Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1859, p. 4

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ZUiW'Stotlohns p nd ý .w id Division Court xlmnks ud ' Trote primoe. A LAR~GESTOCK of GROOMESasd ME- CRANTI MANILLA and WBAPPING BL N 0O3KSruIed fer Dollars aud Conta - EIIJLOPU IAimes-at asacolons. Métallo and otlisos'Monoi'enduis BOOKS PASSBOOKS 'LAI ING CAliDS, BL&TF.,VEN0lLS, POhT MONNAIES, &e., MEe article oea u e d ehas "-tea ihdin4luMonelor Toronto. es Wltby, M£rt rd, l"T01 M luif 3 W. R'. HIGGINS, WUOLI%0AD I TAIL AND,~LEU AN B1.UGC1I. STREET, (kAotaag 1s4 OJ00, iwHITBV, .-W. Biolcaellera, ,tcioners9, .Ieshn 'y sd ail who dia! lu tise shove lUneu will flnd onf hand, a large and well assortqd Stock at the Establlshfmont or the« urdorsignesi, whlch ho fi seliug 'et unpricedantodly Lcw ?umazsï - ACCOPN$BOOKS, Lesigors, Juuruals, Day, Cash, 'and Bil11 îlonks, 'nîled for tise new decîmal curneney;- ilank JBooks af svery description -nade tôarader, ruled ta any'pattera, pugçd -and baund in- stipe s-fer usunuer. Selsool Baakg, Writiu g nia- *etsf*i, Sîites, esisSaig ax, WRITING PAPEiIS-Post, Note, Lot- rtoe, Oapvlng Fnooscap, Batisk Petit, Pott r - su BuiT if tiug papor, ail 817.0 ansd 0- eaors. WRAPPliNG PAPERS, home niaufa- tasredi 3Mauila, JBrown, -C(onmere'iui, Ele- î. plant,, an rey s-'wrappiug papess-ali zizes ansd weights.' ENVELOPES-Liiid, Bltse, BufI, Colos-- - r ed, &ce al sizes, and vaiaus qualifies, !l from ïN1. 2 ta No. Io. BLANK-FORMS-Iu Chauncry,Quecn's r5OflOnh and Camînon Plein, Cosnty ansi Murrogate Cautisi, Insoîrcut Court, Dlvi- % Ion Cous-t, Coroners', Ma'gitrates,' Nota. vis'Clenks af tisa Peece, Clcrks ai Coun- Mortagco andail brs-m relatiug ta the Ï c.anveyaiueo aiResal.tstate. r SHERIFFS' Blluiff', ansd (<1autibles' f BIîaks b y te dozeus, hundiesi, or tisou. -saind at Toonito pices. INIKS,,FL1JIDS, WKSTANDS, &c. WTse Quartes- bolla - Packot, Containing 12 siscets flua s-pied Lettes- lper; 12 siscets Note, 12 meWf-saliug Lt. tes- EnvelIope;, 12 soii.sculiigNota Bure- lispes, OFraise- ballion leus 'ind Iloider, oe siscat oaiBlattissg Puuluci, ~manc neBat- kle of itk-all foi' a Quartor .Dollar. TO PRINTERS. Ail kinds ai PssiNTrrsc, P.ÀPI-NewsI, Job anti colorcd-soilat nmarket prices, A atil uther fladuction lu al kins ai Ps-lnting for Cash. The SEMI.WElOKLY ÇCHRONCLE -t &2.30 a Yoar. 'ITlfsre *WEEKIdY CIIRONFILE, tise fleapest nowasapcs- lu Canadat, at Orse Dallas' a Yan, fis ad'ra(ncs'. - -w. il. -IIIGGINS' Prins er crnd Stationer. ~Wity.July 4, 185f) INE W STÂTIÃ"NARY! W. H. HRIGGINS, B ESte cuill attention Iohlis lus-go Stock of New Statlonus-y, whichs includes ail Mande of Plaien usd Fancy Wsiting i'apers, Merchan (9s I sapplng Papes-s, Sehoqi Docks, Mates, Penculs, Wens, nk, P.sper,&c. AiseLaw Stu- tioawyofeyery description aiuiludisîs - Jiaui#Deodo, Loîsses, 1iostgsges, As. igumenta, Bonds, Reieases, Dîistrausj Wuraitss, &c. LAWYER'S BLANKS N S'W 'I just recoivesiby athe INBW Juat reMefed lby th- tmuudfgwe POLKM,4$ WALTZES, And'Musie arranged for ÃŽ t'ePIi0Foitç,' panly'sNew Quaillêl. To Olerks of DÏiiiu Courts. AUL entrieg InBooks andAccount. vil) be in dollars and cents,*trorn tbe fIrat oanuary next, îin omnpantë with tbe provisions of the conso lid 'ted act.' Cleika should kecp this Uns mmd wben ordeinga neW Btpply of forms, and -otberwiso' pre- ý p are themselves for the comIng change.1 Suitable books and forog can be procured at the establishment of Lw. H. HMOINS, Brook 8&«re4 Miiv. TUE PRESS. 