srvé svep!or 9w Mat.of i belfe . tis l ater, sppemow"le, fi correct o0s. TUste vrs fo fiagoc 'Clit me/fathe-.never salima à chlldlchnas qalu. Wbae 18lu y70 Il »~M Mi Ielme mIongor 1 s'ilOb r s o1 tiagbtI olrfue70ot f ng. YD sah ti go-4 base mit e eorope. ,And Mo"s<bu lt, suabaon h. mat. rie-d'y. Iear? 7 'I1 hopego 8fr.' $Hope vb"-.O Il 'Tiait Ihear, i. 'What1am 1IminlteS lu my owuahoge1 Too ciib. pmnishsd, mo'a--yo s .1. h.marrieSvilain à wsk--thsr 'l 'And nsy busbsia, Uit? 'Whtila tto yon 1 visaposslblo lu. teresl caou00bave lu knowlag vho Io thepemsu 1liais chosefor mlysonu- 'Wsi4ol, uy thoogit!mghtuak imy oe wo à to bu o mdyn le pe u muet euroly hbdvorthlnquw fltt),Who Dod~t know.' 'AM b eeeî-isreJ 'Wbovil beh hbors, Bir I 1Iszpeattobshilà pisole evey Min. Of li Sa#r ',AnS <vo sneeh *go y« wver.mairie touse An i fistlsalmsa d s Oemloms, Ilèt Mtid V gI so, ad bofbtro là mul at s. I 511 et Ksnj pot bIsetMaonalS fbe 10 mle s O cfa» oba =*htine <lemvrusluvbec o à (k mms i4 &fby Jalng your MA& M, hast Young IaY's valt? x15017 boireS sa#" Md sait <éaie eyso< a& handme à mlitayiq.o&laj mm OZMdonuiavith a Omesroforetc esled woMr'bi e go4hp.ttob Egluuld 'kMYm, Ves, m urbda ueph.wa--my qbastand. 'lbauSohm ' eea eS 11dy1My , dme. (show, @»euse's. EMWboy k 'ties iUlo »P«oiaooaaro o 'T..',. beau abrad i,» longneaglnmld, Nsplldsh sster; hbu t w 1ime a cou home, vsmmet fsk.yo u 11e ki Mur .ouulene, Wlu O slp sm IDour dlewaV Pigteo a(ther 1Io thé Motn olow to i ni" f't5 vam aial - rob or aul usP 4n a o soo ia? 'Tyon call mes(&Mr</ bang ft> îhers h la, ;otb borress nov kmar sdy t. rd. ce ihm ; YO oi sth. r cfY«n snevs <om lais houa, uMr mee svisiter,uer fond 's ppst rl w rite a isttr, O tîlm ar <i ny tioaS.'the parsuvlli be bers ou Tbnu Mr,. Petr Vailiai s urtlsoff t10 rqi bic mon4nliv, vhillsMary"MretirS ber rom t. peck up ber vorldly possessions b.og detrmulaed 'ou that very mlght te lesiehber <tier's ho ud nSfin&l ouitsou fids of ber mothcr's famlly itho lued ln Bath. Whiie abe la ssgigeS, ila beIp of clrmilla, a blackr malS itho laidl ccmpsa., Med Ch os mJamaicalu inthm .prspsra- floua for ogist, us ut go tea oafo.s. bic iookins manor-house, standing jlaa &=ali ami n tu iy.iooded park at about furty mile.distancefront Pinemppie Lodgs, and elv coaliprobably discoer who flé gentlemm a i shosaMr, Talfle sbmsy in welcoamsg w tubig bous, Ciu.rruuIL- On a mosay betaI c."<otà aprosdisg b.och, redseS a lad Sd eeuma. JAnd se?' IlS dte.lady, '1 colS hlm for a tousgtims le vuslmpee- 1'kFor a lon$ fluoasHery I' luquw sdaim ladyr ome*vtvu ; yo. dwîWidi ai 'Watu o Su osyd.rsuSas 4'Wb" purasdym &I-1efaeoumaius71 --are 7055 goi5lJt. s"M o" nele'-1 do you fogstyolmemitamd iofd too MoIr1? 