Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1859, p. 1

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4 'lu -5-'-~l p1io'oiatfyppee'publitod ln quet loi'tl...... .... 0 04 If e t b t ýlî4 Paiàbi we aoi; o W. IL BIO1GINS, - ~ laaty,0. -W T ~QKA~NJO.B rwEÃ"PiETo o~'THE 1WIITBY L.~'C1IornL.~"orecfaly lnform the 40 otlum bd rocmrel esoaof the anotý or Foisudries faaîd Io proliarod to exocate, BOOK AMN» JOB "PRINTING 01et *y da4oriptlon In a %,nporlnr style and ýoopsthuttuillIowujqt ruinaftratiflg 0 re liq. Peç~ iç wI'rinting Mischimncry AuolenEllnallreeohiIle, sind mmlair do.crnp- tionob4fPr1nting furulloed withln ma iour of -~ b.hi#~rdW;oB.,11 HIGINS, ZACH Eu Un RHM TUDUOFÃ"?TUIE 0C"NTV &SURRIOGATE 1> Court.. OfficO at the <na:rt linnie. 1 W ATRDES. 1EIE&,BZAVERTON, Thorah. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, C!IIEEIFF. çtI OFYICZ AT TUE COURT oup.,-iýT 1) EISTER. <FIIcE ON ]3RO K )T Il# Whitby. C, EtC 0OF TIÃŽE PEACE. oFFICE,-AT tellet ourt oa.. JouN V. RAMe rWER P0FTHÉ COIJNTY COURIT, AND tJRe1tst f hef diSrroguato Court. Office.ut t. ith ry Office, Brook.Stree-t.1 -r W. FAXTON, Jr., T EEÂURli. OFFICE AT TIE COURT H. J. MACDONELL, SOLICITOB &dtCLEILKor 'fTilE B<)tNTY (A.0uncll (Utce lit thec Court 1 lie. i JOHN SIR 001U%TY.ENGINEL. OFFbICE AT TIIE (1lERICFîRqT 1DIVISION coURT. OFFICE %.Jattiie Court fos JOHN G(ORDON, TNgSPFLFOlt .frwllGTITS & MEASURPS .I.~n' Cite ounny iiatirin. -W. Il. TREMAYNE, AURXSTI-ER ANI) COIJNTV CRIOWN B :,ttorniey. lirdoIceli Anaitai's Nowy Brick Blqk,-43ecend Fient-. -~ fdA*EÊUON& MACDONEIL, !)ligMIEW' dt ATTORNEYS AT LAW, L04fic t hicCourt honoSut ag - 4ÉRG 1. ARtTNBLIL, 'fAIRISTER, ATT(>ILNEY, CONVEYAN 001 o &., &C.. (ileic ove.r .à. S. D)limsldaoai *e Con.'tladaaebtore, Braok Stroet Wltitby B troWhiitlby, C. W. -4 SOîilO1 OTARY PUBLIC, &e. &o. s?1DsN. G. NIA. , B À'glgTF,11AN.D ATTOltI-AT-1,AWý. .LPolUe--ppositc th imo tegar> Office, Brook strOot, WItltby. I T' ýâEPRE£N EIkE ADMARINE 1NSURAN«CE XArabi 1r tho Coiînty of Ontarilo. (li et-or Dpnld.on'i% Hardware Store, B;riock:"ta-oct SCOTT'S. ROTEL, D, Zusta fW. lalmlgastara. 104-11W. ~-jlqVYANEE COMi$IONI<FOR ~J~igAffidavits, Acconutait, Laudti>vl Chaaourh, Not*ry Ltbllo atnd GeeriAgomît, lJxb$dge. QlUe-King $tract, aîotîly oppc*ite theMeîa a. N. B-Ai huis,. .,tt-eto-tchie e o mli Sb. ropt-en;Sy atoded te. 82 JoHN BIL'LINGSO, i AW, CIANCERV «t CONVEYANCING LeOffice, Prince Albert. A ?TORNEy' AT lAm, SOLICITOR IN .&2 Chaucen>', Cenveyacs'r, &., Main Street G. H. DAUlTNBqLL. T~UTRIISTRIZ, MASTER EXTRA- D'orÙT'ry n -xln-oi l inatîcen>' fer t4 Coty ofntaro t-si%., W hit-by. 47 OUN I!cNAE, >-coVuioof 21utleh and Cut treeosi,(oppe ?1ïs.bOihse4I>d0 Toronto, COILL&HILTN k CUNELO>~t~LAW 17ING, STXT, OSHAWA, CANADA .West. -17 C4 1 VËYA1ERî&.&.MAoEm AX69 W. ORON, A BECITITEOT9 CIVIL ENGINEER. AND t at Aen-t o , Wim-ti HNNNWT R T H0ZÂX (>ffio-. ovor the Stores of'Moueg. RaHàiton* s uieEoý, A êoue.x, &0.0!CORONER Byrn Sree, Wtity. E DRMdTOUÈCES BRACh oe<t. iglowl tran pot ilrAoesaWfat tb P. O.1 p! TIYBICIN, ACCOtTU, &AC.CORCHER &0Oi h'onycf ud Roto. N. .