Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1859, p. 4

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lad Nia Dal NEW1 AND CEi Usa, mr trno prie... 1. IlIem1 A LARGOZ MUoof OOoS ad mm- s te MCNT8 ANLS'atWPPI~ D)IAtl> for 59. Dlsuad et ENVELFES aisîres sud cler. M.sIèsd <t" er emrandum Wititby. Mosh r*al; ~1 q. or Toronto, wJooLTJALUANDDTÀlb STÂ'TIONERS, BOOKSzEL SAND BROOK STREET, (Adjotbttidn i CiteRedp Qjic,) WHITBYP C. W. and aIl wbo deait above lino, viii en hand a, large and veli assorto Stock at tbhe stablisbment et tii. undersigneti, which tiie7 are selling At ënpreccdentedly Low PRnCUs, ACCOUNT BOOKS, tetigers, Journals, DRY, cub;i and Bil Bonks, rizled for tho nov docimai currency; Blank Books of svery description made b eider, rulIed to any pattern, psed andi bounti in a osupe- rjorMaurer. oolBookx, Writing ma- teriîl*.f Sates pencils, Seaiing Wax, WRITING PAPEUS-Post, Note, Let ter Copying Foolscap, Baînk Post, Pott andi Bull ritiîîg piper, al sizes andi colors. WRAPPINO PAPERS, bomne maufte- tareti Manilla, Brown, Commercial, e- phant and G(rey wrapping pipera-al 9,XVELOPES-Laid, Biue, Bufi, Color- eti, &c, ail sizes, andi various qualities, from No. 2 te No. 16. - BLANK FORMS-Tn Chancery,Queon's flench m ad Common Pie, County uni Surrogato Courts, Insoivent Court, Divi- sion Court, (oraner', Magstrales,' Nota- ries, Clerks of the. Poe., Clerica of Couit- fies Towns, Villages and Townships' Deods, Mfortgagca8, anti ait forma ro1atimg te tthe convoyanco of Real Estate. -- Ar.a<- ý SITEIFFS', Bailiffi,', andi Conatables' Blsnks bythe dozen, hundreti, or thon- sand, st Toronto prices. INKS, FLUMS, INKSTANDS,&c gW»Tho Quarter Dollar Packet, eontsiining ýl2 shoots fine ruleti Lottor riper, 12 si1eets Note, 12 self-scallng Let- ter Envelopes, 12 aelf.aaiing Note Enve- topesi, ô Friser bullion Feus and lolder, one oot of Juiotting Piper, andi one Blot- lie of lnk-all for a Quartor Dolla. TO PRINTERS. XII kinds of PtmTîvo PÂpIA-Nows, Job and coiored-soid at market pruces, ter 0ask. A .1111 <ublier Roduction ln ail kliats of Prlntlng for cash The. SEMI.WEEKLY CIIROXiCLE at $250 a Yoar. gj?ýTbo IEEKLY CHRONICLE, tbe eboapest noveapper iln Canada, st Ono Dollar a Year. <n adrance. HIGOINS & MAYERROFFER PrinCe,., and Statiort Whitby, July 4, 1859 NE W STÂTIONÂIR Y! MOGGNS f MA VERIOFFER, ]lES to celi attention Le tbiefr large M tock of New Stationary, whieh Laclades ail kinds o0f Plein and Fauoy Writttg Pamors, Xroansit's wrappirng Paper, oholBoiOnePnaa Pens, Inkq P.sper,&,. MAio, Law ei. tEonaY of eymy desoritiou snoluding