4'Nono; lis à th homer amdiaupp6itss of My7lire'; but-but---' 4'Butvwbaf?1ehImeeIsduef ,Yosamn me t beu ail 1h.bruntote C fa.Sico.y. Wangl, Iij; Vri ton My tgueiOMa 700 suds-l'il tell inlmbo, befoe My cvo yesrsof pvplage, as ho cals I1, laSdexplr. ad, 1i imoeS ayosl< te h. pasuomSeS o m"rry ic uepbsittbengh Ihaev that tbat soph.v liaSdbeen pronsiedte aoolaer 017letbsa anepe un«v«r uvtia. erlbu vws promiseS 1; fiai moi apbevm ev no rigite saund@sol aSt. promise bisavits. est bitsmonset ast abt aeph.e vero tevsdas vomi. but au, *9d Mot oue wonaasawva-14 , ha1 I s' llp iaagb lne , h. Iho"ematter 180se Miumam. Wby tbe oU kl oaa ow " tal m s ho wla tondeS t. ssarsYo7,meelfl T"sm y«700 but vhy paamtleha e~~S.~t saoag-Ie vaMOl m onyut l«« o retif, aomsas mulssla 1 à lylig.' 1'Nono ; but restriluyorcuriosaîey<o amoment; mms wlfh mm oo ay bour. Soir, anS tbmrs vswii esueoc Mrma A"S eh. ueau evers$0o oucocto that in lvssey aiï s rom bils ut or pearsnctCp"aIs EglumlSWatersvis fearingalos. fiasroae. . Mndp, emsosuc. odl othe oorsaeditfa1sautpost chaise,' anS îsrY m& oncautsdwlth fiasprospect ofa« aSvsture. AndsHenry sud 1.1is ut aiugly le tbe lmu"or. Thes do., opsueMd' prmsted le iléi eyss fias viole of a fa4 olilook. 40 11811é gjeufismn, huttoned lp to f. e firot, msi( b show tus slosanepro portioiu or là & oaswbat ph.shoo bset. l io Iethbandhbe lld a 6Meo(pqjaersvi hisdjgbt ho uved theair, s lm foot coudeaubly firown, forwrd, ls nobls eyeo beamlmg miel ai epreaslod<aSum don, neb mas ai oyter could wnor litate, be begau- tbe Srmouu f aiy urprlme, J sha D«otde- tain yon many minutes. Ou as former oc- casion, 5ifr,1 medulnd te YOD My desfe it 100 bould go a4 fIe serisseporiod elloitsd by ta m oru f 1h1-!l mean, 8fr, as bo as 700 poooibly .ould, t101h. bouse of My bon. rienS, eh.bM on.mber- o.,ner0(f lisappi. IA04,aiS,4annoue. log puor arrivai tirougb th. medium 0ora brae0 of oie, proca.St.lipleuof fl e&)nt loto v"bc Ibrsfersd on your hbih<; aiS yo bae moi gone.' MNay ; 700 have aof oiiy noo,'u#con. UnneS lit.Wbaer, 'butif 1 m.y hboit, loveS fléexpremfil ou, y. hae iemand ehers 7OD vers.But g. ou, ir, Miss Wafu, if I mal me <le .xpresooboit do 700 doI 'QWswsit, 8Mr; IHeam a bolrdslo eom*sultme, sS1Ibeteey«00 iiid te room; ve bais sufagtee"Y mot itedd(or your av s 0 of - My frWend 1Ibop# vmlliseokgwm Wb-' *à 14 7,aWl lay e <l e" 'Vei, al,' aiS ms, i go vu yow u luliayavs u Wd bfiaayo oIS g.fageu, 'tLa4v.'mAalow, m 1 v u , w bus «W-efe ,ioo - . s ' - oJ ïMaerirpgi flah" bibs '10" Md -Adowoff i smsb mla ge. vft eefI Top0(, ioas taist. ho saSUM L-obva, Juil. ager ofJuaW4. ' 0. Sesmsr gfias idsir.o ias, »patm it ba sff»o orposfrfo, <a 'Mot f frs, vbes i owssr:My .stOI lfyl Wo at. pw tentr 'APessn las mebddisbtiomso dlwd boere, 1 1 sar i Ad tberigialt sfisptsssuâmase mare ia. ut ici mg"uw o. pllntmeor my awi«wt ?1 'Du eh. tiaroe lanot smpey,'continua 'SJui.; 'tias aeptm ls seul «tire-' ,-4f! roulai iiuk dtlstiae'lom 1 volustma *e Iy lueur by abrogting the mWhiamor e tslavvouldbc m& 'Sp fo'msbylor.1il gr 10'Oys' erclsimnd Jil jou vwil] Sund you eviard la u fe ction ofsate ,0 fui beart Memry sd-' tuf MY soudacet ln relWIn"hligýrsr *donoiby orgme 't jeait à # maseta-lIiase-but, > yfibe br,, vb* dU, Yo my &bout Jieory? Issflos.Sto h " Wwýaphn MY wMtiuo, i olylag my ' Oh, bIua me Vor«WJulis 'woet you Pt op?1 .11Mquit. asbamsd. 