,,~,. olb. P0Adori t 4$--ii t A 4114 LW l 4Iaf.èb fftit Dtem so n L tà 4 b t-h 0,à u im0 « - Mt i , ý i ,tu .iu dtod Fe ; > M " We tti t84 a 4 #1vt f t o w = fi f tu Prd u «e.dai0dté. îtj uti i <o sy co< a. e., W if tbe 5au 4t" ,IFe i" ,ýph o -- Iwo g. ., pro emoul Iwo 44 -for, Lo bo~y ~4 < ~ wh. h b. sw-o.M b. f ise ' Ws.."l a.*bw < d ,d> 4f't I*W* 4e.e u frA.té< or. e mp6i loi dn , frei. care thT, a 4 40-si fi if noww;lglwtb<5' puw - iii Ji.,reroyPél f ne , itpjj " b « - --' t< b à d à tâte IlLo~ll, Y!to Âm41 n,ý;égoù Wh prwplvs-fl W, t e ye otw lop &W bi-10tu au10 UppOrêI ~ ~>~"e5 B T40f4belSW0SPod IArdTise b 'e 0f sonsUla, a#d a i4t Wh batsWol Plstu tblé' ni r 1*-nê'tanA,,.Z ,- voi d 8Jwit.1 e 1thwéu t i 01. rapd.um '(basemtbelusg adeill 'oue rita came 0< 4sb mu b86<ut<1. we ith506v. .ae ilté,p.yppp.<b Z.>tf IoA usdteur 1< TT..U o f$ U KomeriIn *r ed sW a milleOi, ouredered y apld..J dollvogr b<,...o o me, SfraoyAM Wu@ e i ésno aduio f<halyii fmure oui rogs t h On>r<1 O n . u 1> ** I mro.7 redal' e f » ths ' 04q0 t l eS41, 4 '1IW? 5r, M iorne ifdosof se. y elo t h m t,b d à 00J<1il" em p dleab. vecledy, iq o m " ,uiaice P' Siboue.k> le 2&. 7 la caond< o.q, Tie o w b e p i tece f he nmmc o e, anal. limb.,&a.a&--','b.4 .5.sap be5_.t Tl ,lu tt it t u irto n t e li d u eAa i dW*la. 'i, tbst g,'-Ir art sb* Iili- r i 0 1u e i i au e m . p ,. 700 hirnuP" oné q ,or b tb#e ' eIfp ' f1 d k g " ai r ls1 co 5hi 81 n d 1 a. nc w rtuo o er, b- i r 1o g i & . sfrb v .e n c r e.d t e ' o n 'B o cai M ay G R o r 1 fl t Oa .lO u 1 $t o a n d le. . 5 8v u l f c i d # w t u tag s g g :n o os d w t is o r d I g l m p$ i s e p Iv i n t t b ons u 4ed80 g ' 5 i y < 1 m a e <<t , a r <t op' < o A e .,mh sot os s u4m atr i -dp ihis ue obje t ige<m jpl$ 12# l i a tierI ' m e oiyo; W I oloùemîng repla b§loget Otc b a y» sCJ IC BT terelld/ft'Ohrapra aidts pe f r a oe. de. m e L lPli th e ~~< b e a lu, bo r e L"7I t e io w ev r f o m bo y o.. B c s teff l pie o t gn e t e mJ d tan , < o r t or o et a oi cq m ce t t <le ~ ~ ~ ~ c r and'ic'Hl frt~ pru o ctn5. <o o io r ian, , « dwma. le 00el VON aP Buor, o uly *swVa Ina utciff 4r*puelsftigi ng 0814 111 40t;ven: < o . dcarr fin t h T*wi tMIfi b.net "ad ou 8s a ~d ~ P l deîpîîi n u ndy 18the i - u l«<oM.Dx, i eüénlv iuenewo WJwi uso 0O wt ho r tbnban ,to visti fl 10 $'mawt ,e dorlf»Dqo, C m.d i s c, D,. am ovn 5 <wdlu lo xtr e l o îmat b te la orb. paaoe is valsa f ur<ee s t gg e rela bap ot, h ic sfuaI4 rt,'~ Bn~tr 0 W L C uI h5 tensue fl~ont, emî ih 1apsupwe c But bail ...t#' «tisa i cit t o1h.. tcotninb i ie hye#mdi ro giin o a ri Coes , i u inget an oif.ailnt Mspedcsi,,frepiailIicis on acotât pm 4111 tw.ldb oliin,, bita, Dr. Coolu 7< , Otd r girmdlma" êpthsv ty *spomm Whuo<magelM ou th. ,veaewo L ow u o a or*10 b e it ceb(%fr 1wa8PuBtb.e,.