MUR, a tonw~E Os Isutf( mabS.&vU'O7O rai no -BâtveWothiii e autsy ,wd reOIî OS jou ?b,baaaamau 0-Ilad l'a tIaatalîlraà d btk, On r"ofs sudOnatrédes gajutoirng. Aï'1 ,mi rlen aç(i idvi a O it.aur,liY il 111ii te,; avglld;war Aa veot alail yoar sleep ho velwu Bu -mlbut Ous takinty>5e And' alogglsý tomtelblhm eu=s sels.Ion 11.111 ir yen ne o aoam ovrmasi <IIIon âZ; ]Uto'loog lssl1termul y« 1.1keoe yen au d&Y rauaing top md dovu Wbil. ir goïrbatai, thi' ot ida i ii Mien oovM vioatu vbhO ttendti moui., 1Thie ~'PB~1 Pua4 ~ V10~tb.~MO0d7~boue* qmase~ 15, U~fl0V,. 4asp pjo~s IBD~5rr I ~ov~ th~ *1mw WPV~ 0V47 THE MAIAYIRO.P7Wnat 5bsli, cculd,"for I bues' litIiftose Malsys cp iv ai.vuacou a. tue n g aiyam dim1t- sîworofcourse th va ata$tr, SaPWUo to ta elleîFi-rut, Imde1 yol soi Iconid..j lb. uet sloO. we a stout, bronzadThon W ii l ittla< tt h b 5 VtI-fi b O d b ut kil d h o r a m o f ne a l dt 1 ia*aM t gt e P stl r 4 44lv ? lt , U em h oesu, flMy years of âge, Ms ulal of Iuiili. niu reru oe xrémefom lf n g a d e t u r e . O u r p p s v rOenii d h i u l ~ s e I g v e $t i o re I t iom u sud theai Smpson leok bis tusfioi oSqthfe '0bnl csd(a berIt ov lten 7coh rnu e 'Nroem. distributed the Ivoire pike..BondtmsI b e b a b b e b r e r o f t w ia s ' ' n " i o u d f o r b o tff, a d the I s e i a te a nbe sipasd I ot prond f 0fgave Ont, for hi&Y vonld bo ervicable l lb *hrge.We Iay aI tho wbarf, dcviirepeliag boarders afb e listpias adal ?Ock SIiP <e elcared etNew , yo u beau fired. ai -#oar4, viien I oit sometlîu4 c--,- #YtltaOelowl alr;sd Ptiugbt tý st o.I turned raound sud thon stood of tbis mu lof lie vintI Isbenldn't bave a "by esusfourlecyen as old, vitu a bon. rua inla bq.. But tIbaeta'. l d die on hi#s siouider. lie kind o' tremblet! nos. Wé can' ua wa, sm v lidIa itenI looked aetui, but îhere aw ' uyms flie aag- l "Yabountoi& cl diio ty u bt face-col a bit. ne itd Onr Ibroats erory one..Ificyodal gaaIgray oyes, ainicet dark enough for ratier figltto tc 1esi itnCdi. so. al w liazel, sud bis bain Cunled Orer bhi baud litre you stand to it?'in a irl t r Ilgd oraPartY. ,Then ho "< Onnr&eeY ailid yua; but tien m lok 0 s oimaiesty sud stesdily ai me tlitIticy didu'î eUpemk like Mouvo ajay' kues' vhatever ho vouted be'd b. Iruti- liope, simd suiy I didai'î bl !h a d eMy, fr'a 44 aou I.oun oaemy vas more Iban double us-ai. a& "Wmat faiil, boy?'sid J, ipeaking Mostî mele e ayta u baefl hindI7, love mesu te flgbt. a "'waut te go te sea vith you',' sys Tuepo o nvaotamieds bel SAYStant, sud voSu b.aongabdoutla tnmiutdie si il'W ho M y ye M ay go If a n es v ou eeabîa a im at ee. Ilook di'Isgayso,'l esaitI-and isgaa te.r, a abonthait 9aan aigus I look.y m c in b is ey e ur e b ue, p a v n sig n ai k o f a p o rl eo t i a d'Are ye aloe, boy?'IfnbO;"Pv 6i Dgl e bod f Ne tomte l e P o i u e d u p t e sa to ne e ta I l b he o ae h èd l0cb a n i o m s i p r , , ç b o s h Of tlie6li, snd teld me if I vould only go 1 b os vn a g« MYd iuumy. t Burtfi Net s OP thoro vlîh hlm, I could banc ail about vas îlot te b. baud. 