'rhe PeterbOro' Examiner, PUBLIS11ME T THURSDAV MORtNING, TWO DOLLARS PUR ANILJE rj11,E EIL&M-NINER l'ats tise largoot telastiofl I f amly palier psbll.hed iùleterboro' sand siierefore thie hest sîdvertlsing meiditim in lhesui Uniited-Couiitiei%. Torins-To sdvertlgs very liberai. GILA114M &. RENFRIIW, 'TJE PETERBOROUGII- REVIEW. FRIDAY MORNING At Ont Dollar per unnum, payable ln advanee. rI11E Review lias a circulation twie as large 'Tom n tirape b hed la the Uited bst oevertisinir medluin in the (Md Newomstie District. All ordlers adIdrei3iecd to thse Pnblii;llers, wilii- bc punctssaliy attended to. T. & R. WHITE, LIVERY STABLES. - ILD LAMS, IMPROVED .F ARM«S; MýILL SITES, TOWN LOTS, &C', FOR SALE, ONE Improvcd Farîn in )Whitby, 100 Acrs O n ea I p r v e usa r 'i n a rli p go a 5 0 acres. il"nd in Maie, Rames-ville, Eu-- phrsssiu, Artemesia, Luther, Chsathami, Jiver, Htiutigerfor(i. iMili Privilege. lu Htamptons, Township of )aringtou, oua of tse vcry best'lu tise Township of Dar- liigtun. Town Lots lu' Bowusunvilic, Brookliu, 'Hampton, Pas-t Perry, and Sarnia. Aise a (civ Town Lots iin the Town of 4 WHITJIY For sale Loto and on Long Credit. Mfechanicis and otiescr desis-otis of build- ing eau bave froun 12 ta 18 montha ta neotise fisst paymeut. Send for a Cis'suiar. Address, post-paid, J. Il. PERRY, Whlit5y. October 17, 1859. 59 Qucoîs'us Beach, Comuunos Pieu., Chats. 1 For Sale- Cheap, and on Rea. 'cery and Coujitty Court Fanms. Division Court Blanskata Fil ty Cents per huisdred. MIfagIgitrts. ianuîku, Notarial fllanksa, lil for Sale at Toronto Ps-tees. PRIlNTI1 NG,' Oit evory description, neutly, expe. &tiIoulyl, assaic-lenply executed., At the Whitbir Reasdinsg loom' wiii bis louussi ail the Dauly Paipers-asd the latest publications home arA Foreign. W, Hi. IIIGGINS. NEWS 1NEWS 11 LA $¶L'IUIIMEANDFOIZEIGN Pen.loa e t f ut tise REAING ROOMf CHR NIOLE BUILPINGS, (BrookA St.) Ttumisasor SsscasroN --$4 perasîsusu, ;pay3- able qusrteniy, lnýadvantce. LIawyce 'a'nd g4erhttitg' Cionkg aiud thers, ,wiso oaîtionla prevent tison rom rosat' ingteothse Bendine lBoom durnsg tise day wil ho aibu srged 82 etr amnss, payable quar. erly 1la asivesse0. W.iltby, Pebrtsry 25th 1859. O~F ALL KI*IDS LAWYERS BLANESe D, lvilan Colt-tIlanks, &o., &o. Mr 4T CITY PItICESo,.~ Clîouiel Bhiln4sllock et. 'îîiA, souiable Termes. rjlIltEE gaod farms lu tise Township of Tboruhs, County ai Ontario, with im- provemeuts ai 20 assc-aon cacît Lot. Fos- pasticuluîrs apply tae1IL J. Madon- eIl, WVhitby, Barristes-,sr ta D. Camas-au, Iloavertan Il. O. Octobor 17, 1859. j). CAMERON. 59-2i's 40-2ju-w '-IV 1)1"ELLING. ittsliy occisipied Fws 1'.1. Nousi, l in' erry's Bloak"l O LT Brek Stitet. On sas, 110Fon BRUOCESTIlEET, sosîlis91 R. Campbell's Store. Oie 811011 AN» DWELLîNG ais Buioc STnsssr, soîstiu aiPollusrc'sJIotel. gSeve-.rsl mnal ilnidinsi aiu -insparts ofa tiowis. SWltib'y, 24tis Oct., 1859. J. H. PERRY. Sms.w -2n POSTPONEMENT. FARM- FOR SAL. T IE solitis-hlif a of't No. 20, brakan front, i t1isatowsipj'ocf Wlsttiy, eautaiting about 100 acres, wshl ha salin two lots, b Public A uetioa Ut Meîsrs. Wakefield Coates cou*., A uction klart, Toronto, ut mion, on Siaturday, Jauuary 7th,- 1890 nat 29th Otaber 1859us prevlosssly advertised. Tisa lot J& about aiis lad--ialt miles fronu WhItbyStation, aud there are good'-1sfrm build- IMMs Uspon '4. 4 T he purticulman ad conditions mae be had ai tise saie, os- upen iapplication te GREENE &HAWKINS, Soliaitors, Toronto. Toronto, sept. 15, 1859.' -t misenonr mis, or Maiton, C. W. . TontoTyalip. Mir. luiao Eéàdvwlii shr -the land ln Uxbrldge. Malton, 2Nov. lSth, 185. 4 3 1iJVED FARMS ist.4(1GacrSsouth hi fLot No. 19t 1$rd conession, of Whitby, knownS8 part of the Ossly two, mlUIfrom tkie Town of Wbitby. 2nd.-+50 acre s opth West. 9qprter Of L~tN~.