Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1859, p. 4

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BROCOR-STIREBT, W H 1T Y'f. . eVoTy description made te ord@r, ruled M uy patteiu,paspd acd bood lu àsupe micranne -4hqlBéà WlUo n feilale~st." - Pmnolfr, go. g u !ri~ Couping loouoPBOck %Pot oti B ;w rltlu ' iper, "41 iiais s WRAPPJNG PAPERS, hom# Mau"a tared XManlllg4, Brown, Commeýrcial, Ele. &lres and welgbta. ENVELPÉS-Luld, Bine, But% Col0.1 .6 , 4 ai ires, and varions quslIUes from NO, 2 te No. 16, BLANK FORIS-In CbaueeryQue.n Deneb and Common Pleas, Coanty &M~ Ourrofste Courts, Insolvent Cotwt Dli C111Lort, cornnm, Magstcsteg, NOtM. ciead, Clerks of the Poeff, Cleio of Coun. #W Towno, Vlhisgand Townhis' De*do coew.yunoe ot Resl Eâste, - ÂL4f- SIIERIYF', Bslllffs'and (Jonstale Biank by thé. doon, hundred, or thon. anud, st Toronto prleoa INKS, FLUIDS, INKSANDS, OrTke Quaer Dollar FadeS Contalning 12 shoots fâne ruled L4 Paper, 12 sheets Note, 12 ioltataeu1 ter Envolopes, 12 ssosllng Note I lopes, 6 Vria., bullion Pous and o l one #beet of Blotting Piper. and ont die of Inik-all for a Qtiorter DoZZOL TO PRINTERS. Alil kincle of Pitin'. o Pàpza-Ne Job and coloed-sold st ma"ke prf Atiifurther PReduction lu ail hinds of Printiug for C"a c mUer Lot- nie. Ider, Bot- 010, lacs, The Mf.IJWEEKLY CiIRONICLE 1'oWEEKLY CIIReo!TLEr Dollar a Year, a ad rance, ilIGGois k MAYER[IOffEI Prnters and .tfmu Wmitby, <ul>'4,18»u il Lb (la 1, r 't le e 1. f lA-Jdoe 'e., ma.rt uieon enbaeft,, j:'l'1% li» cltw£e a itka tethoecItIzen 11 lltfoy finitvieitity, for tis ver> litri ptr(nnbone sttl'lod kt hi,,,lnu igI rfl.o. JIU nom" a4lve oret, e swioat hi.inerino Inonda sud litl igeiiftlli<' tion.hhlogo l ut mlei. oS'loin p-rofession, lu hotn f Wu 1it.- Tastt nonred u G ls lt n, Ch.oplaie Mea, e. etî iled it FE-'GOLO AND STANIEL POIL, M »ndWitt D0çtor Jmo e'.ci Invention, th* non- roi VuYé1eu.nec.-t..enâl to dold, 6t " *0 .ncDrjote o tivuaatut16laptenb. #Il tlt4 prifeoioc.cl akîli auJ ezpoer mu a tri the tnosbtgfent o!miStafec'cJtof <tife# sei 0pcraioýQc Iite aalmiycitcuagiimi ,witi théesteat o ne.c OFFICE At lts old f>entaI Standotan JO. liiclow'M Di>' G%, M Store w. ý1tp N. 