Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1859, p. 4

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3. Andu d i t ise. l iîR13 ,.a t wssiepurviion fWrthse s: D."etogoeot the.rpoationi, and the redeuptlou n su' Dbnire tw.nty yêas» romthe dàrtixDeB-lit liet eotr ettt theon, at tise rateo a#4 puCent peur soniun,sai bcri.s owed.nte& edmalnle tise provisions-ri jufred, bjv ,-it l robidecîsit) ud ï*dtd lnlitérdane vlb tise statut 'iirTisa t4 isJ t >or lhaiii! y lsby lu -teineutto, lbe crentet) le ro&y (luetuss dollas, i, or the tjuapseot takfuga 40 (lue extnt e o(ur hint)ct);bise&, s 000 ,bandred do1sr.sgli. 4 TIust'tbe total arneant Vqlreîl M P -b m4s ds d ssaly b>' pecisi rate for psj iutheide s ln of igny t"iend d bohndu.ilddolars, 5.Thot the asuut of the. wbole rstoabi pZroperty of" th# Màtiiciiality of ,tii Township of Whltluy, accordiug te tii 6. Thoat (te anusitl*'speciai rate lun(lis pouîd for ptyluig tise lntercs aud eresi iug u eqsal yearlV sitil6ing -fond foi paylng (liefaeld principal $$lm.,o)'f Irtj in le. SI3&L1.10 uiies o iicsd sun De it ttincre enectued b>' tii Corporation of tise Towniuhulp of Whbifby, sud i1(1, hoeel>'enacteti 1. TShat (Le Corporation of the Town ship niflWhithy cLati mmeuilstel iftmi theXamog ni iîtu Jy-law, tekotesîr bun. d"J shr«iche vpita 0ockof' the said- RailwasyCennmusuy, smeantaug 49 forty tument) dollars, or ton tbooiiano 2. Thotth(le lier, utlis ubueribo foi sncb stockln tise unme of(théCorporation of-tLe Towuehtp of Whitbr, end *hlla-g " els(leCorpeuste doue . e rporstioi te s<. asa,ëbMdrptien iDn the a"tiook et 0, Thot Debenturoe of teiti poiatlo di theTownship flittty, s6"ah b edt te thse aineunt of fort> (boumant! dollars, eu £10,000 and b. douivered te theesoit! Rail. va>' Comupauny,lui va tont 'of ;the saia stoek, but tlîc sait! Debcutures shah unoî lie losueet S 5l cailier date or foranà lauger scieunt Chan Csy lie sufflci.ut < meutet hie Iuîealmcntis et stock as regated b>' thi.ilbarW te i pat!ialivay (oi. paun)., srIeg% 0. iîisc rlier or larger Iiies shail hsave been preroles>' utherizdb veosoiit ion cf lie 'Town Ctudnctl. > 4, TLat (ho Dcbcntuinsto bholse issed, $haltl be s"Iai ithu tise corporate ZS ot tlie Corporaton, asîîliali be aignet) b>' the. fleue,sud couterigt! lj (the Treï; inrer oeth(le sait) Corporatiomn eft(le Town. slip et Whifiq, anid *huall Iboer nterast at Nue rat.e trix perceufumu per oumun, pay- able blf'ybanly, anad ft(he.litymeîrt of sncb intereefse anif tuili (Alil due, Cou. pon.s haillieuattachet! te the malt) Deben- 5. Tbs( ail Debenturoe sst! under (lie outhorit'of t (lis J5>'lav, salilbu soopee tiue>' fer sncb anme notlesx Chan $20, et'. prtenoaçud either in sterling monco )'Great Jlritsin or ini an>' of thle