Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1859, p. 3

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~, »~4aa~pp v.ninSmes VeYnlo,* buttOb# wlll fer,»on il Î mu' ýcxP@âw dwalMang t tbe Bay#' xtir ;nt1 *. ý;13l e ~yKa~uu'hopw'qo ~/spp~.4«dtâaoufa.wanl. *8 . z t>s,01.w-t,-uPm Pà ýsp eis.1Wt> u .,»e sathé c$~t.#tat#w lhtiP ,uos neoo 1,f & litdt ie io tit -il r, ntr bn à t'ewIIIl aise ua , fla adtn tlu eoon .,a4 Afý6 ài tac 'fr4 te itamnes e o disa Pajia Ststu ar mot a. awa,bw ata Î~,~s*r01'wbu i. luian.îa mbe t n,9wias te lAtn 1h 10 iu uo iug Ohluh in o po as- o wlae Il'.poe- , WIlaconral a Iegrapbf 16i».. Auýstla aàoolja0t hwiabut Talli. grtmtle ane.wba gt1imme lu bert ,U W Mrival oéreti. on dent t h.he îroê sorla, hea valsa i ti'atir'hd all" t leAssran 33w us, N Il.Jul>' plrp ofintïthbott'eranIs wIhortheJin- 'l.NyiMo.lstemr.arh b oa, Cpt 5M tn ete. s o ts vrdieutii Ijita dt etpo t on o 'eok ïh tbramiinfe~eîope1Fac <an>'su ted aahre bÉOoYv e l#- thiir th' tio locil tits4l? the da o' qigine mat bu a îerg r ne bu4be Napelesi aa onbia ay hoe, a ti Tii. Vîenzsa Otzgeîfc maya isat lu lie- y~çssmto l Prl o lteISli we bganditorro, 4aj oleo thLb,£*hao o furîer etala ul b gien. Tu i it 1i. traly abLend elth Al i n E - ne ongr l kopin wlb 5. itorat 0 oon botonbea ointite ail 'soulml. 14faemiln 'hflot stwton- tionson the et b' r stià afl n V j.s'n.tle .aOt, land a oro L b.4t1#1-hal gpb o yer'0et«Ilbh estand0 0 it h.ylsdti fl i i,. uýnfia l, oà fAiAtra ueIàt oet bu ofrhriua«qoutire a.hi ateired .,i. Lij *î>oJa Wat>' a1n koluate.'pfiâstt hthe îritim oflTUgeai. T isei,mkaAy aI enaaslu o z fTaiY daned lW, naat u te bpi ti be tlb htb tr sid 0 #,n Az batis auabarot and -Tmore ie",lr ebl (a titat saus to- abélt te Poor-rit e c bloa qsi;ýfom the J<r unai. . h ui Alter , rns loge l esin g :I tIl UnIbarbts o r masete a ontjeiio atbqu ai o .i lis ~eislhetribs orbi.crpa atiLtbe Paoureis ym g;«Rdn d trit h YiopW.ta ee eUeoýlent. ouro W89~~~~~~l vw qi utiVvc waooc i a TlSPae-Aioinn Ie, et.1 l t f lc A nrlcan le "164A14 t# JUs. Wlîet 1a dui Ibp7tstiaiiy uncisango tIougit boîtier wmb proeaiugit on th. market, Western a,. O i tsMte is;Wite 06 s 100e 01; wulte &uSoewn,1lOs t1 e .tlorn duit anti noi- l'nrtb.r by te Eutope, In thbnoo f Cemmuonm, theobill abol. -sibng Oisurch rias as dobatat, andi ..pe$8tlamaontilng b> asnoteof 2988 eQqy#màumtîdi noit ntaut,anewlng Lise Iai~b>' wiicb i lthe usonBu> ' otu. ^..,e t i or NoiliAmarcan terri.' 1 A bul'#ould seonb. lnuflo .re poiutlleg Maistraldes tbrostghout the0. a .