Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1859, p. 1

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wutse~w W~Lv. Ias*ftlou, (pet hie).1 s.iUou....... sepoUnaedsaslLsllu *4MAY#RIIOTTI ~ ~Iitlay,< 110 01O Du r-rE bat 3, ieW I 'BIIETO TiTrs WIIITBY <rom t orkaioh- *Vd*IV iI*VIfltIl na .n.l sc" tiLand (/ illa d"PueoAt *t6 . iwasi?' rewiudu twlrsut-olasriss u JuiagMsha IItUINSk MAYIMUOVI' OW4-ono OU.,, Wiltby, Ci J. 5.MATWloVnm. w. s fi, W mo- . vij tri 1, ian r, 'I s ZAC]gEuo BUEnHAn, Una4J'y T1F"(JIi uNTT àASiJNNOATE, poro hb t tiae (ourt!lIons.. 1 JOIElIAI PENNY, c LEUR O UE f iNîVEMM .OYnIOE- ~/i te ort llms..o &T f*lJPIg QV TILF, (JÂUUMTT OUZIT AND ~,/lt~isrs oS ta. srogse esa. u5 -iLt<sry (lIlik,,iirook rmt, urAnuligitOyyIIiht'AT TuE (JOUiS lie J. JIASJDOIIBLLP UL(,IIC,& ,1ILK SsiiTlIi< COiJTV S(J»anelli',loéo ahttihe Coaurh Itosas.. flîUT J!LiML.OMICEAT TU£ CLEUNFS IISION CURIT. OYFI(,» C U igelao(Jourt ill,c 41011K (10111>0W, NO" ÀFýl i INMî>' ;IIT & MEAUR1S for- h - miy o _Otaio ~~llira444Aa~aV fl4r4WAb4aW4~ ~4~44AJJd4. w.on, TUEKtArNP, ABLOELAND COUSTY CJIUIWN Ofiicê, M-Jn Amui4. KNew Erlk 1'im@. Io CAMEIWK k&JIACDUJSELL, i->AtltiTP t*AT'OIZNKY@ ACf J.AW, JJOtrt lir lovuty (iuuudliuutarlo.- garoffice Milthe C(oan Iluus.-4outhWigg. : J. y. fHAM, B AUJTEI-AT-LAW. tIi-EC tMîmart, Wilitby, C. W, la r I OiUICITIPR NOTABY PUBELIC, dka. ke. N. 0. HfAXO, Bl flNISTER AND> ATTOUNIEY-AT-ýA'W, 0"lsr ., lBrook lbfitELIME ANI) RABSIN£ issMUMANOR X mi e the lia,(Joaay or Ontbaio, 0#104e- D WO sisoa's llsidwao S t re, llrtto 1. W. CALDWELL DEOWN, *POUVZYANCEiU, CUMISMIONEJ TOR Jtakl Amg Iavits, AÂeeoit, Leail, 111,1 sku(!Ooart uwry PlieAo s eicni Agoni, uabrutl<c. t>iflc-Klsg otrU.t urly opponi.i tht. mcd i.~all. N E.4llbaaiuc. eatmsteto aiso lil j, autsteudod ho. h 'A'iTm yATLAW, SOLICITOU IN mut k..,de M in C M"me fo i mIt*uatàrlo, irod&.Ot., Whitby. 4 ~~ ATZoititY, k Oo"- Toai rontudotltetop LA «6ILokoAMLT. 17 WILLIAM POWSON, IVETÂNUUk..,k4,MAJCIIUTEE, ~$.~OS W. CEON, ~TEOT , CIVIL ENGINJEE, AID Alsnt, Whitby. i i ]Trio " x»TNWOOD,- W. OUTI1BET, te-Smdor N13ENT J. WZISON. QýAUI8TEN k tATIOMILT AT LAW? Bober is . l& fé8 W 41 GA. Bio hR A hiU(JOTNILUI A»OEMCL B I. I ~~~~~l tala islslth. asle o ose", A4. m ek, *4roek, 0. W.l Ià w -. -.-E .Uw a. J. 017KM, M.