Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1859, p. 2

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"pM 1 ftersudb& - 0q~e'e ' t oveo ,, w)îftby lbllbsrmnecl$,tb'ls ooQ.lof .pa,u I llmm,,T.d 0,4"4",tg * wove . we 1looldSk, o . m.,SV dO p. i ie s.10 » b sudmktools sa, aad am ~ REv. .HUWEV', otitto, 'ý-W j P.M., 1 11 l , p.1 ni. ý *!V. .>. OTO. E. Baptiat Cburch, 'eldk p. nm., vary bon., day *e GaWroe a t.w1air ays c- utd and termmacle £a the cdJh of MTis pre.Auo ~ordéro received, aed areangenieuda macle f0r other <Jit;it>c rAuctio DAlla rl. 0 at.lat à le n u fabev. rodaed priss ~jPartite-prm, wtng ticir bille at " tr Qfiawt have t wir wde oe îunerehe péoper Adac4 jc or choarge in alithi we s o 'f, tU eWmeIe4'<d1 AUuctio Oake$ to Corne 0£ Credit Sale ot Fat*,Stok, .,onLot No. 16, Ist don. Ficeaingt -1bm propa.rty' of Juo.Ll ansd -Wm. Matbava->. C. sterling, tloe Wldtby, uriNvebr2,89 TO SUBSORIB13ERS.- The termfor the SsniWeellwill bo $2 b() in advance, or $3 fi lt the end of the ýycar. Thé Weekly C/tronl<.k will bho pubialîed in future 011 $,Ul>yo $ j etfr~ when patyable otbcerwse, partis dbwto t taOffice for job 1 -Work sud Adirerdiig, an nequas to make. su Inimediste st"t, .uof theoir res. pective accops sud tbsraby MW@ ewas 0elves fuither trouble Md 4 emns The unaesot aIl sabseriberala W, ruon thé aSut of Decmbernea,viii b. otsa<offr.i-liet, sud thair acOMut bondedS Oer for collection.. commanclng !ftb lb. loI o! Januar> 1860t;- o pipai viii b. forvirded fotf1 o" ls ula*thdo auselpon b. ýpaidi aj advm». W. fialnecaussi>' te ip dhe C"d Bstsm, ud"lune ame baflltk b. devisted (romi haafwe., in future eikunsl b. paid W.,ailH 0 Woîk sdi raslutÂderimtdilt à viin eadopart ies vacannma cunts or cotracta vl té deolc. À comupisnee ývftbîhasa leruvillasiable ms temoute *ai ore foi pdlig aS ÂU vii. d r .trinig oin l lb. ebapms, sud boamaper, viii ra lé$ lt.nObausm la fc a ed as nou,'la Or' pces. üM aI do*il 1 bave te settie wllbdet'ho , e! Ilisioa Oain4 for tu rauisln bu 0" poeseslon ww- *0 ýàrit ce béeulý vera dia 0"?$igu,'y, ;Tbey awolld d bustled el f tley reafly hla sCuise, r<s cWaseptlly nmlading tub laldwr of, pioddeiastcvm 9L« th= 0now, bite apea tia bldle a sta hay risy,' sud if t h4an iaolài o teatawe can console thiene by diaefac t di;vahavea sufiai greater personagas, vbo once lied crovds bal lolng aneàÉv$iëwà i*ÃŽeby eewpsposu ad yot Wbo sM& Into merlted obacprlty 1I Nay, history teuchal as soins lessons, f irp gic awsahovVlhadm1the eP~a4 ,which wàiWoneý 4ay giddy ith edia mi0f i utltado vas fivad tb. ver>' ýnox4, upon a~ oo- Tbsé 10 bq ijire ware Tritons, sudMdiheoh sauvvowanseeely applies leo utmoat m!in- nov' like 'ileqalpa., W. ill *oulud vith lasligbt tala. Al-hnekeeper, lu lIa old oouuu7, bsdlong fli+ed aýtlb. aigu1 