Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1859, p. 3

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_lu îàdtod (rom tdu Cla$s Of-CasM * cqmoinçd u0Toeontoo,,on Weda lTe iro nd wüJ tbronSeà. Th' çs~ IVI$t«, b Crm çkynon,nd.... I sf llow s r«iy ' na ont, .........m Pa bsOns, e11*1 ., ...... .... natto ils, ....... ...ro ...y '1>7tU,4>Ct8, sby. Rs d, b Pau . ... ........ Ob*s,.......o. 4 7 harp.b e,... m . ... llrwond, b Parom Wfrter o b Bh? .......... WlI log b ar 1nvida !ga'uin, bputario do'h"lb w4bPar asbtoma$*i 'roue.yo ylsa, Paons. <i GOnvood, o~~ 4,~ t» (kOme~# i tise Hetal. Allô L Ir ori ®r l ii -' . '7Wf; lI, Ai XlPmm fc b@ie fortim tlng de >~is yeurv~luab.p ,,,wiIîI i oh us ssle m g a e4 ou ll eil as. à MY Si tbb~e addio o te adl e1su.ytise A itierioss s M«d aayttiflwohaveind~ um a pu wM al» «mypiotisatse ddionfoid 2d am.t agr Il 4 o 1' N o g s 1* Te'tuamat" of thse iUmmo vmu ,slayed beW t houclubs os, TWuuda Touug Ontario mêm e 1thse frit ln. ýaS i, idOshawa 44. Tim. sCoud in. .*e ,YougsOtario mmd& 24, sa dOùk ba d plil 3 40on tus e@r.vltlstwe wlekeut t go dowst Tise Ouibawa club ebJeete to a' decisien of te Umpre, si tisaYeung Ontario sldo, ia censequosce -ef vidaI, tihe latter whkdrow front tise ground $tIsgg t inishiag tIse g.... Tas Tur.-:Wo CiIattention te (h. 'ÃŽdvortiument e( the Quebec Races'lns msmihar olun. As vili b. amu, Lita eéoeoff en thse S8rd and 24th oet his lguost$h, Tlhe purs e ara ir enough, atlsough vi eonshhr te utran 'ce to e b. 100 isghmbOln 89"n 14apa, ent. Tlii pusses o apnd tIse e4ýçe vwuonly tes por cent, TerepeetsbW fl &a ti.tewards nanes 'le a guaritée Matthe racesvIll b.oa il t:1it mi lrandproper. vo Ua! fS etatwlth &II due attiuitior <res tii. Club. Thse 'ii1 meetintg wult b., idrtW sut us arIy a day sm possible, 15 vili cess off uosse tins, about tIse snld, -b oiOoober.- W.eusseS ipek t(00 vMrssîof0<ski 5qllt fl mu' lctre, nor oflumIt lac-i tukr. H.ehbu (evsuperEers Tise e. tuon tisafi"Upu and Dovns" of lit, u * mm rhisereutig aMd InitrtiûVeMo. Its fturly of sesttlia o b k maguideesiI e. j7 ;, i4 deptisof patiSo, and ts pin.- deur of tiioughtouplod ,vida the. biglton., msoral uienst-wblch PMU"ae il- vo hlave neyer koard oxled. )W2,60muytIl? istr"lo peurs areof a #tory b ilssot f"19"0. r Ws ver.siery to obe« etisa iswisue lie isad foras audiencdon sTueeday eve dabuStrtmatia otueusof Wistbyl, iJ s how *her p@dWou la a-0 ltousrr tendan eousa«wd.y va ,vies15r tues astis. bo es( a rar ssid delved oui uIéby MuJ.ils0,G ov*,us a' Oookdt ùS . vdl e , * sWvU ep 0 N pq hb u dreti w«# 0" .dout'.yad. isuras. In(h ~ltshAmrlMuud Beuoeo,(w tldtacy oeoad erma. liTB aai Jly 0, 1859. Tisa ssbJin.d latter