Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1859, p. 4

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ïl~ 01mi l*idvnu sor everyu" 64A y@ .ormil t .lUOthé é f PSnyleu aevab ties t liiski, %t.ivru t wion e asf t 1eetvqa esy e mkot l.»« le$bos auvsllvs pDo di nulu. ra i si bué .v es M4n a >'isi ;uS' use, uamO whgo siud sudons. msy ésvd S>rep f adb>'WgL, $ho UM. ., 4e Von, mi fui Lais > 1 dgwo"q lu hotAsL01[l5M~iONIffl S P02511 M to Dgpiovsa, U.t,u No D4dU., Jerru Ap's on t«uLas 014 UlWrs, iely u»mnos'fi filu - rpae . ut2 ýuj ss.Lu, PWu, , ., Zidgw £& é 1 U t >a l o u / r u m ,a q ( y u l a < l . a VDe. Amos kSON, (00*555 Or MMM Agn 011*1 M.,1 M 10 y. 7.1 A UN-TUE ONLY -IIrSICIANS 13< Tii> STATE- vlin are tue-bers of Mie Roya tlegeo rSurgeonh, London, îney ho Coouu1t.l frons 8 'cloclc lu lhe moruli util 9 t nlghl. lu overy stan sd .ymipom of Dls.s.e. The7s utnt tlîay adlopt Io the reu.ut of up wardif of 80 vesns'etonlve sud sueenfol prac- lice la dou. The nsomt iuvoerste csa e Pioos adicatod lu 6 or g dayg, sud coffs cf a olight tîsturc.ln 2 or 8 days,et a moderato es. poo.Tecur affelteed without confiuement or hiudrauice ikon businesgo. 10050ma X"TÂKB PASWMCLAE NOTIOL Thls ensuori habit séanoetlsasndul51ed iii tboy, inoliudo, oftsn grovwnp wltli mnmto man sood; nIvsasI oyfra lu dos ime utonly boireta seionés l»teWu.tc IatrimlihlteItilem5but'Wves rlaô teisaua 7ev of lisos who glve vay to hia péuiclensu are avare «et i.cos Ouesc util ,,,ilierYous iystem * haered, l'ort strauge aud uuecoustabloseusatlou,ad vagui, £« a thol isuld. Anlu nmet for thse curo of geiital Debilil> er sectioruel miunmr rwryluv .urcd lu ébrom 1.5 d*ys, té. 2 moséîls, by tlic vis eft11tinstIisrusmenst, Whéou gue.d onjolutly vils Dr. Amox & Son ts;ko plesonro lu annonuuclu thah thov hauve luveiited asniut Iportant ln oitruintnt fur thes ('lre or'thfl éic & dîsu(tesusas. 1 bas been silicctcd s.> a îtept >'thu nommostin physiciaîsuétM L.nduis l'arias1'lsilssdlpiiiui l 3ow York; lt iîben eci eisrésai tuo out) 'usotul liitruiiieist cvcr Iévésted for t1w turc of Semluisd Wonkincsa., ornsuydiuae of ti genital orgalii, caused b>' tise maCert habs 0 o Dr. Amnos & Sou, lu order to stlpfy dti.masu alcoptio g oflct as t.terio th l* l ltrssmet, pSdtimouel uit lit S; a>' ntiaulc wbert Z'mjua'prove îîuaî,u lorlo fir trial, dis umoy wlli be rofad:d by ré.îurulug i. Isstruticttluiigoûtl oréler, Poraon wital41g tihe abave oocfunal ment viii oberie tisaIt à. proce, witl t1wmaccéiiipuly mdIreeioss ceural>' paékud sud*et5 r pi r. i h ut oIlr lurmC?.i tw9,avrot Fmpirem andsi incrient s»If et) lad 'refoâutro wlji atttl4Jtoresebut Snyeuc Dr. Ano% son lbave l'ors long "ares et y.an' boeu o ngu'rsid lu at oxIasilve prctice ln thé' treabrtmnt'(tispa elleato conplialisls. sud art tig olyIL.isly titliie II)y4fiatowho no*é ad-tloyingy miaani pro" tb cure Couait eouîplnlsîls%, or trou; whlo: Genuine Europe.. Eemeolies emt' he obinasi, I'ermoéus ln au>' pât t the World mss>' ba but e.muuU tcat~ y frvr~iuga correct demi' ef-tielrcsa. W iti , s rsîuilté.'a'efor Medicîneo &o.;? whleh vîli be voeluéei wth th. v.i.t doopatcit, and osé.ure (rom obxervattlou. A4draéés Dr. Autos h&floua corner ef manusuat <!s fteeé islo, . N'. ISss TreJasraoe oapauy 01 Zou- dois, Englaud. CA PI T4L £.. 