- .7.ctotNN, M.o 1>bln.a, r Tllro tree t, oftTwn nthf'. od god .odtinS. tNeSre G I Cl DNST -OCE - iciD OCI 10 tr umbt, o nt Iiglow' tradopa Ilifercuico, a (air t riai. * ifr aw ow i.l..W.ARSOI4, 31.» &o fio n, riiliceonFto notu!, Whitby 'articul r tniogit n t Chrdaofo N.r-Avcoivotewporery Moudnygra- ort; a. deie 4r J. CWI .SORHOSE, WIJ W-B.OTAND IE OPITE.M rY.ludpat f u Tow , o rnr ofd w6tp.n ,ad NateaI n dio c o .ra. 22wôk- Toron.to, C.AW. 9 El SAnnLOsOMraNt.Dads~ J AIMAITI, IE 0F TTUE "YOUNG StrLee Weat, Toromîlu,. Clutice saippurs atmd 041 ioansiti t til) Inîtta-.. ~ JOHN METCALF, CLEIRK OF TI IE FIETIL DIVISION COURT, c eeinîpris§l ina oTowlighip Brook. Ad- dres Cuaîoiscbat.14 ]FRANKILIN flOUSE. B .JICV 'r, 'is l'IIT<>1. OMFOR- Be t1uoaeetafnoutar Travellet-.. Wititby, Itin. 21, 19574.1 A. ]FI. RicE., C NTMANI.O, U hl i.'TEIIERt, &c., ta-rrie-am 111, Byron iStaeet, Whiatby. l'ai- por fnugimag nutati>'dotnc, snd talu kintis of job fur' îîd réa-tirimg of Faia-nait-o attded te. RMAILROAD IOTEL,- 'PO"c Pfl5y A. PIRINIGLE, ~IERCILANT TAILOR, BROCK STREET, Wbitby. THOMAS DILVERELL9 U IL DER, &oe. &o., GREEN STREET, OAKWOOD HOTEL, AKWOOD,- W. BANKS, PRCOPRIETOR. O Gond accommodatinon for îravellorc 38 P 0 n HT 1T Y, <- W., FLLIOTT SPROWTE,, PROPrRIETOR- E(Gond Aecommoilion. -il 1M. CLARK, LAItcaa i ~iritRcHANT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST LVI Wect. Teromale. 10 MARTIN98 (Loto Walmli'a) HOTEL. Li ri t) 5AT T HE SUBSOILIBEIL IAVING TANIN TIIE J.abue lolel froin Mr. (Jeoke, îo; able te af- JOSEPH NOURSE, niLER TWELFTiIT)iVISION COURT 0F %JNerthiumbelanad aund Dut-lam ntlaled butgh, Carttwrighît ONTARIO. HOTEL, tIl streel, Wlîthy. Gootistabiug and Attenl- CANTON ROTEL, VUFvFîNSllCRIEEK PICKERING. GOOD D. accmeutlnlr Tnnvelluer W. CUTHBERT. 40; $ni Iroprlaom. - PEILANDER a. CLARKP e*1CONSTABLE, COUNTY ONTABLO, ind npemtr of Llceniusluthe muacpal- S>' cf theTown of Witîh. Ole-ot-door Nor n ci unie N IELEÂDINO STÀOR EORAD IALF ntomemWbitbyandUgbrld¶e,' TJ, collont stylo for iih otommùodplon of tral- thbo.sOQnmodatled lpr ovlded for irU5nd hom. teady 0,41er akrays. in attend A o.48 NATIOINAL IIOTEL,. ]PORT WBJTBY. adtepbi;thnt hè l* note i posioxolen et the abiovo Ilotel, the bnRinomo of which, ho ,will lu future curry 011, on hi& owu aeeont.- iGoodL4quors, Wli«om slndBrandies. Excellent Otabling. careful attention for mnan and boueo. Ei DYAUD RAY. Whitby,May tit, 1857i.10 WESTERN RQUSE, 11W 1AITf ZT~WKJTIT. rpiiE ABOVE rREMES HAVE iIEEN JL j nt iopened by tho uudeoigned wlîers travellor si8 now tind good acconnnoatjn.- Tihe Roume.i% wclI'nrnielltd welikept, and the £IeCpi i7rtIt»a rooinv and airy. Tuer. la oocom abéStablingansd the bcat stton. large andpmuVIen4 jund- weII imuppieilwitl, the bc.4t Iines, 1q'iorr5 mndci Cgutri. luud- tpmeiy ftttod up ittiig roorn (tr priv4te par- M 3ICHAELMOULY If Irovri for. CORNEI or TOItS'AND 050 #REKToWaOxo. A C.. J()$LIN, 1'R(>l'IIET<J; iIIltN h ote!lea shelargoat lu' tlre P1rovince, and poseosimce feciliticia for ttrditng éauperier accent- anatdatioti to the traîvellng publié. equal to the bet Enroticat lioSelA, or té)auay other cistabllali. menit os) the A ntorieati Continent. 28 QUINN'S ROTEL, rc.>3 AuLT-Att-x.TzLoT ITURET, L 1W YE iT 0W IfQUEB EO. gMCLmu ta ko ba Lnigc opposite the Britio'i Ameiéo1im lpnucv jflr .j 3ICAVELLERS AND VISITOILS 10tohe An - cieutkC!ty of inebowilI slnd, stpoelor se- nomoa tion i Mdorate charges at the aibove lol.The hotel la very convcaiently sàitnated -nurttii, Bîîksitembont wlarves, and Prin- ci 1 bnàineigoplace. of the (lity l bis d ar tre supplicd witli overy precuiruble etiable ar.dl drinkable. Visitort; wiII Slnd overy attenution pitid te their coinfort and eouvenicnceaind every intormutionsud direction as to theoaurrorinding locaalties, principal placs of re»ort, scenerv, &c. 18 l'roprietor. GLOBE RO'rEL, BROORLIN. Tr 11IF utiadarigucil haviug takef pogi4ep,- ofa ti c ahve well known liotel, whl,îcIwill ho cnnîlucted as (ortuerly with the strictest pro, priety and regard for the cornfort and convani cnecee othe public. 