Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1860, p. 1

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-g s-- s LANDS lt>ÀY TIIE È Viîthy, the nndrnieu- ! m u the -ln- ustheeoi, o f ertain ero ti )m;- stl mII ilst Le eme.sde<t I nt tiue %ine :smi;êlit ho I - writt'1 , 1 ~O L1ANflS. ttrday, tho rd Eday cf Iv 'clock, ln theTown ud luterest ondantatiov- R O>' me un- 'itm of i' obu Citariet (sney, defen- ast ouces- i Ples. Iand ini -Lb. n id, srG$lbe tçr SLcquten7,, sin piu1e oor TownAhtu cf eetnpoied cf 1thé Èighth tyéd y on. 9 otheur pioco i suId Town" o1 f part of luth concou- ' Peacb ' and part of Osi4 een Eold. for_ ,cd b>' John wbieh sald mn>' b. de. Il non front Xd stance of I~ ibId!é~'~ ~mori1ti f 8SATURtDAY,, é.kl d (Jhr.nIelêutlr4tOVU5 otb« out~paribibd i Il tt w hitby, C. 'V' BOOK AND'JO B 645"Çisgi5QM1," wottid rorue tfuiiy lnfrmithie public tI t heitîe. prou u rersoue offlin ost moëtem tyles of Type from NcW York lîi4ad èh-6 ,10K AMDJOB PRINTING oU ,vory d0erIption, lu anupelr~l _iwithideispatch, attilîeloutrnuer4g -Flrst-elass Presse. sutd l'riating Mîiehinery, .Autlan 13l11. Ilorse BisU, sud shiir descrip- tions cf Pi.1îilng Pauishied wilthin atihontr of beiingordered. W.I. IGNS Ctronicle Office, Wlîitby, C.W. ZACHEUS IJURNîIAN, J UDG F FTUE C0UNTY & SURROQATE Courtsg. Offlcett the Court Iliuso. 1 CHAULES ROBINt4ON, W ÀRDEN. RIDENCE, BFAVERi'ON,' Thorai. I NELSON G. REYNOLDS, SIfIt[YF. 3W- OFFICE ATr TIIE COURT nolise. il JOHN HAM P ERRY, RGISTAIt. OFFICE ON BRiOCK ST. M.. MACI)ONELL, ci LEIM O1;ITE PEACE. OFFICE-AT tuse Court Ilotiîs. iv 0 L .ji ,. ,/ î.- 47 'hd i "et,-tt nii i ttl î 1 -H i-J ,x id cc âr àad Meauui r to the couD1ycOIu-ý WIs 2Q33W1'JM WILRON. kjIA1L LEÏ PA NE,, n At(CTIoNEEq MAgzIË ,RÀO BIT4FFIiIer W ION OYURT. A O0NVECYANCER. côýâûî *B O~ ~URGZO$N I;TO TUE C(OUNTY GAOL I ýCA ENTIST.-OFFIE i N BROCl :jStreot;' over J. iglow's Stee, sud oppoite j'îe Begistqr office. Ail operationa warrsnted. G. A. CAR8OII, M.». iIIYS1IAW, SURGEON0 ACCOUCHIER,- P &.Offieu d rômiduisee-"Ueitm Ilotel, Whitby. 'riuratetogielt rne N. B.-lidvide te thepoor eveiy Monday, gra- tis 4à. É49T WINDSOR flOUSE, WH1TBY, T IIIE above Ilutel là, situated In a plijsant and .Lretired part of the Town, on tlhe front road. Good accoimmodation tor travelleo. Good Stabling aind attentive ostiers. 22 JÙST RECEIVE»I, Oouliels ColiN, N0 flushuls Ci.OVEuR XXI 10 50 budhcls Timorii Sri, for sule low. Il. W. WOODWAUD, Comissiion Mcrcliaît, Dundas St HIUGU FELITZI, T BÂChIER IN Mugie, Tll, Ovgan Puio Forte Ilirmonî ilirougli lirasiuand ali kinds oS strin1g lustrnients lu prepaired to or his residence. 4y J. C. M ANCOCK, WBOOT AND 8110E MAiER,..0 LER 0ETuE COUNTY COURT, ANDfi %_)Wib. uw ndtore f Cue4rr ) h Sroae or.Ofieu UWiZocd atenmal, asud îy ex poieniecd work- Lie egotry Office, llvock Street. mou- . .&îmo repaiinîg <tote witi.î neutiicss sund W. PAXTON, Jr.,'dsaou T EASIURElI. OFFICE AT TIuE COURT ADIERICAN IIOTEL. r W LK & I'Â'rERSoN PRQXRIE- IH.J.MC NEL tors, cornter of Youîuîg sud P~rout $treets. p OITR CLERK ZOF TTuE <'OUNTY Torouta, C. W.- 15 t - -PERU SALOON.0 JOHN tMhIIER,t (OU NTY ENGINI.tIiL. (Of'IICE AT THiE jT PÂliRAIS, LxIT1, (>1 TIJY IZyitN0 1I ci Court Iloume. 1 >.Canada,,, îar tt,luliyail ycuimu> Kinge _____ - --- Street, West, Toronto. Chiolece uihî ui L. FÂIRDANKt4, lefre*iuuicuit* ut ail lueurs. -15 CiLEReffliStT DIV~ISION COURT. OFFICEr cait tIhe Court flousei JOHINý METCALP, JOIIN GORDON, - LEUX OF TIE IFT11,DIVIION COURT, '1$& bMEASURE:S C cuunpriuiug tii. ToWnishîip Brook. Ad-j TNI'C<) if WEI(iII-dras:Cnnigli.1 -~for tho Couiil ru!' fOtuairi. ------ - lIP51AY, c. W. -. IEWETT, l'Rt)ILhETOil. COMPOR- IrlCCtOrg'. teile uuccouuuundaticiu fr reles Vlittiy, Janu.21, 1857. 