front Preside, MMYsisn a evd tirl taasg l>yts He orabla Wlo oadIs h.lae ro tise PA«S. W ol p Precate, amit deurveu, tU i. Ikjusa (rosup4iuP elaYed, lut tatedltoSa,14Iy ài swgrt tisaS t h.buoas ptsbllsis.d. Iy de. çnlmd<oncluivo, Ky boasjwd1ment sdtegIlaomu usitsla <avetoftis mised parpose ilu eqslaultpteImpair My bndaese la oeaying eut Imporbat mas. MSe W im" Imicus rtnt toflyg th t W W 4 « oi w W . b . . . b y î tbe raismluued - [ro t " id Ia4ut, ici,'5. Toronto, 23rd Jf011, 1850 EBzcsliey ,tie =orrnrGeneral' jsspifwuoudtemaketh*' fou ewing ~7 wtSinclar, ofthe 'own of Godric1' FàïslraAttovu.y.tluw, te lu a Notary Public lnU lpper Canada. flacres Wll iÏi1~at, pi thie Townasip ef BrnatfÃ"d érittlÉs,,t .Rovc [nvpectoi for (ho COotMt of Bruni, In the Hia Exc.ilpnFcy tIse Gev.rnr GOçril hW w plééad 6 mt L e tia. IlobeatW. W. (ar -l'of Woods"U, 9eq I lD; ames Meîfént«ofe Mr tdwn, Ea4q., X.0, ; fsat l&thurr (Car %er o lqien ~a. M. Do;John WIl. andI JamesIByros Lang, or tj» City, 'et Hgàntllton, Esq, X, D. ; teab,e te ipmtloe PhyulcOurgeri and MIdif.ry ln Upper Canada. J»Itory o of a or"& <Gir l th Tv. Tise a*"of à adouble.is.ded colra girl, lu orgil4, vich vu ust loit regard. ed as ai ezp.risnt t4on Lis. cedatity oi ofotaivol "eb. ut eut ite b. Weil fouade, tise <antI eeeeisg Lise otila desespdSo t tise <roi" 0<ilu ro. It 1u in fe a doublecisild Ilnefverthîsg but tise <asis. iï ' row A poinjt J omt hlotiaulà,O d«r buidestiserare (vo spinal col=",n Tlsore are tve oadetwvo cks, tvo lieârt, tve "qe tlgu Qras.s44<pur 1094. The tvo iseada conmeme vitda cdiot4e, r, vlth dlirvst Pe<ons t (bossas. tinte and oing togothor. , . ap val8k dm rilscai ve lcy. - se ,Ji à usâlb 'North Carolina, Md i# probabi>' nova&beut elevcn yoari of &go, Wkilo 6n infant eh. vwu.001 for ou to ad dol. lIs, Md a se q. ýof' sixoru.vess h. vas old agOn f«r ive Liiouasd.H«, tW 9" &Sd.a oMOn.yexkubng h«e l utk1& bought We tookhbertd,gaodl sud lain tody0<-t" MIsd ieC6~ oses ,~04g M4 #mm*I Ptise monVff Sn O 4@0Po@us'My tsonsd dollai t ie çswdi dl mdoif Leswul omst'b dmst 11hM ,gula4 Md reMain vitu It ho>' »Vlf lirb &Imm ' do ie io4a0 aSeme r iwl torétam witàM', a i to y", "Carollua." KerPrast ovin f 15. em itMait oÉi 1 cOTh germs Dietagoe trela. ii ing. The. Bbinbay mal iî fsl23rd vas r.. eve-wsuniauportisc. Exchangs 2&. Markets, duli. Jrest Profpects-WlsîtbyK*oi T'bere isever irea a niore Abundanàt bar, lest in anada. Thi.earth lltemlly gr"st vith th. velglts Of thé growlng crep, The farmers are rejoielstg,,and h7egod ui.c Deurwhero (o thé 'itient. witlsabun. dance. -Littie or Bnesw preUc ias«c msade Ils vay (o dh. Whitriy Market. Prima-fOrîh, Preunt Ae s nfollowubut ee> a owwiIllring a&.04498 . Whuti ,ilm ar9ngo(em4 $Sd Gd Dirley.