Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1859, p. 2

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s' 66 0 0 ok4 t, .u .v&roentag, at the Towr'a XI11 trut, meai dne'fbmudy bffre f uemoIa *vty iîseDé. 0A, 0vsom.5. ü cTopays.lrkl im Wl.O.ltblNo.. Wamuu Ofay t OS'amg.liali! xkUm&s.avYranf veyssoub.W. JJlLkd, Itaiy. m w, oe ý" pSusul f'yia ud eranohlqD4s, /91 #o» li,e W .Jîs4911910 P 0, vsuîu . W Y 4>wA oïWn Teusplr, aS erslus'e liaMo Mar&y J'isllharwui, i&cL 4, * 6o p,11m Uo eusp lms oisIbii, Tue.dy eveanwo pan oq bCtr",, 10t30oldwu'am, sç rud, Y... $t ISu£ch, liaehanlcs' JssffSUD. a. su, udStWiVoeBook ofu&d kept &r ai 1md V.ayT.alQWiYte, Mapr $'lapc tiom ok, a. ni., sudp. i 4"anff mts maeV.o. '1!.er ENE. AuctuemeM. &d's ml, s.urOtr asu ry $ucta, 108 o 'td i e benu, u &i- Wa Ceh, 3 'gloick p , e.Sn Auto Acto Cm»e0. W, Pulees "eofrilStBock, f es Blespe heou ai uuahDay. apo1869. 1 Jond tear mie oi M stroktidi o~(n tmo n the uad fer oMer ygon .kitner .O B51 es..i New Advertims dd~ ts Day. Axes-Clark llutelîans, lons. Insurance Conpany-S. Ouarle. Inmolvcnî Notie-E,. Morgan. situation Waued-C. J>.l Deyartureutal lNotico--& . M ouchecUc OHERIFFIS SALE OP LANDS. Rowlsa det aI ms.Whsîney. paviâoia là, Irvine. Whltby, Frdhy, Deomber 2, I8M9 TO é- UBSCRIBERS. .Tisetecrmt or thos8mi-Weel Idwll ibe $2 bO la advance, or$3 a th &ud of the ycar, Thse Weekl (Jhronlde wili bu publintied l future on dxruuDkro, St $1 a jisar, striati! ina «eance; $2 wili b.ehsmrged vison payable othevwiae. TomeOdLS 141Y lla. te a MW d"patt." To, ieartir labilaut toueà las stise 610& e wmm ibasti cochet,' thse "dof tise fedratloof tUppor sud Lover Canado, ad a conaeqentdaantoof fie ezisting union, ou e ouid imagfine 11semenv $1 equa l rporWsaeê% in e ovcryof pintint by Vassalor of àmaim. 5Y Col. *m%, or of stemo by Watt, vas ielag rueaIe Ie<euM, As dogbery«gop'y advruseu »»e mg A aI"; wa4*tv dà of a bomp omuatim e biamd ai tl i#&lobjesou of ita prollcenq in plamk' eretlng, vases urionst th*e sb&t.utoon Mr. G0U1- ap"preitng to Imtasf ie T1$ ed à* udy expasfr d ttemàl vie" or the. bon. emutienuu, ro cMr- fo"rthéied éO<e ppouition,hba& i vaned any use6y Wiato4on e uti mau, 1 mlmly sa,1 4WeaeWty OrmZtgags. Lilaytrileois , ivi. eyoàs Mue b arbor eoflwss, muh oemw 5 m'atm$t aul poweibielrpdos roui ay <im.dîfi"wnitiea mi u.ghauiaeffroa dependng gelis pçs odmd o miomd tis le yese. AM fdlie vrie amals tain, t" snprlor J8igmeni ami feasagh d0<4W hon, gmaeleua"-re sseneiieaeae.- DWl seadlu piy ,poltispp uOMP, aMd auebiiusg or leô u.Sactioaalbleig., in ifs étiraiîy, eminua aits ti ong rom an nlusged sud atlemapoint or rscm su SM des 11AMe ime, aaitiug tise de- liberate "clion 0of thestaa wdirecty la- t.reted. Sheli tse lbon. gentleman, du. ying làmpratausvlain aloglau, b enb. wa aneeaaafliy te impream 4W inSaDite fim- prtaue oftdfil preicinuy ep npoq t4W IMPOrW lMialatry, asud n ebtaiu ipera Wi4 5e vil! bars gaiued a aelid sdvaatage for hi. conuuty, sud aecnredheia aroba, tie Mile ausble sud dlaceralg portion of bigcountrynien ûste lils