'fi ien.s4ld u1 0.y $ » Wu'Iu. ay, -' r'L ior-tdD unot,r4,18. RAnkrpt Stock of Rudware, Wluale aud Retal,1 Ciseper tisas eer befeo rnaife4 Skis market, ma Conrrnumxo SErT5?A» lEA.VT 000DB «a ercbsej ndiu lwfbling esot titir ffit the snbodr, as 24> Front Eroo nexu dor va,or Nemolg B OMc, (lat. 090, B. IIGLL.AND &Moi Ipo fir&aand Wiwr T«Oonto. Acglst 1laI .m,41 A Towu (tared solg, sud twoo held conult -Whil ' hwe lod keti6 omtftoi A icrta ukilfui lumstias IP n ioopinion, 1'Lai tootltlug but$atone cIoni ceu* l» do Aesrpeiter ".al t btaS ie iraiaot, 'Tvaa f~bottu ate dekued kit it omIs; Aerirbeiiug b> li an bis to Nlj,try wasY" l*", toie la nomblag 111v WILLIAM -MOBBIEN, T11 y 6. ,51. ooTE mi md 'aniGoiutao's ahl«o z.Jot sud IVO* <lot eb>'a s o" pgb ; an 'fTe asi our a- i« t* lo eta lm"tolatJU4q I ALUN, ,. th tot ie l«e&tm"t M nt out isoit- Wusrar""ào mmi latom#niop'lon t#ptomiues lfis eu ffigo da cuIne-tç.r ylW red '- WJ5Pg ieu d u lotalwd Sit g$Md aMd euisP __________________ 1.A# chus lit1.5Prisem tre0.> JW,.L4a# W~i'Se leteoa rs'.~..aSsole z» ,. ~ ~ ~ déf in>-iM- ~' z 1, e If o WIMa& &u4 Mn . UO 1 1VTO * Creva LàgnA'. DePDnSttiMM PToq uo,1hmari, 1889 T . f o l l w gs-t f « O e o ~trmant 10 proviclous of UN M Ad Jor-Le m M.4of bdî b.&MI uedna(11 *b %u-nLte a oa cf paril sdjalr feoin of In».> Msd.llsasd, l'o n ntf sionite tuontcf.ranm tUoaa>'n t rdei;Ã"pposentd.e= 411i. o Am w rarhialip r uné este thép Al rgsd r suo li.«" ,meiotnb came ant1110 a perm Or persumI le PeMuittted a asn tim tMI uuium jueur bs*0naldleo o<s Iw looimhunl;,cor lhluy ad o«r a bisa Islmud at more tianontmil. il t (t rom dih. lbeMilt; provfded, hoa'evsrçthmW mnans *ytr neeSom rm Idl uJ nltiso mule cf ttose ct aOn Ntuomrtbensd meeber abos0flte sudIcleni 0 mcoasteieelfaya foi the pp"do f Savyato a eleeu ebe agni tli pentra5OLOW i A9 osllnloa Ofel irobtg thidîer te spamu. N.-No not0 alli h. et lu the «UJsnar Or 90 «sChtother lta» on. Lnudrad<c. O.-WhmuavelaobafIli hnt cuued bic to discoer ltse ooiur or ocaetts li tinoé bel,1 of aie>' iet orltm lainlueoutraWe tion ofîff iglim l ttipon an>' Ma- tcoite lu charge ofbthouvorumée tVeeefot the prgkteabof 1 'lsoe", sua>' pon slhî pieecedgterenwstileti cmefrouadis placeof é oltatruablon. Y'-k coiallnot te haiful tonu, eiunmamon nu whittioever, (mdupr = itokhig Co& pwum orf I, oret aMm p ne im w iles (rotamiau>' oft)4" iofbsads Q,-Tbe penalt cty n»oedt«foiioatio n éher of tiltared>'b> hertiuhio o&,i iati h lm o dchieilby he4*4d secion ofiiitlSt. tutl , Vt, MP, , aid rwcale a» b>' UN Thie publicaion cI timeuîEngu1ata n g1 te fortes ln J.'W. l' .vAxKouGnMT, P tteneiulegér I o PaiR ,UI~i~BER ARE~V.