curnclsoti fttila Proviunce, aut! made payable, principial and! fintere t, or citheof e hein, et soesplace te bic (bercin meîuioued, cittuer lunGrea.t Britian on Canada, s e (ohlicofflccs igu. lomg auud coîsrtrsignngthe cane, :11aîl seemu snoît oxpeîlieîut. Tlîe principal thereof chli 1>. payable ou tihe OU, t!ny et Jul>'. in tho year eof ur Lord 1870. sud tue'isiterest [reina(the issuiug t(bicot bat) a,. That foth(e parposeofe)'redeemuing the Dcben(usresse te b. Isucd, as u th(le jia>- inet t ise utorext tbereoîu, 1lucre scli buli raixed anti ievied,anuusl>', for the pcm.led of' tweutjr ycara, froisi Lie fini. fluaBy-iaw saitcoino rto force, thettu mnof'four (lieu*. saet! four bundred dolclars, oaci sut! aboe &U other stims reqiaires te le ralset b>' the saIt! Corporation for an uprs,, wliatee. ver, aut! for (lie purpo» eof rasisg sucb au. aismn »ni, tlure chah hc raiscd leviet! sut celetld annmuliy, lu addition te a h ee Tatou, an equal spociai rate etone cent G&k *-lOthe milles lunflic pounsi upon the viole- rateabie propert>'oetCtisauid Corporation orth fic owuicip oet- Wisitby. ; Tlirt (the Itecre befàresaubciblafofr sait! stock, ebaliltako au undertaiug front this caid gla Compa7n~y auder (t epr " tÈ , t'fb utIs! âeiora. Mien ofthtie Totsh~mlip ofWhitby, (bat the -~~~~ ths b enip ali u Ilg wflroeltnarc'iae forfakng (eVea or th ise Eoeustl ud, W atI tbstjrein-a1 Front b. ZotniinngO l ots. am& th NSlo. Aý, o-I Tic. aber. i a. cp «y -O<-1'W vhleh mitllie Mken lt.o noMetic '.y thie Coueilof disCorWâratof otbiTo*wa Dtd st Biroeklln4 ln tue Towmblp .e Whltby, (bis 71h day Junsý1f9 EW i*hlhIApiuth à Tn4 Vleu,. $pol AmrrmrnwmELhvà". Ig lut iuM ogyups -a m7V7& A moh5DP1UbgJfklead o aet Mo LqB if"(e bts, Titeôz;.pr l eu Ml ai 4i Ih Jmw or Alraue a,01'(f'm S Mel Pr itt 0< tb* im kot onig. Ia Y=o, udtieun p. Jedsal Auoint i J'aq. , qeD41813011,. ire ury a,ry q ofdii*oM.1 M.. Tylr J, Kerbau. î0 se- Tii. Colnial iras ee"ft Aétoblle u18 iah pro lo m.nltM10, "v iiàeen4I'ek *erilngfapu' esu. CnUt. linaofalase aadeelidsu Cll u i amttl.tJ. 44do ue avcart o ord iffl 19 pilb ii a , .depooito* ,1 o h u DaukofU are pii* tiullulgatl wom oemi" Mdd a r4ftl tfsvow frw rlndýZt 110Vt '"ltag*ed %JL - syaevno T. D; t U AYINUTON .V. 'd; iz~ K" .,.~ e-..S g0 Ij~ ~ Oc h "i ~a. "w w,2 o r i. 4~. 1. a K a s 0. e?' p ~FJ r A LLpeaon~tund destroyîngirthe seie e boumaluugLca Nés. 122 sii IB, corser cil .