Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1859, p. 3

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W. 70 / I ~heTovn - a whofis fs-nm but faletf forvaii lal ýryor is psi. bmod ee aitsfate plde. CDmalMs, Nov. 23,. ias àtotal vréck. as, Nova SçOhls Psrtieatvrs bare Net a&Dy of, Leî (o of TU Yla.t iled 0. G. Poin. ;rwing ou t pt su eil 20 ceet irplces, ue aeIcis-'ultcl< ave à db lappear. r, deeted b>' es. Gazelle itregle St No 4 tha 28th inetat Ion- ons Sanda>' morD-: vife et Mr- Johun of a dseghto-. s-iss, en tb. 14Lb>. iules aie of ia u¶f 44v-tf I '1 eh - , -,-# IM . b VI 10 RE iuliaicents.m WOO AN FNESI.)ysABTD.kyand e o las uai Wh n o WiLlt*Bery duce aqas n~eoI~k *naomtiu~ Wi:tbr nu ale In, A ;C A M , Ritles - ""agon.he No. 1,DO ncîeng S u ar.- L o f Crus ed an "s " Rierp 49 ]Zwa. f157 aWkou terni, suit pUT- nohithe ne,,! Tilnber t Je.eaioeS oVer, t 'ee, tiuuvjlb.rad, týa t si yh. 2< 'T hedrpio n a nd rs.f.r Ie gÇrc.Cn Wlbâabu 'of f dnsu te rptheSpi,>,Oes, &c t ru dan feu b4,iMn n tigeiCtont; Couin4iilwl ise A 1 PrS, ,,..o o ANDILE OfU.fiebL l , G001r o'Aeid aeryaateclethetio. 1ne,.& tote >l lT ATixéjý W the o plt. R D Ioo; <aoha AissuearlifloanneAnr purson frontgdoncli lu. th omi Tlitube Wrde oin wVtic*rID or D&Ion, Us id ,-Tt N, 2lnbhe. lut, l b eil'4 u b e l ev of u o 10d a iothêA hM e NS E pS T OK F' aOC&0 I2.f=ud Pa Otl, e* , Tounsh~ps Mars sudOnyfa petsoninw oe ,stelon bTHS.H MMIL a srne M#by Wr inrMe# Ucdi~te Ton.horaieoncut.wed cerdlngofsthé, N ~ IMM NESTC p .ol W 10BhRICuAfS t6 Anpd eeitie4fnov.EOADBON Wt an eOm. 45vtatCA L AND X M I E Unied mfretabiie4 MortWad ssy 2ni oiC ion theblLby.H and to bold auqueli aggr.gite meetirogu fÃŽr;lVhitby, Nov. 16, 1859, os th.Eet'fie Councgiiors, lu the place ----e.. Ch apL--t of Word Electionsi., And wherea a peti. th ANNUAL à,w 1JNCBJZENT 9 Coal Oil and Lmpsa t reduced Priait. tIon hb b«mpresutedto the municipal -Eugrie umd arneet Coun'1ci l e nmid Uni ted Townships, 'I'IE sbscrbur as mde OPsnTEL£t algred bysa mjority of th. quslitlid Elec- COTd a , tC TE oseil Cosi 011 etone io wety tors o<ssld Vuùt.d Tornubîpa, calllug oun ' g4Wsstiin. NOàVEi, cents per palion, and beet Ceai 3il te.Counci4r -feuîd Munilcipe ity, <o peu. 'T çzrLamps at asimi la r reduactlon. >Terme in à B -lsw la coniormity with Lthe Statut., , Co<«ros OMM'nO, jt18 hsby given chat a11casMsCash. 22 Victoris- Cap $8, Iec.1, to abali s mid ROIEail sections ofithe conu!v siubscrlp- To Wit 1, h. Court ot ileuerai GEORGEY, YLE, Jr. IVards, which saisi section- in as o ows. le#,*<o chia populo# Art liietit4-tion, <Îîow Quarter Saionse ofthe PlSandcoany Curt "lAn Actt4eantend the Act, rettpectlug i ;%xhr r e bé51 hni eMyia iaratio li ie noicen .in, and ur tue tCocnty or untarloTeerpSt the Municipal insthutiens or Uppur Cent. fn""ralo bat < f 5oy prruvlo yuar. seth<le Court lopue, ln th, Town of Whiby, on de.1-Sctin we uudedanduîu'-Any pevmon eau tebeouag a meniher by Tnuday the Thorteenth dey of Decmbat, A.D. d&1-ecio te tiidedan sxss.ebueilb* 1,605. 