of!h liiï uch King.". t he tbcom. Me ncement>Of a var vidi ranco, ho pullod dovu bis cold a iguý, >sud put up tla' of the Quoa 0f unga. Undar the InueuCa, of~herisp an sd golden sceptre, lic Pfflinaed to sal *e, IUIt aAe vasno ,loiger, the favorite of hiscustomers. Ho eng-» ed aainiheefoe,'or the.6"Ring of Pros. iiex objact of ugai admaion-sud00, cousudlhatiuw.srviaig boniface, duriag blé In.ynua. d oet a siular, fat for th.eroenit idoesof Ont vorallp. ëi~ bon.le Ïder'bas avoppea bis avwalloir ten coaf, a smore Ilengtbaued garment. tsi Soecusýh.v rhby ,abat bls pràa-tcMbfe, sud 6ally setledowu, roba& la die mandle of plaue; asud amling aidi th ity of'bis quondamfollovara!1 Tw'hy viii then percei "datpopolar cleioirlà a mon Coquette, -vbose loyera ut fou, fatî avory luquietude, ilaiuge avary caprice, sudloujilted by ber, ealait lat& àb. barg" 66For .tust experience tella, ln avery solit, T<ba thosa thalt tink, nust govaru Ilsoma that tonl, And il ttl ilimnslgbaî ama îeacb, lui but to lay pprtlon'd loai 01oitseui. Hanm, slîouildone order dispioportion'd g0 rov, Ite, double velght must "in ail babyw." '<e reviv o!da'radeo! aid, sd the couseqaient 80ancesoiluthb. Provlinll zoenuaeq"grti!ylug tacta more deirâbla, for s1h. peopla te kuçu, dabnail lb. knov., lad5. f Clair Uri Conventions, sud'Wrlt- ten' constitutions Ihal eould aghafe the pulcmdfor, s geoeratlou. AÀreui» bpajuilboaniasad b'b. heCatesaDe. panlmeaif,'sevng lb. value o! doe Importa, snd ii. mopunto! duties eollocted st lb. Vaidona Custoni Houselulnthe Phovince &ringtde Irat I duomontha of l. ra4 n per, eudlsag 1hSeptomber laut. -'<hé 'vaineoo! do Impota vas S2e;2ô5,575- axcasa o! ,4,84M over the aofo! 1 importe for lb. corieponding perlo!o last yeu-lhe value of the impontsfor the Irn, mnimtheot lBflfl boing *22,002. 1674. ,Ib. duties collecteSdte t in i ilutb o! 1865, aiounto4 teu92,575,743. lu ýtha 0Ma, aine montli. o! lb. prasant year lb.>' saim-to te*,5 bj0, ng a s cees of noil>' a8 iin nof, dollara. ,Tii. Importa dhis ypart, dine ahovan an- Oasao! 19 peu cnt. upon tioe or 10089 wolected, outa to, 21 Par cal.over Tsklng ii. palo msd epusn ,eoaoedad tisaI au Importation b!it uy.aig pâlions of dolU a, Io.> p«orl*o!ula lo a s n1outd4rpopeoade d e ha-lw ossiOf !C"iad.,Oiù thé cont rai>',Iwo Ibia ~~xiubfs peroed os tion ontde pan rt iImportera;s j-sdIbs it vibra. titlhgprosprly, doy hâve alaplayedea Ofpoaug ilia Confidence of George f a-i.Chuter Draper, the 0014 Wa~ hopreà dto bethe mcet no icni <ciéar ontsvqagar M, 10 b. e sdisur., ed-cty purposeY cottouiud by il . vy Men over whom ha b oatcd teo urcs h tiost obsoîte controllI We stop totake s long br"ath-aàsuýaae thé afathlosu al.pdi of ClearGrit, ingratitude 1IBut vo M atill, more Iqat .,wanderment wben va consider the standing of