Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1859, p. 4

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NEWJ as tecbeltad, lu Monrei or Trcto. Whity oLUSALU A1 iAZ. IR OC K STR EET, WHI[TBVC.W B3ooks l st 0aetkner#, Mre ant anti ail whodeiln the.aboie lino viii fini on bond* large anti veil muasor. tock at-I the Establishment of the. uniternlgneti, which tbcy arfs selilng s unpreeodontedly Low PusICEs. ACCOUNT BOOKS, lotgors, Joaruais, Day, Cash, sud BII-Bonku, ruled for the new declaisi currcucy; Biank Books if v.ry description matie te erder, nuledt t any pattern, pSged anti beut ln a supe rien suanner. SecolBooks Writiug sua. tonials, Siatea Pendul, 90alig Wax, Waters, &C, e. - WRITING'IPAPZRS-Poit, Note, Lot ter, Copylng ,Foolscap, Bank PosL, PottL sud Bulf wrltlng papor, ail aizes andi colons, WRAPPTNO PAPERS, borne maufsc. tarot! Manulia, BIrown, Commercial, El.- pbant,- andi Grey wrapplng papos-ali zizen sud *olghts. ENVELOPES-Laisi, Blue:, Bufi, Coler. e, e &mal ies., sud varions qtulitles, fÃŽ6RiNo. 2 te No. 16. I3LANX PORMS-Tn Chanccry,Quecn'a Bcnch anti Commen Piesa, Couuty an'l "Unrgt Courts, Insolvent Court, Divi- sion UCourt, Corners', Magistrates,' Nota- ries', Cienks of the Pesce, Cienke of Coun. tlesTowus, Villages sud Townships' Deeda, Menotgagca, sud aiforma rolstlug te tue c.ouiîeyunce 0! Rosi Estate. - ALO,- SIIERIFFS'f Iaiiiff»' sud (Constables' linkss b b dozen, isundrect, or tlsou. ossît!, at oresito prions. INKS, FLUIDS, INKSTANDS, &c. Wswre quarter Dollar Packet, Contalning 12 shoota fine nuieti Letton Paper, 12 abeets Note, 12 solfsoallng Let-. ton Envelepes, 12 self.s.alung Noee nve. lises&, 0 Fraser bulliors Peus ant i Ilder, on. sfheet of BloLing Papen, and eue Bot. Lie et Ink-al for a Quarter Dolla. TO PRINTERS. AIl kintia o! PRItîucsîePÀrzs-Ncws, Job anti cciored-eoid aL uarket priee5r toi' caush, A utili furtiter lteduitlon lni aIl kînti, of Printiug for Cash. iTe SEMIWEEKLY iCIJUtONICLE at $2.,50 a Year. IJ9"The, WEEKLY CHRONIOLE, the oheapest nwaïpopr lu Canada, at Ou. Dollarsà Tees, In adance. HIOGINS -k MATRUHOFFER, .Printers and Jutationeru WllLby,' Jul>' 4, 1880 NEW STÂTIONAR y HJGINS i MA YERHOFFEB, BO t5e cal! attention tb hialslarge stock of New stationary, uhicis iacludes ailkMades of Plain anti Poney Wrlting ïPapars, Xerclsantfs Wrappiisg Papore, âIchool BooksI, aSes, Pencals, Feus, IIak, Fpar,&o'.e. i, Law Ita. tlonary oisyery description, sacludhng Biaia Doade, Les..., JlortgagesAs JgnnmMtsg, Bondsj, BoieasesDistrees Warrantsa#duc. LAWYER'S BLANIKS queess's Denui0, commxunsaPloast chan- eery andi Comatr Court Forme. iplruel.nort Blanks aetFity cents per handrede Dsltseeiianka, Nottriai Blauks, agi for tli at Torono Prceb. or -svery derlptoa, noatly? expe. iitiomaiyjand ochespiy exeoute&i -At t. oWhitbr RIsdtng Rooem vill bu5 touuai ailt isepâliry lapera