- bys N A, 1 ro4t f VOM o Or Imnmoo Si IlSoioit Wbr obfoi fff, b l'a a ootitnino *a Mr.kolllongus nodtajb yuaPa rafly sbo4fngh.P<>Pon Cii tfse i>remi.ee heretof or. AU 1a EEMiaHD d Vî~r otb d o, ThM8bJ9 »i n t hu<i % o âuid Ot Pe M 855 an lni omblse 7 w - s hobu o ýý 5OT1'. W 11171 -o Pp »5 el<07'Wilt"_S Ãœ, - aidBrok -tce forer.b.iispmisrd, . heoto ov, < thA"C*obfo su w m at5 dstn o boeetv, Ols ote icue-4eua muelu A 1.< Io'lok 'r.etHi W unî tonl e1'ncIlu tîi o hisc fte.roab4 o e eb et , you mal be, "rat.ennuiaaiIi'p eso46,w<fets Wundé, Maodannai, <y 'oifibin <l W W o ig r, liwil nri ?à Pr DiuILftto ýl.tn ol#o MAI ec t tu viiftio th,OtOo sipi ~ 0oed.ll 1vayul ogdobiso me 0 beau. eree . eula! eie hlte«y . bl. oomlé a(vWuo. ~l' ro<btoupr b. phicefl n o oftbinufiair<P rom K<rïarOde.vaof de p bilts o f thesUuI.4te titl lioMs 11of1 i <rllandlI 9 Ti lepoevVilo 1g<ad tise old e f ipi ueemvu,-iesg raii th i h 0: bal bi es. ~ hn se bét rl 4aitb COOIrZ. Bnuban, Trste., t,,tie 1cêb.U>.lîilcbeL .fMo' b.lwgvee<hm, o av U~ nanc, '>. 8 ve lotusa.ly <a afar . l W UTB UA KUT , m,7¶Jli*r ii,.elo.Plia5ï, mi e.lpeim as Il f , i4 mu$ jmis Cta btooOiî-on d Lnii Of h m fn,,, *nla iev5 _ uta..~th u vge t<.WIb, ýnt L Ie tlv o hId Jltebyb u*< e 4w;" itÇm i-g tu L boniait h iserabe lo.. cifn o <,:,e oh,.thoiu 0 ils s Bo t ol em .ci t a la ore,<t.<o coate u lpi'ocend<ot leme l on ý14ï4datc l'u,, euh Y~*oe rk~fno!l- the mocl.!.iluard lui ir. ostt 4o-,ho, by iheluT<he vicie40 1<loiqthtion hro&Dthte tropnth"..ho Ifpité - .',-W- MvMcPcwnau rde ma abseiuis<y m e tmoai un . olsyr Of < o k waeOttr t ieL 00lug sam<temo pro n.hen llm#,' 011 Modi lut,,- <ulsasi hot au'.uA'IO -~~~ ~ "CaS.,t ci lp.v olles udto MI hosalkn utes' re aîî< theom soiet foue propl#, ba<husea oth< r vesIn.o t l Bste , #-900vandis 11d... leu n P BandGoozn exOuiizu vumatire ofov Mp'o prcngng, gir xjctoI -ilti sis i Iliiiat flrten * idJbsturiy, yt .lu*ospi Wri i g iu bisud < 'o i o uereu < hoa iigof o e. <'tlaw d, 1 o Pas trcôt - n,. ' lb i M#rnPory ,1s, onlyogt i toi. s1inéte*sitbe 4;ii A m '-Yy-G; anin NÀOotCMuwor' s ie fr ao DrCokf t he<bOt dIlé irkSOemFii, ie, Id. assn 2 0 .tb i manoforesr, DaITe 11 6,aabeés. Ies 141pro., 01 MeWl £i'uke lo T>> our, 'eutUP, l e dno Ia"te b a "'"ilPune alené < itis t owle ldbensio <i a 9, Iis d #i'>4iOOs ot ppl auerd mie p thea- .