i'.oppo =4n el liin his ov«r hate to erebeis oliject, liaa"adMaht 0 amie a rar mcam, i tauevatisMeay,#yiti boots Mnd mPor, MÎ a 91 "like hi. tiMscped mbt th entard, Msd oui of it, ho mut geas lest liu eac Tise tra is l, tise la nu sonud hermol latii. gmtasgrit sut- thse son! t te leader i laid pockes' and 4W couatry i. mà oila trusmt hlm in a rnatteofM0ogrgasMoment ilride -Soua beore, -ambition folloms hlm,. Wilie thms do laber for their oun prcfrmmst, it leheis me, t. labor Wfo r W eli" ACookmand-ail Stry. "Laugi Ifyen arWl...",9 more tissuttmecoluanof0<onrbrllisnt (7) local cotesnporsuy are dcvoted bo a lmm- oms preduction cermnug "Town n. ting r1" Oaly fllink of it 1 Smo mortai celnusus euleignng the cnligiteued rea. dem of<4W briat Watclsa in regard t euani per tiousassd, sudpras oit par qmle..ek ~rems~dieton. -sbo.oks aitior t4W name0( peltesr'pulllsà,o r c.sdouyatbs ie (tisWof te, <spen maimd fi bs «I.y a #w. tg mer tw sem Smkt lgity vtb Wmb" tise repCmeipoa tr thse 7akh4.n uoaeee==satfieca jectilato deng fthne! id tisou ligh. do»ua t 4 lrelo<f ie lscfba er tisi tise elegaus lugmage used friigin tfie sarea < Mser. Vrsy.04loe.smi eliaring 4Wm idi coàpelýy lin iace of raaeity."< - "4W.e 0toid taiieerFrysd Hlome, via are amppoaedto betlie malpro. pietors ,0< tda piting etlibmn u prntemdedl.by kmaer. gginesud C.., "vï ifltme menairof 4W Town Coandeilltier triWatio ia Ieo(0<ras- cslIy, or la tbele eapscîty as ouallorm sud guardiausottbe it«eo tbe Wtoemu openlidefessded te asetlon d advo- catb4Wpaymeut o tule nnu *'- eaa 9 -'Té resd ti sentance gmuuatçalii mould beclies mHggim & kCe, mie mer ai lime moulea of4W Têm Connil, sa vise mlnked"-ke., h la hoverMuUmm FerrM slovesehoar e oulad vison fie coneoetoswof t4W ivo.eolnma srticle, trond charge viti belng pelwnerss oftise ostia tey birve ù"kn m Counncio#., sud as Mayor snd Ueee teo, ~te iteremts, oft4W Town. This lie vonWt go <se. TUs charatesu f e Wgentlemen asaai eo ton veRsand to idely 1mev, sud"reape ted, te bcsa&B prejuddby mach pigmy Assailats, Tise thiadms u at charg la, t it 4 bylaws more orderad te bucprlntcd as revla. ed, la order to give tise Chrosic e abc- nefit of tise job. Pari of"thm omlo, niake the statesuet knom te see untrue.- Tise by-lava vere erdered te b. prmatedil the ordinary way, nt t4W instaSico fr.i J7atclsman 'aaut ene of<avoring t4W Otronicleat tihe ePense of tise Tomsn,- Ia Ùscith@ reviaion sud ;prnting of t4W teenI by.sama -M armater that bave Iseespokea WelLaniaus-taknsrutecosa lofaain 1<4Wpust tvo yese; 14 ia se 0 may, the dnlueacof4 resm, sudfthe,Çrclty of itm <intelligenceý, tcier vif tise religions boutioMOur cotcsponr, ho bas dou e bulet ho coul n tetsining hi. readesu iti su article Sie colmmus in iasgtis about the Toma printoiag. "Eery ose te bit.limesn"c, lfl rrlar9- baut tW esaise tdîne a a YM pepularePre. alen,-sud If Osetrnporsry choseste teesi lsaai eeemays onToma prnis, me hae oscely a rigbt to objeel. Viu. ting tmaddle viii be juif 4W asMMete us au any od*sntvsdie tiatgrceatie ctslurnus et But tb the' Coek.sudBon