Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1859, p. 2

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Tbvpi ris: th",, 'i G z', '11 ai s, t, AS Il Ff i iý SD45jUOVIsee OÇttu1500od;wbo bavé just .ponÉhreliîgion to 1 t ta 1 O owle, a.M, su a iiae1unî.ogona, MLEV. Kg. HUNT tb.m Zaas e eAaotbr;anud wbo, vilatpri tit, 3 Mtoia ~ Circho libanioe' 1rnàý snnig llavith thoirodious ITankees ians 2 0,0 V 1%PIl. J«k'BTZ< uo idnine t(ba tailare equa,t W9041uid- Conuty Faira. 1*«0 ,thoir. horbY Ébat very doctri ln t Qswvo uiirwery Fim sdwbit laMine, IlenMy own." -No sa go ' the. foyer lu tii. Perimnpoom maya, uSa. p~eratio et, g ii sebut t have'livednemi ,(bh Auotion Sale. irmtt"no0do w. maini ,thai (ho'o pissent oititcal gardehn my flot'b. porfct, T Mr"N?, S&orUngte pook of BvsI .tco ith aeediingm whichs, have id ne ~ph~a# usual .D1aeg apontdd own nuT the ro an t0< *1n o t Md rm I annmdate 0 U 0q~.0 / ~t tu itn a nde u-cot n- a It4pd$' Uwa 4o o r4rs reedV6dW£fJ Àg tnli*jrca oùt t O I o à rr7-angemzents M44e for'otAer aOuipiq ç'Ou? 1nttüffàüajsteil opadte n W- Asatin, luffpriâed W-th *W pubnfloaf.i t htes toes, uImported ful- iii- 1 fosteed in the tY t,!hr eud ,Idsrescnt Ring Strqeî cmcrirW.sm ~"F< lfu roou'Inpt/se,. blle < adit (ie ~ beatics ratier ably 'C loffe eul hA<e e/s14or &knZsnoe drawn imn(woreent issuetof tii,o i.; bai j<d> M proj head, fru 0/ Oh0s, but w.demlur aM to tsappicbftto ua <il? u th sesof <41eW e4k1y and? Qnada of the dctrines laid dow4-dony pris ern. oeA~~(lronel.the neesaiit of no rough; a sbake to out ae SYoung plant, and. hsitaté n. te op"'- in a êuotion Bsales to Crn &ML o(, tentruatlng th ii punlng knife t10 the bauds of Grit "amateurs," wbo -woald,>pe Sole of Brick BuIldig, 8 - Lotssund w"O ar, miii> appi> ii tua"Ioeuterey co"d ý0oueisoid u ture, of J. 0. Jixs*, to a slight o emee, w bon mulerap ine on Sepm 69.-22-T, >fyers, Autione plictlon# wouid juet a poi>ad<i~ r. more saisi remnovo the ble*nlsbea, The 114 4 s 4 Zof Thrasbng Machinas, Hlomse.Pw. ftctle, that the ..Globe,, tWi.'Verabli,,la m~ ia.of theOsawa ma"uufarig very Repbl"cn, 'The'poison, which it nation othe lat of October. ~les Pu»,,I 1" tNu-10, Oid Cm- .'The ou. oIlsc y saai hml1»va,'. une vi byoU ndany Sept. 9ti.-J. Ç. Hors, a wouid oniy-iiîero,, a scious1y h, iii1i~ ~frame se ntence% nov a diatribe st mon. eofrs Cowin, Lot No, 21, bfb con, of srcbied . Instituhions and'precedzmIs...tbenth k»ringl on Wednady, oct. 12U.-4. a giowing pan gyr.Ic on rupubiican advant- ti Sterling, Auone. TJoxli Léov'. Sale of Hous, Falm aSes' Ail, la to become ective. Governors *11 ieI Imleent, ousizld um itur it-Judgus neit. PeT si rser#uc# Ilat$ t, oc, mpemnt, oukldFoniureto bcnmade te thc &people," certais ., on the. 23rd of Sept., at Lot No. 20, 1 rnt o! 3rd (Con. o! f hlb.-J. . i $tNov v0admit moot tbroughiy therýigha t ,ý %si _.iuouoer, Of (tie POOot elect 'ther LWprmena. "tba ~mi i~w sieaveSaeof waî-irait'fezs; but ihai popular ighitonce exoew cia- , 4 fa stckprodcek. t Gendhm o#dg we h@ldths( with thos.repreenttirni, ý1ion u1th Oct4,ber. the omipotence of! t1ja nation tamWùTyou @aie at Osha on Sept,1 C,-3 rat& I te>ar kae (ad t ut b e*ilg, Auctlonoci. the. people's <anit of! (lie omty, prove Râle of!poprtyofA. LtTYLi4,Lotil false,) tho pracitica s il es the the t~9 à Con, Pkicering on Sept. 2th-Jas tilîcOrctical valn. of cOr sound constitution. OnO1 iald, A"uctoar. AI principl.a', yl b. spoodil> -deveiopsd, seodt %le of Groïcelis ad IHardilare of JAs. To that great ciement o!