Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1860, p. 4

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anti me~ IRAPPINf e ad Cents - ~ XJ~I«CARD8, mom b 14eu iotrbeu rrohno. sct WViitby, Iprçja 8rd, 1'W.lîl W. K.H IS - WIIOt.E5LE A ÇDIL]ETAML ANDS BOOE$BLLER .AND and a1 nWho dei in tisa bovo lino, WI li fltt onn ud a largoend ll ii saorteà Stock et tise Egtabîisbhîusnt of tise snderigned, whio ch i le 'Iing Mt unprocedoutedly Lon- Pîtîces.- A0C01UNT BOOKS, Ledgers. Jiurnaîs, Day, Cash, ast Bill, J3ous, ruled for tise nen- doclint l rreney; 1lsnk Books cf -véry' description inede te order, ruled te snyr pitérn', pngcd andsim l u~din a supe rior manner. ý- -Scisool BoolAs, Nrittng nia- r telasStates. , i'eciljî, Seaiing Wx WRITING PAPERS-Poit, Note Lot ter, Copying Fônliscap, Bank Pogt, -Pottý and Buf writing paper, aIl sizeS anti golom!,- WRAPPINe-1'APERR, home maufsse- - tsrod bMsnia; lrow)n, Oowsu.rclII -Ele- Phanup and G(rey -wrepplnsg papera-ali lises anfd weights. ENrELOE- Laid, Blue, Biuff, Coior. sel, &aIl izesa and varions um aiis rm iO.2 to No:. a .]asch and- Coinnson ý-"Ilests, Count>' auil 8urogao oursInuojyCut Court, lilvi. Mons Court, Coronets', MN.alates,' Notn- îeeClerksof the Peace, Clenke of Coun- tilestT5ownm, Villages andi Townshîpà' I)eeds, Mdntsgzo, and ail folrme lating te tisa s onveyance .ofEm ai Estate. $Ti RiYFS, BailiffWi, andi (lonistuibie4, binaly the dozeus, iusidreti, or tîscu- ~aidat'oroîtpicrées. - INX8-, ELUIUS, INIÇSTANDS,&c rirTie sQuit 1r Dluar Puciet, Cou taiiing 12 siseets fisse ruilei Letton - i ;îpc, 12sictisNote, 1" sel-!f-'c:liti-, Lut. î tanrEruveînies.., 12 self-seslin- Note Enve- t opes, (i; bsesiîsîli e q -mauil!Poldecr, oeeiect orf Iqttiýi' igpuus-iaisi onc Bot- fle. Of Itsk -alll ûn. uilQitilrt~r L>sllur.- - TO PRINiIERS. Alkin(L'itl'sUNî,vrUu A'EtNc --Job ansd coloresi --<iclil rut uns-ket pices, A stili ftrtiîur Ri4tioii iu al kinds -of Prnuting for Cashi. The SE.MI.WE Lý7 P~CITRONICLE et- $2.50 a Youtr. L-0Tiiîo %EEKL~Y UIRONICLE, tise eltespest uewsîsapesr ini Canaîda, et fOne IoaraYear, in adrubnee W. IL.TIcN, r Printer uuzd tationer. -- -' NEW STArfIOINÂRY W. H.- HIGGINS, -l - -i-s f B ECS t escuil attention ho his large Stock esNew sta0oinary, which lucludas ail kinda ef Plain andt Fancy Writlng Papeu's, lierclsant's Wrapplig, Papers, Schooi ilooko, Sdates, Penisj; tlonary 0e-t eyery dcsbrlptioua anluding Elank Deeds,1 9Loniso, ieragages, s «Igunsntso, Bonds, Beleases, Distrens . '01 Warrantmp, &c. LEAWYER'S BLiANKS -Quecit'Bencîs, Common l'leas Chi"- cery and CouMty Court Pensas. Division court Blanks at Fifty Cents per hsndircd. Xngktrate's Bianks, Notarial Blauko, all for Sale at Toronto Frices. PRINTI NG, Of every desiription., neatly, expea * itiously, sud cheuaply cxceuted. -At the Whitby àcaslaug Ioom wili le Iowad althe Daliy Papers, audthue htest publications home ar A Foreign. NEWS[ NEWS!11 ALL THE LÂTE1T HOME XND FOREIGN'i Il.Newopaporx, Boviews' Magaines, aud ]Poi"olo toîtefond attise WUADING ROOX, GBRNICLE BUILDINGS, (TJroeks St.) TmucSrgtsirucs.