i .,~-,-- r'> ph4e bewéeà N. Gfl Haius;=for pwoir.I t 1be4o Q, êra1 u 1cev - movtzs.. *1"'for &for ji W lný ý Thà ) M UM t'y otpd.-od Oft l. finio ",W bott.. 7geplu utorVr Opim w &Oere S tdzlos fr pe < ~ r, tiayne loo2dpianie 'Omo Pm" Iî tâe4ramcnoté. Ver" i(M X..bo ud wa"inti uhe fo tue r*bo.aitf28 .iL.Madel ~1ltIIU1008h t eafiandau.rof 1aaif W IL Tvesne fSrDel" P1 mdiMv. Ièred for hefrt hsudit. «M, i ovee 'Ss ilet .11. té ro:bbyy, ï OI 32ý P ý ]EL 110 apellent, mi vU la ti. liArrq'or oa ltes MMuid OOMi ii.oty MtorW . renteafnet . e 11105 50p1 l vb.ta "n*m tom= te'h moi, ia ~b. ~ Ieadl.tior rk, Dsw.e, oijtoBoo, y; 0 Sepayt mi. IS ëoktot W#lusr ada b witby a sraTatAPPIe a goi4 hepoaie oue up atW rbli. t hi. e or usga rt tes, Who sut b. ~êti. Troino, uu&. iîmizvj&4 s w Blpb odinth .éttcof £ru5 ed 186 pr»AyVl, aud aled Jet th oe - t6 .11; liaitppmrika giaof lb 4pIcý onT lnbeba1 b. 1>14 sM oa zm aiî. ouglié na vewlfe ýt aoro b apl 'VAS t1 rprySdvsaburp ot b onito a ith e onim owhmle in th* mmi ~j~ft> ~ildb ti Cut al ro corais u ai auote M stev i t*p edv.k"u Boaand vu Morin boar.ft «opensI b u l it i ttW..Àtto oh salary.ther 'bl irdy liuott Idà Ja i sw.vorien1'Mr, Cu. ff 'aor £24. of IL J Sft Ur4 . .fit otop&bu.i0 iiavîn Ona T 1f O. HaMnr, Doi &Wd " hsoea4d bon ra.ldg pviso &I thfe tmý ýW Ù Wu ote ts. W ptone aly $2 sd thtbar odbot ig Ouol - - - -da fer -ong-" uillIaXetGai barba, hé elI soigt th#Adms oradfo akfr a Toronto# d pullid ns eUo! hoa t To b Ed o St<11 . ho y roniéjiw AU1Pretoelbatud.W.vwis e pr"sone.e it o ukaglaorbe, e t¶i0g 8. $211111. bEdéliay d oliin l ttentiolias et é insn M~*r, .iault, peoha 10is acquiawt. , eoppec et a»ni. o,bedi A 'nop, Imme « ,vft tb.ploeahvl i stcl i joiiiiny Tblhé ap mer sho rt ieat-Isueot , o a'bYou beirsÇtbt b;; i i iapayln gt. 'bOuhtla vrdt n lve o te. pll , rnet o bi Soort MuuvA wu 0<mtb.on it TéIniedI" cn u onu nX huv ,wieb u0big 40111, ro. ja ngdO -dmai o r t 1 va ut"' 8MAt.a l* -èMe;W lta ta " rr duLoup LinSc»jWd b.fi, a BoksantoadL, o ,ththf P tO witrsoev u 103101" 7Bt lia tb ,o i s for pw au, ver.I Tilso fort. 1'w11 ploo asI&~ Pimw.'x0. Heain forsDo R ed Itby vces prove e I 01h1 xos b bdomaem0 11 ra»el ,a l SerlVs builing, té is.met i i aaddfly i.pIu.0 th wosdtsaima on t t*uudso rton bo*sowi the lter doup. donthe <~~ aat.b tprier ladinnrovi lbu the d1.1 asmc pesd u.f1..de i vel 1bot1adii<i.s Mt'aà ai r0i7 or 0« avorabtee EIuOr ofa