ÂLB O?' NEW ~TATWNERY JusI rnehd& by Oie Iiudeksfgmed. Ths e tftlah PrivIsai Assum. Compa>'. A lmdkd4.1, 2,and lcoMprale'Jbjea CAPITAL_1,00,000 JSonueal, *tore"ntitOmoie. trut, I TNIGAsurersaoera eeU'ally ro A n..uwteil'in il wi taça e<'ltent qu mt oice. y N'arcnhsratiofiaa.looetme te iiire de vl 1 6~namhLP vus Ghnod Msilo o4v th# tale rUfwcoi.co 4. uiTLL oiAX E"AMPulu £#bu J.r WV eon.toi, *.bope to faÇon»big t4d sud tue public lii .ho a eived (rom a85 (!4)meK4al Bulldlrtg, Bràok stres, Whlsby, painting# paper RanP1ngl G(aingsf*1 sud toewusetéte canWwthdlbpatekaud "M o Al kinde of laltdu,4,donevltbsourse> ]liard pats ofait kfds lecm oatantly ou by sudVII b g' tyflorjreare rcev udIcrane gaarsnt.o" ed 0f qea«&r, ua ?or$= "dit in tu&&,. - lA o r . 9M e o d.o n é , s u y ,t 0 , l e ni n e lo f " s I* WB!! hou, naiof ho ôUiamm bo. 21 làLEqn b Ty. wfuuim ètPply $0 1< ,TjJ~ hIbyuly,îUgOW w& ' M~~ ~~~p Oeclaprnupayablolu mdv. rnllEEJloub89olio -,Q ',ias Coinle ol'teboo nt itoria, uw h.aSadv*tllu meduuuSeioOltiNeud bel idcSto 41 o~tc udracd10lie blouir UIQIN A YERitF LIFE~~~ AN KELiIMtA '  I ahAmelo1, rfe dlln Ruod Oaes Itonr.l 'GUMrA L Aormi toiO.CW. Les.IïVKLI 'lO6ÀLAeuur, J4wr Ilommao, Whil ,4wllc fe$dlUw-6nReI "o Mate, 24.1857. ark"A laAsaap.camps INOIEATED undoisa A"ofi ti. dicono l.evoi," ProvincIaPU pli jI c CAPITAL £100,OOO. frauirance e#otd on BuildiflaAti unteme..Elret>' iulorsitnttm upphied on, Naine Bti. rioko hea'o îlrra Joux AGNENW TrtvellngAgent, hii'ron,*rUneS, Wtt ýOlonial 141. AssuranceCm' fOLeL Armmrsx i tdirmdece tle adazep, jolnirq Me Ctmsjp u m mr £Y4 M n»rnm tu Itu i§à,a1'sovtrmx o ( ue atea Sa *u Tas Prie a 4u J,vUt uu ole fhPo# ele Tg zilfrrltvâaIourohlvrz m "s aDivi. arl~,u~<w. sutleouetd aI du lHead Àrointwa .5 uor Aircad, on or WMo~ JOAl» O7 DI5ZTOI-Ti,.lion. Poli I(omGI waqI4tof w185. tor itrel- Tb$ am, J"10 miei4t nfrn1zlin fI.Le-4 Mol., 10, Ca4lcrBanu dol'uple.-1 TSWi, Ot5p Bmbanit. IL Il, Th. Moonialwraseotthhilwhd ii 14 4sud lb. SAWW _ ca. ' cnm Suberbed iCsplra-tne MillIon lbolg Agae"a in YasIlà"'I a, rboe Fo m r ieeed Md =£ a ettew. Auent asWbltby-<J. Hl. Drtnehi. Agenelèsluaever>'part Of 11w word. 10 'barg. a . 