anti thse iatast pmbiatamo bome»aAA Freign- 7vuHE aboie work te nov lu Pies., a&d .L vllbe publiiod býy b. lssion 0 Novua sZa n u 15 afio meo qinicl' est at th. premeut day, sud fi vritten vitit great-power lantr tutbfulneus. IL viilb. crinta on ooo,,, ln Phltloi W i, Ot 0 LO ,Me Féterboro'Eamnr THURSDAY MORNINOl Unte lii ÂIEEbesie erolt os=,ýdv.rorevey ibr TUE PETERBOROUGH REVIEW , t yO U rper uu , bl e in the nited bont advertising modium lu the Old Newesti. Ail Orders addresd to te ,Publishmrs, viii be pnnotualy sttended to. T. kà,. WHITE, S Publioiiers. FOR SALE OR TO lET. SITES, TOWN LOTS, h0, SF R SALE,î6710 Ono IsnPnoyed Fsrm lunDarlington 50 acres. On@ " maipousa50 "creg,. Wlld lands lu ais, omenvîlie, Eu- pirsîIs, Artemeula, Luther, Chathamu, Dove?, Ilungerferd. MillPriviloge lui Ilaspton TewnahlIp of Dsnlington, crie of tise rory Uet lunte Township of Dan. ilugton. Town Lots lI Bovsanvilie, Brooktil, Hamupton, Port Perny, sui,t! Srul. Aise, a fute* anLots -anthse Tou of For sazo Zou and on Long Oredit. Ifechanica anti otitera desinous of buVlti lug eau have froin 12 t$0 18 mntits to oshpit, Oetobcr 15918,. 15 For Sale Oheap, and on lea- DOMn'ble ternu. TH E ond arme lun th. Tevnship cf Thcnah,9Count>' ef Ontario, with lai. proreaients o! 20 acros ou esch Lot. For panticulares pply te iH. J. Maction. eaîerW lt y aster, tir te D. Ca.moron, '1.â VàqAiIItflt OctoberIl, 1859. 5.2u. 40-2u.* TO LET.I n 1 D ÈýGlatel' oeonpieti Une 5110F on BROOK STREET, scuti of R. Canpb.ullswor. one ORO? AN» DWELLN& ou=oo flSoauar eth of etligrd1ga mol. eo<5 ofïSe idi u!Boudings la 'VAri spart WIstby, fWhis0Gel,5. lw4m - fro fute Tovnip cf Whltby, kncvn ste FAIQIJIARBON PIOPEITY conisting 400 acres, . 00 of vhich >r' elotred, 900 oum tu nssd lusa higfi staSe if cultivaàtlon. 14 GOD BÀIOCO1'rAGE! viLla ' -ut-buildwi nsd tvc dveil11g boum"s for Jb-er &largecchardewiti the, chloitit wltiW ehiproduce.frcm $100 te.$200Ã"ssan' ly -Tii. propiryla utifully situtetion the rw5lui Sroaud, uemle ncrth cf the aifn y lt , o r d lun f ry f lity o t h e " l u # o f à le e c fi nL bon brs t Mrkst Tùou st of tih. City cf Torontot thse Grand Trunk Station dsac w miles, wltb à fuli vlw OfLako Ontarle and Windsor arboar. The &bW@eproperty nil bi.sol4 on eMy tomis of psymant 1Ifparteswlobt te pur- chues. TRUs, -2ith.r te lot -or f usaa nct W kov by~ i.DARTNELL Solicitor, Whlby or by letton th-- JOHN A. DONALDBON, j-Pot.maît., Weso6. Possession giron tih. tiret of Apri uext., Whitby, oi. 15, 159. 