~8,61hconpslonof. Darington, abutegh.mls st Bwmnil t Noý' iR, llth concessionof Maàriposa, &bout 9 miles fron Lindsay. Tho above' rsenti<rned lotà r iu.ls Farnis, in a high state of cuItivation, good Buildings and near important Townit .Will bo sold reasnable, and on favora- ble ternis. .&pply *to J. H. PERRY. 4ge tfor-lte Owner. Wbitby, Oct. 0, 1859. HouRôse and Lot for Sale. rpl'Rjtt snins cne-ourtiof sin acre or i. L,xo.1ent Idnd,w*hloh im in a hlgh suite of enitivàtion. 'Tlï,housc elu a Framie butilinhg 18 by 24, and oomfortably fiui'ubcd off. It is situa- ted lu ai vcry paiatpt of tihe VIlIigtc ot Ux- brigebolig near cs ourcis, the riehool, the pont 0Meo, sud tisete of general buetsisss. Lrenseasy,apndmnay b. icnwn bvappiving ta Wm .-Wuikosr ovrlotor, nt Dr. Iaion,"or to j *w.OAiDW~LLBRà N, Land A gen t, VU1bridge. May, 1859. 1 FUR SALE ÇILIcAP. T TNo. 2, lu tise rd (ionccsslonl of-WhItby Wiib.APP lyte tise li0is. 11. C. WILKINS, Cîrysgpisses ,, 0A. Wîuu2sst, lisq., Belleaville, or ta 1July 1.5, 1857. 'J.V.IrIsuAr Baristy Steam and Plaster Mill for Sale. T IlE ASSIGNEFS 0F 0. STONE, OFFE for sie coù eas4y terme tihe Steain }lastcr Disili and Fsrniture tharoin, nt l'ort Wlitby. Applicistion ta bc madle ta J. L. GRANGLR, or N. MILLER, hty Wiiitby, Mureh 2, 1859. , 7 Parm for Sale. 2 oACRIEiS0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010, in lOtis Cosscessioui cf Thoraus; 15 Acres ccarcd. Thsis Farn is situatcd withiu fouir mîiles osf Benvertosi, onth ie trssvei road te Matit; tise landîlis of tihe bcst quity, and is lui thi cenitre -of a good-scttictiîeiît, 1,witls a 801ool, AliseNÃ"rtis isalf of Lot 4, ln the lOtis Conces- sion0 0? Tlisrais5 ýcoiîsulutiiuçr of'Ptitascres'- 12 of whieh-are oerdao fosissgos ise 1ortage Roud, srLamrs'Mii - Apiy'to 1) DCAMERON. Beavrerton, lothis Jtuy, 1857 26 T O LET that well knotin Fartsili the o of t f ( owoinsip ofV hstby, ËÀeÊBUÂSON ThOPERTY ensîsting; 400 acres, 8QOO of which arc ecared, free front stumps,. ahd ini a higi state of cu1vstion.ý A00DOD BRICIL COTTAGE!1 writh cut-buildings and two 4weiling bouses for laborersi sý larç e orch4rrl with the hoicest fruit whicils1;1s1 produce from 1100 to $200 annuaily. The propertyliobeautif.sslly f;itted on 'the rissng grotiud, anc nille nartis of tise County To*n, suffordiiàg' cvcry fsiility for tise sl of ssii kilids cf Produce nnd Gar. don Vegetables. tiis briug osno of ti.e beet. Markset Towns ens~t of the City of Toronte: the Grand Tu'îmuk Station distance twa miles, with ai full vicw afLeke Outsrio and Windsor Ilarbour. Tise above propcs ty -% iii bc sold on easy ternis of paiytiecrt, if parties wish te pur- chasa. Tis : --Either to lot or for sale, dani bc known by appiying to G.Il. DAJITNELL or by letterte lc- to i hty JOIIN A. DONALDSON, Poss-Master, Weston. Possession given tise fisst of Apri! uext. Wliitby, Mov. 15, 1859. 18s.44wIm TO LET. T'UTIE well krown Druc.sp - k and dwcllirg aIpeen r ~ uied b>' G. A. Bannister, Streets, Wisitby. Possession cuitsbc had on or after tise lUth Septembes-. 5 For pasticulars appl>', if by lattes-ps-e- paid to Whitby, Aug. l8th, 1859. 44 TO BE SOLD-A'BARGAIN V NEAT DWELLlNG IIOUSB8ITUATED in luCIse Center of ':AVErrONco- rliug iSix Boums. Aîspiy, if by latter pau;t puisi, CHARLES ItOBINSONi ESQ. Wiitby, Apnil 16tis, 1859. For Sale, or to Let. COMMODIOU AND PLEAý wit.h 1 of an -ascre cf land, in tise Nortis' Ward of the'Town cf Whitby, on the BasI aide of Byccký Street, For fusther particulers apply (if by làt. ter, post-paid) eh W. H. TréùîaynoW office Wi'tby, or ho thse subscribes- Cashili, Mankisan. WhitbyMJy>'2Sth,. D. 0 prUIetorr 1659. - 86 Whitby-- Browery. GRAIN FOR ATTL FOR -$14 &IAE & W0O»IWARD-' Wlsltby, Nov 25rdp 1859. L >is on )ea9 LJousus d 22d~u Tmrs Li àpplleatlan ta onai Loit SB, Stim '&ç.juIstisîoffrlng Pi Blacksmiths & wl Foz- Sale-or to i rU¶WYNTV MÏuTA FJ ln 'aaoftIhe itng où PLadi aid lise Raiiwey Deopail. À.gaod business le oth hiados ce onîe ,by ateadyÃŽ aumd 'ad wotqo' For furthser partianiars ap1piy M .S. PURDY, FOR SALE AN excellent now Fs-smo CotCI ,eoariy lu A1 tise iseqatrai tie w V f hltby,an witiiia <0w yardus af tIse Mafintreet - ndais Strot-togethor witb two-fltitso f an acre- of land attaciied. Thse houae.,ontanss six uspàrt- mnents, lias an excellent ceilar, and thons is gooa tabllng sud al 'neaassarty ont-buildIngs, and a gsuorior gunsp of good water on flise spot. CT ýowilch 'wili be. round very liberal.J. A. MAYEIRIWOFFER lus. (Jbronléie (Ofice, Whîty. BEAVERTON. FOR SALE CIIEAP4 A MIUL FR1VILEGE AND TOWN LOTS . eoitigi o ats th es-eton Wharf. A lsarge and profitable Mililng business ecau b. doue isera. Favorable ttrisi inas bc mosdo with tise l'ropriotos' isy a I'ractieal M ilier. 'MR.JAbMESARMSTRONG,ý N. .-Tlsere is a finalt-rate, opeuiug at Boa- ~crton for tise Esbialiissintt of a kouudry. J. A. l3aau:orton, JulY28, 1857. 28 VALUAJILE PROPERTY for SALE. Tplii£ Store end preississs lateiy oaeupied l'y ÀMr. J. A. MeMilau, et Uticinlutise iown- ship of Reach together with a quanrter acre of Lussd attacheci thoeto. This store is verr fava ribsbiRtuaited for any business. TiseVi leo a Utîcîs issuntise cenitre cf tise Townshsip, anad ail tihe travel on thus Brook roud passes tlsrougli it. Termis wiiI b. made ta suit psrciîaserx. Ap- plication to laiesuode ta JA S. B «. CAMPBELL, 45 - Asiiuru P. 0., Beach. TOWN LOTS. F OR Sale, Lots Nous. 122 and 1239 Nent Street, West, of Brock Street, lu thse Town of Wjithy. The above Lots are mat eiigibiy situated for buiidiug, irpBs~-tl1cy are euclasod assd situatecl lu t l'us es4t part qf tise Town, and ivili ha diuposed osf, on libcrai tortu% go A clear decd sili ho giveus, frce front al iiscumbraucsu. Appiy ta V. C. M'A JEJ1?OFFR, Whitby, or ta J. A. MAYERHOFFER, (lisris suie (fflîse, 1W s ithy. TO LE T. A LARGE TWO STO1lY BRICK STOIe, ivitlî apartmetuiin tise sainoe t a cccsmuuso- si te a narcîx)(tsuble ftuusily, ansd suother large Woodan Frasue Ilotsîse uîjoiuuiusg this ime, cous1- tsiiug altoLgetlisr 10 rassuis ausi us isrge celns- use axcelesi)t Wcll ut'wustos- withl )II1 ,sind slit auceusair,"ont bnii.'iag,, ans sguiod surrdsi.- Tise lot coîstaissulaf asn acs-c, situaiît on the asumrof ai Djussas and Anidersonu strc-etin lt ho Town af Whitby, only a few miustits wslk train Use depot. Alua auather very hausisome Twa Star-r Iloumsa ii. tise saine i ocaiity opposite theto s- derîce ai Johin llaner-tpeuîdid varasiis round the sainie, a good well af vuter n ad ci- teru ai saft water witis a jismp ist cacis, thte fs-omîtpart i lalui&out very linusdsusnely and orna- usuauted mitiî fiawars 'lloeriîg tiriîrnud overgiýets, wlciiiuuakes it ailu'sr likalluittltr paradiso lu ssummer,'liic sreta-a gusudemis, ud a e(lreorcissrsI jirùslsac!iutg riss-stisrac tu toritnr dbisa it aI' upîsies, ta,, ssiont huiiliinris rcquired fo-smcls a place. Tisa ii- siie piaece1I81us boer.thue resiese of t iseilii Siscniif, N. VJ. ltynclds%, Esq., aussi other gusu- dacman ai restpetuth)il i (y witich i. ai ligh rcs.uut- useudatiau ai" tuiielce witliuit.ftis-tiser coin. usent. Rest bModerute. For particuilais 1 IAME, sq Wlmiteisuul, Wisitby, C. W. wisitlsy, ias-cili 2, 1859. 7 TO LETs 111 F, Store anud dwellissg Honue îow oecupied Ahy Juntes l5ringie, ansd kisown us thea STONE STORE, lus tisa Tarit i fWitby. Ilossossion given on tisa irst ou Septesmer next. Apl GJAMES ROWVE. Wisitlsy, InJY2S, 18-58. 