-q té 1 PVst dsutpbslwoaen nilans à.d Whi te e Tabla ratipg le pr,- vent .xeaase, 1%0h ?Ott" &09erepeal th. Rtallwey Tb@e proeeedhfte, i.Tovu Couneti, $êb wueyl l nterest eOvremdca-ouýr TéufiaiédNom mo'oapeew1ai>'.Tisa Me k~ ~~ o -14 set~teIWlroa D>lv bave mot t" sLbe r tainlutie ozpoeuroof tteI MOCIhomUwyr1 anthe de&fet o bttoe wW& irlb ise' neti. Sséwi lovoi bc ,» w9asd,. Iltl. reiiaiy of tihe signe #me, .3wII* 1 , u Bulmuottviini .1 Ab*mr o4te scr Ovssdb"stirnt. ,qg x#f1y pal9ao rptt ls, ts13'. , O~Ie rete- short sPace te tiI ,a euu#murOPDoit usa, s a il asne $ha 4 - ' o tierTova antiCoumei ~~,»,fà*I~ WCiI ve s nd luirom oni. Z 1,11vle wâ, uà c0"ý foi proa U4, WUt pw's'mqognj»g po' bi she bMI Of <trous tw, Naw YorkiiTribssiio,Jul>' 2.) Tise Italian war la ever. On tise$tis Inat., un arnsstleo n'as, tte curpris.of ëery one, concisitictibctwccn France and Auabrla. Thi'oe days aftes-wards the two Enipat,ôra bail ain Interview wbicb rostilteti In peaco, of vlîlcls tla Condttioua aiOUl 5167i f to da ileatit b/outo tû(il eutnt lwpe. of' Italtauî iuîdqsendenee. Att Italien l'con- "federatlon" la to be oermed utntier tise "lionarar>' Pesideisey"etr tise pope tts King ofSartinla, wbesaueceds teoAitrta' Ilrlghbs ln Loriîbardy" la to b. on.e mm- bar, andi Austria borseif, lns so 1farscon- cerna Veule., whlch sh itewli velur, an- otiser. Wlia rîgista tisa mabar ettise ",IbaIls contederatlen " are te aujy,-' whutPoosition tihe Pepo vlll, as-îtilonifr'y Prpslientl"occupy, ivboLher . cdlîless et Lb.fi Papal fitalu la te b.ulnspvevad -in, iorfofç't , Wboesr 'Veuclelaa ny>'bottai o00 that"ih. aâa wwMa the 1 gfales tts40. wordthetutoioi !51W eontedartlen" ant i oht -part eof Aui-r40I5l «t rernch bayont are mfoh i lte Ponînoul#se qese - o o 4 awterod. Our Sole sO-uuveOinfu~tits teuciing Lb. Ireal>', .la 4 brwtl5elogi'8n boo »much lunht,4 QrlllE<ffE dore are jusîl1a- àUâtieor tuA/tttnv. The effneoh,-taeW8on tise Fra9ýn&s wu- lmncséte; a~but'il d'inetlrWabLoi doit Mt tlju bri$, fIJ<q ttellt@~ (Fronts is Ifs 'Yor#glç »b/s, it7. 'Tie malnticouqueror conteuta 1Mm ceidful despol keeglils u,11ith EurOpe an4 titbli* Pl& * s, «jîlt ls tisaI the king4em'iOipabubO#n r*0seai 10 Amitritawith the eotstiiualti othç Oif faihinlit ellsaut Iii.»Wew Itallan cou- 44rîowhiab-that 0aent isIo aas salti ~ ~ ~ ~ of the.vae~toaa~ Lbe ri of Ilailn tredezi Sisal lb. spor of et i ]Prendishas don. for tli>' il tali un dti'lok' té de,0Vili5EupeAlVd and wiul alili boilev#*'t"'É ia. ouin MaI powe' I T.Z O i f [,-" ours nal hs alta asll *o wic COWlio fausindL»" ik» mdrlcla ail -th» ' '1*a lui j'MWx~~~bit~ t.n.' Deo nS ( 4fÀ~4~ eep e54A t7~o~8 sUaslî *Wt. iL ,lkunister, Duitroidrt MIN rOi 5Vi ls oh m *M aferi ato;itp isba lâ or WXITiD JÂKUTroCi, a- -0Zi1 IWI lon etrea.îtil t «-k» afflit t th 1, ,i-'rim bwb 00. RE.¶IITALZAN WAR, goe aUrlb"114. T"là aw-You m . lsu s rlfrcoosdiy Ricnou. e W ssru 180&, 011 d I lb.conbenpo, a reowlen.e, I oTÀui carce, ansd solin« as Iligh aaitts . wileibW lUAb apla Eitrial on& or cor- 1~P~14~te».reseudsicel Ue Snt;ofW, Iwtftnda tUaiwgiîis in iusOdirmù tu J>a rabaiof L.unsuua. 1. 