(lihe constitutIon, <loo c)"» on Sept lth-Jai. Gould, Anc fiz', raPonulblttY tjth le represtatira of Wb powor, al riniatries muet( bow , but setute Pl dividlng fihet roaponsibility, stickiSîpste 1eWý AdVetldento, tMs Day. ronaga In one corner, a"dposting it In v - iother, or referring to tho people on over> Note~.çs-lib#. ismp.i-question, 0< finance, <rom a allvay> te ,,« )Co1l@e-Jobn WSti.vtr.oki vudlyoldffarry wi(h (h« cepal ntitby Dr. 0. C0. Jeromie, country. Th~e nsjority -of much questions IstiOr rest Auction Bâie-Atwignoeo f tb. mb- would b. but'indiffutently undcrstood ; por finalid KF4 sk"U laour[ng (Ympany, wôuid the ordinar> avocetions, Wofour *ci.cal loc Purificr and LivriMedicle-J Hl tizens admit of mo constant a-hurly.bw4y. ,tiiit i Geints, Farm' botter (o select (ru. reprenttvsi ei memmsu ad .n/<ire honeset minlitries tbeaeby. u<î (irk ~ taius ciingt tii. v ise lassons vhlci ex- ~it~ ~ ~u11,perlence toaches. , Lot us pluck lesf by léï ot of Mthe gi-cat nglimb volume'bo<civil "bsi Ã"È~ ouâ Y a n sd religions rigirie, coliated vith se groat sh w 031i suDexOnatd ro Inos u Very boude ht~y>~1 s, epfémber 1t159 nev edition. >Let us déing va ropeat demi s(outly, (o tbo Ilid adrmnttg.g vblcb thq fi*1v» r'o eu s U # RliBrRS. pesatInsnrq 4"pr -imlen Tlie i. e for ihe SomI-W.kly wW jvslege o! gvng expression It ttoii. bol d e i, avan"i, or 68 n t In a ord, lot us nover forlgt (bat practi. the im 049 Z ngland In &,Rp e e aIls showi yS, 7110 ysr TiWookly Asuercs, oi>y, (bat (be£ngilsh Bpubli 4rme i4li b. publiuied lu futuru lIA M00ircblcalvwhoreug the Amalcan, hla0 mi' Prosidentiiaî, tiatwhist vs onjoy lse mue h ad *~If1IP5, 1 ~j <51IC~ ~ inusd a Queew se existe undor eb %Jd(<»10 $2wilIlbW charge Pym&:,dotrt, luhppili> vîhbetï( îiie u ion puai *aws.eIstenceof0 anviq"confusion and tai- <or tlb St«m igin.Ingaeconipaniments of biber>, deb=Wu wt- si-y and hing auimisnolcs.-&dl Wmsvfty happy to anounce .(bat à large l vs$a"Se &Miti«n to lb. Town of Pati s ad poirs eCesyAtitersa lis bhi$ir , Miln la fait tiporatioo. W. -11 .ï W# prmtsat astriai of the worlng 0 of. USiSOfù # tsass-saglne aud maoinery « uea.- sMd tie asompe Of tihe oimi0ai, fSrcbly il. ieua*(eWKsndiw igha( sii asq u.st rmo gr, I nts t e enýtai e 1ia rklug or te tus Sttso, but bis pou orf vent bol6* tsaadvt.lng tis.magistrtsuit An aisling wii Noa,-4 mss ai sIvufgstio Mit &di tint o -roo$U besoIre Ria power todspum .ustbin lperal4sà" ms PMlUaslut on bai g, le Site msutsa mam ahse ais foamatter tb51 reeomimeiia itaew ti maglatut'At.saiQiasrwev.slona, VIN dmw this Aemouaof ostabln v*id machbploeblug, sud ailowielr.kpqni 'lie 1l18 lsip, as she ;0!popuiary mule * opi> tie glast niecbsic vod" Ow 4gë, but tho noblest-aingie, poo scieutiflo genius of thse oldcuty. i oitimpobsbie tbattOcm future period Muay hoa ceeded, lu asgreat -a po mse hreml<ezceedafie