Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1859, p. 2

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(* ort frit; w -- *'~' At th# Town IW AtoUPo amPgoUpin #Jwi y w-aï, &,.vqý> dui th .a d *o h 1 f -1 0 e i . , . uAO o o d d t o o r 4 .4 Y r âtb b. 0 b.V i owùwore ,ot.oIt6!;IU iW Lo .'Lr Polnim4nog fr -ouiytb Au * __ 1f~pqitau.b~ <0<__ ~ 'q5 4 3~ W(M mdsy491b. iUIt on ud es v~f:::z~ T l ua*à0ti il"Mutnofthd p aie. n wi h t the «t or wair<l a«lly.- neO D , ~ â ~ ~ S~.bd .0 f M r1~ i *> . <, n~s au T j Týs 4vi s .~ Ti ~ <7O #(h f4 <or.~ d wiil#,h. eca mos ~ Mofiwy~ 's ,Swm4 U W tIa. _ I4fIFE, nt isa bn qu.et 'Mî331 lg~T ~ * ~dW.d, b.~tMn~b~mondq "é à,~~' b o r e " o n T " t u r c . f IJ ± Ub r p f1 1 0 » à 51$b, bmdm È" a ~v1, ~ ~ ~ V~ t ~,<hiBô J.kg m ! fo~I"e. b/i loion lusat& A it jEm'i.*ý,Wbit1. pae u p~ vor hoe riatountrywga - l2 8". s-,pb .- p W-B-S,Mi pues , Oftis. bi.g Pa *.a1 7d. n "e a' _ <-< 5~O d t pay ' lxmu m «,,T heu. ioa- i i. sr«Wr7O EOu *U 4bPqon ib"f and wtis »Le va. vith tbe . EUV. J Boc TLAWD.a*128. *W # Mr., zr meutle dod ,v a m- boCn., atta. monWh0101hitbk e a., ou' 10bati. bise drown, 'y"es 'Iad o b a I l l i s i ll g r ail a lta tI l n s m g'w â àotsý0 1 0bt r i i g f g B f W O g « i . tr # 1 1 ,~. i o u , v s , i u e a , e V . . h A b a a w . * h n , s t u t m wIth vohnnono whch1 , , ,hlm " iiu,, beeoetlud1,u IV &UÃ"issiu 0<b.ir bit. 10*00*0 100a. TTe mu Opn., no ol~~g0s vol b Wh nuc o~ o 6 a~ I~ î 518 ubsis oiùyvie . u~ ~ 0fre~~ rna ugfs levue<rru owesIt is <>1 luI ui, rk tts ee i.am euucle rm<fu. ou e'huto boaï J U -anu ; abïw uoobood4 PEV . .BY NE Z 8,inlb tsulsp.Q el, U *lý9*$p, résolu6o. seaap, Uit lu uxaIdn~ iane. MuuioyWî Rortbl, ?on Wt bit.re. 'M the - exi*mad oukp.u ofE WILLOU >fa>sBU...,10f-_olckM7s,90 tie v. utsoistit. p àyc. otoq. t4pmom sltiigiso Ic2tsoM Tii.Cout Iegilatu. ad eomono ioliaueahoiTuaa OYfICIâj, . isnONCmtOfr N, rdg frpeapg m t 705cadh uisyo'mkn ftloeli roi .y a< ~ > , ~ ~gr ieuc.esyeo ,uaoss pit 6m pakèI'tnfloly tsi esi ourSaa COLMOTE LuMD~MIà lb T . . o wlmn #hoa wu ...a mssse ihass.u. .Ise 6fbaatimi oom et oiaU w ensii ead oM, Erevul=aforexue.o t'le 4 85. mnst leo cesy~ oI~ . erort y~s a il*. uaiie his 6ao m~îv ~ O ddid u aa -31 .If i.TH EK U. e ws IoYUat 1 nts i e . d g nt hJ haumua %.miurz."ýSîO<Isw0Dà0 moig ,'g hit . Y #M^<X.M',, eandd uputc<,0.,1. "W.c14P.(r Ou1,litoslopiaies. tis Mis as o! perof, e Éetg ua am LU AI,, M ndt ni aioeesoto! tiset4 ormy bof gtan, Tg. au the'lfeosii w Mose seeedss itou rbutngii" >au ten e ent u j" was f6itAbi blgnl> J, RE DAy. pbl'à2d&ou eheei m Orebatelrr bn4r~ ace ossOur qe dered t. b.P rl, ea,!gtiesthilaslapua witMA ulwmeeoo o iL h ot, usd i ng - e lusil o uli o,-4ouinoealreo(, 0balieue [-Onga obio w s. t Tc4 outi sesof tijesednetiauIlutr. t ltob lrayeisppr a ev ol. s b