Ai Dtswry't rnasapages WII bhua. tbeimdown le alter auto. Of6 t'59Il iii h. id, 11478 'gfieedom.-ýIongtbougbt desi- Avoke le Immorbalt>',, No more te olop-nver te die. j On 8lfrino'. crinsen plsa, Avoonoti, tréugitt tacktle lits agafa. Anmd treedcm'a higint ajreugh mist su; Cboud, Shone e*ufl i.t a ', tvcng, sublimes, 01" ail,. 1.1v irti b '109. Téo'» belons the labo, 10 Citfnese treacjm'y titi prevait, .And Bvblalna valiant sors baba! bey, On mutiti> banki cf lte Pieho. - Tha capture o e l elt camnyl Itg anufni#t oc' viii erv'. te 0it; Ssii Juan,. andi bluslering cf lie Stales- A Ihouganti utvoggles, stales, anti testa,- Tbecu&ieut lie earhitbpeww.cpranc. WiIl leed.te lipey sd oac Wiaitau theryel'wil vos,-. and? Ivino, Aroundt ie'date of'"9î Dur Canad'a-s* Ãrandu fie,,.' B>' Providence divinol>' bi'stt * On '69 viii preutil>'rail: A11'bleasinga that mon knebt le pra>', Pouv'ti downriuponlihe land a!eci day. * * Tho bosonoeth11e gracieus souf Abondance gave te Labor'a toi; Piovers, fruit, ripe rustling waving cern, ;n golden! pienit> diti adorai. : Tii. smiing pl4iumu, anti patient tabor, (Instead ot claibng ahbeld anti sabre) Jiid Cobmmerceo,Trade, sud Progressell, And discontenhoè1 murmuving quel, To 59 tclongs lie pride Of iseeîng asanea!St.Lawrence lid,- tupondous work i anti nobi>' grand, VPi triumph toeaxait lie landi. Tho'huîubug now cf politis,- The ioiflshnessi, corropton, tricks 0f'politcirs-patriots, aciemers, Ranllng, vcaming, bobti duecaimars, Who liva b>'sliyring ap disaonsion, * -Sproadig-Confusi0mnAud contention, Tho Carricr's huinble riymoshouiti men- tien. -Tha Gtita lu '59 titi galion 7,o. bol a leud convention biathenr, Spouted-Dimnnion-Federâtion,; A% venedies-te ielp lie Nation 1I Te ieip theniselves, dean veadena b'lieva, la hle>'afinat-to deceive. Coulti'lie>' but once te pow'r geL lu * Theed b. an snd te ail Ihîir din. SLike chittiron fer their pmp a-squalling, S latiiî patrbellani and braviing. Our tavoneti, happy, peaceful land, Wbuld vtii llb. serveti if tic viole bs4md 0:f Itongry, howling pebiticimna Ware sput aomewlere on toreigu missions. * Old '59 WNI yet be praiseti B>' WhiLty, and the aoug ha naiseti lPot besasinga !vhich we ail enje>' Siouesad. down upon us front on iigi, IPÃ"r ýeaae,. eouteu.tmet-ansd gooti isalti, .Advancement, progresa,. beat>, weaith, *Long ina>'such merdes viti us tiveil, Pvays tlioCarrber etftii. Chronlole. The Gmest Westertn Raiiway Ticitel 8wiadie. d P rein the Rechanter Daily Union. The fuffaho sudcter papersarsme com- mcnlbng ounlte alieged ticket sviudle ou te Great Western Rilva>', fini macla pub. lic in Ibis, paporY. The tacts mme net yeî mil discloseti, sud ail tic parties implicated are ýnet madie kuova. Titeré is ne dombî bittlit, Great 'Western Railva>' Compan>' libas becu largely derauded, but ta>' nia> mot be. &bho te ascerlain-vite committeti lIe e t.Thon far ail ltae persena snspend.- e-are lt.e Bridge Conductor sud lve cbeokinen ou the Central Railroad. We untierataud liaI, viile'tie- fermer refuses ho i ake au>' oxpianation aI ail, ltse latter- tien>' liaI lie>'have doue snytbing more than .specuaîto in ickes--buyiug viten tarai vare 1ev aud holding for s ris..