-P. U71010,7<TO 'fils 0C,(NTT GJAOL, lfpraa trsf, WiIty.4 a# A. CARAUM. a# D ' 1I01CAN, oSUuGoNo, ACCuefCiE, th 1e aj-rllseq-(sîaellbi XAIT WIND"XORBOUSE9WIITBY, vit. OAt*aT, 18op5iim reflrad pant of'tus.Tewn, onutha etmeoi. Stablîug sud stuu.sliu. f I g 100Mb*hl Tcor», Misor mie Iuw. IL W. WUQ)DWAIL, Ocuumbwiou Morciaint, Doudus $t ~~T ZACLEIL liq mugs rie, 4 Su odu IaIs roeal4JO pro" 1. Ce.IUAnCO*Kf, IW'BOQTAND 11103 MAKB,5 RVTBEAtyoE» & SAUNDEE, (t.413 J. SIOVE,) TAIL019-09 &a 52 AND 8 N8TZTWKST, TU- 2 rom, "kregwmWeaaqlUaull- AMBRICAN MEL.- WALKER 4k FA"MONPEOJEIE. Y TMCEMI, LAT£ Oh Tif£ $'YOUNG a oui#id»," aD0tAwh ES71aLyce.umKi ..t, Wos%, norouto. t (j .uumi" U.fr.siasu.uo ts e nl ba.. loHnMETCALT, O LEEKOV y 'fIFI!ivuquxcouur; .oapllg 5.Twmbep Jrooà '" - 2ees suui. 1 -. 85uaN e.w amiÀ~r&TLW SwWayfvM w que C..- Yao ue. ES18in pSnumioa noteU, $h fo abuo,, i'uannv q" Oui MJIG T.4GWOAD HA;l Qdý4wêw 5h a hJ o..iW'Asud- ds noltlays la stt.d mn mae b l e lt!,limebiga tess o! vil<Ja la ois ls ae w ry ou, n lû '. Iov a aooM Io 1 tub éo i ta. worfn Dosa*W. ÇaaanaI ls.., PIiSunes assi, fva ai s . nni TUBnfl iar me sd ýuth apgt n rom, frprias, a- geaa oante m o stajaus, is -a. btea o&ma# «di a sudp îndtRou Su IsetrAK VcltabIe eqsate tsem "hait dg"Ë teOoooeironoh*ostire nitenT ahe boe laiy* (Souaiyat.Osd 4UINthe MOTEL, M ra efa uia. S, 5AM of-.kp(MIào ,551 Mm» taeas*baare s Uliedtn doriuv cobaiable Mid AnrhiaJkile. , <ls%",.Il bWvoWnmtii evoy Iionndan i-re jw tuthe mrroulding ", I *m tise sbor.ce -no e ove wall knswn bote], whie pilai eustabis asaan l"rlnki l te tiiteffi- Lreya ear urtig otir d ovl The MHOW su e glacs unMonuefo't u toain Unai eva'G lobe muttal, d im ctwion be re»soi renantteg', hm uc a.e o!L boe v ekovas osî,11 ea prlney sud regnoard rtse uandlotsudnoveil eue.S einîsepuic.nate eIor tnié h.pe'sull pesu C. DArE S, s aoh s s-e .rooaasvuxis vosît. Limean, Oles hee l* ar teugly pnpab paato M byan riasaovsou lii tlad u lure>', respect iam i osmtunea' us 50Malusum bilic tmi» I. u-sd aloumol.dosfrsir> vOsaa, bent 18w.adJîtjg,~ Jllu the. oidMr. IUIJ loRng lsîroot, roaanto, *mv.iie ko bp Mr. tn)eyThe pos1. fleai'l)O LI a, 4 o tyl. v.sTro.amnbl doIn yl muson, ÀAelgar divan 4danp s.- pa"uyIto vliaia noué butiS wt isbsmdo sère p.raaltlsd tabnte 20 CNLSLE &k LmOOOinKE 'LAILBOAI> 110170E, fINIER uOTBE0CIC AND DUrNsS k., V .Wlaltby, (14M. Wieoksmo' eTi.Saab #Morb 50 saasmoue.Stuis leltiatatu of Wlmitby, sud th. se triiiugomuukty, L$atlie htb u tii boy a *Sia oum es, wic iae bas fitt.d uupInuà new sud oaavieuî ioauaea' Buts, Lawolosa, o, msib bil aiuta omeunta no", .Ail Liqnors kbe son tîe prsuls.sare