'Not 14ncetotl i berneébacist- Sa Hen1.ry, Grf, 'We, hs eu hbave tb do vitis it lIo s a. ood aus O ltJ. r'0h4 quite,'mmsaoisy111 stuugglig lo up' prm, a Iaogk $Riowi<, I bop#, iil WSud tiibomu 'Oh, fianuhyoassureabc v1L' ixé hall do ali e c« o reosee ber properiy,$ »s uhI h. be s su Frldy moeI lmin t bfen« e. , i .11t11 sai ber ms a d»SWits-vlih fias mu klud ludu- gommoe . sahsyso w 10 youn.f.' ibaauk 100.'p tweu 700. both h. grits<l mil affeeuate&.',, 'Wb" 9 vbo told y o-Ãiocalat at r yrard <rosa fï aleove, Imbeébad boes 1uaudiiorosi<haase4.'AsyooM peued tu bu on uor uen, t 'éisses, pop"yl11 vusonly looklug <Mrt aomeebig IdroppeS; IfroueSusadsr tiae sofow-but never min&. 1ae haIPbe çon- tlaU& W'Ag 10 aMMyOff Idk sM iera. meut vifhaias lagh;'o yoWem arrieS, mre le?1--VM ery rbiabal yoo'v* gsfiamd op fis ee 0( .qer, M., 'OhI7e.,' repieS Hensry, 'tiey'resili bes "aeinuMY pocloef, 8fr.'yod'Ilgsive usyour biesslng I 4 Obï eraoy ;tist ifl1Iaay be l- fnad Vlanviii C40lmgs te a cUr- Mo sni wIa bnuetis. rele ey Hide Mr;tbmv oo dlneou baf ;-ae, olmeyote eà taf mord ros a ii"é f o fy r aearsi on the lMssW o smtu Iareuas SaS o sersUai s.ns u Is tise vos i l a alipI LS. or e md ce vas Cm~ 'Le I~ uay I va> or 'V5baiy Maim tebave BmetYOD ber aono 70 hov pehefsojtPi Cmemrlug? . lo4r ti- ut Ths-à S~la 1.YODt VurI leS sepl s yon Mayr $0 aluafihtver f, ormyt loiert ay 01r eyuiesCos ltS tepmdm myalesoe o tbe prseS 1oftmerown ash. pebo < doe bcfs o h roua hnovn bt aSa fasCora. tienla. odil e S5tli< "eCr Abl s1i1 rem o t d yo eu .à Ail Imutaeh ota; 70 <ear offy god otylbcreMfoch vinit 70. oyur -; byutwubeMysé, brsliai por toraiioitynvl;e Tm guaaauemmths y«aotu mapncs bese ds., arf e tisem cefoq. f o e vim e ortraCf me iscn eomy for ie yeus ia pri i a usÀ ai faerotMsy estoo bevatg twAu lr(oy er. a i.ralstee "Y«oa hmeitiamm, 1imprcev?1e mesdoyonhuov ber brisbIl b« st tébomsCf a frMM u ia ltberkior of tIei1aI vra, w soelSv snadlfyiaems et o.TI.-(ien At vbosebousevwletn r(u, 4'o Keas *f; lsaý'd otg t mam(Cfbar but Abk fa o aaer4ls 1, Ido y"ulku If s 1 eaia-gbU bc gtdu«~e upie aal vTb@e it eyham MWlspm«s4, le TIe o151 ung <le h shs'dm sreu ome& uc Pwnw à !,OM ýWX. » £ssa luwa8a miuta-à ««gin .do,. ,W ,wm dé ,, 0wu1efé, fWhlUfyUhhs. on ot Aix O5O5CILU»oe 1j o. .,.8o,.n rQmw *0ai and1fh,,;... e. 0*# Nedo.4do . T y lp.u Na& o. /dP,.....L.. 90,aau eaIn~~t s r 4suw4Isbrls b Geoodro su,.