Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1860, p. 3

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I.- 'p r ' hio >,on thre breuat Pl.bett>o(qtioet saw p!ioe w it dm'iina mt agàinîeiin teir id eat tihe thiereat of tire 1'wben brorrght. nàouf rde- ýdict of>higuiity~ re conuty gaol, Dawsit liii trial taVarrr, cornèer Of ,e, en tire body et'a Alexandier Morritt, bave peispîîed hlm. WflCpat two e'cldck Tirree of tire fam i. led ms witrresses-a .5 Threy ail atated' deccaried hrsd Ured to bc laboring 0miudi. 4About a of' -adn-urrn were atid ttikent charge went eut on Wed. tire evelliig. o ick Andt, W eurt:'te Swiroie 'f1) îra d, aljd njrIfarred eryY âtrit. thtlrVire wat'- Hli wife sut 4p witi and îiltI ulrorMilr, tu bécorne-. trrcoý.i' irrîr. fur i)r. m arri ver! abuut hall'. stuat.it, reitqueirt, Inhoiili unider Vvry' ciowelys thse- e or decensterI lirati r arîtte,'ntie uny Ai count(er irritsin mçit roât iike'iy te fromn the torpor in Il also ordoredjmils- 'e"dte 'he jgsaril îd toi.ulns te be' n1. iet't fd returie4 accomrpa4ruea by Dis. As ire mutent wtt conjoiutil erdcred a c~ of Crot9.n anrd 01. wlren fir t fieir by lg hoîîivil), aI'([tire liait lrlis) aiheni ýv'rorr. A r l t ') tu 811: of' lauitmtîm or lire IV-"' irailc te wzts the r-sxinite iircotie pîoi, Auch, 1,Tho irtjte.-ttwatt irîgfor thet put'pose ny eof tbe otlir medi. re prc5ýnt iefon'e de- Let 1 KEMS' foir thee Cîiri-nieio lsy ,)n fai wlrt'at te note. carr lr'oascxirct ran1ce, noticcable lun 'ncI r"nga large ner li»'iprice. At Leavy hogs --carit te i on. 2 Cir. , btrshel. A2 25 Il.9cord, IIutidiuig >ocletY. as brlen t1pQttcd eitafird taises t ire lu preparsed to, r lpans,whiclr wilh 1 farine, a4.44 otitçr 'lu.,'oi tIre iiberal- GINEW, - ance Agént, r&c., Wvhitby. STRAYE D )f ttirr undcrglgned W'M Ùyè,d rff Wb.fueo tire Warti uiro or tqtx y'eaO 1, ihtç Ihnd fot,, A footi Tho Cutter watt isft )ioarl broeun off. Il sillad t he r-i STHEW, porît wîitbýy - -~ - --- -- - - HF, subies beg r"yMecfully te inform tirir frondi and eriatot rà ergner.4liy'i tb.t thoy T aio e oe o' laosNwBrick Bioclc Brook ý opedi rnoved ~~addition otiyhv<pre i A LARGE AND'WPLLiBELEO:TBDST00K,0V CONSISTING 0P Black aird Green ef tho' Choiceet Brande. ChwrgadTODACCOS. rhwý n Smoking. OOF'FEES, auw Roal oid Java anu5 Le Donringo. loger and Valenrcia Relisir, Fige and Curraatu, & -U (3 jý E 0Cand.ied Citron, Lemon snd Orange Peel Mis~vaî. e!ow ]tle rrdrnsl4 Spices Pickles, Saucees, Syrups. And every drriç?ri lriOnofetFaniiiy roc 'riest, which tlîey are deterrnined to rsdi rt tlire liwest prieerr for i,,tsrll o() rnrtrPridire. N. B.-Wutitcd a lut of'good Butter aid Ciice>ue. -. ..\ -J. S. DONALDSON & Co. Wi' bbyJanurary 2, 1860. 1' NOTICE. 