Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1859, p. 4

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 T MVZONIIT.,S .AJD e uob lrOOK Md Weil", cHT y,- mtO So. o sotwaI dwdw " uitheso.'i ?" sJfl t em attwai a'and.ilouort.Qlnk s whbh$hysr ulirn atmpe.dn e,' ACCO PAEPO4NI OK.Ldote, 14ti, Ims doelmr< 'Bak BeolIs M WiAprxe PA EUrbos, le t!te- twe oufais, BisSe, enul Sasiig IV 40a , r mil , *kîm rwO#W o loep", v pbNZt, s di rg rspu an ai uiotaid w 1 elg âeto. re NvElopou 2s-olfflins oe 4nplsw, Ait %ln& tj a id., jf n ot o nfluera',1M- g;rtra11, ,ots- Uoe*owns lço o4r 0" t Thneys et 1.01 LY IMM's sHErn', 'âBapWl'sit! (l.nstol..' VBuirsf. in tbetme,udeo hu B Th. uoti noi a ileeo papen, 12 betoN, 12aef.ealnLt- root, Iie iif à .o Porno l der ensm oeBittfiim-ei Bot d , o - - a »fr Qat«r olar. TO kP IJN m f'he PESo«O Jlsils'a% BYF. MOGINS kIIà; R!Fl Wbltby, 0 blet?%M TNUIRODAY MJ4tQ '1H 14(lUu.h lna.tlrmmi M6 LPM=if-ul tb 0RMiiMkRNEW 7w Isrs TUE~~~ ]SEBI Jl EIEW - Imr. ani lu ib 100 On. Imprevt! 'làrm li Daniington 50 -*îdld uonluMUar mnlIle , là- [p !smpten-~obip e( Dadinstoa, orne et~~~l di.i veyks ud.Townubip M of -r Pev7,~ot!orL ote *iosfw .w Laemthe Tm O Fo MW 1iataLo, aïuj émi oaivGr&du. mMCbiC 2m!piir d.oitou ad Iug~~~!, W lIa.*Ã"n1168 otat uuktde mutaiet lorkl Ch., Mi ysud Cffl$I, -çuFt oam~ Dirsos Court houl At TIity Ca"* L~ô pi, b$rodaj', iFfWo ii5à ail o steaToronto lnoea oréQ~ ~I$1~17, Mo,, ~p, ~u4 ou Ens 'Toems, '!' b tldownabtp çf ~' o<Ontanlo wlthlus- nonacb L0s. 'tbe #lshIgvU4udnMl.e north oi e 4qm thtbl, is buiug, opfet;ho bst, U1arkilTo,. s t $tfityOfTrot 9m OMn4 rmok aordbinet"o nid. ývib &,»U iim5.ofLsk. Ontalesd M 1 Twp:-EIUwtolot ï fr mI, W s «.kuw by £PPiUft JOIIN A. DONALMSN, ý,.e mgl.mth btofetApillDurx. ~~~~~ 1fmrs < .t1ud la th# S. L. anle et L4,60la the.4 Co,,.%britdg, tia bnon tii. la" ln -. =é' tu A Mmefon'Ms frtokt 0 scrtuofoJtmlaud patI. W, ols of 014PUd c'o u ec o by Ma W rit obons. Tuni.au uuzyidérkvmtleiad la excellent .ide..UX wil'l hoïd o oe ui;porthaa., or VIIb. lot e.. .tmdy tenant. Ur, Imn.md vj iii .showth$. laud lunE.*. naom a.4 e Lt- f«48l0 in th@ VliI4e' A <Gre.ium ntw Cneofdig Iiousoand ndr loi ron, du siy té W. A, Mliough IL M, Uiouv'..ut5or e. "-onctJWUl stamaaud er fMlIifor Sale. .L for smie oun my terun. tigeStesm m iate,' Apslim oa 1»ode t o - ~ J. L. ORANÇGLE,ý or -N; ILB TJlE l sddw.llttêpetwi.