'Novor mmd,' I hic MkodI3nibaî« , mlÀyutm i.? Ite blAcie, Poor boy, hoconidi'ttdo moeh aZ< ukd blYUbe fr war ODpteunies, il vas te shoot a pistol, sud posita I c "'Auy n hti1n doou u m îait blov his ovai -tfiugors Off-"' 1 eouldn'î Anindvi lionet, sd Ibl I au do' <m îaf. 'fIlai my beant tehan! hlm <nm bis biding. I likOd tliasnsver, for 1 a«w tiat ho pInce, for be'd been a fibu evt e M uAnt i, and I I en t o p tot e §. to re l h a d i h o it s ao I hope l b. v o um e, if m. Ididvaaa a abfn bo, bt t~ Iput on myslippcts, sud thon retared te z matieno arrangement for auy, becauejusî 1h. dock. TIr. malsy vWs nOv vithi a ancb a une as 1 vauted about me ai! lb. buif s mile, sud vo couid se. thor kaires lima vwu bard te id. it lb. store , plaicly. Thein vere juiîsevenly.four cf niked Mn. Van Wà ni (ho1v a enoid fioud bLoc,, there boig tventY Ssta in lime boat, of mine) about lic boy, Ile teltImus IciantI ail except one or Ivo aIt th L1ove sud t& 'y'& fatber ueed tu be9a Porter iin is 1aterma 4a"mfour men on a seat. $tore, but Ithsb. died saot 1w., onthas "'lie sbail-nererb. able *0 icattem tl before, andthe(b.boy vwu nov uorpan- ut air' vimipered Walkcr lu my our. eut hi" "ther Ia180a1g been doidt ome years, "leaealet q Ial vui, i Thn .tek m uio at sy le replied. - vrai ",'IfYOD vaalb. heboy, caplali, yon'îî "4'But look et tlaeîr force,' b.osad, 70ai id han a*4falîthfaa One, He'& bocu vîihblaucbing. o ni, t Bi'o, ve imce ho aago bigb.' 'Tmea ou nieute die Sbk_,' Thoi "Of counae I took him.Ilus Dame vas I'N spoLia se irwhon ho Caugbt nMy à lu EdÀward Gr"orr, îhough b.a sid 'tysedt, am, for Ilos w u cigte1,kpodr,1 - a n s u 0s ' N e t I ' v o c a l e t i I t i , T v o d y s i m d t h oe o m g t l a a r e W .r C after Ibait a lug teved us oaut, and ve stock Il'--b,'L e hiaied, 4'don't 1 prsy you Men Our noue ean cff SaradY Hooli bofore di. asy auy more. 0f course lIl gît.' Loui nert-Fiit -vo vent te Calout4ansd ton "411«groipeilbis eutlinssus b. apoke, Bgot1 te CantOn, sud mnDY a tinte ditiIbine andtI I ouid senet i# iseye bha ebsged, Othe, Iny stars lIant NetI (murer vas ithame, andt(ore vos nov semo lrc lin L.)3Y lbone, for uown chit! conidn'î bave beeu more tbis imeuWvoconîdOt h e ie OBS of lthe ag foals"Ibat b. vn& AndI thon bey.WU aisys lplafuly, sud l il m1 Y vauderings te' I -bai! Ireiiov, tono' aati neor vus tiei>iow I dor'tthink I ever asv sncb suotmr e n al that ceailt shako him, non lb. ,to ibatt of diabnlical, ugly, bod.okn iin.Da euld bl uch i hl . O n th e royal ard ba lIn v o ni cut a ore 00I as tb v i e 50 tDcà vos 1k. a aquirro! on a troc, sud ho wu as o okedt!hlb.paddes tako them kuire, in lady, qUick of vit ese ho vas of body. tiair tecth. adtcmnsadb iitiu L'eI Ur b u -ias sal donc up nt t1cm pistole, sud I ordered tiem te <ire bain Csatn, ati Ionl badw loeh a Sig. One volley bofore lb. boat go: fsirly sieng. te Pure MoMy aiyhome'. aines, i choto eide. ,a bure-w t ayit ra. W ebadhm . le uid "A t Iis m oment, jus: as t prt e vas f g ratuuIe o uslb. Chlnuse$u,na;tîng tle thllîa acabic'e ktn9thI 1fetait MIculpua cias N at u u l ja aI lg hî d a y . l th e e d a y . u p on ny c ic eli. ,I tu rn e d , ae n d s ' ( ba t to dta ; (rmnituai Vaver.$aumoue the l. mbu thlic intd W vhiPPedt! (1 th<omle north, itrike Id" -a.Off UMaiseca, YODk ow.MOsal ard. Qnlek ai loihtitiug, Y r datad tiche be of titee-'is»'a ve afî On theiatarboad y"naci "aared, sud by somo neiua tIe mn bd bomai aidsieu lovad* l Of m t e ;1îL oeyc wm îroMptly ; but vbile Ibis vas dey, 1 aflsmtaoon Lscmpacg vas onlthe leo.bov, being don.,l. syvs otheen 0 n aM d net, m ore tim i 'six M iles d i tan t . 1 al. T ir ir t . 'a r I a w ur as i b d g lin , t M a .. vye tok tlao eaitomirue orf Lsnug, l no V baui trila<s ' q agictil ieease kaavticchauel Sice OM & trong atrokes lb ent tho r crsft aleuon ce am $hi~ li'ind W dbeen 1gb: sud variable, aide liko a rockot. u1" tkioash mot batin,,bol Iltinowv aui di"'vire 19 I:aloated. And cmy mmn 4141bot deva lehieve.'rd s ttoagh e roi i- fnebut Ibeir banda muaI bave treanbled criOt seffe i* # te'Ieaslowani aluftvoviWe tleydiInfrulorahl did at r u, off ' m o ren t r s k ul eta thlb. zeno r thlie eai 00s l( f . I o e r i it &b. ome dot"r - ontait,. e h DeIemy pIke1s orebtIlatnlth e ai "1: os uil<uneo~eockvicuI crneth 11o <os' pfbas lorat ui r t ' isma--lu*bost. I OmsItin3zbruhed ptme bysadi himom25 "'xM4sy pros,' IttmIùlin. weussI6il ietogrsfuiesof jfrled. "'loi r mmsv l< i tt lok & iy%ýý "'A itu e 1'b.elr. Jbotore My oyes, sud &htu -dxît bà tà , »* f Tours n ver, 04 lo-te sdfhi f4ga lin . dared vi ssooktmwas 4y>bwl tist miaon mia" iutb "buto It rmoui a, C i bhosldsel)n 11149' i4rÃœ" ê 1a canlturng dbtherov, te sentt fie, niaweis, &blebot u il ts'ey hla o~et o aUt iién iiszr"I sud <ete bî co biui cloiiigofvit plw . lgaiiftbed nani y. 0f courus tlWf &.1 doa dvo OAlbd sund btuavedby i n expecgtedvitt4 io goi a w vi er boutl bey. é laid go: t fio vae. TiM t b v I. T vb1 cit. v ron1dbçavrbeneaagbt e ie irlo 'mg"tsfie. -,k"' could e ha ôe'f i. irta, r~ti Mg out for te iuld, flor of connie tio. ce"datIgo non tem ,boat. But 'tied,' keyaefem'ever rembed (. he orm rave, ltatth bd von ainder wvîtes i th ti iae. I teck 'my gland vet ap laugl témir.aentp, d forsaviale.I steodlb booy capi1Icold ne en i, oe afer s uo e w 1 5 m o ut 0f ig b t, id I knovIbal moue o' them vould erer 10 sny rdro mrder. -Butin la itl. hilel ltOads" taI von bit -stngglin Mie atr wertbeyod tlime mh ofmy igl Mud IcaMmedown. Il'Tl' t m acu e of My ,tem hli o y (dUreer vu dlepoied ot;for yon eau a ge fo r yoürueves. ' Y et ho vus m od et id mid ns ovor, sud begged us nult say e yimiugm or e abo t A t. W ito v. g ot Omo, tbeo ovumodate lim a«cept a lion. id dollarsnsd ma&Ie me promise tetoi ai navigation, Ned le nov fÉonr.aýnd. asnoble s6 felo v asm yon could vleh t *-Md let afoth b efwiNev York nm ataf n ofîbe ibiýp DiaiLel BOOne. Nov, ho cornes nexri' -ner epta .