1 1 LL orrtstrrtrditrg rneottte rnrrrst Ila snid te i.1,SC[JOFIELD & Co. -a1Il. ~o'W- irutretr i il l aoodward, w&rlijtt lle. lhi ngs IMPOiLTEl!S OP [AS. CLARK. Staple and Fancy fry Goods ISAVE YOIJ1IMONEY GENiijt.L wroWK 0P Grocerles, Crockery, Chlina, Earthen AND GLASSWARE. Contrer eo' Brsrck rtul ('urlpirrnc tretL, Wlritl.y TIllf. Srbeat'rih.rs atrc ii r rîci't rtf Fresiur- Mruîrrfrth e s. ardril11,rs iiias lew taï trrr lieeti tire rde 'est udp uîtrs;l ON SA LE, A Alarge îrrtsi varrîIe' tsc e t* r tîs ~~rt O N SA LE, A cinr1'it'te t 'i jek uof tilli it 11 î d, ' rssue ri es, ni rul trtge 1851, ANI) fi PRESERVE TOUR HEALTHF. T Il E Srbr.cr'rhur legs bu rrrtr l Ii.siriusu'ire thrr .urto tite itîlîsiiturittu f 'Ii it lu'>rsLai siclirir, fosr t se Ilie rtul ilrrtr bu-)(ýtcrweg ,r îer h i Isi itC-e Il(-Cis eurrru'ICeui blirinerçs I i i r t rfrPt Il, IrIrd wo iiit rus..'rriiseniii]Iis ecuseterৠtitrit Ire us brr-ruii.l wiihir irrtietoek et rillkiri is (t BOOTfS ANI) SH OFS Fittitrg fuor Ludius', <ariuti'rvîuirur(liiulrets'4 weur, 'ilicit iv 'witi rititut <.rc'îry lfitditeed AIl wor'l imodue Itiorde l1tî1ire pruivirmes, i)y rrastl isirrrti iris us..ir wd rri.îit'rci. Ne isispir, brut aniid td ilrilu'iiturierigtui, nt r ist ruts. Soliîtiig ) î'rr tinr, rla 5rrid sg vor to Save Ct'iurrr Iiic -v tutii1 'ucr%,(» 'suir licsiIi l iSb ~înrriiarirrg lIsirii Sîs i p 'îîr i ti' rIfiii-ý lVllkiureoii's JJlock, Ilrock Nt., Whitbys, W Il 're' 3 uo rIlim il îru"t suir i Ii lu truil i u it rtelr0 30 JrarrrIs 'of r()id ietli- Vli'k~tor irîll ja gssitifit fr-nrs ON SALE,9 lobiie 01i , i "iPr l me et l"s-oe liery, Ciuil, l 64 Ohests Fresh Teas from 2s. 3d& to 3s. 9d. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobacco from ila. to 2s. 6d. per lb. 4 Bales American Grey Cotton 40 Boxes Soap. 0 Boxes Gandlüs. 36 Casks of Liquor. 200 Barrels of Sait. 10 Barrolti of Ilcrrin.g. Tilîc "sn- t-b' s " s it îîcîîtsirg to the vir 1--ot , ' ýLt, H~ t ' c CAS ilsYSTM and givu gclivrat ali.s t oit. l J,.ilLlijj >11 Fl>& cU.. T'O 1,ETI. W 4 )> v"itiitti ' le. [ss:J lit s l tii -4 it] t ise 1? rus -t!f t si "iss it- ré lit I'14-w, 'tl> ti tire l'roîîris-sr. A It il ,e thj irrr e; rilbi tii inthe A bisf»11'ileIrt Y Ns-t'- lr hBsook nussunl s c'Ii ii fr the lnrst dnry of Jrruary, 1860, antI puy tîreir ruspeti se c ni-rtr. L.HK. Schofield & Co. STRAYED HORSE. CAME on tIe re iirunrres tirte iîiun.'ge T int No. 'rS, in nlu'i 7 "Pir. tut i'ioki-rirg, sir few nisnius ngi. r i.rk by Itisîrsiie, Sta Or in 'orelrr'ntl, llid i-et ut 'l'he twnururrr isii!th ise rnniri, lis trursirr proerty unrd lruil 'xunsts'nil i ntû JOHiN ilJ'l. The Anniversary Meeting of tire 'Townr o01 ýilitlbY IVill be helic' aIbe 'rVes1eyrru Màethodirit Chajrel on FRIDA Y EVENJNG, JIN. 61 1860. - -ý - - ý - - --j- -- -- - - - - Wili dispose at-cri liberal tcrrrrs te