IlIb, TIIM AS DO WIN Wli#rda l'th, 1857. Wlilt DS JanM. W. ÇAEinE MAIMA, UPIIOILSTEIL, k.. OuepsHal ro atrut td4b . e Yamltareesei yrvd .M C b I) YABMi, PBOPBIETOB. TIua A. PIOE MMA4!T TAlIxmONBsoOKSTUMI WiB UlD, ..k. 3K STE, w. rosiwagisr, o0. Ir", ELLIT Ojw'trOPJWO _k<ATIIAN MILLES DAILTSTGE L'>RoM BISQUOQIIA O NNCIS OD isag vIth 5h t Sa orWMiug au"ElugTie.. N ov.mb.r 5ma, 1)"Xn1 tONBTANTLY ON gAND DUEUhGTISE ~ slwhgmn8=11uaur ah Burut IMATHEW CARL 7 ~PMr 5& And . M. ilaSE, 08M ap .sor. loupo0S";,w X, ,t, .RA T For th county., 'f -on""lo aV Q.1l sud o.P.jïà tskin -"J vu* it OM.anTce.P O Towuship <i t'oek. Q OMlISOI MRJANT, INSURtAJCY Mtagor, I X. ÂmeiA ?seuo a-esl, Xoutal; Xoioro. Maitaasd, Tylo.a * maehluso,roroir.oi umis.Auadmu, £va"s & Voiiewl mirsi, , i-w à "A.".se qIy<o",,Gre.er50.,croeor, IORNER BROOK kCQB NESI Whit,>' Joly lotI1SU, -. 1GERMAI BOU$E, vgo'f? arsarssi is.on UI ;tm«b«guO so anoto aw n. woisaau iait ti*aber. Si-.. -: ,»ou.Qb' amltti l'able sud auvessle tdni. W-.ProutetrISNPrpr4 0HARLE69VALE & Go. >3o5 t orna the publie tiait tIi.>'have r, .?commtruMtiaIese et#nsive prglnuisono Irent Stroot,(<e-moa' ecs teQutrl r w e 't a ssauh o nt 1V-à', ron Fomunlg& Smfth'a work OIts bi-sahos. I'iasy lavite inspectio thoir uua.oun p.t- nsx of (>raasuoti i Ion Fes.,iltouali" ornitdats 1TuIt Doan,, PIli)an nuimelnlau ut Irou Comlmua,, Wlssdov Capg, 5111 snd t 0very desoripton; Cooklag, Farlor sud nos CrsOats ven ]Muiï t Odroum ,Sagsr eibios, î'litisaaaaîiags asad Yos'is, ail oS hIhthe er 5tii. Tisai. sud otlacZ n. ose Itqu rma.is 114111i-11i-0paiW allynttond#d 50. T!oronto, Ooto.ro, 187. 0-5 GET YuUE LIZENS AT 1. A, Clark's lot rzepictuy. Gallery y odeaomftt sud fnsAnibro- ilslog, urJ"LC.undo it la Lb, bes 4. WILKJNOON'g BLOCK go Bfro4 ,ytruli 0j,. Ti ic in Ib, e«tire stock of 1IL HIJ>flIln~.7OWlehLuaddition et f.tion to gail Vigo amy Say0vo uvth e"Il, JOSEPH IJLTCINS à Co., l;rooklilu, Novelr n b5, 1887. 49 AI!OTION 17IN gran atIeuddIs il pans oi oftho CeUutyv. > J. CSTERLIU, COUNTY 0F ON2ARIO. .#ARME£Ws'BALES lun th e outry wili r. ofto the b(«t advsitup.ies i"Lthe Auetfoaa Boonseve«Y omipaasw Dieso! ofswmBleubonee snd $Pimn, Ai Srisatd vlthpe Occsamess Adifrms, whai 67 foit.-: TROMA8 MYEES, Whitby, Febaasa 2MU, 18m, muy qh. 7 ge d, o h.ha e*oie by * WiodefiPl"Cua; sU W lolbr, A pri il,4 1 O F P V V A L o I r . . , e a n v o f ilso , £ j o u o n , y t o Q m b ea ,i ptrt4» J.Iinto ta4qout. " f Aiaolesdetl* tu iaeo zgêP<>4 Office, Quobee. wili re- r $ oito se two gdleslpropurst i$, uun r 0. 