80, t <thetur ot Tv,!vre o'ciock noon10 four, of ,lIdisecitsd ML, la hereby repent- WhiOII vW haiU hlm <to ,hiib"al(Coroners, Juisticeil of the. l-e ud THE CIEAPEST LIGET 18 -ed, andi the foloig substitu ted therefor. ,,,Th mufentablee, aud cli other.. eoacced viii tek. -1 cf b. qîiUftel bceult2 Stlwrk~grlnoie and gorer thomseiv.a ceordingiy. oio nob ltthe laut revixei assçeas.& NL0N nient rol, de, -b>' petitien, in writing igu. 2 ui,-À 0" I~ez0< ga<et' * EENOIJ>S sie by tIhen,ijply tost, <bouncil of the ed Art Journal, om $'<tr. ofieFr C. Nouie. Township, te iiiiio.the Township Into 8-A Fre &aseeAdmissimon thee lie bra 'uc~ l i~B * Wordst, if net .i.roady se divided, or to 6Gallerle, 148 B»alway, Yu Yrk, Wity Nv 89 aboliih, or aler .r maseueîcifled ln the In addition te whl.b, evrmi hantired îailaiI. Notice. petition, an y,.eMeîlîg division lu te Warde, Wrk i Art are $oeô <to Suliecribers Ms Pro- A th. Coouncil ishtd4, wiu one niontis cber@. nlomcumpsong ciel..laitiniri o lp- Lpioshvu n'disafe 8>.I e y #yet* h srot tttino, 4 b tegrttmâan d L eçosbrngsyc a Cs pi aller, nuisd a ivl, e y-aû ect n <iArti-to, A oeeph Tiffin, late'of the Towuship af ptos, idaint eDyla , re:Lthy e ,Un1A~ er ~ Sot csdIh b o. $1 12J T A Ly i er n Y 0 sbtri ct c gd alierresequeted topro.S G L O li v le s a. d a-c m pl s u e w < b h e piee- .o mjP t o ~f sb - d u ce s u ch l im n t fo re th e 2 1 wt d > O ofci eadtoldcaeca h y érpin gdiof Novemuber nstiM,cPhsden o tead au oJ paL eutltioo, sud <lthe b . -S hakespear eaâid bis Friends, Village of Vroomantou, aud any person or t o hi ohaho f tutiîo n chatrteDy-L ( t hrctr< giaq dgîlsatî porins oveiug the estats of the snid iate bsal eselat ois ditauont d it e <>Ç<ionlà or 1rk $te ##.qu i lu. a4evur bs-fivor seph Tifflu, are hereby rcqulred to settie thefilrsL pablicutilnoutenaaie Io'leced vthîn îuch et tise people ut essicli a tho mine with M. 1McPhadoù aforeaasd, ou TUE CLEANEST LIGRi' 18 speer n ',, igevlug losbeta very large siz. or before tihe aboie mentloned date. tb. Counit>, ortUTlort of Counstle, fl ilb ng priuedou $enîy piat,, piper, 30 by as MARY TIFFIN, tise Townsip Ixa 4tuated, or b>' printed lnthsi, mekiugems uer ruut sul 0vAcministratriz. hautils, PaWtdin ut leas< tweu ty public hie 4r tLo vellu ofeltie th<li iry, îerlur, B___________________ Jlaes l La.T.ersblp eu u wsent ce a part of <thc counnt-y, ,y Hides! Rides 1 Hides 1 DI'I11 The sforeuiad-petl tl.sa efollev: ai, ft af-4& elgpae l lc acllidei-,- gFIuid déTo tbe Muekpal Councili eth<e Unitî t- , lsu%ýi<l lucvorkr, dellvered be o rHEguderigned vii puy the bghent fev 1 .4 Tewuaips4f Mare and Rame, iu Coun. charge, sud lie k'< ,J'urneZont year, Ifor lh,-A priée. luCash forau>' qîlantity'ol good and à cili se uo« d: d.l!