pîrtieA re- quiritng tira srrtfe. Apaplicartion, if by lotte, (post paid) te bc rmade te JAMES ~B. CAMPBELL, 80 41n A8/huin i?0., CW CORD WOOD WANTED AT GIRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY, TlHE UNDERSIGNED wil reccive oflers unt- -tII Thurmday 5th Jaen. next, for thre deiiv- ory bofeore bit Airil, eftfromuS60 te 1000 Corde of go Baôdinrd Woed, rttIre Grand Trrrnk &tilway ta ire re, subjeet te the Camîîarry'e irrepre- tien an irrreutrrment. Wooed te bo out thiree aud a traIt tact long. dilrl ou AIea weuiued nyqu tiy o iadw d te bc delîverurd at the IJarbr, fort Whitb~ M'tibý, u lýi, e ,59. 7 l'Y - LAW. ffIIYLJIa's h e&Retail m_ BROCK STREET, WHJrFBY. T lHE subscriber lias received, and is now in driily receipt of T resh Arrivais of GROCERIES of' every kind, includiug: TEAS. Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson 5kin, Hyson Twankey, Imperial Twankey, Gunpowder, souchong, Congou. At 15 per cent reduction on Prices heretofore charged. SYIflps. JO cents. S I IQUO()R S.- Port, Sherry, Maderia, And other Wines. 10,000 Gals. prime Whiskey Rice, Sugar.-Loaf Muscovado. Tobacco for Chewing. Crushed 'and Smoking and Pickles in variety. Golden and other Syrups at ý Spices, &C Urt-And every article in the ýfocery Line..ý Passed 28tIr Dec., 1365j9. I u riz1î'zS$LPM Toix thue tinte and place for holdinzg thte Annual Election of Directors,. by th>e .Stocklolders of thre Port Wkllitby and Lakeàrs ugog, Simcoe andi Huron Road Company. ,j7IERA ire 1irectors of the snid Cor danuid net p.rS ai Blaiw proidirgfortIr ioldinig of tire' Anital Meeting efthtie Stnu'khlrl of tire snid Connpaniy on tire secrrnsi Msiriay in J)ecciii. ber. Atiti wireis tire Ii fru'c'tsrs crf the salul Cetllriran, lire tct tsrz' irr rnpwered lry tire i 'ih Vie., Ca'i, i ic, S:i. 13, te îta~SSa B>'-laW luit' utc. isi'Iuiiig tof tire-tsid A rriniMeefIilig. ant r imiirv ise svili ntorre inottil tuter' tire secet suMetrultry irri eceni- ber. Be it thiu"ufore cni'trcul b' Il-e' liruetors ef Ilue' tîstis i t'iliui s'>', trtrit tlire rîxt A nnu- riMe-tiilg duf tOis'e ( sri-'f uttire saiui t snr[nrs',lri u'k t iuigii t tire Cottrpany'rr îflilce, Pont Wirith ir" ur Weuiitresrly, tire mltrJniir>', 1810, trt 1-2 crclsck, tirocrî, foir th ir îtrîsse orf eleî'tiigi- iecitors for thec tlrusrn tiri'et Yclrr, randsitiat thre'vo'e-ssstrl lus tsI5 n l tbalot, andiuitîstt tliose timcs t;v vote liy iurirxJ. -ittEL llIGi'1tW', AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CI-ROCKERY. CALL AND EXAMINIE? TIIOS. Il. Mc'MýILLAN. Peýrrv.Bok Broc'k Street,? lVi'tby Nov. 24, 1859.Ç 70s. 4.5w CI RCUL ATION1 TO THE AGRICULTtTRIST.1 O]1,_rllE 'CH-RONJICLE' MrtchIt QIpronif1r - 2,00U. 11011IN WATiSON, lt;'iiîent. iî~jchnG~o OUJR MUSICAL FP.IEND.' "' uilt %1,ýICA' 1,'X V-'I N 1)," n lsi reCoiîr- '--I r i s tsl'il l tsti(' t iiess.'