î0&c --mcupled by O0 . L RuniiWc TO BEBO-BAGI j luChe ouLr of BEAV£BTuJ< eom- Aypiy,lf by ett.npest pmi, CIABL-W BOJOJ. Whitby. Aprnlogog*sfiu, TORt BAIE CHIÂT. L OT (o.ff, ln the $rdl Cotesslou of Wili, Wlîhby.,Apply to ethé 3120 .,C.,Wîlzlnsi, csrrylnglc,<!îm tus1Js. isoM elulylO, 1887. J. V~- HAM~, 'Buimn1uits~ --WuutLy g' Roua.MdnA o* f"oi Sal.. uà en muw lm in t h 'n shlg ii t ted in a reny pimmmut pmn1fthe Viig et uz- big einortfoehunh9th, e 1, i ?oi, ýoéýlo 4h Élcieofgentr*,I buiess. W m. Wsken1rç1timD.m[u vî,v e O'"cALDWICLLBIUIN toi r4etUzr4 Toi oÂis jH*Â?ry Te. viii be ma& s lugo¶Vmm hi Th, aEb«oPE »trfv ÂJo îrow14 7*i dol bâ14r Uti.. Ch. .to4Tvhf sl Ch.pl tée ufJ,,k e ~ndtrfg eruî iih uis( !$pnsom TO ILET,4 tdeig oetiier10 îoos d s large sella ancgw6i iriu ah a' dn, Ti%. Wo outmmisi szu mn., oit aonu th. liomis.he Ch. m ity oppot he rei- deér oftwit& LOM.-PloaÙd muhb@ lold ou ont mwyspnpl siC~ ,wbib moo ita hrub. mmdj fir huPded bumheim M rn'1.eo, with li out. Wilflo 1qurnd f« a aoha imeaThio hand-.; Ȕ linbSrei r ienras fMthe. 11gbo gtiencuX (" uod, gq sud oth.r giq- ment, moent Modonît.. Y« 'fliulr aW 1 . TO LIT. qtI IZstore sud du14lIIngonie novoccup. x yJaunv einJgi., sudkuowu as c STONE STORE, lauthe.TWo t of Wtby.?uiumiou giron os tiop fint fMSptemiie nesct. Apply tc . .JAMES EUWE. Whitiiy, Juiy$, 1nos, Vau0ab2. 0VUm f« ,~1 T JIAT vi»bi* Paoi compos.d et eot Jo. 4, ln tho4.eouiseu Of lh 'sni in ug About ÃŽ6 maeh ~pd l b et' Tie abore 1'iiîîî ltnsted i b eteo tri .zceîlent whewt-growlg ielity, sud wliilo about six mile. M t1Ue 1poiwt ~tTown of À lWn tbe odete JAS. MoA LLAN9 W& ,oi Lt ,Jrokmu I'îout "PlUMAS HUSTON ober 100ouf"-as w àkan$ TO ALm THE WO1ILU, 1 >HA IrI It à ,X'2EN P! ,. ffTORE &kDWXLLING HOUSE, A",ltbo to eaajtD-'OiaA Pale Whtbyjf2jw.,1lem th tlm 24n j ' cmr. MVot W?-AID U17À?IA4$0,O ~#w1$r~'u.. SesW odet 4 tu, vtmin f whl be ond ttéver ~auv. 0 ao ipemj hogs Io Wf tilJ44 Mi. . 125ran ot w etd lysg d tablqetd oite prsclpe thiCompeus rpoe- tuas iranei ItrlilW fuud hntv~mda te [stafe Vure I»UmBuC. mfaay elles. 97 AM-0 MrUw mu w BOAsD or n eaumo t Coloeiousî dme'Asr* Tne. lie. W. ean. Jlenry Clark, Y.q M. > Willitunl!sff' Eq., MILA 7.12. Wollo,TL»q, Mah lee EWillstn, Kssq, CANADA BlANC! j rr TIr@sr40'Dkadr .theisté n-Mr*I" AM Company oe u mrmteM luyaanpousliV. e oadPolloy-hode as ire ovg=nu bý tiie Star.. Manegar, BW4 rm s.*..o Wbitbyt Jan. 61ilm. British Auaul" Mrae« COMPMs, I KCOIPOBATED uud an A« t e h.Third Session M0Ch. e.rîh1rleiiIns mén$ ofupper CS& OMda. roi pls '9Âif1%t1qPona' - I'<ui Pl is ilfst.!o uligssdCo 1#svellgAeIo in, BinSroWlb Pboniz7r suac o 'lit eftP foum he peot.