*Mï, - < BEEFM[IDES delivered eClîls Tannery l inJNE IDOLLARlÀGA LO "Te alia o heiueeiad se iL SCRIPTIONO S h rsilo utlte Greeuvoad. Al kinde of AWb>~u Tb e"ofteid g ae venin of i'Teeda)ytu stiet of Jeuuary, 1800, paye a ofthe<lesd towusbipi ut wh eh timeothi bookt. viliclosu d <h.e I.,E AT fE R l'îmlams b lié Ien <o sah.oribeîs. kept coi tyo adfrsae uyw-s Ilunsblyabeveth,- ~~No persan la restrletecl <o a aingle fsuhscrip etui ubu o ae eyi ,,,Timtet la uuezpoedient ilu'<the t<bu. TIsesrentittîng'i7360 are en:itlud te sl' or Cash. .NNRIY #* r m i li ,g a mC lubs ill pply for 1 8 5lloo7 XQ9r, 14, 1859, 6 thonm et foinOto fth c heir piviogs, ai l'tg ful! partîculars, vIi ie s tent ou raceipf o I votera of <is Muulcipaiity, Thrat i1ros-nut* I1 t&Pi r0* T LON 09 MTRAYE), froî the resideucie d4Msfour-fifthset Lbe Council et snid Mu- Aut , CL,. tUB4 tcs7, CF',ý.ki iSuthe flubecriber, ubout th. baginulig oseA nîcippulty, Ir'epeusible tas four-fl<bl cf 540 anti 348 Brudatie>, Nev York,. »ecumber lust, a lagrge thoe lectors t1iortef, sud cbat 1<1lu coat- alsbsrlpltise00rMcivuti by TIIOS, ]Eînek and White FczaHnand Bogie tpatiblewith oeaousy, as It lniiossaeu h L o o'#)c trjfrWitliy WI<h brava about <h. lbond and eae, bavingJA ES I nube e Twubi Ofiessam i sdvliniiydue clava oi s oth hlud Jle s.G RR BI nYeîw ptlio'«nobip therefon te,, &&ti', N ai , 11 M. 00 Any p.son whé' vill lirlng the uine te thé - rexpect5aly rouest youi Municipal Coun- Du.strlFr viii hUbaudaomuierewarded ,, cl efernid, tu pauilaBy.lew sbellohlug D. G. FORAt.,E959.RUGt -am gWids, aid vith Lh. lait possible -EtWihA g,1 5 . 4 < ~~9WITY 4 d.And your potltloueirse, s ludut>'yq~ boueX ýs-v. rpis>'. - K 0K a .i L E I Wbitby, October 25, 1859, lm-MkW. "(5lgnod,) A SPAN 0P EOBBSITICAUTON f r. ~ Ofs e ovn, PEU. 'Jfsonubaudý TUUAT VJWIG~ ~4~iastdtth.&e.Wlltly, 4thOe,îsf. ~ CERTIPICATES, -Val ' ~~LOST! MAd s!!b otl li o4perntolu.< t vIL sud te1coussinfUs a Un s to s-niera-Min 0064 na & ha sro iI 5 o r * ith , & 5 JOBN- 1<06 tbé O uldW, W b.l a 3,rd. d. y s.v n ~ t ~ . a r s a I s m s < p < a , d4 ndropt00i eô.Pa .brito e. M Ue e tbe .. r e l ~9 Of, .grtL= " ' 1e910-us' slqi,9 ¶ s s rd r WJ* >', ~ ~ i~e 11 5h fUO i~~ ~ M a' ~ v m b ~ ~ . - 57 n o o M # *ÂIf -g o» 4 tte. dae Ps-b. âL t ia udlasim e>a_ ela COp.iaio. ~ENRY OIL&PMAN k 00. Manfraci li<sh 3.~ vasa 213 BOIOYAN, WALIEY I £0. MRON IDITKL' «JOHN 13RYAN. N. W. BROWN'S AGRICULTUItAL WORKS, 'BROOKI STREET, WMITBY, (A fow-y soeutiiof tise lBank of Itoutreal,> MatnufacturertidODcaler Iunalt kinds of Market uLah sSegl< wahr Culti Sc-hrudilers, Cos-n sud Potatoe Cutsiiattore Seyand Tns-n'ip Dril, Road Ses-upes&c AND )(ÀN'M ACT URE1M op 2îýjk MJacine8 -Ipaired oM SI.ri 4 , ' ~a ~ E e sy th i in <,,, h o a b av e lin o a t ten d e d. i ft ) BROOKÀg7W vqv HIIr y eu tyaud oapeR.. Agent, foOrK RTRET, WHITBY.cOmbiucd leoaper-.nd iMosr- li Sbosbns~ louve te fuforîn <ho publie<ts<btey have open ed bgus inl Whitby Ocober 12, 18fi1. r <ieps-mies o.-n is î"upied b>' Mn. Ira B.,Oas-pente-, situated lu Brock Street, South, RaiL ofthe Bankt, a' il>'opposite <lie Markeot buildin, wlsene <bey us-e prepa. TO TH AGRIMMTIST 'ed to Sîpply aIl Wvo ffernt ':Iuvith s eau, Witb aes-en>article su thei- hue of busines&.