0'E Mr&is 10 Ioui SQUATTERS., riaUMniànofjiaona uipoelou 0Z aierluConuil oi ltb 08Jmu'y lmi, u'heb=11,4tid tIwuo Sqntbcrcda ir111 lete "lod as ite he Stc' SEl1tEMBku, îto., ÃŽ'iiisJoglaU.u li b. .tdctymtred Ltuusuliibmer. Cu*nL i JrÀc, Vi En oubseb.re lohi inelme thaula 1 ia estcm.rccu sa rous;sMd iuntuolking mn on tit.parmfl omr> mpa i Of ««Y,> dâese.tpt on. etolertfo« "lela tbe mfpruapelui , tlsnothme Auetlo niwrlbe llaposct of110 tU .eh..: aitage. Ssiea At IlistAàetio du.eret>' l*i , 1 0 ,. arebi trestetivIlle efU», NIER! 3111!! ~ N0 T I-C B,- W[TVINig.pareidte N ctir. stock c 1- auilaktCo., with anddJîioa of W A New tock, ,~ 'fin9 te 1&Ubwo it afvor us iritîsa MaL JOSEPH IJUOKINS &kci IrotlNotamber lOtit, 1M. AL M rions itaf dmia gainst Ment J'air lot4 1858., 2 LLL~~ ~~t uosn uetdt s, eltbb Md ottle the. suce wit delay, snd wte colts L a. SCIIOYIELD & C.. Wbithy July lot, 8Sm.-t CAVTIONARY NOTICE. [>UBLIC N ,otice la boet>'given tlct aIl Pdr. s'm mnud rerioyvLz oking irs>' Ay kadorgrsvel. Irom tt e '11on tlleilem* oj (yWineltos, ek. Dito,, Whftby, vte- in ira obtslîng pei'nloimk rokm thi"tie- ed iîl b. prossCuseduSeeodlug 50I ir, JACOB BRAIPEN, h« nWhlthy. 0A. 1 il Wbltby, 7.b.9, 15». 4-tf 10èq , o lu a idit ConcessIon f Tbo ,b 1 tes Ote Oare.s Fo l lbaed &aia mscf itiamven,Mt, h.lar oa Mars; Tibit lWflo n tbe f laido Alec;I niwrbhl,slonLor 96h.10h ormccueo évihl are eeae, u nfo t on the korta - ~ ~ ~~ 181) SU., POIR SALE xKM Tu£E POWM 0FP L OTSNOK. l dtIIE0AÂL. 9 Apltion D50duh. ma male 10a MES, ANEGELINE WEST, THOseNA cmps imi aES,« IlAw0ou C. M.l UuloatiIie, - (la ~ ~ Mirages. - Wzrnsv.. ll~bftbyiLsr.b 2fi~b, 105*. PEA~ÇR~ON. PO~ SALE CEEAP. -I LWEISZ ATIQZK FOpTi Wbltby, fehiruar>' ~ Wirnur. #Cet" r.>'lum A"Iu" "eC,'. Li1a ro leo w und e e H a f Cred ajsfé#& of.Aauruu.mofo so 0 YuOM",sut AgY4' 0 Sesb00e0ropet ftm to bo m oe Iê~,rd sol. Tre 00 SM#o Po pmof good iraoon le spot rm, ZevIdsii b .udw NsAÀpstmoa ltfiVU ea£Bd a hal anti, situatdlà the Toiruof Witbyi Pao, N1iopIeor vL J'AmES AmoftRONG, Eoai ptw, JLiyM, 1 f8=57. Y r A*ABLE PBO1'EiTYoi omALEdb Ai. ., A, MoElc, et Utlig fetU own- f b l p o f l t o g e t b u t r t h s q u r t e r sa o r 0 ta it heco .Tbla stoe M voiy fvo, rïblyodau&Wfsuyucnm. ?heVfl.goi, Utii 1'induai& ofboTowmhf1 , snaidu pllesdoto bema&e to JA.B. APEL, cri CoinotieYm ilyEofdsn a cta"i 'f & llIw zyafLlWipol, va"fojl rojo m mor* C o u « g a c o n * a u w g i n e E o s malnulft eri oueUpe.rqPswt; lgso z2 d it g 0,h a nevr às gll giei *dý w s- t o« ; te G roundc r t t sctw 4r b u Jc peon a" platedwlh SadTnes;alpo 0a rgte ado t,. acre of rouu au euo. nrpacao i l u b k mL . i oou s f . 