2'..1 'Ma b>' Matgi ix d i aro nYn1,1M NP! AVE CI8XENT8. i A TE$tflU4 P1tTh IEmnu n thion ajuitiûu ,o tise bulk c*id r - tion- ail>' lapor. le mnî de ù -gut ight CI E'<> GOO<>1 FIGHT," Admission 25 < ' <'t, naua0îiitr.tig coyc Por io ,ortoL.CHBS ZD2 SCORMQDIOUS ANDP lLEA, Will. t» ne rntcr> otlnae 5a5tantatdd aklumonud flloîtise voluntei, Oft 1-t k&acriet f d ln tb. NrthTlAgoatrlDpem iWard <of the Town e0Wb1uM ' ontie Rit llnU"I,ilÏd tront a vanS>' of sources, inall' cf sîdêof Brock $troti; enin.eas ite, Mi1l.n. a 1r r*furîbar piOtfi ('p> i y W&. î..~S 'I4 e'->n Prie Tisas. Dollars a 'Year; Two f '* ~copies to One'AAdraa, vive Volltirs; Wilsby - r t,«theOU ubii, ple _*pù# o se AUde, #11 JO4II q0i~,biinusasajeisn, i tmyUtorrysb<m eWmsa4aluati ne DpinstP U DID $TOUy, aIo rit, o - 1%u000W l1o conlso eoants Antiaill pi'o*"uttedto te ANDte Ry izi[ sAtt Wi ikinsu, sire roslu*d té -a&.on ADÀsstss*11"s. a bew. -0gi 11. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w NU.» altrraenotirok ',andat. tîer OJ 6. . it Weona . 000 REMÂYIEE f Tw)o Doua>ie... pk 'a" tUftiidreas JtutsqDOs UMU teil copli tu obel for*SglW.crsa 5LDLA55 wenty cpi& ldten Wiby, Jiy 28tb, 1650,' fr - 8041n. Au, 4 'NOTICE frt ari a a an Tuans or AlL oun Ia,a-Cmsli sastusmbty in 18 MgEREBY glien that th aMidvjS hérCof0iý' OUifiing ëtwerý1ýTf"poelmen numnxors £orwarded l upon application. Joltiston an er romas Jobisson, Ailletcir* to ebu,aldrooeed tg tisa t"Çjz.. lîotb oft d,0 Towndiph fpa'Ultldge Is thea Yous Tous," Now.York City, Count>' of Onto.io, undti liteFrm of J. à& W'TiseTisaBsmsna 1 1oul dsted t*g4L T. Jëlussen, was on thé 2$rdrdày of t jtuytise 0tY 11411, Ou 1Park Nov, $Pr0cgustdluwâf lRAO. tlk.MôAUV m.,hal nnaÀê ~ roi 'JZ0EpiH JOIINSTON. il, 'r. JOHNSTON. Uxbrldge, Jul>' 26tb, 180, $U.8lu. Prfl tao, 'O ffl Pori isle. App>' e he ussterslgnsti, - .BIITRAU FUWLZ, NOTICE. A LL (x'OLUNTO Du£ R te ise tOTÀILIQ 21.TIMEES" ogice durin bhe r«nas 's'- 0)le)lp of A, ib'ILVE TM & le. sue doui(o And eau cati>' hdu tlq !ho>'utilus M ti4 I tfomt ii. Stiltm qujtf4d te b.l t Bi.WiA»FoWra, Aux ÂEon tol'Ot t on, Wlitbya .imstiuoeaved loir tse Uttderglgaed. A&bram -Ldgan, BICK STREET, WNITBT, Tin.SmIËb sud Beli-RauMgerke, . irolllsold-fatoa.uavariad Lilitultg yods., Conut>'orders sent b>'p"t or itarwlas TO 33BE LDAT A BRAN - I osûirAND3UETr A3>' t ofe un4er A 'r; s¶litdOISote elaberre WhImtby J~~~DTY be tismu WblÀ 133>IAMN fi'~1? ~flITJk1Iv us t~Bor >fl C42 41 wnfor Daring Eobb.ry at Aurors. 0 N-Tu os 5htit j toiw 4ucoered tet ba4;bnsateenï tw Win. Dock- Iteil Innsm wul1aa'ermlsakoe,' li. Jaroperty 'dMr.Cims, tisf porla c~of tise lie tel, cwsultuwbt5 uposlj,.('a~w ioteor latnd ogtkia4 1Mr. W. Jk! QfojjsLro-%, on 4V1110 bosre o la a aace te of$'O CO , M id forcrlout i its iikyiu 01 Mr, (Juo a* lim4ir. Wlam W J41 sêieati. f.IIuowlsfjo da or mpl.loo, bluk bâir d 4wis dari harel eyex, >ainrt uqYcarauo *bit on o. loft, a iightlipon <cot., w«blloo cbecltud panti, IouA, blie"Iotli v.,t1 u rbisttsrmvdy boî'on il ulibinsllyrowared, ky ilc iùi, s - .I~neCHAR tES CASE,' Dissolutiofot atn.rship.' U; esl Oproo existlng btwotti 1îe e4 -1 or WiLq-ia.bon tlsia ts&Y'dli4d b>' nutusl ILOIEWT .Tý WIIAON. Wý IL JIILLINU5, Wbltby, July 9tit, 1859. 