Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1859, p. 4

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.F & -iu7flan a . ssO urvn nabw4y i. pmny, aud for dii. Puroosé ttpld' itocklu the sli CO'Mpu . - smotof fort thouad dolia' SAndwheqaet wlll be ie sproviion fo th. mnld Dsb.riutaaesofte.Croain n the "Ossptiontu é >suc h »sbf1o vety years <bon s bLu ýry. shah 'coines itaforce o,au lor tifie meut of lutorest thoreot,, Mt the raît six Pur cent pur annussi, as lat's..iii Ileaisloned, te usaitheut.provlxionàe qsuireil by 1mw, it ln horsby deeuredo -rucled i scoordîsie vites itai in liait behisIL. f. TIsaIthe debt or liillty berby tcnded te b. erastc< isa forty thon do;liris, for thse ibut' oe êo taling- îLysayisg for Stov-k lai tIs ad Port W by sud Lako lisron Raslway tlotupa to tise oxteut of foaurýhundreîd abers osse huudred dolltac4h. 4. Thst the. total scuutrequfred -te - aolossod aiasaussy boy apecial rate for ps la #sPd lstueoat Wotthe. peris Swsisityeyss5s, las fous thossisnd (q huudred dollar.. 0. That -thse soaiat of tii. wluiole roat pi'tpesrty of tisa 1iiUsciptalÎtýy-of' Tuwsijs 0<! WiaVitisy, îccording lo l-asst Yà1 ds5us eorsstrill$10 847. tTlà4t the. asnuai specirate lnu i *pound for piaying the intsrst snd cru meg agistjsal >'sarly aialsaag futsdi pay ins tilte Isiîpriaall ausiaiti of foi tiouîad dollars, tir tes tlsoussassd ponai lo; le, 0 & 8-t10 iilia-zîthul odu De It, tlîerefi'sa' enîeted bv the Corporait of let#'ownulslp of Whiîtsy, sud it' lîsroby oaacted. 1. i'last the Corporation of tlae Teai slîiptuai Whitby sabi isaiudiatt-ly afi 1her 1nsa1rug o9 this Ily.iaw, lt tour lis dred siasr.aslis tihe tiitmhl Stsck of t said lttsllwssy Coisspaasy. anouating1 forty tlaouixand dollars, or ton tbousai pound'. 2. Titat thse Re aall mabscrils ic @nslaUtok lu tis@e tiseof the ('or-soratio et tlis o 4wnoslaip o( Wiiîy, ansd shsll si taclh the Corporate Seai of tise Corpwt'io bo outch ssabicrlptoit, luthse étcitbook4 th. ssld Comupanîy, 8.,Tbat l.ebuturss of ste ÇCorporatioi of ltadC Towlulp of Wbltby, $bhl b0lasite to tise amount of loretlauiusaaud dollars,a £10,000, aund b. deoverod le the mmd slEi vs>' Company, ln payaseut of tIese ca stock, but t4is&&id Del.sstures #ssail no buWlasîe td s ny esrier date, or forosai largesnamust .thas noy aislissutliesi mueot the fiss5ssiientss cfstock ais repl"u l.y t,"lait tei of tintse sd Rail way Ctoin paaîv, tssslc.a. es ai o rior or larjçor irsai sfisfl hiasve be.'u previouosly aut.sorized bya losiolzt ion oss;i 'frwa to ujîil. 