-Th.rs abu s mmorebarlby sovnInluWbisCoststy, the Prenant yea, (han In an prevlotsa tbree yoars put te. getior.TL. Crop la aIl thst Sld be dési. rad, Nono hua s yet been broaaght In, Pricos are xe.tO pcn at, sy2à Rd. .A Pot*tmo, nev, .oillng s $1,. Pea., nothlqg dolpg, .Tii. oep iS.. collett,. ReY $120 $14 Vton.1 weol 14 4 f Es. glhépskins i Se d a 7» 04 ]ambskins Gd 0 In Od. man>' (arusers comnm.nced thrauIsng- about the smiddleootIaut month', '4ù&dare' Uoo asbusi as, t oiey, e ,.Tii.cimle t< ' b aw ua nt er b otter. In , t tFeiSisht from dtis utisa,, vo eoct p . ltteéfýt.0<Whkby cibw&d lah tisr. rivais oS'fris ens Tm; ' t ie point. p4esa y g s Iaed on SutMadyuêaomm t 4 ba9 ro . !I42 ui000. i Tb#", rÉen 1a s ubed liver pool on Jul>' 2lst,»M uteauskj 1ago aS diaissagisouit 'ha22nd& Thse' Cest'ero*o voisld mmt Zurich luaboot a vie. ii aslsIIh Tsdicostlu Eumrope aSt tie trMn of POe'e cotiticedtmabted, To mpr orNapeloen'ta oîpwumnmios ce ot b>' any mesMoidrdr."srig TIse Sardinimarepa'oesttiv, te tise Zur. Spleasesviii quleuo& en "Ùa nmAasoFish urrugeomitWla a aparat.aticle. Tise 'r preposod Euoý" on orence oroingeu viiine ftervuud. m5Isatmm d (at S srdsuigw sed its 1lsg but tisaarmiseMd aidl' egoquéisty in-& nominal shape a var vida Autri. lIaI>' oatiSud to exisibit a greaê die contçsath te rsi of pou«. iT m ,ashowued itreasg isoiis>' te r& tar to thie ora»"Dais.. Tho PÉroviuoil Governm.ntdirecteda Pepular veo o tise subjeet.x On the. debate in the MHof0Coanm 1 os tise %eh usforelgu polie>', DIraeli op0 - al.laoreisue l tsePouceCon. gres. iss PIust, ud Eas.ll Giustse"pepoediisre lainthe la. comêtx a aredte. apolos o.i dcosgratultions rom tise Diplomatie corps. Tihe PapalNus Cdo vas sPOkesrassfor theaAmbassao.. The Empftor id Europe vas gounjoul te bi atitisecomsmencements or' tk. ur th"atho v a sapyt e onchsde pe au »n," the(ho keor sa i tereuts ef France vler satWgfld, astbopreet' of bis modema toi>. H. trusted pouce would b. endttusg. 0' The Paris Bourse fiat aid lever s 01, s la Us. court o<QueetnIs JBnea. danses Doyle, pls4isîuff vs.àoIn rrestt an Frauda Gri4t, deienalata. r e AscottOfthtie -North Wsit qaart léS O. 2, los.It, c43ha. rtoî Of Woltpy, ùd W rtet'théSouthali q uartr Of J_« j4, wu s~ofhlty, ottr knewa asmUt. lied,> o klS lkruelIs@Yste,4 Aw tisadower oi Wb1Tyukat lIrd, Ion, & TOIJIO, UBERFAB Pýroe ot K'ark.t Peos Notcelahereby glven, T ÙT te FRSTOf"thePAIMes cab. fUATsho t IR tof Torntoferte SALE of L1VE STOCKOAN i. CULTUYRAL PRODtTe, MPEM1 TI and MANUFPACTURE, will tgk. plac on WEDNESDÂY THE 24Tm TIIURSDÂY THEI 25Tr -Day# #q Atuti t t hé' iMbition Park &t Buildin, TORONXTO. lurig the day to Vsstos. 