Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1859, p. 3

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bit es" un aa svisce o irs appare Par- Mv. Bigolew'u motion, Muais. Bige. lav e e4e snd Drap"r, oestra, Nmoisi usi"4eè<l4 Goan a'd IWe. Thé cIsar, b"f , Mo Mesra O, gaves i i Pi gleu tbe, otiouf vhlch vas tInsdeulared lests sudtb. clam oustebrepeseurle Mr. lqnde eppoosd tisee lmuscof tiseru POrtrlowmmnding a Loc4sp. H Mf gu.d tleat IL vas unce.easaryf and puittln thee Towtol a nuoditlu OIopeneilun vw! lm4 ii. <Coueay GOcI At baud, mur, prise. uoutild b. rsesaed vithàut a warrant, tuapweluBorae jla> far o f thé Loch-. op, snd o outablh[ng public scmlas t b. liasketywhih lb.arguai wculd pqy eliý for à =W*- tisse nteuklg carsof abois sie sonteoied abat £12 1041 wonld gaver tU itde uecesuary expenno-for eonvertlng part of Lhe Town> Hall loto a Lock.ap. Ur. Lynde meéd lfa amm1at4 bt the clam..b. struek ont. Auzeudment lut un a divIiIon. YeasJiglow, Drape Md Lyndp; NîyaIltows, Maedonelland Oun., 'fThebalâra >gave bis Castinsg vote i s ,auhms thé aunendmnent, and abli, clam is. fare- pert wa deelared eétrwld Aller disceaing tah. et lausefor <.a>g us earM"oblok, and paing a by-lsw fer holding a public enariset,-Mr. UàcdOuoll couinted te shlow the commit. té@ tes'is,roport progreisand obtal ave tote asg a tah"uoxt csetss of the Ceuucll, las order to gieo the absent main,- bis au opcrtniSy of eeaim rng b. ro. aecsuats f ue ovomiparties mentiosecd la die. report of tise Cesa>ite. on Pire amd Ur, Draperosslî wSOte preast the " rPort corUeb oCindlng Commltteoe ce Pire amI w#ar, suit oi n otion, the .Councii Wli 4np~te-tlseon" lir, ,94- -Tb@.report stdkatb taithé e srïalzing cf thl. e>sele fsseWP à uenut roîl lsmd beeu p eoselOed. ' "lm asa ef$1,790o40 mp. peaeddis t th ~!"nt-, alreportion of wlifcls ,ool4'b. ellCOI1ed" , UrM flst t Lb.theowno,aad wbeor Mu. David- ien bW recdiidfnamavctlo n t asout a*Iîtso f dmturptiola cf 10s.teal1e banded to th# auffoi, Ni# Dape~,r.vId.ule ues Ioo #ggo tLe sttdng11P or a planof et tiiTo« uaewng thé nuiur cf lot& la a Certaisn mannor, Thé plan te lue (Of thé eldance et thé Cea>ntyTrea.uror and <o blm W4as au index, in bis ýofie. neItos ~ ugg.st.d théue nceof aviiîg ti0eTom Wu O *eI#sed circulari te certain part«$,vhMsenmain appeared cee- thé as- "amouÀe wbom ho belicvod -weuld puy, ut Oeau$le ittun te. TJe report vies thén adopted mevsed théesdJcurmes>t ef thé Cou"sil fer -.