28 Valuable Farm for Sale. T abl 'ilileFus-mis cosuposcd cnf N. E.3 ai Lot No. 4, i(in teuicessiôii fPick. Oontaining 50 Acres, About 20 sures aehopvmd. TIsûaboisve Fas-i lmq situatesilu is e centra ai, amu exoieutt iheat-growissç hacality, and vitîsin abouîtsix mises ofaim uport st Towns af Wlitby. TLes muisuondarata, Titie iuîdisptitabie. Apuplication ta bo macle ta JAS. McALLAN, Whutby; JASi. LO>GAN, Lot 9, Broken Front, icikerng, or tc THOMAS HUSTON, Wlitby. Also, for Sale A quam'itity ofigood CEDAR POSTS,. APFLY AS ABOVE. Oetober 8 1859 55-Sun W &Asin TU AIL THEI WORLB, A"D UALF 0F?,THE T9HE subsenribor hading snspeudod busIneso, The nowaiffera ta Salf or Rant for a terni af yoars 1ou1.o-jy roasonaible tanni hua spiessdid ;proie'snts Township of Brook, canaîstingâcfa STORE'& DWXiLLING HOU-SE, Wihi two :KtbnaStigroomî an4 Peulr, office and Warebause, rTisebulldlng a roirt oluss maîie »uildtau is.' Ps-tee, a tilnfour eciual anuitailustgalesgwltis interemt ah tise sunun relioutai, ,-r, iBrook needé né ,vylt I~pm d tiAis udus»0riasimhaltti a a sufieet ressen- à ndton, Flor- futher, paitiets i ppy te' StretTironoor to the subsoriber on tise Vroanunu, Brook; Sept,,17e 1869, 36W tf 'anln d846 Its h;Mpassad Ant at Wltbj-Go ciDatuli. 3Agèclo'lfle~e ~srdIs wrld. 1 Royal-Insurauce Company. Fins pu . eîuMd, 185s1-Two'buný;ei! Thousand ?o0undà Stïrliiig. - Rame 1Futsdoonhassd Io *witeet ai kdn*, oter$oe QIRE INSUBANCE on Ef~lgsYrlts- X aind Mriasie feey4ucitos f ftsc'tadou the sssiViai'eati Shsort period riski4 taken on Moi olsndlize for aise or suore usqAths,ý Liftisstranca on çery uilvaungeans ters fortuie nused, mvitis aniltiabohitusddliï15 of plotits every five yearus Wlsitisy, June, 1859.- 20 PHRNLX IMBURANCE COMPANY, NAitTIOI5DCONNEOTICI. WPAIDUP CAPITAL, $200,000M I. tion, ewithout refeireneUa. te tho l<asd otopýilcfe. C. LYNDF., Whitb .1eb. 2, 1850. The Scottish Provincial Assimuce eablisked A. T). 1825, and Iassorporat4d by à Speial Ad f Paereieit. CAPITAL, - £1,000,000 CANAnA-suýEAýD oMrcE Monts-cal, tD Great st. James Street. SExduTstTt.-A. Daviduson Parker-. T NTENDING'Ass»urss arc etopcotfuîlly ne ILqs.mcted ta persmse tiis Cctpen.y'e Prosspec- tus, wiseîeli i will ha fomsud that every advaus- tage, consisteut witi sescurity,is afi'ered. rise ratas 0f 'reuniuatng eisaaged aire low. whiie the Bosnscu dssclered wili beurcomparison withs tise Profits uslottcd by amy af tise othan loading offices. 1'articulir attenitioia lu io dis-ectosi ta an eqnl- table reguiatiats adaptesi hy ths.Company, ap ta suresdor value of relissqnishecl Folioles. WsmsrsU'.-JOIssî Agliie,".gent; Bobos-t J. C uisis, M. Di. Mediessi Acsisci'. PnusiE AILassr.-Nivcts Agiuew, Il. D. Medi essi 4dvisor. state Fis-o Inssus-auce Company of Lon- don, E nglande eiuA5uTYREil uv ArT OrFmusuiT rUAmtLsAKKnT. CA PITA L -... 500,000 STERLING. Cairua-Tlsa Bightlipti. 1,s.id Koats. Il. B. Shecridan, M. P. ('oiossei .lsmeis Adeir. Tisa Rev. W. Beau. P'eter Canstîirs, Es q TiselBon. B. Bootlhbv, Johln James4 Unwin CIanke, Esq. Henury Clark, Esq. M .D. N ichisasDcesssays q. wIilssuuss S. 1otter, Eeq. V,'liiaint louîry tougli, Es4q., M. A. F. M. % WcliEs. Peter MIssorisosi, Esq.,- Managing Director. $ udito',.-A sobruse Miil1cr, EKq. Solicitor.- Vewsrit. Miller ê Hlomeai. 1rGjr-alim K. Wiilssmê, Esq. .Ruunkr#..-Meisiro. Blessons CANADA BRANCH lleaid Offic,-Ilasouic hall, Toronsto. Trustee.-Iiaii. Jolsîs Boss, John Crawford, Eas .,Q. C. .ford of Directcr.-Clairman-Win. Me Mister, Esq. Vis'-Ciaiman-W.P. Howland, Esq, . >.F.Win..Base, Eeq., Wm. lien- des-son Esq. F. W. Jas-vis, Esq., Siserlif, U. C. aiof 'k nsiPeol. Blaikers.