1 W.-11. TREMAYNF., A. K. RICE9 111115 rER ANI) COUN'rY CIIoWN 0-ABINET M ERUI0STEE&.0 J.> Attoiuoy. Offic-li Anîul'. NewlBrick lu(l'ernil'u all, IlyronuStreet, MWlîitiy. l'à- îîiok~.~&cîuu 1 on. 10 paer langîiic uoatly doiensud ail kiuuds of job- - - - --- bine, uand repaututg of l'uîrîitiirç tloisdcd ta. CAIUO N & RMACDONELL, uuttcaftlyemcd K) AUUI$tTEI<$ &s ATTIORINEYS AT LAW, .j.DSlicitons tat thie Cotitity Ccîmucih Ontario.- RAILROAD HOTEL, LWOliC it theo Court loimei'-13outhî Wlug. PanR xlPERM -- - FARtERPROIIIIEOB. r TIIIS GEORGE 'H. DARTNELLt lion.pausc ocîl uceanu muodatiomi fur Il ARR[STEII, A'fTOIRNlY, CO)NVEYAN 'm avchera. OGood Stsuhl ng anîd attentti'e.'o u- &Cýo. hiardwure Store, Brook strout Whlltby J. V. HEAM, f ERCILANT TAIMR, BROOK STREET1 DAliRiSTER1-ATr-,AW. 01110E-BROOK ._i..W tittiy. __ B1 trnWhitiîy,,C. W. 1 ______________ THOMAS DEVERELL, S. B. FAlIRBANKS, BUlIUl)E R, &c. &c., GREEN STREET, OUCITOR NOTA>RY PUBLIC, &o. &o. B Whitby, C. W. N.s. A2 OA W. BANKS, L 1DRIISTEU A-NI) ATTOl1NEY-ATî-AW. sod ccoîuunodittiouKfor tra'vellerIm.088' B )Offce-oDppOsite ti le egis;try Offilce, ________________________ Street, Wilty.1HRN OSE STEPIIEN SEARLE9 PORT WHITUY, o. W., F IhRE, LLFE AND MARINE INSURANCE LLIOTT SPROWLE, PROPRIETOR.- 52Agent ton thec Caîmty et' Ontario. (>fllc- IE G ood Accomodationl. over Donaidson'l Lardw'sre Store, Bnuîck -t-eet I whtby. -P7 .lM. CLARK, LATB c0113) & 0C., - SCT~'-~OEL,1,1ERCHIANT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST UN»ASTîÏE IIITBY,Fî 1ISTDOOR L NIWest. Toronto. 10 MARTIN99 (LaI Waîsh's) ROTEL. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN,, CI'ONVEYANCER, -COMMISSIONER FOR Jtaklng Atlldùvits, Aceautinit,- Land, Dlvi IESBCItBl IVN AI U !1ieaCourt, Notitry 'ublic sud GOicral Agentl,T ov otlfonMr okiabeoa- Utbsr4gg. OMeie-Kisit Sreci, îiearly oppesite fr h es comdto otepni.4 thei medical IfudI. IN. B.-Ali business ,strtttd ta Iluises e whlJSP OR 9 .,b. proinîutW at;tended to. 82 i LRK TWELETII DIVI93ION CO>URT OF AWCIJ~NCP~C& (ONEYANCING L Offloo, 1Prnce Albee~. A. 0fIýUIt5,B. A.q, A TTORNEY 'AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN £-X. cbanoery, donvoyaneer, &C., màlu Streett Markbn.~ DEPUTY REGISTRAR, MASTEII 4XTRA- Dordinary, and examiner in Chanoery for the Connty of Ontario, Brock-qt., W1littýy. 47 JOôHN JINAB, S3ABRISTER' ATTORNEY, &to. Offce- Corner 0obLYdhund Court Streets, (opp t oleCatanld,) Toronto. - s iY9&COUNSELORS .4T LAW . ..E 4 W Iiig, Miesota.8 ILIMTEiÙ'EST,>M. 1D. 41m a ,TE ET,, OBHAMTA, CANADA WILILIAM POW@ON, COTVEYÂNOUI ,&o.MANCHE8TER, AMOS W. CRONO, A BoHrnlTj ,CIVIL ENGINEER. iAN») .JLFtge ge4Whtb .tgeî ~ t tWnoacn &e. Addcs-iYif bunII, SÇan tn ig TI N AK U abovte oeiiir. Geo St»ableg ndte- fodL h b accom odat iofln Tr te lrs . 4 C4 LEuTWELFT.DICISON CORTOF Northumberand and D ra Iitine ETGIT CoNqsTABLE,, COrrNTY Ã"1ÉTAIO ILadInspeotor of Liéenses iùtheMxùnWOi ty of the Town ofWiiitby. J.W. CORsom,' M. J>. EUiyu loopital' late physician to tbe g Yor Dipenall friîo o-thé N. 'r'.A<a&iîey of ~ ~ ~ 10 0 ise icntt fUpper Canada,&. R~aIadce:-Makhsmvillge,é -0mile iit of tbeeomitoffice. B TEEN tIIE TIIEýTE AND BOFSI H inKng 1Street West,,Toroutc. Gain SuprDnuer, O1t<srs&cAlkn chtK 0 o. selettoil a Wlnes and Segars. 80 J. IL FABRHÂHL-, Agen. 'NLrXIN4T, EL, i1-h eaqveHq 4t4, t.hhauemowlhh -n fuue a on, on bie owu acount'- mibiquors, ýWineie and Btntlieo. ' Eeileut iitig.