---o,. j il rome>the oiee»" iaatl ier 'a lwe I vo sv#1ai- b.fortmaue terelate bus y -to uaii4r oar notWc., 1$>,vas told;e 1, be Iem imsf bim dt ames.b t vetigation <ails te shakoe i Iut Oftm 4 Ienlamyoption e t1ea a, s tj'et" t About ilvenly.six yens &goOsoesCaad ýo Indinasvor n luClelsnd, 8suddI iuiaà sa flaag viti-tho peoplo. lu the. course of gthe 7 iI lime Ind[anluielcd ltat bI hooncested, ,and i n. oxdr e r erong it tlierneirea, t«ole'a ttrme our ol&,boy frm» û thée cflrtI edarric* hhm 0#?t CasidaAu: <ane m nLe, qrned- tJe; c4I& vgu stolen y rmssii ryibus bt 111 vitlpl ýr of tb.e ily cranyfiirtitrpà w ",;rsofin 19 tbeft, sAnt be learai.d. ea' Tb. captera kept lime boy linada for! fes' 4pysu md thé., festi ibsrovy by lbovbitensoldj bina to -a p.iwtof pu;' t t9,Otsmies, -VJIp kept isn about a mnt lly lims. lie vasagauso14 Ã"to m~ tPays i iticu b tbe l4eromained à monda;t - but, ai ticre ve omeMfoaas Bstmo v>owuld L b. lracod à I ii ao back by lthevititea, ho, vasm of radd 0*0 b.Wiuuebagucs ef I1111. noie sud Wisconaic. Uow long b. remalucd in liekecpiug of tuf Inho u mt ben scertaiced, but ho vag eventaaaliy ransferred rom th o teb cbippevos or Wiseonsiai, Who &gain soid bin-- t e b.Sioux Indies O f IMluueola. Tvn y.fyM, sgo bhovas sold bythe, Chippva lI lm aiesud Coppeiboad Of Iova. Wb hon trifs1beremoved te MisOun, b. secmpsnledtemn,sud afler. yard, vont vill teion u tbem migration tirough Calilornisand Oregon. TuaI por. tion of tlb. rib. viti vhich ho remaiued iaally proeeid as,<n norlhan lb. Enasian posissinDm rBebing's Strsita, sud -ther vitmPortions Cf lie Creoe, UluLe sud otter large baudsofindmu, iy' aI present romnain. Thoir Principal point Of KISelmnt la about tire. bndred mlei <rom tic uortii Pacifie cegýand sabout Pfte%î 4 even, [&j 1 I .1.~. #~pg, is im Town Hall, a Bons~ a otr 3 14 - S o - i no dl e, i - N ' 1 0 " d o d - u e a l s l Loâ«90 . U),, an, <3.odlasy l orc Sos ilî .m ro eu altlayI>lriou, tt Sous0f P.bes.,îr o. JaieotMtto. I - - fL -~~~~~~~» opfppl(uuciSt oiY, lgtrÃt 4o"Suiay, (MI S o.uh tchFar.bMitl e'mistlt21. enorah ie o -y4 ud Ms s e é u a I I . e o te-M>r. Stoirs Book ofSae and t e at-tc oJI.f th, paper., 4ueon oye*, remed, and arrangement.made for, ethler County gaW Avetom Bilasiugd uin be el style a eier redue Pimeo.- un& iereproperlejfeed; uag Mna #1eftwe 0f 'ike If1a4,antd tri«& tté C aboliIrblà eau be pro lu eider te (a ward t< liodé >0f jîà ucer po1te,-~è4tt~s ke O~éTIUOJ$ éfWeî0b dolr for dollar Ã"-Utbe te aos' n.mscbnoofume lvisla'stocir,. villmakebtee mouait,* ,000, for ~ vo ie paiqo0f jaulldîng sund,,,qnipag thé lawb tpoinmtu.-u, ragrdsthaie 'y B081 i.TI-teta f'biding 20 juflct ot apqarhensaon of poemoaeb'ge>vt1à crime týeù k 0éýîîà £120 Ooo, -adils rmd v te'uA attention. e 945iýà ,ooo. Ih s sud Ittbel Wliuleou tiis sueilv 1ni1 - Irea -te-c ,edfl d fuimhd à £5,000 lete vr~ilIb~"pmiueraUoiï-wbicb péé miré 3 aà d thà t' thier a-, j<, Coamnty egatbls reMvie. Tieir lty)9 ready Isba it a ha onieltTaiii ton ttanlie byerecéivoed by abbOrmg bovvo, lte extrem figure, sud ve tare mma., Wbile.Ibis le ecasevocannoe a mirgin 0< S12t,00 o . cover the. sbav xpct]a eÉigýt mnoonfoi const4. e 1yj ejatnr les. Mm w vitecm: receive botter-remnra.s tapn i opIeI e-ct ~inforuthir servies aIÀ ordinay , emPIOY- -and lImaI on tic bonds of tic Qonipany. Ne- monts viff nt bWlikely b engage lu th e nreoabytn lisiiBnia ~naou udbaadoe u ocosay,.fote moreua mly dentât hiscUrerii T'iti lesmalterltaI ,recommeid&itfeif ïo ices Onie Tova ô!' Wbtby ebeujà , the Magitraesat Quarter Sessions, v. dime n'ýbboadsof the Companay, let tem eut dovu thb. outaof ,constables vfth iiso -i s ly TcRalyli so very- grudgiugly. the-Graiid Trunk, of! viicithere 1 mow nu ? obt.Ir" ,7stk - t.akb-e1jýnq Tii.