> oti sid ost otreete, viii ha pro*ecuted villa tlie Uttaot rîgor of thLo 1w. W NOOL CARDING,ý TwooIaCl liladelot eCatiuag t 2d. pr~ Whltby, Ma>' 24h, 159. Frst h B mBroklStree st AID suai lsarDressr, e long standinglathe . Inmine"a, yullvIa>' b. Iaud ln r=sd e o ' ' lnn. shsvngliaprfltOe(w In fer good reasionue, Ar n ob àrkià- iasrntsabndw.sat.y f NUi 'ÃœT by ore sud twlîîug H.vonow e ied *TOXE $TOllBE,' tolu .TOIof Whfitily. J>omwâjul oavn o 1.e fg ofptemor .e2a AVING purclisel lbtheire st6ek di JI, Pantela k ('o., willi a 18slitsuuti i,, 9W- A lew8 tock, «M f-otio o 40 » 1, szuséy avor -un with a eai. fi O T I E*. A LLpmrons, bavlng cla'îunagant:UR, ment, PIJRTILIPE. ýNOTICE. AÂLL pomnx n. nebted to noe cuer by N fs, oo;èk Amcunt, viliîlessae =Il iud aotie -thé' srne wÏtbouatdewsy; 'sd mse coeta L,11, SCIIOYIELD k col Whltby July Wo, 858. 121 CAUTIONYARy NOTICE, P UBLIC Notice in burehv givsn ltAt ail par- sousosid eoiiron tiitionwuy fau y s"tIor grgswltt<u I1'l ou.011 a deo i 74r, Wm. cî 1l, 0m$îrs, 1Whlîhyl rli- ont( frot obtai#ulig porguiogloii from ns i dir- ïlgnew ed IIIli roai*mtdpdl s.eeoriiogto Iaw. JTACOBJ BIIAIFIW%, Port whlthy. PotWhlb," l.9,l ; 4 t #$eottlslu Provincial Asuruace Coup'>'.j J413ealpi ooreit iier's, 'ie flyOredit ajrtea f.,erue rrIF, Directors anfiiortz li in î'yment cf tlie .Lriibis whieu aI'iiiicasutwe (100si0s mof. exceed Do' yelire. uu i'11 Wsc15t .'tmiliti e ssi'csl ls net 1004 flian £W 00 eir f fliiif'ycuurly lustaltuent. Age-isa>' 30. 1Italahe 2 et PrOspectus., preuntain Payable £2 10e Q cr $13 ti5; orsAimppo stng PllO)C ntitilff ç etfici pute i profit* of ..~34i Od 'ATUJUAY, th, 'f I ThWidul5,hithe5tli(b51. I .;ix..~:> ~ 5JE1L~Mis4 Jta ~». 'Brooblln, Ma>' 30,1859. - WMils>', Feligu uMsy~îsn. 1-dt l -Mé _ Bo lulNro T=oWNll'II nua'si Jusyadj -~~ ~~ < S«Alàsseî 4 b. Sss4l , i$lf soi ra".1 - ' EasOumied, v,pir<s. wk L S or ates, de; ri :Il'u> . 't 'a 4Ia.- 00t S 2iUlnR&dwaidS ~'4'**~ftbj4 in ft4*p hftwoi0s PR SALI. ~~ -oeeu>sNlJard, pliveMskCauss , .t1'I,5ises'P nIe knaSiueMd t é IordFtfleU1uAi à1 Ltb;wo- timiefasaere' f n -en fph if y,4,k 'm yl ssesayoa-eilgs rve, »e<euiâs. uug eodvturtl miu t ' ;mi l Ahmp u -àa tàL à. , =WFavrblse h 2*11:, mdeW59.th t VOt SA orCJEA t .teatgow 1 hJserton War larg stoad prbe Mllllgs luas cmenb. on. ber,. Avo.bIteriigns Ai'4.lnade yuL (b. N. idTber 1iie s fre t-re o10lnet Bfaoa- leta foi tis. Ietaulslne To ofs YandAl Eiactong 1 1y28. 857. 45LABE #OPRT r ALme. B OZad LOeuTse.Istl>'ocepleb> F MiSALEIN TEZ tIcAUX tisWe ri lina016andfccs d tier.o. l tonol à theav rd>- t # g slufJlrnyhe.S or Tie lt fe Wm lt3en l ootiie wl du.,a ail irouK l lDut Itx JASbAfl t. e. 124fEL, 'FOU SALE, A CmufrthlePaml> Ileience sttdp l trnr dotIse Frenclîassn'os ia> Station :Zor tln4TiM 'riuk (IIway, Ill tuile* froist To- routo. engistlusg or a .Cottage contalumg Niuse Booms. wlthi a1er>' couveniene. requîshie; a large Ihans isisl Stable atleclisd ; a neyer filis gWeilor! v W1er;h ti.Groîîîda are hassicl'lly laid Doit, sud plituled with Sud. Tresms, âWalarge (Garden weall soitkes i vilFruit 'tr«ces; 1hwliole cuveroo (vo scre. of (iroisusi, sud causmf l bc ssrpa.ssse lu th iiTwuisbip cf lkeragfor fit*coiivenl- on% sud rovsdyaeces 10the i'Lay. Ternie ma&d eay. Ilor tormber pgrartior» atîpy tuteli @ubseibIr, lorkvllle; or te 1fr. Will ta iPurdy sspous tlhe ,'rooitsui1s 'Msion gleen forth- GEORGE IOSTWICK. Yorkville, Ms4y, 1868. 