- r acdcoll, aooeded by Dr. Onsu ual ln u asdaet euew9el. Aueoud- Ples nseved is asseusdnet twe wiebs. Thé Cosinail a<IJeeru et i ton e'eîeck. match wu plyd nthé vpou nd tise 8h.rl ,,, reM ot Witby, sI.Y 1, Orenood montse toosq mmd ing Onario tote hobat, vse uade for tisir inaiugse GrmewoMdla ut roll for 25, -OnUteo second >!tuiotari IiSuite lest thur ritisett a rbas, but thse reaminng plmuit 568 ou' dué soie.This esvood 93 te béat. Thé latter uéed luakldng 85laivngYoutg thesvieterta by 417*uné. lWbi-i wMtI played b>' tie Yeuug Oue- s Usumd <iéb avbs béés eav- th&..' Titdm& . ts m . WA 1 we.g River St. Livrenaesud tbst Gorernatent inet te do thui unineesslaey vwong> toell amepl. e derlty fer Im tlitbé aumus Adavnced 1,lua Word, l'thuaodun'i mviik îbleTpud aul tq s , aple securiLieaf la "rY. te preuuoto Ons-ct the bt enter. prieor 'the Oountry" -It Meay, Afisu this -ezýpIa tl ÃŽ(o Ie truth eofviliclethéêe Wi utwkbipbs#and ï, ycur rea4rg Masy roly, eccur te domn e tbem ,t a Il Mun " Ie nt ,lthe1 aid~ 4mb., e, e raking aucb as (4>0, alarn, wOUl4 et Offlybe extroe'emy otldatlade-la ifs affect@ on th#e grk boobies les gneral, but bave arosarkably poetie osidc*oa.ec in It etrane spVrprpvitcnesa.ILwould culy bu -stng on th. médical eMaxim, vins ;=king e.perfmetuurin a?17;re I alneply inagat théei Àud rema sire Youra, Tise Ito.zUl*petaî implesîaozd, -,Ssrs.cua, Ag. 27, 1850, ~to -h.editor cf tii, Whitby Clsroula.o gmu,-A. an met of JuotwcetoeWVard u Iudvfdsmlplaadnfortuubtcly ins4aveoy, nnhappy position, I W"voidvry earaestlyý clains lu yonrcoluu spa.. fer théefo0oW log e'emokis. I mllade te ah. recent deatis of Mr, Renesie, at Canspbellfoý4mil iquneee upen Souddun msud totaly unwagu*Ilfor quaiMd b.twe abat purty sud Mr. GibbarietaPymr h cuts givun by tise Cobourg "Star" mwoulu! lead te deudamtions aomewlsat unfavorAhslo t'Oait. 9ibb; andmigit tend <emutOtonalIy I am osre) te rijml hébic bemiu4 te. ra«=m. al cont lfi.hoaded "snoth.-drcad'ul l rde/ his i.n- lu toc strosunieexpresion, as characteieing t OI rahacholy tsumto-ns, ban ah. verdict-o! tise Ceroncr's laquent, pro. eseuco esaulalgher-cn1~Md theevi. tWteaouo4(te.thse Coroner by theré eyemineaaeatethe rnmtoloegh etatablfaho thée , ýtlest PM R isuio 'mas the aggreaaon thnSouet, mand t t Usere- anuît ef li gs a rsselonaIvs~ioteewols sidly te ue delore4,Oubb exhicited'no, tie. lice whatever, aud tise feull mhicIs rceenlils <leatl (rois lis reaemting by i blow, thé ut' tacksé cf esnle,mw ueneofttse. nc iierebly unlncky covnto, whicii msy eccsur uand bava tee freqmseutl eeered, n luinla r do- cuntAnce, IL Io dlstiesely proeoa, abat Un. (lb a noithér e't onru'eapn of any ldad lu bia baud, vissesthe tranSction omerndu tbat&unle'a unatinslydomeeumlted (roms bis; fmllilg on a atoue, anti etting sente vessel or art#e, h eau" ed alwt fin, en.duiisdeatbl. G leinlaproveti, 414 ail lu lois> Povir tegauccur Bouniet aupportsd hi., vasied is veuàd, anal posed sesdi- -cal asistance, mithosut delmy tYnder these cle'eusatucesn ila 1surel>' toc utreuug mn ex- preaon for tiseCbousrg "Ibare toe mple>', wheà lie tern the unlsmppy trmusactiun, 'a murdor/ OGibbs position sud