Blank Deedo, Leases,. Jortgagest s qisoosts BeabchCommuson slutCbàns. À Dmete lama, BY . F POL-E. vouýukla od"wlà'rim 'NovuînmZra szrIo'leuent fmach Inter. ost et tihe pressaI day, mat la vwilIti vIlS greal pover undt rothfulness. Il .111 We ~<ned n getipaperlu sipltfu BIG Ak5&MAYERROVPII Whtlby, UcI. 111, 15011. - fePeterboro Lianier THURSDAY ý-MORNING, NE icn,,thelaoet'cirulaton or pfflrýpubished n erborol, sud thoiefor théboutidv iedium latese unitod Cýountle,4 Ternis-To ativorbiaou e liboral 23 Pubug .èse TIE PETERBORIJOH IREVIEW F R 1-A Y < MOR N.1N G At OnoDolar por apuans, payable lustivanc. TrHX, evow bis acirclation vicem as le u Aany oUserraper pubilof i th ie Unitîd Connka f Poir lroandi Victoria, and lli te test advertimsameium n uthe. Md Noenatle Distric. Ail ordoctuatdrossedt te WPibllaber, vili b. punctnsly att3endoti1 T. k IL WRITE v xuisieu FOR SALE OR TO LET. - ITES, TOWNLOS,&CI FOR SAL;E, ()NE Suproved Fam lu Whilby, 100 Ono Improveti Furutin Dalingln 150 acres. One 66 Muiposa 50 -acres. Wild Lands lu Mura, riomerville, Eu. Hoei1ungerfout. Lte, iahau In Haptn, Twnhi ofD'lgton, one ligo. Town Lots la Bovmanvilc, Brookîhu, Hamnpton, Port PMuu, anti garnis. Mf»a a"eTown Lotseimlte Town of WHITBY For sald Lote andi on- Long 0mW. Mechanîcnanmatiothora tiesiroas of bud. lu. cosa bat'. frorn 12 ho 18 mouISe ho rnakehheefirs aym>ntf Oceo-15, 595W0~ For SaleGhoap, and on, Rn. nonable T« -m.~ THREEgooSd Iàrn»lu Ibe Township of -Tborsb, Counlyof Onti, vilh !m- provemonts oh20 =cesoo et Lot. For pprlieularsi!epi>, WiH. aJ. MaCton- cli, Wlitby4Baruisïgo oD.Cmr * foverton P. oorbD 0.ern OctobenI7~ 1859. D. CAMBRON, bo9 na40-2:Wn-j rriOLE'r. - n.511WonBRUCE STRZbT' ,*ui R. Cstpbeil'e store, One $HO0P AND »WRLLING on ES» Ssusw,selS h fPohisrti'sotei. ssisi4of lnBailnga lu vashoipar -fit J. . FRR Wlslhiay, 241h Oet., 15119. 41as.V-41e r---: te A& &111on ofthe-LOwfl5lIp of WDltiW, knovn es lthe ZUAMUUAEON PROIY Àoonoistiu 4w0 aces, M o f vhioh que devdnrl ee IMùuu almps, and iIna 51gb stato of cultivatien. 41 MOOI)PICK OOAGg vlth, outbullâ~ings andt" vo dvellibg beuçïvor laboeusàlar ç orohid ivth the @boqt lrýw Lli-%1liýroduS f ron Tii.#roery le bisallfîilly allaah.d ou lt$eti ulslnggrg aud, ona mile nortit oh tse 1Oou»Z ?ýow;n, atToule rqvu',Çao Il(o tienv Veeal a iibcing iWih'hb st M4~kt'Twlisessof lte Cily of Toronto: lb. ,Grand Trunla Station distance tvo miWiorHa&-bur. lviii f1keý' wa- Tire ib 1eproperty *11betWolt o esy toemof payrmnut,If pars vigis 10 ur- b.known by applin#,toR: or b>, lotter te_ _1 JOH1N À. DoNALDSOIf, Possesion gircu lte liraI oh6Apil7nuf Whlty, cv. 5, 859. OBs44w-lrn TORSA. 