lgSps-si tiro eontnuce; butbe tstaaitsaà ia at pfent, aud =unti be conerciai us ho aured,'fthe marrel of <bip preemineut triumph of 1British 1enter suad peneversaa. Bsa la tg, logii 0ý,r*Ovf i o<sscieutific ds ouone mafheumticsi train, andoa ed l ober eu omltnaiit dfiulsad di igmna ta eniadapmeienîst ooe wer 01okg,<a thm ou ho plan. We sud mdniauod lmaI4buliip cf he lanude vas a u. eceuliiof0<Our -age and' m. Is calWuated tsat Urrspeed i*i cha te maie ber mailfrontugan iscui(ta,ý idisoharge lbe crgotisre iu a ratua crgo, aud be bsck ugal ae hortiperWod0<eventydsysîIif b. so, ve »aMuolne <e e Ou sse te thpj e , evtab tbat bang. over g, Mosisa, sndtoo. dai> pointe tte ompletlou of tbe 1 rophes>bal b«ofo!the nmilau, g, t hos of theDonaial y.tbe va- naglfiolent fosflg Eallvay to Cal. oý n «'r mm- blgbvsysud national* stvo ceuit transporalithé useeuss7 ey ster and saimunition, (or'tie nil lMOre sisepî> sud easiy (bau vo couid thons by tho overlsadroute, >andsoo snre ofInlai nsple ofropt, or ionuaover Msy possoi that relie of ho 'BgShip' pay, es commrcial cistion 1 ,WiiIli Ud « fitiuty, ule, (It l a sasstdofcsrlng a popwz mot 10,000 moula,) b. s rotauccea ulahI>, se aiepromises 10be iuecsan lT Thare la evary reason.to beieva he calclationa of! ber projactormoe "crétél> baseitoufM s pt se ïaia Princip'ca ere, onvis"cbOs dies or governsnt id o!«;»y kiad, wii seriMEoirt te psy berau a n s remraiedideénd. inpou. over g,ïdt lui oh'snh povsrsub sa u md t t mas trade as yeat bIai4 rlwt ~n I«sved, of visicib abs u M>o ae wbtruira o esotdoubt but 1(bat 11 es medmel!, lot'bel Pree- Indo< naton;sudtitvis ai oe bavede ber fiait voyage, a Mev-ara M Imiaumtod vh i ib.e esignal sO cretimof 0<otier veemela of lue e va>, sMd 10 ssskGreat Bl"tsot ger uteot tisaver, g, emperium od su& lave a &0 ia sm sa" nmabeiovîi" "rprW> »as their neighbors. Their bousesare conduoted 'm the most ?rderl sud oeditabl. manne,-la a manne? 1te, preolud liepomsblliay of col ansd la It sut wmog, (lieu, 10 b.e«oàtsi"fy op-ý presing fsud israu.mgtuent, ecausof tse -extreletlpeac oiuoso r -Ëtor au> otierinember of tbe Conucl Tis Tveu hopr.have btine a 1 eme oSe li vithi the Corportilon, sud go lonig as tu e ce-uselà viffln "the Touu imùite, sd >hbelicemse eiàstitla unjust 10 deprveemof;a a viese <or whý i hhve demi,> psid. W. aveoul~vodtoddvtbrgamd (o tie second reýoS iven by Dr. Gnn, (or Intoduelgi is amendeiby.law It vas te13e0rass ti loveit fine te a osi. " .yn isg mt igre,10encoraeintormer ex om rvrd adraeive haitof the 'amOutIt in holding ont à preminni te the pimping sp", aud thaintormer, sad an- couraging sàhrcbâkter lsiailaabhoredu contem-.od by sociepy W. do cutreat mombers of the Conucil to occupy themmelves witi malters l*at viii pove 0adrautge, te tihe emmuuity, sud t aiiow thse lieu byav te womk peaca. ably aud q!liety, auit bam doualssretofore, INeut leur (ey eau in we anàne cý'te "ar liking, sud. thom wbo procure ieens uindr i1 vii biov* s azqrdof Theii. Wkt aiiway. Weé,belIeve (ths rvr>bticpua are< st lengti bout te b. e aisei r.gardiug tleWhitby Esilva>. ,Theo Ovaut Tuk Coapay "ilve graed tetake *60,0001 stoc ghue10Fort Fer r ,Mn Bawisellm ba fa& 201000 privatsatockr, ana oxpeo tto labi tôf0gel $20,006 mor takan n. Of gheie private stock herefo. fort suhoiheedf-some £20,00-froni £Jl,000 o .