autl'ering un- doer tise aelasscloly clrcnnstaneuare siore eseougl, vitiout tuie addition, snd nevi abat the évidence t"iesbofore the Coroner se 1u411Y zeupates him <r*m mu>' prMWaedd or asa olil ntant, ve ire peranaded aat the edittie cf the Journal roerrod temili netdfy the phraseand place thé mattor lit lau adverse termi ýtban thé fnforenmtiou whie lu bas deubtiesi galuoéd proviom ste the laquent- fedeedis te adPt, Olielu tsiiled on théenmomnsuto! the uubappy cx. cltonsentte m et os bi» calmer Judgesent vonula have icmted, by dealive'ring bimsel! litstra-ametesg thé catastrophe; but Ostisfled ofleaiunecuuce a t etihér secklug tise quarrel or ueediuang thé Serions lujury, for lese demth ef a Ïollow cratru, Thengh numrly connecteil vitis GibIe, I placethe un- vaàrnishéod fade befqo you, mied appeal 'te ile evldénoe taboubefore ;ýthe Coironera4 tisel trstbfubzeai. 1 -1. I thoretor. rel>' , o ffaor, upou yonr klud ceniidermtlon, teppac this letter be& fore yonr reideri, aud romain, 81v, etos. log eMy "rd sad *resa. mzacIUxsca'f rsruruz7.-A meetng cf1 thé 'goeral cenmitteo *vii le h.ld1 at ah. Hall or thé intitut., Iis"eon-D losg at 8 o'clock p. in, Mombesu of thé cesit.are ruquested t ted GausrvoesQuAraaLrFàîm. -TbIa MW yak)isédPu5 bichm s iyg iréil alndtakua plaeeon W.dsudye t. ibIse# Su andblls orl nom An. d Le4-at Wlsftby, At O0o 01c"o*oou Wsdndmy ut- uad' -TsurumÂwjcs aMqy,.Th.ev«,Mlit Hont vinii delver a l onrecmthabevoe suljee4It, a teeM.clan'IWHalon Monda, evadq « q L .66t, a 0 Ofdodr, &m. thse & A w sue #truckn a position nu irons or tse grses mud pcistud eut hber lnwt. ~-.Te tic, tu. oubibsr:au f ithis 5favrm inldu*i proye dtu e buold darkey, vIse, front &go ,ad ihcwmitUn wss totaly unabfl. te move, Uasch.oi atoetceod ont la> coof thé corridors, 8h. lslatad thet aise vas net nitsken, and aise cld .ev vis vu coring- "'ypseadot fâWsto thbonlby bit soM;l- pfisin n limysry, audplads ehair for Lb. cereeony. Thé derbies gatlecned 41000à lit sthée *roidore, peed derougle thé grate.,aned Isnn in festoons about' thé denomasd *nwieJes ac it, but <on the ne. lier et the fev vwsite faces preseolnt ie ce'euoy would hae boeu pcrforsued lus thé euldt cf a eoud ols>ablo glou fit for thé enot E tiopi n t oftrsge<le. lte- Slserlff as tbere la> thé leotL&ative anj>er intendoneo, aud mals a face bcaus is lb satsfaction SmtIe oproouwtaid50bappy i ternlumiosi te the troubles oe! eue et lui oldeatbjocts. 1Tle.y tood up saed vitr marniod bl Justice Purdy, aud, ah. ere.m etssyer, Ueo bride tuuecd %arens->d, d gave ah. old fulov a smuse"asavored et eara>euss ully expres.ed. Tlsoy hmd ne plae on earth to go te, md ah. mJcd dîrk. pyvas put bsck <or thé nigle th. bride proenisiug te corne bmck for h1m as &cou n.