lsoum tor ýoterporarytise gi.t M1misic is las4 tiai veoebtained thée ontratfor thé Tomn. pinting ai Our Omra pricer tirougi colin sion vih Mn. John .lehnsoa Jlr0wn1,for. meily Eiton 0Of tin 771mesud Ml. ILa Grecmood, le preoprietor of tist Journal, te «bm iu sla alcga, vapsid 4WeaOum of $610' 2n4, tisai mars VP"i, sud love, eue 4W Mayor, sud ils.otier thé], UWe ore Whitb,, onam u edownmof du C Gâtn, c/e estslli.hmanl, sd fiaico~ieuasty tiay ink et 4W Chronlcl b.rgesasd teaes-mifi lhe Corporation, sud inat merle $0 bring grW si o'tiir oua mlii.Tise tiaird alguo la, 1fb i4b-kwo ar ordareàte le prfintad aur.vW.d tfis yotr lu Order te gireve,W Oirnl'di endbaat 0<4W coSlret , .Tbe WakkmneonC~18" b, statin "ii4w at (7>la0in , "(4We îve eolsmus) artileore deri,-ed rosata me regard as mut relissafloildty." Ma il,, ste.p te >pro, ,We ciiUp fi e wprodmo a. scintilla of evlence lu lie. 1 à tofaliyr estteb 4luae1r.r Greeaoed.fo hé fomnd emiaela fIsse cin..*,1fr. B ialthe am - hoisb àfu.atom ieTous pulnil las. Oui, Townmsra"osvii al U mmber tise« dirog~4 dmpo~qMg, vprin. ting *0rmssito iSéWW M oiges Mayorn tisi h coum bcho nelonger deferreL ÀAverrd 0ofexplanat iolltRIaiite aceouit for tb. seeming dilfrrancé lapimc la thse eontractfoi t4 Townmuad tisaifor 4W Couuty. Thse contsuc-titi 4W lisri. simply fur prnntag "Inutes sud by-iams" -tuit yl. thc former inciode pomersand ailoterritig.Tise Scsmreobtan. iug 4W mlinutes sud b,.lawrsItepimt, ase ges ail the otier pnins ganad crtilg front ta CointyCa. Tb»suon my tais e ltcnat for the minutes sd b, lava ai a lus, m ore have doe-sud le abla bo iaie op fie loun t.of 4 priucing and advertisiag not under contret In the Tewn printing eac eb taiha. fts coatrat pxicc.. le i., me thiuik, s listte tee Iste lu fie day for 4beWFfasa n mto try tise puintiag accouai elactiosi dodge ; imasu tried betore sud fsiicd, sd se Iigita.en Whilw Dabating Eeeioty. Thoemembas etia intation m t a 4Wm meehsicsoi ll l 7idye for the purm of < emmencing ,Ifs tintercne Tic foliuig ofiléccu mre aeetad <or 4W coming Oelusn, riz t JLH, Oreavood Preoidet,J. JIeugcngh 2udà Vice eide Ye.Hohins Uecrtaq'ad TrarrS Sét, .Vrguuon, &A Wrn poc ornuittee e mno eenfTianazi meeting mU! taise y"eeon O &rdYeOvan ing 4We er4 Dte. Am eulra re r. qned te attend, as fie bobinasnranse cd tl be importent. Ladies'o Bemoet oiets cietye wilil e iald ai M .1J.IL eym on Moudyeêfbms.ai p. M, eireuled abont le -Town. mAs nz"pdnb.d fluL' Crelc iailus atated, hoon minet. ed, a DctéolSe amai roundiI o* t&an m&drfie amai an»me,«fJ"s.; 1r. Catbent ef Dufflns CmS lbu goue<o. SMaWb Ofthé e<rsdi .1g Tise i#.ptadseo< fire sij l~e.~evy ~tiie<lat, otlserection Ql ewt' .0, thenit ortie hïpmdupoîn, as4 f fiiiemd dpendý uPm sîergooi eye Ope% Whi.eye eeiet , C04 gemerdif to be psa0o <eftWICMm" aMltybYY wiidc ussi.ss90 oue a a ontison3ks ~ mile 50815 îam m~ghb woto dmmr a d i t gi mo f ,à o pb g o o n a î e wo u =a bde adrmUtfsa -ise ceassi e oent bfleabmktee hi.offa, amitbsai4li ilS w lle to "4a i.aagemniood& At mDy rate iiee m " eople ler.hé" i gogd bauldng e&4di,<W' M I6a - od plui omia h84ad ,lave îu im s Mt prepaete dem utient' il by beeoingism bachera f0 tis e»qmliee i n .luvieir of tiu &4çtr. »M« aw-s f s&money te bc fenddi 10cos tc ont of ou!pockea, (04»atierdi*,ltyopeSm. tIO U5 ~O,>Wlaeeuoin bknom t à.aim ae t. loir ont only $Mt0ON0 ia- mtspd or *SO,000-.l au desad believe by.tleTeroto eder. 1(4W po.