-$4 peransisini, pa>'- -able quatterl>', lu edvauoo.i 1awyers' and )Ierobanitt' Clerisa and otbers, whose oeenpatloUu prevent tluem froni reiort- ingto thise Keaiug UoMdGing tise dey will oui>' lhe eergeti spor sanni, payable quase. nI li dranoe.. W~itby Fenitr>'SOts,1-059. Y &LTr.KINDI AWYÉËS ÊÀu Dtvlson (corttnko, &e., &e. airAT e i a' Fl'c. .~ Chratie1kBuulldIngu, Brook St. Wkl'y list receved by *1w WALTZES, * And Mfusie arranged for the inFot To Olerkzof Di r1 8, .4J1~# beinexyàr- intentglinoe. th fthe proviiiofl of lbe consolidated act.. -jrCladm newr suýppy of formns, and. otherwyiso pre- pre,~ e Smejve&?ig8, t4o t com1ngi çha»gç $itable books-and.orm&cýn 4e procuired -the estaliàhbmentof I ý l THûE PRIESS. W'e Ëie rixro' -Examiner HURSDAY MORNING, TWO »1I.4E8 l'Eu A rx IlIE EXANIINER lbas the largegt irelation Iof any iisspcr pumb'hd in1eterbor', and tlierefore tti ue et dvetising medium in these: 23 PbiEs THE F ETERBOlIOUGH B-EVIEW R1 bÂVMÃ"N*,ING At Ono »iiar per i>unus, payable in advanee. 1TE 1 bciewls fa clrcsslationi twlcc as qlarge, -Lasn1Y thcrpsspcr luibli.lhcd ii-tle United Conuie of Petcr ciro sssl Vietoria, und a i Je best rdlvç,-*tizUs.r nediupi i.ii th<e Old Ncwciistlc Ml t-ier aMess<ito theo PubliAlhors, wilU T, R. WHITJE, LM, ZIy 8TABlLES. WTILD LmeDS SITýe TOWN- LOTS, # P OR SALE, O NE IsIspsovCd Farm is wbitby, 10 Oise iujovevd Faruin n ar 5~,a10 Onse - e L *spogu 50 acrcs. ' WiId J.audsin Mse ~o'lI,~ phirassisst, A-rtemesia, -Luthet, Cisuthain, 1)ove'r,Iliurigerford. Mili Privi17ege I Hamutptons, Tower4sii of D1>enjitpn, ose of lise vcry Lest iu' tise rývsliié6 Dar-' iugtouu. lu j3ewmtsivilie, Bs-ookiiris, lumpton,Port Penny, andl Sarisiîf. Ae a Iew 'lowas JLotsinîtIhe Town- cf Mechanies ansi otliessesirotus ot buili iitg can haive fs-onu 12 to, 18 siontisa ltO inako tisa first paymeuît. Senti for a Circuiler. Aduiress, po8t-paid, J. IL. PERItY, October 17, 1859. For Sale Oheap, and an Rea- .sonablo Ternis. TJ'JIREE goot i frmsin l the Townshsip of Tîsoraît, Courty ofet ni-le, n-ilsfin- provcmcnts et 20 acires on caei Lot. For particulars aupiy te I. J. Macdon- eil, WltiîLy, Barristar, iiir te D. Centeron, flanverton 1P. O. D. CAMERON. Octû,bcr 17, 1859. 5,9-21u-s 40-2in-w Ji 1 W LLING lata]>- occispiad No inse, l rry's lucok'5 go .0 aa s-ui i k S t ret., Oue SH11miouBTOCK STREET, sentis of R. Catn~lli'*-siStore. Onie tllOP AND TWELING 0ou xhocx STJZUzx, Sovtlî Of Pillar-d'S iletel. kO-scveral sinusllu ilding-4 lu vas-louis parts of thse lowus. Wistiby, 24th Oct., 15. 4h s;.w -2» POSTPONEMENT. -FAM FOR SALO TI UE outhilnf ef lot.Ne. CO, brÃ"~ken fsont,1 Tlusthse tAiiwtisîuijl <f'W'iitb>', contai IDs abonnI100 ares; wllbcosold in two lotsb P'ublic Aucetivlit etMasu. akiefield Contes& Ces.i, Autdolis î1rt, Toroute, ut miou, on iot 29otih Oetb r-1853lsMsreviussisl - advestiseuL- Tisa lot ism about effanau--lufmie<r lue utonit Lie psrti-liursaic! couditicts miuybelsadat t!iOse-sui r iipofs tppliâ~tIMIto nÊ - F, elWIeitos oon To,6ntý'Sept, 15, 185g..