- what cisc wantcdIo marqy sncb alld couiger for, ut mbiel, i»l.m iseti opid 441(m jJ ;«0tsm-dat'a de roulon; jeus lSui egrouse heewalkb oui' Md he oed4 "oent <for mnybody, so h. la. Now I hopes "iye knows/' Thé£lieod <foi W teok iL coolly,amd pmid ne atteutionote .dry inside at bis cxpeuse.-Detroit Fru. Smsna or Cnisir K ei.O Sasterday atternoon a melasucioly accideuit took Place ucar tlie. rosidence of Cbaiicey Biroeks, ' up, misicis eselted lu the. abatt cf a Sistor ut Clhanityý, bnown aMs iiter Cy. 1ian. Tise faltowiig ire thé purticuluas. l-. 'IoceKd fls conpuyith A*ote lay and the diker et theé Mofe1n p. Ie talcrnleWiuniu m ta4 rfieOant ln- satie1;:r th es porpffu of Yaitilimeb»nV building nov len cousrs eof eréatlon on th lfodrick, rend, la going aleisg LIe rond, tah/mima-atMcIW to t e vele .beemm frlglstoasod, "a ottheo top cf Iles p.sd, Thso driver axevted bloulsfte e urb hlm, but hé vue unsleeciafaLs Astlpatimg serions ceucqO 0 col iéa Inss tise carri, ugel thé I,e i oeelidsd te Juenp eut, md, bidding thé driver te croave aléuped <ram thse sido Umfrtuntely lis jumping We feçt Ote'uaskagaiumt thé lntervsulng ebjeca, cssming lier te <ssiupom lier hsd wllh ste'uck a rock vida asOis vioence as tefrac- ture the 90kutie Thé driver w'u soon 'by ber sidel,reesd te atierd au> possiile nass tance ; but isuman efforts were of auo mi- the spi ritisad Led and LIe geed wosn vwu a corps.. 8. vaswu ntise Otl yemr of ber ge,Zegarded "as of !th. boit o! numoya sisaha lent on aorvlng Mas misin thé ioe itiCtution for thé lut six or seven poars, Tise; umeeaona rnly vas, usddea>, but doub" lois tou ber prepared.-Ba1îintoe Amn. Dy Pui'e oeê linu. T,D. Wley 1Inlucuaecreore, ould Ireland, in glad ycur bogleias'fi pis telce pyour hu itana « "Or "Io, bi4- ra> M'u dure that yo nn b eatitful Nve o nt cd bofore, baîf se quck or se iigii. Oiei hi, soe'Lthe>' beglad, iroue colo. raieup te NoirrY, Ane insehrse, It no vendIsse'the, il ulsoulal bu as rry,, port te s se nuch au b. doue bj' Toronto, USthsAug. 80 As AatRsrreesrues.4eu, ime lait seummser 9mompuey et pike Peaker lofOryvillo, I11,fer tiie Kaumsagold Regious. Wbila traveling tbrcsg he ii indlan counte' os>thuir may outeMeo- Lie. àoss~ Youngmased.pru c* 100 Vkinity éet -Gravile tionto booeL Crut Indian h. mqt-ald h. la Miro vaten vIekaduai. Ii.bis mer oer orto.eeaLtisboaîr dued, but fltoi.>àhd 1919power te -paU- laI, let.Th. tÃŽ. to wbfde the #40 bsl~esug<dw i tfr distaunt *làeeie-'ts de" 5rer.rta Tiai dspvred lier itoeusabey, auMd 04'ai * Il1 d"*Oé*obr disais,. Tetpesviathé perty et Illineli P-r'i OPeikîr.11111.711 '"0904à àe Thoueseson the. grd SOPteuetrAgorPotlà)d lu Dcrse>lre, and froue LInee.wouild proc.