~ . rudkCôrniwýy, ai ougit Âpptréiîty uonly - $6O,000, vini le.resut7 b.equal to $8Ooê Thé Bigeki-m sie i.popqlarly cale tloa.j40w 0kucps tê.Tit le ot nl lie resostmeuanca voa rarnd Truck Coman are tGg- eqaiip qme ' ' ! , e1-vrti-une lliug stocèkfor tbé ambont; tht.s of lb. ago, but thb. nobleat single prôo ofefrli fc- ele unao ttccs lte acieutifie gonins of the old country- Il prie ýo lbamouail Of stock taken.This le nul improbable lIma aItome future period vo couceire te boa gain of tint per ceilt sté may b. exeeded, in as groat a prpoir eiumepl tock or bonda- upo'n vbicî tios a te hrs > (ecee t p liothéomau wuhare tg, realize cash in tionse ic iraefexceê b. arguaI ib2riorder te tic purcba tSc Lrainyaiiggçr o blîhorto conotte ble Iatni mythe voA& .Thé conuection of Our lice viti she le st pree nsd-ountil ber commercialtii.Grand Trnk voultI sfo b. prodnci mam e , mmo iareal, -tbe marvel of abip. o! otier, vhich itl a ucneccsaay building sud 0f- engineering skil, se hicbre to eiati but witicb a ite end woaild funeit iumpt of Britiuh e«ter- bé a overfail auiuiiartowards carring- PeoemnOt - thellmtyhUe lte Ibethésorej3 of Ieke pieadpmem"eraie ,Sb@ le lboipIOFd. Huron. WIVtai Ibatthe-ýDiret-jors ili Mate grovthu odacetifle idon, coneeived lcsle f the lib.rality of ini a maliiematical train, id carried te ber tIhéGrand'Trwi"kCmuy. The u preiontcempietln>,i a& go towock- udcouatuet ticir line along scomed;u*kn stonetheshoreot ADdýMÉOà tp facticaile router lotraomnt, lai iomd SuwutSt0Wasti vii tic ecç-ssai5r ecouomy vthtt'à out imoe tevo faalte ieenarpis to' compelled aItihedietîoao i tneriboeIf4M Mth ef thon viteIiÃŽ. >Tovhijs of 1eaebeiorWliiýt 0exhmt id ber and aintaimid ths i ahip o! lmer tiémeuteua i oaieniencing those munie!. ation. It is ocultod ba beripeed vil U b'e sto temake bersail <rom"Eu TUÉd bl ,M ariioyj-To osa ý Calcutta, disebrobr ag boe oc&i ie =it uof Skinnér ,caig 5 tliri caog e J>;k ilMt5tue nieo, u h, cape, sud nîtho' I th shotttperiod of aeventy ag1 a i, cmecos uontniona cru We ciont 1110l'avebeen ucable b gel Imila bis b. se, vo need no Ion ger <gai Vo«7 atà îai î tereuee Sinraps~ uxuO o teEgypt, or the oineritable b tare0sous rîeivosce i 'us "te tbsal baugiovr e b. Mosican sd *00 sud most likely put lb.econstables ou a. ertainly points te tte compleia Of lb. vroug somntI7il- e1rt-cm' rc- dta sui propbcsy taifbt bort0f IhUo RminJlvs uIlieistanceS ' ar ev tuaIt tiniresbo te Dmoulyetw , srrcsted fo eovteeing frontlte pareîtà 9red lu lb. Dospiorue." By means of - ,11ýý ets, ouo a.ovuly dMiar u n.h#, " 1 i Temà orScorTsua fl e Oven~~~~~~~e mr lepysdoslliav.could -tb. JobsnStreet Scitool titis eroniug Fn-e uend