8 <seras of eoealenl tlaInte IL I. angle ohLob Il lufmibIe 5 (ion, ohfUxbrfige, tsi. Aise for sala or 10 iet, S acres oh clereti landi porto. W. anl of et, 2nd Cou. of Bosch for- 'tryout Y'Mlr. lhobette 1tha Jud Io undor eultivablo,ati Inexlient r It l ,wili W soidté 1sait ptirebsacr-, yl l'c lot toma d1.54 louant. For terins apýPI>£O. Malton, C. W. Torontu Towushi p., fr. bamse Hemslwm sO6w telaudtllie"h Jelaton, Nov.lt, 1014 859, 4 1300se k 'd ot for Sale I lte Village of Grceu-moed. A N excellent Frimne lloia., anti quarter iam of Land, situamto Su thte centre oetaheVil-. luge of Greemivooti, lu thie'towndlmpof 1'ieker- lng The lions. coîntt 4"ar nransd ltera la an excellent pump ont epreilus For te ue, o &0Appîy tg W.A. MeOUIeugt P. MÏ., (410euwm or bo âOBNMoULOUI 2e-m. elie iprietor, uldo'O Steam and PlaMr Mifor Sale. Tl~az 0., sETurui8ONE, ilill and Fuunlure titeueiu, antlFort Wbitby. Application lobe inijie to or N.MLE, Whltby,Maucrb 2,18.59. lth.7 TO LT TuE weoli knownDrag-shop Mont ,janti dwolling at presouî oc-' 90cupieti by 0. A. Dannistor, sitabed oou btocorner oh DandiantiByron Stroeo, whitby. Possioin eau . bd opora te"b 101h Soptember. for particalare apply, If b>, ler, pue. paidt B. ROtTSE Wiiby, Aug. 131h, 18519., 44 TO BE 8OD-A BARGAIN, NE AT DWELLING JIOUSEISITUATED Ji. in the Conter of IIIAVEIITN coin- rilg Six Booms. Appi>.,ifi*ôpà [- CHIARLES ROBINSION FeQ wlthiiby. April I160), 1859. T O No27 lute udCoueerslou oh WbItby oruto Jul>. 15, 186 7e 2 Houoa a .,,Lot foriSaIa.[ý Tp i U1fLt qouhainsÎneCurthiohfaunacre ci -Lexcellent I..lt, U impSMa l~I h 0 soh ted In a ve*Mpleasnt partthie Vlluose oh z- ,bridge Seinig as bte cchuti, théi a. tool, 15e puosiboo, sud lte psssp7 orp business. n 'Md'oa , dut> lek ~yingto W ns W a ker,pr Opuislor, àa.; 1 9rtt ,cr1 For Sal.,e r to Lot. Wbilby,Jildy sSI, XOSit '"ïo~rfcrtiter particu~,r .mujy~*,Mi'.~ I ', ~ J2vei~ Pol&4!&JCZe A NexcellealncvFrarn~.~jîlisrlyl lite iteart oh lite .oira~ohWMtbX, an ,g000 itiflJanda it lO5l WDtJItS anti aàueirpm ~ ~o a outi,. apot. Fýor Teme., -o, widit wll lie fountiver>. liI Aîe &5 hMAT!1E large antiprofitsble Mlllk<bualuùséon lWedoats ber. Favorable tourna Wma& .vils Lie À 1 to AuxSEOG N. B-Thro l a rot-rate oppuiug~Ba TIE98tore sdanti te .117occaspioti h> Mral.ul il n t Utica, iu tb@T'Lovu- aniatct~thereto. Tla store la -s taro rs$ysilatel'fosnyluisThe Villa o f tils i-itie entre of the- Teowuahip, u aul tha travel on the, Brooklc road pasucathroug ILt ,Tonna yul b. mode ta unit purchaslers. Ap- ifeistio ho mde ta JAS. B. C3AMPBELL, TOWNLTS t; West et Brook Street, lu te Town of Wbirby." Tiie bove lotsarc meout olgiI> sqse4fou buildngpupoe-1110 ar ôeoad l udttd là t sebé prt of te Town, ând vilibe dlipomse op on ibeal term. in W.