cur iba hroWuati, 0ai. vhoney If b MW<p If o th#er)c ieSota vhtl a, qd b. ée ve]KY~b At et a beas or»0 r hhëa> oiwi Mof aiue a i tbmvnt, 11.44se Ma6 r voud b q.1 80004th.oi&e.vo piacei rors a ov.obtydip ego bth Wdtue Joug <Or.4'f vh et Moté l e@mtnsde ljedft oup. ti. nipat itl. po ete Prist the r js.d aa r eat rom et11 the But a tun e a o r m.84 b n 'eb.qduiIe fordmieloa 1oit.Im eil ~s w>u by saying i vomit _is.Ti ul b obnffy iwirengh 'And dorf. 1. uc> ou"mfJ& Teev ns saol ie 'i.gMiieayo T>Ivln.. ve ros tmalpd#lm. tli9.i.lat ite6-rau .vY vumotbe iae u am é1.14 ut1osarcl, (or ber <b r~lsprkww*#0"lst4 ligs Inovlegg v0 11w prfsonr, Motlb. PrîsouinlaTo ronbp inaApril, vbo ld -'0lim<tao lIha it af b«D lea I'Torolo o* ytvt -or tiiv.e 4.yw, Tism 1» ptaab.t -"y wo*, sMd vue .akl ,ba gowu olovbeei guebec.Tat b. b"'dgo mmse vb.n 11< cMe 10Torot o aforveardi, 111.4 vils. vuà Ms avarf#,-&Wabisa gal. - e t1bQ.ese Birfisy «viie a .10 il f t l 1i b*d juet ae "bm m ecn. h 54d é s tI1 b. mauublry110, g.ob. m a. " .a$yet batvitam km. , ,WU. TJse firt, -wu0vKrBoa"es bb fvr?<1. tb. hoeMuecovevithi Ue lom la thé hi V, lxmse*f rfom LÀMP00l4 CspIdfa 1e*s4eInatbd inmtbM' Naval bu sw' Ilmwfa ià rent parle 6< tb. 04qMM iwqï & *d#I daaig tIt iâ a.ja~~ wut, e mtrmw ~r.m84wumb.dI.uv.fmore.Tbat M904 upa bis wlsaw.wgo- the1 por old Contre, althongb (rom sbetr r« lon<ordenf,I1 mt le nucbitlble 0 eu o1 vatcb flar seitng kiudun vev elos.iy." Ils. vvi (t he < batore 'ePote be clona boof fer tSo plm to bu reogi, ie To à .115, f, ud #al >Styled "ralpayers" 111. blaiWvo lm ove #PU"mddistat amonSt fie cie.,. is or11111e C«040«"n..wbmt .pafgbthosfor. alei Oouuemani"be of lb. Coaporamo ay talai, thl" Ii spect î ii.sncer«l, À"13 0v alflougb tley may mous-AMm bollee 14 t benselvee, 10 b. cons md rab"iertbmn a iaI..puvpoe. '1'ey it aiesur ve ry amm by 11.1vovir 1ev-l fi absvomld m0sbave bien uhmblf.i. iait duft"the Maélwa io1 wu. au e d i a n l u iw wie a . u , w <'.,b "caso 9 ýei« "llm sb. nocievif. L vu ît- tb " f a portm of*0 tlw ark et hock 1 Who vu It tttold 0 601 pavsb"mr thUe "lo t. i11ecMn moud oegve aloeUtitis o thm AM btu mite-oprtioao«tb oeaf t lie i4, not rouired for me" r"vae emuna a i. revqu=g oaiuato nXi tiTowin --.'eWya~b t4ebmm ofn 0-& a mat maekal... bli 4i" 0. iIi6OfTMi.uaeby pt~ihd i "-la& 4,kvluz Aize£N&zu1i gn auEi zrztnnr ço4imu..W m IC wr -- vmm.m epe,à ANens Yrý r I 4-âié b 14-i vu i a s, t e w tf" ' W o if tIoa, ara 413 e t , P a t«~e e d ol . lier d ates. r j ! 