tiem bY ime, ororlauDd route, 4an ,80,sent, lb. Chmiah ,.oaSen s. u <'oci a o c ure ofliidisin1 sp ileO of E gyp s, o n M esu rs or0 0 , r s a su ! S ov . t i P t a s b .,r e l i eo; ,A s o u t , M ý 'L n d e . È j j , 0f vhouioevar 1may poasese bi ie xéi Merep«7n-<~su Iapproied;~ Tb. ue i sin, yt . e m ! a nu arrxvrxo mrszas r viii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h (.Bi Shp ase co mril TcCar aj before the Boant Iou speCUlatien 1Ti- li -Ib s ating City rOsignam i t isthnmyU fnIfrn lotion or101M sniol,> t on gotuce,*mfcainf îsii- bA!Ie aa luec i-ý ad! sWksay s- , vslgnation, Anaeilt, d~ao~prois, e eec 0Bsu. . s> ai f ront, Is t=n M tiallb alalion- lepojecters aro sec of r, s - - b us cosstey usoon iii pintns<Ib c urohun an Mv. BruneO deMin Umm eCcu ad thme Chol,~ . bas tesM&~e~4 at bstviltbont lnesod su ot n Ol ou lie Toé_ melde5rs reu#eUr 1Tai- ngPOU- aiovas édoptet! on Modo ti ? "Thitbe luü oin i"Ov f Minmsy alag 'nul 4'suit P~éi sd bnk~, <th.bro i okof dut Teiten-intthe dry M nuebrd syet but bU or jmot-oune Slre ohool,tiBead is of opnoitint 'aféopd0f vtu hi msy te timdu ri i ti erers! ydà r'mbé sericeW li renmmad Imersoif, t t ana, aiccese91Y perorneal itortiÃŽ ies aImiaid of lb.nation ;"Sudaltai lio so ebolTe un aI this Bonrd terty teadn'iliatkalodgmoato Of ber able baibv srefnoa, a ns'en srvleo."f1ý, 1,1 111Wui lcisà a rtevbichvwill the b sgnal NEs' EioAaZjamx ir (b. creatio f otier veasele of 7114 %e- Ticioovm roolleiare ilio ip id tbe vay, sud tb mleealWB - - -;te on motion orf31n. Broyascoddb large r exton t tisMr, tÉ6Mn. oOr!on,--ltmeCbsirm=ub. requestetl PÀh5~o Nres-A' &,«Y-iarof $affl w sumu=: - gagement, 11112M Micards vu i roglmtbofore ÃŽlstp9belon i"ted byone not ote f 'VOmifp lb. MaKYa n y Fldahat, ouà th ibeirpaity. bug@ UpÉWqoqutoM, o. Hae OtJtOD 0£of l., Brwn, necondad by dtiprdaicd, wvaa Ave, on dmêlsairofiSilaiy <pksnai Eagomet ban of Omri» i1A-. - r b4 te in a tl r'i mu puma vroug la themoti the poor eny cl fi exposes f %o b.e styleti',ri spread di .,-able eun ma'y tate, And ca-e, belieru it, proper, t sud "ill rathorlc Eespeet it is veIh theomark& - .in îtcl -first desert itson& aistecedeui authar or 1 a ble euoué, wasit thai the Marke the pnobs Made bv ti the Townu ]led do -NO, Sir, l>a loriat ua of s a rk. souglitté t -a Market ? cillor tlat j for the pur vbo vanta MUtlet e.t The fuiLa '~propenly wv tatI Whto peal uoflte the South 1 Ward Corna ssk, men in paer," i h lice theoinie, ucharitabia vbe, like 1 mever-sati attifeand bu 'andvWho an vietontiy Payer cornj itwntes 01 Wodare(t, ian ye tut ,aga 4 * m te gmi, vs ite lu, rtbeir fniea 1 uclacd i atioroUNit dfbis fortier kle fer tint i -Y' As ouana cause of Tua your joumd, brino! Md 'probable.; . - !1EK&J ommis A Wilnfu.azz ,.... ERX i. ---- CAG 70misraimi)lu K5IaM i. OnQue tbe point in the lw.a territôr, Afou PonUl.. b CJOma31 3 on, MEO J01111.1 5 5%ACZ weeth d.oninally visitafs "nus. LW o Wis I, o ,1i o 3 r o ra BLL#iaa Fort," whiehfi laid down on the a Sterlngt AuctionC, m unor the CoîrIIO river. The ero' fOet Culem , Aug. 25, 1859. îlhis