atiî ce s ingHsing t b o@1o Oiifto. Ti sauiuetne i thsltse. e mk urplbtg, asiIbl'.his ilhv fuc o aiu$91.tci orev r cnett .faiei Ms bies o-Ilsss. d .0 xcin.orelii Udvi! cutt noiob suds deauindi. Dtulngdtiseeis opinion 0 Mou tia r m*og b o à or oiar.r a ti miilme teu ail ebigei t la du , svsu Uy iso éi - namevas mae lus ise pullmbodreportuet e tue dstialomSla metaIcalu tis I an fuilowgg detaieti sttemes)betreeefes ant T aAb t J u e x / , ,s d s o sdie J Jo a m t att umbl u gOg r, e n i' r. m eu, ts C o4I oe, P,4 we' e>' p u te c in fm ,, 'el e o o < is ou tlo ueSu o t ay or te is patete , As of Ifni y W .1., etseUin aisesr a Ber Oiu ql bufomain egrlug isaba s Stsr. n it Go M d m ieit IDell.'re uni T . tot pu!pftad j oode1la ",_esins tn __ a utî frdo s ti evr'budni se c eduel' d'--t o5100 r senti.,.'4'.f ok_ tm;sglertisakr enog asaifl metsi rgadeu ýerIr t YO, I &I th <q'ali ,ý W . ý w ý ý :_ 'f 1 . ý "Douse 4 le t u a n e d k n o i u g t i a s l s e c o s l i e t i a u s i e i o w b . m vii s t . I r i s e t r exet e m f r i e mU.I L T O k l y w » I , e wo l t e 1o u a d 1 , o ul t î n u ç Pe, 1 8 9 . l i 8 43y , h i t m i l i t a i 7 O p o r a t i o.Mr . s DCII. tisateu;ethe Ipeudon.esuperyniare Icesi siro n sl. y a ir Tise Wu uil frt«dpoeky 189 . .. . .. . ... . 2. s u p$M a o Ce uamofuu ew sok uue ti.rowneteo1Astrau straco t OnImoion onMr. idaoy.o cssu ety, 8,k tesoM4*isx am h,..... obu goolaa en r Tisowe oncinton- ppoyd I., mail, heu <cci more &amore ýt6tareYîrî ur 0 None RecurL on wthoniroTees...,.....uric p er aaaogu .om iaid id. i jret l es ,ssOnru tdaes.01 p tn tboets rtgoe'j e t~s cqeteb atSitnu otcn. ud bu ~ A ao"r MO ruey1 atl u be . r"Btle icne nilese vct eoitaend tbo Cisises' issurnce.- On tropsecnpitiy'iîii:4 mi7 doiciler ud stet on isr.tce,.5*151. ot &6 Audarmek-, i.*fviOtti S5 ptay. o 0 at.. . . .. . . .. j>unaan ueia .oiino" let UpprVoi 90Pidid , 1d e'ps.periar i - 6. ide@f 6. a alai0<i hSrý#dl Sits fav ra- <i,1nlyenayea-poy ot<fbor<s., tdesudOnsemu preinseugaho4,muig. idents Lbi. Coit,"byelettonovittea'trom tisé batis. diéMIsfriSsiJ5do o ar-uas Pdo orstomous nemspapo is.p go tesof bB,. in - 1 1 -t- sa diclareti tb14 aiiséîgl 4aise atIa sible. uni t*utioss retoreti lierobn* lu&for 5iieJ orny bus iml'tsubnsI te ise lede ..uaneve Is ot tOf k - more oil Arert'siageui îuintisg «&e- au mbo have1soslubi . Mesonisesieâ liie eveningnaft80as. oTiseevaagsstm seelsot ebjoe*aetiof-&I baud. memberi 0f #rasi teonnaîtsm.FTise prposol va. accor<iiof ADY m»t« plitial saes b Iejsyet*dîné k'di vheit e apoa fo sy piîy-bt ie .. t12o dck, lis amnasEie»~s ~ . ... ...1 1 9 15. Ontopiion, ame saesate, sah hondeu, s a.oùgismotieoastnoorr.ly etouecit s a e wu lan d i n t'o pbiieîs ot f o 0 do ,,fl j4 0j edims seifiabiy 6. 