1 The prcprictom asit-ca li. miiy frienclu that eu-,rytng ixnmaude rcidy a s frnerly to enter- tain theonat tae Globe Ilote!, anad thai, lac wiii bo perouly pres4cat to givo tMienai uch a ro- ccptnon is watt li. ;wont. Tîtai ouse Iis been tiaorouglily Vapered, paiitedîîn ruîo'ted, aud lafitetnp lu11 inevery reapet i ane ni atuer._ ate iiasure astisfate- tlit. 'lan r aîun"d table anpplicd, as formmuriy iit thie hct catables and drinkables. Caîlatid Aee. 6-ly. C. DAW ES, lroprictor. THE TERIIAPIN. T IIE 1>ROPMIETOIIS 0F TIIIS WEIL knowaî Salooni are noivi oeentlpstiota et thîe old ST. NI CH O4LAs Kinag atreet-, remontes (foxuaciioy kep b>' Ma-. lia-Ic. 'flle preanistam hiave becti new(v ra-novatcd hiarotaiout, îand fltted tun in the fia-at style. Evca-y rooatralel diesrl ev eaaon. A ciget- divan fitted up s4e- puirutcly inm wuiu-h anoaue but tia etIbt-aide are pea-nitted te enter, 20CARUR'LE &,,McCONKE"i. JRAILROAD HOUSE, C ORNER Oy BROOK AND DUNJIAS St.%., Wunitb>-, (Lato Wilcocksoa'a.) The- SubI seriben hege to announce le tine liltshitaits cf' Whitby', iccd daè tIdlmicuraanm ity, lime lasa takeia the ahove fiast t-Ina', ultamse, wlich h. ba$t ftted up li a ncw uuind ComîIVoIllt itanmet-. net-e, Laînebeoitia, &c., esu bc laad ut e momeri notice. Ail Liqmîori; kopt on the prantixes ait- irarmautocithe - 0 tîearticle. Choute (0gat-s. IOMil?#AS DOWNING lruitby, Mat-ch lthi, 1857. VINEGAJ< 1 VINEGAR 1I1 rrq'IE nderatigmti tnalenbve le lufet-rilte JLiihabiamnta of Wltitby, and tho public, ltaIt ha la soir manaifuetiaiug Vinegan 0frsa u prenfe que!lty whici ho is preparetit aapî'Whele- sale te keroiîaîtsandl othea-., at grcahly rednced pie.Thto Trade ltbeaiuy deait witîi. AI' onerb>' maili puticuaay attondeitite. ÃŽNATIIAN MILLERt, W/itb)Y. DAILY STACE. F ROM JIROUO-ýIIAMt TO FRENCITMAN'S Ils>' Station, on thme.- ramd Trtinit Railread, couuectingmii lte M3Ioruiug and Evetîin I Trains.. .. JAMES HUBBARD. 5 eveniber iri, 1857, 4t LIME FOR SALE. nONSTANTLY <ON BAND DURINO TITE omsuing itanimiiiattul Sumiuer Froa;h Butu Lm whlch will bc aold for Ocam omîy, att2A uti PUT&T MATHEW CARL, 7 Port Whtitby UST recoiveti, aut e nnisgtt cfWliiskey, J faontone of the beoat ÏDlstiiIory'alu min e ro- vince, lu packtnges et frontui te 50 galions%, wlîieh tite, aubsci-ihc offeoa forsalo et at-et-y low ligmîne o utah. Cemmiicainn Agent. B RAVERTON. 0001) ACCOMMODATION lgooti Slebliug, snd caret ni OitIon alirsys. lu attendance. JAMES GOULD, A UrTwER1c,_h.,GREENWOOD, .7. W. CORSON4, M . -_______ TORltERLY PIYS!CIÂNtTTHeroC» «AES F. Zl I n oopiC!- iste pl7llaàh te tho Nemw 'INkli t wanl cf agoo, c on caihave 'iork pl.enar , the leN.'Y-Adetm p lte samon avp tyl gthetio ndoraignod cf macude ne ;icenilaeo% Upper Caîcsh. 'W,,yînn -. p e Uoidences:-Msrkham ,village, cue Mile e nti t f , îolo. Wnante i~ -i oftheooaoiatofleo --CL£4RK HUTCHlNSI ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ 2-ta * Axe.nuekor, WhItby. TH E TUUIM DRxqI ASTUTINWANTED, a'yT Gâu,ç22verpoue Gaine a- Sousa.Leotteosisutone-.22,.înioustî uayéas efaffef ce 80'&lili J.ÀFUAI gent-. 72 Addt-oss 0. D., Whitby Ps Office. hi% vim charctéerbofore'Il uondlAtien te public fauor.--Evi liddto té ëonfWcf travellea', IDÂILY 13ETWEEN ,WH!TBY AÀT) ,AND WHR[TBYANUDB1AI pDASSENGERS ctitravel t] £oilthôrplaco tho ime day., Theo;Stage. from Lindiaiy anîd1 rhrjm ýuttinte ('the carl figing Ceai Stroffice, w nWOV,, ue*80. 