< 20,000ay nov lie st dovu as riubie slOokitsding l i (ho nsOf soavent parties. ýTo sani up lier. vouit* ho availble te ontmucgie te Port Private Stock.,.......6 ,0 Mm. Beaoell'a o .- 2 , Grand Tmuk.......0,000 Tovnu 0<Whitby £351000 or, 140,Q00 Olier stock vilehoSub. pro. 230,000 Au issue. Of.bouda, dislr tor-dotlaonuthe g, peop oo building sýud equlping tise Rosit. Tise cost o!fblding'20"milesOt rost aI UOperinma vnid bi:1120,090, equal te *48000. St l it i g Mu eaub. eusrncd ud <rnsbed at 15,00 per M4 i. sdtiat asèmè are, coptcPmu readiy te t u t tint smouet. Talrlngý ise er, g,'treiefigure, su vshav or $agn0 120,000 (o cever g, ibave on iréTva of Whltby' debentnrales hi (ho Gonîps>fl eoaspelfrit feSeptmalpar,: sai tmt on,tlse bonds of<g, Compati. No. one Cosa, msonàbly dey iattb4is sl flot more issu sàpJjsUÉ"st fO soe aIl imonte ug Tovu o! Wbfty dibesires, ua n t b g , b o n d a o < liýé (lo m an >, W ot g sali ever s* 4&yi. 'Tiei. slvuplà liara<or s' <set, illa le' asistmns of ge Gmaýd Tint],,ot wWh b tia 0 ku.bL-ah'P. ate I. - èha= 0Over Consei eth"ta Of ",blesfi (O bo IO gTvr epMs. TI untMd o s 1H dwieeulgsiMd 4soiig r lissat alssla~ lieLIases b.iav rt lsY me loutslisIAt fis Ilst or#s agi or. à$ coluDM9eI,t.'pagai q WrTnuTbossDAvSept. lUi. Biafoard ot Bohoot ";Trusten met a fie John Streat &Scisol (isev ening.Pre MeseGorulon, BrOim o sud Bprovle. ÀAïent- mss Perrsud Lquito* Maontee of g, previoumeeting @eAiMsd' approved. TM iaiui d bé<ore tg, Board tie resignatiouofli Ramas>, as firSi to mate Teachor lu tg, Henry StreetSiot:As application of mu s ichoy, te fin ts vacan- a <aset y is B1 sny- esgustion, sud ,pp*îca fin ro is tsrMs Brysu, -sud Mii. Sîit t», e b.appointaitý second Teier. On motiou of Mr. Brovu, accoudeit b Mm. Godn g eIgnation o! Mis a - u>wsaeptcd, audtg, Ciairman're- quetée to gpt auo e u tise Tow thss reunr i o o! $5 b.ing am o ntî of slsmy up 10 9th mant. ,The follov- ing resolistion vas adoptitonmotion of Mr. Gordon, seconditby Mr. Brovn "Tiat in vie V o! Mse msaY's retiring <rom thse offeo"fiITeacher lanch. Hensy, Street Sohool, Ibis iBoard la of op inion, (ba Adrlg ghe e"«d yeamrs 0<,hem service 'la saidlnstitution, she bais faiituUy, diligently, sud s ucssilli -pertomnei bàer dutiess aa Obhooi Téeher, sud (bis Board bereli> tedru its aoknvlagmnts 1of hor aile services." Tise <oloviug raslutios ve. (len sdop teL' On motion of, M.r" ya, accodSb7 xr. Gordon, liaI tie Chaimmnbe requesteit to engage Mis Hlickçy, s ReaitTéeier, ia lie, $emale dcprtaseasî'of fie, Heur>, Btreet Boho, 0-0lue, plae 0ofP.ammaY.et a laflr> of '*359 par anunnM Ena gement to ha te nA cd y one moutbe notice <roui ithber party. -1 '> On moton of ir, Drovn, Pecodcd by, Mr. Bprovle, (bat tg, Ciaiminan, b. m queated to engage Mi stsrr,, as Assistn Tescier su the Henry Street eboo4, *1a Selar> of $2"0 pur anus, Engageaient te b. tersninstcd as aboie, by éetter psrty. On motion o!fM. rïovie, seconded by Mr. Brown, the Chsirmn u srequeste t te grant hie omiter ou fe is rrfor tg, aum of $8, being the amount o0<Mm. Harper, accouut for a bisck board for the John Street Bcbooi bouse.