11 oflhllong ezpe useu lp eSSom iý nbe.sept 28, is. 5 w$io.' owo=ot r ao tuu6t M"s P 11Wai odeona,. o thla lia bu Ao, evpacibafr(oa40 I AN R ssas ta0W O o rti a s i, dnrq ,ts i.gettorof Iua Lldo, ucs. Jioct»iit 1,svIMid tar ancasd gouersi avoafi * ae ylde l y b lcreageoipnifsîfniîî, c MuWJIsstrusete eond TmeDaeti aowev.,-,bis " a h acuble: os str- .dt bai1Âfoau»Maucn q Mie o51sr, a, Seuro.rraIi jç ltla o bpepi- bÏM hl vhiiê-a'r at.mi ! qu, vrkna don, bat iapaSIn bi eZ s ti 1 6,pe îriac vllh ane uuui>caeid 1M ,ý ip 0t iu mm iaorom *$100*00 ncmdng foquei- Piao 1,.0sode n, d piller Masw celnara- s u p i lo r ta h . p a fo n t O ?Ftr > 0 $ 4 c I J h , M o s ayj at o f ct r d e i d ande eutrlyolrooto lm fiésuof!t M. ,,uWittnt okaisa 1 &"0rnlgai eouu,,thse boss p"prpdo!-wlaehAils" ' insmil iret 0-~ y ns ctraeb ednra 14c 'dlspoaos if S aso rna bouse 'oar o ieGaans ma et lu la,'g.r doseso ia ere lé a Bolsoi,îli ye lstly atteaia i e f2 ou atu LMWsi- *a ,4.,se drtos OT E aul nio "trs91» ild a t I Lie orgasas th"uAiY a>" au'ebesominlîltvo, -ALL ponoslas iim pnot Moe ~~'~iIeevratIcbufj1$J ~ ~ji ot- 1808,. oi sy ând Jud, làwIMusJilylit lO OflouitaaqÂtw. sud rdIiSl or .ilausu vseis- Ane niu#namal ati timpti «l t maidi ms aure b1keaeoaii ' esin.etl. '4 if <4, assi#Uasti P , te, laiCrs' r~ Âassta.TIg-s sadlou i..yl eilht CUM uoa retoteront mi l~ait Sutjic boJy t t otiter. - lnmber to prevent oouf»i.ou, tias Idknsaeprnpared OIq (ge DooroaTs Mcs monsr.ee, vWho bue îsratoIu t railo ori aTyes. To Prfevostrua, a coect llkéveor S'tii Doctur J#on hétiwra"pi, fu li oma ottUs sulo " D r' Fr d . D el tb na g&aO , li al o, i .y ,1 blovu in #» la». i>roctilas oo IupIlufii gai WIOtUs No 1 lu eold fur $1 pr ol 1o2 fopr7s cent",is. llii iis ni 0 1100aot t A( r e Oo td tae tl i.public., Te Iaa ,ç o t I l] De l, bSuaasacauiug thea,IIlvee. Foi Mole Agent Whitby, W iit y, s eit. 14, 18O . v & n Palnig, IPapor Hang4n, ilazilng, &c 'U ILLIAU DRYIIN, Palater, Glszi.r De Srcoator, a sboga w ljufori-g ai fonds aud thae publie ilasatlas lins raitaoveod <mos tii CJoinamorolni tldingo, Broo.k *troot, Whlsty, te thse epiffsbo nid. of tige saaane sia'ct-osa ombkoal osasfor ydS s .'ainting, Papir Rangsap, 6G&sing, &4, ad to e hetIi saaita diolostelio su poi na'dermtemea. Ail kluds of l.ttetlag,, dono viltuissns Md noestuesa Itixod poiuts of all daki kept cosantly on Ailk vobemate loifacgM mazssaor. Wlltby,Jaaly 21, 185. 