19,5q. iiYâNIG pnrcliged thce Cti Vir A New'Stoch WC flatter hureves that we cari gi% (-ction t&lall Who May favor ne w! SJoSÉÈP i IUiKIl Erool ovmb? Ot, 8 D. y iU I7LD . -,>E~U H r,',~~~ 'e~B FA O,.Y, - IXO.To--A ITERan uuprecedotd sueceful Prnetleo .l.of'ov rWtrycars, bèdpknbbàt t1Yeti asto o era(-bid n Iwr-t t ie fuur , l,ei t4 inile I' wlbbh. théhemdîhe ansd- knowledge iout a rýeecmn- of is.long eozerice, sud liu lotIt ient mti -et-yattetinle df reu rggts.for $aieo.: To thtea.hn OL- F Hiih i.fryaep~ue'beci for froffi45,W0 té 5;e e-su, jamys-i'btet gplst uceai. Caset; hiat have baffled otberý-ieîiefa S8TAGE men, yîeicied reail>' te hi. t-calment anti per- sons ceame tdlly **tu n nelrëolo f mis té lbe - out-ed. Thi e ttbiowvrie oiat able. )ÏJ.4TNDSAÀY like ôt-horo ntre iicvcrvthing witit one propar- VIliRTON. dion, but bas prit np hua luetliane ln t-motleot, - , whloh ast-o nnntbo m.4tsd'2. Tiionnmber lient iîrongh froni BLOOD PURIFIE . - Superortoe . nreat extract of Sanapm'ilia. Beavet-te n at-made autinaly et t-otsansd herba cf ttsat mtuand mc(lt. fot--igr corit-ica, litebeat pprtties of' mlaîc N. RA Y arc oxîa-cted by 5L ejtireircimoàpe-au - If, mts lu larger doses ai. ai actiephysli,. là emauleocs as an sîterativio worklng dlrectly on lte Livrrasd Kidrieys,,ee llln thlior a11 morbid, malter, thua blngiglm t atonii tlhe organeib tat May, bave 'becomfé nitlailive, re stock of Il. simd Ma>' ho t-oued on t6enre Lino,. dain4 ilion Ot c,,d (aaplatirof the, dsops Inqptn ->ë re entiresatl"' cf Jouth and Aio and ailotht-.liaisat ilh !in s cai, haevd thoir eng-in lita a cisordered or impure [NS (30. etateot blod. Itl ýi atrcu>'tlacnisg nsturp; sud miii neyer moalcen'or proitrite lte body, 48 i.tnabr2s TF UE uhscriher lo prepared todo al kinde of WolCnduCl otlt-1)rçlmiug, &c., aI lis tld Es;tnblisîtuacunt, Picemn ' Wool Cardiing et 2d. par 19. LEVI E. PIKE Whltby, 34y 24th, 11MO. X.. SOHOPIELD & 00. Imliorters and (4enend Deerts in Dry (4oodo, Groeerles, Crockery, - Glassware, &c. CORNER BROOK I& COLIhORNE ISTK Whitby Jady l1t, 1858. ,85 710117ý STREET, TRIENTON. T HIE Subacriher begs t anounce o, 0the lu- habitants of Troatton aand tine Travelliang cornaauitt nat the above flaat-cîa ie use ha.; beau fiteup lu a -new sud conveniient manar. A reir#t.'OZw a 7bkie .er-ved atthie Hotel. Ail Liquiori% kart ou the, premi@es sara of the boit quaeity, clîcico Cea rs. MAo, a Livory Stiblo ian conatetion witfia the above promises. CaHARaGES MÃ"DEItATS J. S. GERMAN, Proprletor Trenton, Angz. 8, 1859. R-aî ATLAS iRON WORKS, g.Front Street, Toronto. j CHARLES VALE & Co., B 1 to inform tho public that they Patve me coueta-aîetcd thoe extenaiive pt-cmiecs ou Front k3trcet, (fortueril )cupied aa the Ontario Brewery, iii tîhe aoet complote style for carry- iug on itî n husnesaof Iron Founding& Smfth's work Thoy invite fimîspetion of thoir nnmerona Psat- ternta of Ornetaltil la-en Fonces, Belconies Voandaha, Vanit Do.'rm, Plain anud Orauaticaîtai Caet lt-on Cclnîna. Wiaîduîw Capg, 5111. sud A]? CIITEC'URAL ORJI' ofevct-y deacaiptori; Cicokittgz, uarlot- aud Box $toa%,; ('rates, cven MotIIIîtaCaulircu nsSget- KettieltsilPlatian eatings aand Fot-ginga, al of which tiaey cater-to tic Trado aud othema ou ad- uanttgcoias termni.. Couîntry orders pnino- tutaily attcnded eo. Tormnuto, Octohet-20,18,57. 