~ v ~s hib MrI. TaaoRedwll show the land ilUzr FA$9fl 0Only tw0 mies frbm tË "c~nof Whitby. j2Pb--5Q' fcres e*qpthrtereo câbout ight m1sfo 3*avle ,rd.- O rs SouthEast"quarteroj PîLoi No. 18 lth conceRsion c siosq~p The above menti oned Lots ère firat-clasi Fat-ma, in a bigla state of cultivation,. good Buildings,' and nfr -important Towns.11 'llbe soId->ïýaS'onable, and on favora-. ltermsa.9Apýply ,to- J. H9. PERRY. hitbY, .4 entfor the Owner. Hou.8e and Lot for Sale. 7 eH I.t iutuin<on-féurth of an acre ot THIeeInt L.nd, -wioh is in a high o;titeo o cultiWation, Viea uo s i a Frame building 16 b>' 2, and eomfortably flidaic&off. it issitua- tua ina avery rpleAsnt part,0f the Village et Ux! bridge, being neur the 1ie lqrch,ý the sehool, thçe -Pest oflece, and iie plsee4 'cf general liusinessx.. £enesandi may b. known, bv sýppy!ssg tW Wml. oakr, r!e eor t r <'îiý(r 10 LanA entUcbridge. 4LsyIS~.16 t L OT'No .27, in tlise rdoneéiuion cof 1Wbitly (the aAs)*ijlnp ti; Tdwxiïof cârrying l'laee, CiIAA. %Vyxixa, E<iq., Beleville, ir to J nl>' 15, 1857. a. v.JAM, - esiitlr Sieam aýnd- 'laster MIi for Sale. T lIE AS'IGNEIS 0F O TNOFFER for sile ont casV teris tise Stesitsl jInstar Nliulland kurîitiet0 herehii, ut l'oit Whit½ý. Applicationî te bh odeulte J. L. GRANGSR, orN. MILLERL, Whitby, 3Mrdli 2~t5l hty7 Farm for Sale. 2 0ACItICS01« S'LENIDTLA/ND. LOT 20 1t, iu lfith o f -'isu t lisrais 15 Acres irei.l. Thuis Yiis isi sîsîiited witlsis fouîr misfet' llisves-ts$m, ou tise trisvei renul- te MaLris; tise Iiii is nit the hi.t q uility, ssud is ln tjise cestra <il-a gomI ?settliisiwit, witis a SCIseel, ànid a t4Siwiill osCirst lso, North haitu:It 4,isf ie, m0hdiCoucsi- which ae larc Wd, suidit rostisg uîîstisrage ýeayerton, lOtit Juu, 185 S)7 )CAMýElION-; -26 -T 0 LET that n-eU ij on F-inn îq the Sfrontý of tise TôÃ"*îîsbip tf Wliiaby, 1<iown asitho- - FêRQUÉAIÉSIN PROPERTY contzistiug 400, acres,'. 00 of wliich are cleared, Irce tro sà 'stumpg, andcnlua 1gb state of cultiyatibn. A GOO- DR]K Ã"TTAGE! n-ils out buiîldtuge and -t{*' pdn cils hou4a. for lorrÏa a 1srge ,o'C aeîdwitl ah. choiceut trust';ý!ki i l rsiu frenI $4100 tg.$200 na1y- - The property lm beautifully iâs4tcIon ~the rling grçsuucl, çse mile ýnofÏfli cth.t County ,Tqo.y, afft)rdin;g cveny.tac)itr-fbr -the saàle4 ait l-ýkinduf, orf Pro4qce ,-od Ogri,. tien Vegetablas, tisis belli gonlieef thista -Mankct Towuss cist oethte City of Tçercsnta- Ilueý «ýrsnd Trîunk Station ditsn<:e two sulieg, witb n ullsIvii- ef Lake Ontaianed Windsor Ilsrbeur. 'I fle above proper t> mii1i lac olti on cas>' ternis of payuuent, if parties wisi- tg pur- choase. Txitxs :-B thcr e lt onifor sale, clin L'e kuowst Ly a'PPlyiug te .G. Il. DART.NELL or by latter to oiitrWity JOHN A. DONALDSON, Peut-Master, Wes4tos. Poasession given the first of April ncxt. Whitby, Mov. 15, 1859. O8s-44w.lm TO LET. . n.t 5'it elncl ksown Drtg-shop' k and !dwellingnt'prcscnt c- S cùpieà b>' G. A, - Bannigter, situatcd on tise corner ef Dundas and Byron Strects, Wisitb>'. Posqses.