- 1 1 l Flisennram TwnsaidCoumseii Bstuday Set. sd,1859. TeCooncit met aeshibe te adjomua thegmemberspresent> (eOxelM. Minntes of lit meetng Md Sud, aP- ,Petitious presntei-:Of isSohTuârnmd O(berainr.fer.nato tie Slo! a elbchol sa' - oif into cmintta. of teg, vioo g, -pettii of0Jaeob Turmned oliem.. T!ia Coupnilalu mmitted 0< lie vbole, Mr, lecOregia in fie chair. Comumitte ehievole roe sd ret Kr. WMesioves lislftue resottn passaitatie lit asson o theCoupne. thoriisg tg, S e.to, ezeoutàideed1of. certalaud l BcoetSeion No, 1Q,'tO sn pri , Timua'lte jasa7 sqnea4btes. Mr. ecrelght mories forlm*iste Intro dusse a Eylay4to AppOsi aCcto<er nis M . T y o m o ya e < otg a e in fm d a s ane iose Pus 1. athr. M,. lha the(i doueli spoko ut sm'eun e ele-e-ncressea'là 1Oýi cSuimy for eatbliabi,2g periodical fiuis; sunIl1>1ad the l nxpectr talated (bath.e bad ben Oturd by theahlm (Dr. 04M)' offièer-oftisé Agricuhtural Society it g ,7 ey had t k dh weme auitbo -operatWinl heir estab. to e"ai Iquora o11 the l .clause. rc ag i e,, ate i Mm. igclv, oat.it rm theD tt 1fr. Macdoul deairad to. kar nia1em" tbhe'Ioleoroif ezpialu (beir :vievo iostesd- ô!fcmyng out Dr, Cuun wlio bast. I e viaie4 te ear tiér rem ous -f r avern 1(R ese 1 veting a ginît 1the nM otion. T e' ublic course,vitsou pre u hd'de l aed in fav tr of (o ue fa ire, e t t e ét r w .I',tic olipn4ipgpair sud ho fait confident tiat-tie rafapayers 01 nowbad thé powx (ho ýtovn, te aa *n, era iufavr'of their to o, in thkeil intrc&dimo.,Faire b.d hoce stsblishod Roive) àsoottt le in à,et ev-'yTowu in tise Pi>nce u d a nime-te l ever*myvbtWYheuriotreductioulmetvitis of yingdovn-hhý favor rom fihe peuple. ]le dcard té hear Hom oed in am viat Mlf' Blielcv, and othèr 1nmmrsof tee miise. th o C o icil b d ' a >o n g , sbje ct. r. G nu trte laid baforehià. 1 1fr. Bigelow commcucd by -sfatiug that only told hl-mtia *àva uuuecensmy for hi. te expin bis (bat (ho Tarerni1 reasos <o votng aaini g, laus, ba- raecourse Ti ing exprcsed buiai t (lait meeting of tros(a le the C u cl Th o estim tes Lad (s a i de ftdetc'ras t at n up tisim par at nie conta in~ the' dollar, sudtcoerads (hovile ! iseamuuof t 1e eeutfine heing -only Deceur >fi rthélowcst fine vore 1 v y n 0esr frts pumpose for vhicb ýit doiscetuent te parti bd n beu lready appropriatcd. 'If tise Cor.lar. poration vwere nov going luto fnrthcr ex- Mr.*. Mpjcdoneli pense, ho did not knoov ;bere tie <nud" ver. nd ta 4' not Wo te coâle.romi. St vas easyf vote, for Doctor, but bt m slng lmpmoement, ,but t a sa notler whiciuhe(Mr. mi ià te provide theMeans or i nserted l li e b! theux.g drth Paym"eu hl o m. le.voulît thon. Uner ton crcnustauos, muc mking bis ovn i as hé sbouid iteire ta ueb thu lmpmovem 'esto, isrro<um ILtt mate, ho doubfed the proprieqi ofikmncrug Mr-. Pemry Mefe, tie «M enst preseut. Moreover tise (ha fine wouid4API mnarktlotsb.d licou st up at mucton sud 'the by4ow; sud bid off sud ho hlieved tbtitvoonldbe vel Ilsgwiia otild f, tleCio, to ascrtain if tisbat h" t~ thle ig l ristt te h epr p rty b4 f or e boy l)" R cMr.nc1Wfe'Igit av01Kesr Mm badnelwuvas quit gmni tu o pissuod.undar fie COrporton'alegal rigiil-andfull ti e hy-obtinedthe to the'opomy, sanit bt(ho> eo-ulit<anse jiot, IL. Ne mlid iorOusghiY IÏV«tigated, ' tie bY.av oUl :màtter- ad if: ny geutisman vataie thé loet fine, &C relaeh Jytyi. ieprisvs ur- iction ofth . ý xnàYti Impl nattempt chaed Wat otghiadov> 0<5 dai ur, vrbcu Frya isigcosupiei _ vl hegConditions 0< (*.o ace course, à 5.1.0. duty as M -lmRi t M ysait tisattheo greatdiimeIty tbh5. 