the person Wbo bas supplauted Mr.. Draper -ua leader. amougstthédiaris, 1No ýle. aea ýonage1 than Mr, Palmer ti itoe r!K. Dr&.. Petr bau neaveu lb. satisfaction Of boi dixplae4 61 à man "Of mediocre ability, À, élaver politicien; a man Of eduatio-.. m f- o!publie, cbaracter, or aeu an ltùoldà residout ofiTownbut fin&s imusef dis. plac by a pers ooo neme in .more, tbsu knowu -tobhie ownpartyl Whal au inàîltingly iànominious poition to be placed iu? ,1-w.ý Draper lma complctcd bis' humilia dona by procrig through Mr. Brownuto b.' elýected al"delegato for tha Towahip of Zone,& aplaýe wvabelieve lm neyer sel bis foot i%, sud to the free sud onlightened (7) mtayera of whic heie a uutter stranier. Hrov Kv. Brovwn procured Mr. Draper'&' hlé &o , amatter Wb do not e about aquiim;, bat tbe fact, f bis procur. 'mg ,aà t er10represeul aà mnnicpslty which Itht stranger nover saw làa aoihei notable instaneOf bou'the Clir OUt "ýdelegs" v ere electedi. Wa cira'o to wpavane Mr, Draper fur. ther; ho Stand wholly desertd-not even th. cdifo0i. of M.James-,Wallàc'a papar bua a onsoling vorld for dia political1 dlonkay Who attompted 10o assume the liou's skia. Tha Grit Gatharlag., Oh!1 that igrate liithhu.ele bConviai- Dlirew a crowd tarnatlon'neur disa Don one Shnra the Fiat sud Wext, botis d i ,nd thaîr l'e*t, Aaîd osi " eoraa"rom Whltby w<u the. Tise0 ingisie, 'stuatt, ansd tua cibmin *An' the> portit sroarln' AtI lbotel gst., An' tiei00n0isent elauqan', sud tise doors a m outharsiaton la tholr Clear Grit Suih s tover o oDt, l,nr, thay inroc To cloar tiac ilnges viii tisa oAgeani!di1% tYntil yoing Jolisu llssiscy, froin tho Towni of III,' grate orastilon itîl first hosn. I Mhdst noiso nsproiarlouit, ;nsl aur i met glo- 416oi eso lo,,. 'Nh i ail l't's.Orm..Ile hi-tv e sia.n T1il lair r a1, ', u1 h.nos. u And aintl ilominno it hi.*stok for -inser efort. ofdia Association la the amasdo Ait~ ~ ~ ~~"= wéleareb ubrlanorgment, vhicb voemgratifiSàte, obseaki.-rd civé. ï u nD .a isi il esawh eh tde As ocainbus xisted, sal i a lus e edi « bus amS te IM te st ansd pnrl>' Md, UinaS ms an dditlonalpro.! oftde ,wordh sud aaiî Of là,na > nî A> pmmison cb.omo a mmbaifortlb. Uni of ~Oi aM ivllIreave 10aretura amop pariodlesi'for, 12 monthln b, beantfl superh steel, engrsvla 'Of "Sax as ~eiae fdriag oaa o! thi e em lhuai' reduvoulsw of- usglveai ava>'y-.ymwy, ppoo Io ooueof tua aioset aeusmy sht of char ansd orne of -âe but- lustra ils ~ ~ ~ o efrsuaszaMinconsitncio sud a A C4NDIANÈ for Arrivai of the New York.* The Bretain scrow steaWmsh!p New Ytork, ton on -Wednesdymorng,N*v. 2, rescW~ Nevw it bausa vAn i Br havi liasbeen ilnt>' .uticii ed by thïolgrjhbo ma rtand, a ti unaaSihBe bris-,howeaaLn tome addîior nevi of intereatý day thhut. a e di oing raî of camuaties b' hlfo anil siping >' di greal gaie on the Enghish coast Veusels 9aywece.... ..6 Toà.......... ........ %626 Probable lota o! lifo,. i thedng Il Royal Chartr ... ....... .pi...s .6qo Nuýmerous joam re rportad on the '<ha fpBimousiel, o!sund froni Qaebec for X&Msro put iÉto Floetvood, Oct. 29, with leof noWmnyar 4id oryard broken, and rau ashove on the Kuott. À correspondent of dia London Tirais vnitiug frout die scene of vrack of di.th RoyaL Charter, aya- Very faw addional bodies baid been vashihg ashore. It fissuppoaed thataà great major.ity of dia corpias are stili conginaS in the body o! the ahip. The London gerald 0f the. 2nd lit., rcaaks li tb. eyaticle c- T<he accouais continue conflictiug in re. lation te tb. rocovery of the gald (rom the betra f oonuiaât the ipression of osne Oftbtthe es ofLloyd's lu favorabletelb divcnuAccrisi a co iuer ablasmo vben a ropos titbn of the vrocie bai av en Srido t~~ dii e au b.olmmeiitely accomplisba No fresh have occrved, bail U affect ris for-auythiug approachiai a fais quanti lb ta ou l o<e0tL gaine par cent. Te graphic messages hâd hbeu orvard e4 te Chairman of ltu Grest Sbip (Co0M. pauy a dte Captai n Harrison, S"tah«l t4e mooriugs vW o b and, uderery tliing would be ready foý r lb.rebilof the shiplby-Taisdy, Nov.'li. aî8étbatep. ton. A lite despstch (von Tuia says- Accrdiug toadvices rceived froin 8icily thO insurrecton thora basnol ccasd. The insurgenue aa itbdravn tote b.0n 1tains. RafoienieàufsÃ"t roops are beijg continually dispatclWc by the Neapolitai goverameult, o'queilltheb. isrrection. a A Brassai'. despatch of Oéct,30t ay: lai apite ýo! lb. semi-ofithi articles on te the Paris papera yestevday, lattera froc Wall itiformad pcuousxrcceived bore today, state suost positi4vuly thaî M., Mon hu Madl a request foi, mateniala 0f var, te which &"rhn and -buiasgimenbis cionant. '<h. Madrid journa* o! dhe 27 It, record Varions circumitines vhicb', thay sia>, provoe .gnou popularll>' o! tb.ped jected tiar vitfi México. '"<bu lb.inhai ente o! lb. tovu o! Jaeu, oniremepI 0f lbi uews o! telb. oltions ' lithé Cortesi apontaneouoilillpominated iat Ternjs aUbsnptiu a'b.am op nw ,; at Aie prepanadiona bave been, commneS foi fenstiug the h oooa b rete fraye tha port; 'ut vil" ca sohlp.owr hua offer. te place s04oieaemorsnt thlb. ervice O!NU $Ov.ve nîvl Dthboctrenuation faItSers gossaa con w i naibo td ssd rItir ollléa;iia e ~ nd Isu>' ly Bisb9of ,Crtgnn>"l riuidut iddîast t fniQai, oxepressngfoui i; sOelf amd Clorgy v".a pprobatIon o! Ilt heses o! MamahlO'Donnli hdbeon uni frmi Ma" dto'eSAlgasinu Te'<aluttsa cèunt4a fion i4angmes t>' h"4 the. Zuparo o! Morocco, irlitated il 'dh erwgotelfc td tude of $paina,>baS vlbdravn bisblpro posidionsud dt s nch grest exelten prevailea de e dO tbaf uo.iêpnp vi lasvlg raidoq