Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1859, p. 4

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f t r ,o Nnoàubnsacu P"wg,-e is t ton olock in, th iiinIt, 4rma ebitl deli hebat, at. meMr, lè ee4vitli4tbru or tour bllt. bNh~fst..-Awte broho uretuvu. Je hl. oDile to road the. n»orniog pépère, lne findst1ia hbuésluedWa wreté le-oue, l DIMtI ier v, s0"lasà thlm villian.se- MM'st Sthe toght 0(bavfe.o.eita-s to en sd aigu.bi hie »e hbru ialeu gtg,,wbch bh IVtbl c M, 7w stimat hi in ordir tlat ho winaybu vesê,*k foi idowa to writo*wvp*t W u e .sMd- &ia<ý tnterrupt4c by 1Morse lnwwfe lthoin h. le cou pod t. Shorw .et of the wlndow. At net», ho e mm# tW is. OWICUAwhbrno eon & Iw u. thé aezw dlolwlitohb d bliî rran he 5h.day rm, &i». hwlm a .04 rturn t. dloer (On ft&u4'*0 nomdhnwr, Pt$ lx.d ipisa s iÊsot, and setsa mebruan d weands. Mun hé reucmh i. s etttn, h.lie auw o Iernm achine on hi. table.Wtbu Ir= lretlni the.tout surprise, ho du""wai sait ot the. wludow. Se thon wt a les- uloýr on Iod" Reom ; tis. doue hu go". 'tt b.otro. Onhi.way ho isattaeked loy tlavoo mon ;,ho killa two, anid takee ttie siraltO tho neureot altlon-bow. Whb" rtno ig te bigOstoe Stwelv o'eloek at tilgt, li e hotsa man vitetries te voob 1.1w ; killd a dOg vWU a "tOne; lu almout aunorer by aumcîoy mand on th. thrcabolit D!lhi$ own door rectalves two i more bollets Ii hobt ; thon congrtulate. kfimif on having -p«»ee a quiet day, wrlft M II tva> lunthetDOluin& retires 10- 1<0W l]wTULE TIne 0TYOUUk LIKE.(E88AT à. A.. (lIark', st Prim. FActre Gallery Ir Y-4 laahu'. i, orret mmd ire-lUs. Auuhro 'irmu.fr. = oiî;oiUnU -a opowo Brouit, or 61: f, oi0,A. (C. eu do It la fihe h Astsy am it e*bono"e. WIKNQSBLCK $4 ~ ~ ~ m ârav i ~, W4Ub, Ae'SSI(GNEE'8 SALE 01191 MILL, Faims,. WILD LANDSe TOWN LD SVE,è "- o wiaifn W4t'>wludu-th e "te U a euuaa us pue iho ,r h. iet tlt ti.crodi- to will llder st frnoieoone dlsofAto!apriv..tesao, un Yiythe lut ofl liy uut, Tho.f es4alg voluitbl, le! Ett. la. Tanpeov1Iouring XMIlI inovu as thé. CENTRE MILL8, xlta# a twjts..eil le ow nndr ilp o W,900y c'eS, Ts ttroo lra tudij.l ile e1-4. MteSaiadle nhvunybirai TaohM re uti.mlii#.a t»44 , the isi lu à tou V caelania - Ind.4u5 hsl!efLot o. , hilehtIII.rn- Ja' wet iomïdmof - y NO0 T TÀW A8A G A, U» gere, m4 dmMymroe, u immsSd M6. U4 90,4, fIuliue étbeonea.iouMcdono, <ioUaut' o! Shaue,2m0 ares. dthrL@ttiunmbir 2, aSh Oou.ulom ?Jetuer- JO, hmg 0sce>-SDe ares lprvod iýat, ou. Cetdb ieuv"dd iot o fanai. TitI plomn c«Oam 140Sntait40apur- JOa oms z roqua&0 tde '1-WN n LOTS.ff hIof w io geioS Co,-Pickevié *%ý-VWAY, loret PJy NBT x npeso sruntil lit à ...w.. -I = = - -f -f -a -"f 'e 'I e 45 'r 1~ /l- TNOOEPUEATED coder au A#Sof ueTlal A. Session of te EI.ventls rovlatelslparu 40unjvANTAL 210tom0 on murmee e ieoiumllns or tb pot.et.m asspieaLeM. sd'Dsagof lry Fi"# WESTRN ASSURANCE COMPANY 'I NbUIiANCE ote.ted on Daldlugo sadtoleu .1optente. Evvty lut'ormiaton supplied on applicaiotlotbàba téuougud. JOHN AGNEW imes smm Base" Asuuece'fr. 1JSRÀCE ffon deuu Mid sathoir t s.ltL<~ud Svdy«of