40-tf M.MCPHEADIEN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, F'or Ille County of Ontrio.1 î~U II F MRRIGE ICESFSCON- IV VANCEUI and C<>MMISîONiffi. for talitng Aflldavifin si(J. B. aini ,1'. Addrcasi, VROOMANTON, P. O. Townshîip of Broek. NOW 18 TUE TIllE. GET Y(uUI LIKENESS AT J. A. Ciark'a Ist Pt-foc PicCure Gallery TF vonî demire s correct, aud lifi-ike Ambro Jtype, cameot' Po, L.ett Iotutl, nor Le-suer Trtnt-,or i Lkoea t aLeI.ct 1Broatelt or Itiît, fr 1. . X ctado lanlite bat ty le1 10tîa uo o tiA.Lc.co tm nW ILICIshort nBLOCE, 813 Jiî-oek ,'tru-ei W/ily. il. W. WOODWARLD, C cMMISSION MERCHIIANT, INSURANCE suad 0e-ierai Aggstn. Oicle-Latel). ocon- Iittu<t-tar.-ThnitieClaa-rkeetî, E ,Po ident Bont! cof Taado, Toronto;.W.* U. Caaaels, Esq,, Matager, Batik B. N. Amacriemi, Toronto; W. W. Rnnuaoim, Eaq., Manager Qmebec Bank, Toronto;- W. Gamibe, Eaq., bliltun Nlillt4 To- ronto; lion. P. McI41il, t'reidcnt Bank etf leon- mrali, Moata-ul; Mo-amra. Mîitinnnid, Tylec & Ilittcii)maon, Toronte; Mcasra. Amidrosi, Evans & C.,Mot-a;Ma-s W. Price &, Son,Qaîe- bec; Mcat-er. Il. J..Ntoaid di Co. 52 ly AUCTION BUSINESS A7tENDEl) b astîsaal, y J. . Sterling. Ail ericra elating to Ataction sales by the iîiîdems;igued, should bic leftautt thneClaroaicte Of- fice, W hitby. Messrs. Hig!gins d& Moyerhoffen erc dUiy atitlaeri,7od te appc;iat My (lavés. (af %le, ecttle torms, &c., andti, t4 ulr loto attela other aranme-agrants t-elutiniz te înyutiction buaineet* as they may>'cnuidea- poper antîd necesaary. 1 a4halbc on huiud ta atity au>' agreemout 'tii.> nana, make oei my behaîl . lIe. attended lu ail parts of theii ut _____ J. C. STERLLI>'0. 0 HALL ÉNGE! Il T [LE SUM 0OF $100 ITILI BE STAKED hbythe tUuderaig* don t-hoelst -Ler du b>' a Wlooden Ploitgh ; sud the>' are rcid:-te bockt îitoWocden Plonglus, ntuaiunoci reb>' thens, with t-le aboure sum fer doitu tuî,halt'workiaaýluttany other menu facurernnteCun-'o ntanbo. JOHNSON & ALLIN, Fst-mlng Impiemet uunaenaos TomwnLUne. - Wheat AÇt W-,00. ,u os f FIalntI B p ri ngWRTalc amy ~ ~ r - uniye'WOforichtb S ibg b'est- m ar koef t ie mll-i i pid. - Cas for POTATOES. - THOKAS, MOODye, Arid muait nover ho take*ta excaplin ennobien wilh No. 1. It mill thonurlffm dnyRiîoù- matimm, cl Iindu of Foers and A rs (htact-stw efectsof ('oôldar, and aUl Pain#, se ho, Chranie ar. Aossfe.-Tbeae medicinea ivill éffct CRS net retuovamis front ioparmt oetIhaetbody te the g IF etâmber te pa-eveut conifusion, lhio Medicinie$ ire prepna-ed b>' (JIî ) ocrosa Faxt-, Mies DELL;ENBloI,%Unwuu, utaspa-uticed lu Buf- (do eover 27 yeaa-a. 'ro preverit fratud, n correct likeues cf lte Doctor la on the irrapper ofecdi bottie aud 'Dr. Fred. Doýlleubatigit & Ce., Biffalo, R. blow ln lie g lias. Directions uiencuulînyinlg coah botîuo. No. 1 i. aî,ld fer $1 ' per- botte; No. 2 for 753 conta. Witi tîias tinple notice the> -are offered te lte paabliic, el>igu oi e yirttens in recomuîeuding tîtemeelves. For ual b>'ARI Wiiby, Sept. 14, solo AgertWiitby. 1859. ir & ia 1-Y flouse u *d Lot for Sale lu the Village of Grcenwood. A NÇ ecelet Fratre Houan sd quarter acre or Land, situate in te centre of the. Vil., luage of Gaecnwvood, iluthe Towusi pof Pieker ing.. The bouse 'Coutaing 4 apartme ntg, sud thcr3 lman excellent pump onthle premiseit. For tarins, &o., apply te W. A. McCauiloiigln P. M., Gacenwood,.or te JOHN MeCULLOUGH 2-O . Tha proprietor, Unhradgo P.0 JAMES JOHINSTON, Watoh and Clock Makçer, JEWET1LER, &c., &., BROOK ST. WIIITBY.. J e.wtr d talce leaive te nnolncée W lie je nnnime-o rpttrougansd fa-tend-', ttie h hais now triade laitgo additeima t ubis Stock of Watchea Clocks aud Jcwellcmy, cmnriacaaig Gold at11d Silver, lî Il", hl Frencha, anud Gcrmoun Waocs lecks, cf every vst-îety sud utvie aid Ieel"ry of ail kindat, whieh lie ih cuatbled ta diaposeo f at exe.