éd on -A, trial trip, aeidrattrmVn iwm. son tei:te héW departurs f refolyHsd fpr Ainerc* un' h1tis ltw s areay a- noiincod., Tisoy -contain -Lte. mnnouïilembeet tit the 1 'Klîeg cf Otde hwu va selzd durlng thLf eviir sînce bo lwasbusesi fali, ttelsaedby 1116 Indiagovereonet fsîcreaad difUes on étjtblemW baen propesed ln thse Calcutta cousiel. Vive -thoisand of Lb. local Essropeaes Lcmoev, Wed nedy thes Uth AuguÇ .idvces frein paris Atate thast the Aueîrian 9 collotentlsry o t4 .Pes ois strence,r usdmneîouncédi& receuet French banquet tient lié lead atrong <aiLhlte Lesfinald sc casio theConsféence- Tlxore garorscarosee Paria cf doubt. (al authullt , hwever tient eneral.4Con. robert -and NMleaî! udt beeeconfirmned as l'ho Paris bdnoé on FridaiY as irkt Livsuueeu, Aîîg 10, -'buse larviet prospecta continue <favens. ble Brocax-quIeet i106Oa 12l9 Md WiVussui-firm miLle a aligiet advanece Oný Frencd <binions ; Western Rcd 7s Gd 0 p u 2d; W hite o a C D uOd , cors>duelinsng. sud- olde» - oil'éI'ng frushly, buta net pramlughly; ýýéixMd su Yellow qssotéd At Do Cd d e lPd, White làQ 0 7à OL LowNce $aturdoy Fvening. Console closed st95 95J 0 obifur me. count; Amorian uecawities are withcut ob u #,LA rEsT M A RK E T B, 1.Liwmurecx, $aturdssy Eienlng. Jirendstuffî quiet -Lemuoz, Saturday NeOM. Oonfols are.ok h' Titlioh , 1t)Lb. Baok eofnand deeeued£23,OOt. -A wuy Mtt lut f. ebused mitis'"put- tiuox on "besm. îe vensedto go CuUWI 9j'O ION. Thef*W la ilghst adrano.idelàwheeatOs Bd ýisP: blo t we lua#e bta offcrtrt& Votoamu s a0 26 Gds Ostl?kins 7îd 'f lb, Ilides $050 f cwt. obeVBý1@ $bà.1 1 Bcef$4 50 @$5. Ilides $7, PHILLWPS-At Wbutby, on ât4rday, the 27th fist, tLb. wife of Mr. Joapb Phillit pof a sM, MARRIEȣ. MOCAUGHEY - FÉRRI*..&W At &. Catharines, on tsé 23rd fait., by the 2evé. B. G. McCueegbey, LA.p.,Picheriugo broth- er t< e .bedegrooei, asited by ahe Bev. Y!. BRon$, Jaium Mecoqmubyl, BEq, L ,l. B., E ter-at.Lau, iugerapite Misa, Margaret, Chapmm una isk eonddaugh. ter ed thé lite@lBe. I R, us>Feh1d Irelsud. ---------T IC-- pasiUt' gi ie Tlpa Estve lit Oil dligm Iéauugtîoms- moréA r lsp#i- tb* rot efdW&eas-lsnc.a s ieuend*tocure, R~the uri>7 Toua fi le b (4, UA. ;uimltor.1 SAVE YOt{t ONY MnSEEVE YOUR HELTK. T BESniiecreberWe«steSrtshSi#;sincara f" anlas .,tise.tilabtustoà 01»%Whst u nsien flis ce h.eIbo ea l1 baecslu tisi TÃ"wn, sud woald m av pîrtse*Il us ensitonir aitl1bludA et BOOS AND SHOES, Fittlior lseW , ast.moum'lteiea .A11 *ork odie te enderon-ilsepreeaieé, 1,>' aublw.dl bamj bis Ovn wortlg»na. No slops, ,buet xood sid durable usatrisuls, £1 Cliesp ratas. MoIeltlg rour custone, mud waMrngn1 ye n te suae nnrmecne tnd ereserve your isesitis by petrceaslsg Bists u iflfrofs aedisiedor- si*uadmsi Wilktk6us'a Blocir, Broek iLi kÏasre Whîelrâ youii !inftt vitîs mil hduds cf ttn tion, auds oe<1 lit rom s e p t, i , 1 59g4 S0p »i. GRE AT r-CHNCE TO IIOTEL KEES *lit cf the HURZON HOlUS. *ANDf Also the whole of the FURNITUJIE Coutaiuod tleoritn. h