8 lors edorkiwsifor th 'lit #Il M ledot0,anià out lrowlarr rsst>t nuf tud tordar.jî dorfige~%ftéi t 1r * win~-.rn Qei t or lit* ilov» e 111" Miîko adolb1'beVI'10. t Iitz aenk. Alil kwi Q I 4asnslw _ri '0 r#o,& aayheoa oSluei «0J LJWJ jos Whitbfoapaâ CaDi.Yaeto 91# BlonsgoaM& 14t f«rai ie lbeVilleaé iclet Vratssa liqoi nsanquatrter doea li 11e contre of tise Vil- lug 'Tise laeuse oontaluts4'pi ide 't'oW dircoeinaganercoilcut ptiss on tii.preunise For torms,48&LWOItoi A LLtpatiaé ibdebletkti: tj'oauh AU rodlre4ipal y "S t»to 'e 7UmS font fore t..l'.' .J. £.f i5 ém~aE euDv 4t'o, c O bbt regV4'~ fo jufi l... . . . ,rgeaIe -rolflU ~ t1~~ £JeDtJVP4juWilW àOUad....S ' T(LNfrom ntr7ugL rf Go&,> WCedo ofabntt4,daoabout uPrbbout $Mt, date,) abouittb.StI OfJi ï8,1 591 4414 Jt4rtou tassrV'$IVo~< dt" i t tbwruuli 'cr otguiit pur- incladeeo ail, kindso 1 l%an& uLaaey Wrlting Papea, liercliantf's Wrapplîsg Paiiers, Beiool ilooka, siates, PuciLs, t'en., ni àps'& é ime L » tc. cor> andi Coluusy court Forme, Diftulon Court DhakÎ et YUtp' Cents ,511,fov Maiee tTowtFe, At tise whiti~rehd< oom wli "4. j iud.Pthte Y, r,,n4t 110V5Z5 TA LMT are llutUdin,<a..asd -apari oZ UtL 3rtt~ >ib, lm , luiIilitv1b~gUîbse id ük Irt, a<M',C IQ, m M Wu" yw 'v%, e'a.15.. ]?Iot nd Wo habtI.4a~ £ THO>tS'MOD, 8NEAT DWELL1NG I[OUBE$lTUATZD, .II~ ~ ~ o Buls ptro 3AELU et AI'py, i b> l'ebomost, ii 9 Gread ' ut i anco,.t.e nantcndb>'titum,.vwithtlt ii. mm turduwicv tue boit voxMàiaoeniut ally stlior m VtfToo ÏLIn .'olcof t. MWtim lui Meothil wt Io' lat safo'tncdlelcto fr pmn ztatro'sggardon, whioic i. for itworitoyraoAlwik Piyosl&nab" 1 o Tb Int~i 1tt i, âcfMel xI TOnovzisuafsttaJM, ie cou îmojToNaViiUFW. ., a irgear oywlsiie s esgot Itebort J. Su«ew .D.el til t V 1ha1. To Witt 1' rîlib U Oly] bylublieAutiea, s Le Cburt tloser ,ln tihe o 5iit, bitli, anti interel, vbleh1 lettoned huJanaetmu under iad b>vh list lteCuly court; LtL2I, su zd lw itaUbstke lu tsa Cusit Cort. WilliAum Proud5ot, plalit>'#v. Alaxçaa,4 Xcliino defondant, ,-,-' ot5, loIstcncsmi hel 'Lut1, lu Ut do do 1e t V Jl e icis NOW 1mTUTuII. fOET YULLKN~ ~ gt,-foi JA.C.-an do I -1: tti, b"et It'1 and t i t art notice,- *8 - - .;lroek *is W il1p AýTôwn feauid selgc, andi 'twa. s ceuau1ld Wislcis was timenstlsoed for terti&'tlon; A4gratva akilfal u on bc uis .oPInio, Tisat notising but autusje c*tssd ,sequire ado' lutYeru pIe w. si e butesat h u ins. i DU< 7vukh~~»s~4r.4 ~ ' IuRY»"CL"; BUILDINGS, B'e.# "iab e a'&1 oas lu aprtnus~è oetnfsCekniqbi J4fhJ t ,1<' .,~'5' -- -- f W,

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