- But liseeue have- basa invitedt t go tb. itoat office in Canada sud make su explsu- a$ 'in,vbhie lie>' deeline doing. If lta>' Bavse douc anyting vreug,thie set vas cinimittith le Stateocf Nov York, anti lte>' osaube madie anaverable in Cana- da. 1Neiîope lie>' viii show liaIts>'e havse done ne, vvong, sud relieve titemseivus *frein lie auspicionctbat Ibeir diocharge bas o uit upon thotu W. are toidt laI for Some lime put, vs. estil agents oethlieGreantWestern ceom- *pan>' have passed over ft.e Falls Readr iak- hig. die Carsin, Ibis Cit>', sandbu>'lng tickets etf te ciecknn10 taie liemafromSuapes. sien JBridge le Detroit., Tie ticket& w er, ail sent te 1Mr. -Mcvkui,,the Genaml * Agent aI Buff'alo, with the name cf the *seller,-date qtfsale, and al lith acts aI. laeltcd. Tho citeclumon tated-vhen esil- e d te necount for the manner in vitici t di. * pioeured les. tickets, liaI lie>'purchaseti th eua froua the' BridgeCouductor, sud At *rafuaed. te- give an>' account oetbmsnL- O f course licebtanedt Iem cf Centinelers ou i e Great Wehslors RailSia. 'xUbi 4 net. lic iraI difficuly' tb Uveal IWoeltswCpany hba hti ilt Condoobori. j Twe i pars or muire, aile, a, nuaaltr ivers * tuciargeti,. or refoned le o 4kInu the I surveillance of a secret police. Express 'do .... 'Whltby ltue. - -, -do - Wst do. , . *0,a$P. WO$t do. do........O 001, p. ma Brookln Frl noe Alleort, Port Fr TLqp fiamoNorthpU........ 9 a M >9aU ti*o , oo 8Uxbrad 0 reeDW. 00, az.i Es-omdTrupke......9 oe 4.0 Ha fo<l. de....... 0 ,pçm.. West do. do......7 0wp.m. W.ut ýdo. do,.........9 96 . Bro.k1In, Primes Albert, Port '.r- ,rYà tn m GreewooEroghm.....I 001 nooui At tii, Town 114 oery Konday momlugAt 100001 flok s. i Zverî onday., evenIg, astlbe, Town Ian, FreoMisns all Vitor a .goi *Brook Streot, me«t ýrstThuusdyb.gore Atimon in *very montb. Or~we LdgeNo.130. %éopd Tuuiday ln *vmouteViL well's look, ]Brook Street. Lodge No., S00ý s.eand Prida ln ove'v mnonth, at Bprowlia ..otal, Pqrt Whthy. ' Rusrox, Beoretarf,"' L. 0. . No. 167, meet ln oOag al Groonwood ontho lest Prlday noo1 o~i L. . 789 înqtÈi'tIIe 0lo HOr OI 8ronoklamp nooil V , , - i o Bons lli Wewdu.ada ýeI gte. Wednefqda1,ovoninji. W tb bllhrn'iolo B ocetyit8na{l, Monday~~nj. Episoopal Chur,'., Kngý Stroet, 1l o'ocok,. a. mran , o rOIéék, ý.:M. (Altor. S«di otlîCh urcb r Moohmim"s' Insitit*t., cornol ofIlyroùand Maî7 8troetuý- Il o'ob>o14 .m, n d ouatioa C lk . m wnra 1ý na Mary à ulusaj onohck, a.m., oué po.m nc Wasiayau Matriedit Churoit, corner of Centre imd Mairy Streeta, 10 30 ohoek, a-'m., anmd P. BEY.J. IHUNT. United Presbytérien Clnroli, Moîanlci' In- attute, 2 30, o dlock, p. in. MLEV. B. 1H. THORNTON. fLaptist Chut-ch, 3 o'clock p. ni., evar>' Sun- day. RÈV. H. LLOYD. Auction Sales.. m'r.Sterting'a .Boox of &dea 4Cep /ire as u8eetd. Dayj («ppointecl, and terma nmade at the offire cf tht.. paper. Auction orcde,-s reeeived, and arrangements -made for oth<er (Jowîty Aucftoneeroe'Sales. I'Auclion Biiie priated Ju 1h.eItest @tyle at furiber roduced prices. & 0jýPar4ie.s p>ocuring tlteir bills at t'Ais fice silluhave titeir Sagas noted underItteproper head, free o/ charge in u lthte issue,of thte jWIey and &mni- Wee/dy C/troniclé. N9wAdvrtlenints tis Day. n- Te Rent-D. MeKa>'. 6/ Whitb>' CeunI>' Grmmar Scitol-Wm.. MoCabe.. Creva Lands Deparlmen-Audrov Rua.. Agricultural Notice-John 'Sitier. To al wvitei i ia> cencern-Willismo ., Irvin. Peremptor>' sale of land-. à . E. Mar.- tin. duaey voadvooetmaesa., iogroln Whltby, Tliuzsday, January 5, J860, NOTICES Parties intiebledti tim Office for Jol Work antiAtivemtising, are requestedti 1 miake su immediste seulement et Ibeir ras b peclive accounts, sud lterai>' savetem. selves furtiter trouble\and expense-I Tite naines et al subseribers lu an- vear en lte 31.1 e à December Dcx 44 viii be struok off our lista, ant i jeir ac¶ountâ iunded oser for collection. i Cemmencing vihthlt io f Januar>' 1860, ne paper viii be forvardeti frein Ibis office euthesutcsbseniption ho pmitini ativance. We fluti il necassar>' ho ýdepI lte Oaa/t 8ytem, aud iiineocase +11 îil