osko# Spa. NEW STÂTIOXÀRY! UDG te esIl attention #e titcir large stock e0Newsoi tatl.usry, wJabj &H uds I duor fPlainsoi anaci WrALlag Palpera,?Jrchate Wrapping PsapfflifSefl..Book## lIst ., Feso,' P..f, Inko, Pàpeo &a 1. Mgo LaRw et" tlonur Oteyery doocvlptilou zmlodluq Dlsuk DOM# oao MrgaoA» simeEMs5, EBonds, Molsa, »itves quae.u's Eée* 0 Comsu.aPieno chsan# ceor *Bd CoUAty Court Pono. »Avsel o urs Blauks et pifty cents Pei bhuudred. Magsirtos Bsak, otar iatelnks, et! <e' Mul ut T reao rces. ditio.lyo, end chespît' eeutoi be touud al the Dail Papeop ensd thse lateut Publati ons e su> ad Pratgafi. iJAMES JOULNSTON, Watobmak.rand ;lmfl.r. P<BInhblbltntit of MWhitby maid os$Wd tW tigebusiness hatol1 çmW url nbtýMr, -'ThSiua Us ln a£it lsa igai7wrksnh.l otifent thatIl work ontrasted tu h11. are, will gle atls<aetloit. Aàe Do w ! a sOvteurd Stock of 1Jewellry, WatcheoClSoks,&W.9 CHEZAP PolaCASHI I à&s prie., mach lower tiataually ebsged, WIithy,1...18. 4bNEWS 1 NEWSII1 àÂLTzLATMLUOKE AND YUEEIGN ri-MI els' ound At ti 011ROYIOLUIMStLD!NG$t (BrooZ,) Jr44periamin,- la»wy,#W su mmolerbm lugtotbeug dIng Site y ili tnIr boFobmsuedW pe aumn, vat'abi. qnar- Ir- pro '0e0e loleeelvoua00 olt PM - spcn. b for a b. di. .,2b&fonuï.u fresua#iveeioa~ to"t q rv da ONde ,aîo il 'Le A IT DWP.LLINGJUSITAE J li ýtîa (cnter o!fISEÂVEEN' MO.a Aitpy,'fby latter poitpaldh T07flé'!e7, llD o ue.seOf o!Whltby .1i(the WIIACwSTAM> sdjolulutheTown o! Whtb7y, yItelo.U,.Wms or ta JAMES Ho. «RIE 1 IJJ4.j claapg'to a .llie old riuansd Comrne)t hlo a d Broek Stresitpl jour flIs old- pl;iofuj-to*lstidruyt.dh tire, 00000VFRT_0F? LUKIER. lette llnrils5e. il,.sual er's MUan O1aîeap fur Cocu, or A;;roredc rcilit, J431E$ jiJUGU. Stsvhl prh! u%21uu. 14 FOR SALE Vul'YleilEAF. M vsuila bl idTaa,îtilautoon thse ('iroilule s inlco, Wluhby., otage pire I»Usrauc Companyut' .1Loua. don#, EmgtAMd.« oUsêMsmn "vA«10 0uniu ru LuMEi oàawwnD Org n, ye eesc o loefwtailmwo Igi T. L d - &. T 1.E he Bwn, 7.1. Y* oloel Eau56A4l. f LobiaJuu.sUuvlu4in1rket,j tW iI,'W , rk q » william 11Meury EouigtEq., M. N. ;PWin;, s 4or#- Tbrak0onae L l.,...& kri. 'ThasetMlt ou Iurev#W4.-WulMIA PIIM111 Whlhlstus, 1 .a*',.-Mesni. lnom 54-on.Joslois, Jo.î fr, erkanran'e.,b J.,ak'é'TaeBaJkOHN x4wteefUUGIr .-5wJ4,ýtedrlia, lnimas Cqm -aro gnsrautee a'aepusbePo IffsIs tft,efS otot 1 , Suga.ùUoIden SYrapI 's.f, 0oýuo, Tobsnostojýthev * fongqr.mm<4 = OZeXlm $*ltutn"d Ie g~ hiasGkm Mdu4 .vhuovrf, ai th# toe imUr", Eotrewlowby1 .. F ORTY PER CENT UNDER COIST, Â'Zarge lot I S$çravfeuu,1s,4w"»is inu t! , ntyo!Ou.rlQ, mtt oxt prlom ~COU! an4 s . itao ck 4 'rive per cent dioou, ailowed on ail gàIIz tàlzo*o 1 Brook straS, Whftbt', Apriîla,8lm, li8gne; [ TE.1 JOEL B1GELOW. 