Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1859, p. 2

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dy .rbui. ~ton~tbefluon or M mo but bensim m edo ot'fa"o a m .te'thold 7, "P L~~I#bT 'Wak)atspo )erwiMa.po, o bJ l*letdIh oo o f dat#uprompteo mooreby wlilboabut uplIn tbeà"w<et. 110 "â fnot bogfn'unsil Agosttla JIU tuOk 9» UoMev biali WIIIbc bard #bl# unwirsln h.rjnoration If sh.iaofk- log ounomiusr, t o Wom. £àbelgsont, 9116-wu only WMnt koptfsntini un4.r tbi, sait'ti66 oswon" te. Lb m.or Jo oloiwb.Iu ber; 1 0a$4,mormeor, 15 l-, Ing s ltIi.mofM4ent wouber prompttde bu 8giron ber t.hoe o aui offnoire po- licy, Le maké bu rv tablé rotraotiop wblob Lb.- Interat of bmiWinty andtbei publicoplnlon oof IuTOpe r.qore ,of ber~ thon à wlflbe difficult té uesy that aise I. enirol rng Ila avlns sougbst te pMOI Pilota"oin * Jo#b obih. vus budlng todeathL But f(tblsli mfowts. là an agpuirs on d'adf"ntpOëly; If ÀAustjja e"#kgJo enter Sardlni$Asa.the. u-, 04 spostIs.of aW.lit1flansd ofltWansop' ta"nrtntoaf; lfilii_ t*abupphbr old worlé ssshweno! blnding Lb. bodis aend o.rcloîthse sndd osud'cnnno au i ItuusaWlins bün lànItuly, thon Lb.f fut <Ober 1ha1flsg m uintbArit té onmç. tbfi w4r viii b. no ussliOrtsnt ltemJin, ad $pinot or bonEt wbitfeer sy beor Iiimate fiot.ntlonh, i as be b«vr. $ptaooy duo e o the 14pèor 6 b thénoh tbkiet oosWh.ruaLbe nri 0aurpIM ookéd uponblmnsUasnlm- p.rk JrbbW., elIlng ogiuliôm toltL ba u 'thevorl 11is i n" otits din'iiart anédJInLbheliufp i Àé ume4y ïrf'r$toO;of etNapoléon Uin.o"é ar. 4o1Lalién aitblis si"I...b. bD ot lnuté ePronroli. b.' ensubat wÏihieh 1be quoaï4n kOTIuo onoorj,,bow h 55tbOWAusthiatodor 4,vhat ~ >'rawe .etma, @ muce, seen can ssb.errbut vbat la tho J)erby bue saét! tIf var breako, out v1iAt«t.noe M lb. oon.ur no uLraU. t, au é t fml4jný asf cor. 18-tal"0 O=nrji*'éntthit sIdeý batvrer lt May b, blo b ilb her, Lbtth if' ots In .olé 'dIscity. e! tho!Suwtry' '*hU»*W as b "ot lt.brn 17 1 i# 1àï; I ~ A 1; loi;é~E~.J b 'the iii loow ,art# eý14""01 W" hargbo d J!~~~~t orlpoule certain, psrlim is aiser nb. e M, Wao"tIylî11111W4sa, bave b.eu b. pledps of& ~no~Lid. se trquetlybdd'eut*tWîJgu~fl ezpecus4te u iep ootm v ba isb thoir vsrypiui.alladms',Ia vilS their ,"',tbi bt b.b.l tW 4bJsbodypo J.ldne " Oo"Mdovsuévii. 14 , ttti thon retrsd lnlMàt", - 'n lb. e4. dtd ale .'ldmigly'mpe ot tWo ou instimeloï ulé ià ebhpmsb tbrle mieldsWUlb liape, ossu ae ili U gré#t Gr 0* 1.! uie". b.'eedllooy e- visaa holé Lser 'poitiou..- s i mnaT, b>' Lbslr botter tact sud Jàdgment, net unreusouabli aspire lanL.tnenlml"nty1 ataon'6mthotLlai caiculatiosse part o! eouns future Mlinitry, tit milees &Wta fer Caron's aryvieioiousthi ath@irl.o<lsI err' 'tboir 'ebrunkem pouah. As' Paudé>'"slà o!f"Il06." b# "<o Lb. irl ate ti41W@â of mid, o iL mi' C.ebtrtai.OrbLSdalreàmon- tts(4, SM f poIçmssrft îsggie) ",0o Lb. quse" ioofetlegat it>"îdiLer s1 unnpt ne tb@ dos 1'#ebLa tmj vbo vold, ratber, 4aciJutbééîýe'ébtd epe matin>' mudspp nem"olvn o long«~ tova @ btud ob ié!,.*mveuqg -,ii> ,rf" * so" ~méra 'ADI "in n S hlar ,W.ér digés rm sUI#dset b. suyiiw bu-t wbl Jo Lb lUiS7 i' A ouavl sa lufuntbie vane Û«'edJLe b thirfhWftisé one iuse of tbe'llovn Jo sier idt b. baud eOf w.v âstini, hypém" LCaI âeé-at o!L.Western ps*ol Ltb. lýovsssbp 4Yai> boLb. ir#too or, C)îmli .I îron utpsraln tLb. nigbt ime. Net maay4aygueo a fat beg«erbelongissg tW Mr. JaiosRo uascarrieé a£ Circuni-ý istta m honanoe bîh attrmed ue Ibl*IWÏkeisasu' Cira' misé lCamplln." A eetdreb v*"fsstws otaîe! md àît tbétsiu ftha tiffr mmd otWeptto' Ii tie'ow ÃŽ6 y O ot erUIU a,"&mu W. &Iowae so >à"* v'W.nsitï "lee iasts retfrfvI% n - boosWyooinnu 4"100 -1 a.lMAI,~bséisf~ru ïWéid, th e47fUx pttb ém , 1m s h ~ ~ e e ' à d e fo r 0 » d o eat i s L r ls6p*sufic~nt te .JTL.rd eeae ti»svo t'dM9 .ud sgt#hao b ttOfalr lnst9waOumoto &comp%çbl r ~ers*uvàiia entmesm f orils. pro, euematm*# J. o 4, m o iLyl uë r. lb. o o! abs. e Towp bsUlytas~r%8e1tod by, venté ut "raeiLb Lb. soint hkm $100 Le 5$M0on Lb. gflci.44W de O**'fed requfrd .15 on "at, usïflu m ffls t";ére t"mu ulbeIrs i. odât el prep.irii omue e rf'ddi lsemu.*eb. natureof 004 $100 *Mvetdu<sr leu mls in: 1dse ~ ~ ~ ~ faf il, u erwsmn jep rs - Mwu' aodomsile b>' in"rulîgimLbatLbêotbWss9dbi Lbsrests«",tsioftnto Md asévau au. llbe eAd5 a rlueý,msd, If h. ihat tlsere verm t la -ouamt et u. Primeat. ilvduals, ono o! tiseMr . don.l Mi!, t i& er.m ot MA&d.-je lise Oa*#,~W* as thee m prenos'ae "Id DéM tb#-i,4 tebar@ banis soud ont of'tbe Ton Iméepsd ma&. vltb di am hi"tnt 0< 'uýony ppfopràated lie tdîveea nthe â#rd-P ~a<JpBv.ie~ 0 tcItbe antis tàt w -4 tÀ Lb.dIi ,M ofo h e "y.rèàsaL iae4 të, at. 0 ' prenltioi L. Oestre ,Wmnd mode vimt inte oiustt.. on.-thereport,'ai ji. tadin onte."%n# oUWrnc. md a soeouté o hé etovlg fi&r ie h Wý4 UV 91 OYWJ7VN ' IOspD.ruslg i fi ode Woudb# k *eivb r outei ulw; l ,]>4mniQ»IU> lfpflbi T5 MepUog byggwo#4IMIo bmw<mwopon Jo lseTtwse4moWty, t butsriyo esbttfay.oetot.U v>ýtby L.dmlp Afp, Tqul b#àfTisefTow guye"$,uesle1prtbiok,!.su vesiid $0"64,Te«» J Lb lo nd.c s0 viien mie asPene s roqnlr.é Jb. is Lb>.. bar Muw uLail tstl ~fe luts oée amir"Puretan, mm eter. prb i n g oflvl u ar l . aI e i ebé e! l m d J aisr ILWei Ïiidoed, ma'ta t L. I-n ber Lb.1 teaeo!eellîga1 butn aéopted, agnrali te Tora Lb metall>'afods aeossimoàtiton!'more 4M.