comimaad of ai l iefrdoot coaistttd 'ian Italy, *4h bis liaa4quaten at Venona,. ,A letter fo vr~ad ap at VictoriaSept, l5,ln the LondonTihé8I Rer Majesty abLp Gangas, vidiAâdaina Bansonbord,* -' er. ; so iWthe' PT' faeCpt. de Courcy, vbich returueda veok ago (rom BnFrancise'; id h0e ribp RCat ornby. '<Th elll(e, Capt-ProWvoaýI t ISai juan, aud-,h Pfmp 'iCa tluRihrds, la survcying, butwW viié l prt10mriow.Ail thon meumofrwar viiiremai-ereunti vokse-t -the detrpltioï 'O'rtf tha <*overn ment i on A lttoîroïm Dublindated onlbheli Icat., SaYAyî Orders kve. ben nelavéd,,from tho post êdie auti±hriie.te b,",av' s pecial- trainiradnqaflcin'bndbt. wih tb. A&mïeia n tui! for ÇorieJI;la aranc âfa l1iip eciam train vii ,par. (or the jourpeyai four bouru. Ap. the mgils te Queustovn sud -plaice theni, on board oueofo! the CUnard teimrr po on ber voyageotoÀmr A 'latter from St. -Petorabiigb notn ce" daât scamyl bas Iet that City for MO"!c1vWHo vas se $11 lattlci ervanlp' bad ta M lâl a âç e:îlneca&Oâè:' latest b'Tele é Lph f (Reporcad by Go. Ynle Têt Oper"o, Wbltby) f ii ]RoyalmailstaalpO adar t rved naI Hlifax aîit4 o'cclc s.'ai. 'on Bat.k 6th, su Qienstown on thooeuiaigfl 0 r 7tdi À Paria. tologmidtad the 4thays- diat the rench sud Engl1sbGov "tujf t hichis te b. huld àaI Bruseel#,.-AI, dat remIlned te b attew, as an Olncisfti- f fication fronu the Gliat OimruiaL. th areat autenlfî Hlyha"' o jb SvandieacedBWu- a iptOaon b Ymorniaig o! dew Mb. ;Sho oxperienoavry w rugIt voathor sud a beavj o4a Oïlb.pas- sage round. 1ý ; Th -7qho Ti morapondentsayt thilviien dia îblp vas exponf o if riloab Atlantlci- she rolled suad! dipped, but vltl cae T o'Aqt ~clapeculiar. The hibweýi 0flu' ortfitsle t1on eamotionovareverýysv, d94;. lping easly vwitha regular slow Mril, u Ofto quite-daep Occugh te Icve ono psd. dl. vheel onI o!flbt vaerturuing blgbh and dry 'ut' àair. The groutest apeed attaladjvasU,:» ,kuota, aicalyl 8mile- an, bour. ' erÙm (y rom Holybaad te o tppoas &pro., ~nouncod far ior aefstvydneidLer ~of te prvonallMOs À nov Canard, steamer, lust coulrsct.df tü oisteced ossaby 500tops, wig ýudv l aeu>" res«pect, b.lirger aadT té more povrerffit hnIa oso.Jfof sie ato bcissd iîb ý,bert t upiea;' ed Tbeçnqw«e Ihd upo«thiobodisavah.' e Ài meborb frdnthWBdya 7harter, ueulted ,e la a verdict tIl thdolicea oatelh y pare sclettliathe, OsjWnua asparfetly, Ssohor, AMsnd. Ulie 'fto or -thesbîp, ansd tue-ppsse '-~.Divrsotins;adop ai-lgm ovtosctua> m ort u eat 'OP, Sbodim hmadbeen found. nst r0tié y peavin thufe pnepration 0f var materiali, for di. cosÃŽtd feiioaaâd or '6Ïr Chim na.. Thfolca*ladt Dorer art tii to b.e qtepded fÇordv Mspd yve4ns ,.0 Onstr~td ut, - h. àraaaT l.h rnhsm o ,Bailý Ilimnite of these varions sovcrcignties tour-oifl, - would te iuodifiâd;'and '<sca"y, for