1 I ac ot J I 1 > I I wfAp MdgsHd y,f*M14s14ip! lais wý&k c4ýâOt baec Matodldm a. i let eês, i~l*..5byJf.Âtro th84de l aie erthéffo.-'-T. shji end Cali~4 , ae m s arefr Ait f«CwuëUd.i;i~ ~ ~ iIFyfI4II* t IL6à fç of à ,o p4to v p r t'à d'vould M 1 ou 'T' ' 'utR; - , S? u lt p Comptai Pli ýÀgtx îstoTbs4vuubsfJjg < ~ uvhpss bvafl I be UW 1 b '<1"'otuo let eo« m liey, biii U. i.Éý,sis wi. filh e ot foa2iuh6o(vhka' l.S mrir T on ea Tha llîrouaboltmi1 adfl og otallv~cSrainL dMor 'oPeoeï Mbiaol uJetal te,111 ü Ù2dSer,0 S7lÈ E4h Irspn , larb ma, u <cP l ai, uo w d ithlialf pis o i gli lutp c l ége sior -P. l o ndoao 1 tt y ~ , î h s,;. a g . j a ' <~ Mrnr. . .Ur~uooAi,. cP.* tt J4' I-P ore f uh - unevyaT .he rn ts iso Pl uiï n Thy s sortd is le a ?îof the Oiii.s orl'hiý, , T n leirrt gthe reU£ nal u s ban f the i. ao, ë YA, I I M lat c Y .iîy o;r tbrtLvtte slMe-,1Oci. oetia.fevaar cigns, PrnccoIu r ' oo i> ci'suuulj1'a-8 , , TrfD.b clbG, atl O R w5lsb bstfnakc L (OrO' Wn 10 M yo r putng inc s su 113e e aut u aed Lo dou, PU IM orkwitti:ilne- ~ ~~~~~~~1 MIdr, a 1 1 1thcia b;hicl.liin 4i n74in10o1b 4,.u 'h zf (qapresri.abovafi ad N o rtis Otato u rf Clufb. 15 b.à fon he.gh Dd todb 8tigoeDMeks Itoner aysbl or 'e5fs ù , T0<aige ]on te Ni Ùpoln .-__ t'ln ri eiibin thelin (OfY4 lri e witik sose obv12, y18v50,1'II* i, a'erl y u rou L lvo i WB eelle ay lorinf P rdont m 1cf$ tiS T 5 W e.1 0 1 1 1a»A» 'triy.01 T'flie vie alarg concmiein lug ingari ZOJltk,ÇuNewrk u r b»4swL p nd c*i v et aimbr ou lvbuavo. ' VillafrancaT8aIoe ietfrete . tbf Kltoo; St; iu diaiOrie.;4u: REAta' 'IDîNNu AI) i.b.OUT offvesu, akm vebyopn oU sde o fl&the sJn omreig bgPetsa onf neigeuni 11.1 o , pa tlcu Ib uli puJ~ hie su pri .. < a l a tipi.. t els Nou el i S Tg , f r Y ,B D U o N etsc cc b , u ~ l& ; u so 1i Asvora,,,a 1 vera ilarc ircupartis Dctaniilesktbut 'W baye r.. ' .g1okt hbi i wii4, r hol ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h ouru or re. uttane D . O. C iER M ir- .%ho_ " 1«TI Aê T UL Kb ZT 1 rad iDUh t a fie oblson Prin esî-an h peln mutu2 elsà rd-go Fr 1Ãýa D Noer. andW ANE..0 ERtS FPIM UTEIL1aMau In S ai ,4n'OtriMZg.tuaA'Xttb " )y4 bea*aieÙoces1ts e erh* 0.1 litof n@iatt rnha; or d ëd or s ignale Wrm 7 15.IL di bsevi.ie eoaaia-Ariicu Tcl. l.tla ya I" t oo'Ai :le I, caieMb kwaofnd s>'1 o, eltied sono' W H IT'D.Pa.ris auvter w fuitl br.rof oi 5.I" g .t 1 e>I*#dtt lt'fi'IU hispncv. 