1 - Varm for Sale. four ailles or' hlesertqu, on tlie fravel rond to 1=rs tise land losut ha boot qnslltv, sud Io ln l.ceteof agousi stclcmbot, ii(h a Scseol, and &sRawmilll eonvenientl' 111 eca Alse Noitis haoi' fLot 4,-lnlie 0i ms tieon. ;l Thoraii, collig 0 f,âg acres, 12 of wlalah, ar arecàd,isud ftontitis on tihe Lortsg Rondi, nour .ýa:ncreus',i Mi. I MUMS î î.ij. M AppI>' (o D OAMERON. FÃ"I SALE IN TRE T 'OWN 0F m (L'NO». 2, SM- 22. TILET ARE SITU #at-s uDisiîdes tSfroçt, bctvccu 1r. S Application ta e b. mal NU, AINGELINE WEST, '"hlta ot 38, BIh concsion ]1>Ikwlnton. ()iita fferlng" plaecon>' unil ,fobld Tarm for Sale. bjOc, 01ohot st exoç iFrm b.iug eem- (lui 8d>neeevs busîfé o t ot No. 88 la u5oftbpTovnsl rÏAmrslilpeof Uerle. elesed sud ,nudert fdee4 iwth à nov Frmu Refum $O0b , e0 sds Ii isu'ble, witlu B«ecdeIto'watr;mfLs'v,na àphIt ucar (Le d e.Tfia Fa Yim lioper aiisp, ,eofteLs vhatnMîn tlise ,nuy 1tMtarl al veliWï w'brhho attentn0-1r aun'p,> mal gos-huemestest. Aiopprw m £>rdo N0,4,4" I'p' the Ti. AMatt FIiueooy5i.smddl timer ecenut tomge sdLt o a ciuoftlisSoumtis'aM t diLot No. ,l tisem Supdehqstsioss volilsu XaiE Robta - U912 fa lot oWn ckerng 2art t1 clnei 1, t ltconl Fkeuiug> la thé COnt>' Cort. David mCask, plaIi vs. John Le4 aud WillIwnHsufirlcli. dfeidsnte. 14512 lu llt CELp ?kedlg BIn he ui, oant-f i-s.ou ai(iilli anmlartick ud IoL I eadttud t n, r.tNZecrel»t l8,Iu at Con.Mleoeing in th, e ieut. pei, WlIIIlliAng, John Borklmn arrn,(la-l Exeatreti lse ai 'iansd ltemettf MWsine. .lus,ik ieease pnttilsvi0 sCimSa. lieCity Monk, Pluuoiîlltev. 4 Ciney si 'Tuiler sud Abrlos aTer«Wtiçer, "etn. sianta. - Lot 6, la lot Con;WLithy. 0.t, lu laI Con. Wlittm>, sacres. elierlfc offic Wbitbyiourse.b SHEHIFF' SALE 0FLANDS, of Anguist A. b 88, et tiva oclek0 nua willlib. *olÏ b>' Public Aactlon,-,a0t» iny ice, l th. Cburt loie, lntse TowneofWlmltbh(b rlglrt, titie aud hufcreut, mmcii the undewmnn- "losud defetndsut* Rear'oss l n the un- demnientiosed teands, ani tenentés(Oseron, oceizd ty nme under uad b>' aita.etfcertuIn wrlts of'irladFeam, tu me dlrecled, riz: lu the Courtiof Cu4nmmon Pleca. Robert srvey Iewder, Plantif- va. Darwin, lIent, drendaut. P'art of' let No. 29 lu the 2nd cmemion Wlsltby, et the South kzt fangle C0< lb.saitdlot ranilg eOeseiiaia aud uluety4in alunse andt an ethd Lce clmansid swvuty.silJlnls aosza utiuflî lu the County Court, Rodedek 14Lee, plaiatlft vs. Jos.pbhadanl, hi M Le 29, ln rJ Con. Uxbrld&e. 0 34owesst, O gareut lot 2,lu rd Con. Letiiiiig b>' sdnmssrcmeu( 2M5 are. Inuh(h.<Ouuty Court. William Proudfooit, pilisiiT vs. Aleisuder NoWel, defeudans.. Lot 6, lnIsI oeédo Flueraism. 1110tIl ist do do Lot 7, lu 1.1 îledo' UEL$ON UG. REYNOLDS, 1'er C.' Nénse. Wib>', i>ks 8, < , 1 wOW- U, Tuiff TIUE. (lE? YOUE LIKENZIS AT A.,,*Clai#tï let nii. Fictaus Gailory Ti-udesi îr£ orte( 'dlifeike Amnbre. Ulg or sJ . îcn dolta tW,.Bet style, aud as short uot4eq.. 88 " .llgmtý obditwJiI, SEODPIEPCUE Àskà0lAR 25_MCeNA-tupr . l ~4ekiueiMgs i W Sa~Fr auqteilb' Tu *4Gol il,ý01;410t? A07GtgD cIC- biiPrreiu iaaniit f; if Y*il.libur tg foefer Anaonm- 140 titise g i i e t ntal s~~~~d' flreee ê ue otmew ise ohuseri IMd nîtd aaceicesifre or 04M tul, Wliiîby, (lue 49rd 4 i ueo.-o0S ice, - etisr than, fraterotal tovsrdastiiftere0a cor Cry cer loclityloi tihe eouný - Neregard;tise> uterewtaof (Juta- 10dsàs nuit, futef, wll as lit law ;,oi dfise broflu Tcws(?t Wiiîby e, depenuleut audst dimesolmtotte r theflc aspielo o) pati> iotslii, .la' tie couidéraiunof couit>' ens Tenllpqtion.. mý e vil) làwayoc loyal to Our owu ioneat% mviiaut b *.t inter- lilsef tile lojerly , e lM dontlfo treets elistioomport ln. tolealy sud faunries,. wiîl dit. ibseïluïte ilItis cf f l iuivlduil îor ioeamky. 1The &id-Wid4 IL ii.aslcre»s ituselt eii1y te, practlisel !ge. TVi. e cit orf die l'oit Wljitby Ulvy-uDOW m-ifre t' se iwearly vjtif uourgrsssp-vili ha flue frctobject tif its. sdio*aey. But whuite urgim% ftrraifie ssmpctaiî utepree ticr bjtct iili nus bc lotet suiglittf; fdis unaterial initercale of^flhe Souty eeny;kid. aLl allure ii n frr di- coief ticir welrare and dcvelsipemrimuent, si lîA eets <W i df local -lmpiottt(i hull ieý (tie ai, t'tflic dtou4- ljeWZyC.roid. to awaks fdia tj cli usercot lu tîseir boIaii; wlisk'h yll A Poltie i lt-, Diul;Wc.ekly lfkoe Le ekjl Ckrmck.we iii b. san1sd. eutisiutliuicer. -Vol Is'uig b1ndY ut file eo) ifîiojdùrlt "omn pst ittiS aim tioit. support ut frïenm.n, visite exe t h(e frcemssiseright of)' Irée tigbt and- fré spe!ech. finls isplepolie>',like t(lmwr£eiî t01tiiuiilt, WîiLe tiar-uw , t'> (Lefsllit extsut. u patiesi psliofisia sioîd gSeot ei > Ii. aldvocsway of a proreeisve polie', Oo apulit.y ut vise a c-»eoAiltutiîi)oiul t-oisIiapti sumd fullovesi Up by tis We.ky 'fArïaie, *soitl 1» te'liimoiîcred cf (tie SniWcl.On thsmou valus ses befone die cimutry iii ujîl- nj-insof' the %mi Weely shusl us oif-spokesu, vi lot (L amine@ nrscvencssid frouste omce lpont 0et a* thus(le Wekly cltrmade lice bitlisrtu taken. lu flme coissiet oet (e Se fiWa l le ex- perienue ttîs oit *111 bc. (aken sdviilsae uof tu a-ioid tIse erfrons vîlela o mu>' have ftiinî litoI luiniîopubliésitlen cf thle veekl>'. Itvili haé oir is u t te.aspostteu cutoije cf ssiI Jer- eousllticu,.We eluali osideuivor Cc <lIseuusjoai .iics»tio»s l fi a bo cîs een-ooiseicmtes tou sud .spitif. 