14. SPRI-NýG 1869. NOVLTIES D iREs Omo# NOVI tYIES DINANTILLA 8HAWLO, NOMMLTES IN STRÂW 000DB. & COFFRE WdREHIOLSE, HADULTON & ROBERTK ONTARIOARRA O OR .A a à I I àRW. N~~~.H El ]RSE OUTII.Eoe, Boo retAprM, leSO ox misOtiiT r H RS , ât BARrn)lP&AND insiAN BITERVTEL&MAI,~*lr RAN - U%1 5 VHAAr1"JNWA5M LTiti Woreg lhave nÃ"li'a ohauue ta do o50e -'wi uâ&<rlgued lms on bad,- l0 , e1s'oek PEPLABÏ IYJPtIEU. Go AND SEOURE BAROAINS I11 sto l UISSWvingbo. ,wtliiilia 1 "doriptoî. oworlc oftl;Ït it§Mro.vie qP7llI f! 1i# workfmnslip wI!! befùtjîîdlfforen,,'on tulwnwywi oc lsoldrttut. wTwo tdovNZorth ontio Whitby Iouudrj Whltby, Ootohor, 1857. I A LARGE Stock of Vitrulles, colixliititig ci eo. 1 COPiaI, Haporlor Fuurtimairo, BVaek $rd l5r. J»Jw n .spaCoacb, Wblto J>wîUr, a&q, bolO.&C, BANNJSTPFR1 Deoo oStee, ltb I plIBLISIIERIS - PRICES AT MTIE YANKEE-NOTION STORE, BROOK STREET, »RnU«s AND MEDICINE&' T 1119 subicvlh.rvetnnî»a sianmee tiasulsta laIs cnetonçrs sud patron»;maad lunohidlgln a conttbisneo o! te 111,ra! patrotiwna*lsii whll, o iasliou avred ane.optilt'bush-- oi on flhe proanîsea formaiyoSoe r. J, 11, Orri-woiild say tlîat hl*Sto're la 1Cr. pled with tl argeotaand mâst oonplute SiTOCK 0Fr FUOE »DUiJ«S, orevery doserptlo, tSoffoed for slel ite Town iluhitlir. oel.,Pvmvy Imu isi ts, 011.#, Dyo otuffiT, &o.e of til kW» ,di autlyompouuild eo"dng te tio ;i.laehnprovemw*ut. lu lammet Wla!fby, Aprfl 14 MIN,.l -t r e, fi luif lit" 0' à KM OSCp'NTYSInXluVZIEfox Aunfuaesthrubuofgcutltal Deblt If An1,, Itrumeit, 'uJfno oJff> hi. Ami 16 doqu t Ir masntr Is nl, a51 hi Itn ui Wounta smel8ui" ug Dy À fýo h.ours e uh. ln aJd~.$ : 'iwok 5bif Il su601delsvsud tii outy bomethl lfrit ent ger v tid 40fd-' thî. eOrao oo!SulhWoom r u rny dloeseoftlîe gonital ori;iuso, canuod blit he scres hbit#k et Dr, Ainm. &kSon, ln order ta o G>the uioos sk#optlsilaosto this meto! litealuutra4m-,f Et Miay provo iuusatlo&dacitor Stra fsfr trial te ffmqtsy.ll b# erofuuded blit 'turnlng t' , Wu ugtvni d aorder. fPesouwlblfthse s#b oy# Wldgtm sjloitroteealie î1ce dI d ent c lad -rotoosérii Wossftompt r crsiu% nvr Dr, Ainoo 4, Sin )lave forsa ug cies olycars beon o ulggea litait oxteoiîvo ..-t en lte trealmeuonttlieo edellost. conipsluîî, sui t* tbe oui' logaul7 usilfe!1byîi4ansvitehovO aa(viav$aa$lqthesusndIstj Proeatacmireceatait eontf)]Oiiîts, or front 'hom (Jonul» ue oo Ucmedlea eu W olianod" 1lerons Ina Ystotth orld mat'1» oec ceastullt' tremlit by. oca Jlbg a correct d.ami otttuclr case, wîlc a rertbmii. for fMdiel &0e', whie llvl ho vcturned iriit Ste tnost quy ou"et, Buffalo, N.,' DR, M'LANE'S CELEBRATEI> l.- W F,-Ib g rc to cali the-atten- eln f the Tiad e id mort £8pc~Uyth -Phyk-ian. .o( the country e to cf 0the Mostjpuf- Liarrcmei~snow before tjie pUbic. We re(cr'to Verniifuge,.àndtivrri1s. - W.do notrcconnnd them.au 'utiverial Ciwe.ls, but "*Im y for .Wlàt their. vame purports ,yi.zo THE VER3ifIYUê E, For -expelling Worms, frc5i the human. system It has also -been administcred - I'4th i& mos uns- 'factory resuità te výious -Aninul subject to Wor~ms, Fol!thÙ-ureof Lwzw t-COMPLA-TS ait Bn.ovs DIJA PLAMN TS, Preparry td'or afkcr takg mQUi adnyrknown miniStered iacco' Thcfr smpre" ha. induoedthIiýpw -z. UNI Slions.. Cthe Co C k l C W A191 *B th ouciy sittheCo-o lol S OLII K Westi 1AYW I Opl~ f hesh<m pcri 0 rq. - DUNDAU egaz IW of vr, 'w M!I mo>u»r,,,

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