2 Whnt md Wo or buiaofso ànd Sprng WIJEAT sal» sny quotit of!WOOL for whÏL nth' bietmret pIc ile.viib. -pald. Cash fo POitATE. iy s THOMAS OODY, rVwEaIIEMNOTICE, xWe orBSk Acunt, l mali : 1.. I.BCITLIkCe Witby Jil Jet, 808, 28-ti D1um1utf Onf Partnmlp Twooe the. uuderoliued, as plierai Bhskamitbs te,,nder Île os"anidam of P. k 'f. IIIDD'AUOJ, bu ben this day diaeolved by mutumeomeeut' AII debias agaluit5h. W. B ran yl b. seeued by Té Mlddugb, aud aIl aconug. vl h. collsced by bina T. MJDDAUGH. P. MIDDAUoeI Pick.rlug, roushiu, 04c .859, W A Town àsre.ige, sMd 'Lvas bld oconuits Whloh was5th.eaMethod 1foruflontios A&gi-ade ouli alioim a ve, is bis opiulosa, Thaf, uothiug hbât itou.e OmMl smure Lb. do A earpt m I lthi.,thm tva voli npoke, M4va bottr ayfar Se detd iii osk A ourierb.lg 67 wler tsai oth ies t 0nimtaf' wonffi UnSi n ttbiD< 11185 IsS anelhr u nerem .of.aW iub.rip. ispitdon . a Wge inpetial. sjeet, and @apn- dupa Gepted). i coisý-is Mao 56etpj Sof if tiesm, euiployfng a Inrge cflor !tlbox neuas a wrts cto, ,ay; sumgtéad rcaf apu douce; Proceeduuagsof0uaRtasa or e,'it. iy Mevs,' Cattl.e, lbxý snd Produe lisaketa; J4ie*ofBooq LfiarlnTteligonce; Pap.ison lecaua1S TBE1 TRIBUNEs siewèpapée 5 mcct the* výantoe f the patble-Its TelegraPbj i ué,$, TIIE DAIJ.Y TRIBUNE iu sasilil JO subscrboratt#peraauum, lu advs.iace; tg forisix uaoutys; is publish.d ev'W jTunpà im d FssaçuiT, and aouissins aiseU lo loftbe DlJiy, vlth thge CaUe, HUe., sud (iri lia kot. reliably>Topor" d -farosrfori I' TRIbUNE1 o , ig emaoiet ir. reepoudenoe; sand dari#mg tii. son ofa ! vuaedetoa-silned tut IIaebailiruaiaisti s, t i . front ru so .! 01 fa uily pope ri. e - Ont cm,ay', eoer..........$9It TiveoCoiîet, oue yesu-.. .... To t nceaddreu . Ton Copia, or ovr, f<' autrai 0/ eae - - -An>' pea-on aOudingnos club o!twycastyl g ~aor ore', vil! 1lie fltited te an extra coy, WlforaS club o0filftY, w y un ed tie Dgay Tribune eona-.,< TIE ubse-iber 1cquests public atten TIIESIIwzEKLyTRBNltynu 1tiou te bIs ew Stock ai upelor 5 Iigmu t$ srsru. Sl v s h ey , Jclu d e Lias !llo v-in g n e w T ie 1e v - Y o i-k W e îy T i u , 17W p.tter rua: 4Ir a l ui-go cight-page pàpe r for th e countr y r TUE XNG 0F Si~fl"a i shod eiy ttuiday, sd contAits T H E PR IN C E A LB ER 7, Ed sor sai o u th e ui otn M i top ics orthe tnaum, thé. nov, af tise veotk, nteIreting DAVY CROCEET comLgpei4nce froua ail pars S tsewmiJ ý P 0 m I O tt i e N e - Y o mk (C o u i .l se , s u d P i - a i l u c o * P R 0 E O T I N J 8 y M a ik e t , i u t e a îin g s ud r l ia b l e p o l it ic til, ti & R A N D T U RI, l!eba iS al sd Agricult ar sI articl s fo, IRON D UKJE, W. siasl, duriig Liaisyeshtht, contashi laoste lmproe tie quaiit>' oi t iae in sîsu c iv o catcstai its a uff ord d b >' Cali a d examine 1,,1MIE WEEKL'Y T RIBUN.