4, Thiat tt Detwuturum ft bc ho elasued, sa iaitaouled witio iau Corporiste 6ti ais the corpsoratiosn, Anal01111abui.s igned b) tise o ime, and eousîtersalgned kir tti'rra. anrur of thes aid C.orporishinssof tias Townr ohip-o( WIilsky, &a,,ds*ii '1l btur logeraistsi the rate of six per crsstaî u ' su Aittin,, psu> sfoie lhâtif >s..riy, end for t(s0 pavmsî c insch iuteresst s it sshsllis<il d(i,.. Cou. pons shall ho attaciied tu, thei. nid Debet. turcs, 5. Thatt asi l elsntures lésuucd uridsr the Asîthoi'ity of thiaé By.iiii, ahélilbu roipec. slvely 11w siwh anglais flot lme thsn $20, ex- pm*tsssu isitis'la s iterllug vrno <f (irest Brital au orfia ay of tiie currs'ncleaort iai Provirses>snd isine payable, principal ani isulsret, ýor eltiierot';tlueas, ist aosaîe Ian tii toc tisertli în loped, ci tIer lunlGres Jlritiasi or Canasdeaiu, the offictru aigo Ii&Wand counterosignth l.uuîao, #îlii secan imot *xlseslitet. Tiao principal tbereof slail bo payable utIse 9îis day os July, ln the o uas of <ur L.ord 1'f79. si tb.' latertosit irou tùiselusig thertif bail yeurly. 6, Thott for the purpose ol'rod.esng the Deb;,stssrtî.aw) s, 1 o ,ued, aadl fr istlapy. faisait of tiie Inturoat thuoroon, #hure iluuil ou ussissd and laie loni, auu aîy, ()r tise jil 0( twenty y.ssra, <tous tl ita is assDy-lau shah wcoanse Isto force, . isius o<fsw igloeu- irud («sur ttidr-d dssllsar., oviu' anîd aiv ail oflswr #tsas* rvqsu;ro.'d &o lmsu ri by tist salît Uu'paratils 4ir asy psrpoète,Wiliatois. ver,ansi for tise ssltrtuae s,(rai.isulg.sacb asa sa l usn,thii't. ssil fou rzieud î,viod an cohiectt'sl rasosly 11, fls sdtlasslis toail @tisui rate, utail w ta saî,ui .1 t.ttuf uss test o 05lutfia millia ina tlu posussd aoaus tise whoiu rotallo peprty of' thv. i.id %orporâtiot et thue Toswnship sof W~iýty. 7, 1iiit ~tIse Itiove befor. subscrlblug for .id9t11 , stili otoouus- oîais 9,. Thst for tihe purpMse 0 o acerlsslung whawt i w tia. rsaoàos th is unlesptliîyof th# 'fowsissip Wl Wiiiîoy admit t u tiia BV-.LAW or not: Wtdaeqlsk u) su" hursday, *b.i 20tiansc oth al-ys.ofdiu, las tho yuroi o« rLord ldbiU; wsud <tous tIse bout et ýtai ds olk lu tbeiirsaoon to tisa . bosu' 0( four boc i ti this itauam on eaeh st te IowuAhbH full is tUis Vig oe' volinn, are 6.1 for " Isemvotas #9 ç tieictorss tisaruoas, sud tlàtsatJerM"i but be Eeturnlung Scarfor: Usme ie irbwlbo wl t# lkei Ato cwldnstf#outssy tou4for isej10 > DWhibigis Ttbduy 'neth, 1<obuhp Resd ui il ithp i1809, Rendsasecond ios 11 th, Aprl' JEREMIAN PF0ST' 't o lath# Tow tbb. oiasongeno t i rit of5.ptemlo 0 t Appy ES w] un. E EW 1*19, s iolsa2w , v or omsrI_ fois Za.îelInt Sad. raisI~e Dvgi* ,Ojl4ufor 50ss, am, peHur MeOîl ':sldutof thse Basak t 4fôtroai- Tiso e ~s.JqiWIceM efford. Bujn f i.Le. Ubiu-n..t.e1,Cmahl, Baïne idu raa0pio;-. Sitar>' tair.., ls S r Aluz.SîI s Ks1 .8Tyler, Kuî., Merbant. 11. Tise Colonial vas eAtabis.lisdlpiS u r dnbierbed CapialOn illioniturling. arao rcolvd d W lalaws-seldd À -ont utAtlu... .DsaItnl. Agan"ln I i vr pntofiliaworid. 1 oiet o l en i as'of' tias Aganesof UiSc pusl-e cia dr4ft lu faiv*r 0ftilso lu's.r §tco.- r -1 for ris Aisss depousl-aod trassasait to tisas di<slr Uo6iil'u Dsrsuiot thoe a liec ad af-un/aUa&Wh.ktValSar as lb.