68s544,W.ls ipoR SALE. 011 tiot, a nd ï, trot casaple. Alec for siale or te lot, 8 seres cf clered land parts. W. anl of 21, 2mîd Cou. of lteuch for- mueri w by Mr. Robons. TitIs landtigl aneoultivatiosi, sud luaxeln re.I vili b soid te sait pureitasrs. or whii b. le o te ady teistant. For tern i PPl te OINT Maiton, C. W. Toronto Towtosislp Mr, lasse Rend viii eliov te landi lunlcme. Rooe té 'dLot for selaeSitit.Village or Grenwood. excllet Fang Iluseandquateracre luge of Greetuwood, ln the Towîîslip orF l'kker Ing. Thée houa. contalns -4 apartisneîîts, sud thoerean ttiexcellent puDnp on the premises. For ternis, &% epplytuWA.mc1qlb P.M., aGîmma' or $ . .Melliui <NOliN McCULLOTJGII 20-8m. Vise proprietor, Uxbrîdgo 11.(0 Steam and PladterMi for Mae. T1JE ASSIGNEMS 0F 0. STONE, 071ER T or #ale ou casy ternift;lthe tesutPlisicr liiliuand Parultnre tlinut tWfty Application $0 6e smde to J. L GA14 R or N. 31MIL£R, btl T113vel known ]Prug-shop ÏIJM T .and4 dwollng et presontoc leu~ cuplcd by G . A. Bunniser, aitust.d on thse corner of Dundasanil Byron Streets, Whitby. Ponoson cmn b.- had on or arter the 19th Septasnb.r. For particulars apply, If by lotte? pré- pald toB. R O U SE. Whltby, Aug. loth, 18159. 44 TO BE BOD-A BARGAIN 414 EAT DWEývLLNG IJOUSE91TUATED inl tige Conter cfrI3EAVERTON cent- rlrig six ltoums. Apply, If by latter poot paid, CHARLES BOBINsON, XSQ. Whitby. April 1Gtli, 1850. FOR SALE CEEA?. TOT No. 27, lu the $rd Concession of Wltby .Li the WiLhimcsF.un> adjciing the Town cf Whltby. Apply $tii.h lion. R. -C.' Wîlgiga, Carrylusplabo U, usWzxsEqhoivl, or te Houa. and lot for SRle. T %n lu o ctisone-fourt!i cf en acre c1 excellent loand, witlohina ta s bliistate ef cultlvation. Tlie hoaselàa yr@ie baldiagle by 24, sud osfcrtably Afishei off. Iis itue- ted la s very.plemsant part of the. Villogge of Ux- bridge, being Dear thse charcli, thoeh1100.4tige pot oce, sud tise places of geucal business. 1. e ', and u#y b. ksiow>n ia lsgto Wm. Wa klier!WrÏOcetr. naor to a COMMODIOUS AND PMI BRICK COTTAGE, wlth jof n u~re ofad, lu (ha Northý aide cfBreck-StreaL 7cr furthem'jsartlcnlarsapply (ifb7 le- r.t.pad) asW. IH, TreiiayW.soff ort. (b. rtbsoibir,.CatLi, D. O. JENKINS, Whtb lb1650. 2. c RM JuIyllS4S q y s Llvrpo. 79g »AIE. L wtbln a <e, ards of he Mla Btret-P ada. etr#-e or vith t*o4fftha of 'mn- 4mOf In tabdTbQ bonne ootain.s a prt- imowysbs eu'O0tlJeu elr, and tili*role gootabinjsud *Il naoenq ou'-baiugs, âud a mprloraano . d ater ocathe. spot. For Tinso, LU , whlîtviti flbe tud very BEAV9-TONO. A"AF large and profltable XMl1llnbulmSàas hotibdo"o boerd. Favorable ternu VAfb.n U $buti ti Proprietor 67b fiPrketidiMaler B. I-Titer. làatulrtý-YaUopnnusB % orton fotu ele$shhiet ofs =M Boa-y T 192Store sad omises lâaly omidped 67 sIilpof ukosCh,.togo th.i vi rý oreo L-ail sttub edtheri>to. Ti itore lIova7 lave rabil astoi fors$lbusiles..TiilVI $go 0 Utic fonti otec h To -ll, sad al the travel on th-9 Brook road passes tiroagb it. - TermA wilJl bc simd. $0 sit purob&aaer. Ap- p1IletlOD to b.cnmade $0 45 Ashbra'P. 0., IBeach. Lof ti s@ ..122, Md 123O, KentsftWes& cf Brook Street, iu the Tv cfWtty. Ti.abova Lots lare Most elgb9stse for buldlofUTryo-he7 are enc lsudslastd