5000,000 BT-zzLIFG. BOARDP O? PuiZeTOS CIoafrn-The 11gh In élé Lne. luLn"o $b liad' t AD Lmw 09 eo TW4 Lb. ist. AZXAM~NWg, of vu.3*vMvui TýO]LET. am awwag ue womept. 1, Prngle *64kwuvm the STBoONEZ1 T0,R£ ib tlseT*iofe<Whitby. Peseeu g liau OP JAMESUW. -WM tby ,OJuii,1 - . 18i o70 TLUT. y, UBIEElaSZi'Z1AletscJC fewueWbl, of JAMESWLA Phthy, Côz. 8,188 1 TuoinoiiigUT,92 I' cr 2btrvn ilg e siuLtle TAVII(G pttrebaeé be stiree tok et I. t-tion teaSE vho sMa r Tu.,«viucl!. JOSEP&1 CeVO t tOeV! C-E FlunTaIE NOTICE.- e n&.4ztatst,,d br We Whitby JîsI>' lot,85 89.,',' Itf p UBLIC 3<otioe Slaisercby civon thal sU pur- ous tonné! remont r alckins s> »Mad orlranci frein the Rsesou ls ada0 Mfr. Wi.m Mdftmb osh #W Iisi tlbvlh- eut firt obtaluhIig Permnlalm,romtisa ndr t.ro ot socdii I~o lsv. port Whitbly, lob. 9. 1851. 4-tf V&Tr vis n*iy,and tais CAUTIOPN. W OOL.W1»lOOL.a'fit 4. 20,0001 cV7S¶PVJCE vbie b < he StMOnUeo Ofte »klssNv8-/ e. panus. IL MULEE. A'trbrP$>te à- of- Ti@.-bonus aeubbiu iapen.lu, beut.e auezlleu$ ooeilsrMd u4 Uwre14 suS il bas= ofTl0T pumu *Mure@d alie ii po. roé esTr, .,vidati wml be <end fery M llberal. APPIjýnS;* MAT Pâl vhww4%wwhm d. gort th#,Wu roft8ALE OOiroLCTs. Ao nvm»t GoODDZLLJN BOUSNTMK'$5.Sf tIu in;sApurtauuto., vith Viv, and s bal( tua <Lasd,slgti.tdl théTown fl WhtbYý bisp~roperty,ïwqld upt ,On~Giurd.érerlhW- Wilj Termdiyl@. m 'SAMile. t. Tsv. - ~ ~ ~ b théy.Mr.lth 89 a fi~urereùVIOi t 1 $to 04- l'yAV B-Ts re e a flrst-rto eonis aryf-l flosioto agth.1 ' 1 Itmaiowi tii.tnurl ontii. Erei odsssur h ;gl, St. on BLEIXTUE VILLAGEOF RRÃ"',)k- JOlin, a Ilosndé Lot second te nons lualthe li,. Tic abevoqpim sté. beautif'uliy situ a »dieent the reicce of the lotte Wall n ndona., wlthh £ gond vell et viSai, .e Vq-lseom, &a,,tluereon. Whltby, C. W. Wbitby, Apili7th. 18s?. 12.1<. Consfsr9sl<a Mme lta ln l droute, !!dn01ulltug a<s Cottagf -el a lg Nmm omms, vilit ovor>' oonwls àro S liwsIa-clYu sud! $tabllé aued; a noveu fuil4viell o<w ter; tise rounda *ru tasteull>' lad eu, uad vr&aSteodkad-itFrit Tres; . ï el orn I*tw bTo*sibfr"et Ieoa é,wcial nudaemy Yéfurtmsr~alraalytothe anserb, Yerill. ; orto Mi. Wi 1iuCr! upehs lb.h ýpuemb.s. jporneIm on:afrh 019iORGE EOSTWICK. Frrgilo ay#m.,orS17. 2 OACM O F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010, lu loti (oncaisien ef Thara'làl Aaroeoatoié. TisSe Faim la eluuulaé! vithin four miiem.f Beaavrtos on tisetravl rosé! le Mar; tholulié .1 <hefidet quailit, and la ln the coie «S goid settamnont, vilsa ochoei, sud gk avmull essent. AieNrihaltfot-&l4 ln the.lotis c4nos sien oTis'ors ffulstls'aof<95 acre.'12 ef whIob m delared, sud fre nton ehé i'orta amid, uiesCinseren'm Iia D CAMBEON. »O ALE m i m i mil T or 0 L OIR210.2 uu!2. TETARRBI golallutbe m !te NUS.ANGELINE WEST, - :o 8 hi ]wmeuDrlntn "Cna% hfelugps.sey ui tnl Jarm foraI. I z L.Mprowtlm t-ond e eHaf Qeo us pteeu of ÂrrMee - - ;- Tb@ salé!, tbatzésellsularmsJ dMth.v.st ballet Lot 'ssee.eionofth.To~ss.lmlppt geu.buudns'dsoe' 8Get mit uudmr-<aua. vilS, £ it é.L. V..... i ,efranioeaétin w laie. Plskaclns, -I. tba-CeiiDt>'C D~rld ~lmr~, plalmstlff vis lutia eutitComnu pai!