- Thse tukb$M are practicàl andi cSpetent vwoskien of long expes-ieuce, aud as <lie>' Artificia1 Manuirf~.1 dfvote thie cuti se ef <ts-eir n labos-te their bîîeiueg, <ho>' can pnedune articlesof better Peculiarly adqpted to Fail iPte. v kmauehip, aof greste- duîabili<y, andi more eieguutly fluihei, aud W-'AFFORD TO ;SELL TiIEM CIIBLAPER s-ut et iYln a (1T vinz nm <home Who baie <o bis-e Lb. labo- of otber-s, foutn aiug ueecr .vltrute l e, Pgtti V Ail anticles sold at the lowest living priccs for Cash, or an approved os-cOlt, Piease Mnre ian, onpea. ite ut&, :is %Il and examine. Siiup à)us AUl kude of Iambe- sud farmnaproduce talten lu exchauge. Ail vas-k varautei. laCheaper<ha FPariaYard maare DONOV , WALK Y Co. AND lOP F' EfttPPLICArsO. «-ý Pu-ice t55.5 pr ton. Froinu threc te five ewt. Sulfl.-ient ljr Un uer. lal' ut su. in bils, of tl, xe .eh. il, W. WOO)DWAI» Wuitby, Auz. mil, ~IF 'f un ,!tte, PUIVATE LILZjFI ARTIES ITNIGTO MAKE e u~~~~ppicatiou tt hoegineAe- b!y for Pr-vnte or Local 1,4!., either for EGS te a n autnce toi bis nu ners-a s fs-fends a ud custom es-s hat le !is no v carr yviug ra utinIý exclusive p i-i ie,'is orco uferrt'; au is extensive business oi orpoer owers l'or ouiercal or other r po.Lut ri, orfori- regultiîs-auend- 0; .8£ rft o A K~ kW~ I ~I. U~ i.~i VI Il I~ I îng <o cff'ett higlt i r;o-y< tts IN LL TS ANCESparties-ar-e iere-hy ;îotiicul tiiiat tht>'sare IN AL ITSBRANHESrequsrcd b><lie 1324Ori1d , tinOtii Jr0elts <h o p sem fsg es et eo re o c ou p ied b >' Ms-. N . R à v, o u Ma sy ' S tree t, b e tw io u B y ro n [w îuch a r c p iub lihh e ii fs f U i h ) î d ro k Streets, w Lh e is prepared, a s beretofore , te ex cute a il rdersi n urusied G ate ttej tw o give T W > li 1 1S rttC fa~~ cas-e ai'<i pplication in thft ( l'aI I zctte, andI nimo inisottie newitî.aîac.r tbildls kRRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLI GIISI CIJTTERS, &C., rdri otsortefrs i it flui ~J1 u n u acssr d Sn d i n t tie L ow est rem n e u ltng P s-los. natices ta tie P rivate ii! (ll Qle Q be . ALL-WORK WARRANTED. 66 Chef Cie-k of riale ii! ffice. MBf R and 1'RODUCJ? LT KEY IS £XCHAYOR, atIfLRKET FRICES - ýFORD'8 long experi nce of hirty years in ho principai Manufutorieofattie POSTPONEMLIENT. te sud Canada bas gis-en <but experierîce in e-es-y bs-such of tho business whieb bave been able o as-rifvesatsud for beaut>' of design, elegauce of finish. dusabilit>, F . [ F R S L seiity af workusausbip, is wark carinat lie oxceilel. A I F O ,S L hi<by, Anus1, 185.£UCal ansuaes Specimns. 42 T nîîhEnfii!CN.2,L.c: rn GREENWOOD about 100 uere*s,111 ii.e -l:îtwo lots , SQ IARTERLY FAIR. eu i"Afl Ct a ili? t 1111 E public are reminiticd bat thie ncxt SzudY, Janua-y 7tli, 1860 V~llThe lot t ietltîl-î-icfliiIcS lie'.. Villageieîitust ites,'oft a-tiI)Uiicj- SOn the Fis-st Wedncsday of nos-t murth, t<l~, ors-ipUasait. cn tttn-unt o cd beang tise 7<1. Day of' Deceniber, 1859. - GUIEENE & HIAWINSJX4 ~~ - o ~ J . C . S T E R L IN G oeio u, T rus, w ili b e, a s b e r e to f ar e , il osi. p i sc e . < n a - T s u t , S r . 