- pi. idconvengiStissu huaiIlliogaa wlLth mot uoro 'hanfa lavais, eto o»d blackamitli ebop, vblcb Iosas mch s maýl mu hont 4,vhich Isolé ýQaartrtjrpain,. The mode !tml o r partle'tini ng atm distance 4 si bt*j0 erail>0u ai>'ofýtbebe;Pa ,he «91.44ai a~Mr %as Gedib;ar. vidù tin 241 lik: itna>,el 0 W~ueiWe 1MrUW sw, one'The. tre of - etiL Alps wlir comiçt ,foe1h.WhJWQuas~t.uy TsJr.vbft .f ý j t Infsmutslure <orLbfrntU omvfry, Seae 4la4.r plusWy pndlkfé", in UW o&&, If~e! un~ Yen,, espootilly, al>', lt t, arvive4 jut t14pent, Yom' r. MlyEE.'MstI 'Pia 1 utenuod MORE T J%'rLIGECE Tie oytt Moit i tasspPrsl,<of mornng fsjsptur",Os!bern nove ils~eW osotu;at. b' lthelaide et ~. e u n , b t L . d t a U , o e < s e t o<lntfreeby clii~~~ 0oural e uLb 29 béins ataiWglb. pvgruo<fflt n, smys Môta u dos'" a, otii or ÃŽ sýIbo Le>sd 'esndLto St m Lien vasoýim tLlil opaf<rpacel, s. he la s Eniiq effer' " e<mdatl0j sct u ts vIsold b empsIderst1edotheueo 4110,w s~Ist '.14 J<S uaýaofandÇpaIvi !1isf«1op ameooYn c.jlga ,44 1440 M iate "COsiQne i L Lby, e cue Jss~o an ýýi611inYLb. Binms 50,00ei ot yise 'ustas ont ] f. ima mean Am>s J et.é bnkunad t4>' ans Ct1iOpýt Engam 0,1ang Ias', te W> l tofié b.peto are esbu tbIl t !te, x us.sW Isopalbe fo ~ind aikw mlLoais uuba1nFÈS C4~ssa a~i ! h ~enaioLb Tm csil~4elWJ'i. -piedmont, lto Tufflny lm joneà Irnes.Md lé u& d-vent pu budt tite Timebad ptibllsbedthe pronislens Lkdt1 theUs tresty esuclng àa grat Pun!. J. Lb. PfVClli Lefdo s fiol'ÃŽzbm3 Consola ut once :*eOntdowo te 06 Ab btii~lurmo bad talom i lbiClio arinotithene n u spjr ing pnedausstien e Lb. n .' tsisi i~ nsult'uétrested I ît ws dieOA2 Tho scan army limé calt.é' -on h Wa#u~lderAu4nIi~lit e £ BW*!J EigitL'X t Woolvlcb t we u gn.st âiiani IÀZ& výone ruuýoof î éproclaation moS esisgfor 1000t>lion, fôv tbhsmy. ALSn 4 qtse 47Ip~nr, eoJea wr.pr Astrian manifente fisconsildpnodas tanta- on monoad," . The g An i ar 1O haye tn PmltI, SgAa t he>' lb. , Bgzr la fpt;o the *- i _ ugantlo eofforts m4'. ý b e police 'te ar *I fli !1!ýi4in be ýfrî«« imoy upo theT.eiaroei oubjp_4the, <act of, otber, omsplnacy irr sttaL ltir.e!ofLb. ýEinperon bu. set pssipltaon àbno4 d iéonce. Mono seed leprosd téclo4ulP,: eon teSlatiOls Ssoist, Us, On Lb. <rom i0ne rer' ~Ã"~slng. r. b.tepres0tatioofa e à r IUy.rboes"e né, 4snm n 'mn is ts rwmwu étter vas lvevMiI b>' L.th e aifibe. o a- lié,' paspôrtîng té coo*om aismon Inlu i slgh office,-,but vlioaê a"lleÉlineb'to Lb.' wuln lalauiiioen bled, bim'Lobusrfi>tha i ro» au itttisPt'vu about toeb aert a Té' "'nd jU tk J' <1: f <fi Mm w eh E Il. I a-. erg BD I 'f îfJ~jg~~g '~à xJorj'~rpelrtwia'te sfiedM*ér'tlfe(usb~ îeT~ J) yfd7 I ~di ~om'u W'AWWtWÂsue!.' aim

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