&claarud edu11ll Wgiven, Clos front ai lcumbrance. . Appi>. 10 Fo C. IÇAYZRJOFME, Whitby, or to J. A. M4AYERBOFFER,- TO LET. A LAIGÇ TWO $TORYT BRICK STORE Agdnp me ue .inin:etheoorme, tallu atogtler10 roins anti a large cellar ne* ecllentweol ofwterwilîa punip, 'anti ail snCeusary ont. bdidinge., sud a gotigadn.- Tiie lob coutaiutaîf ma sre, iaittuato oW lte corer of-Duutim anti Anderuon istrets lu t Tovn di Whltby,ouhly àaew minutes walkirom mou»ai], ie neloni> ppulite ereul- tdi'eOf Johin lamer--apienditi vàrauttait round'te ume, a ooti veli of wvater anti e- lru -of soft vater witit a pump lStm«eh, the front pars Su laid ont very hoa:mduommly audi>rnn- useutti -ýwltlt Coveru foweritig 1siabe. aloi oveureons, whioh nînlies it appeur fille a littie pàrliInsanimer, litera aioosrdeu;, anti a er.large orehard prodncing rina tItire. ho fthuddibaubol&U happios, vuIt i onct. iuldlngarequlred foraucha lare. TiA.ithatît- soue placeb .bomP bbc resl ece of tihe Iligit shoriffN. (LB. olDOdu, Foq si tsrg tudltn lite 'p ueo vitisoulfurther om-i ment. Boul Moderato. For particulara t Wititehali, wittbv Mareit 2.1850. W 7b, .W - TO LET. bWLhE store anti dwclilng lIons. nov occapiea iLb>. James Pringle, anti kuowu au ti. 0STO-NE STORE, lu lime Town oh Witby. Possaae lyoen ou .f tik raotofgeptembor aext. JAMESi>. RUWE. Fa~al armn for Sale. TU Aý4T valuabb, Farn m nposd o1 N. E.5 ej, t Lot No. 4,lu th. 4th concession ohf icky. cring,* 4bout 29aces elteppeti. SThoae ,v Faiis' itulti l l1lae centre of au axçetleot wits-growingl QeaIity, aud vihialu about six mlle*, cf tie impotuln Town oi Termenoýýtic4é.eTitI. indispatbe. N u)totbte usleeIA Cý,OL;N whit ' JAS LOPAN, 9, Broken Front THOMAS BUSTON Aloo, for.,Bale A'eaîUyogod AM1'Y mA A VE. T8 AMI T,]R WUULB AMTMATO1 U -f mGo l- Tovuabip oh Brook, oonsltbw <f -MPR-kDWE LLflCWHoLJsz. Royal Imurai - APITAL-TWO1 Fans P=M*Otu, 1655-Tu t- -- feoho Sitbort 1 cit or um lie aIm Wbllby, uet, 100, FuoeNX I xNsVANCB COMPfANY. pL lion, witliot oorrnes ho tii. Ileadti uie TIi. Scottlali Fevisciai Asurnce HaUkd A. P. 1825, anii norpomwdJ'y . kMiiAof Parliomomt. OAPITAL '-_£1,OO<>,OQO *moutreal, 9 Grest et;. James strss. S»sesurwavA. Da)vidon Park«r. JNTENDNG Assreraire resp.etfolly ré I te elso p P'ulrop.o. tus, wberonl i,-ii be fut h1eoyar tlhe 1rolltb aliottoti by snyof t eother ls"08n table ragutation adoptot by titis (2oCmpny, ao t& urrender valu. olralin4oulahed l'ollela. mmurreJ1hnAgn'u.genî; B9olert J. Gunu, M. D. Medicl Adisr. lai'muAn't.ua.Nlvon Agnew, 3M. J. IedS cal tdvler. >9-aS amte reInsurance Company oh Lau. don, Ehgiasd. G5UAUTEEED ]M Am or N*il risi zuiazi. CAPITAL ...£500,000 STEkLINa. DOÀUD uto r I)MEous: dairumn-The BigitSlin.Lor eman. M. B. Sheridan, M. 1'. Colonel James Adniu.: The Env. W. Beu. lPoter Carmtalua., Exil. The Ion. lBo<é4hb<y, John Jmes Unin (arkc, Eeq. llenry Clark, Ekq, M. D. Nichoinas Denyaa, q. William B. Pottor, Euq. William 11,uréBngit, Xsq., M. A. F. M. Wella, 9 . Pete Moriso ,X anaoinjzDlrootor. Auddtor,-Ambro;»e Miler, Esq SollUoav- Messs. MillerUmhBue. uiwo.Wulllam 9. William», Beq. Beak»re-Mcasru. anson kp Company. &érd.ary-Wm. Ceuvel), Isq. CANADA BRANCH lia Office,-Imnonio Hall, Toronto. TuoCves.-ion. John Mos.,:Johin Crawford. rlqd q ftfr7iermi n.ma' £uq., ILM. P. . Wm.oR~, Esq,,. Wn,. lion. dermion Xoq Y . JauvlsI. i, Mutrifi', U. c. oifforksd Peei. Raafdrs-Tbe Bank of Montrcol. SoUrr -Bos, Crawford h Crombie. The. engagements of te Stats Pire inauranco Cmvany ire gusuanlti by a reaponaibie Pro- Ail 0es s .11 be aelietiomptly vithout reitane eO ihe Beard lu Eugiad., The buinless oh ile Tmes boiig beeo ur- nog.rean by; Jfltillm~r, ais ALFX.ND1IR STEWART,' JOHN AUnW, n.5, 55*. -igauCelWJd1 protele gia oq~ asg by Fire.- CAPITAL £100jë-,OO I NSUxANCEeffected on Buildings andt tier contnte. Br n>.founetlen aupplidou appllatlon 1 Ste undmorugtei - -JOHN AGNErWt Tusvelitg Agéut. BumreMnt, Witltbyý Bultiab Amefia Ama.nuae Compsar, I NCOEXPORATE)untier au Ad of Uts Third SesIon cf ithi FaivnthProvincial l'aille mes f11pYCàsi4. - irtiatesetetd u uidigsani io i eonluts 1,cyithasttttloe andiltheIr plicadoslote sonsop t', port iooi, siian, Epn, illes é ant uibulige, also-forsgal tltoorr7"etdýh Z: #*~(il& are AIl matfie pt;samefime for Anti- goy,*êubïlne Nosàî,Gucei;,Wigd studi J<l- "leISmII>,ulati ouTuéoduy, Thmuiuodea' amid $0tuemayfor AI¶ne sueton --5$tour, Mlails are due for ilehI'vor>fou t bitoS. s ENGLSI!MAlL.-Fo te laitof -Àprui, 1S595qe, jettemfor Grept Britain e.~e ePr#- Lcfen, iIîuvletn f ou Europe shonIl l hopoAt.. REGISTRATIO)N OF -LETEBS.-~- 04ïè i ;foleaga-ah uteevz 1 crllà.kucuif,,e41 To n>.placie tt. UiletriSats(ioag mato»,pôiailtheo 8 Tésya ~e lGeatdtali&relnd("ot- To an>. piseelm the Britlith Colonies et Fosses- pions bentuia Enlond, (postagênust be pro- îres, gus, «? emout e ual te theoet- pu9, 9 Eb4y 1o lt. olit auWsct > poil~ ~ ~ ~ ~M ïne3ec1tlts :l d Per lIh. te W pei-CIb>. postse aam<jt - 1ani uta>.le register -Noi iilA ore despalohetior rciix uSi &Boolcansd Printei matter/or tt, iUitedi States, t.eCanidumn Postage aun-afbW prepuatd yp potageutampa, anti-on osncbnmalter Jr teC 1.11.c u teis smaSn ri'ce.tso ISbli te eolleet on tioiivcry., Ail tanulent Nevapaperu inclahing those Sor Efalndi,muas b. prpui ty lusuagebhrp or lits>.canutot li orwmuued. Newtoouaansd, muit o. pautby! Fotatag Staump,1Jd«etieaoitnt fr, laduuhUi4,Au*tr lis, ù anti hr places bcyouti ses, 2Xti ceci,. OFFrICEh WES - ek tilys,'firern7 a. ns. Postage Samp. bc 'apurebnèa$itst beP'ot OmS. ý-à - - '4-1 ,- A. 3MoPIERSON, P. M. WhItbyý,ApuhJ,15. - a1w Je.Joseso, ll». surgeonDeIsh. R ETJRNixs bis sincère thaukiate lolt cten. Wh my'id viciulfv, for the . verC itoa patronage exteuticil te liSta lu is profesatou.- lia nov ,takegleavoe 0acqunthbasnumerous friads anilt itepulie lit' hhas falcmp led iis alaingemueute. Iou the îIernt yco of, hua profession, lu i te- Tewn. Tootllia onutoti on Gold, Platina, tJbeoplastie Mlhc17 Tet, t - ue-vi-t,-: , , - ft-GOLD AND STANIEL FOIL,4i sud wlth-boetou Joues uew it1eti ;lfteno, corosivo .pcal coniem~ultl- gSTI t ntois ostl>. ccliiextra d te' taual proccus enabIes Dr. Joncs le gatarante o lt ie. pitetas ahlitaIt profoiomia killi antiexpériencc panm sootuhis tvars lleyrtlugumanfeiî- In thét tamont et all l gcioyn hlt cî tio. antid cIlîar&se.-olrauh u.Joues opousîlensituaveiwaysliceatteuîiod w thie gtts noas xz azwer&-J. ans reurm, sq., m ayor ot Whlby N G.Enno-I Fa1. SiorfanCO. d eENTi", 1RYS t louui$rgirli6a;% I,Të tb*u4*%Wô hm Dotiteps, iîc kd foir *beit théu brUagkle ance-itêotteti -p4r mih mIbst ttose wh reuxa,i gA reaTch llt huaneobtind >tebn. oitrln1ilt lun te Court àf CmmS Plais Wfiliesmcorigl, vuantf, ag>lvestsrIlaa Willier am orgi, plaJnUtvay. Sylvester Hai- le>. ticf"oat b- Wetb 40o LtN. 6 hi 1W eleventh eco- oeso ef ctgog. ~ub4lr~Wè. Johnfiiter andi AU the Inîcrest vîtla laathesi SerhËr aPrg 'mon ileae, itta lire ltinesngr4lttle time ôbdaibain lte uprtike=»t lily e o 'LtNo. 7, lul teé vchconcesson of lite Tb*êInsntmerntat-iletk, plaintif vo. James LotNos;?, ansd l8, lu -tc he" ecnsion ' -Lotir, it lii.Clii oncesio-n ohfecott. Part 0f Lot 1e, lunlte 7th onecsaieu of Ex. brdge. couflulg9cres.,- . lut No- t%,tis-TîleocasafýUxebritige EcrUprt oit Lot No,,29, lnu Use l,*t-conèmion or Uxititgo, coLtainiaIf 190 acte,. -s. NELSON G. ýREYNO)LDS Peur.foiz Wititby, epfi. 22, 1859. ,2 * tId - EWING MACHIN9S Cheap SewinK KMachinois. T U lbsrierlia, malil OPae.nst1 i* miOfIest No.255NOTE DME STREET logr hie ate.ctnrod lby.,1mýM e -~Titeai.Mameies iare aidnptoJ te fautiiy anti mîuufhetuigltrss undiu point otiiiy usiiy ncet uca., surpaus au> of lite kmnti ever offorei. to ltae Canadian public.,- br IG.tlas hoid long expein' lucou- strutln ,fingt >sciiuejbot lu 10-ner, Fcr>aI , u aillo, IN. ,.in i wlioh-laterIne place ho lias maode suer $20,>m) worths, a0fe wltih hve ivei' flegretateail satie.t'aeioui ho the pnrciae.rs. 1 Tii.A >Ili%-iteitsimouiialp have bren'reiv- cd frointllU tcpincipal Ioot ant i smoe Manufac- tures lu i tieCity. Wc teiko Ipleasuro lu bosting timtmotty tote comiplote woirkfug otho e lieMmifctr ed i>.Mr. J. Noglo, bariughtutoneoIlu use, forte lait two asoulso. Titey arc of Ssmgrjs Pasteun, antioqaual to amy of. onu soqntitue oite kii. - ,' ,- BRWNK& CIJILDS,, Montrei -2irdJuly. 18»2. W. bave usei E.J. Noffieslawing fpbines lu urIsle>.fo lte past tlires uontha, pnd have n Do ot!don Ira- sa1yig btat llèy- arc lu evr>. reooquai 10 the . mo apruwtl Amer. -lin Moilnor.-of vbicie i v " eeI In l ,1 hmaeeu u.Sg one ohilE. J. Naglct'sov- ing Mtîciiinee. soue lte hogiuimg cf-une lest. It lia givige ful laetun lntIeurecoin- mnhn s teta otit public.'-a - -R. TIOMPSON. idMoitreil, July 25, 1S.ê9 1 have been enaraeti u inte'mattufoetineof Boots und Itocufor'a nmberof ycars, durit,5 wiliItlitato 1 have tisoti Machines mantifk.euu- cd in lia. S4tite sui bore, bi cousider tltoimo lmnfeotrd-by- Mr. X. J. Nagle 't best ,merté nt *Ie wrk equi ljal,5u tiake groat picasuro iii rootuieuthm îAbo thbt publie,----------- Boot anti Se aniuetýn,12'ooor Djie tetgeùiv;aJneeiuheo one;m9th1 of ts<MqÏuose luaW 'rotdné,n2o Al net Cubthitl15NotreDumi!$sre41 ontres, 1 have notieJ. îN9ýAgS~ig~im u.oeure.auuu aux ii- I - - 817 I Jnly te. - - JOHN, âGNW, . -n lie àoram 'ir 1STBü SH. Jl17 2. Ge JOHN HA]N (LERE 0F TUE :ýP () JOUN va I CL.ZK- 0F TUIE COU" Btemrrof the Serrai thé Regu4arymOc,Btock i -W. P AlTU TMouse. H. J.. AC!) SOLIC-ITOR,& CLEM atCourOi t ff tic' JORN SU ONTY ENGINof BE W. 13. TEI >Attorney,. OffiC-cla CAINEBON XJI 1ABRISTEES h ATTC j3spoliiatoet.eCeunt, 015S oesti theCourt 1101 GEORGIE H iff- T[> ARRISTEIt, ÂTTIJRI hCa s. ihard;n'ro n-touc, Bt SO01,IITOII, OTARY N. Go A BARREISTEII AND ATI1 STEPHKEN .SI eveu 1ent d6as'sSsi'twa#1 j. Faltor W. Ieing's st orJ. W. CALDWE1 Gtmklng Atdavh., Alma pioncuNtaaPbi Uzbnldge. (iSKu t .thejj OHNc0 1 iL A A TTOBEY AT LAW .tI.L m5ieeq, Coevyance "ARE!TEN.ATfoRN. »Oerpf chmreiid4 oLVJ-&'R)bE 4ATTOJiES-M& 01 ' 11. ST3Z-Ts, M ANIW. C salon; ~

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