- CardulattptonformanauL harse. U RAY. ,jus4t oepo1ed by te -utdmraned1where bousc is, welh ftirniahued, wcll kept, and tIi. 1 i a t ' r'oomn'y"sud airy. Thenelis doua*irle tei s'd ftue bout atticu là rrai tg ibàdh6rse. The bir-root la: a amnd coVenleat,- amud *welh aýupplled *with být Wines, Liquons 'a$ Cigars. IRand- ely flted upsittiig roola for pniviîte par- MICHAEL McOAULEY, J>ropri 1er. 'ÉffiE RoSSgNi IOUSE.e tURn or YORK AND KIaNG sBRîas, TORONTO. C. JOSLIN, PItOPRI11ETOR; TISl L .hotùl lu the Iarges-t ilu tue Prvince, auid wot;eo faclîlties for aiffordiug supericr acconi- lation tu' the iutvelling puiblic, eqruai to tdue et Europeau, hotols, or tu any otîten ettaiuiil- ,t ou trie Anioricau Continent. 28 ~UINN'S 'HOTEL, TiO. 8, sAULT-A%-UMXnELOT unssn,. LOWER TOWN QUEBEC.- igr.aosu, to LAU steaml'oat Landing and op"oite the Bi*i#stAme*an F£npruu OJfie.àt n-RAVELLERS AND VISiTORS to tIhe An- Pcient City of Quebec will find sîlpenier se- commnodationu t Moderato changes ut thue abave hatl. Tic hotel liq very conrveuieuuthy situated -rieur flue Buunksct,Steauuibaat wltuives, auld prn- cipal business places cf the City.d tlevr £huci table sud han arc supplied 't vr procuroble eatutile and dinkebilo. Visitors wil flnd eveny attentiomi puid ta tluir eauuifont snd conveuleuceand evcry intornuation sud directiont as to lte uurroundiug locaities', pincipul placcu ofreorp cecr, c.JOIIÀNNA QUINN. 18 - 1rapniotor. GLOBE IOTEL, BRLOOKLIN. T IL E utidrtsgned havng 'taken %pssest- of-the aliove wel 1 kîown hoaIl, whelu hwil bc coudîuctcd lus fcnuîienly withL the utnietent pro priety sud regard for the comfont sud con veni once ofthêypublic. 'Tlue proprietur uassures his many fiends liai uverytinmg i.iniade ready u'ni; mutely ta enter- tai themui ut th lo(4îbe Ilotel, amnd tuat lue wiiI be î)OrIqUnxl>ý hrcesoit 1w give thiuusuicluitlne- ep tioaKuswax his wcut. T li liolse lias becttluorcuiuly papered, pinted sud renovatcd, sud is fitted up lit cveny resîteot ip ésuchu îumunuer us to iiiune stis4fuc- liont.'fic bar aund, table supi -lied, au fcnuieniy wittî limebeut cutableia amidninketlea. CallAind 5-ly.C. DAWES, Praprietor. TuH E T ERRà Ar i'N i ~:' J] IJ SoMp >L rc ni]EK NýL£ÂDING, OTAGE hors 'ntl* GOo Stibl ýT1e tien. cla)g pose bes: met] BTA~ LINDSAY Jih.laotesl'èà aé.throiugh hn1 rAiveln't tiéte fo te crsgg. net s4d Wcst. ie - t2 - N.RAYu HAVING pnaroi6luaad lue ebtire tôck ifI. Daiî owitfi an'sadttiéof, ai' ~ ' -2~wStock, M' Pbotion ta alwho aylfuWer us;iîti a cail. JOSEPH 1-11TOINS &Co. l3rooklin, Novomber 1oth; 18M 7. 48 WOOL CARDI$G. WoiC udg C la tb-tressitg, &c., at lita Wool Carding at 2d. per lb.. .PK .1 - 1 LEVIE P Fi I ~ * L. H.800IETD & CO. Importermanad Gencral Dealer#%lui- Dry iooda, Oroceries, Croc kcry, Wluitby Jiy làut, 1818. 11 28-t!. CORERRMAN L-IIOUSR.ESS .rGoRNA5T181TORtNTEN T IE Subsciber begs to annouce ta te inu habitants of Trenton ud tic Travelling eolmuîuity thuttbe aboyaflirstt-elus lions. lia been ltted up in a nw ud couveucunt uuaueuer À .Frs- Cla88 Table id served at tluieHûtel lieutqîuuuisy, hoie Oe1re Asearcsfti Stable lu coneceietî ait i thueetiove preinfisos ~L0EIDAILY- Ilýn Tb WC Br w w L col T ci cou beci À j A d Tre A it E Fr( Br( ing ry 1 - Ir kà lui 1 ýr. ter Ve Ca Ot es Id wi Vit' dm tui [b of lie lie in tu atm dc- Ir md R AI' ai Y. gALA Frn trTrontWo. ..o CHARLES VALE & Co., EG ta Inforin the. publie that they huar B eoumlrnected tiiose extentsive premis4ea c0 Front Street, <forutenly 3imiîidausthue (>utsi Breweùry, iilite îuust complote style for carry ing o11 the tiaimtasof Iron Founding & Smfth's worJt Tisey Invite Inspection of their nuncrouPi terus of timnamecntal Iran Foneces, hlalcoîio Verndalua, Vatl Dorrs, M'ain aud Onuinîut (lant Iron Coltîmils, Wiudow Capu, Suis and ARCHITECTURAL WOI?AK ocsveratees rcu )t-. Coutin, Ceuldr aIis k Ketisl'uin 4stings autd Forkgimeall whuii tey oIerte thue Trai.sund cahana on as i'uitugeotus lerjisi. Cauntry ordens puu tuahhyattendeultw. Toranto, Octoblir 20, 1857. 