~. I * o 8 1 y .Em - id e netI o -4Ute., 2m09 -r iu .dbetere fM Ibw.on a 81sf W d nsh btes lélaid New Adrertlem eat M ]N Dy. WNoU-uwnv.r, c-~W.Bon Malt~ ~ i VlearCas lak one <ome for ils emWelwf bu $2 60 ,cei8 O s ýr »IE57 8 JMa tkZ ,Wb" as;*2'wllb hsga ,vT aybeobe'ie - f.-4&f ý m Newepseoe P Tiff 1à ot wdfor a wtbyIouu.t 1* t h. Trottig Voue Mtbot. lia Toout oms.Th. betflugvu h eavry; "Tôa" vus t<lU fic SM efO,nao e v am wsoiy, smuom diisaPoelà », wiarsen. f lordge n la", frpelal imoitry of lor Phmre sa Siaadvsutags of C*aà d.. I(eMad iSper. - oa-eprue "~eColoaw fiepr OMen oAIelm ePberson, 8 id John Watacn, E.q., cf ]Port Wlltby, et ,jy &O Ob n q, a gutty ofA latiafredvtOhmstime Uand inot.â puhlwthe ,vm n bfmbst 'Lyfr tvbetmi wraaSln.ey itz Srenèb- rap Iadsteiyaler, gettig mt of, ébsvite, ro.ute-effstof fIe cold .ut, . 60 ,ýwith diflulty, braugatg Tswu CsueiLI tI T ,Mtjaoo ncl et St <hoe sa z4r Meusherapeei osi? he Mayo (in ch. Char,) Meurs. Bigslomr, Draper; Fr= fitanS0i&cg :Co"mtte. on Tév 'Prope2aey.M.té4oel. muScmteeo Impoimets....sp'à m~ onà sotieo Of Mr. 'Bigeiov, senedby MvyInde, lsve va.grautedteroue a b y l a v a t h r i z n s tb e M a jo r t1 0 e u te a n a r i i r a t o n b n l i h .e c a s e c f Y o l e M . resding, ou ch. ground fiat tlé cousewnt ofa tbeArbtrai<o c~ iS otbeau otaip. tbiasmecond resdiég. c lthe Boss., abae cl ommltee of mamrn 1 sa ffl '4W&-mt, rxib lutlédrala.isurepcf.Joy,. P Ur le co mi t lé e ieS CfIeim . r Itu" 5com tJe TpÂ1zoYu, o bc P ts f .Nfug sUelfuD he sog ofeie camuu4da*o bo tob 'vf id o I f "MostFCord sasdm 'ie = lmm asEr *W aopw Wflet evldessebyf.'aits b. ~ ~ ýCsà eue <Fod .Cserma '"se*pr s &msmw e 1 ueo 2,wsPtPfM7.115aSsiela strOMrhWt'M60 r*meroof jbitby conrià %fb*B$avÉ. , 1, Ièýîvryagbe. tm o theia abec a. liag lime Tons <le conldsiae Of tbwe rupetsbleor. lionuoflsepe AeiAd f bers e rs a MW ber Cf psreinl Tovaz ilo bea-ied <or h. By4a, sud iha vsss#sowga <lu of bto de<eatin Emscb, le cosmidered the gftovtbsad tseat Tov o . pl4,, med inaridiculmmposliu pruevsf rosm novisg <loir PîîQi4ý s in clé Tqws <brougb fçm'of ta.E ailway Capt. Bave wuVals ory-eo heu tliaî snyfhlug eig' le'Io t"Jlailroad baS Tovsjý bue lé (Capt- Bous,> muet ssy ctW ho doubted lrm.elm le, beroaegente M« w'vo nov tallsaiabmn pu mrie i ueots W0u4, &0 for #sh mp>pveueut m MI eyent. - The BalroîgS question s >uiy su eot, behl bluSvlarhbey s~b obelter. Ms deuied fia the Rmiroc Dlse s liS uorgian o4ell sgie to exrs fmf'mn so i s a ta baun Dr. Con himeelý for tise opiuoJo< OomOMentupon s tia. aitim of 1h. Dec- b's reman , i!,4ldug, the Bard Dfrec 'se resposhibk<for the, opiuiom « b. utior of a nevspaper.. Lt vwu'sajut, lé à OP944 mpesoer, te amà y <tt aj ets, iper vau tIe orgau Cf ch. Directorsfor as ýp*per midldeS b bY flélocf , h. be 4ve,to betoo djuê, .con oedf bjrthe l8nrs oruayýbod tIe. Tsgreai dimmmty vaï vit oùu 14e. besverel snfotopsfey, f oo yae nougaêhssgrseady f0 -. anylaing a '55 o orginsw w fhss~e bey verseislvr rfady f. gie a baS toue ida& ai ebaracter ef Baliway u=der- cbleles sS peclatri;tbey spresd mit ~51a ,'ftape t trougbal fl mwstq-..bey 100k pais. i. do so-rad ut vas sue pf'fb. rem n tlye.vole rth.leomeap ,tl.