Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1859, p. 3

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DuI.Of lpamanhst 4 4parm $hsddedsrcd fm lctorFAMUcl hastaects ýp dfTusosuy, cOM s.àTb..Th"aOM tht Tou a gla M0U2, snd the 01 10, mKjoety lfortii. lumet 18, Cemaie sd r ijk' IuBochgs Mnoard frems. Itlaa epewt1à the tî mporlshmuut; endd min un theaParia Dowrse Iisvcek Winl b. boyid *lleample. cmnsolu89*soi 0go mark.ts stili golssgup, Ne quoWmies xer jcty's Proeiamaîlon val y.ter., ' day po"test gîtes ot Porfmouh dole l ard offrtng a bunty of £10 te abl. ose am usa nde 40yeasofâge; £0 toÎordi., bia-y s.maun; £2 A landsm.u aboya 24 >rsro fAg Agents -Wor0 tini mliUîy sud. Hrse. Pt?&a-dever. turing t t ô nggw h4 Liverpool: uîsgarrnmts for char-, couvey troops sud vsarllle soto tii. On gaturdty on@eof tie Oovernusant amveolw m ad a survol ef tii. spend Cumard sMuler 10BUis," Itlai, uud.rtoed eh., iifb. ImoWsdlt.ly dspstehed vitis sud vss-"dlhk4toras <o relisreCe tb# -; prnis* of Olbrltr Other tmohip* dop tdram verpool <tecunviamini. lar semosrlem o matcrliand moral Mmre bte Ma1flt ansd' Our otbf poeo"a luth. M.dltarnean. QmeIal lllo< 0(Prime o lrtscbkeff t- "Ioutey liaI tUmmma aa vuitton cnsagelenit tstwau Franc. sud Rmhisbull1 cen assure ycts lu lb. uits Positive manper ' thit sncb asugcmeuî enn eing t1h51ilu lb. maildistant - ma« Soeuld b nterprotedu usottutleg a hstle llanc aaint uroe.If iord Mahnabuery honld b.l questlonec. onthe subltebuhamsy as ivah Uconfidence In £beabewemms, an slgve yécuMy ptr. sens! guarsutat u*hh.déclaration viil net b.eW~i& b ie (ce 0ardînisbas mate proposais atI Md te indue..spstiish obGovcnment té join.à b., u i amsofMItaJy ebut Spai ntends1 rob <ob j mml 0.ptureof1Tati.Tople. Thoe ses-v Momels i ig, <rm BOdisn -Mqy dUs, vit Queasutugay <lb, pases! Ca9e Bus ust nb, eu seat. As Mev rech nu aadvimutothedltusfi"by -telertps-Iromv LlrpeoL Tb# e*IU as FedalAueMblyhat*P- proved 0( 4a dealavtlou0, et erallty 01 -qmum ofMdMqueeMonesb,' t1isder-ai (19ud, sud. hast pp.f nes!Geal De-a fsr!ier Çoinaderip.Osleof <he arayof Tb,@eBask offrudss, on tboirddfMay,! "W iedt# rat* o<dlsceunto à erOeLý - INDU. Tb@f <olig telsigipble despsteb, da- tid Masudrls, Apa-il 911h, hast basa r elved Im tise Britisln $euWe. TU =a0 lamsrbus arrives! At fug, krm~ Jombey, sud bnge tbefoflloviug uavv Oni the 204 d MApril Beab mmsolshl sfarsedered-teMjr eodes li e *umns o4 KsuasdhLdTintia Tope.wu oeptisr od m stbe$hbyrtebevmo naed Obiesd by Colonek s .Balls and EIab.s elumu, Tbe - eombieduw4 m en -attchi b. ,qbels ta front sAnd msr. kub ig hi c. nria n snd w Tbe'lpcr of Autrt bd âd4s. an brder ofthe dayrto Genciýal yniao treep, #lhtcceludes thnsg,-$$soidimr ofthe semod arwy1 ItiI. foyou to os'- rY t. victo7y tii. unsln.d JUS of Austl Marcd i, .the "obat vlth tise lloip of G(ad dth.cc.fd.nSo otb, Bmpeor" Tite cil pauangm o et ilOMOns onssted of Uris Paiton, asiedctoer, wldov sud bhr <bréc chldu. C01ii. bu otoesp lpasener, tblrty Igbt va'c Egnglib sad the remaiude IrishTit.