be deviatct fro einitmcafter.i In future cashinuit te paid 'for ail Job Work sud Irausisul Atvertisoints at die lime et ordeningic 1sah e my nhessil amse vitore lte parties cm ut accouaIs or contracta vithithIe ef1./ A compliauce vit t hasehermmu iii gnîabla on to oxeoute al entiers fer printiuý asd a d vr i in g , a I o n e- i lt h erli e s-a oi for e s citargeti. Ail viedea;re thieir prnting l i4non te cheapeit sud test manur, i laI tho C/trmkile Ofwie sud examine our uIs cf pnicon. -W. H. HIGGINS. Alleralions and lmprovemems.. T'h. day of publication efthde Semi. Welk4 yCArcm* ic i iatture b. Tues- day sud Tituniis>' The paper viii- b. de. livered ho Tovn subsenbero, aller Ofve e'clck in the evoning cf lte above,- tiys. Th. 4"eIy O/troick ie viiie tielivevd oa Saturda>' morningi m as enussd vii be mailetocn Fida> ulghats le iubscrlbers aI a que8W dtocs!! ânaittiole Iheliacooli Ir, the absence of Mr. Hpu Our frila ds mdpatron. wml possoý momber lobhav.eliOfr the Stionry store ln futuresd vl trouble cf wligu ta. After Iisetek thâ aigro bplacetI l iPt ou th in ing., Etrme tbrugb the, statiei à .> r.. dery Wé. have recelveci a circular frein Te roula,: beariug lt.e abomo caplien) ,it sa requesî liaI vs give il au iniertîx,. We aitould b. mont happy le conipi> villa the requeitbut eviug te cur lmited space, sud tite lengltefthlie documentvo arm unable 10, give it inuffll. The fehioviug resehuitiens, bovever, embrace lisevitole subjeelt malter ofethLe circular referred te, te viticit va *omld direct lb. attention cf An invitation to, United Prayer, addreea. ed te t/te O/turc/t f Christ ttroug/t. out the Wrld; beingan, extract Prom t/te Minutea of ite Annuai Meeting cf Mie Lodiana Misin. Witareaa, eu- spirits bave heen greal>' me- freshed b>' vitl e bave iteard oethle Lord'o dcliags vit is inpeople iu Amerlos, tbereforei Resolved lat-That ve, bereby publicl>' ackuovicdge tho debt cf gratitude ve ove un, su ad our obligations te hive more tban pver metute ourseivus, but unte Him vite .ed for un. And lu the viev cf car ovu piritual neceities, snd cf die periubiag millions aboutn, snd l ite Iope et oh. l6ning.-similar bhensingi for titis 1sd Reaoleed, 2nd-Tist ve viii do env ut te gel Union Meetings for Prayer ter tie eulpomriug oethie Spirit, estabiiisd at cmv respective stations, sud aise aI otiter stations, viterevor ve ina>'find Ive or lire. williug 10 meet tegelter in lthe naine et Christ. And fortiter, bciug coaviuced from. te siguncf the limes tbal' God bau stli large blesuings in atoe for His people, andi for civ ruiued race, ant Iat te nov noéms ready>'asud aiting ho, besote enas scon as -asked't t-iterefore, Reeo&tid, 3rd-Tbat ve appoint thei second wreek iu Januar>', 1860, begiuuiug wi*t Monda>', lb.eDt, as s lime ef special prayer Ibat God veuid nov pour cul His1 Spirit upon ail flouh, se Ibat aillie ends cf lte osrtit mbgbî see 1Hia slvation ; liaI the firat day, liatIsl, Mouds>',-lie BIb, b. a bol>' convocation for solemn tasting, hu- miliation, sud prayer; and liaI lie last day, Ihml lu, Sabbaît, lihe lôti, be a bol>' convocation toor îbankîgiving sud praine; liaI lie intervcuiug lime b. spent lu pri- vate sud social exercisai cf prayer sud praise, as lte circumitances ofet scicoin-à munit>' na>' dictate, Ibat ail God's people,i cf evor>' naine andi nation, ef'ever> Couti.