ý âge f 0 "uJto h.ios- d~2~Uupt ia, ven<btesberebitby ilooke mand piotM !mattoaînhe raiCed, bCtsthec£MaafimPostage eMWu tb r 0,i to dolioet ôu dallrr Nowspaps for Ch.sBltlsh West ime, or la, ud ut, paes beoudon,Ãœ> esb OQFJiCM Mffl- Wsudolof roi7 a, m,* e? 7P, Yb, SUiYu, from 9to 1OA. M, Postage Stampu am beunebmAt. a e. oot, A. mePHEESON, P. M. WhItiWAj,,ll;eAi. s 1, 1 [)T7omesU.. Ops Rou f.tk#.,ïi EdnàthBIi lieohn.t ictiu Tuth mutdo 0oitingm,,Chopiio MGOLD ANDBSTANZPL, 011tbot ub& fi, msd" hlm Coa.timl'do-oulL mmd esooucý« o Ewuoùv-l m 1. seY-44.f1 Wiitb IN.a mis Omo.,uhntSM OR. O. C. iJEROME, SugoeDoimt Inuth.e52ofnty Cbsr. a#e li' wiimuê Tustmou&Mbof trile ,-" ;A maî~dcnndlnbsliW tline'iàd ol, h~os IÇOoui.7, , od 13,1la ehê2ucl éomoo Part of Lot 11, lu the ?th cn#4o f x- Ikidr. cot d>L«ngse o ti te o or2 Vbdpoalg Oa. morpua su, o!thé biud !ever oflarrd eh Mr, NsdLB pbig og xc, 1Y m otrmne L eliis m h.ogezpevlsulnea. struetîn;jut ln so, Xiiuy,, i lai Ueta. p ise, y odluenf#ver N.<.,lnwafl.l, &»et pfle bi ire e ho rai ,ooth il set t Unlei are grcu t rset alfeial éd 4romt4 -gneaugneBels- tarte ln Chli ety t- W. e. èat ure t#ln beasînFtu Imoy o tb, complote voikluef t b 0maui16 U, a « 'bogieE.J b"mls, anUig b, e lit Use e st tir otetha ii, mre of Shiigaf Pattern, sud *qua te séf u r on qudaltta oftChe kW-,,d.. lOr eul'eor or hpmstiroeu haro no hea lta tio usy hat h.y fv~eryCuueqsidtthmosa a CU bn IDS,*mC01 Z, S&AM lufMahine, ainSes i.beolnn4. ut ~Is oIVul nl ,atligdetwnu, sa 1 un neom- . tlily 25, th# 1 baebuo eIn lth. amaiurs ofWet Boota Mmd Siie loira umzbsr of vrs, dunlng mmii ime 1 hare otn. a cinods ulamufusu- cd la th. CaCe aund butr, but o.aider t&qu. unufiieunet!by Mn. E. .J, Nagiotii.bâM gra lsaol .osum in ndlmng hem te Ithe DAM sret.' 2 er The undmIn i~bra l a » e onilnd um a, forth purtbm"=Wthi' m ofth r s'* .NeCr.D -ZACHEIJI BU TUIE ITE U Bc w ABLDEN.MuEm JOHR MAN OLERK 07 TUE PZj the Court IHouie, JIMVa J T Hocsu. E. J. BEACU OCTUEk&,CLEBK - JOHN am S'QTYENGINEB L. FAIllA (J LRKIIB.STDISIO JOHN Goa I KSPECEA'R «fWlttt;l for the Lo»DDu t Oeut W47-ILTREN. flABILISTEB 4AND .aM AUrn. Ug-in N. Go.SA] DAlaRM= AND ATTO M Ie- let. sted, wuk by. »TEL'8ZN SEl F MEE, Lit AND MAtCh XAgenWthe Couty et- .orrDulien'asrdmr T U-.« pw - 1 ý Il- ý 1 1 . ýi - 1 A

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