-Tise Baink oaf Montreal. Solicikpg. -Boss, Crawford & Croffibie.' Tise eisgagesstents of tise Stats FineItîsuramuco Compansy are gusaranlerd by axespaisitle Ire prietai'y. Ail Lasseus ili ho setîlesi romptly witluout refareusce tus lui Bourd lu E nglaind. .< Tise I)Isiner; f t tise lmes lîaring beesi pur- ahusesil, Policy .isaiders are now gnisranteod by tise State. AtEXAÂND;ER STEWA!RT, Mliitby, Jain JOHIN AGNEW, -Aqeteai%' by Fis-e. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000 TNbURANCE affected au Buildings eand thicr ..contenuts. Bvery- informsation supplied aes application ta tise iiîdersigued. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron'Sirect, Whitby British America Assurance Compassy, TNCOItPORATED, under an 'Act af tise T4is-d iSsestieisof tise Elevcutli 'ravinciai Pa$ia suent aI Upper Caînadia. C1APITAL £10 6;000. Irsurauce olteoted on Buildings and theli cantcuts. Every infiormaition supplied an ap plicatiosutte eundcrsigned. Marine Biaki' for tise beason or for Pnrta. Travefllng Auent, BÊys-be treot-~V1 Phoenix Tire 4suxa;toe Cô. OMIiAR5D STxzET Ati OtUSRICG CRaN, loNDO ESTAB i , ED- 1 1782.' 1TNSURANCES agalnt LOSSÊË b'yFIRE and J. ffocted osa tise seostifavorable tomenn-,d LUSSES pâlid wlthout referenço to themlwadýin Losndon.s H.,W-. WOODWARD), AinConn4t iuJ Ontario Whitby, Ans, lot 18698, 'FICE. TZTIL fürtiser ceutico Mils -w.iii b.elased East -rz:oslrsa a, por- eluius ai plcesapth 'Wes1t ab Kingàton eit - 'i"o'forMi-1_ten- e tO.m sd7p i Lettons for moustieul, anud pacès EstimoÏKlg- stan arao ouiy dest t led ty th'night mail go- t i al oi g us, enluding D unhartorp goîssg Mput ioe i7a. ni., alsla it 6 p.m. Ducordeiv réreut lOan.unssatl.m Tise Mails fur l'lce éisagasudi Dniuluttn lire only niailed by tia nonsissg tralin golng'West. NarrMess leîvadiily altertisisarrivai: ai tise train fnsunt Toronto, for, lmookin, Manches- 'ten, Fort Ferry Boudu, lissduaManilia, Boss- vetntasPart ll(ooier, Aubburn; Epsoîn,,Utica sidUbriigo, sa l'ofr sii tise correspouiss igf. lices. Mails ire ainnde tirat.siqiu>xtime for A isi- loy1 Brdutglsunl3utltssêus, Grces,ýwood iii iu ii- saie duily, andoss is Tussids.y, iliursday sîîsd Satssrduay fan Altossus, Clurenut sssd ftousll'- ville. - Midisire duefor delivery frtass tisas. offices at abolit 5 30 îb.M. ENGLI.SJI M 1SFsntise lut of ApuiL 1859, cil lettes-s flot Crosst Britusis mulli le pre- pad;' ,by postae ýiisp.. Lettersisuitaidsifl'ot Etropersiuculsi hopost- cd belorc 7. 0*le .,M uMussss IIEG1STltA'lOy"(JFLETTERS.-Tue charge for lfetistrutians, in addition Io ile poet- aïe, is aï; foilows oms ecdi lettenr iz: ra amiy place mu Bstisu Norths Ânirieas, lid, To ausy place lii the Unsited lStates, ( postuge m mt ho îrepiuid ulvessa ) -d Trd any place in Great Bs-itain sud Ireissnd(post- lige inst ha prepîsid aisa ) -7X-d To amy plaîce lisi tisa Britishs Colonies or Posses- sions, s1 eist via c Esglisnd, ( postage suusibciepru'- Tro anyplaceilisFroance, urotlier Foreignscassis- tries, -via Englend, an ainumt oqîsal te fics post- age rate. PARCELS sip ta 3 is. weiglit clau ho sent by pout isuder negilslums ut Igs d per lb. ta h. prepid by postaige stamîs, aussi muis> haregistar No masils sire despaitelses or rect.ived on Sus OnBooks ansi primtei ihettes-for tise usites: Staites, tise Cisiidissul'os.tage mmat bcpnepaud isy postage stsnpig, snd ais sucis suitter fr>ni tUi'tted Ststos-, tise Cas.adiuus Postage will ha la c.llect a011 iis'y Ail trsinslicuNsswspsc-)siuscitiug tîsose tfs- Eugisnd, unumt bc îîrcpuid y11Y 'oistisge Stamp or, iliey causuot ho forswt'airld. ewspsaps.'rs for tIsa ]lmitit;h ItisImdies%,. or Nowluusdsssdiiii, musst bhe rprsid iy l'ostagts Stemp, 1%d etcuii; ssnd for Iis.,iisAusatrit la, alld-tiser piîeus beyossd smon, 2e sucli. OFFICE 11017jES,-Weî'k disys, tris 7a. us. ta 7 p. iii. susslisys, fromi q to 1u) a. nu. lu.s1tigoStemssps ,cuislic punrelisstes i t tie Post Office. 