>' uta sirtutor 1 vii b. 4vessto psto rs., f.Lé. on the uonie auseot; il s soreqaeaéct.t antsadvlcesccoes. - pas>' *Uch asrUlomag sd drift te misais for wlsaî T. D, IIARRINGTON, D. I. G. B&Maevr (htk utaom fice 4 E n. 9'- j' '1 0' e., 14 il 'i q 'p e q g e CAUTI<IN. w Rit,,'e, au il il [i g. I. T g.., 4. I i. ao.o. g. M2, tb mnuloroftho law J. A. IIAYERHOFVER. WQOL OARDING. v OIcrij t , purlb, Whb*', May Utb, M LE'VI , IRE -THIOMAS ILBINON'a9p IL2IAIR £commeINU JD long me 1 udlîsAnlb.basdam, will .always b. Iwdlaruualem o oteeudOibgtlmoun LISÉDAUCTINE1019 TEE COulT.TTYO? OE';RIO. FWAILEWS ShLFAla n ony ~le .A:wv c ateoum 1 , o rsso wmssion lui ý00&e o4l Oo om. utar4e 'utsd us o. Ad"i9p Adrswauby Pi Fur puuetlcmsjqy ;'11o NO 0TI CE JI AVING putemlss dtise ctire st*ocisof IL Lsaniclbd Co., wltit au additloo i W~A New Stock, A ove latter curatIostutieanie strsaI f'ition (o ail aWho uMay fawor nis viti a ai. iO8EPH Ilu(tKINs Co, Brôokin, oremer ltI, 1837. 4 AL ers:ua bsavitig daims agnisut us, in. L. H. SOHOFIZL!>k c Jasly lut, 1858.,- - 28t A L n.' o ; i ndeb ced to ua is, e r c'by sud settle tise same. vitbout dcley, sud SaVO h COuts lu,83. 28 WIsltby Jul>' laI, 856, 28.f f p UBLIC N.,tle. la h"s.rv givon diat ail par- %. on$ round remol'isjrr toskli, utvuy an> Mor grv.l o tIi. Jitolsho e iand.. cdh ont. Wm. Mctllts toah, là§abfon tbyheir- dsng fii oItulnls.g potl s.i'mring lawnuor JACOB Bu .po.ctducrIdin% eiw l'aB JrtAIDEN, Pmt Wbtby, Fl'erg850. It 'ou Wbltby, Tub. 9, iSr.. 4-tf CAZIIAGES. IoUhProvincial Asmraa.e Ceap'y. LA orai proesf4on nd.r LMeHay C(redit *$atéont of .suraw.. il zDrooamulolofu py.t0 h prwnmi psy&1ll,92 lo idor .i8$15; or ssup,îo £ 8a9d .2488.........7 ... ...81 7 JO NA44814 litk lost sE-awi .pie Ms 1,0 AU ont,lb bIga Cudofts~ r~tflissoab"d-ela o! S~ Cont~. 4MP4, > ~ < aTe.î 44ueiI T lu lsisàt4abed Thoboa. cotalsaix apari- .Iwotjs. so rnfan 4e11r~ndlareTs m & MATEHU *ide cf t' <DOWud 1s~ ~ ~~~~~~~o sirsil fle~Wsty et FOR 9A LE OR TO LET. A in$ si Aponnilt h Vitbve sud s bull' bis broprtywouffsuitâs,-(sUr&.U«ire9s. Aoné 1oerte. Or Y. IKELLER, MIE. A ILPRIVILIWI AND TOWN LfTS A entigibuw (o tho Beaverton Wbaid. A larige. sudprofitable MIIIlun auoose b <oit bars, Faivorable tonus n ilàyb. inade wltb th. l'roprlutor bya l'raetisl ili: r. ý AtJÀMES AnsMsTEOKG N.IL.TberLis a firdt-rute opelguB 'botufrtettliulijn<vt ors, ouody P»PEBTT fJr AE TTM Store snd rsîesti ately occsplod b, Lcinl ataabélireto. Tla ustore la very f rabi>' isltustd <fur su>' Iuiucsu. TlIsaVijlluM inte tiaval ou tbe 1Brock road paasaîlîrogh If, 1 Tonna vîI Jbe modtso ut s:pnrcisaar. Ap- plIca to te b.uaje to JAS. B. CAMPBEW4 45 Aasbnrts 1. 0., IlmbI. 1I<)SE andi LOT POR SALE. FO OSALEIZNTHIE VfLLAUBllO IO)KI 1!lin, s lionw uad .loewWto noue -in the <Jouit . TO. as 1440pws.la bcautsî'usuy slou kious.tstuidesacae orthue latc Win, llodgson, sU., wltb a odsi ecli oh vider, Stabled andlsudWood-boum., &ot., liseron. For fairtisor particmlars aplup>'t. JOII BJKISON, Wbitby, C. W. Whltb>', Arsril 7tb. M.57 - 12-tf. i701 SALE, A omfortabies iulffly BIwidece .ltnted lu o(tleUrsuiT'ink Eailwaay, 18 tuile» fronu