strango adirenture myt the ,, is 3n01 Cowiý, Lot No. 21, t1h Co. oi D AR Jà cî4-UnIe u hae o , the immedite vieinity of a md i rier, the Picerfng, on Wedna dy, O t. 12& -j, [g unasnllY good, in ruew at your prS, nane Of which, other tia. tht gien y hi, C. Sterling, Auetdoneer,.I quarter, I trot you *111 iam eitely tribe, he dom s ot know. Tuoîas L o« '& Sa" of séore, Frma HatcNs hez Md Julin me In Chicgo. I1 The SM I. and Copprbad ndiaastaîrde StOC4 ' mpem ntis, Hoa cb d F rni re,ý Otê te YOD soîe two weeka ago, adviing witli13. Paule, hbaVig Baemiannuaî train ttc, ou"t'b. Zrd Of Set, ai Lot No, 20, itoe in c heobrebut I dd ot thn tel te, tat place. ne - m b a outtwo Frntof rd Con. Of WMbg.-... C. &Ue. slftbo renons vby you ought toeOo. toumndIndiam. One party tarts from in g, Auctionee.' 1 ore vwu nover sncb MI Openiaigam Ibere st. Paulo about lthe oamsime lIat the. 1au. Dov', extensive SMe of Vellbred oe, and il will grow botter fosa nnth other starti fron t tir buting grouna, and farc, stock, produce, &tC, At Glendbu ore. Our ffnds bers re nU uer'u. thn" Meeting about alf-way. The faim ré Uibylon Ilin O tober. b a vo a cq u a i n t a u e e s r o m C i u o i D n t i , P c h ed O n p o u l e , 1 e l ks a n d d o g i .Slt < n a r n S p . l d . - . C p h s , N e w O r l e s a , B a ltim o re , e t. o n b ir lu t s o e m a sl t p, l, te b9 10, S s tii ii g a u u .'Sert1 t , C ii W b ceiug ,ý obilop V i ekburg, B aon Of tbese d enun re rceiv cd a Pm as frein ale of pro po t f . L v ~ o 1 g . , B o t o , N w o n j , C a i r o , a d o n e o f t h e C h fe fg - d % s S b v sw ".we8 C o . Pi e r i n g o u S L i e , o ta . i l ,s or Plsèe - Tbre if DO Oenm y Of YOUrs seek ont bis relti e, and, if found, tere ( oud u t nc r tbat I be ear d t om e dth ere s no m a i ith them aw lile, T he Pau srequires S ale o f r ris s ud H r w r f J ~. her ar sos ling yon onghî bis Presncein t. Pauls ntthoib e Il iq lo u o Spt l ndit.-l a 'old , Ac kno , but l1do nmo l bt U t e Ibthem in 1U O . eve of ltoe W W sc om pu owti onr. 7 s, Ja . on 2 l«.IfYen corne try sud brin5 "Ifokos. que.quW"-for tbst lu the Indien xbor orso eaiir fine cnlcy. M ou nams of te Yong m n-toebicago. rom r 7I a to ry b o ad i ng - bo u s , s un d g s e t b e o ld in at p la c e h o b is fo o te d it r n o e o f îth e a e t t f 1 tiji ~ r m u te g ve y ia4I e y y c i U n . sud rrived ho r e y str d y . A t P re mnont- rati the .pâ l y U v i n d M y do uble , bis f et ura. v re recog nized 1b1 y& m n n as t u a a muw», sied renierasd oi«felrTake berIng &a Strong rcsmbuanoe to ne2 0 .""' VwJmtg mew. il d * M , 'tim lai ida 70 ,5 'A good eP b T o4 *hio, le aid fo bavres u oie e d e ô h o s lu C o ney , s9 d d ur . C kle l s a out tlirt y joes since.W I b , l s a y S e t m r 1 , 1 8 9 b. Yareklytuosy~For souns lime put the Young mu in bas-- ~~~Ùdi "' ~been iâtlny cngased i, teiag n up~bs ~ iU8 C me ra, a asli eloMdw. pseo, -1resnit Of tis tlnuuaes. lie my* bh o - ne The crui or Ibehe. i.Wecly Iwll te v ti a pal l<te ~ ~ ~ ~ d eire te Icare bis ludion am e ltco, am ho bc $ 2 5 n 1dan e o " ~ S b loeu r ro m his b ro th er tie th er b au w cd t o eb rnameWg,(e m .6 0. i n A th '2.o r t eh h i A t ln o m dm e <G eo rg e lad - o in s fSn rOp « k # ,B negn orb . ie 1 About a lr g ue lho bi d crabbed in be o yo E in is t" ,r s t î, i a u k o, W ii u w a t r ýb tt 4 ut ~b . a m s hom aaya, lai fbi m i 5 . Ps ! ap IJi i d in futuru r.