40-hi LICENSED AUICTiONEER, For the County' of Ontri( j.VKiY NCER sud iC)MMISIONkkRf takiîîg Atiduî'its lu 44. B. aud C(. 1P. Address Vh1OOMANTON, P. o.' NOW 15 TIIE TIME. GET YOUlI LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark'u*lst rriie Picture Galle J.ARGS. OIlMANE, Pore Tr.uton, AuAN ,1839. 80-lnî T lE PROPRIETORS F TRIS WELL Tknawri -Saloon arc nowlut oéc-uiation i t theO aId ST. NlCI1LAS. Kiug sîrcet, renante8 forinerly kept y Mr. fi urey.VTie preinieï save beëen uewiy renovuted throughiut, sud iflîîd u' ini the irat style. Evcny pnecunîihlc delicae c usuu A cigar divan itlted tup se- , mracl -luto wsi ui ouucbut tic besi brudi are îcruuiittud ho enter 2z; CARI.SLE & MoCONKEY. RAILROAD IIOUSE, ORE FBROCK AN].) DUNDAS Sts., ORNEitby (a Wiloocksci's.) hue Sets seniorr begi ta announea ttii alabituLnts af Withy, uud .thc travelling cojisihuity, tint hie lias takion thue store flratitm IasIntime, whili tlue lias titted up iii a new endonrvenient inuuuner. A tint-nate "Tble la sonî'edu!thuis IbIde. ])in uters4, Luncholuc, &c., eau be 1usd a utamenta notice. Ahi Liuors Icîmh ou tic j'rcuiates anc wuirrartod tii. * giarticle. O(Jice Ciqars. "£éH'OMAS DOWNINUL. Wiitby, Marci 1l'th, 1857. 8 VINEGAIi I VINEGAR Z I T îlE unileruhguoie alen.leouve te iufoth e ilîiuaiiitanl t' u hittsy, sud t-lue pubic thua hi lu Dow maunfstuing Vinegur asmîpenlan qnaity wiculie aspnepsned ta sîtpply W iJ>Ol- suie to kWîrciints anud aiiers, at gneuily redîîeed pce.The Trade libtiçalhy deul t illi. AI' ancIens by mail ;îunetua:l ly attendeil le. i'- Address MILLERI, Whitby. DAILY STAGE. F RO BROGIIAM TO FIZENCIIMAN'SI F ,,B Shuiu, on thue Grand Tnunk ]Railncad, eonit.ctiug witlî the. I~Morning and Evening Trains. .jet JAMES IIUBBARD. - Naoveinhen$rd. 1857. 42 LIME FOR SALE. Qcmîsuiug ,.Rpri- sud Siuminer Freshui Bumnt Lime wii will Go aold fer Cash only, utt 2ti 6d per iMAT-NEW CARL, 'T Port Whitby' WHISKEY. TUST reeeiv'ed, a congignment of WIil(Y efrom oie of tie 1,st Distillcry's; in the Pro vince, in packages et froni 5 to 60 gallons, wih the Rubscriber offors for male ut a very o figure for Cash. mrirAc Commission Aget RAILROAD HOTEL, B BAVERTONî. GOOD ACCOMMODAT]O good Stabling, aud caretul Osters aIsa iu atteudauce. 15 C. J. . M. ?'ASEÉ,?ropriet<r. JAMES, GOLTLD, A tTOER &o &., GREENWO01>, £XToftwehip of t'ikering. .- 26 AXES! AE! p ERONS in wnt of a good axe, caa hâv the suo un applying to thi. uderuhlne f' 10 WilîhbFonary. xes repaired où h TL Sit notice. Warranted Cest te. CLARK 1{UTC1HINS, 724la ýen=er htby. A BITUATION, WÂNTED. zike himoeJ uséful in any capacity. 72 Âddress 0.