. n Et-r ' i îîs, lsi liii-l'l s- i s ss-u'e'S l- Ev -Iv Ail tnimu'r, i ls stsst ids i ruerA iiiutit 1 ') v 1 w le 'l i eer i 'itusss i lliru' v1s-, t t - Tw l(lis-t'I izi, ls. sit t iit-i'i rn $5 .iusît ir r iitv, t.urtisir-'ussvs* 1s.1u5 iv tut' ui c iiere-s-iiftîa-isi Y(s's1ts li "'rp ltl -ig i eSV. r v r'i eiti' Woflilt iit iris! jellt titvIe 'st tit -!I unîisi'iufor .Nlimric tnui s -tss (lutf ireri rtignncarc,», st cisdi-rî-1tîs in si &c. &' il.i trlV t 12t Ail tîts- Jttrk Ni1ntltersýët 10 ecuir, antd ll,mrui Vro!iruntrs, coiriii'nrg 17 N ti nnieriu, rit a5cie ctunsisily un indî. C.I l. SEYtMOURIt& (<f).. 70 Me Na'sau St., News'Ycsrk. Chancery Notice to Creditors. 4IN CHANCEItY. REUBEN (tAiA .' UTHI RltS ' i'itA - l ) .,lis W' i 1iiittittru. 'A N1rp IrJlEIl'bMt)ON arnd litÎAsNI ES MOON, bris '«ife', defcrnlnrnsits. p URSUANT ttî tise in-rîc tîslu-itusum by lie Cotire trt tI'lruuicer r iisr8'ru titcri-ilt- -rs cI nt llnurkteilrry r u tite Tiiwtisiiu t'lttil, il, tir' Counry cf )intsî- r'ro, YCe'itrn.tuti, i-eîisr'ii, (Whr-iu cîrtcui Ibis iitet oi nr raheurt tlise But ubu'of SusiterrnIrer, ittrS) rurie or ci .'f(itre Ilit usu'tii'ie'l< lcil, thîe firetren tif Wùedij-(jý icuttn>mIlus i l~tuy l»y Ii jiinrtry nexu, te couirnit miil[ircvt' tîrcir delst 1turtil ic, tliu rtr.idersngncd Mater in,-i)îtitt f u' tIe m'ii ('ut, rî ry Chatmbers, irn sipede filai],1 in tire iTyof rontos. Or !îril lutit tîereof' tlisci -siîi i l'e csrcisîteriiy LexccJed thrb;3 rrrsit tf the mauitd cerc.. Anrd 10 ofthte elîuck it tire fereiroon of'Tirres- ia>', tire 24tir da),tuf Jannrrry îrext eot irry snnd eliaibers, le appiîo'ted te îrreeeeîlupen the seid clams, anrd if net then allowed, fixe saine 'ill beoihourd rndud îjrrdicnted nrpou ut my muid chrumbers ut 12 of the elock, teeni, cof Triesday, tle ù 7tlr itiy 0 f Fb irn>next. Drrted tire l7uI drry ut Noverrrber, 1859. A. N. BUELL, Crookeiti rlgsrnnill & Cattarrucl HANDSOME BOOKS IFOJR A T Erriggret, Dundaâ Street. ptrt? hcli - -2 ( - (1. 1 ~fot~dcircuationturtlildu ;,p It 1The ClIM-ULATI ON C luto Nîmcî.E 15s Ar'tiffie'ial ilrrl' Perulitirly cidcqrlcd toFal If Weat. TUc ansr ni n'. -rrrl'arn Truc MAiRtET. C "IILliig lis 's--'rrîc sti gt oslnlu'l forisss. i js;t - -i s i-ls- Iilii Vlr'tr iii<'rr'per th;r.r l'arrir 1'nrd 31aIrrrcr AND (Pr' iEAMS tiîAPPLIrCATrION. Pi'rsss' pc~sJr lits. Frirti Itîrce tir fite crit. .4 1ur i -iti u ti'ruts[i -- P'ut uljribais-c-I. uit'ttirSis" cs. ci I. J)tîn Sreu't. Merry, Merry Çhrismas! ~ A tu -j s-usilnu ui tu'sirti'n tf Gro- 7Tu-as. Nugars. Coeflý, Ctocoa tShe11, Chi- ceng Pive r, Bunt-k cnd Sultana Raisins, Curru-nts, Citron and Lernon J>usi, Fiarîoring Extracti, Wi.s" Musluurd, Tobaccos, *c., *c. 