etor adivantagu evr tiose0 '~ ts e ntio.0 a. îirirltoi bsak l ueotry. MItes puralss.gls. ~ tb.Contr W.r4vosld noab.e em-poid e jpod s&daY or ,Ib.Mcosetd" <ooin OD0.ain voOn tise Mod driisin pantin5 -<aftfr C thedu arnousut (rom $1#'W te M n O w b. t1ggtheis.dottud uudor sacoreing A gronsd tuaï: du. Contre Ward ruuired . on ny aip ti ai rt us.etc'cu"or mbu ir halat, nltir.u, sm. L. piegl. u 0 routy.pbe rs~ iote aa. u 'oI4 <loste ni bne roua l* st>o a 0'Dinpattemtadtb,oyuad old z lb. d oeil,$10leta for lu mlduwlu.m ttui t wu. geatrau »d *uo,MU' 49 P-r e rnouwla am N ort War 4 m 1-1 taa , g ust e tt um f tise Nordh, sla" MMWarda, travewIn.leal fa-tuaWinte oo, t. tlb. trýWdt" im h#Ct* tr>yU twoold equofyb.»m ue" o&p XR id is Wersnbhpoetud M. M* iiellvingigltuMasstry goruly bars J>sM. of thfho ubUit.t lor iWrand n m b Cosny Townvblebnnolb@ fi, lb. bWusetaaoou-m la 4, sud41<if lrb. e un 11a»ztuhlgbet-eric M, 0- lat.& ~1575th@Lb mm lîjgîîtDt'sDi. ausg blelahriav wt e nl sd O- Trb@&t bmue ea gaetimonnt Ofiu. vté to, boy ,b.o wJ eortaluly go to l 'prermoutos sin lu W. orth Wuî d b tan in.luprdlem te o sa o ,lilo, O pirseluhviuaaosof,"euKr. a- Tise (ir ornem «blsAMWlu Wlsitby, it hi deisfi lusol~vista ue ot odalu old doabtl o, b.oautma" alfor lb. fSl I bo ontraW41814 8" tbui mpr«oamesasM .<to.MdIu syvtMn r bouldtwtti ta"aste bavebesm m&ayzgastoslev avs<e.e o ut ati OUse 4tnl, alMa0e&vitu u a the" a49« jn a Iwdo s b" adm uo î ~ et*.~ ~ b.- spply lb.. public'vils gaodi vit(« forl csntu Boo paite t b. aqdt n. 15 ay Town or Vlllap etwolvint Tes e gohôgaaitueyand lImptas-m n "fa<slou rum sogad I ___ Msd dààWat tise Sonth Ward dâe ettmpa noëai o( he twIo lm it it5d ofso s voula,b. rmssl.falY ibesedlby IL.- mIÎ 1sa 11100astatirs.ofet tia' Wasd, irIs.Wbouaroiera isa puak Dn" r0(j l Ilsywo ver wtge'k.lêp.pe sILoeba o .p Cp f . and j ils tii. Milwit genorai O'rderwbeb HUOMus rAaL OMna. mai Exene r ytise Covoraoragera ,Md Commsudor lu Chiot Je plos..d t e- reut tbs* lu pmnasc'of the prvsion. of tse Muliis Lo, lb. Asssial Mter ef tue secre Meds !0yu« 'of *go aid sp. varda ba midoe'45 Jurn, net ezmpted b6,' In lu Us rral EillatiSof 0the Ssary MltMO- ýUppu Canad, isail tait. placen lie QuseWns DhwtidsY, Tue. day, 211h lnstant-sud Offies in coin- ua ofstiow ae s'aue.L o I.give du. sotte .Offler o nMMA nn OouspiS in lutisuir r.poetiv.esttaliona, osf Us. place Md lime for ismbly At snc Andl lb. attentiosnetOfouu fusnCOs- mand di&xUtliona lifcaUsalte lb. powars .lOddlu tisé. by fi.esitb clause of lb. litis Act , vhla utbor«le. Lb . o ssidiig OMMcertedireet duo-Master te, tAl Plue vitistisa lmito of lb. re.pae. ire empulea Mosais Ilios, suain adfnbl. l in ooquescof - lb.distanc of b. Cémpanfrs liits irons lb. Raid Tib# lattalien'. sual Belmrns, vson ouplto'«ae to e i owardob' dis O n a ommn eofaraos i rect r tbe Depaty AqsstenîCOrseM rai0Militia «s uppffrCaaads stasd oft*hrmeogl tue s.istnt adjtana G-oerïi of mlitay1 ma;dr4 wll e forard te Coômâding, Sce a fndue coutfrse<atdisribution i- Di Commesan0( SiBf.Exe.iesmy, iso Situ îmeoru be b <oroner Onnu D. M ELL, COL - u pp a r c ana. Aew *MOsme IZ.-Tb* &nas is~n >4M lJUsya Jma n ovan, vlsê bad ldortàoute vaut or rus omrbandred DIls ins oseu D&Vd beums, somplisaa Ioardum e" inlubatdcty, bavirlo". t ruai lisedltasc n s bonum » 2 h n"9e.* Ibi"glÀs b' e eboni endP «tYmlute&, 0(b luat ten runasbe '90.p00up by tb.*, d a nalisea, aQ 'on' uasirglg.ns sb. stsàks trst Manallb mu hin suw e. ,W*wdon bu. M Md sad lv.sty4elsPo". At tse st ad ose badrai AndtwIst> anala Sef ; ibe condhloof<bea ag, babg les FtPeuD& -doa3,l lssIITl but ime "#wufoigu m l s l5ou , O' PlWebebosemow but Ofi NIAW55 Ths o lnovisgla sao.umry o e(l hu 0<Srdiulsa prodanstion lunflua «My,. mThtKingîg 8da tbd.&msod teiau.- arrM asu- asulysg on bimojfanatbe ,à rtien, and bs bu mefr Wopthe.4 . nsandvwita disain d scornTise King alla te mini Italyli .ry eofsng" _Msd usy-Iwvii byonrcpamç I have,.,. voiyeoussvslor on Uethe lid oi batat b'yzs aida ofMy ilustrocs fatluer.Tbfhis a, you % 91 bave for Your eSusdue.' V&sp haut Preuhsoilloe..eompm1alus tise Téeluamsy, vises.the FEspeor h"i mot ýto support suýd dhfuni eorjuet sud civilizing ase, borvaid le vide7 t1 Lat ou busuners assonue to yen lbut ~ Our Wàs<ksly.w Pio e iao.s, appoiutw Lieutenant Gorng ofPl@&. amnt,,during Use vs,. T.il» rri M -Pi'edmost bad be o iesd iy vopiaSd. l'h. Besdluan a i hdretired hm pag. Tb@e grest nm i e ary, U,Ow lis At tue f(Mt ApponsbetweroMs é and Tontons. Tb. Tarisnoeeep duote, fj logont hiik lb. Anulmàvi u tie aL Tb. count y hd Ise ad, aller ",.ryMON» isu m ý Ise omuaa ors ý ap ivasl b iilg i m tprfr d ibal. De Priae l o Slud. ij ý The Gtram Dake, refuaw te W but retira e ulops, i- lwUs Tise l'usas sruy J O wo mioo il nid tisaI Vidl.rimmuneip, bd lr reeshled. pbei lsa lp « ln4ou" 5n ba'et 19 rmun TsUf. O ornt4 '~1 4 .4 -1 *1 I J R I z -'t .1 I I ti p P wi PO an lù ï) bon cia 1

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