-D., Whitby Posfice.L Itype, actpletrrpo si 'frunsfer, on a Likenuesiaii îlocket,-Breacli Ring, tonr.3. A. C. cumudde it inu lie bout sty sud ut short uîolicî-. WILKINSON'S 13LOCK 881 BrotA ,Streoi Wlif the , rtgoistar-AeOýib,'fete»t?0tuiose WiOh bé osid-ta otliemî-it M but neesary ta 4tay,, tîlat hebsanfor 'ear, preseubecufor front 41000 ta 5,000 1 ud'awes ithtlo esIe suces.Caestht av affie4lother., inedical hikeotheu, a cue eerytî an Ildthceè'a O- Uion, but busputuplusmeu1cne lu two es Whicb are au lie np~~ T unuibor lisea - LOD WnrWIgne: sup 6loitti, 1pniât extraet of Saros anula forà.tngnoopntnies5 thte beut propcrtuor, Wjli aroxttid byan entfre lnew ceemi~l prcv«s. It acets in larger dge s.usan actiyp h»ysIe, sînalier ones asuah' 'a teéi'àtive"worklc die ,t1y 'on the Liver end Kî4neyý, xein-hrtoi ail morbid nutter,thuüing glutaac .1 aud niay tic relcd on ta cure Ltver ami4ikt#, 'tad CompldfsU-. f ts IN d"Ir1ust P1&UA az APd, gu1 sd ail other disteuss wliieh Jive their oigtn si s -dliaorderedor implFre statte of tilcod. -lt-la of a gtncngtbenug uaitiiro, sund. îeili tiever WeakenoruosatLbeol The number 2 is a FEVER MEDICINE.@- witi Nô. 1. It-wifl thron cure Znffarn eto inatis, ail kinda of Ievers aad A uuu Muthete uf&*,of Qo&2s, aasu -Paias, sckehOrChû.oni4 'or Acute.-'These nedicipes Wi111 ffetCUItS, 'not remioivals fnom cita' partoftebd h; other.otetidtat- r-r Roeinitier ta prev'cît confutsiaut, ftîte-e Medicinosq arc prepaned by OLul Docoio Fax)-, BMldCK:DzzXJ AKr<iiui Who bau pructiçedin Buf-' fal o over 27 yèaru. Taô prevenit traud, a correct Mienems of - tic Doctor is en tlue wrapîîc cf cueibou le otieud ']Dr. Fred. Dëleîlcuttiugîî & Co., Buiffalo, ïk. Y, blown, inthe gls. flirceticts iuucoupinig ecdi botile. Na. 1 is solîl for $1 lier tiottde; No. 2 for 76 cemts. 'With tlis mimple none they arc cffcrcd toe t publo, relyiug onnIlîcin -vrtues in recomnS ing tluem8ulvcs. For sale by- -- !i lm b , y- k Il ox Je- for Wc- ,er 1or FIe, H. W. WOODWARD, -- C (MMISSION MERCHANT, INSUBANCE euîatd zencrai Ageni., Otic-Latciy accu-' pied by lutnies Iîedgaouî, Wliily, Pe-. Raiuunucs.-fîouussCl ankson, Esq., Pe a4ideuit Boad cf Tradle Toronto; MW. G. CaBssis, Eaq, Manager, Bsu B. N. Atonicu Torouta; W. W. Ruansoin, Esq., Manager QiteLee Bank, 'oonto -W. Gunitle, Esq., Miltonu'Mills Te- ronte;ilon. P. MeGill, Pncsident Bank oaion ineul, Moninctl; Mesure. Muitlnd, Tyleo & Ilutetîlimon, Tarante; Mosans. Anderson, Evanis & Ca., Mostreal; M-saur. W. h'nioe & Soù«,Que- bec; Mesura. IL. J.'Noad & Ca. 52 ly ATJCTION BUSINESS A TTENDED to ae îîsnal, by J. C. Sterling. _tLAil orders rclating tu Auction sales by the u idereigued, sliould bc loft nt the Chronicle Of- fice, Wlitby. Messrë. Iliggins & Mayerlioffer are duily antlîorized tu appoinit îny days of s;ale, Bottle ternis, &e., and tu enter inito sualh other irrangenierîts rclating tÀo ,îîy aetion businesî és the-ymay cotmider propeir and neèeusary. s§liallbeoon liand tu ra2 ilay agreement tlîoy mray mae odmybel . f h out Sales atne ia prtsofteCui. J. C. STERLIN~G. C lA.L LE N G E 1 Tf E SUiM OF $100 WILL BE STAED. 9b the Underaigned, on! the 'bedt' work don. by a Wodçen Ploinghi ; and thley sre ready to bock-the Wooden 'loughi, mauufactur ,by them, with.,thtt above suwv fordoin'i thebest work aginst any other manu facturerlu the 4ionnty et Ontarido. J O U N S O N & &A L J . N , Farmiîi mplement Manufatrers, ~Town Lino. Wheat adWol rrjIEuds e d basjust receivcd or. Adera te purchase sevoràlI thousan-d bushels of Fait and Spring WHBAT, alec, any, ëquitiyOf WOOL, for 'WAiehthe' for POTATrS. THOMAS MOODYI, OimMisaion Agent. Whitby, May, 1sbo. 16 ng. F IcV sl JSole9.gent Rit W'hithy, Sept. 14, 1859. W & a 1-J use t. d Lot for Sale in the Villagc of Grcenwood. LN excellent Fraine 1Jioîse sud quasrter aeri ILfo Lendl situate Iiiflhc centre of the Vil. ,or GýreciîwoQd, luntdieTowlirhip of Pieker 'Tle house coutaius 4 a partmnents, ic ore la au excellent pump on fli preunscuq. For terns, &C., 11pýly ta W. A. McCullolugl tIL, G i eenwvood, or* to JOHN MeOULLOUGR m. The tîroprietor, Uxbrîdge PA< Piaxics, Kelodeons, &C. e>tuner