'ru"crssiii' i"ANi"' 'i' 1)(ssi~ ii-.4%15, 1-t.48w. of Irle1 Thrl tlîat of any otlîcr local ]?aper in the Provrinc, and 'Jlie circulation of ail thec other papers in the Courîty of Ontario unitcd. ONLY PER.ANNUJf. Visiting Carda. W. Il. IION.. Notice to, the Mi.tcpayers of tlhe Town of wlrîtby. ('1OT1TES of tire iIesised l'y-irwss mty Ibe elaiiretl nt tire Tlow.sn C'Ierk's )tfrt(e, frein 10 o'cioek a. m., te 1 e'cloek p. in., ctrei îtry. THIIS HUSTON, 48 Towsn Clerk. HRides! ]Hides! ]Hides! TYFuInnderzi,-neuI wili pny thre hrirIest prnce in Ctrsir fer arry qtîantity ef god BEEF iIJIES delivered nal bi.s. Tr&rrry lu Grccnw'ood. All inds of L E A T 1-1 E 'IL kept constantly on band for sale, very lew' for Cashî. D. McMURCliY. Grecnwood, Nov. 14, 1850.1 I Edssd'nrlMorgant, ut pressentr, nti lor tsselve , nnssrtîrs patst.reiidirsg i lIre Tiiss'r lip sut WhIsitby, inr tie tttiurinny iit' I ilttrin, iritl inarins' lcl tortminer;c Ctr st, a NMerch-isnu. (i iuy ive ntie.telhsît i suici t tut 'mlirernt -iriitn to rc.nictierrus lnî-islurun, Eii..'ils .tngc (kt'tfire 'O 111rt r ICinrt crf the Cotrnrty M'i iittrio, 1prruy-iistir LIe ext r ninred torcre ls l tut) utt., cttiu, nnccf andti te c roti-etu'd trous ail p'!rusest', rîpenr rrnrk- tug a fri rirselssure -and rirruiter tut' 'rtu'l eslrnbe rurîi ettect.,fou i rsr int of niv t'iret rl iawful debts ; liîd Ituercluy furtirur jgýese ntieel, tbat thre tirtro wlere the millier ontilte satisi peti - tic-ru mlrrtii bus irurirleb'ta lie adv'rrtisr'd inn tIre Canada Grrzetie tonrd lu t4 WIriuhy Cirronicle newspnrper, ocettothti rt leitet alter tIre date hercot. Am witncss, my ianut, tins third de y of lie cecrrrer, iin tire year et Our Lord, cite thiunud eigirt hundred ;nd 111virite. f.D)W-ARD MORGAN. N. G. iIAX, selicitor for rire letitienler. 46 CASH FORPRODUCE. The Undersigned is prepared te any quantity et Wheat, ]Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THIOMAS I00DY, Commissiion Ag 'SAL'1' FOR SALE, CIIEAP. Whitby, Sre.28, 1859. 54 eti* A*~ ê CARRIAGIE AUJLDI'S -BROOK STREE7; WHJTB Y. PiAilE Suscrietr t" ave to infcrm the publie th at th".hv pnd uiesi the premises for Ilr<ilpieri l'y Mx'. ia B. Cai'pcnr siti!,tted in Brock Street, South Eastt of tihe Bank, iiil ly opposite the Market building, w here they are prepa. red to ssupply -nu jWho favor t i with a cnril, with evcry article in tîreir lineo f business. The srrbscrihers are practicil and conipetent worktnen of long expciience, andas they devote the'entire of their owrn labor to their businesq, they cati produce articles of better w rlitnaitslirp, of greater durability, and more el' antiy finished, and ZDAFFO1D TO $kELL T1IEM CllEAPE11,.4e Than tho.'e -Who have to hire tihe lahor ofi others. Ail articles solîl at tie lowest living prices f ér Cash, or