- nent sud iîiand, be cerdial>' sud earnelyi invited te malite vitit us lu a simmlar observ-c ance o et itI ime ; sud liaI freni th. re-t ceipt eft tus invitation ouvard, ahi te re- cqnasted, iuntteir secret, famil>', anti publie tievotiona, * iabilushl>' 10 entreat the Lord tle peur eut upon ail His people se mucit cf tie Spirit et gruco sud ot supplication, as te prepave them for sncb an observance cf fI the lime deaigualcd, as ma>' meot villa Hiae approvai sud reccive His blessing. C MINIdvCIlpAL ELECTIONSe Io fà llovingsm-e lte Comneiliora dlcl a rer lte mhdermntioned, townships. n IEACaR. ti eo. Brabazon, James B. Caupteil, si Joshus Wrigitt Wiiliam-McGvagor, Mr. ti SCOTT. èera. Card, Pint, Lspp, Allan, Marcit. J. H. Titempaon, William Ccv#n, Mfai. colm inGlluapie, - anti Meurs. Bretteur anti Charles Robinson, Joba Camoeron,-Jobu- Murray, Robert McTsggart, Wm. Stovart. Meurs. Burke, Griergcu,isiop, car. micbael, Gilhitl. Meurs. WiteI, Chapman, KoCreigitI, Wixon, Campbell. , - The olti Connehors vers returneti t>'ac- clamation, vis s-John Rslcig W. Ba*k le4>J., W. Fovke, BlisIta Deehitle, sud John, StI. 1* l- for themuelves, I amn 8ir, 1Yours Trulyr 4w GEORGE GRAFFLEY. Týhe Eteclprocity Treaty. .(Prom tite Londion Horald Dca. la.) Tic Cabinet et Washington accapled lte Recipiocit>' Treat>', viicb enabbetheli Canadian fermer te carry is cersa across tie boundar>' bine;yjet tievas net doe vithool Colonial Sacrifice, for lie Ameni caus did înôt consentutil lie>' vers ah- ioved to niare in North, American Fisiery sud navigation vigile, vhici thi"c>' clalmel bu addilionto lie Britlihmarkets viiei lie>' bad seeured. But tic Reciprecil>' is net secured in perpetuit>', and hence un- easiness not le sa>' alan». Ilnia>' suit lthe speci4l inlevesta cf Englmnd itrheb fu- ture, as il hbu don. in lie put, le make seme cther change in her commercial poli- c>', vhicit nia>' 4iturb lis Recbprocity treat>', and Ihis centingone>' is not over- loeked in lie citaptor cf eveutualbties. In- dced, il ins anlicipaled b>' Mr. Buchanan, member for Hamilton, Canada, ant i ii friendo, uuîd lie Remedy> preposed lsaa Zollverein- botvsen Canada and lhe Eastern States. Undor suci a compact neitier country' wemld 1ev>' an>' conntaxes on thoir inlcrior frontiers, but ont>' allite ses- porte, frein Labrador te Mexico, viere lhe saino dotios vouid b. imoee. Tis in viat ltae pohitical part>' aemia moderales put torvard se a Canadian pol- icy pt patriclinni, asdbstinguslmed frein s cenmopolitafi polie>',wvicit resu>' aunounte to protection agant free lrads, or as Mr. Buchanan styles it l free imperta." Il 18 tise pointidt in u h18 programme ef a Zollvereinr liaI b>' makîng lis River St. L<avréncelie great highva>' et Ameries, free trade, andi navigation viit Canada would give le lie United States, and sîipe- ciali>' to>Ihe Western States, aill1h, coni- mercial ativanlages et annexation Ia ltese speculaliens a broad, lin. cf lbnlinctb n isi dravu balveen Gret Bm-il- ain anth ie latter, including the colonies, and henos fIl s arguet aat viat ina> nuit theon naa> net nuit 1he other. Titis in strong>' siowa in lie presant atate cf lie mber dallon, Colonial tumber paysaa lut>' in or porte cf ocili>'10O per loati, but imber cf a foreigu grevtb pays a dut>' cf 55a pe- loati. Thia difi'eence la protection eo Canada, but as Il lIotdestructive, or aI sasl bigil>' injurious, ho eur sbipevnem, ospecilahi> since the repeal cf ltheaviga- tin lavoi, in larer>'certainltaI it caunct be Psmmnentby conlinueti, sud se accuas it sses lte lamber tradte muIsuiaur.- fore,' thon, in a case in vici lte inlevesîs Df Great Britain sud lie Britisit Empire voe ne longer, lu barmen>'. Tht. .principhe Df removlng a tax from raw materiai Sp. plies mitI ma mueit forcetlelinber anil o oellcu, foraà sip la smmchba manufacture a a lexible latrie, and liM ltaI concession * tude env mercatile MéÉn revog bd, sud the aivocates cf fro. bra&ePlace temuslves in a& faIs. position. 