To- -rosto.. caistissgOfja Cottage contalnlng Niue Roomu. vwit, overy cauasvnlucSo requisite ',s&large IBorn andI Stable attuaed ; a never fatllisg vo of v $er; tise troaude are s tfnaliy ldtIu, sud1 plsated wlth Ithade T",s. al», o, Urge Gardon ivell tooked vitla Fruit Trace;dm tisle covosuaj tvo acres cf' Uroi ad uJeanot 1w surnosaod9 lu'ths To% uuip o "lkra o oveal- fnuessosifrsuoa te - thse Il~îwa>'.Terrais r'..deue oYther uarol5IrstjiY to the lspoutm puns. *#"sieon gven forth. GMORGO OSTWICE. Yorkviior,_s>', 18',.16 Àsace lear.d.This aVisl.a ltsat#d wllhin four mil« orf'Bovrto, on the travil roe.d b Mrs; the baud la of the boit qsuality, sud le lu lbe centre ofs agood settloinont, with s Ochool sudsa swmlll coravealeot. 1Alsoý North halfor Lot 4, lu the lOth Conoca- sIon ofTbortb, censltlng of 155 #crcs12 or wbieb are ciesrcd, sud frootsag ou thse i'itortg Bond, ucar t.oauron's MIdII Apply to esverton, 1Oth jus>', 1857 26 FOR MALE IN TUB TOWN 0F Wif]lTBY., W 7TEINS LIS/IL _M Application to ho mode to MES. ANGELINE WEST, Lot $8, th eonessiou 1)urliogton. Paria for Sale. b. Pold, tbst*exclleont ira i bIng cmm. TPlod êofthe wet balf or otNo. s io cotnlog onue buudred mser.00<fwblch are id d u ndr feu.., ws à ow Vruauo wsnOb 0ida à oWsumiid stoblet, wlth rgowite, wtia paoplntnesr tite di«e- Thk mis perbapi. oua oJthtie bvet whcat <m as'otlo Coétnnu of Outarlo anod la well wortis Uitteutwo or nyp1tyw h s.loa gçiýod ouset.ud. ýApply tu Wuu don t AO84 lsthe 11h lnesse, rWa.I<unlton- ulxbr d;og, kRbMm>, 1804. 1641n ThMOtiruio Tiznes toopy 6 woola sud sed Io thela' "meut e- ofrt> sut >re of. lt e~,tbf4 DW~wra i7»oym ~o.Pi~k J, 'i l'." na , ua , uaou.flbelo lu Un eourt, or UM B. william "mibMmonàngl';Joapb Rbn o, I%'lioOivo. John 1ys, b nduuL DvdClark,,paulfy, onLy a W Iiam satt4k. def.odn. È > ' là miD# rki Pérki.ker Wl.g lt> (urto oinunpieu,- irE 3<li Lt 1,leSfui lckeuvidspodiç lot 12 lalalCouu.lkesud t&,o.ô Put o14'! ernrl=o it 193 n - -uo& lnlbCoa ntfQaCoeu - * Oiti (lourtIRM onisaoigelua.o Wiantu. Lig ouIr .Wre,4il lu the, ceonty Conrt. The. Clytn, liul bv. onu.ySI Terw)iiig«r sud Abibsai mTrwlger tsao. Lot 6,Ilt tCon, W'h1tby. Lot 4, ln lot (ton. wisith7,s Acre». glierlf fice W h thy, 4I O h, 1 50m CU ToFO!tAExO (N ATURDAY ofAgss, ngA. Dx so; ut tt ava O'OIOCN Doon, vili 1w sold bly Puablic Auàtlo, ut sof ilkeï, , tho Court flous., la tite Town MoW bkby, Ihe tl%-iti Alnsd interet, vbicb h dmund.rue- i1used d<eudaua sevrly-pp"lestl # o.. dermntioued Jando, man a s»saaathasnl onaderauml by virtue of ourt«lu la theCourt of Ceomon flou, 112 =11M r de, litif va. Dinl P'art of lot NO, 99 lan tis sdcoep. IV',n thSsgzsgsgs<Ueudo In th. County Court. Roderi.k LIonpliatîin y#,Joseph Esoli, <lfndautt 8 lu X or-'est bfes 01 lot 9, n, d Con. U Lot 81, la $rd £bc. Usbridge. Coéntanlu, byudsnemuremongt -sr. Willioam Froudro "puassfV0. lenndr MoBhlu, debaedant. lmt5, la lot comema.ion Tborsh. Lot 6, ln lit do do Lot 7,il lt do do NLo G.IItYNOLD8, NOV