>~d ~ "Y» th" bislbair as eut, snd lbis clotbfng OU SATm8-vÂi &$ agear, s&k&y cr- banged te o aform te vbie ageo bcéote in ; adoanm ; il! lie etrpqd of d -mouemyose th i w liv &ing st oi.,hupybe to'le cm e sa" s vne A s uferas wusà » Con, W . bave givea île narmatie as ho to M » d M; lw*«ir soem mmOur rosi. et tifs morung. It mm»m1 xtrordia. Ptnadp« t4nt tw y .fi"e ds bore bave effeted onde, &7y but aclou Msd rlgbtexamnau (al.i- a ii hî b o n sa tte np t m â d t o te u r ce e d t e s ba k e b u s sto ry lIn h eo b ut . A s tuar h e lots m a rd e r , n oir D uim la'. c re la b w fi s ginst go i em an w »to , piy deu W v o neau ica , bis sem to nt 0 um roug sud te e % "apeof tho crin si , bo bribl 1. mble gais ut far, andtic. vag ord i nt e ilofr thecountry sud MnneaIsats*1w ue9lyfr rvdn i. e viii n oe ho pst la put io m. T bi f th er<n W k e tregiona 40 bot dffer Con y Attorney Viti thr e ss ary 'é'ý 1 W n 'h y uap o n . T g W n ofl ro ui tb o a c t . W Ia al m o tiv e th o r id l o t pme s r c f g . w , e ra in W " woua S Mv r p r fo u d ly ig n Oaay d e i r oi in fo r ma tio n ,a s t'O b i s p re t& 1 ca se. l I t seo t ue airy ro m W i ebi ') w e .It amv o g usnso H lsmgatym ie, spsaksrapidly, and le thode' r zeul td o b ,place t ngw ta I d a i zom n t à r e fouô r - an t I i v o f l' 5 4 1 5 ý * P r e a e t u s f r i ug f r o m o p l h a m i a , o c c a s . n e s e "a t o n v a b I d n e x t d a , b e a at numbe of sxmnia u .iOitcdho ys, by leeing itioutbis u.varu vs411dfrb ppvosfn0 no d f m-en mang bis. ,As I aâ t m blaketo. -Rema& à (ba s o n a rrnu W dfitea p e o " O bey Are lier. roui eery quarter ut heau getinto tihe oods t,* 0 «ic o lt mfil eas o oreSu bulm îaiay Thn reaig anambe o r Ota ea ure bm altoffitrs of jsic ot *0seek int Thté iii f Vbo m ae doiag *014it, s Perbp $sousof Our odc îler go m COOM ntAIT w as vu pr ient ath ne s th s r a s k a i e s ud i g h o . - it r l » u s l l b t O n l i me s u b j e e t o f t h e a l . t i g a t i o n , b u t i s p o v e t u - v o n t a u m e n e r Ioa Jd~a Wetvrtl's ~ Iis"viit Id!W " le nottle on ofJo. aI tho e stgtn!UV ad h l.~ ba rosd ommeaeedWu spoiU OPIOI oe oipthentbe aam ,sd c m ae s 'o < d w o &l as t l a ty o u a . d o t - . . . - - -t 9 d 4 e h a a t a b l é s l a , w , m 1 4 a n d O re jilt 5 9 , O p fçl , , 1 et a , d e j b C s o e ' n y T tht m u7~oi, Utr li uI b v à b. n u a ai intaim f~ o4 vol wy'id o u-- , 5. « dordb l!.,is d sti <r ui q. sa t teo tmas a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! là ifan ve,é udm das io f lim ea, iassmboolent dgdin' sW WypreM yt. ots Osd os gà q 1 kfe aeavelo ai u ul s u e . C C ~'iedpIorsAl tit aam'fai. m .s. uresitc ni s 0 WOj umé «9» ..±ât- ;. . . - w 1 1 1 1 ti it