lu t o at Ofthe,1 Tovn, sd vii 6 lspOse 0,on Ibetltr Apply t 0 . MLJUZWIiFXR, iVbtby, or t0 Clîronill Offlet, Wlîlt67. TO ]LET. A LARGE TWO $TORY, BRICK STORE n2. it apgnrmmetsln Ste sasetoaommo- drta a respectable tgisnll, sud suothar large Wood Frape lios. ajluiluîg tihe %ame, con- tiinug sîtogetiser 10 rocias sud a longe celler me excellent veli of waterili a pssmp, sud ail ancesser> out builli s sud a good sterden, Theo lot coataîns ibalf n aun, stI. on lte uoruer of Duntias and Anderson ustrecis iu tise Town of Whsitby, oui>' afew minutes valkfrom the dépôt., Mue tanothor ver>' handueone TweoStory Honse l. thé sanielooaIity oppoite the rsa- lonoe of .Icitsa laser--splcnid viadsh round the sanie, a groot veli o! vister sud cié- tomu o!raoft nater niit a pump l. ech, tise frontpant Io laid ont ver>' lssusdsoîoioy sasd onuia- sucuteti nits iovors ftovcning irubesuad 'vergeens, vhichiskes it appear like a lîtti, 'aadinnsusuer, Ilueenaretw ie gsnes, sud ve> ago erchard, proilscssg trusistlsreto fur haundrdbualsel.o! apples, wviussnii eut- suildiuga requlred for anchs a pliue. Tisîs luaisd. soue peblachcbeor Steé rosidoeisuo! thle ligu s e nief oirS . e y4 io s, E q ., an d ti vi in g e ls. ?'heisa iugl remn- iatdatlon, ?tise p-i it unt rder ceai- mont. lient Moderato.- Fur partieulans i'pbto JNIIAM&EII sq. Witi, C. W. TO IT. T RLE Store andtI dvellng flous. Dovcocapied uby James Prigia, sud kucwn s th# STONE STORE, lu te Towjà cf Whltby. Possessiou given on tile trit cfiSetember next. Apply t& JAMES EOWE. Wlilby, ulyS. îso;28 Valuablo IRum for Sale. lq7lAT vignabla Fsrm osnlposod ci N. L I la mNI-1 nthe.4th ecucsulon cf ilek aring, Containing 030 Acrea, About 20 acres choppel The above Fîtru mi ltatentheu o ntre cf ar, excetlent witet-grovilcahlodty, sud vithila about six mile. cf tuse mpcrt nTown of Tesmu moderato, Tltlc lndiaputable. AppClication te be mode $0 JAS. MecALLAN,- ýWitty, JAS. LOGAN, lotO9, Broken Front, Pickeing, or te THOMAS HUSTOX Ootober8 18985Snvs ta Do ai T or, T d4 rc te fr, lis ci bi go SI ti, T1 LML TI*E WIULBJ, Tovnshlp ef Broek eoisdtligofa,> BTORE &DWELUING, BOUSE, àfie u Writ a Tise buiujsLeru biasaFrime BudIag.Pie rs,,lsfu tqCLsâM u ntuaeneeit!ntrs ats lim Pazxno, 1858-Two buadred -Thoau& l Poundh Sterling.' r" m bonIo daU wearèia G INSU RAISÂn E uildlegcp, iture fected on the most favorable sermnw-ý ý Short perlolks token pu mareaadlss for Lie Iusursne on very adventageons feins f9!tlso asird, vitls anusbouus anidi ial JOHN AG2iEW, Whtby, Jan, e, 20 ià4ýAD UPCAPITAL, $20OO.a5 p OLICIEiqgnantid lmm#dly ~On appim Soi doin, vitftoual r.fsrtsl.e $0 iteJla 1evl Th>isottsla Provincial Asuioince &sU AJ .D. 1lm, Mtd luasorr" il, à 8SpsMe54isf i ParUmussa CAPITAiL_-1000,O0 MnDtr.al, -Great St. James Stret S userA.Davidaon Panseor. T NTENDIN4>Aieurere are rap~ectfaliy r, ALqueted $0 parus. fbasCoamptny's Prope. tusq, wlsoren It viii b. fosad Chat .ery advsn-ý taq1ei onsibtent vitit seennity, la ioffereti. r ae f-Preimiss cIiariged art lov.