3 , I i a a Ave- <he wutuia of ail bis visitas-s; sud viii NOTICE, O gis-e<lhc benellt aof bis ses-vice% as Auctianeer t ouait parties bringiug priperty <o, be di- Ete urigndhaettrclnn poscl o tthe air W l>artuers«iip 'tîtîde- thoe nnie ust in hner on tise Table s: 12 o'clock. style ci i)Onsovaii. Walkey & Ca., for thie O Pars- n d llo ls i-u>propet>' purpase of carrving ais tise (3rriàe ilsii- Wi.alOuSOf, arOC esutionon agasusst selhng thc saine befare !he Fuir Day. Then vii be <le tine oereslizc <he bât priccsa as ereby glîc, <t<ho pattuensbip sti>' subsistiug be<veu William Ox- ,sad Robert Oxtoby, bath ofth<le slhip of Scott, lun<the Canut>' et On- uudes- the un or William & Robest t', veas tlii day dia;salîed b y mutual t, AUl debta due Lbe aid prtuei- ire ta<o leplt to William Oxtby, stop,>' ailtb2 dobts agaiust said .4e M goott, tbia 20th day of Oct., '159, (Sigued, TO , ROBERT OXTOBY, ms-J. W. C. Biovir, ftm2py , bfc. 62 LMES tJOUNSTON, et& ýaad- Cleok -Kakmrs ~ORST. ýWHITBY. I g,wmsid t4#eeusvto "une o ls rMad lar 14addtio Ils S<o4 ' 0ut < S l iîa r k is b 9 F r e un c h u a i a e Butchre tam J.i par STR Leou< -fIl, Gie euodueNor.J, . TRIG Gewatiüov. 4, 1859. _ 67 SIMPSON &k FERGUSON. R ESE'PLY unuonuco t. the iu- habiant of hity sud sus-soundiug ount->, that theyhsve opeucd a TalIcr's f$hop on Erecit Otreat, opposite <he "Ontariaofotel," vheie al os-ters entrustedti o <hem viii b. doue vi <b ueatucss anti tespatoli. Whitby, Oct. 20à, 1809.,30 T IIZ Oburb. s0 te o n al parte neceesry W s-thon <o moaoInmjeduasie as-s-sue- ument tor payilîg the cauis.,lHe weald mytirnt ho reqires moueY et presct a'ndti e ielhop <o lok for 1< <o <ha shtsre l&bto hlm, sud <rom tise luueuey lue lus litherto gis-enu dh, lhonov hope. <ima il vili aUudg'to wc <bis, u4 no furtlor uieoyl l e «fs-n. AMt t h a u >) p r t I e i e . P m > o Y M t@ < b e y i l i li a s - e IVOI!uut-se<o blias, s ts ealnsre lui& ines due, * rWin. LAINGe, N B. Ates- Lsp15k otÃ"oIer met. Ilesmuremolrung QCmkfîeli b e exprted-o cpldInmy Mîotos t ot oelloin W. L Whf ~ ~ uw <b' wp.id 89 ness in ail its iirturîhes4, on thie rtie- lsceetofare occuluie-tIb>' ra 1%'.YCas-putes-, on llrock Street, (tocus-y opposite tise new uSlaket Bfiig SAMUEL W .KZY,----. - - . - C. F. l)ONOVAN. Whi <b>, Ausgurt 22, 1859.- To ail tIcUas-t ifflnay aaicern, T A K E , NOTICE, <iat 1 intelnd t he < 'lests-e of Williaum Mos-s-w, Buphenîba Mfors-aw, Mar-y lisbella MIosraow, Sas-ah.Eti- M g inu fa M -ow , Jo h nu 3es f o rro w , a n d ! James Kcnmick Mfors-a,' Infaknt cliltlrinî te tlue late John Masrau', te appi>'ta I lic Surs-agate Court ai' <le Count>'6C ni'ntas-lo, to bc nl)pitisro -uinin of the pait!fi- fatiicaln fîýuidiatcly uftes - h f'ui, <lain ftita Noti ce, for tho sparte of ý' i dsys. * Iated the 8< l a>' ai'Oct. A. T>. I18519. Wybf<by, o, , 1 8 D9. 64-41 n--s- CASH FORPRODIUCE. TI Undesigned ila pures-t PLY ASH 'FOR auDy quantit>' at - THOMA-s MOQPY, brmid& ,flot,, J NOTICE

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