- îfi&. -CbarlesPsksn, John Webster, Jobsn Cls*as. Wlli snBantsis, George ]un- tordi George , "bLlrop9. 'fljinuChant- loYe James PFnansd ile, John' MOIer Mary MilJer John Prunley, George Ar- mitage ansi vi4e, r.dridk'Sagdc., Willi. 'ab Aliroyd, Obb Edmon, Dauid ai. 9epelb, William, Fmïepb, Mary An sud Oitarles Ioublcdy, John Soddn, Mary, WWi n sn, XMay, Jane, Elizabutisud SurbAtoMn WhlaUu, lHenry Smithbat y, Cule os, ansd Il rvey Sitsv, Zeltcb psenur-Jobf >cCllan, and vifs, Robrt Lylr, Thoa.ulllc, 1 Mý, lia, Tisylor, Lrgril Scott, j"IuiGta. bans, Jasssec Kee.ses.Adamusi ctsfe,, sno te bfEsgilsh or sotch pabSaue, have bcnn saved. Tbellovibsg Irlsb, vie bad engagsd'publg., didpoct saitinlutise Pomons - Alfred Pslsucuj Patrlckcl lcry, Tiseras. ' Mol, lMichael o« teCshîne Loonoy, Osttiln. Nelson, Gorse licyn, "atino Fitgerald, Thoua Luswelî, X urre cYss.yl, Otiirine Normans, Dnid., Ptl Dein, sud Rebb.rt tmnfllns. Beaton, May l7tl'go 1, , se Tho. jova SStànisu ustil cown, andsi vwéa@esssble teay whso Use balanceo tisa viges uevs viii erecleds LIolwxy ~c»s 1 «sra*ctfut, syih As the Buffso and Now York etps'as train, due l in s lty sAt 10,28 a. ie., vas p*asng a*eosulneeMile wastofîordon, a s cojamupcdbel.u tha tcnderAud bar. pag carf tlrwvlsg Ivo passuger carsouf And drag4hM 0sOWdistance. Tise musstc, Tlsems0S. Olffd, vwu killod. rvo or <brus pauges ve r a inj or, tsi And fAlt.ttvuti ,Mr# o-lem in. lara& Tistl trIl omtsl'e. pec ntedlu<is city, wviie e iii gire thse namses of tbe lujured, a s'ta atv*4vseefieldntbut mass. dton o.auid A havre cofflled thento usa,. ps retrea&1 ý -h Tise adnâIl vareortes!hast sei est il tiséAustrlissa -cl»iavile ati 100,000 treepla Piedrnot. Tbf EZmperor Nspoeea maine si * Pari buit vue zPOÏWt o satIfor tiii ssii> on thsaî2tis. F"siata bis depsstuws- Tite Zuspereroft ustris.vssprs to . t tk ha$b c ei MU& n uItaly. Tb ii.MisltaIslpin utho BIOElCOles l "oputest a2b, Tho t bau&g ouse vicis ad supend. at audlÏ Viena ostsaoft rusail ue- Ivo millleispOUnde JlarbitlVMlI&as ad CoantlWslem&l aippontsdsuaubma-stbtiiPlvy Cmsa- ait ooneal Bandou sceedgomb Use Mini») jPrinece 01Ongse, vho took the Ilainhe b _ 1rrnlîtiste Nothelnds, the. bell Poum. Jtbreutgb thb oen t é l u .fc, udbsouj him As the:grud. In tii. Instant that pr.ceded stnpcabeton sibwuAts 4 to ferm wz t*0 notion tth t*ing oftic rSocsd - <llmen d crushed him. The. cannon %hot yl»s f vhieh plung.d inte thé brin ofÇChat les 0.4w 2o-I Vit dld