-vhiia tise Bonuoue, ilalrad *111bearcoaîparimon vith tise Profftw alotted by sa>'01ftheootiter ieadlng table regalation adopted b>' tus Compti>, as to anrncîtder vaine cfroliaqnisited I>oleies. Wffi»ry.-olsnAgnes Rgnt Iobert J. Gunu%..D.MedilesiAdlser., l ss Atise.-Nivan Agnev, 1M. D. Mel Mal «Viser. 2S Stas»ae m eurauce Company e oLou don# Englouti. egAMsa» lm ACOO tir is AUi'SZ UÀNNI OÀPITLZ.... 0£B1L!G BARD wor nîiOerme Ohirmn-Tme Rigisu lion. L ord Lua. I. B. Sheridan, M. P. Colonel Jaimes AJalr.& ThigoRe. W. Beau.- Peoter Cartinu, Es q. The lion. B. BcoAby. - John James Uavin Clianke, Esq. liens>' Clark, sq. M1D. Nicholas Donnye,,k.. WilliamuS. PoÏter, Esq. William IieureRugIs, E.q., M. A y. M. W ills,0. Per eon, I ,,ManAingDirector. Auitr-Abrs XIor, Esq. ifil,. "Pua. Miller &u Bonne. Surqr-j Wiias 9. Wllsms, Esq. Resir#,.-Mesaro. RaEctu &iComnyu. &Mrr.Wm. Canvel, Eq. CANADA BRANCI! 2l'StessRon. John Rosa, John Craviord, Master, Esq. ic-Cdeitvn-W.I'.ulowiud, Eaq, ML. '4' Wm.Rtos, Xq., Win. lion. tlarsou --laq y W. Jarvl., sherwf, U. C. of feksnd Pee J)ak#-Tbo Bak of MonirMa. SoUeftorg -Roue, Cawbrd & Vrombie, Tii, .npgements of te Iêtte E ira Insume Conmpany ore -gusretee bysa responibla Pro- prletary. Ai! Looa.. viiib. satildpromptly vithoat roferenoo $0 theEBurdiln aglmnd. Tii. iualnass i fth imes baviag basa pur- ebseilPolley.boldarsara now goairassil by the stae. ALEXANDER STEWART, JOHN AUNE W, Wiltby, J"u. fl5,189 gs tWi Protection %aga li om * Da" fyrlire. .WESTEBASSURANCE cIOmpANT, CAPIT.Al -100,000 T NIUANCE effacted on B;uildings sud tnlor conutents. EeYM information sappliail on application $0 the. nadersigneil. JOHN AGNEW, Briffis Aerc Assurance Company# INCORFOBATED pader aun Act ofLb. Titird Session of thae Maentit vïovinlàdPls uaasttÃ"fUpuerCsnsds i- s u le OÉ uu APBlkb L&1 eoorfoor. i - - x Irurata feaédeaBulins ud7" ai conens.LZEry4fiiýNaUonsuppisionp' pliesticatE4«de4uferulgnoti RRG1SIMTEATJOF ]JYT-iTTJg.--Tb ellrcofo 140tatinina'cdd4tIon m laf clmsr, 1bm'lfwoginst loutter vîzz* its> place ii tuuh Nortis Âmieaid. To suy placeinlIs.heUnitedi Sste, -(ot;go To ADY Pie in Great ÃŽrltlaiasud Ireland(post To an>' pîsce lu tltellrtish'CÃ"lonWe or Pbsseo- sîvns, sent t olangdt, (postage smunt b. pro- Toauyplaelis rncobelegaou fia vie Esmgsnd, an'amoat t qai $0 the Pont. oge rate., PARCES upSoS 1e. viteau 6e sent bv pont ani der regniatuL nt lu M -per lii.,$0 b4 prcpaid byPostouKe Ams nsmd nîu>'beredister No misstare despsschd or recclveci en OSun un1 Ilooksasud,.printed suatterfo. the Unîited, stateo, tise CqsissdmnsaPonage muai lieprept'd 1postage atimpp, and ou suds imattcnr on t ,ii the Caitaslattuotagç wtl lit $0 eellocton <lilvo.r>. 