on approv'ed credit. Please cail and examine. Ail kinds of lureber and farniers produce taken in excÈaiiýge. Ail work warranted. DONOVAN, WÀALKEY & Co. 13EG^o eannounce ta los iunsc'roit'm ' erihtrîi istonnersata Iei 01,Friay venngonthe road ewn >Witj ,sud OsabaA a Lady's tofndr will be rewarda4 by Ieaing it at tIre O1&oùnzde 0j7ieeor at ^thr e'vLO.M Proulx's Osbawa. Noveinber 10,15~ 67 WVOODS AND FORESTS. -Cirowx LANDS kATMNr 1Qvebeci 4tk .NYreemh*1 18539. NOTICE is hereby g'rven tlîtrt thse- fiulowing NTiij.ber flertru, fi) tire U.Pc',r 0<5t nwa'Ter- ritisry, wl bus ofb'reii fuir Srreb'Prtl lcrtio)n î'.t tire Crown Timrbc'r (tlice. iii tii' l01V of'Ot- tawa, on th(, SiXTlldsstTVEIJ rxt No. 1, 50 sqnrre rmile.- on LLie Tesnîh"aîtri'sgirc. , 35 '-ierc;wsvt Tire leiius»riptionr 'trns' 61 o~ f *le lertirs e a r r l be s c e î r i i i t i e C r o w r' o n, r 1l - c t t w a Tire 1er'ths rit tlnc'r t "lrit'd arev.'. i'rre ir les, to ibe t o ~rgeitithre 1)u;n Ir 151hii",tise igslgiit BeisiU ovs*r mdritults si 1s s-rrr 4ruid reit. - 'hl'fortî nti iirst iettCisstu s rusut tobe pàid irrîrediutelvut blite strie. Lei cs trt issue witiimere urrnth frcsrrrtIse >dii toisale. TIr ail etirer rc'isîsc'ets filic Bertiis to e iriitje't tco te oGernerul 'iiiibe-rl .lt-g 8tiontilorîv'.iti efret', or whieit xrray iretu'iii fote'. - Whitby rm wery. T pI irturoi-. lui -s _t"'i.s'ttiîr nrriv bc-. rcsui"id, assit intt-rs 'tatoe uit jhpur- -is;tltil Urde eîrIo111-s tH iîs;ssttîissà fWliirb No't iltis, s .110, a notw carx'ying jBLLUE ENiI3IELLkÀ> XC(Xfl'l',- Conrinrngii a Minilaturc. !set in %vidi.oh J A ~1 ~ Wa G old Watei- Key attnwirtul. '!ie sîs vilbc lii.ertîily rwuds o tr:gtiti IN AU, Fils BACi On tihe premises l)irirc,f'erp îc' ui v .N. RA, -let MryStrert, htween Byron andi Brock Strects, wliiire ih(! rsrsi.-'o sfrto execute ail orders intrusted to Iris care. CAEtR A ES » ;G1 fS, fi.,('F , &C A LL ~V~i"W T JJIA 11:1) 1). FORi)S long (;f'ie " f ib irt , vears in tire principal Manufactories of tihe State.s and Canada has giveil tlsri jrii'ssin cvery branchi of tire. busine.çs wieli few have beei i alde te rii i. a idf foit. iii tilt %, Of dtl elegance of finishi, 4urability, anrd soliity of woerliutrisii, iri..; wortk a etbecxcelled. 4 ali nd see Specimens. wlriuiy, Arrrt16,1 Y'.4;) ~I2 r-es j:' 00- * '~-~ * -E3 ONLY - I(iJlONE FOR Tirues r t n virn tc i4,1tu1s t s Jî i-t J i 1; ' i t' s'1: lý IncI tt .artiof PRICES SNO. 1 MAc('IIIN1 E -îk(, ' No.. 2 MA'HINE S75 tus ge-mtrtl mut-t'. p tHt is -- st c-s riSe u 5ri: 5mil55 tsi tItis tri, :i --e sk u.and5is tii-s.. )c. 85> 'fr' tnk le .1su-4iisîr- iii-in s.-tgt- ssss-s ' W u- S . tsu"11.41 s-c * s E. .1. N'ti't!'st Srwiutg csniI-C" u'srlj it- t ti.