of I)ÃŽiîuos, ileiodcons &c.y sud frenerai workmau fo o repair of ahi khndr; ofSMNinical liustrumnenlt now prcpured to rocci vt- sd execute ail o )ru ntruuqted to hlm. Ail wnrkii:nanufiu-tusr Ihm will le gtaratitecd cf equui wonkunaî tpi to any in the P'rovince. iiauou frons *1bo tu $800, accordissg ,te quai! Of lustriuneut. Pianos, Melodeons, snd otlier Muicael iintrt enis iuaniitttred tsi ondor. l'art payniiit talion lu trude. MI. orderm by iniil directed P'. (). Wlsiby,4 t Mhi own hange, rear of tîîin Gratni lîool, will bo puniiUîfy attended ta. e r- i0 or. JAMES JOÉNSTON, Watch and Clock Maker, w lii 3iROCK ST. WIIIT.BY. J. îuild taka leur. ta uuuuîouulee ta lais lie uicospgtitanud tfniendm, liaheb ls îîow mida -large additions la liu Stock of luutes Clocko sud Jewellct-y, Pmtteing aid, ind S ilror, kuglielu, Froueh"an ud Genmanl Vfatclues, ('locks, cf ecrny 'vuuicty unul ait le idJceny ucf ali kiiidm, wiiulie l iitaleil dispoe of ut' t xerediuîgly low ics Wluitby, Nov. 141h, 18.59, 68 Luebee A~'ency for 1h. Transaction of Business with thie (overnmen Departmen Lu.-1 H. J. GCIBBSj HAS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUE- bec for tic Tranusactionu of thue Busi- ness of Parties rcsiding iu UpperCanada or eisewlicro with any of the (Govcrnineut Departmeuts. Versons desircîîs cf aecaring Patents fer Lands, or iiav!ng Claixus of atuy allier kiud againsf tic Goverument, or requiing any information otitainile ah the Crown Landis or atier Public Offices, tnay bave their busincss dilligently attended ta by a Resi- dent Agent, witbout the expeuse and in- convenieuce cf a joumncy to Quctico. Patents of Invention taken out. AIl prepàid comuicatians, addrcssed ta Box 336, Pest Office, Qucbec, ivill mc- ceive inimediate attention. Quebee, Sept. 28, 185~9. 87w-1. ]PRIVATE BILLS. Aapplication to the Legislative Assem bly for Private or Local Bis, cither for granting exclusive privileges, or confcrring corporate, powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, for regulating surv'cys or boundairies, or for doing anything tend-. ing to eifeet the rights of property of otbep parities-ýare hereby notifled that they are re~red by the O02nd, Ord, and 64th Itules [w h are publighed inifull in the, Canada GaIettc two gîve TWO MONTHS'z notice «of the application iii thé Caàiia Gauette, and also Inisome ,newapaper published-in the Couney oýf 'Unioni ofCounties iaffeted; scridifig copies-'Ã"f the firet sud lait*of such: notices to the Private Bill Office, Quebc '- artersipNotice. J. aethis dayeureitapteshpu Breer sd -Mgtotersàsdwllcntnet carry, On the byapnços. etthe wlitbfee H. W. WOOD*ARD. ma- zvuua- the ambl'wLn ceity, mif ngtne bc laveýi -u,~ "Whtby'Juf1~t58~'~'o il~.tfeach seaix Jvata Win -IR3eü0s TT4Â. MLL BD. qEVED êVtËdsOIeiul aud Mitoblxuistuoseare perdsd lpadto ýubd"korthe ERZAT1f 3or-~i'PE MENTAR2ÃŽ afd DEMÂRTMM-CAL B3UILD The Ten'ders t'O state a bulk. mum, for yh the ContractOr la willing to snpplyaàfl the lu-, teniais, sud 0eoustmut, eret,jtuut in BSs- fnl openaitio 1n,1 aJI the wqzlcs, nuachiuery and ap- pitances co»Unèetêef>%4tw' tb'e otr yseýo heating for oach buIlding. Me h tastute up6ô wbat system bis Tender-i. ,baded, iaud"subtnit a fi!pecieeatiôg,,accompauied with-: detaiicd- d ra 1Wing,of its application aud to guarante r -tseret efficieî1oy for ton yoays sftIc; It gpcsý tata -operatîiotî------- Pýans of tihevea alig w-cac un rc'fürduce to titis Office, or tthe Arelitct,ý &àÉr.EniLsau4 .IorU, Ottawa sudiTorouta, ôr-to Mesars. S'ncair uu4i .