-adiugiy lowim .- as Whitby, Nov. 14th, 1859, 118 Piaàos, Mâelodeonis, &o. , JOSEPH 'RAINER nîanuac tnt- brof 'iatne,kelodeone4, - &c aud geneail morkmen for lIn. nopait- cf s0likinda-of Muaisial nst-rumneb, i. aoir prepar'od b reccive, uad exeenbo al etr-- dom' antnusîad te uJilin. Ail:wkmotkntnufaturcd hi'hiimu miii ba i gîttutmteed of equel workmatu tiip le an), its the Provintce. F iance front$1.50 te *80, aacotdiug ho quai!- t>' of inetrnxnolt.- Pimnos, Malodeotts, sud ether Mit4ical ni;t-rn- Meniesmsntfaaclnaed to oee. P>art ptaysut-itt talacta ii ta-de. Ail order b>' mail dliaecstd1'. (0. Wlsitbb, ef loft tt ls ow%;t hiso. rear ofthue Gnininar Saeluecl, '.111 be panetuaitiy attorided te. -2 Quebec A,"en.>' fer the 'Transs'ctuons of Busmineeso with lue Go;ve'miment Depamtimien1go. Il. J. G113BS ]J AS OPENEI) AN OFFICE IN QUE- bec for t-ho Transactiou ef t-ho Bus!.. ness cf Patie ncsbding bu Uppen Canada or elsewvieme, mit-i n>ofethle Goret-orent Depatti-ments. l'ornions deaiofot ecurng Pst-culns fer Laud.q,.or baving Clauma oftan>'otier kiud uigaiuat- the Governmeut, or reqnia-iug an>' inforti-on oatainabie atthbe Crowu Luands or' chier Pubiîc Offices, nia>' have t-hein butsincss dilligent!>' tt-cndcd te b>' a Resi- dent Agent-, mit-boul lie expeunse sud in- conveubence of a journe> t-o Quîebec. Patent-s of Invention takn o ut. Ail pacpaiid comnmunicat-ions, addressed te Box 836, Posl Office, Qî,cbec, wmît e- ceire- immediale at-lent-ion. Qnebec. Sept. 28, 1850.% J7wGI-BS - PRIVATE BILLS. 1CARTIES TNTEN>DING TO MAKE Aappliation te t-be Legiat-ive Assani bly fer Plrit-ste or Local Bills, either for grantiug exclusive privilegei;, orconfcrring corpottc, pewers, for comméeial or ot-her put-poses cf profit, for regnlaling surveya or houndarieo, or fer doiug anythiu& tend- ing toeffeol t-berigite efpropettyofotier parties-aire hereby notifid thaïthel ic re requ~ired by lie G2nd, 8-d, snd064t-h Unes [whh at-o publisbed -in fuîl int-b o«anada Galette] t-me give TWO MONTIIS' notice of t-ho application in t-he Canada igautte, and aise ln eome nomapaper p ubliiod In, t-be'Cotuty of Union of Ceuntes, afi'ected seudiug copies cf t-ho firt at-nd last-ôcf such notices t- t-ho Prit-ste Bill Office, Quobec. ALFRD TODD, 66 Chief Clet'k of Private Bill ffiCO., T EX ¶nldenelgue4, bmv0 thisda«Y eut-e Broees d mttns Wiuionteby Nov, t glrs notleo tht-tby ratS litn uumrtamerbl> sM, NOT34OTT- W, ~noon cbf FIDMAY, ethe. f>Ot!"DECEN. aInsIe Ma e ii sare prepreT ana ,i olpo»ed te, nnde'tketbHETItGTtlae FAITIA.' MENTA1IY gand~i>ATEXTAL BUILD" - T nedoys tO'vstaebulkOu, forwhe tbiiOontftetor l là nteo 'amply al l the tiui,- tu-lis ad eoatua4,woedtatîd putinsueesa-ý fol 6oiatieon, sal ieWorka, maçlllnery 4andap- > iiabMeeon Cotueot-*!th ot ii.rtre ë*Sytemt cf ýhe#ing,0r eféhmlldilui:1né snte etute-up<m eotmg fr omehTener s b aaend eubmlt, dmaw. à ofîlt* application n sd tW guoratee its.perftondgfelneyl*îrtonyosnfcrIge imite peratin.,Buiding. on, rtferieucelo tite sOilce, or te aArgieta Measmaç. FeLiLin and J orîim, Ottaivya sud T,7orontot tir tOoloii. STZENT'iud L."VERa, Of ('ttawa. , S- Tite Tenderq tre to bc addresed te tue £"i- $oryef Publù 9Woeks," sfad ondoirod IlTmn- dror HaingPubie BJftling, uaiOi#ao4,11 8tci te coînlthetinogatures of two or more t-e-, sponeible persone Who are willing