- ti--li.'I s ti-M...'5 5 us s- usas tus t '-> Si l' ist six l ireurtsu, u' li .'uMr. E. .1. t .st i: , j ý s ' 5 '- til, - j .S5.Ls [p- . ' is- 55555 i' t ss s' httum tt ie jrîii tgriliet- mettsix n1i1,111iIls. 115 srs-., . 5- /~-lil"c. tHt(-s.5'stAini-r- i ssîuîsm nyo mra pw m e Am N:.vbt irus d i oftîdet'sî . ie -jts - ' s .5' s'ss s - -.t !s i- i - ss 5s.i i""n i et'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~S 1b1ii. iit)r> ljJtt i ') 1,tjSj-s & A.l'.2t Ail orrmrnie~tiIcrr' r"itîise t SewnngMttînic c. innui>t le îsrepaid, as iroie 67 etîers ivili be recc-ivu'nl.011 2r,5 Nottre Pintre Streetl,rietittre.il, i .ic n uu h rHv ;illrert'ur Canal B.rctn. MentIrend, 1C. E. ' 9rns-4Osr N 4>>'i (' FI Intnp s Tno-irnnna îit-r onv E.prsons liai iig îi r is ga;nst s, iiiprescrit thirirforO;itit tt'ý>iy E. '11ll1FTEI1A. hG July 1lst, 181M. CAUTIONAItY NOTICE. p UBLIC Notie ir licrc'bv ghen t1ttit al l ,r- soins found rernoviiie '.r itiin îWiîg . gand or grrivc' frot the Beaichron t hc lanis sî Mr. lVm -Meirtot4dr, ] ý% IiSiire, W lut li-I Ornt fIrst obtaihtp(îiisi en fruit 1t Iet sdier-- %igrred will be prreseciitesl rrrtorclig iri)aw. JACOB BRAII>EN, Poart whlitlsv. Port Wlritby, Feb. 0, 189.t REMO VA.. Rias remoî'ed Mro stock oetI)rrrgs, I'tisttsi, &.t No. 1, Commercial Buildings. Brock Street, opposite the new3riek ]Bloch- of Jamers Wallace.7; Siils8<i' ................ 4000"0. T iiF itsiri-,rsélfigenit of the above first cgs of*Iiiist i;,;Lt'ît ss lsioth ie lais- gur.,fi, - ltiltrisil Nu4vlîitr iad rsrrrrrrrn~ SiEi'IIE,*N SEARtLE, J)uidae St. A Misisionary Meeting W IL TL be liold at tire Congrecational VWChurcli in this Town, on TULWJJA Y EYJLYZLMG, JA1Y' 10, 1860 Thec Revd. McsT's. Feriwick, ef King- ,ston ; Reikie, o! Iontrvlc and Durant of Stoufi ville, anrd othi;r.g, wilïl address thre 1Meeting. 'Fs.Té'~7fl "f5 rs Tsi i i s- ~i' - I t 5"; -s's' ;' ;s' .t. -'s' ' - s 's t ;.; \iIs.r 5', Tri s'. 1;,'us. &At&J liAi> À4> &F1 ~ ~u X 'r ù~A. 'a' ' ' - 1 ' -'l t h 'N c' fi1 lwt Iiiis I-- vis11f- ls tls-"utîstr porteJ ai li sst ' 1p . l i at- i u i s' s i s-'1- i iv -J- g-sirl st isee ir.tiei!i l the da..- -t -- titisine f' i lt t 5' ia-'at ',.i 111 tsi-s . isitti abenrt'icls-il us;iii" tts's.ei't . t-u ..s -s'-j - 1;.ti:osut'ttrsi-ii. S It l.ne -iS -tî'st-stiM .t' i i 5ri tu71 n-i is5;iisi - Stkeiitnsîj.!;ri' Ist : f, l. T ri 'eis' i ic-s ib i _'n 4!' -v.1liLh Nu.u.ali gt7,]ss. -t I wf.. l"ii tluui itire' i'iiliru'ti rtslliy i siL tu. quostied. ARTIIUR IL&WES. P.S. ]ccc'cr cru!yitr stei o (scargp Keinpt Tliorr'tsuanK -Lirrdesy, 1\'No rbc-r lOtIs, !5511. r4-S-Ttr MALT VINEGA]I. iIA1LT VNE a tutt iço-,su ' bus inu LU.qr siuttl qutritici, -, ite W hitbv Bre werv. t J Mx. Mm" y CIL vv Dilbyl aov. 14th, IP59. - -- 68 1 - 1 L Il. et ci). MACHINE in

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