ý&vprj, of O'ttawa. TJioCùderw aretobo addrossedýto t1ie "Sec-- retay of Publie~ Work,"sund cndorued "Ten- dur for Hectu uli luldnua Otw, sudto coutain the ai g atnreg of two or more . e- ursanôsible perspus whto are wiîhing ta hecome acýcurity for tii.duc perîoraiIiea ',of théc on tract, sud coutiinîîed etlcieiney of thie a$ystem, sud -are ta ticcîuccarnpauied tiy such ccrtflcateï aînd rcçomincndutios as he parties muy.have. t, Q'etrwitli re-ipect te ils operaticu. JOHN 11osp Offic of the Depantment of Publc i W'cnkit, Quetico, 14th Nov. 1859. f, 69sw 'PPI ,ird SIMPSON &FEROUSON. I ESPECTFULLY1 announce ta, the, in- ~habitants of Wbitby and surrouading îutry, that thiey have oped a - Taihor's Shop on Brock, Street, - tosite the "Ontario Motel," where ail lors eutrusted to, thera wili tic doue witb otucus sud despatcb. Whitby, Oct. 2Otb, 1850). 60. AGRICULTURAL WORKS BROOK STRlEET, WHItBY, vat Sel Set w'l for er. WS L sfaturrs ud Df tea n lki Mndralf MaRfcUtu rr d lerinMPlEEnTS o arket and Bob Sîcigbi;,Twhoe Culti tors, Plougiis of varions niake sud stylo bhruffiers, Corn ud ti atoo Cuitivators eed sud Tiirnip Drills, Rond Scrapcs &c. nry@hing i Rte bae ioated ot iethign ctuhe sud CUe a en to rt ~Ptensccmbutynd CRap'ersudAgen- )rty Ocober 12, 1859.pe andMfi Vty Col i12and8Lamp 51 HE tE ubar,iber bats jutat recoived a vcry flue assortment of Coal Oit Lampa af t o nowcstpattciýn,and w-it te lateut tun- - -proved buriiers. Priccu Fromn $1 and Upwarcls. Mlis Coal Oul is deodorized perfoctly'pure snd frce front any unpleasant snell, urnd is sold ut Toronto Pnices. It givea a lighf equal to gas, t as han hidi tic cost. Eluid sud conmon Oil Liamfps I4terecI ta humn Coal 011 at su bours, -nâtîdc. GEO. TULE, Jm. P.S-Stationcry, Scitoal Books, Violins, Fhutos, Accordéons, sud superior Violin Strings, for sale cbeap. 174 lion, Wluieii wuu lie methtl dfer fortification A grave skilfîi mlusau ggave iv lis oplulion, Thîut notltiug but sitie could seuno the do minion, A curpeuiten suit, tho1 that was n-cIl spole, "rn-as tietter hy fan wo deièitd il ivith oak ; A cunnien being hy, sîlsen titani bhut ese ta- Said~ try whlat you lease, Iliere-is nolbuuîg likg WILLIAM MoBIRIEN, Ladli es' and Gentlemecn's Fusilîioiable Boot s'id She M aken, Tic above, lias ftle list sci-cutyears tîîkeu thie tiru;t pizie ton Boots aud Shocs at the Cau-, iy show. Noebut fhe best uuutcial sud haut wonrlc- munst ip made up ntlie pzemaL).a. Ui.oid fnienuls 4îud uiew eiîatcniers witi lie reaiiN it- tendeul, aud turiisled nwlithgaad sud Jliap wo'rk a luas. Brookîlui, July4, 1859. THOMAS [YERS,'i LCONTY OFAUCON?2AR FR -I. F ARMERS SALES ln the Couiltry will e ceivie promfpt attentioli, on« reasomtl termis :-Likewitsc, Gonds consigned on-con missýolito tie Anctýon Rlooine iwil tidim"pi ofi di fli hst îîdivnntiàgc. Sales nt tlib Aucll Blooms ceverv ÂTJ1o~ »iIscaoeof lorses, lingbonei;suad Spaviis aretrcatcd witlî perfect incecoo. &ds-reoo,, wbcn by ot : THIOMAS MYEUS, Aluction Booms, Whitb, Fi~rîîar 25tT 1859 lIdH MONEtfroin Preseott offers fo tjsae, il kndiofEaýrtlienwarêaanufadu; ed Sit hhs pottery in Freaeêotti àteicd!flglYI N.B Merehanti and Dealers will fiud tt tbeh' advantogc tô iuspeet Mr. Mooney'es etcéa tihe4gent in Whitby-,nd exammeohis listo arce5ýbfdoecoucludînig expensive paroI ýWhIty, No. 17,1f69 Wiii Aid set ot illverWnt'ed Hris, dî Lbth Pole and Siiafs,ý on which tim&e will 'h ,iven by fu inishing app cv d eti dorsed . notes. ever rcay wili l o'2 cfiL be' ue Wàiuuug oumy .parLw. gîve- e>,îre, i- factioum t a al, auJ &atm ates,-n99 chea p lis ny other bouse f- the kind iinthe. eity. - - - - Proprietor. toit Market.Square, c ~ X t:~ JE~ * -Lu; - nvyaceCnuiEiNiQB&1.. 