1 & i c k e e g f a n h o b c u a t e eau ud ea4~ seeeste teTEl y Tontha ubsribr, Yotivllf; or te %r, Wl rd>'e4 uo iepreilm, ?ociou ngireua tb- WOOIL CARDINO. W o o l C c r i u a t d LEVI K PIRE Whby, MyUb 1.5.-, Fre sow a a f l as ILn sud D aueg WE TE N SURANCE CO PA NI ppllctlm o the udoicgued T JOHN AGNEW, Trsvelfug Agent, Bfron pireot, whlby ln COGNMIClIAL BTL or (01PÇS fJ IAMIJJYOXAND I ZMOzwo. Pt~ IEETUFS LZAVE TO MM eM r all"itt" t b: Town for publie a o n n o v l s b o n . T h e r o a r e o si a a i d DnvBd 16. solm th 1 08 cspsliIl - e ¶ àI g s uy ln t e P r o v n c e . (n rendirtiti COMMEil o Witby qushto My rer*-CusgMYx«" O te e iU i yl o a o hi6 de5oir t ftere of public ntrou.ge i u e o " i l f lu g at 1'f c w -C la s c i oc î Wi tt Art the t gaanngeebas ho4l u aet.,> oestor t e au rto duNpublie tautesad ive c a t l a f c t o , b i i a g ua s a . o u e b u t t h . b * t Lquo ni, W le s and 44 M sc upp led as tae ar. tCharges nulY ' iue80 Ocit 1h.barbd tintes.e601100 JAMULRM EOMU W T h e O m n b u s t o o aà " f r o u i t b lOtitMar 18to lm MALT VINEpGAR.B L VINEOAR Mn mis h a funla Whftby tBrewev Whtu 2,189 Or"nn P À4W NTIRAL OF feWhitIWy, w9ltbe Md àtsý, Aveycté'adrpd BEJ AFoJ r, Pc 'il 1, 'S haf Bmnk of Moutrasb. oUd4r, ord *Copio mte cfor rat ire Iiicumus geauti b>'a respoibbo Pro-i WPll>, Jan.'l, 89 AEOlM oI~ u à" BrEouusfsid, dou -itxi th nd A LAEGEBgo Du"» Vau tet , w JOatf l i col ,whfeiimai çr~barer ofp e -.thlL »TLAS xtnsWive, , Pre'on ldet 'r- 0ma,,Teo04. tivemIt «t, iceD ý upied as the-Onteo ni IeW Brmirlltmtcopltayle fon cary- su10L' IrpnF pizdl ga D m >' w rk r O S.re ~ ~li~nie. -:Witby, itInvite lInspecion cftheir Damerons Pat- OsaS lion Veinant, wiadWae 51 A R C H I T C T U R A L W O R X , Jstores; Gratea, Cv.,, Mout. C;Ulire»a, Buto' Ka"ie, lai Cotinga sud uoýrgiugaail -a Taroabo, l)etber,37, 4-t o L.vin K. SiOPAL. hco. Importer# anti 66neraI ealm l m tliti l antar Dry Gd~ Gr.e*lmCreele> ait >1")Yaàton CORU BROICk &COLEORIKE 'IluM.. y Wbtb>' ly>' 1 st, 85.28-tf. 'Jadw >I Beuute !eec ln ithe teseu df ftiaudoshu Fdist Ifls thtf', th. Som## Y£on, digrm ea, 1av ILlydeff NOreueh~ te îportim 01, ig serge, 4w 021 Bd tilo sowsbaig t Towrsclip of0< ocres, and partie suce theîcolfroj wife to one Thon lm, iud égicte propoi I g.