'Wil a' Britith love' cf fair-play, tu wlilcli v" o bld tu imalte 0 smiso,etsu w, 'Alusî dwinss al ,questîcis et tîte Couisty sud etUn rvu.- arsgumnfitinuever iinklug It il lioartleee, our eariextimcs nioyer saninug laU, Viflolisec. W. loave reifious tobe pressîl sud tbaaktal for tise supp'îort cx lwe dto uas lu diae pot; tient vu arec ccitdcit aud Jîopeul, tientOoioltlue future vil) l loiuiecwlianlcaldoportunouft rlie 8cnil- Weekiy (ieomerne a ylb.'oserved vhts-h0 bai 1uarites tleWokiy t£%rocl ons taise ftlie liandaonest sud Lest priuted 'affierlis filueliro-. JIIOGI'is k YEIOF U O ALL IiNDS LAWYEUS JLANRS, DivisIon court lliikoç ,, ., »I., ' I'AT-CITY FRIC»S. e ;3 1ll<IINS kMA'YEHOFFE , I-' Suu NES.NEWII1 able qnrtmrly, l vin ic Viigso" =rvent t rou reoett'- 'Ay Jiitby,'Fébrîry f2Mb, SiC p il10 NOGC+R .4-P1IY tlest ,ifwhllîWfis iitcd <rOm cloue euîtrfinI, ltivi% wrling xer itir l, ar wi lcht auJ pwr i, ut>'lart, mon a spis sglysLors ejOuce oltîîîîete toreasi arta Wrte IPheucgraphy cluIly pýraetise is Olt thsut la required toe enbles fiîld i idiuutryiueilce ( rite ob or 'f I. & Unl 'i' Ilinurploi,e 75 cent,andi (lie 'lliiooigreuiIlle 4(!opsy ;' 28", cet. or# M1.1; toi i>'aty r e h ast',popald,'on Ye- aeipt ut tlhe î.riec, oxx îfJiYLA*. N W -AND (ý1IEA1P STATIONEILT HIOGINS & -MAYEHPZ O FIER 141>»- SALE AT TUJERNEW " suprc-,nsder Itle Cîoiil"Priniing f.fleC, aIl kiiuulr.of I1'an ansd laney -Statioggy7' nt CITrY i'IZCE.J. 7aàw tatiouc'ry. and e nt ivslmCow Bluisok iml.> Teroito prisai. A~~~ ~ LARE8TC li«cEBSsu l5 E ('lANs' M LLA andI WICAPJYNG L-L'NK 11001<8rioledlfor, Dollar$s sud Conte. EN VE41>l'EY4 $&Il i,x'ifardicolorn. Meteolit-isuid otl)ur 3'murorsndum moulf, A$$ i<>K , AYING CARJI, WE%,cr), artie le eau h. pureliss.ed sei"p uM It cau lie lied lu Montrait or TorcSto.- 'Whihyby arcli Srd, -W1. IÉTEN TO TIU coceviz% Dise diseases- e)(L reIssila$lt hihil eboiIc in! Pensons roui& ATL8 TONWOES, EI ~'Front Streetq, Toiutoi..- ~es a 513 ce A. - - a- à%Clelu C ER F TiiE, JOUX. GolfiUuefcLE W. ÏAX W. H. IA Ltoe. fAKI 0LEEFJETDW ura the Cort ce MESS IZSID ARLTU, AT B lson, Wliitby W. IL mEiG . i ]AERISTER E, TI u t orware Aore, "'LAçDEl SCOTT'S E DEss. oW. ALBWÈî e ONVEYAKCK, CCI Çlt&ng Afdavtto,'Àec s s.Court, NOU rPublleîi Uxbuidge. OffitceKIng StU th* medied L lJl N. B.-4l1buiness utr .- be pronîirysat d osite # *"JOHNILI ATOENEYÂAT.LAW G. H. DAILTI IAE15YILITAR ait* the.(lab stand,) Toronto. COLVILII *1 lu <'~WJLIANTEmi .. ~TEET,.O1 li Wksbir, r*bn 'Ide

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