1Ali trianit Newspoperu lnclssting tjis os.lo Essgind,sssusstbe -prcpaid is' postage Sussup ortmsoycasnuot beforvaffled., Neîoi=Çn fortise Britisîs Mest Intiles, or 1ls atàit otsr places beyonti ses, 2U4d ei. OFFICE 1MOUEiS.- Week tinys, (rom T a. nm. toi 7p.su. bondit),,frousî0to 10a. su. Postags Staiup a e 6pircliasoiatltie Posi A. MEcPIERSON, P. M. ma m ptamotsu or Auti- iltls,o(reeooti ismîti Lin- on Tuesd#Y, 'Llmrady sud for dollîory froni those tihlca ln,. SIUJ.-FIrotn ise but o ri for (fret Brtin MuaI 6 Pr#.- DENTITRYIDENTSTRY 1 1L)ET7RN8 hi# sIncere tlanlcs te écitizeno ,1k suib.ad vicily, for tise very il»"'a CrOnage xO;ndod t$0 ini lu bli profession. no o ove o $0aequint lisafl umercas Iensmsîdt hepnI,ýIIcthut lie fias llly complo- ted bis arrangements for the pcrnufnen'tfpractice cf isi profession, lu tihe ivwn of, Wfiitby.- Teetts nited on Goid PlatinaCiopui Mitali. TceLlt illled ,Ccisst JWGOLD AND STANIEL FOIL, .f smm *Itb DouetrorJene'neihsvion,the nn. ensbies r. Joues té gnamrituee$0 lispitienfis ailtlstrceslcssi u iIl andi experle c cn In the1rtýMttnt ofoli à*** oupof îthe ttf ime sud facialnorvos-TWotloloreaux , .cneeoperationa sàburealvaya boeu ;a«en<îe vi-t thtii. reatat su.eas OFFICEaStectiteodDental Stand, over Jo. Iznmx.J.Ila >lrry, Esq., Mauyo t Whitbyj N, ..Rynolds Fq.L% ieltY .; W. Il. Troisyno, Esq.,i$3r. CliMkeyandl Fr LuNo.ma 4h M e s ,ove0.erjf4th, 18118 rgeon=lentat Nrctaiua,rubîb uo bsulmern rad J ~..'itt. pbliegurnie ôrtet liumr. wthooalnefi; hkmmnctipla tcelatil evu, nl'Tsi Itre aleoàaio b tfe $0 ai ofhue rDnovo tauMda iie workn tîm tit ititi. usum« flite, lud erer>' -rmest la t s s e , TM 2 o xl e b l g b lyt« a p m r c v O f b > '" a iN cfàit gUdlnd entiste lunbYcrkani prin $0 Iu bins uch liitt udo a omn mrcina ustr e, an é1 aflena es c Ho j e deumer" igiW" ail Mhors éis ie tu itnoi tosîyctiermaicpate.-orvn Gl. abote usa*eti m terla-fom'seos Mnts Ia the court cf Comn pless. Willigint CoýI+gal, laul4sSyli.enterfs. ley, defendiset. 7 lunthe Cossntr Court. rillim onsrigaîl, pilntsft vs. Sylvesterud- Ie7jdelfaudsnt. o.Satieeenitm orse on egog. - lu tise C' nty Court, Jacob %îrilastt,0r4.Jolin Oier andl aasBeuYsiecutors 'or tise lut Wili sud 1Tesissuenk of bterllug Piiiigman, doesd, de- f#tnduntos. AU tise fnterostwlsicli the alti Bterlmngang. nilan, dceuscd, fl Illefr11litm, sud n a tmen oi lis danth hadJu tise norit enst id ftyarsf Lo-o TJ iLte-mevezih onelon oetitha ,To*vnsjip cf Brooks. luItlîe Court of Queen"is Bench. Tii. Zimntersn'a uck, plsitiitff vm. James Loltastsimd Andreiv Baron, olchinÏants. Lots Non. 7, S, anti 18, ilus te Sd concesision Lot 15, lu th, 8rti concession of Scott. Lot 19. fl stise 4t ondhusioit of Scott. port cf Lot 18, ln tlsleîh eoneom.ion ofU- 'bImdge. contuiiniug 89 sares. I.ot No. 12Q, lis the. Itish neu.cofUzbriuigo Rein part cèf Lot> No, 28, lu ýfin l. concession or Uxbridge, cctluiîlg 100 sert - NEL3ON Ga. REYNOLDS, PorC. Mouises. ussersas ,nuee, SEWING MACHMNS. Cheap sewingMachines. Tr ERurio hsuja penet i ss offeoat N . 