(sk lani * snsBatrick mué! JohtuIexsj 1< o- 16, lu ardtcoli. Plç Lotin lot1a'CbuP'mekpnhs Lie1,lu lie coUTtO<COei wlSSi as ug, John Berl! BainsWllliu MMalsd t4. TeasvllïermSé!ATUU t.ndists.e lu te CeunIty Tii. Clty Bank ,PkindtoI -rèrwigsr sud Abnabaus 'I lu tse enutyÇ Théb. ty inek lalntfffa dauts. Lot $,'in IttCI a'Wslkb>'. let 1, lu B. y. Whltb. L4t$,ili~t Con. W Iitby wuere let 52, Sins Cou. WhithA. . 16010%h 6 visfeaedby PubhlcAnh tise 4huit lus, uf lte s r riglt, titi. sud luteé'eatvii CHALLE ph> r r SURlOFte1,00 mué<smbyUsa flsoturailu bie 'J.uhme NEWS1 s',.B.oc. - il ~ro'er 4ce otisar liai <nalaertal Ijoseioofis-thir> eoiit>' Ilu tisa onaut>'. thraera Cu.terestmof Ota- -j *w res utit,in f«ars Slslowa hé CosPaa lulilarestaoet ic Tvît slOW i depausdet thit nui.- léshias spirit vo vii*81I..eaas Sol tiit'l «Chaîsn uddm thie qeler.,, ein Wul ug. Towne aliqesins v'e vhl'-i a ivu>'loyal li com. Fich 9 40g*our wn iésomét aoniclluns uft Iibeet $inter- "utg of tiesaonuuJrify',ý eo fit'as tisalnterestaé non-I .%Imha eUomsortlu hliuysu d fTlrumse. Uhitse obnýh4b Ha gWIlu . 'TbiBpwoeekie Wiitt!midrome bit élal e làtien ileknlig ls élvmoée>. B!twblle ur*gIng f4rvard tiiué imsuportant onterprilào ether'ouleets viii ntl tb.. n's ~ jM Bnb ls 1jht et;s, te nltral -Straà tst t! ;; lis fofiae&mk oflcl. 1 adlr el teas %'t on.picitaning tisat publie llnterest'lsstiar seisbiet hI. lliti *qïete -iamt"tanheU eoinplottn, or tcurvsid tl>eli' estlatné.'nthe mlu Plus. lsPlte is iWalie tIe ok as Warr.GsvnuCaI#-à"Wè'1iiibe.auni"do 1 uat Misurer. J-ýï sdtcelantent or Peua ;l idm i. upr tfesss à Teru'lliger, de- t i an d s uél<r s peecis . _ - Ife pupllo poile>'. like ihia uarlm h-ongs viii b, euvard-vuusr tu tise fsllest citent t côt. pisiwIctIpstriotlomusuid omenégoo eiseé. 'lis, is o. ChObnCe> w=v enécossticttlpsi J!éforu-tisut âé!é.ped larvillgeu datn 4,ué! tlioed np by ths, Waaskly'Chrosde, ilS ise lb.heuh. oie-S u'timeile ul-WéeTtiy. <:lu - tia-vmntona lamnsi betoro tt- euiutry tiopi-' Çienrt.nuoinsoet&lise Ssiweeklyshawbe .poepkeat, bvil. Chsance>' ,Skibité atheinua nnreseduessué! Ifron isaýi, devf igeu, dé.fén "upeint ot viiv, as tisa Wcekly VAonlcie is iteritestaboui. perienceofottheput vilii ha labos a#d"rutaee lImones. tu avolél tise errer. viich ve na>'hal 0qla .Wib ite iu tise-ublication ofthe tiavoki>.'