1 Parties iateadiuag to Ejhibit arq request. 4 te notll the aim#, by,'Letter', poif. (i o thie Chairj« rna ! ,e Comsnlttcc on aubîlo MhrIet, cityfHall, Toront ota i rhtthi?,ilt "eqafre on the (#9o 1 he Building for the Sali er Good%, Ré- sslmonto, k", k", must appl r 4w abe, lea0ut Oowoolk befor, the, Vair Day., bon the suas' expect.d <ogô thast fer If# puiv.tege will ho lieod, iccerdisîg te thse coe they propos. teooe£M," 0opcriotWlin b&.'PerMltteclto ILtqaa, except those a«hs, are -aireadyV lcnied by the. City Couneil ; snd cire i be ù"se te privent unieiid perues. Iowing sue> baines on or neir Ltae >unds. I!ernte 0h Jaaly, 1850. 204dW WILL TÂLB PLACE en 'USD4 AY .é WJiWJVSDÀ 4y, 'IÀ Tensimonro 'O. 4» 60ommanfflntbr £li . Wmbp k iae <Qct i. P. «' Potaa sqf '1Ã" otornRyl nîer IMt ats iCu lu lile. ar# mncllbsf s a - M P3ED KELL re of UAZt...., t aoeI es, o Mut. kgMS~Ji~NL ,ats lT IK 9om..a uSuWTkus EssWsm,Ot( ait #dodRbjnTt omi t buao t4tb fr Uw dt on ln fr1 st (hi Lie wil ri II~ R.- Ma, 0555 'lsd ~s. e>'. i!5d a:; las au tise vas sud rît- ted led fI sa-I .X4sora~ds JteGverte, 6U W IFstia t~iala hé,, oti uqqp 10,bol lé tzw lu. thnMec DO. 551>s~si~tasonet certan peaUL et' Wtis-t , cntlnsg ad I daae d iCb M -0 -9 'eo o r Voegl. lit, v. _ a. aNarsaliedrsslis pro 01~î trA. ;t i â snj ,rb<i 'fAdko tn ýib ao ? iâe 19 a demb20tIlA. Vareveli las A.fD lIIg seeWb a s sit Pr romee l A D18Lel w 1eut erte S 1d , 'e,ta Lo6"o., alsC VO-aiu4 reas.$Pw t Ue. 24 a YW1l Arkn~, D, rne1SasM bigs»0 Ms Im ja gid Yâw; lt k î elsalss 9>d ni 1). lui,.Wu t , prlbcl SouIsinliultufLo~u islu 0 S, i 1% WeOrn l7, iit .e< Lot, tasC:-.1> ei~nsei{k liacitu, te eustlsig. £uoorljiwbol bl< f he Stewardslna g osi l b . u a l. - , ei i '.1 i e,7 ; i r 4 -Oce<th@e ArMY, N«ýan d- m lusriu>t, k.., am ltted a a sum ber eding ther ubudrpaono f etpuysD o ol,1859, GREÂT 301"TordN "ourarmpuvin ras vrMsaufy 91 te .4LL Prtdusare eraby (obd purc LUÉ 4 notae of atdvsva by Ȏ te fiàrof one hustdred and fiy dolla payable lut October, IWO, uml hava@ rcclred Valu. for the. auo. ST4si , DAID 1BRENNAN. NOTICE --- 18 HEREBY giron(thoth partner.lii herctofere, salisntlnf botveen Jeuq Jono an sd llcnry rhonas Johuua, both o et(heTowship of Uxbridgo in, g Coanty of Ontaio, usder (leFrm of J,* 'P. Johnson, ws, on thie 28rd day of ul 188, dissolvd hy mautul consent. gigned, JOiElll JOINSTOý IL T. JOlINSTO(N. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, st" , Publi. Uxbrldge, Jul>r26th, 1859, 3031t r "-.