u TxE TIE. arr TouxEîMiII ATý 1,. A. Ciarkoe litPrieAture o 8v Rting, for.A, C. csnado Il t sesttyle, sud ist iortce 'FOR 5C NS I9~~~iA NDA Î n IG' n h7atet>sndfluu .1 s sbsoue gt% of thése dvsilorlsmly : Tise &eii4- aur vin msdsla'bllf chIai>' '90ýn uuetbii>a tlaga 'Jembeve,- ýo! Use ilortWisbJ' llsslw-Dow v- 00us swn«17 wtisourscrsup-vflb.thé,fort-uyimat ojkct'og *,a: sigit ut; thise usate i trsa<i4, 1-ossnty of ever>' kistdelulse bi tin oblî l tia publie oretIaUaleuf llbn Useîr 1sAtýtkuni - Uotuseo ta puplié s poicy lke> tIs irci go ol)1% vll l oAvad-ý.Uuswrd te the fosllct ostoot 0f prietlcal patuiotlai* suîd sotid good-cua.. Tb@ posicy Of wie i nul Ri M eté.-thost >udioes -aud f'olloved up b, tis0 eOtkly Oisrnk, shah j» ue b.pollUe l1oree- o! the Mssl-ýWokLs4-01a tse -vanoaa uascia lcforctb, couisîr>' theoi wlth tho umine unreisorvodness ausd, freimlteé mauie poisnt ot vIev, aaylteWeely Chroied hI»a Stiiettu tases,- luam lSeedisa of bf e i.Weelyî tlts es. îenae of thse pas: vii lib taken adyustipi or to avolsj the errors vluleu iuhaveo aliaes isîto, lu tIseppbJlca:lon or tise -weeluly. It yull l u o lio te taise a juoilloa oa:sldo! oaiS pir- soualities. We shah o ndevor te dImssais tugo-tioait An a bold generouss cievaîcd toue sud i'Pli.. W It B ritol ove o f ar-play, te wilcb veste bold te anake 50:00 pretensoua, vs shah disusssatl qas"ons 0flb. onaaîy .und o! thée Provnce,--our rgnunesatsnver ol n l i g lo to cllo o rtit «a u c ar cat se s a nevffo nskipg lut. vilonc. W. bave reoo th b. proud>sud thikiful for lés* î'vort tend otu,o the pgstýand v-are ceitidhnt aansd bopeful, tîtat Our efforts ain the future vîll neritsà ooutlinu ansd estùouu o f, o $biass#op- lu tis ýsucadprtna fteDmi ti d o a ns d b osaIpri a pers la tise pro- ; Visite, - . AIITG l'O'k X'AY1;HùFV_ W- AT CITY FKePICEW. IIJOUINS kmAYeWhiFU, me 6 Iavfstssy ereiaut' £erka seuaot1ira, Wh ù% cplasBe rt itanfro emut in 1 tbeheadlng Njoouasirg le. sy' l ' ' , 88 . 0 , _4 danM' Ci 55 AT luOvn.ITN T4Vp~ bTMAW'IaiWAL0fP11Ij&59, fe noteoyor gikr,.! o .'yaars pse t t>.i i d un dri lrngas, orVesticîb miorr-ssn,1àsd Mei $Men- nlalyiat îoi . afl tsts rsîledt esbl' *~~~~~'v Ïlsif o!7riasriaeiicc-t&, <~18-u uusus vriapeu'iulseb- I Jsiu lo pp4i NuflWuk .-AN Ire <ivrdliSry ioErisou el.. Sire;, nder tige 'Cbronle"rjJunz Uficai kisls.i'Plain #nd kYom a.r lait Batioerv 'ud Jalw sud, DivMwn court CIANTS' ]MANILLA sud,,WIRAPPJNG l'AVEFRS 1<; ]DIABlES for 1857, #lVWPI il Mineud côlorn. Ifetille Aud o0îteMsusda ~- I asaug orserosi.- ZACUI NELSOI - Joby CIFIOF T C Beetsrar ofi W. ujt tis Cuiut J NV.AURIS.W JÇ IMIsJEJW Wilsaon, Withb, J3 IIOE-A F Ag'ent , Whi D Sato . B. No B &.MfïdkITE L BlreetWIltye. A T(P.EPIA . I I UNVTAKOEI gjtainguAf0d slsscIrIT; S.A - i su t atCtu A JZU, la plFrot StreeL,T r« o't. CH -AR : -,ALw - c ~<OOpiot",4 *fi ii.~ I ~l' -* 'i 4' n 4 'I zzàxpLr. li 1- 1 1 m 1- 1 e 1 ý 1- 1 i-, 1 - r ý

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