- dsaira.tironPmo< tse lt.b5< or, litodialdu l E-Kîkes AW0 lairI Weshaî moth 1~ligiJA, M.r.s.ei idW Ontaif oiorVaoitCi o tf -t#Mo befoe tie Cnsici, s scconn< f P a.case, aPr n! lf.o 001100 t Tè c nn î 11Agt<msmo t b.dam9g..<!#"o#mence cii' convespieace, Insuof utice. Tise deci 'Z Keeiese o ho lotte, ar h. carliong a.aure uepi vbcb li!Pei <use-dmli Homo<.ila Ue po. i1 JV LLJUL angaa o ic111 a.irPaorIia rTOWNa sWon sioul0,de0 od upon <h terme of <b. - & .D V'l' bD WHJIJZorAStise Towncllo! tise aeid 1IETteR Sima Min rvn s of'e $ h n e 0 u t o luoi rni tel ofietOaona7îeayfnrl-ntri<n ondtv.etdn. 8C .M B (E~ , 1b . <k ow Pa*111e htyhvnae ieatsrt 0'<eGadTuu W5ll5e.J rapondntwo m. oe <adpinad.55<ev i dO iS-45tb peilo mtaîî tipe obtbs opl e tatonooldho if, ho Rr. H. Latothho 211 -,yxx TIe s uitm a à r-~Mgp boudton day,0a0 o i s l(ug vish ita d osnau lie ae< rsdacq.r.dleoesed I, oiev v s ole tbI'C WL. o, WeseyuMilsn , f 4rS. T"0' Prbr aof eda, 24 4.ne46rc ots~Jo Dr uismovd îe C ii c ~ ssocln aS est.r-l,îhsc <o oIldo roeins <. iam do ' u.< t haï~e tiig onvento c n nt o, ~~WUMOUMu0 ca at' tise 75141 Marlsetsovpaîri ou(a <oos o ,amu.Wcms - yg an-PAo.OVI. lm"tbacarboueumà y,. Fli X1 te f h leo '> bri th#ptIJov, C,5 hae ivn in ebu e'cl borarrro o sr T own Fathe rs. buA haro qu oru wa.n pleCa o lsa isf <o «Wnr etip rte, gaiagau daughtv .7 Tho as MuiEùney, A1 Ui1, F of, tu Itio * *& ble 4 d !Iu YM- t oiandlit10Coibutsoabl oote tlo*u la o iuto i bv à é ùmq i mie icrsi t@ -i l fp li for eîsases vo, ersfmsno ~A idn <bat Cnollaiti, MrBii. giuîrousoîi l g" vm <hoaforendb&Ilit nuisancetlbat'eSoitincnt s wn rata MAJILtgo Vi!T nadirth <11. by.1#r soo. mng cruti natrelby oiani s Ion t 0 o taau tfl t oravng expeîsse s", lt o l u h nro vtuArbb!4Wlki i.DvS llanoPIRut-.OiNDdtê WLDs Ls wulubsrplo Cat Ri I ouawneof<er ot<iescilvlte, ui hhocn<rouI a ooeorDpny<l zpcaey)Heoýyacovv' shiffh Ànrlas i b< o aslguapOAiSi DAtTCENETANboln a'tnadlr ahlflo sn-ssebru Cls On ITniCoodWeOade t ava ta l9o4<,,< O' it>dea"i',W> tcGai 1rJiua' uuls us tie o n et Mr udD. -ouu the ri Ir" te O ifi endore s u l t gM.De r. 1<1t" 5 Ulà fSttf bi oo t oi <>. be"mii ee[vfa efelng utSpiussN. .,on onay <b 2<1,Set its.npîîer clastesfativ. Ifa f ieI u ocortinsgsimf810. remosr erect. m bass r henulv<art <ofmi h -eo10e.thennte;ad Mie liois, oit bing a;ui meing, m ouore S "0 Pie ' Pe it;o adi ad0fnri I rmts sofrW elso <o. ho o n f fjolvin s a( yot Us r farih vioacur b0b%. b.,b> Wdfiîeîw Y ATîmana T enRe andi ,l Oliclitc1boysan ut th ditaiQuébcé îlr.dtoi t uueoktiuj , giMboANU rt ig CPrviios fdiRNi É -8 o,-tacer s gwsgiINsm uS, 0190 fEr li $6 n o rasla, y unS i s ,uppst< l'o w-I Pleato h plPs4uauo <ezone t1'"mStho< iFa O ce.2o0M aie .Y,111ta5e.m anS 01ga1061 017 tres i atteago er a n Rt Cavo, 0E,9__ adr7 a acit Y Qat er o ht moment iont Cort t14 P«#,etbtssngFe ~ Onf e moit foriod cllmty Cnd o nvnIn.Tp.uorctob5 u o iment@ 1< a n t6rese i o atu o, ogstoret la. rwo0&Pq,0fts X.