'it vaN at vas, i at the Counei Couldiiot get te pw. sil, hldi Dût£ l . - ,tg. toemeheir,> rm "Y. te A <orverd asit if tbie (b -, 1r. Bsgeiow den poI> H oI sre isI1f i p, Us Captain Eoe ei came <orvard sdosmetterpuca o nothing lem;-an that thenéilvouldb>e' 1iolust toobject. duc!,uent beld oui 117e allesd'iathé popsyeof0<establisis. lig gsinst, the ,Dg regular faits, sud st1àte (btb g, #ut poor mien tiseïr t y0er fat fihe Corpmaao as e , c(54.oOiiglgown er t at M itionlfoi le pupose t e t ,G o f othe County. for olng Éae I Th vruor Genars, oiWbou <ra bly reiv.lo en vut nd tutlaitise documentoeseshbing ge ((a4tàij, oy.) C <rver. nov inipooomsio OgtheCounoi. mao eno itfl'renci In th Ãœotg , fai.r iWdbeenhoeld, but i ia. v, (bey týrWou, t"s tacé p 30ausu Oee 1 hohatD. uinn acms neJtemest lun , usster,'Mdithie faims ver. nloinslof sioloat 10 drop. Re alo sgreetir, a,, savern' keepe r,. MI tnat(o the proprwjy ofegt sal, idt la e pî,OU log weekly niMr"e, sud wre.ered to thgteai.ag=od benefite wviici oulit bu con«sMueupon tg, ThebKL.r*x i aielssid ubitdratepayerof tg, Tn an ti bâ as vellti ste.4 Iuunmg by tbatit eaaeouê on Re dqio. 3.boiellssdboever, ~atinsîMei by Loe tietthg, saisn via toe fOt advsnmsc&î t rmer, (bat h. b peviatte commence$ibis fai, The~~ojt keeperbythe. S vesaflair lu Novenber, sud if geg,,t ana t tisa à bt(he do soya nol s«oituihi olit be a "Pgrhimpil, andl he&r4r fa tiose fiat vonl< fM"i, Mshllv4 2t bave eonaldsreu fuito on andlit b. 5 inl very b d ts làai leJ, r Dw dto1 e>Gunn maklng hise, 1 C ut ommeAnce5apX"turmnamk befors ge Oesrig t vwsfortg, Toivau Ceun «o)>bad alvays (liN , te oïnides, ' wietFwy theyou1d uov tuei, mpartiailtot (0 bo tia fiutetp, snd by hav4Abg, fairs. co, but b. vouit alo osenc ino gheapmlsg, Use xppeM~ !t(o oftbosea toMe (n iluth ,,usî es m.. t O!fiot prorin hg M flé Wdtt sexed- . pot plessant te beO ima brother assistraî Ihatit w vs vos> 05 f« < o w* ooaigen'l, y e.vbo si timsms te bing lomased prepoegiaior sW tom itting « impveenSnti but it v off t é, wu ~yad, ý1"h the. Pu :ain.y'uth. 'd tsu nei bust tsai- lie Ats e (thoilm Keepers solit andi giro 'infornitoé liii s dollar, -whereas if tse *1Ofisvont le an id les to come f£>mvranidu 1a u nfsvpr of<theo ansnd- W (lie i-aso agiven iy (the cause $10 vas lia te*Sum acdoneii) had origiàaly nil, vihelàlntrotuced by of course blinlu favsr of uill, as be isai originaliy brt te the, Council boy. pljy te an y infraction of 1'tise hardsip where a li bc mpoedto; infllct - >lavay case- agin tgmsîlaéd b. M attempt teadderive ths Pfa nivleozu vhirh thnair tInt 'Onu; ý-er- ý 1A ile. vua $*2but. <fris .Uermaia suca vit, thse pris( am tg, ba"d th

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