1It4'it lanadisufuiy d mî but astlteé ie Jme desire tb and anoîhertnkt ule t ti i e, t ol oi bi ti gres vould b. impossible if lte principies scop earlyi ndrlt.pogb h Bincebar incarceration in thte jail site cf non-interventionnitad net been aeceptedl STONE DW=IjIING eBOUSE ban been aconlomed ho paeu tb. drear>' by al te povers. 'Aine barn and oint offios,a, sd sà ood erobard. heus c ce1I~xnnt >' mpoyig hr-GREAT EIAI.Ti rmses are situate& ou lotr No. 141& lié slf at seving, embreidar>' and the like, Kunisters were miuoned b>' legraph ndon. cf Wbitby, sud cemprise tho North West part of said lot. -The . mmrket of Whitby sud on former occasions vhen ve visihed from di.hecuntry', aud Cabinet Ceuncils and Ushuva ara respootively vithin tire' sud berwe otied a:n evdene bou th 01 eu»e and a liait nillos cf the premises. bervo ctied nsu' aidecenabot lte erseh eldite 1511 sud 161h. Lord Appi>' persouahi>' or"b>' lottor, postPald, te reog cbeaklviihienei.NtngClyde lu to e h. smade& b>' Sir Hugit Rose. 1* D.MeKAY, of titis kind vas visible yeaterday, sud up- Sir Wm. Mannfild becomen commander Jfan. 41h 1860.kéw ou our msking mention of il site r.pliod at Bombay, sud Major Generain Malcolm Whltby County (irammar &110914 sadi>', I"Oh I ean't vork nov, I bvene sud Spencers Iteada cf dis Madras divisions. boart for il ; I feel lobad." She apoke Thte aiip Nerfolk had arrived frein Mel- .& TH ce D..)ern cf Iho, ii8cMn r Itis equst4e tV.)thoeun p Mon 'ua ttelind. of ber ebildrenansd said ah. mmmed Ibeut berne viit £2725000 of goldThte total 'pirru~ enhant one te puroae atend dig, wi be piet ult Inda, urder>b"_ greati>'; her litlie girl vwu ia the ceunIry, gr acdfo it eà is r u£275,1- co n onedelay *lu etef lma io01t but site did net kaow .her baby vas, lIt0fomaton1 WILI£AUM eCIABE. althongh sIte, hiturd -tlit vu i nslaNew RNE * ~ ** P inial.' York. Site inqnired anxiouil>' vbatwvo'Thea ParisCorpîOden aî at.Sd, 8 I-511 ltougit of ber case, sud vItether the Court ths thePort cf Adool, l ite BdSa, STOLEN orSTRAYED of Appoasnwcinld decide laih.r faver. Of beeu ceded ho Fiance, sud lbat a vessai cfcfieunrugnds course ve could give ber no informnation- var in shorti>'expected 10to tà kqpessen Tow HE s entter ofdtefrom before ai on Ibis point, but encouragedh.r te, hope for ef it. erofI.~lo~bwo lte but . Bit.thougit th"ba Mr. Hadle ' ASvis paper says.lItaIN' poleon ] Moe Ni94 accop ierisso ord ic vneng geupThe5 derpton l-a, >B.y Mare mine girotn yers ud t ca~ .trr er , mmu d a o oke r> eld. fer h inl ra d. h e wa ' è scarà > 'l , hi tro on foroehsd , villa h i ..>, s do â "for h« an spke «7 iÇI, fr"i*m-inmlà d. he,Émperorr.ooaved sr 00*iý or, on riabt foot.JThé cuter vis ingi>' cf bisefforts là hor bebaif. --W. on- lb. lOtIthIe Papal Nu m lu)voPma-of aiInolsIt olor jitIîbat movly rôTen off. ,ecameried vitL aber c n ie, princial senleda& 1.114v froin te Hoiy 'tt. TrsveIo1ufl'oesdIn b#- An>' n lb. n heAbovc Prcpeit,>or on tb. subjeot cf the future diposition cOf uomto l1b ilkdt 4 hr eau, "sd thon bidding ber good be, -BA&TEMN-W ILI.-Whi bJan. o7te,'deai '»11Hb loch car leve.. 2adb> b.he . James T. Byau., -Charles ~I K K W "Ohmut crld for m", ' atemmn, 10 lameWllhisoU cf Wbilby, iPort Wlb>', J-un 8, 860. Port WhitIby I i 1' Northt York Electloue Ou Wodnusday lut lthe nomination cf eandidates for dia rePrentation oe-,North _mk ec lcel I illage cf Nov. tuarbol. Titre Wa quite alarge attend. suce cf lte elechors presenfrom ail parts cf 1h.ridin O 1fr hetJsavia, read lte ovoa nsticn afe vdItl reapective csuddate <Âdm WI&mEuq., -Of Toron- le ~d. Ce!o Brof O f Nevnmrket,) veroýdui-yneminatedauds ddrssed tb. elea- tors, at conbiderabie lengt. AÀshow of b a u s v s t o n e!l d lo r , i i t h r .su te d iu aà niajerit>' for 1fr.