'Whitby, April, lSfstl. 6s 18w. DENXTISTRY! DENTISTRY! I.S.oncsM.D.Surgeon Deutit,&c.q UN 1119 gnIsî sscera tlisaîis. ta tls'citl',ens 'WZTiitby ansd vieillitv, for tise ver). liber'si strusssu' cxtensle<l ta hlisiii n s rofssisu. enu'situkss lesîve t< uîcu4ilutilufis umimerous tricis anisd tise pulics, tisait lue isss fsllî' essapie- ted lis urnmsugehsinte flor tise permannent pruetice of MA spFofetssian, iin tisaTown of W iitby,.- Tceth ssosntcd on Ooid, Platinai, Clicopistie Metuil. &o. Teetis lillesi witb :ýrGOLD AND STANTEL FOIL, ..l and wltis Doctor .loncits new invention, tisa nous. eorosive p cari cenet-eqtiuil tgold, but sot'su eoî;tiy. Tectis oxts-actcd by tishse siprcu witisosst Isuisi. A pnittieca'af tsvety %.cars& lunlbisuproféluiisn. emablet; Dr. Jouis tý a srusîtc ta lis4 ptrenus ail that FrafeiKsiorja1ssi skilaind expes-lence con acompls litwadi; uieviatiag hsman Bsffrig. lu tise tosn Autin affe'ionot of tIse Teetîs, guux.a aud <ialiiîervest-Tic'dIoorcex, &o. Dr.Jolses oprations lissve uiwaysben attessclad 1wmthe isagreates t ucuceus. OFFICE at tise aid Demîal Stanîd, ov er Jas. Bi elow'S Du-3Goodu store. ltxzsxrc'-'s.J.làim erry, F.sq., Mayas- ai VWluby'N.(4 eynoidsj, Es'l. Ses-It; C'. 0. W. 3I' .1-asaue, Egq., Dr. Cheekley and D N'oti r 241h, 18.5s1. - RU. . J'ERO0ME, Surgeona Demtist, EFUTfE subsei-ibcr reqtteass public' atten &tien te his naw stock -ci -suipenior toves. They iiecludé théfolowngnew UKNG0F7YE, GRAND 24UREý ýIRON IJLKE, Cali and exam'iin-e? . j 62._ JOHN BBYAN. SHERIIT'S 'SAI 'SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS Conn of (intario S iATURDAY-TTUE 0 WrT %J cvcîitpentis day of ilecernber, A.1P. 1859, ut tuCive ici, noon, wili hoc sold by-Pitblic Autitin, ut mv iffice, lis thse Conrt Housse, ith te Towsn of Wlsitl,y, the .riçht, titia, ansd isituregt wisicis tise: nderiusen- tioîsed défessdsnte severliliii possess is tise un- derucslined]Aîîd~ sis ieeîL.utsthereosu, s'cized hy ne, lusder and hv drise of certain Writs of Fieri}ue stounsc rt-d ii: Wilii Çs orrigsi, pladitiff, vs4. S-yivcsterIlad- iey, defendisat. Ilis Ille Ci Ci ousrt. Viliin Corrigsi, pliilf, vs. Sylvester Ilai- eut. huit oflot eNo, 5, ilisthse cievenltlt coul- cession of Scuigog. lu tlisa('o slit%-Court. Jacois Sisier, pluinit, vs. Johin Sisier nnd Josisua BErcon F'cectitors '4 tise last 'Wili andi Testuinent of cltg~:iusideccaused,d'e - feuidlntis. Ail tise, intarcsst lijeli tiiesahiil StclingPssng-, misn, deceissecl, ilis ll iifcriire snd -at tlisetulle of him .dcath isid iii thse noris trustfiftb- mcres t Lat No. 7, iin tihe evensth coicesms(its of tise Town-tisip of Broek. Inutise Court ni Queensu enlIs. Tise Zinucrînîss1 i :Iiîk, pliiitiff, vs. James% Locknrt nid Atsdrew Ikrnii, deftliueits%. Lots No>. 7, 8, isîd i;, iin the 2îsd e9licemion of :Scott* Lot 15, in tlie'8rd ceLct's'sio f Scott. L.st 14. ii tihe 4tluti5tCSissofScott. Pîsrt ut' Lot l18, ii tise 7tIls e.sîcesisiosv of Ux- bridge, eositiiing Sci iisîres. L6t No. 11), i!i tihe 7tlî concessioni of Uxbridge Rosi ri;rtof Lot INo, 2$, hIlletiselt concession ,or Uxbruîige, Cols teuiiîîg 100 sercs. NEL.SON G.BYNOLDS, Pierl, .. wiuitby, ýSept. 