15 >k vofy b* n 4 5y5 b. Uno e s n ouldepmdeïs su ons li 1e1 et 0 s" slia la b is os - s tse p itpa iem ,Os e oas ,êe 1t s n ar . m s --'nd s i"tteei trois Toronto. s u p s d, va . la liq u o ise" ,l e. - orY @ W ouig eâ WlvmtifÏmonrevloerIpmlo5oe and Itd7 ereuisgalaitg/Deee0ed, 1*1 -oý I g ts y as or sa mss ne ta llo ren t # fo r vagbd sI al , 0d 51 m nsur oS gIl'55c1 fo a ltS!. assitanc tov rtis con.b ne sta t , ~ is al l e<W om ù " t v 0mnge A; i SST a W. T6.-Jaofs-sIaon4 - at à n w n t a 4 y c n g r endti fu ie s. ve»uv * . pabes tsi i, t Coas e 1 ;. zus . in . Ca h on b sa t i ou , 18 . 47 14 I el p < r o n a i h . p u o~~d i~ ea ty~ ben so ies r taffction ten lep ut S mo vto bseredtist s.,.mort56.boi kéis' I"ue temtofon14 u5 8 09a, -u Ia *.efr.oM. rm ~ "~? mos t'b.boousg sor cmevtblie h o a t« 'me o'by I, ~l ée Oeef addiisM s'viC sig bsi4 aée Ets a nd lotpeuulluur.ne riota ýo dt. Ta ui.li., ~, uai a e Tî idqafta iaimpc'Wh I o steod este ,eillwutenratractiveger Ler5g< .o Saénk * 100o00. <ou4 came 0t1>-, éswslteetiubliaeliin it u Balace of 01 obti4y ,94 Jou "Yess urpris me lu- tliirimit, siso oulti nce lae callti ,llr emsi' foded aI tu, M»Uàthen, -otr mgdw»4 -and 3.. ...... ......siteti IIIflihonteusof4bd qteemgtBurton,' - L s e n u o t l l e t ieum i o r e tub es b a . t l o v i b ramo ri seT v u t b i b y o i c r a e i 0 o u i pe00 0 ,. - a i s * f netis," sai *6.otue, viliy, ad holing ~ <a» ~ * 5»~J6 s$toe i d .............*0 0 00.f -t.e sa ut . .ms séeWhW m*w s reaet sLuc muct oiis 0'osavrI 80. cdts ltrss otiot.Ti M3.; 1,--. h1 - ni TIc bouduu7 e ors umed-Ït à4 l eiv,' i- fltth1 ho'a -ier -î e rda viii!. is&Otb bl lhisun , c > i 6e cmmnei e r ti o nauid tonsoaiesr ssfstTa t ond4s i. t.ýfI dt" "11Ydbed-er, ynstandthtis 1" be t upo ber eu. T ltr*et conte b t 6 seiT Sentiiof ee, umi set tlemesit. , '.p.., of. Jt " Mt in hir9JUajj ' ' fber Oifimi heiero oi surpris e r. ldzlise;».e lW cd ihutt c. àuetmanoir0Bio i ai..*6eprvMtior....b-e-' oiJ i377 r.m sscl.Ofwsê Pi5Opmfps41,* Pa "Wsspts sItIyhI, o.Ts wg 1 Vbpg yd f- h oent.l e na o . C bfowo,. . a3300 Can, lAbrÃŽ J.*bil 1 s '""sigoy nt W . obs Tise M tiers for a i tion the Lès atbeem te *1 tisa priaciple auemy's g»e -,Mic ;rd s'Weaer aloi 10o 9d a 13s. ithtie mit *VOOD-B > - tiselRer. ,job, Of Lobo. -At., et remi Eiz betlÇ -on 1, mtTouonto. c"x Or%" sWtstsr7 YFLOeu 09 c0 Laszm1c Pbiâbeus of tise vatifi# tona r. 'Jobs Bau 'Whib Eh" 60ONG LE.â toazut W hej m@d n.-m [s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ý4 ai -laie o su, I Udpo edpa3 ~ p ms " "~0 h s ws 1 *LL *~- ro> SUé mitu , M.iîati.~i v i o lm opr o , -; là,it, " pe !7 a tIc taTaré. Fo eic -edy....e 8. i flui jladl i ~ ! '~ I i ~ l E va tiejut1.b.cltdlo mjd~tlit~'~ r . , P i..aif a se~s nti"- '- ~ _ _ 1< ~Np-pro-<q lotter; a fou' : of, LW1twI 1 5f~ es w W ~ ~rr~ s ssr

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