te become aecuirity for te 4ne perform-sance of 1k.hena tract, 'and Contimrmcd eflliency of the . astesu, umd are te bc aceoinpanulad by such aetificaté. an-d recomtmeudatiousaa the parties may have t. Til.r with respect te Its operatioud- JOHN RO0M Conunlasionor Publice <orke. OfoEfC te Departmcnt of Publie t 'Works, Quehe, 141h Nolv. 1859.f 69sw New Tailoring Establishmnent!I SIMPSON & FEUGUSON. t R ESPECTFULLY announce to, the in- - habitants cf Whitby and surrounding ountry, tiat.they bave opeued a 1 Tailor9s Shop, on Brook Street, oppoaite lthe "Ontar-eil ote!," where al ordersenetruated te thent will be clone ýwitb neuaîness and despatcb. *Whitby, Oct. 2Otb, 1859. 60. N. W. BROWN'5 AGRIGULTURAL WORKS BROOK 'STREET, WHITBY, (A few roda senti of the Éauk of Montrent) AGRICUI.TURAL IMPLEMENTS LIGTIT AND HEATY WÀGGONS,&ï Marketsud Blob *Sieigha, Two-horse, Onti vators, Plonghs of various niake and style Sc!tmufflevs, Corn aud Potatoe Cultivatore Seed aud Tmrnip Drillia, Road Scrapes &c. Tiira#7ldng Mda-chines Repaired on Short J atice. Rverythirinl the ibove Ue atteridcd te with Punctuaiity aud Chespcamz. Agent for Pattergon's coaubiried Reaper and Mow- or. Whla.Iy Octoher 12, 1859. 58 Coal Oi and Lampe. T'IiE subsc riber bas jut Ircceived a very jflue ntsortntc-nt of Conl Oi Lamps cf thé nevwegt paf -,srid with the Isatst n- piroved hmîrrmîcr. Pricecs From $1 and Up-wards. Hli. Cotil Oil is deodorizrd perfectly put-c sud frec from àuy nupleiast stueil, aud is t-oit Toronto Pt-mcsr.Lt gives a liglit equnl tc gas;, nt lt-sq tian half the cost. Fluid aud ceintmon 011l Lampasltered to buru Ceai Oit at an bout-s notice. GEO.. YULE, Jet. P.S-Sttionery, Sebool Books, Violins, Finies, Accordens, snd auperior Violin Strings, for sale cheep. 74 A Town feata - cige, sud 'tw-ashoid consulta Which wtt iamth eco for f0rt!1lCtion;; A grave skilfaîl irason gaîve ir uie opinilon, Th'nat uething but stoije coulda cciare the do minion, A carpeatter %nid, tbo'liataIius iel i spolce 'Twa bttem by fer te de-teoi it 'ith sk:. A eut-net- beiaîg by, iriser Ihant both theee te- Sigther, Sid, t-y irbat yon plicas, therc le nothiug like -So «dmSAYS- WILLIAM 1M 0BRIEN, Ladies' suod Gcntemen.s Fa@1lonable Boot.aaîd Sîtoo Makor, 13RO01ILINI C. W. The aiboea, lhesfor Ite lat evcu yeerg takom the jlrmat ;.rize for Beotia sud Shoeaint thc Conona- ty $11a0w. Notchut te hast niateriai uand boat wrork- nainsi ip motde atp on tho picmuieaj. 1. old friudsauid ucw cuatoinirs iIS hoct-cadily at- tcaaded, sud funislnod wmrliigood osud claeaip wnk a usnati. Brooklu, Jaîly4, R2 THOMAS MYERS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TItI COUNTY 0F OX!ARIO.. F AliMFRIS SAlESIntihe C enfry * l1 t-e celvo Prompt tittetiin, on reasenalo terma ;-Liko-iae, Goods ceusignet on cernt- miit itte Auction ReTWm ilb li ih poacti of te tite boat advauitnge. sales ahit-hoAnetiôoù Die R fîot-s s Rlgbones sud Spavrme, Arc treatsimt- Poeét anceesa. Aidres., irelowby Poil; Aucllon Boomis, Wblby,>Febr tom p251h, 1859. f-r od t-bs ptIT>'lnlos O$t&zcOoDigly loir prIe...TpiWMAS MOODY - m.ite the bemt t-l:far~nk'ot atrrc i.,osly ina eschsemoo n,'îd ëoa*téfl1âid Ott entive rer- vate mili bc .-ro Y.t rit pri(i custom e. Theé A ~il be nupplied - Nith t-he choicesi eud be4t-of very-kind of lViýos,- Liqulors anvPigr,ofFireigui and Do es- tic manîftfcêréaj - - TieSTABLES are large and a it-y. nîd are-naderthie superintendoeu o f Slhli;iug' àstierg.' In't1* large yardtt-achedthe tn promises ýwihl-.be- found lie best ;alýeda fo wmg,"ggons4 iiin-the cil>'. In short, I àmii emuincd that uelbing 1ýal ho wauliug on ni>'part tegive eut-ire sa- fachtiom-te allsud ant-ailes as çhcap ns ahy othr ous.eofthe klnd iu the'City'. J9IiN LIKENS, R..4iL...