ý pçlsflouOf, COU&da W 24 milhione, enel mon, vonian, 0" 4 uldvii0"vabout 50 ent wt& 1 srisaent ad tise a dd* oue ssg olive biguea v» iiiIsave tie sdvsotage o0<. repreaentlug si vortk -of Iaatm.aonethiu f0 e "prend o9f saew Wh vo cultivat aal p«Ch ion e bou aes caotfiek . of injufe Way of rad eaiate.Tise dîne for jobg la evide u oeby for John HUe tise csnny o0mmimer of Publie Wosk, gew M Ie thing domsely tender ad eantrit 1 am tise figing op of<4W £fxtmmwein 4W tempo.' «sYPstlisnestbuildiges ato be geau oto the4 U~tbiddor, sud moreorer, 1 ndç tu "aul desold tenià irooght <oi ronto àa b do cinqy gaà%" l~ «M P "t peu vleu, rbmeslsand 4 vsat àeo tof the Wbuildings ovusa byGevers. ment, alao y crcf nd vudthean4w vse <Inblinde am to e ù"ta & dwu,. sud se doubleéuindoira pet çuin lu Wne M nie Qubec feliovaia oneed Loges 4We :oi ar aoSsud "dmS raeyioder- mts,-smahld tiey?--Wh"t alfila Me nu.Tièy am fai4Wr îa eu n ie 4W monat e«M&4d-sTrot fit«â~fjý Wdoleiou her ,mich dare may -lsail! vcr7 tno udfy nPer)bu t la now good reaaon vy similiar extrvagance sianld lie praMed. laItise. saotà mid " tis ubjeestee, suda it is iaiif' t&mresioalibe aiuge toemata- »Cs Gls aiouli cerne, b pove,-poo feilo, th"cy ae mach more likely te coWs tO grieÇ-isia mytemof eonouiy vili s«My iatrUe viitis aple reardatbeir long sug d long longs7 <tenda eecmt for à all vobe eay to jnnp front extréme frngalitte xteme lavisisnem. Tise sppnoaeing legal murderof, old John Br3romu, MwspW» aFery <ais, lu aetally exciting mor feeling arnog re., pectblo peopl he,ti"athse Convention of tiio th in Toronto, ud 1mnuât ay that for One, 1 m rnneh moen ofed by tise fate of ibis old ISero, tisaby 4trom aasu MW"eriofetCanâdas magalloqnutr st forth by fie Hlon. AMous Eergnmu, tro vortlsy mesAllcwf1"old Maus" too often f0 gaitis te of lii.good emmeMd good feeling. Our Etisiopias [rien&, ougi, I tliinIý temb kew "fmiptisy <or the &vai, Mst fricnd0f selr racein ma myspia. ticmumsrsud seMnyMqotison:especilly obul re" 06 msoumen 4bi e Ju loDqèâýf h. perMissocfie muffold-or tribWOnId perl sbeubW4erp c«mwea fund tf0 ai tiarn td rsiendflcl nitatimpu tise~ ~ Uât . d]rou siraLPoor od gen- tlemman onrnitted Mmoue m W"ae iil vil!, lie aigprobabfy bho tai!t iin a tiser can, be litie donbt îluIho bu tW 4W 'eqiIS'lm.1ppsutios rs -D,,o S1 f aen1 te<sneivat importifce sm4Wtoé havte tractaor dluaown mic"Mte ceMeWtla Egiuup &erseitu 4W ss~sela-mSai Ptea pailyhisêeat eWaiuggôsW td Itt e s1sd tW fia mernlaaeeomlaee ifS. the dewmsof. Min B~eL~mi~rliluh. moti Md' ared&t sccordingy wien fo reaolntios Un mýotf Xr, Bigelov, scnf i le,»uie etasoThom"a Wlm~,*-for 18, sid by lia la ernor for'Thonusse Slav.té ;eaasito0iarge