. k miiil RE!7(Ã"LDS W auer, almun t aIe a potontolde otul*per- 0. t ri O -jué'stions lu à holé! gonens e lliédatea oie iél Per C. 50N L am pi#is. ,Witis a, BriCjIs lorS -«t tro.p557, tu. - viiats v ae belé! tou ta sema p relensuons, S. wa siili disnéés &Il questions 0fcis thé' umitj> ti - >of -thée Frovina,-onr: rguments -nèver - ukiug ,lui. dhséurtlee», -oui earnestlsass neveu iw hvrao te'le pmod ua Iitifil fer ti.support eta todé eii se pueixt; sud vwe onfi ienti OFLANDEI. sùd bupe istisuou orts lu tise tre'-*iil néit aeulaneaié àéuln ttst~~ E)~ ~ ~~I t4,utsda u piseisulosldopirhtuçisl ef tise Seml- dfeoeloeit nes Wasl>'ti aue tore viii hobsoeryed-viscis ntim azs,îi eus nAscaéi the eWàkiy C-luuside asiue oeth aisliia smiidaMtnooa-pïrluae.Va -th- OUM ia Sutjiie0uts- MOGINS k )AYEZRIOFTEB. *@elzd b>' me,iiier muil b>' -rirga eof stln vrlt lcie ao, to malrectMé, vli; la tise.court of Caininfou is.. Res I Avdar, piitif9 vs. Darwin e't ou44itgo 29 lu tise tZuéendeoln WhlCby, At h# tim uh kean mgleeofth Us. .alot ruisuigostee chhu nd-moyfulns sud veu% smdthras Chaîne su" mv.ssly4lsllnka in tise Cent> Court. Raedek Lean, plaInftfvu. Josapis Esudul, 6 X tWemt 50 ases.et lout 2, lun Srd'Con. E 34 Lot $1. lu $rd! (bu. Uzbldçs. Cosstang b>' eémuasssur int8 es. lu tiseCeum>'court. Lot A, lotis pMoitionThormls. -Môýk " de , do O T ATIO0N ER Y or~ ALL £17405LAIWXJt'1 LASES DlvlmieuCourussikh. o SAT -CUTY ."PElCES. .~ Il M<DYOEWI@% Tmm F&îýox -sd wu>it tii.iy aSile quarlcrly, l ain ee Luvyeru' sud MjCehsuýs' Clerlm*ansd ohmus, vlié da oocilops pstevent, tb4mAt*eusrt- ing te thse edingEeinduring the dayýf1 oi> b. cl ," d e onmyblèe th hitby Febrar>' 5t, 185W. - P: HO NIOIR AP IIN., oit -wNitiZNG Ey -souiTND. vaewrSe ut aïdbout 100 -psgea4,.evm j' jthur lesto het hiîla prinled frei nt oeengravisg nlvir*- wtitinrexerclee lu. lhe urtvbwékitii. louk Smladeolgusesite feueS» ýBy thé- us. tut)mA Mssnnssl, àauLeheol boy ùr g!Ïl, of ' 4 trair An PJdlni y lcaru, i amunl*urp.SigSys bdrs opc lCC 0fsine. te mal nd uvwite ,Pheogrspby d i7 piclce lu ai] li*, Je requiéé e t u lmb c ;li or n 'ulliei' ýte ia15'5 more vordi.'per minute 1 i Tlîr te o.tapsihl estîfficlent te takq élowu, qMry owauy5uu, spieciscsaisd eieormvtiou s*at-ahus w .Tisa1'Manualof.Pltonmegrapluy,' 7,51ceuse, and thse 4Pîmcr~Il oé éé125 ento. gié cqntý to a'snydMrea,bynaS étpid a- WILLIAM -1H. O1U4 O'sv,£.W., frain whom assigi41j'~sor Ameriésass Phono NÉ WAND CIIÉeA PSTATIMI W ChIPE1 70y R LEAT THFJRUfEw 4) it kind eof Plasi nd Pauy W"mne 1vStutlonçry. and 1Uv sDèlDivig;op ,or lllibis nul'e Trottoprnccs. CIA? Ç'MALLA. sud ,WRAFIXlG BLANK BOOKSrnled l'or DU11r indC", BUUKS, PA" INOQI<sS PLAYIKG CAUDF, MLATES, PENChE, PORT MONXÀIE8,&lm, $W£4vrarrtle cen bc purchms..d as ch.sp me it con be hîdIn lu Mtrotl orTorqoo Witiy Marcis $r, Y '9. The IRdiéSE Heub Detev.- w' ZNié T - Proins, t e M aroentasd eueeeeetî mra aotnomlutlhbutUsaezpens54auhu* l< n 'M W ' lslslug t " ity'. - , harsé! tlse lIDIAN19 MB419TOY . 90 COD"4ICAALqYEIJ. rw OixT ulcti~uvaslu teo ZAÇBD * I - CHAR ~ 112ARN f (ILERK QI T IjERel.tnr ef s ow. wIEA uB v W. I B ASIIISTEI Aitonne>'b O "i - MEE. W 0'fie . rB.is - WILon, W- * - ),nkto l OlI CALI ' J.d W Ca .I- -flW¶,3Ace i ?Ozu AmTS F 0 N sETIE 0W? <ATJ LI eJSt om- J.~~~~~~h A.Z Ciu'.a ai.DAneSais -'.-FOsssRs -25erse efid S 'elsAbe --4 A wbèrl lm.: loi OMM, ire

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