-'Wilson, vitersupon a peil vas déniaudkl' *lb , hfriendn cf Ur. Bsrfo<L *Thfre'à sotflte colonel are aotivély engsged on bii bhaif, sud il ha b.. -Ievcd ltat "b.content vihi b. a clou ne u, se C4ps th"at aiprenent, il is exceodingi>' dbubUml witicb aide viii vin. A Chear Gril dofeat in Northit Yerk, e - uld be a deathý f blow te. the- Brevuita faction. Vulel Ail Laude. 8w,' ofg- u Oe, gh. bar.stitementllbitaà l iwm aIe4 8doUý ano- se b>'John Clethe Esq;ï- f4r ïï tanet cf chiltren, hHfelie cbibd i ~@ slùv e alitle sPace: états Qbmmumaianc«mnie.fiilIy. ci4 f justce; I:vas ilne, i baen been able te discover. The factsare, th on- Frida>', th. 28t c-f Octoer, Imt beys, égod nt erâ ,drigte4 novbr, nienà t âindecenl>'asiaull sud lp abat Wmapaaulting a 1111eil of about ft ovn age. On my>' elurm oW hoci I mve tigated th. complaint laid bsfor. me b>' brother o? tlit it!, girl, snd fin t fadas tobe sa Ibave sîated, 1 Itoc te boys m i. ecap room cf lt.he o orderéd thein to kheel dovu, sud- gai tem about feu, stripesoith on thoir hip vit.t a svitch nel se tbick as a mansa liti finger. Thair .fatbera diongbt ligittlyc lte offenise, but bec.aune bruines renian upen Ibeir -proonsa sfev days, tdig _h. ve n oldepriveti cf hait an u a pis>' ou accouaI of the bating, I ve aunmoned te appear befere John Cierke EFsqr.- We appesed 8 da>'i aftar tdeia fliction cf ltse punishinent. Ou oee i nat s bruisa cemld b. founti. On lthe cdi vite bad mdded td inSmof lying 'te filtU nms, a bruiW neon ea ip, equal te Ibhra fingers, vas juil visible. 1Mr. OlorIto d net. utter cote verd et admonition ,it eiti>er of the boys, but becaunee .tiongi te atripes Ico bard, h. llnad meelgitt del largansd conte, amouuting 1t tirteen dol lara. But for tae urgent request et eue c the trulees I vonld have appsele 1 hi Quartar Boualons, vwhare I feel> cou'uiuceý thîe uiscisi on vouid bave been revevsed.- Thbe people et Charemont bave Dot alci ed lie malter ho remaun es il vas; for ir a mnpnusr mont heneurahie te dienisolvest and moit grahifyiug ho me, tis>' havE namde up dtohe oeaum etfviicit1I vA "the - uamxwo uaexéecivefo 4 a&Dytbe. bp~ -a4 * lie 1 ~gottheftvp. dgiht toi 1ntrf.#..Theréfèrè, govorziment tU g W '«Pr5 tÙ@ i 1rtdf 11 *Vl r Y( choose b retire frointh tbed~ <1. KiWd ' - Oret Drîtoa thé4brldé#î hi4,U i dý .tà "rugo -ofj4 ~ e m p t l l e i i > m u a s l e , t h y a r e a t l a n d , a u a & 0t , P o O f i e ! M U u t d " ; u w mv c m , oiel~Jpr- 9" iéréasi, but' Ibis inuit l parsuance cf th. powergrante Y 7J 'té e be, tbefr 0w,,vo tay as. Mr. article twonty -one cf theCocnventlou 'of p.. B4ch&cnn1owever,:troWsut a b il, ai. Deceebr15, 1848, betw e n th . United bt e i meMeiteO>len sbt I 'y = #.4un, ueed, tq:8cm. cýf theJeout suc, Kingdorn of greatBritaina lld and loùe ýù q~s q ~ o r o n p o l , p o l e h~ the U nite d Stâtes cf A m eri.(a 10 thélb . o > e ~ SZollveroin syses er me ued E gand Post Officers 10 SaIl e b. aters f de.- dvT. r dial yimprSesd on . h ai g beo clnten di wil nver obtan fre. tr.i. tail, whioh- are te, b . arMT esd by mutuaî f Iih amrlm lo fe d d w ith t e U nited S tates, ,si mîp i>' eo ut consent, for issuing th e exect ti o f h. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wo could cm, b Iboni by oursuperlore l> tipulations conaisned in tbeisaid Conven- WHJ3B DEABKBT@è, ital and skilI; but if an Englishman- etai>. ton,lbhe underslgned, duly .utborizedl for> b t 'llhd im"ol*mna m an f curer in- ina~lbthe purpose b>' their respective OfficesJ n ayth 18 . WOda, thon*h-o would, b>' virtue cf tho coni. haveà greed upon the following articles ; (Eevlsd and oorrected for the-' la.meris!bageentr l. Aeqfca mak. u.1. TIhoré shall bc establisled no1i6 l tWe B., iPer aa r- etwsthoutpayinto thle05 per cent -nbw 1290 the Uni- innpâli partof 1kg kJui- vanéco f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~1 ob r e o r t s o d .t d t t u a e r i n h c g / m d ~ S pe r b6 u6 1if r beist qu lity ,w hich yl no ,es Thoogb the direct Juterent cf tIbi mb. .the put cft i 'ied Kingdcm ât Dol>- marefakereortiv!' ac relte t Cnaali i m ssily Scionin,ý0Ok and Galway,,,for he-exhange ýSpring Wheo aslslh.aaeno hal th at Itl ah m r m r h uOdr w n f U ntéd 'S tat s a i u op a 'isB .ti e i u t rep ort, snd ans> bcho q ot d At its importance from the principle cf free moisis cf British, Unitcd States and Cana- $1, fôr bout samples. eh trado, whioh, in practico 18s. yet oiiîy dian mail packets. IDressed Hogs have deolined 25o e i>', in a satie f trnsition, Its pplicai n . *AaT. '2. Tiioffice cfPro nwiblObteihs re ol 5fopr Vre to this-date being nomore than exception- bas bitlierto exahanged mails villa the lsaïvy weights. pi, ai. Whoin the change van fiesintroduced é'fflcos of'Liverpool and London only, shlail Whea-Fall, $1.12. 0 $1.25. ,t e b y S ir ER o b e r t P e l,- w h ç r, In d cè d o ny " e x - h n c f r th b e n o ffic e c f e i i g e w t D t o S r n g 6 . t o $ f> tendd th. plans cf 1Mr. Iluskisson, a dis- he offices at Dublin, Cork, and .Galway, $5 @$0 PesOc5. a 58c. ied tinclbon vas drawu betwn duties for mo aise.*Barle>' 00e. a bbe. ghnopoly and duties for revenue, and thus AuT.8. In addition te thoe ehang Oats 82c 0 85a. t he smaIlend cf tbe wedga wua lntroduMo; mails alrady ýprovided fr "bé:tween iît SOc50. a 55c. but xperience bas - shown tat distinct. United States office ut Portlandan h yP k$14 t0-$18 tn a'ion vas moe plausible Ihan real, and the British office aI London and LivarpôO0l, Beef $28 75 0 $5. eeta eu flbeabip-wnerm l in npoint.- Chan- (by virtue cf the additional articles signed Sheep $8 @"$450. in- cellors cf the xeqr may bc very iro. at Washington on th. llth January, and *Ptte,2c O. ,xebuerBtter'là . @2c Oy luctant to surrender lhe duties on titu ber, bn London on 8vd, Fehvuary, 18.59,) thére Eg P e~dz ter but lb. mercantile marine demvand Iheir -shallb. establisbed an exciange cf mails Fowls 25c.,@ 80c. j pair. L. remission in th. name of justiçe, wbich betwee'n the Britliheffice cf Cork and the Turke3ys 50é. 0 7ôe. each. ce eught ever over vole expediency. We United States offie o f Portland b>' zneains Geese 25c @85c, A pples 50c @ $1 0OO"f bushel. id now aise perceive how frce tradu is affcc- Of the Canadian mail piieketa plying direct Hideg $5ý. t, ing the colonies. The West Indies have; belveen Liverpool aînd Portland during Sat8: 5~bra hé, bg cemplabnsd cf boing ne botter treat- the Winter, and alse an excîmunga cf mails Cord Wood $2 0,@ $2 25 V cord., ed than Cuba,,and from tiat controvers>' belveen the office of Portland on the one branched cul the disputa botween froc ond aide and the offices cf London, Liverpool NEW ADVERTIBEOMENT5.l Sslave labor. *It is ovident that Canada, and Cork on lhe other side, b>' moans of fand ve mn>', indeed, ay thhe whola of' lis Canadian mail paekets plying betwsen Peremptory, Sa!. of Lands., le British North .Amarica, are censcieus. that Liverpool and Ri'ver d.Loup in soinmev. I d their position is adversely cianged in Te.