lu- p<>munte ioa Maue9é,voaild 'réceive an enlargeapent ual retaziir lw »et deteruuined. nçý We coïoto theMost impratoitf eewsap tha'F'renh- programme, 1*hi iis n ing tO UOti cing Mattpa sud 'Puchier b. - 'e- ýAd ýay; or, clarcfedev"at fortresscIýand in -obtaining' statq, scçonli lor Venetis det'onlyla sparst. reprmantà, h. oribhopll: flouM sud,ûdiniitraiiti; ,,but idec su Itaian n thahio aI anmy, Khich vould amount to nothing lais the ezecufios dhantbeicrlutoWVenetiaoefa resIlunted iiIte>»M dpeudc. Buafter raading tis programuméetbéathe;Gran lb.Pnd $aaid udopvlicb aIlodier questionus conceutpli I*lee lut Tbis ' Programme-, must -ve sac 1Uhanb5d S ou1~the xpresion'o! rsueo's privite V-. i, e vWiaheslb.heine o! conduet ahe deairci te Ua-rm follov id CoÏncatih.Piedmioni tthdiaCou, eau taeh us, gms?-,-or l is i-prgrmnW lb. ritof for uai býPW axagraeémouth.IenPuanec and Auîni,4 sud bas Autia's adhcsioai tothe projiu- A Woxày lions rIl' includea beesi obtiéd-? It la yriaa.-A I obvions boy important il vould ha ýfordth. v a'aî Publicto »Dkn"vdtrufb M ý On' tdis 'bcd.theaCoroner' Wriîten Ponde day afetcrlhoaniugof the'body ofalu peso aZUnlch,.4is programpme C5al 1 oeWit b. ou0, ds twro tigs-eitjiardatmauthedo voing a featatios'îaud ongolidation of!-lsb. gooni,, M 1pl r*a's dersaeding esfahblishbe en France snd veut b, he a Autnias, ota o th~e aigu map c vcll, ashei, cana. Of, theoppoosio ybichbfbicksotgarfi vipzein lu b ogre abtvèén'th. tuar; d tai S vir !th voper.. HaRviaig SlvaYS iug dtjét negarded d tl"n uoption a k affects Muàh.aster'i Trench in*teland lising !oincliuatiou cai, ibut in treetédinZg 00s e, o nafeuaîathîas ma mui. lkaiov 4hcther itdavs us'cloîelyto Amü ' or removea s fihr a 'fiu obi vb.dher il presrvaior othorthrova lb.e"I~ iS polie>' O! Villafnei iaid Züdèfbl Ad wy.in!ovmtiffêv grffl if to Jmuw utîkwbitallia u hw» ea , on Irait vil1o.mêoIoflt. ; by à Were p Te f, ben pamiud t cojecaravIaby> castinig&Y do tesentiments o! Autriamauy bon - he "ýoastlaM prOrsN", lmf Ot. 0 sdeoq4ciay on that part of tbii pr -ama hich concerna VOneta a4.tbe Qua#&*d ieal 'e.cuni. 1mi-Te ouasudinsvncLvapublication 0f410bçW, .l .lb mài*era ia'b, o! fgrealst iitsaloaý chaifrontYi te us ean W. d0 o al iab teexagger- sie4oa âtedwqth à- noliton, If litons. tevaAlUeza tuoad'bIpli coaild bave anydhiigug pop Armme teoidopoltice va'should ý c6d(ç been ma4çlets 1thâl wevél*iawérad tblievork o! lb. Chavsitr erurWiae w Doebniaz. itb aaetrong feeling Of diapleaer, lbaysnstera as vel'aa'usoea t.':'<oChevalier, lai yene ohold eacf eilstoIts utanoellnitatbter. s5f5i1et5à1M ramoat-of tbo diplomatierltgo 'dite fin- ti 1u crold vovld. .Evorythuug là augu9s sah., uamr ; lit theb.vo o hyaliorDébraw., ion of bala--ý

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