-< vY ibe' uOf ix to t<vo0- Mi.M do=Ueli ,as ulig, O uq otier~ _10, eapde by I>&Mpa, lbe Cosmla ýd»osrDed- ti "Mday -"Msine, <le ~1 pt, esç ataiwm 0( asClsst mid Tromsrto e.l im theadm Md", of<tir sy, i XMoeLWÃIsýdto- bias nfo s'il Co. d le pment., Md p~erd rd t, tM$, , wà wà o bel. Pums wombip fIe lMayor, èt te t*WlMav.s t <venly yea gin Msuns 10 nov ont Cfrbis rigi -but tiulss rmnsi nl noflûb9 bu onse ee. *by the day but kioui And ahouil (Immieusê V'ltst lt - eghteen pg a glaascf mmteroru Suring Whil f <reiiju vin s bottlor t"nOf las drank ah. constant tIi ~tevine he out of sus -drop of t Tbcmu 1 mest to the meobers o receivéd Vit vwooden 1S'g i géinzý,over 1 (Dep # iglss 'aplit "aari 'th" their e( %y§ ugne w i doS, ïa beJaa temprafe ho adev te thse -meut, Bra m esoiifof ii in hbeudâos f t j' -à - 1 1 1 1 i* gsoude benS fthsk e e«4 Mlm ogo ou. 'Tlésrslsebiped vho r.Jcest e4s fmi aiS »good; fty'os ms e o ed @0 à adughtsr, liatbot YODeon rs tebe ad a"tuavif#,' MasuMt msIreisîe MWrd o4U'64rvsture, '<vas oy jas a <t ies; bue *beoI(onyosdf" pur, 'd m aunstIo" r droopins IM ea ,y4 ls m Whiao Iseslu every attitude Cf y.. d forn, tWs exPm«se o f Mmad hems brok.« ým eames »longer consent Slmper vilh yu t ifsu, MaSsasdo - ora eolnlg to e aYOMrpooue, r v m id y70,10a u " c mpe < o y*" r u serip toftbe stmot ornsy power. Ssy,villyou mS asem-yen, champo-as'your Cornella clmaped ber gloved,' 'Na7, butfo, u< lyohfmrentdrely et 701wý t eael vol re"at *1eiImpouflsuo Èrsctaise o7r <tae; liaim ot fia suflemau lé supposes. vifisiwn A ..b'ôf sg furis r bis cosupnis lut errmspW et<. e clti fora moment 'B eturoed, a 1 vs aayig, <rom h. namà d, ýXomaSsa1dewrto fidSmly itsr;' from ber 1 lseS Iteh. wasv »marie; ,tiaaf b er hubuntise uepbev Cf lb. Wbaelver, fias rienS Cf your <age, . beau bounmby bis gnsadi.'promises, 1 beeowa tlme au.lav Cf Mr. Valiance. lu a .uod or thosgbtlasbappnsu, 1 o&fra to beconse bis substitute.. Ijournsyedbe as r.plly s e uiS, anov Croit me self et your <esnto seok your pardou for beiugi , apsrficpMtelu e' obearfe ansd ahamsfnl à procs.iug. Ut fora smo. Ment chat esvions -Voi,sa dlet msue My7 ferglvssealuin ose lipo sud eyes r Cornélla pulW ddo"ow fi. sl cJer <lés eve, adidmswbock b«erWay ba"S cous MA dgrmcsfnl dgure linclée etremicy Ths yonng suio's cuulomity vus piquea, -j 'Tic but a msail reque4stuad cincs 1 have beardso much of tias chama of 7cm, counleuaicr, Mdaiu00mme s. mul a fOrm 'tvoid h.boumm tW*<acflo eme t. vlssr tbough foe aen t thosebeautisvich 1 re.ig for enet. Aller ft, 1Vii b. 4 &IW ý -os th* 4 -ObL With di MW ka..4, -i..à , 8. gà p-à Cffmu lu. s Noe und#,# OMAWWMIV#