te4Wmiu fie mnm.rieVm i o0"aS"or IMConY dent.by lsyPlaw»u ullevdstan md ovesai 4We isstance <ofMr. IJMgelow esn aeceusit 0< f«s aJee<Mw..Imdew Md t4W Couni vent lobiecousrittee foere- on,-mr. Bfgelal-fie Ci&a. .1 Dr- QasiOW' poâM,éd 4Wbill ou 4W, greunda, fiai tise mnir. Masnealldfor, ,,, d 4l w ' e s e 6 tr o er, r i i . mameeaeaay muleme lida Cou#ý uspo. to Cp b or nI1r we rry4 c ls !ap. ^Pot$ o tisaiM ofe. tIboeie eond le <ndeiter4Wlne dwthe WTomaý, su IW ,t4 W o8 e lel sà o n. -vith o séfi 984fi <4W COrPerslesioui egivdmn te a oitizen et fie Té"o ,,wn. , 1f.Watso aquireivisele t va. l- ournibaie"" 4W enat Inspecter te ad- liuit 4W meighta md mmsercaof t4W Towa in$pWMetoe sn rquffl dtodo mo,., , The Mayor repi id us 4W arualive Mr- Wscaenwoulgmo <or 4W sppdint. mess Of ianIn$Puetorif lie belWWaved TOmu3reqired it; butiabvenldnetuuei <avenT a<parebsaanieap &artes. ClaP Ig ove enmeated te tise Câmmit. teeswmg *iing ts laeot. it aîsn aitisej sert meeting, aoi tise conii±erouea- c ordlagl l09 T o#yxd Mv Bgelow movud te atriSe tl us ti rflo tri, WOMM(es ffhoiday. He a fia thse yaècodeeosoa leiag Dow aoarlyterrnistame ",onei 'vomit le butter alla b dealviifi4Whani. Capt. Homwe objece to be Woo, sud inlaed tisai tisaenut vas 4W ime téaut dectiii. qmeitioode.ray 'or u.othe, sud fia# ia order toibavesonicdsing dam eatfob next meet9 ing Ë«rimmeul immit a"y ulsneaay No aouider ppesnod te Mn. -Bigeloi's motion,4Whessa#« en omed todrtop, The iutsiioEgad hfadk ondued iuJ atices f agre of mserfoe aund ba wsor»" tietiaml -provefe s Ourceof gneat' " ', sý i a1 on 4 apig cous> nity edwtii. eootry. 1ti4i dtiiteil Johný tb.eaOth Sitod Ih e ca. pion0 tý 0<4 w wvprw ering, suqou o maieth o o dbu or marj eaeça eeMpO W edand positi "Mglsae b lopén 3 ce elnd.d driclstsgems ramaapssiin aib Wrpmssia udt4 om e "p "r stataw ia m ..Cipei a M, 7î.0 M, 011, dts s ifeomdf 0i <or £400islQis al sd£2, e,e boredliss'go s4~g~orgn ali 1400eu>sdM or'MPsl toe t4Wsts&e ,iftagreable teoTou s afeIm sdm, sjpe,;reercM- ý, 1m4 sa lte, vi futear Of, conteudietion, itise MaM" Iril! e <or £600 aesiet, uis d viii le forsa iiçhcer tltinaaisb setcnastovren*Srjtt'son Tisnuly, D lcofber16,te settje ie 114articlea sud rn4e~ ~ ~ ~~w tienee sr,~greaa £~ iu li atv enty. Th ise atchmi donbtiess, eate ,more I'nterest i " ss sinila sr s -ànnimode= dies.Tom luis quit. rdoverd <rouiu cm lu,~u1u tend e lea -YdSisdlcr o.u uunrisedlu Prepsiigto unitheWb-sser or hi. pnssry. -se.---rNkeshï i!et Ar EU5tOanar 'betMmthnhu et lyk O Ieeafdéam esla etmef lis Dueks b 0<Beauofw-uhtise he tu0< Win. eelmsn,reW of thieh la tise Ssud toé, rve ap-T e.0< w ruc-eto, sud 000re t Wu . TieÎmach aid e uor<O 000 a ie, hupaf ho=& gg"tl4W uul bfl.ie opes ket isouduagaoaslwe me t.cryloonaoi.Thées ii te taIse placeOf er4whvole di.taueef 4We euceii Conse; aN nst, ih i id tour mil"a, 00 mi u9 -igsud 173%n.a lagI,9Iýa suiseoeff damg 4Wthoe' b ton Mting, la the fait Moft yesr.Tise honuae te ru <tra.li 4oppoaiîte losdo1roi , m titr are~ ~~~0 10iae 4W Draeot fila$tor- ien,ç b audeStor an i eai;iii hav uedy lwy'dMadedisiAv«ootf b 'uS<ânc in,,la s, veuton the dog, sseulios aausatassoe il vi icis 4Wire 1mIere s au s sixty houe, COU- tdagover tis bv-sstjecs C &u potagasssspak of liusd »aY& fto a~ sdog uned BMne Csp Weu la eight, tvelve of 4W ,herses ver itdi 4dog nai lx Ties r Ws.