~oProprietorý A SPAN 0 F MAT1CIIED HQRSESO) EiE W, Bt'G G 1 With Polo andi$hitftj;,-on which ýtituie wihl, he gaven by furnushîingzapprcved> eudoracd notes* Wity c.5kI 859 (~JAI T 'HF, Subigciber bcga o inforurial prti-e t-bûtatremo ldebted te im, titit ilWIIl le- necessar>' for them te maske immediatteatrang.- meut for payiri thbe came. lie omld fenay huaI hoe requit-es money ah pt-est-Rt, ani thuI le lins. te lok for' it te thco hast are inidehted'lte. bina, sud front ithe leuiecbc aie;uabitilîcrtt gie nb .now bores thaut ail will attend te te Ibis, aM nô turtiier notice mIl h. aiven. Anid if au>' parst-chiav'e te pan> coats thovy milI- bave themeelves to blItue, as lte Cladl'ari te long,, N B. Aller lt. U1t-h etcoben Doit4ý ail elaims remaiing utipaici msy ha expeoetd-ta ba placed iluni>' Solleitea bauds for coliecton Wbitby, Sept. 22, 18519 tlwJ M. MOPIJADEN, Conveyancer, Commission in Q.B. & B.C. ISSitOPIR< ÀRIG . Wili ha WiIliigho uattendPromtîli' cui eae- fui!>' t su>' businues wI vli ho ni>'bho 1 outrtistedu. Rcidence-Vroemnton, Brook, Cou it>' etf Ontario. 5-t BRITISIl RBEVJEWýS irig lcading British Peniodicals, viz- fitE Lozucot ZQtARTrittT (Conse-vttvc.) 2. - t-ME EDINBtTlIGtt iEvw (Whiig.) TEP, NtORTEt 8î11TISUlREVIEW (Froc Churcb) 4. rut wrsTmIi'I%çTf'Eit, nirw (Libera!.) aLAcimooD's Eii~iNmAG;Azm1E (Tory.) These periodicalga ahi> reprereutti tht-cc grant pofliticri pst-tics eof GretBri- fsiu-Wlaig, Tory, and Raidical-but poli- ties forma oui> eue fcsneiue o' Ibeir ehnart- or. Ast Organa of t-li mott rofouud writens on Science, 1iter-ture, Mfot-uity, and Religion, t-bey stand, 'ns t-ho'ey-vor bave stoodi unrivaileul in tIno world of let- ters, bciug cousidcred inisupeunable t-o thbe scoetansd lhe pt-olcqonul mn, hile to t-be intelligent readcr cf evcry t-ltss t-bey furnisha mot-e correct aud aati.4firttory t-e- cerd of lte cura-eut literalure of'tie dtty. tinougionitt-ho wÃ"rId, titan con be pcssibly chtained froin auj ths.r sent-ce. 1 . EARLY COPIES. Tic reccipt cf ÂhivATtcp- rirfrein tic Brit-imh puiblintiers givas additionn vàlueito t-ho Repnintg, inasmueit art-bey econ110w ho piaced in t-ho handa of snbacmibeia bout as soon as tie original editbeons. 1 Pet- onu. For ona n>'ce eft-ho fouir Rcviews.,. .$3 ý0< For u>' tire of t-le font- Reviews.. .. 5 00 Fer snny tht-co. f tic' fouir Rerjira. -..7 00) Fer'al fouir cf the Revier .........Sa00) For Blackwood's Magazine......... 3 00) Fer B lsekwmxd etid eue Revicw .. . 5 0f)- For Blackwood sud tire Reviews... 7 00) For Blackwood.sud t-ht-oc Iiews.. 9 00) For hllackwcood sud thc four Bcviews.1O0 00 .&foney currentin-tis State, wiseraiusuesZ oi b.eeired a«(par. CLU BIING. t-ho above pt-boa mli bc ailowed te cLui3S orcleriug, four ct-more copies of aiy os. or more ýof t-be' aboes onkoz.. Tins : Fouiyr copies of Blàckwod, oetoctoeeReview, 'miii betgent te cne addneis for $9, four copies ofthéb four ,Reviews sud Blaockwood fer $8O;,sndocon. - POSTAGE. (Jenadisu mail- uibscribero .ni miiib. su,. pl 1od- fme.of V.ý & Pstage. Remit-tance fer sny cf t-i. aboe. publici ien sild alisys otW ddressed, pos t- 46,w Se~. 5Gold Stneet,'Ncw York w nTL hê1rm P yý' lse o l e finds and cuoi Ida ,Noévi ,N 0 T 1 C B';e OZ----eL Dpqt rýe,

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