îr bel g p'týotib 0<: orWhiibyre GENNm01E À ita lek ùTarv~ iFirutOLrssTaMs i. smed ai (AI, lIMeZ. iiest4~2i7t7' ~~~.01th. promues are ohUN Staie lu eonneetlon IrlJtbo lbo4 yrernietZ CasinO 110D15511, J. S. GERMAN~, Projirieor rrontoo, Aug. O, 1089. 80-8mW OFTICE-..eo TORONTO EXCIANSE. CAPITAL-TWo MILLIONS STO. Yina Fzmni,, 1-T-.ro hnndItns m t -a- --. soT 4051*w1VMlV ~J < Pon Seling, k«« nteot u oule U cilp , e Short pdokkica tali on u emndiu e r 0115 orm onhs. forth.essured, 1h annual bouc saddlvlfou fof 044 0107 lireyeni. ONW Agent, Wkleby. Abram Lgn DEOCK amBeT, WNITE, BAVEmtha Blro u i-s ger, &., &. Coo~odn mt b>'poesor othiwlae NOTICE. L MNSDU te, e"OlITAmÃœO ni-t ouo'l,. Inui îeestteb. haaded malou efor -JAMES E. GE«»Ma à,ià hi.u îe ouMm"su mOTATIONERY~ lu th. Count>' Court. Tii Foruesllge.rs.eCouupmy,plhmgga. v.Jamsw Faieirel seads"nt lut. 2ÃŽj aces 0 o lt iteN. est o ef 14t. 121h don, <'i lfeh, willeh It h Sh. d <lotI deoed te A. Fare*cll lu A. D 185.Ecg. 11% go.mucait sbli ead M Acrl ip he fey de.d ini A. P. 1851, bcbg abwutS ww. $rdi. 7acre, heingjet N0. 28, lu 2Ion Bosct. .E'pîlug 98 nie oliby itiffo 30 oKrasold by Wm , Tylor teAIdr, ËE.. 4th, 82 acres and 2 roda, bei»g pars 0< Loi NO. 24, lu 125h Con. of BeseIt, eomendligwh Western lm',t of aid lot -nitaucol chains li niot'f(oina$. W.,angleofohl loi 12Y W lecei740Enrls Soibnl'IentiofkLo 8ins WQln,taa 1(10W paalalte Westerm iiio ýýlât-1 chau9n i ita, bthenec8 740 W. prlllto Soutem fm 28, p o ohalna 80 licks t. Western litit 0a L«t hite. S. e5Iu!9j inIni Sobgnri M.e,çgaq JohnmmIo à@fConnor of . iaSiad d» .fn .su'eJSouth7r Jame of frb, plbohtkim m. Jtisg tudsé-m shlpo(Witltby, bote lsin o h lai sot- NEW AND CHEIF 574 IONE5 T. 4I1-h sy eefr et *-Md A2mEUN N3Vi R-b~ Bd e cfa, of'ime.SUtm 3IÇy K) G, mh, id r Ooao, ; TATIDATOW5e o wi th t heoç lb>d ,.fr$. vtle oWdi Ihe undmna Gi» 25n ylifnkt vs.tIea sel" oi-k eléf àgdnt, 'eir othe ui Ton,, euneS pu toue &ns prc,' ' oh . 2 deceribed. U"n ilt tofn 19 @'Navas 1 huifu 4 chute' d in. tbo*oui, 7 17 ti lu tOwtub.~&e 4Ie 1.u5lf, pbm Keewb.in hal,"ins f0llsk, efleismad go o il Tb oec limO;,le 1 t246laGA evnee e et" ya a, toftsi neMcbdsw mceg Insll> povâ bfgsbul Iat, o u orIn.e ri 1 1 iYUM Of ÀMW&Wl Il -W «Édu sAys- a 1 1. si 1 1 1- 1- 1 - 1 1 1 -l olen tiot o 0% o W T "M~a Abw fLeun T ÏEU c LM]K B A&««M ;;« em J3I "Ilj A Sr)llf $Ull4ICw TQ 1- 1 1 LOW "-.j 1 1 - 1 - m 1 m il 1 1

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