not prervn bhlm rom dzing bis 1,rae mword byth.hllt -Tei",ofansack firyle "a' the. "ueely for defenc. vas ps'emsd on hAns blya blo whlch woold supposeJE too trenmndous to Jean lu nteical Wo liousibt. But il lsy no meass liovs tii. thiilcting of fatal vound le4acempi. jj id by a png,, Frow viiatisknowu01flb, iricaffect cf gisnssht oundw, it isuprob- T abetfimpre«ion issth.WIuuîg thoan OUMdt sent, Un.ssdesth ,.Immedîsta * U'b#Jstl pain fsvaricd eu the nature o e binjuries nümol and "tii aeput emming Jo <ha dy-a Nut <baieleuotfainô I,, i ted'or D ing me nc.thugl Lord Byron îeussiedic e7 the. physielogial pellsrty tilat theixa. Wh1*II preaonlà invarlably <bat Mofsigv,, bille - n dosfh (rom astsb, th c.ountcnsuc. Te- -W] ffec# th n&Wd haraetr, 0ofgentleam orf.roclty, As Ithelutsup. 4&SM.0( thcs. ases syeof interest As showvwfth vhst llit dslurbang. III' nAY go onunder mtil vound, tl tcomos to, c'.moffm s(011 stop AMeut' séidici At waterjco wslcrel'asoldl.rvho ehanedto poses a esnteeu Mf beer. 1i%@ vcusdoid man 'va drauke, retursied b sdtlcuthsnks, moni- #0gfl 15di tioned lhst bis regliu vvs nearly ezter- u l , *inatd, snd havlng préoeded s dozen pesasse yards ou bis vay Athcyeaî,l o Ithe usier won esitb, sud witii on e convulsive soveenI- of theli mbe eoucluded bis carrer, -" i CLDs vole$," said the .trooper, Who ususef telas 0,,»i>zg tihe istom l, a m crely thée lightostsiud trlss.d 110 orclns" ars Cspt. Bull Hall# who, ln bis ealy youtii, vas pisent attb. b"th.of Corinus, bas singled out (rom lb. concluion Ibat con, signo. teoblirion tbf voond udglantry of vif, suothiinstance, eztree lumiiar, vhlch uecurred on <bat occaion. An old cf&«, Wise va s sot ln tii. baud, arvd pale and <aain At e mporsvy boripit4 snd beggd the. surgeon te look -aetbis round, wlllsvus pronounced moitai, Il ndeed, 1I f.sisis," lia s'cpon-ded, vlii sn imp.ded uttsrauee "-and yet 1 sild vish voy much o live a 111<1. lonMer, lt go 1*idtb. smord upon tbeIi. raset tbis side, as gmtht - si y. lfil, m 'if tbe Iê ,s hsd ben m erd4atgrpu#, sMd nalm wls mcdlt4~t* dsoim upc. the.turt rontoagcd ~rnulm roT., domunsln-no 10 alninrtimotakîgg criluur. Pu.o m h Dalle>' ft<!es i oaM raeW vil!epi-,t opsen t 10. ueierhi a, 'OU THE *o bout a ON4, P. M. ~May rIaIT JUGULAS METINGo0 "ONTAMIO TURF CLII, vin! 'nthe Wllthy ls eCosao n MWE.! X~, TRMDY, ansi flAY, E, Si ltIiandl7U FOE .ssaer pOTwo Mils jIest;' ai I>s-rolse bradhowess ta Pcawror $18,0 » n.miil as 6, opf etoter. sud I'sess. or OU, open to aU berc. Itbav paso teir ora$»5, mile ibca&. srncoir» DT. 0ol 10, Onie Mile slas, fur uws orac ossy. ira1k-a., of 00. Two Mlle ilesa Ilhr, e moretian 6O par' oîd' rig von a Purge over $50. lifvuy RAE,. Purso<1 2I; ml"eoe Bases 'rBsa lasojlo ailý boise.besl.nsleslgt1s ueshau i$IILY ANAD IZOULAjOI Tni.raib alto m-a4 i alid, sscI lm .tisa .--! 1 lt.iirne.serea.No «e- bie i wlter l IeprM Esia.of dm .rnsidu.foi oul- r cells, o Ilth A11,11136raquisite thi.li t.Mosta Il et tioldà ib f«or b.parulsn.tEu scl,» £W 10vil-b.' swusr4d ns Use Tat Fleming, sd £100 athe 1àutsorulg emr, ,,£1M0 Win, bca. wiirtod J» lb.eri Premnsuuigod ~0 i h Isir the 0Goentnî onne, £100 wla b. s- Varda linVrotl ti'icm itm ud 7,£»0 s. U Thoplsu.sel.eld 1 o', n. »topoqyOf tbo UuluInrVîlcWorju. Tlhe aboro, !dOifees arpoposcdlo bd bMi lit apalss subitand 1!0à 14ofÀrhtelrof Vis r(ommlé,oimcr of VsbflsWorlgse, wis$ a ampe ceonnds4onsudlb mies tb lb. folio*lug otl«47s lo Pslamuoo u , (M Oo0 Dm fîsroieon o b. e for(tits. spply of Tise Drswlzsgs sI, b hes ol st.. llsuruo, swompsl.4 ba psealudevlvp. don- lalnl enom,.asonsd sresw cf Uic eQipelitr, Oasli lo 100op.nod upon *ss!iclmtînsoîedeW Igu tnwa4guhe noUo moramhL .U -iîsormWs tio t1hl. ilo o i thebasld- luga, thi4r aises, îh.inub.s of<roolvns, dCi.9 necccss7 tb lb. pi.p*sulon 6(11,. plaia, en b. o *wne . o fe.w'îha Departinenî. CommissonoflPublie Woiks, Toronto, VsY,7, îesei WITB POST OFFCE. 1859 J-sua. Cssas.a -gsi West Of Te- (PingWets, n, xmnho». psesn UUes sMad utor- tf' Apuli, qua be ps JOHN WallP,' Wialby, mai, 1s". aren' WOOiL n WOOL.:4f HAMILTON k ROBEWrsg,_5 o,1t#W314 Ait KINDS Glass Voie, China- Dinmer and Tea keptcossty nso,(ru bhsadslgos IST o 0F OEAI~E 711U8 CetI PenitentiarBoot&hk>e tï q8to if Cobb Motf(obeNS001#), 73 'm pioos. ............... 8 0 -011d $0,(doubla solc).....15 xi dé 44s.F ,. . . ..à$ lar oolT.......... ............5 wJit t le i ambrndlwtheti.ai,.,. listoe a.psluj 5.ipart Our jtape_ Artioles, are mumamd,-at tii Proivincial 7.uft.uslmryt giniston, and 1$ la nov well lcowra that snob imnufacture i10fru.1187er to .uYtIilugor1tige bAud moule An Canada. - The 0'N.B.-lsoaliore arc Y.ssively the Nanutaturerfs Fric. utBo .-' .... I176 l'aIent- -" rnoli a' ~"Tüo rus.d Fae oead " si 'A 66 ::: :": , TUE F R A miu pms- msimre m au er îew- sii gra Beenler (edeirs Dprntmmetise w< afeI Mda Jnttloid*yysu ham auglirmor 10 vill b. e t o 1oiss, 1 on thé saiu ob.t; ou ststan adviiamuons- . D. HA> INGTOIÇ l M . Toronto, <tii Ma,,""tu - eptntm 0,f 71ZBmsd of Publier Intruction for 41ic Ple. ,J4 >ot f Oisleslo, vul muet in tisa ebeo aoniulty,à sonce atIN 'ALBMe on lTiea'y, SIsI As 0c@ii'i Ma,', ot 10 eeio b;'o a xmllsuhlsof Ali Falma' Ikandi (os sacelàwlof is<qcalifatlouas tu Is v ia hor for 01 chc.tb1ut lb.' hor Infu .jpiatg inuit produsm tis Bre.zJt IL Jl'TH03NTOIÇ, ON' Pents MOI RNINC eyablilnadvou ion twloemsla abitbevait ho blu Nea ohe lest basas! trou W"th, -t' ) à i.iý

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