$ ao. P, Sale TaHs PaUSEo AND MATElIUL 01 LiseOSTÀMIOTIfEàsPrSnting 0 fce, Wh#l,y, vill beffZldt-a rpan Aptl c Lis u4erslpsdi ])ERTýAM Fo W LE ruil 2#1. I 0i17 up, 1505 àpd t, ndoeolvuzethsuoT m auiLVIYK~oso JtIlY 24, 1850. W uv ws ï Ki*e o UE ZPnBUGTOQJDA~Nî L 0< R~Jn#4n Docsar *d.mrtjàà' ,;i ~ md bdtte."id i>-;ai -:I nOrK*l t<h Most MVOUred qU&jut1.s Witl iim letrIs. <rA ~ brand25 lMdix' BURUNÃŽES BCYS MSELE A TiONS&s4~ ,, Êg »açeLit ç,ajÇ.iyêhd uTHE(oa î5 o eyl5tj~e>55.>~2 ,BROAD LU 010ASMEIS T R$ IR EAýD Y M DEOTII-1N4, la «e«W sud Boya' (.oata, Vea as td stlesj, eovery qaalily iudie np on (haesrcssipes ~~ô~lé~emI' lotstm m~mo ate r4a on t e lt Sye ot'Paaio-t.j pich#igdàwL w i r . NY tus mi. i) mssoee tacts lie vistila ttlher mambs,~ éf nmswuua s D 1prlvýlogs visici VStsght to' isg ont thefi 'u looià shah. 1 . l'! Il 1 - -- a, mm John 0. Sk"S The T.only 1.gltimat. and Most respec Ot W ' I. h. aeorl, eomek4nng vetDZtith profanUgyorvvdga roz THEOST SPLEND)ID EXHIDI1 id Eser offée.d te the. Public, st ,Whitby, Thursday, Aug. Amnong the, olveroerutg attractic id the Jo. Pntland fCrm, are the tun àr Iled performnces of ai. sup.rb at4 ip Ieforzuing MorseA STEN PEFO3RKIG AU r SAMI LONG, The. great Sonthors Clown *" beut SSinger'ih the Profuson. T. UINO, The renown.4 Oall(otnlau Lespm MfADAME D'E BACH. The. bautiful French Fquestrkenne paria,. Iox-s DE BACIH, Thewontlerfaal French Rider sud O Dancer. PAIKTERanU DURAND, 'the two splendid AmMrea synnail ai thtefa' nsacuiar and conie (cati. )IR. CHIARLES SuÂT, eTise astonishing Chines Juggler. SYWRJEROME MASCARYNI T ihe l an Monkey,,Ishbio grote qu gi and indecs as an Ape on Houack NB, HENRY, Thegrest Bt.ple.Chm Riderofthe go bfÀçws iComiwj, LnDOLI'U lob ou OL6'tiL ed seau au 0ti Froee xhibiton., ftmedlàtely b.fere ope.sisg th dl forh. Afternoon performiasce. +;norm volant.e atd Si& BEaoti ,,alan Aronauto, vl. . Zý= on UMe ire fro gro dÃŽo t.etoj oS teOlroqs'hi the<top, and pamins -c.Aeb oties ot retcfra dta e 0180fout 1 la J 1 9:1 il 1 P ~~ ~ C ",WllyMy 85.,i WlgDpW AlIWveeulx Omwwam, , -~ - Umeo he4' tibI demp it iva-crn iToun ai -., 4'ý INDELt'»NDuIid, ZFO0TlCu. g-' i T of ni WerkIîDoaTm"osdaytoitular wblledl Z - --r r~~k. 'e Lui ocou, e ri, $Mt r(otrfwr I ii auawc. i ti.abl ro n. Z- - r in Te I<gw.Y he omingaofs Issu. thu.feso nsd loi tc;, ~ tri e i and oua a ln redtil o e.]ueof to Wî r~ FrioeqMaUSlxD urayl,e. ou. ljw et mi te ht intm, W en ftm i<Ia, toýiugecofssIns, t. sddiWte . ai o! o r. . 0 lobe Aisti an sd Vrufouusd'y IntrAtuing saMy Of z:. Z. oMI a'1 lwil wli tnsed tssronsgk thse vt'iusise.- Ilssk Nucibors catsi bW sUPPII.'jiEsrtsrsaIectssilattgeeu T sEeuideraigsted u» Mrrir»rroaAtwtsioi, The Agrultufal D.partmont à&., uaser ie issaissu ,ssd irai oet lVîss k& luculmIl d« n ar ytaaec,.ay , lllail Ls u ssttti. i. doy .ots-ve4 b>' nîîîîiotl is t et LMA)ess eae. 15tBBER1T J. WiLaU. choIs - -.W. IL. BILLiNG<.t Prre Tbre.Dollar, a lr; Two Wh'itby, sily liii, 18r)9, ai copIeS-to Omo AUre.., voitve ritbIfa; outh. Pire CO eas tbOue Aidresu61î,25 Tnepze0MAddr.ss, ï2. A Cow Ypound. tulethoeiS byg TIO.]'AîDgç Whttbv, Ju11. 