1 Tc no i tiol s, YoiKcotine o ubl.qi hefoilow. ing icading British Peniodicals, -viz-' r- 0O .NQ UEO Cosnviiv. rua xnîI\BUnou iîuVIE%' (W liii') mmII NOiTi il BPTISI! aiiEW (Erce Churcli.) 4,- nuit WEST31I2<STER liEVItnt'.(Lirai.) 11,ACKWOOD 5Eili Oii)À.A E('Tory.) thr 1ec great- politicuîl parties of Great - i tain-WIiig, Tory, sud Râdical-1ubut palIP tics forma aunly cite, featise cf tiicir charact- V- er. As Orgaus afitIlie niost prafoundý writers on S'cience, Lit.çr*gture,, MorsIity,, sud Religian,- tliey stand, ns thuey e-ver have gtood, uhrivallineti u t orld; cf lot- tens, beiug ýonsidered indispensablo ,to Lite~ ~ ~~ ~p scoa sdle uoessionali a il ta lie inuteligent render, ofý,veryrL4s ,theý funtisalun'more correct-sud satisfiluc tony te- cord «f tic ýcurre nt litemature aof: t- dy, tlîrougliout tic worhti, lina can be, pqssibly o tta ined ,f ré m ai- ny alier sFo t ce. JEA1t]LyCOPIES. Bitisht pubiéiers gives atiditionai value te tic RcîuiinhS iniasmucli as liey caît ua'w bic placedin t1hc bands of subscib.es libout aâ soon as the original edîlions. For an>' hwa of the four Reviews. .. 5OQ For auy three -of the, lot ir Reviews. . . 7, QO For aIl four of thc Re Viec n'. ........ 8 0 For Blackwood's 3MsgazIuç_..... .. c0 For JlIRckWo'jii.nd -on e'fl ew'.v.-5 0 Fer Blackwood - sud two Jleviews. ý.. 'T 00* For Blackwýoansd thnc'Ilcvucws. . . 9 .0 For Blackwoaduuid lte four IleVriéws.id"O" 3foncy cuî'reut hi tîse ,Stati where imâRd .cill bc i-cccired atpar. CLUB ING. À discount of twcuty.flve pË er of. front the. above pruces W'ililie saliawed, lac4w ordeig four or more copiesý of nny- anc ' or mre of the above works. Trinsq,: ',Foir coisoflBIîackwood, or aieueROnt n, ".ill htsu teo 014atdreas for $9.; fouir copies.- of tic four 4,vîcws.,sad Blackwood fr POSTAGE. - Canadian M>ils,scqril>ers vill b119 piled fiee of-tV.,S. IPôsta gé - ,.,Iemitfaneo r any'of tii.above puhlici ticn ibolti I~as, tt u a ddr 4sed, pobý- Paid, 10 the.publ isherq,- -' LONRISCOMT&- CO. - 46 :21' ~ . -54,, G old Streèt, N ew ' Y»rk ' W jeà uat Lis' Y - 1~WDU G, T-O E ont0 bs .Ifiie s teIy de tro ecd 1 y 2 23, 18~823 TLAS IRON WORKS COUNTY Oe, ONý2ARIO. ALFRED'TODI),- - 172-4la -so «Mid@ sllys-- j- UOIOEE MARLAND AGIENT2 Arv1SION'X-CLAND AG,-T 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 Will ha 'iihiii r tb :tteud lirîntuîtlv - i .cre- lullytg lu îy hiuseis itli ahiecl lia mal, lie euirustcd. - Eesiâcncc-X'roamato, BrouiR, Caîtnty .of Outai. 6 -f' 1 , 1 ,Bi{)O (Y 1 BRhTISllREIES 1 - i 1 1 1 1 --l 1 3 Ay 21 PIF IE Sutacr iber tieg s 't() infonu aIl j i i esic îtecessaf;ry frtlem tai nukeinedhune t ai ment tor ayn't l a ie. - M would- suy thuiut lie nequirds mo nt-y 1 utpne-smut, und tiint l.e ba ta lock for it ta tIhosa tuit are iltdehtcd ta, liii, anud, troni theleuiency lie lias ithérto gi)IQ't auci, lue nos Iîopcutlatil will adcuud to tc tlsf, a's nc furtluer notice wvill tic gi-vn., And ut unaries 1luÏVC to a y coutla ltey iviîli have tluii.sl vesu b bline,ua; thiechaluts are 'icug 13 B.'Aften the lSth ofOctober ext, cîh aims. reuîaining gunputid ma-y ticexPceted ta Èe pliccd inmy Solîcitos bal-ds for collection. Whith, lsept 22, 85se8wSis Luce ami% ,ton- RIO, ipe New leiny , &e Ïérth 1 1 - 1 1w th M 26 gned il the itby. can g to ffice. q- for etuf;, b;r ý jïto ékat iôt of 44W - Whitby, Bftiý 24th, IR59. 5 1859 FRONT STUÉET, TBENTO-N. ý Trenton, Aug. 8, 1859. 80-Gniw -lob, .yotice. AIND ', JEWELLER9 drcoq &coq ri

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