lsatnelaiitaa new> xud liai befu Weill taicol ir e Tii.2 lins btsbu uew1y litted utedla. lu ex- oelIcOit eufitin. t Io large g roey on- T>'. otabliug isANo Ivgacsmod~ tcen <otw.nty horm*. Llijfr6 eIaa lenOhi *nc l s ud a b ed, thé b 'tit na14,0,&ntv. Also,$ sgwodgardon ni ig nealytha~ quartora ut Aauare <20labA gocd putnpasnd '110l utexcllant maUr. Alegtter tiipr. ilo eàr, h.eitw krhl ta p.on vwgi- tM enter ou the llotel bnsiness cnuld obtan. l'csélio gity tmo, Apply te ELLIOTT SPROWLE, On tite promuii"; Wliit)yt Augst atIn,159 CrlmI aids Dptat Tes-ente, 19L1î Au&s1859, I-hffOh*5 tiuit Ëi- cllmte onoth alst mradl11b. aie iubjoctte tu ad'ottlwmeént. 'Wiitby, Aug. 2M, Is,9 WT m TEAGRICUIeUIBT. 1os Thé Oubsribers beg to aiore the 'Grrt¶rai per sihip CÀNA-DAI oPtheir FAIt LrSTOC ÇK -0f TRO0OKERY-" Whidiâ they are prepared to &eiu At t nrcal Prices. BREAKFAST, D1NNER AND TASRIE YiNTeD-100 ýFKIIINS -0F'ÉRIN ÉE BUTTER, FOR9 'WZICI .H ZGJIE06T PR.WR WLL ,ID. HAMILTQN & ROBERTS, W HI T B Y Broo séi 2, 'liïî~i lb i 0 cktreAng1sLtD 1E59ý MMOE ,$TREzl' 17I TBRY; bsatb e r lo. nianef red t ~ I vo~vv obéuwn a cii tLh ery artiele f>ther lino of bswlneu Th rdùtmia} £0n1>tct ekumn e4long ezp.rfence, end a tbq tluarowjyv»ret rbusfn.es, h..icaProduce artWcleof botter, woikminublp, 91 greatea!durablltyl,amd iuo, lélil fnise, VrAFFORD TO ELL -T11]M, OHEÀPEJt,.a Than thom nWho have te hir. tii. liber ef othirs; AU artioles solast Lb, lowest living pricts foi Cash, c*on spprove d crédit Plu"e oel and examine, Mll klnid of lutobe âmd farsue produc taken ln excbcnge.-4AU wôrk ,wtmted. WNESe BRAN;IS e P.UA; miuiM e ali4sOli WIMPAiN J.iIO0WAILD XMA&$H' &kc00/8 MM)E1114 WINee OPFLJIY, ORAMPkCO' PORT WiNge, ORAMP UTER -k&CQO ' SIRR-WI Z, *x,ïdjNERk O,'$E»EIfBURG $STRONG>AN» PALE INDUA ALE$, IUave ncw rccelvod, nniinxo LAB or aniowi, thefr Spring Suppllqa, and of fer tonaeoi4v1y*d 4nogous terns; - GINS IUcllanbd%6sd Enlglimb,ctfbeùturbad, l'n-wâoaiSbott"e ~ wo0 Ladbtt ian Guineet,âIewoodin bVtand BlYRGtFXDIE, $t O", MOBÉLLER LIQUEURS, l. e, ké, Prime List# aud serples u=y behadenppiqtem, *.,>~ ~ ~ IfPNXITCIIAMAK b S4RAT 10 vjpei by,, G, âgeto a 0tetalo tec miier lýundam4 Byroit l84Sépcnby, 1 - Ver piiidalmrSppîY, if bylitter pie: p itby Ault 15. 4 Ontarioe -Turf Club.' O,ÃœÃ"LT STA1KFÊ rrqMOS4Ei UICLýbqrJse ONTARIO BANK, be rof vif tbat .Bami-' frtêAtnbalfvi.a hd o tlou fou a" déclaliad On the-id, upCultal $Wék of thlis ak iMyable hero at ici~ ééi on and ai ter' Tkurady tie lut Dair of Depteleber, The trausier bookio will b. aloied trooubh lOth te thé $lot day fAu4et % dy Border 01 thse pardl, D, Mâ'I9It O CUhuer; Ontarlo Eank , t - 'EInnllM~uy 93.~1~.f44, ôORsEÈ'F A-lB iros mnnawvdPlcVioe 1 ui ina~prsiu ri;t'59o SPRING 1] Pull

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