2 5 N TI E D A M E ST R EIC T for til . osrs cf31NuEE'l'SE WINÇG MAGIlNYS iusai- u!isctured b>' lslumselirThem e cines are àpapi Jtiiy un5ibilityani.~1 ac5,l s" ir a u> of tie ititi ver offere t te tii ,Mn. MAGLE bas had long expenicuce lu Con- atructing ofifino1in, lliileu1lioth un iugiem-' Foewcy att ln Buffaloe, N. Y., lvuscihiçb tter p l e h oh s nade ôe r 2(,ooo w ortli, a l t vWicos have girots the greout Isti6acious $0 Tfte followiitobtimnnlosslsiay ave iourcSir- df nom the lsiiscnpal Bout sud ito100 Mausfae- trca lits tîis ciy. WC Ltùoe imure Iiibherningestimioliyto tih. eCmplote worinis ofîlso Mulelsnes Messuftaitur- ed b>' MnI. E. J. Nogle, luiisnl1d one lu -ns fo r tli s e l e t tw o n i o tth h . T h e > a n c o s i s g e r's P'atteru, andt equal te un>' o! Our saelquiut=ine ofte kint. B1IOWN dt CIIILDS.: Moutresl 2rd Jly, 1852. We ihâvoeset E. J. Nagloia8ewing Machines lu osîr Factor>' for thse pisat titre. sIuntls, andi have no Ismitation liisil>'iung tîst- tise> arain even>' ncspcctequul totue sotapproreti Amer- icn aiisses-Of wltiic eh ve sereral.lus CILDS, IOLSd X Ihave beu uaiug ee c I.J. Naglecm soir- lng binciuss n to clilnsof June lest. It. l lvin ful.# on f eaus reccai- mcontieul, Jtil>the col t I haive booen esgagcd lu tis naanfactsire of ,;oots andi fhoes fors nnulom'of-ear, daning wlsiolîtissu. i have îseed Machines suaaufecunr. cd Ilit tise $tsste sud hert, but conelder tites. usanitactured by- Mr. E. J. Nssgie the best udapsotifor mmaiuwtutng parlasse. Tise do me andsdtse:work equalu>' veli, sud Iluka ,great lîlessure la 'reeo inteing titen te tbe publie. ,- - -PIERRE DUFILElÇ. Theuder»igneitbave bad in continuel nue, for th. puaIiure sacthcl one cf tho Maschines mauufaetarnd by E. J. iagle, sud tbey do not liesitate ln recnmein t cm forenie.ai ue Ciotflern, 18 Notre Dame Street, Motr&Ll, Jul>' 2r'1889. 1 ha v a e l E . x J . N g e a S v u s b s e forntheput tvioontbgin su>'Boota&nai Sis Faotur>', sud 1di t tIL$0be ail tise te nan- facturer Chas for lt--a gaod i hzadikw. J. LINTCN, Jal>'1 28 81 t.Paul Strect, Moutresid. Nor Di.St ctrecl. Jul, O:.i P Li.Re&stry Offic, Bne W. PAZ s Counel. mlcoa'> JOHN CourtY ENGIN! L. FAIU LE-RIFIIISTDIVI Cit tise Cou rt lions.. JORN G YlSPECEtiR of WE -o' .for the Conn5>' otf *-W. ]ILýTu *ARRISTER AI Biock-.lj$edonýd IO -CAMBEON. DARRISTM & A! Â .L)SOliotot0he CO s t te . ourt GEORCE iH. BÂRSTER, AITI cerkc&e &. 01 &(Wut. iardvare stoa T>AERIgTER AND, JAient for the Ceai Whitby. TbilSubudrben i cbiau orM r. B. J, vaon stialeti viti va cerif)-that ta.i aMW ne haver usait: XOU rairltsJl mi M . CPAEN s, ýherfjf'js Office$ july 15, loff._ 1

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