&E, whici, W o 02tna,»hall contimn e l e e t Fam iy , J 1911 BRY AN : W e ol e v e apaw.a- Pu u esbd lu he o d a O BacSteet Whitby; W.C onsider - t LuCatiMarkent Report. Th New ork T1b~e. aonc ricail' vo-Liste citile i-aises-s ayear's - eubScs-iption prit. Tus Tsalouv now more thoai efgateou TERMS: 7eai-eolSan sd havlsag Ove,'To Ilundreai One Cpyoepar. .....$ Jl ou sn l ubsci-bers, or =c o t tpuacha- T i,-,. Copieo, cone peai- . . . . . .5 * su-s d"uftsd thi-ugla erY Stte sd Ic-riv oieoeyov....... aitm oy o! îmr U n io n - y li c o n tin u e l aies., T e ai C op ies, o n . e sa . . . . . . . 1 2 »Once visat 15habu cen-theesmnest Cha., TweutyCocpie, 50o maMw ...d:, ..-2 ci f Liberty, Progres, and of wvbteer sd an v aig er munbeu, $1 encb. w lconduce te oui- national gi'owth lu Twenty1Cpies, ta ddren cf eack srub- Virtae, Inditot7 YKnowledgo sidPios. aCrtùer.... . ..l..............2 CI pity; It wil conatinue sj'ure thse ana su> Iniger nutuber at $1,20 -«Ch,. 1 emtasacipation neonlou f tho!Baclack Tiooi- Any'perscu seudimgusa-club otwuaty, (romi Clattelisuntansd legi impotence, but or moi-c, viliLbc esatitîcai to an extra caspy. o1 the White lkowse froni Lnd Monopoly, Foi-n club f ifIty, WC wsll owend the seni- - 1ntenMperasse, Ignorance, and ttSdepe. Weekly Tribune, sud foi- a club of steia doce on irem oitoMarkets vhieh paialyzes undrcalt e L ia. Ps >'Tribun. ilil b e s exertiou, Lv desynç toToi; an>' adequato> gmshis. WC continue toenma lin' Wss'.su snd mnornl ' c rtan , m'evrtl B lleing Tsairxpz to Clergm an>iui for $1, tisaS the Chef villo! Our i U i te ie n. Mub sciptioni uay coe nc ena s t a16 ordinate muliplication sud disproporticn tisaie, Ternis ulvsys c2ohial arasco. AI ef Non-Producer, 15 l Continue te vsm Jthrs to Le dds'esacd 50o slsu ishabe-tede d<semanua is 1ajmzîTsi 7,Tismuolmii, L b : i- o r d e p riv o t o S is s t a d fu ll Itip* saIi i,, .N t w i-eeom pense. It vill n les itly ccÀm m c d T lJ oIE N E IN I O A L M T L the poil. of, vnung bituer [roma Europe the Uselal Ai-tan ad, wheievcr they uap ZAII5 SQAB5I5, iO5bOJiom7, lm oue da, th i.A tisans en wvol, for v lao se J O L > L K !