22, 18-109. bulERitFF'$ SALE 0FP LANqi8. Caur<ri Or Atua, N Satus-day, the 'To WIit:0 - Third day of noon, wili ho soid by-Pulic --Auctiou, at niy OlIce, lu thc aut't Hanse,:iu thé-Tcwn of .Wiitby, -the 'rightý,titMe, arsd intereÏtý which tise un.dernentioned defendantsiev- es-ally passesa lu the unidernentioned lands,. and teneenuts thercon, seiztsd by mc un- der, ýand by virtue cf cetAin Wrtsgof Fier! Facias ta nie directcd. vus: 'in thse Court-af:Qiseen's Bench. William P. IlTowlasd and joibn'- barles" Fitchs, plaintiff'vs.' Pauil F.Whitney, defen- dent. Lot 28, Broken Fs-ont, lu tise Ist conces- iof aPickeriug., Iu Lacl Tornai ship clf] tenemnin ces thon- - In' T N returning thiaicuta lais ssuuieraut; fricus(is Jimes JL and tise public gouisraily 'for thair liho'1brg.b "s- ptronaàge inée, Luecsue d' pa tle li'. Ai Town, would lisro take Occasion ta, state la, aIl.' tisose wluo ancre Il Arlificiai Teetîs, that he àisai bas naw obtioudaMsoltine for" variin etis, e R8iu S vnlcassised-'nusbber,isupan whieis se willinguert part af 1 al kindit end styles aci'Lcetim, gWeJleap&u'tlun concossir ha# eéver u'in daste before Ivih- islaspruou. %Il thatl Dr. C. C. Janouu wili gutarantec toi littiseThne niaut diflanîlt cas' with t ho groategt proassuon hmi In aU full cases, partiles eau-haro Bbook Teethi burght*, c with Solid Ovins, whieh i4, iu every resiset, ime.orý farsupei'ior ta amib>' in f ok ýknw In usê. Thie wonl ier hsiai* ak sywnor -parc.l cf~ ~ ~~ lieludn otssn êppraveo a'i y ship cf oth em n enit n eo ask, and prin-. cipal cilles titrougisaut lisa IUnitedi State, ourig Lot n usu ho ils heinneh ligister and of a non-corasre smen cftl nature, aus it la, aider a test ao' lhree yexkuown a deenuesiIsigion and maro'profemsble thoant gld Ltwsm on any alter meotalie pilo. -Liwi DÉt. Jxeoxîswould wimh il ta h borne ln.mlnd taxe,,.c that lie bas- greal rednced tise',pnices- whic ' Wagc heooeewere Lise standard. lRe.wonld, risa lait' _M furthiso stale ltaIt lie lusabeecanetantly uslng cr-1 jist,"dnrhngwlsioh-tne ho bas puft upc greal O"- it nuia rcf unean sd lu a11 Instasncestise beot' tweiVec !Tsatisfaction hoa beon pmaniféeosi y ..tise' s0uth SI patinta. - -soutis et ;o*014 p »lvrs- sd Platina Flirtes nuxt s<»rth,« _Pti tise Latest Styles, - thneu Aktlil Surgio esin fisTeiodut'i withutian byr naséo eectrliéîy. ýPjtjUt hâeu h8 te thils aton of4lhll. teeèéh r ' 'rftont ofi Outoie& Al'go,5, WarraiteM the sald an-8,~i-sd «ain9pemailof tiswork - begtl ybu. eeth-huiortý4 éisotvh)*,e. -' &&Y,BrqoIr$*-mu, WAUIy. Sp.15j 1859, ,Iy-s 1w w Wbty the Vourt'-of Comuxion PIea..' Inn Davi-dsoi, 'plaintil -vus. Indune n, defendant; r- ai 'ýsirceI os- tract cf land lu tise ip of Brack, inheÇç?jizty-of -n--, eing Lot numuber Nioseteen, (10)'in JJîock, wi '«" and inguîlar, tise tehredi* sud appurtonan- ountolau e *slougiiug the Court cf Qneen!s Bencs. - iLigplainCif vs. Petçr Stduten-, id ýsiûâgdari tl;àt- certain pie&e or, >lapd, siturtted'-iuitbeTownahip cf fcsad ubingu- coiupmos f etCîmer Selven, -i1tlý Ejihth io cf tiëse aid Towus ý,n'd being parit 'eeoreconv8 1 bys- e Boden, ta tise susfd- . utn cousaiuing-hhree 'tise sane rusâ, ansi alsco,, )ther'-pecS, Il cf I#nd sîitaîs 'o alTwi lescb" ba-iug conip6e4 cf part of sber Soven, iu the Ninth, onoes- b.e said Toývnashlp ai Boaç ,and- a aal tis eronuiing pàÏïýfW- !eh. has Dot' hithdri esen suaIs!fWs - I ",%IE PROPR=iT Publie that ho lias p maodem nstyles of Ty or Fostabissuan ofl>:every'desithl iwith, des§pateli, ut ""'PnIme.-' . Firi-c1wlS Fete 4uction Bils,. lnsi ten, c f Fuintiug flu being ordered. ZACHE1 TUDGE OF THE ri Courfiq., Office W Thbraus.. NELSON SRERIEF. Eti- -C LERK 0OF TI tise Court Hioi '0bR OFTI tCeRglstr Off ~W. 1 S H. J. -OLICITOX, Cousseil. üOffi sIUTY ENt H LERKFIIRST ' joli TNSFECE>R :of s - H BAitniSTE] -CAMEROI ~offleO -st tise( GEORGE B AI<RISTEB- Street, Wuitl STEPI sgeut for th, lYr onaldson'a Whitby.- -' -' s le on, Wota .52a til

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