'N .î 2. uph1 .u t ka avi aÉ Pa secpond lu foyuaiig "Cid j Mit" maE Vsrs !, i 4r v uotlla o . w ï igrest -ebiou.14 o ihW Etokftet auss I FBSN ÀFelAwn ot Thecpeyl ofandPlayi r u Moab e ixcgi S0ldQuaa, THE 'l', l etr, olpet, ('*Tét. liffg ets plnc rel sçe.. th o ton ig Yft ' 0*1&à l 10 finegQa,ae novdu n s riait jfor mmsap4rh vto muy o uSrladfo kis li <ri i~ s t nMm*.raêrb~~J ed by. nfavoslt*p cfëTe And i aon.e01ezpmodueal ICJr' i i .n-"U kJmJJ LLI 'JL.LJIéJ1II4IIJ1 'R LyJI ' ObOliil scot ues , &Itonetheonrit étlaLeW, onobt#velum tinçn.eb lght0 ilen' o n-corannil v4e h é -t e ,. eÉfP rd o$n 9 0 M Pl =o " mcnî ia on r In wny 41&osie ... 'Onei.l.a, w nMllpecae u AI(UTC nn tJ4 iseable eca tise prewafss. ras iii nutBio Lor £evllotà aBRÀD' I 'i 4AS MEF$,'WED blslaadtss es&;rlc e Tr l c,êîn bon "-'aieslIl$Ulfesld lt-ytit. Gipbpoqe, 14nii Diilq ni uo Ceuty'of ntarlo lar avoite a.KaldPtitUrtedpariesbtients.g iivieof uy- bMnmbardiviuel t uly Wrnn AnPimrbt&gnp& Di ut.. . ' J> (L'OTH'EN brand Mo i son t nu isit.- Cas W u oxtcilaUI,4 e<utstai 2d. Dtiricnv W. EItondl"1arîa.#l riadIdie or qogosn. i Z1jT Z I&fS BIO Iri B soe> lD. uonr7jt ê89w â. thm wha ar reqomlYtip à d&4ià lTftao, tdin Jiu, fora. - g Igoa seloli< Bvly od~ ..tec ~ e.ler 1 1-fl ,Ms,151,-111, -<- - É ' .lu.î «Me ,w einoa la t e t Puis2ewdhen91% uagoes1* ,w Sw; ÃŽ<,fS;il-, hovo*111raah.ms.u ~ bsuad leu Jt.OsOS 4 epu ws it Won t<'ur4çDY. là nta s rt su Fi iatx I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r vaise, bVt, Ci. l u e 144"Win- il17o4 v Zia&oti. cileni la s.nfm«lJ 00 3be osa ùi o A»__op__ ________ ____ w . to theà dmO re W on ieil; lnTTz 511w fll111il-lier'din b l hrtrTA-V « lN' 1 to the #mi or the vmbUrUOhU rtg 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __Md_ _ _ _ did n lakepkeeAs 1 a1 50ot 0h NoSpeker Sith isePPedNe thp c',u Club ety ocom.eMm. ? < 2?.IW ur1ié04 day lb.date, la-u, b N- ý 1 -fi # z.; , INà DU 1 YauatErWmui,êv mxlIï.u1e, *0-.0 - _fu- SP TE I.', 1W- -b: 1ou ; 4au, Fi S UÃA W A, rforedényuî «We lare mat LJL 14k piger . "iýr" -0 - thyeme' The rBet"hi 1 them Pesse tnfs ln -- -Tcouzirffe ietbo.buabien m - 6.w&Aà .ii L ' ea'iï I Arrivai et tise *g~. Sm*oaj rne aunais purdore, -In tlaw&Mt , & uaiddia. bou *111 holis, NO A LL ms J- .dmdh.la>stdeue llvquldb.ent 4~~maigswore £0 meut. j qs<p ho df.uM -r,, emméri le: , ý ýn 10 -J rat mg: