W HI1T B Y,'O. W.ý Boolaers, S&aèneri, Jeimknee and ail wbodeal lln teéaboye lino vwll OnsI on baud a lar'ge andsi s'aI asser teSf t thse rabllsbnseet of tise ndeilgned, wblbichtley are valiilng_ at unprecd.ntedIy ACCOUT BOOKS,L.dguro JousinuAo, Day, Oah, andI Bill Bookxr ds for-Lic new sici"iaiurreney; Bimnle Dools a(s tveiy dseriptleauassi. leoruier, ridst paiao ae4 and boun in à »astp vlor giinner, Sdas> olok, Wj'lUsigma- telai, Sistea Pencila geailag as, 'WaITING PAPEES-POa4t*, LotLi- ter, OoIPS aP ooiscp, Bsnk P4eat, poi s",,Bu wrltlasg aralsc as WRAPPING PMES, hlion anua tares! MouilaBrown, CswrisE. phant, sud (rey wrspigpae'- alzei ansi ,wefobwe ErNVjLOPE.-LaltI, bine, But%, cr.- ed, ho, &aIlas, ans! riïidus quilies,ý irou , 2 o.tNo. Io, IJLANK PORNO-In Cissnmey,Queeis's Besch at (Jonsîiion Pouf, Ccnsfty lýad Sw'rogate Courts, Inaolvcnt Court I)il Mon Court, Coroners', Ragltrates, Nota. îles', Ci.rks cf lhe Peu., Cicrits'o! Couô *IeaTowssu, VilhigesantTowýnsbIps Deeds, Mortggcs, ans! aIl forums relating te tise conveyance oti eaâtt.ý SIIRIFS', EaIIif ansd (5onatablca Bians t'lb. &oun, Isunâr.I, or thonu- sans!, ai Toronto ptices. -£MaThe qiarter lla tr Tachai, Centnttog 12 uheeta lUne Tules itLtte,' lper, 12 oh.<L. Note, 12 uelfi-eung Let, ter' Envciepcui, 12 sdf-aling Note -Enve. lopo, Iô Praaevbulon Pens ans! Ifbider,* en ueb.t dif BdttingýPope, and ont Bot- £i 1 lInt-ai for a Quarter DOllar T O PIIINTHIIS. M lkindui i etPuitr n PM'-Newiw, Job and! eowoed-aol4 Atingat tpricea, A stili uthecr Bedactloh n lU alkinds 0( Prinin; fur Cesh, Thse f4EltWgEKLY CHIIlCLE iet $2,100 s Year. Clepst uewapaper ln £'snal at une VoI asYeui',4Ana4vaner.' --MIOGINB Ak MAyERHaorroit, NEW STATIONAR1Y "0 <I t alil ttent'Ilon go tiéeir large includea alilkiade Of Iailiand d'istcy lapeî*ra er# eelBokstfi , ppei., IPeu., ulw, P.epe,. Mee,'Lrmao tisari y r y derpla uidu eery and Consty Cout rt om*# Divaalea Court -Biskait atti Ces per buudre. ail f«orl itaToroul ?t'a-c. p R 1 N T 1 N G, Cf ciry Rearipuou, IIaeatly, este. - dltlouuly, and cesp.ap zecsuted. At the Whhtly Reading Roem'wihl lie tossmd ail th. Daeug apetanadsithe latent pubulcatziia-home i' A: Foe;.. JiMOIINS d& MATEILUOFFER. Nt4WS!1 NEW$ 1 A LL TJI!LATI!T HOME AND FUJIJIGN .Nwp.emsEvlewi., Maxgîszneé, sud CIIBON[cLE BUILDINGS, (Bi'oeh Rt) Trzmm.or'ussinrriso. e-44 p.imafnf,' suie ,quaateriy, lu sdvantse Lawyora. sd mborct' lrlti.ans!otisera, ,mm=mli. acjistlîlip!#Vst tuai» i rons mosrt. Mir tpethe of xom acable q4 s d STA;TIONER y - clrsrcoeBuIldng», Brock$t.Wbibr '-Éhe.Poterbfo) 9Ëa81Uz.r. ruPlE8D hICET- THURBPAV M9ANUIN 111EXAI&NER Ç a. i*ite lsrgeat cirlraton 1>1 anypprpbllalsud lulat.mbi.ro' Sud tiierew6. 11=e14det.dgussIijtale tnlteil Cosiiitmosi Tn si .lvcrer i Aiii 28 THE PETE.RI UGU ,RImWI F R 1D AVY MOR-N IINO 119 JiRerie-f m à a a eresilailontarie. on la Toaan by otsaiterm puilsidlin tu Uulîes Ail orden. sdu l%&el to tbee slalh .f,.wt b. punniuaily %tten"ls!te. T, k IL WIurE JINE~ ~ na lopo a u n Whtbtby,00 osse lmprreti Farus iu Dmrhgtm 6 0 acre%, Ils! Lind#In l ais, Sonwirvl1e; Eu-ý P!Isrus, A«tenesl, -uieCah. Pyr itungel'ord In Jlamup f 10m pofP of! thse îery faUitas'tbe owsp a' lit l!cwusanyillc, Broakilu, lulontPort J'crry, avis! $arsia. Aise a few Tewa Lots on the Towns of 1WIIITBY For salé -Lais and! oneLong Credit, -moeehnle. and ti ters desîrcais cr buil. lng can have frein 12 te 18 -mon"iate suako the finit payaient. Sons!for&sCirtnilar. Atldruçs,1,staid, 50 For Sale Ma d on.a sonable Terme., TuRFf,'eIý,c arsn latIse Township of proveaueiusof 20> .Nwm.on e"ie-Lot. ?or partilars aîqly to 0,J, mutdon. dli, Wilby, larriassr, sar te D. csssiroau, &-avorton PI (0, Oetoler 11, 1859. Dl CAMERON. 5t-in.a 40-2hia.W1 * TO LET. f~J~7~J1I Il I'LLNa lietoly ocoîple is ~l0' on IIIICK STREET, acuth is One i81101? AND DWYLLINlG on Dimca S$er ousnasth of Polltrd'x Rote!. 'egeritl *MAU IJiidingu lu varioss part. Jil. PEUXR Whtiby, 245h Oct., 1850. 41nar'Ua FARM TOR SAL. - Je QssntiIidto lot No, 20, bokai front, tIsMe tiôwssliip of WlalîIy, entaiiig fabout l1ti acrei ilb A ai! tu ntir It, Wtty taLIon, ani Ctlire aire goos! Sinusbulii- 4- HE }AWKINIS9 - 4, LE. Pl& Msy e,. - - niaon os. i tnus-w *%D owgue baa.licps. Pdet, Lat rqgo,' A14DW BROWN 1 'tiwe Wu X Tonaa Whia,.Applytuto ie>Mn, L V. % ils o lhirhit f ba <poMe7 '141 be solti on cx ihas pe 4Ifpar" ieuwlatepur. txss -iLlit etor for, 0 a,a r be ksewn by gpplylsgte o,' , ltte teSolicitor, Whliby Poit.msster,Weun Pomscsiengiron tiseliai e Arhof zt Whhtby, Mo. là , 1850, 084wl TO LW,. vIlE wel knownDrguij IsL ddweilng At preaent oc. 'ecnpled 1 Do.A.Bnnistcs', %itusted on the corner ofDundsumd Byron Strcet#, WbhIbyé. Pouivo caln <usb.basi enor aftei'thb, lOtis Septenber for particulars spply, If by laItte pre- pals! to B. fBOUSE. Wbitby, Aug. 11h, 18511, 44 TO BE BOLD-ABAGI 1 APPIYi Ily loSter"ot Pu§d Wlsltby. Aprîl lotih, lm1. For Sale, 'or to Lot. iiL BRIOK.=0OTT AE wâh fpoyf entâ W.!ofl"d, mW ne' .. Whld tbey, Jo!7 2 W5111, *R-1t8y4 mw brdfty 3rowepy y .1 GRAIS . , ATTLE Whtj uyFOR b&l6. g JIEHOPPEE (.>lIlcc, Whlday, BfEAVERTON.' " A IL 7CR lLEUCJIE AO" À. 114Jw m 4aaletèriu nia fbésadeltth N. .-hcr l 'as¶at Ilt png .nrt isa- wertonfor tholsutsslillîsent uta ïunaryd 13uverJm.A. - ~'É1~toa'asduresIa.-JtoIy Qeualcibyý UMr, i. A. meMillan, at Ut!ea, lu tie Towns- phipot suoll#e hs!siviOr9 'uid attub2 1l iemt& iistore siv" aveo thsa truvel on tMA Broock rospisssiaiitirongîs IL Tensmi.asimaiadto asidt purciusss p plistlonlllmaet j'As. B. CAMPBELL, 45 - Ashbnrn P. 0., -Rouch. FXJKent lire4 Weat ofi' Hroehrceto lu tb Tcwn c f WhItlay. Tite ab>oya Lots arc Most sr.wedmaund aicssated lnut :, 'etpart antt, SA clear deed viii bu givusa, ire. iroin ai Aliply ta V. 0, ÀHAYERJIOFFER, 'Wlïitby, <Jiîra.ukde 011e, Wlihtlly. TO ]LET. £ILain ap aliter 0 rin ta sud alao eucorb nre azc.leupiteloi v aerwb nuq.t, suarge Tise ee l uinadii usse, istis *mon iii, orner of1)nndaa sud Auelaî srees aIn tise Towi ot Wiliitby, ocly saiev injuste. wgikfrom tile deput. Ala uiioter verhubndttcieTwo Btmay hlouss be l h.me 'umility oppiï*lte tise reisi- dae.o f .Ioun lur--upieudid -vausdsb reond th* asine, à apond veoiewoter asud doa- tari of sitivotr with î mp lu «Ch, Lii. frout par t ius ont ver, liaisshusîîely »MI orna- toosited wiUsflwe 'llwe iiarul'. ud eaer rUns, wlîich nuLe& h ppeur liii.a liti. piiwf4 1~in umsneiiere are twoe garins, sud a ver y large orciusrd proiliselng frs.au tire. to fostr isiudr.dalsaieioa iipploo, with saii ont. 001nîn bo.,ha b.,.' ett am otiiis111g tiheri i, 14. C), Beybo do, 14 asud.otiier gm.» W, ïo -T Auihiywîki'aailgirecoin- Fur psrtleuasr,* a1l1 o R ~ WiiubyMard 2,wo. Witty, C.W, f IliPl8Mcrs a" si .liUjg gonutt oecOuple by aiic Plisio aidknown »ath# inuthe Town cd W iftb'. IPosession gl-»ou o the,a otocfdptsnber ueist. Apiy e. ýValuable Farm oSle T T ~ ~îPrsemnpoedloi L7 Coutafiilng 50 Ares, 'rieaboya Y,îrui hi *iltdd 111<b. contre or vi .zwîlenl wiiut-grcwn inlfty, amd vj*w abont oix juile»W 1i'the inpomý it TOWÙ e WIhatby. Terni. sosieate. Titllpnabla, Àpplicatic, t b, sj o a .cLLAN, ,Wh t ; JUS. LA t oO Jo runt,, THIOMAS HUSTON Alao, for Sale A quntity cf goos! CEDAIL POSTS. AI'1LY As AIIOVE. nctober S&18M58WwSm a TOALL TIEWUUL1I, lie pow offeml o MLIl o nwat ifor iatornsii Towsshp ercWk, wmitatlgot à : id e o, e odteiiiea we ml 'farsla elualraMde uIldigs. Pl bu= or0iui5r oeu<nna ~.t.,vtbte w i CAPIAL R.era. d ou or sucre iostse itinaion T«7y 441 WPITAUPO&, 1lSOO,OO. pOLlC1'DI mu4 ie,îanedfa$ely é- in t i e fu4k 0 tlas ée iadnm aith*Tl'roule,0 Cadopte-içMby misCmýii),o i6 ou tyiue a fralin iest St. jame. Btet. Ouunia , Oy.-niA dvldmo Pake 1NT- JDlmi Aarooirr elu, r toiiletlitC iipZfy'EI'oiie< fitee rre Juairane.,Compa oy .1 ouaon UAPITAL. £50OOSTBRLIFO. H. B. Sbrdon,M1 P Tiie MJhev. W Moean Tise IIonB, Bootlbr.s - tlmery Clark, 2£q.,IlM w4kiia oens«i Jiq Audifir.-imtbroae Mile4;,yi~wp lletr Eu (tub. Io *ieq JJme Fo.q, ucluuTrno 1 ,',Crawlord & crousbie. ; 'ý -ý Ts eanmnto of th# iaSWliYb# naaraom Coin * psyaguasaselby 5e aronable l- 'Ai L.oiff. vili be setledproyppty witbon tdefeotO@ thi Boadtn Ingl#nil . STiie bu..ineua et ise TIsuellîoWi'ebon pur- chues!, 1'obla<ieraar uwgs.aueey6 ALEXANDER STEWAUT, JOHN ÀMINEW, lflstby, Jans, 5,185. oWWi by Fire. IWESTR N ASSURIANOC OMPM(Y CAPITAL £100,M0 [i busANCE efcctcd on Inouinsd iter eout.nts. lWiver Iforanjs uleona asppli"sticis to theénndermignel. JOHN AGNEt.Wlt' Brii Amoilea Aaeuranee Cemuy INC]EJYORATJID nuder an Ast f duseThiirs .Liuiiioas vi ueEovleuiPoilipartis, contento, Ziveryl'4 ieriiilloiisyp"'edOn ap Phoeix ireAOMsu e 1Col. O.a»i ars. ai <aausqo forcmo" M- GILEPXm OTÂ iam.M sudi i>Uïbfl #14e, rnoiViisOt coOf0Ug Omo. duuly, anti on Toeashay, Tbursaday sud llatnrdal fur Altosa, (laremiont and tgoltr-, Mut!. arce furnq iv elvpyroisthsc .omiceaý ENGLIBJ[ k(ltB.,Yregs tIiis14 or ApIli. ASiS , aus étuÇ'*cs 1lhtut pro- ilaid = 90I P. cd e r 46 9 p sas, i s fcllowugoiilhîlttri!zS Tui anyplace ia fn rtthbNortli Musrieo, hid; muat i epes ls)34s Tousyplace10» d"sa3rtIColoniea s' P-Osa..- ugoe rate. fo CLSu i 8Ibo.egt~~ ae.n poat nuder regu ts ila Sd'prbt prepsld by pouice s'tmruî',u nmssy b.register, ed l'y psipnet cf ad addsioitcusl. No m00110are odeq.utclicd or receivcslon à Sun unBock. and prltcd matterfor' thse Uiste.. Atatex, tiii.Caustdusu1Postage csst 1 bc mli .sn as eau-on Saell nmuts-»o thle Uiltï.d St tse (2atindisai Posasge vili b. to collet$ on delivery. Ai trssaieisi NssWnqsPDçars !clui.Iinjtlgdm c 1r Finglauss, aiAssi O jJM ti 'y Po*i"s tamP or tlîey oantisoi be orwà rdid. >wparafor ,ilàs Bri" Whesot ludie.i, or gun&,v to to a l. l'tag S eau i .pureisudAt tie Polit U ET'JRNU lIia a'ýiscerc ttsnlis. te t lsax >;* )jty sud viciulty, fvr die vy1lirai kAtfuesedsta Iliil» liiihw = 110 M011 14 h lie t ussnulit ogis rncrcual& titi Isiaarrangemaentus oris erua-iaeasî ratife or i*i prefeass in M is TworoS WIitly.- Teeh monaiotes on Gcld, ilsistltss, Cleci Uetal, ste. Teet iIed mati, £WGOLD AND- STANIEL POIL, - ansi rtîs Dectdor Jn' eiîcnhutcn erousive 4peuri eeuset--esgni te golti, (liet sic cistly. siei eatrueted 'tbutisenol preeussu wa ïtnd-tmeslie oloiircauin Dr ona pailo».haomve aîmyabeesaemanorso iowtl,-iigreutatua ce.I.. 0111C at ae o Dcstll'qaui, ovefr Jo vaa XL.J.as1er,Eaao rw wuDbeNTISoýoéTY..e o l Dh h r#. O. 0pg44i Jg E tM, th ha Asi &m At dons bsô/cs!its la aU fll1 casea, partie.cen i wi mu 94l i Inus, vihlehsl. ta u.. Tial vr l. f, shva of the isading Dietitsl snos. dp.1I citiei tirongliout tlii.Uni tii fa belsg uuel llhterand-c ,ature, a Ith10,a. a a a t £0." -til. Sprciaion Riock Teetia r-liom ±)'.tx«ousoussi via tIs h. hua ureatly redid ieore v er tie -aitai Golsihuer m j op ta the Lai ThDd the-CcisrofUue-j BW. ]iOta No,Il,8, sud 1le u ilsO!eoseajj Loi 1,5, lu the.Srd eonicepmaici, or seot. Lot it1 tî ti cu' io*f$11 ~ Part sof Lofti, iha due 70ji c'nscesion et us- bridge. eutsjii~t ce. U .t Nu-.Dlits l)4Ii lseifes.alu of Uxbridge - sr prt Qcf Lot Ks'48,ia>tl$ii q io . - - NE$W. G ÇRTNOLd day -of SlM Ofic e, - Town' of WJsiUy,éteu. US, -850. and . tsi-' whcRE nernie'l aAL -e.O dantost-i Cor -Gralypim ntuwo4 4 eIt'gorpd ytb 4a TenomtW the 5v, séTirdy etý Micari tiA.-». 1800, . i tey, d-pt#» Loot1, BroikenéontiPnflic lotcon, ai lay th-ie, l iCourlo CoseI£um n eu"t arMo Whiy-h-~itrahct of and in te misi Tet uns'"gion of -dte aiTown-j eili p...... wt» h. snlcrandiinel hein aensi eneatibu âteo nd oizeti ,se n- d her ans! y intAso ý Cf certan Wia ie lIilse Court cf Qîîeeis'a Boucla; _0iteuLpainius. Pn! TvPbt« u te , i» bu Loi, Ben Fotnt, ts li<cs si nd icinglr te er i- eo uaI! oflatart'i.lgorustractIt& auR li tn or pare.!or, Mon o thaae "ide q*o or Hi e i taeor previç Waggenrià 'loS dt sailt lAt or mot atangle o b nenrhsixtem dialoisd tgwenty. aeventy.four degm iasît 0' fasss!demu front or mm l ot; I tis, sais! lo t fis 1'lans JORN À L1EGISuR. OJTIC (N¶ZFRK OF' THE l1>3 thse Court Ilý,sae. < JOHN V. d'ILERK OF TliE C0 W. L'AIt fitCEASICMU UI1 ELH J. MAOui SOLIC5TC)It & Cî)UTY EJINGlXEE Vi Chu Cosi l.,Us' JOHN GO Suvr tieC. nssty oft0 W. IL TReE ARIJSTEE ÂAND Mt>AILISTlItt$ & ATT7 WIu à & ii b.Court 1l(j . . IL] 154BFAIMY STIIPHEN h EEE AFE Ax NI- MA] F At t or the cosiîy MCOTT'S Il 1. W?. CALDWE1 EY AT LA %% ', Cýonsrsynssss T WOooI .W W1t ol 'le b 1,