25th 1859. 5i. ofa. Appqarlng everygatnrdtty morsting,,estbraees a a 1 prctsi oyediest or teie os ofthe pr. FURTH EII ARRIVALS O P~ elda >ekwi h tslevo Lite>'ssy iarcs, stugwlAwi obeunsd NEW 8TAPTt1OTNERvY READE'S SPLENDID STOUY, AAat>~L F lt M ssIo t ie r. l o le r e d i sg . I t w l U is oo sog ti tus e J u i L r e c e i v e d b y 4 tIe ljn d e r s g n e d . oatÂe farnsL1l ilabla iformustin for ti. iGG!Ns &MY~tOF aSý A Depmtint whloh« sbcose highly U V _ G~ ai 'ai0erTwo DoiUasse aàyoar; tlaref copieiglnT (MT I'oist 1b. Itb Juya Noteof Ranssd, one de M, ive DOIaL.Aa; dve oupl..a tu one sn A&ii>Y Th"miws btbmasin fssîZr et *sltrsu iiiaousDLz.&sa;teoncopies te oetad csjamsn i lrreti, dated la MMardi Jet,ad dren, ii MLv Dol.tku;' $won Ly coplogg t Quepsiyasbio Il irco anif aficr daté, for $10 2u"o. aud on wlîlIs $5 hliaibecs, atîîdorucas aspisd. adsism for Twoorrr DOLteMs. >iérsnm &Ji.erseuo gr.'uicdsstcpsoimîs lis. sadlng ous. a< au ftMor ferm'o w ci i- iii. aine in lde >a rarOW, OBENJAMfIN IÀRIIT. for T',. or AL 0«a I'ss-Cm ilssb laribly in ___ Dot ooisaas unmberéferaJd uponapplimio,, ornt. i1 Ju(,i$ . AlilaIttcrs te bu atldreoucd toe is1'yzw. WJOcelI creby givsui that -tii. 'Depart- le Yoax Tuîgs," ZaeWYork Miy. N ~ment willib.e ë itsi fufr thse îrituaaaostuss er - UW"'héTam Eutrnola utuafd optet genmtmoni îaaî*on llIlti JTIlI J1LY, lu- th, <c U r all, on L 'mk sluw o, pr a'oosn4 jj m u stan t, W iga nt he D ep a rm tt t w l b , roisov edtl t strcot.uand tu ai' b ogm sa the <>eg w il i fil Y Tre De ntn eiti latoe Aneri N 0ax Ç<5atrdipri.oseas y t jrb>' ',fi , 1 a$sUy propUyutd4t. , 5 12n. fi BRICK COTTAGE, vith t'à êtan acreofetland 'in the North TO Jb$01,L) AT à AUIGAIN, Wafd of the Town of WhIt d7on th e t aide of Brook Street, 5.~ ~ ~~~otg 44IO5 ADI'. lnt lotit direct For furtlier pattfiulrésapply (if' by lot- I'srctJ'dt6r.ter wuJl ld) at W. Il. Tremeyne~s offlce tIsir dvati~,ofy p»asgIn Us. aubue bor, 1î ot. o th. aubsciber, Oablîl, on Ls. petulas, e n t e h»boMarkîtast JOSEP NEWUET.D, O. JENliCJNS, -Me, BKPLONENT ANTBD Whltby, July 28tb, 1059. 80 ladeeor Jr BPN I W UY.WîMNOT m 13 hebnom of loi. , 4a4 Aaa modeidan M go.t, md b«ibi àd *Oth.r i ,i'aAw Lobe ~set Detoim:sous Aid .11persus ndotted te tisa M, nid Wilklnsoij, ère reqssestodl to MI on 14 AuyIfo Us,'- segit th# adi fou i a Tl-E of WBreokllt, and male théir ~. W. IL -RKYB /07Âs.<fnw et, 1 ràd tèl lif le L

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