-In timeé or van IýWbat ,& Weff,1 merda; h om sig ifican t. foy ware cfmna4gendurgnce, terror, sud desti iam ggaive of orroiw, b!ttcruesia. agon #sudgilieft bhns-atr4 mitt tibI*pMrilsio n abpa tilua, ilir rg~dsg W ponts>. tise l'of Prpiatàii w-t,]; 94,1Jg Mn, -ber uu essufaven tc etr eb lady, ;î!mas Uiw b "s tow-be Jicen mueruer sue sumusu off ic Smo vi«iesla u beeome-a laciýer-4 Él adYamubiiosssof, a #çcùtid husbsud 1,.ss, , N v Tise ««»4 lup Brops, <rou i ierpol iM 4W 19fl instobntbua anivcd, Tic Kmewoarorrad ai 'Livrenpcol b.. the IMSti;ie Ocean Queess the isti sud moe epecwfiebu-x ue iZrc e sa C ongr o te l ti oefia si$,"04thse treatie fVien=saMduthe tsre Tise attitde 0Of le luglisi sud Freui Tise lYmescai. o n poe o eput an end o 4W snapess. cougre masexpeètod e etjnlari$, butuodate in givenl. -q w Çisl od eu8oý lt of0< rtsgbu" m g us. rateda8, moveme", <or a grest exhibitio Nffleft ppmBnoneopgui's anus. ing tie-fegebqey o ebtroiaulwhay, sud commjàj& oà-tueagmy of Ceuira Itily *Md joined'tW ain my. JL.Spenoe&Ce..rePort Flouquie liaijý fins i 2U to 2Sapar banre.- ipai firu g Zàd to Si Iigwr eadutyh4 e ekè bi5cl âondii; led 9. , te OmM Wwitd h i.lu 9&. eor.. -duU, lut SZme3s~ iste35 t. 3U.pe quarter. Me nauNor. 20, Àdvies tren UexiS c théW IftS ii., havre bmeé - r-ec- 4 & Thýe Coiutionsla bu Wi Qure ýtare sd teyonc caIluou, sud larg nnibur of<ip4besoi! klading General cor.- "The latter mau *hot agaimsi 4W-le- 4,battia saioeesWMretaI'Tlndirllo, lan WU& 4k00 monmar«e - led sud hait 0i bi brmd. Thse Libanas er. Itoi 14mszmoet ii eompremdlaia In«. PnoppseédisEÏveS 'Jnaeer, lbli. si >!lrmon.- lurezte ePrevliod'l "na: lam tà< Mre.,- mai fi s. nsttuio 0< tigfoCherci proertay 1tob1e;MumleLý ýýAdri.,<ou ronvll tte font Coite.,76d bang fin Auriems la ra- venga for t4W hangof0<h. oEemeta Tises ,proepisai Senm eidbyds DEmm, PTMU VINS J W y( KevQisusNo Yiri, Noa ti.ety lut, avening wvhkbu acs. at a%.i.1 iri slg fik altu ' , eULttso ~ga kC. a*u mlfe ofMr,. IL W.. tise infant sou of Mi aisetMr- JssneaP y.areeomneced viti a nstie <Cil Pu a ged about suai! cliildrentie WHITBY Flour $771 e $4. Barley 3 3* 34 ,Peas 2 el e2j; ROu-a Ias U Potaoo, la3d Cg Buttar Od 0114 Hay $15 f ton. P a k $~ to 6 NEW À»VE A. SITUATII -mak .hinsseif astral 72 Address C.D moon. viii Le aold-l myoecein tIse c« Whig, tie fi# tic tise uudcrnem .ealypsmsin the .ani-tenements dri -der, udby IrtncOf ias-te me directes la the Court 01 willim P. ffomla ii, Pllntiff.s fL P dant Lot 23, Broken Fr ~laof Vickenng., Ta thse Court o LaclilanDavidae Johnsona, defendant MI thu"tpamel or Township ofEBrocis, ferla, SeingLotno tim em ol*ce.ai abip or Broe'ý viti s gee o. &liuodtas -T la he Gwt A4 J. IL GT4ERNWOOD.' We. ierè""* l'

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