- A-r. 4. The description cf, letters, &ç., WlIT LL a sold hyý Public Auction, pn -gard to lha British Empire, and thtat the>' which shall bc coinprised in the mails for. lepeie nWtyo .saek not a plibtical but a commeircial in- Waed freni the respective Unitcd States 27th January, 1859,a-at noo;ï ncorporation % ith thie United States, witb a exchanging offices te, the noveraI British That weli knoWn and soitablo propert>', vie t sht ut heprouc .ýofEurope - r.eigoffices,. and viceversa £Im situated on? Irok Streo4the( .bau teet viev10 hulculhiepreuco f ecia.geng ni-in Wititby.)! by extending ieavy custom duties. Tîs>' the British excianging offices, te the U i go le lb. Iength of denying ltatfree trade ted States exciaging offices shall bc ar- together witi thetlitote)- buildings,, stables 18 exista, but inmlaad cf il oui>' a partial adop. ranged by correspondance between lie- and appurteniances, being-to*n lot No. 1, ktion cf free importa. ,ThesSubjOts mni'ut British and United Slalom Post Offices. - west cf Bvock Street,- on plan ot IdIa made pres tienselves on the Imperial Legisia. Aur. 5. Tha prenaent aa-éiles 'shal be b>' John Shier, >. L.f.,etpropert>' in turc, and tho>'musîbo solved, net evad. considered as additienai ho ticse agreed Mrid Tovncfthe piîb*v e v, iii Il ia net cur business ho reconcile difficul- upon between lie Ivo cffices for cttrrying shocw the. prentises. %lies, but Il la or dutjy ho seund a note ofinbte, execution lie convention cf Deceni- As qths inuit be disposeil -f, >'cnâ i warning. beriS5, 184$, signed at Washington on tia purchasers are reqiieiâted te attend tii. 141h May, 1849. sale. Tie Tei us wiil bc lbeial; and a Vut tothe Prison of artung,îhe Donc ini dublicate, sud signed in Lon. -5he exact viii culiîe i a Cendemnod Murderesa. dnonte*wnyliacayo Nvmer ae il pe' a land cohnditions cf * do onlietvety-ift da cf oveube, slevih homade knovn at the lime of. As itepulicfee geatinhreî adinn-one lhcusand eigit hundred and fifty. sale. d sth ubi f e g e t ners a d on ins, nd at W ashington on he fourteenîli R. & E. M ARTIN. ifet mchnymali>'févMi. Hrtngevday cf Decembar, one thousand eiglit HamniltonC . rarse- tLw ceufiued en lte cOurt>'jaile harged vitb ude adff>on.J n'y4, 6.9f 82 ethe murdar cf bar itsband b>'poinoning, HORATadIO y in. RING4. i60 8-aw51-w - v paid a visit t lteïj i1 yesterday, andRWL DHL. To whom it mayOoucern. tbrougb lte kindnessw ef Jaiior Pitcitliadpo 1an interview vith thdis iiubappy voman. A Arrivai of the "CANADA.",0 i large, vel ligbted- room ih aibotted tei berBoT , an>'2180 in itesecnd Ier', nd he as ver' Ca- The Canada arrived Ibisi morning. *venieuce sud coniferg that eau possibi>' ho The Bobemian. rrived at Liverpool ah I. extendod le a prinoner. Site van reclining 30 A. M. on lte ltit. on lte b.d um ve entered, but immediahel>' aree, and witIt a Ma mie, indicative f THE EUROPEAN CONGRUS. depdites f id wlomdM sco..Nothing cf importance ha hranspired-- * dep dntren c mmd vacome onan cr- n lte Congress. *diailly as ever. Si. van drenmed viti ber1 Ti.ahednecCotCaurn T WO corfortu ITcentre of the lte Propri-tor. A LL thoga lta Mbers ailhter h ~u -payier-a Wititby. Jianuar>: CAMB on'te fev utontha -ngo' lu foreiesi, iîna Thowouneatmi prt art'md Puyi The A.nn: Wibl te iteld at FIDA Y RF Orown La R, lans in t êr lisa sof ti applyhto Robrli Agent, le Wakefi SQUA inadlt u, if Ji4i COBD'W 1 f 1 1 * ocrer of Breek i T EIE Subsribu rivaIsofethe * Manuliet crie»n;, bouse lu limefradi O N A large and vutrit 0ON A, conflate Stoel afuil itSocf)1 ýl 1- -1 1 m 1 1 m 1 - ý-- 1 1 - 30 Darreis of Cwmppewa.- O-N Àocisud fo1 Glan "d Enrlhe 64Chýsts: .34. to 2 27 ffoxes' -'l29.-6d. 4 Éaios Am 40,'Boxesç.. 10 Boxes C 36 tasks a 200 Barre] The JSult&ice CA-$Jl «Which viE oeniblu sund gîvegenersil 1