&TOWA~<i. 5<nlol< neUtcm o li oiie tbf. fic À tii ï 0D 15hItrefr rman it rçm daMNoPyn£tr ' Ma 1 wrliets. C ap o e < :Ch ir mi Se yr ateý e fu - u la w îu>- -D. all a I so ~ ~ o P le b u d 1 0 1 o fpl- y1 ls d n t o rm r la e.ui E Dit u0nF tL Oin S!à 1 < l A P'g $ 0 Consel ceeninaIicf uaia< anove,16, oVI £ Th W v cnîdoedIscomlee~ ie cos polte. oni o goIt *'4 - all15ezu suc lies, w*IODgU o <. hO! b 'e a nd bmsdr> queq<otin <.a .t bit g <t.ioeaSpso. Ts ar m u. ln ieiioason btsaueo ia Wto o'nuls h aeos eu otiohic" --- -G71tR..DRO B... h r ooa i ~ ac'Orc~ '.e f noe4Àaim. btbl w cruI!e 6 DgStselg liT , Tolrpope<y,<hoby-lv < tae efeo iboiAn re~ens.lyat ouoe% - atbét PTvlOs Ta. .ii fdo 15a qeston. <~ ue eqladb i~7 - Wldm Mofre' ad Tse ohsie, frot ~d mrndluoî uterprclaaton hi> vthl <ru r ourmies,-$.~o < cav é ts yL ud t P0800dà à al od 0l5liith eim twa<opg ___________________$ie- Cp o sbal-barbaeamaSoby îe Maor. - laton cauino& eau «"" 4- - f <o le aiieuN o iceuu t a lstole ai, usong tLaw wudt b k"wo-SP,%eCZLNO ICE .lil estii i cee.. JJE omansI Ilo o 0,bos. rut,"dtin mi» ï dIUrvema@ 0V -ibisY i uis D at <>eue m ucfa Tm Geed bWtbi f U gtni u!lmbbePuJ uto IMsr ~sge<t Mr. boEARM 'FOR SALEb# (Ov.untrain b l ot tKèo» à oà kt etra p« m e i5gm tto r ad'is Uld I ýbm 'laW R e r ve aav anarri mnt T oueld? 5 ts!nvr se <ti"1<mat'r*ie4 n.~or *iu- lamt postoinniofor t.< antsadiud ot oJe.<dty >.;ý vr. voi a bid <nscai vaeS a nS ia - Wb@ou 'ygp s bfi l omma«4<"e a Meting" RO O ç«oploe Won<h.irer400d-by-aîs ordved <o btbï ii evc, rooIou la <bmet--.o-- %4mtongrsty ofye .15 ., etseB4f ifi o Wgty the opinitoln<a Oi mghocncuIo uneenn'qpe 1ptbir gcdar bI.- .vin&led #&utn# oiiQW à i <l e eco men ud oeetTrut.ualsstf.yar Ykpe, larls. OaI~4~<.O. rnîmet~ evo<Lloe t 'rp. h*igh 'à tL> ,tupn'Tac*ion< r« cou" , mdstheabupeoip.,olloftrmanuîhlongî yUl b. isareil.69 Lise«MI, eulars unSconditIotheiaforo-la -w Ofou Osâ Mdb. MavbMr- Du, Ir«y *asbaso*MM s, ien. <o hogiron<o Nvcmho 186. ~s~~17<îflO<s1: 1 nti ots - »E5OiI$0ýaa'red iÀ"e> UareIÃI0'05IBmv* O90m04iirtbllm.Tb itand Mth" holu IOLWP1e'«e *1-ic iscrl o lth@ ui" F4tOR 1So Tf Club, k POWEm orsd<balen Fio 10ectAndai odc, 185 9CUTTERCMPny.S, aST H4RETY, :ls Mtakefor ond ne*ih U et's siaenua Chan8 o! fnish, r îïdSTI100,FORfe1 Oprf toni1, mli oi f'hou sday ieuF $01< eh. 'wib.iCIî Bmacopun>S îTDAY isi ~t ue <ofn tis, On BU to r, sff JeGIJAu 1< ai.- aid, t,£a Y4ace suat-