< , I' l Pj l rr J udcts our country ù; no v runnng rock. I C I E T K - lu f u ties an t es ! ycms frvi n A' -te b o e ad u ad tI se îpulie g encilly their claldi'cuin vaut ofYbied, i -Oah vhaveTOhiiberto 00Il ~patroniZn faomer in too'ofte compli ee.»gla isahm iatn ss fbrner stand, th i ,,, u latel, e peatffi ost îsi q ua e prie s. Tu ibort lu t uis City , i Lg s 5th a tia I lie s a Wh10 pluansont TilIibaaterloin a sudfor-Sateris 0 o! yor.. ev e r y o tb l e r ai m u tf ns ti c ai 1 oS t i e l ls p i r it m u s c s k n o vn a s t h e c m t di î s p r wviucekç tiarcugh Cie spoliation -of INTEINNATIONAL HOTISL, othini couptmies thiat agrsadizèeot vhich situst.d on tise Boagtaideai.1tiése , L. Iv fi to b . Si- la tta ln cd ou i>' th ioug is tise rance M aiket, b etw e u n g ud F a u due de elo .t teud cultiration o! oua' Stieets, viserb laviialvays Le rond>' te lntemaalîesosmc, Itwîîliîgcntlysidvocte se bis aid Mrenais sud'the public genera. ausoeeflctlvlydlerfuluaîngTmiffth. >'.Ing Iu thse best Lsins- p'sat et tise, Freedana e!fLisé Public Laudi, the cou. O it>' 15v t bcIlt aiftea atiaction o!ar a iod f(rom athe Dari -bis for t';2u i lit e a scon eie ,waters of 5h. lilsppi tt sose oltis.Icurr, In luoîy fittiaig ap esud lus-taa. Pacifie, sud .v.rY otlwr tuuauro whicl inm$thse bouse tbi-ouglaut la esaoi'uaous seemes te us ,caicuistebesaboce ýtise ,Tho TABLE' - aiswayi busup lied diguit>' or tiserecouapesaof Labor sud vitis the, buattise, nkt -afford,«inî promos.. thse vel-bemiug 0oflsiaid, ac o ti eson, samd caieful sud attenative sur- T ,Is'tirropMe..llconfilc&t" b.eou vlanta yl b.uoeeroned>'te vait upou bis' D à d à k u a s d L l g h t , I sM i ar tl su d! P r o e .,' a so1 i e a StàYanysd -îedpm« ir uedf n- l BRwill b. iupplied vu thse viraI. liolatedase.à folysu a s hfresand beit -of evei-y kiadwos' lns,' nAay Iorthe Momisent gfie ae.eminîugdvau. Liquoi-s usipiÇgs-aa, f FOrelgu sumd oa.- tige te Wiong ; but God ctliirelgns, > ad tic unudiactures. tise-ge. M-4e true te Ifuanît> sidBiglaS Tise STABLES àr arge andàsud andaia Týb$ZoMe 860 ust Itnm a orabJ. are under the superitedence of '07,~ e tuéêbetween t neurr labe su- ostiora. luth. lîlas adsa ise tii. - niâsTe quesition: Bsl Bnuu pi-ecil il l, M - uimd a-ess ite the e> .fnrtheasrmg&eàk.a màî iw.. mum - 'l Von a UJalyd 8 a, T. s. 1 THOMAS h 1 jula 1 ltlsb# . l 1 - 1 - 1 -- .1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4= 1 - 1 1

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