çion cen bc hati on or after thue lOth September. For perticulars appi>', if b>' latter pro paiti to Wisitby, Aug. 13th, 1859. KO USE. 44 TO BE SOLRY-A BARGAIN 4NEAT DWELLI NG 11OUSESITUA'TEP J.inu thse 'enter cf BEAVERTON cern nsug ix iteOsUU. Apiply, if b>' letter post paid, CHAULES ROBINS8ON, E-SQ. I itv.April 1IStis, 5 .- For Sale, or to Let., ams A COMMODIOUS.A.ND PLEA w-ith ofe an acre ofs land, lu tise North Ward efthtle Tonnof Wisitby,'on ah.e £mf side cf Brock' Strcet - For tuirtiier parti4ularà appi>' (if L 144let ter, pot-pii) at -W. JI. Troniayne',s office Whîîby, or te tio subscniber, - Cashili,' markham, Appileatioti te bd*= MRS. ANI uot 33, t 'Chrigthsut Offring'i, Foz Sale or te) the. Railway Dejpot. A good alas1 t b), tradscan bedo t t4S god maxi. ». e o For further partiesîla r apy to FOR SALE.l AN excellent nowv Fraînû tta*o0, erlY ifii .the uastof(tisoy1Ij ot 'band within a Ppf àmrdIo ltheMlSrdt- undas 'Street t<gtlser witls :wo-fltthg) of en aore land attaebed. The *oX %s~i~ 5~part- moenta bas an excellent ccllar. and tisere la good stablUng and ail eesr -o *blngs, and a mupérior pamp of good Wàtéri' thispot. For Tertis, &e wf~ ~ liberal. Aîsply t&: BEAVERTON.I ]FOIR SALE CHEA]Fq A MLL FR1VLLEqE AND TOWN LOTS 7 ' cotpl*lôtitb)the ;Beavertôffà WIuarf. A large and profitable MilIiiWgbilsixsci c=nbedcon. here.Faorble tcrrn,<' Ly inide -iith the Proprietor by a Praetiesd ier. 'N. B.-Ticre il; a lirst aeqenl-, et Bea- *.ertoîî t'or the EMsuhlishrrentof aronay E3caverton, juÏY2s, 185i7.1 29 I IJi E Store and !promnises lnt<ly eeenpled hby r Mr. J. A. McM illiisi, ut Utica, in tise loirs- ship of REahot tagether witls a qelarter7,acre of Laund attacleâ thercto. Th"is% store i verv favo rahilv sitssated for suiiv business. Tisa Viflssc1 Utiétî is lit the efitéoile Towtnli, aSsii ll the travel cois thi' Brock road passes t lîrougla it. Terisis wiiLbe isîide if., it ps1-ielta5er». Ap- Fîication CAM1'BELL 45 / slihuiru .0 R each. TOWN LOTS. F O9 Sale, Lotso Nos. 122 and 123, Kez-,it 5btrect, West of l3rock Strect, 151 the Town cof Wlîitby. Thea above Lots alre inot eligibi»y Sdtliated Gfer hniltliîsa îîrpoe-tit- irecrscjoed aud iii intcd ln thea hast part of tise î 'owii, and wrill lie disposcd of, on liharal ternus ggr A cdean decd will lie g4nfree frosu ai iiie-usil)rlnie. Apply to V. C. XA YERIOFFER, Wiîitby, or to J. A. MAYERIIOFFER, (lîoîiel Ofic. I iithv. TO LIET.* ALARGE TWO STORY BIC(K STORE Awith apatnentm ln thse sameto.,accoisimo- ils te au respectablc fanisly, anîdanuotiier large Wsicss nFriue rlilsîse idJoising tIsie4srfcois- tîiîsiiug astogetîsen 10 rçovins aund a large eeîlar, ticý excellent well of watcr with a piunp, and sid assees4sar> Ont bui'dings, isnd- a guiod gardon- The lot coitains liaIt un aiere, sitîsateonoutise co)rner of Iissidae und Aysdersvn ,treets lin the Town ot Whitby, oui>' a few inittes walk froui the depot. at<ssn ToStr Aise atistier ver y it(t4ieTr Soy fluse i, tise saine iocaiity opposite thsa resi- lanece ef Jolin llatîsr-s-piendid varaidssh rotind thse sani, a izood weii of watcr ansd cis- tenu of seft wvater witls a punip ils caci,. Ibe fronit part isIstiýl nt vcny aasssscysnd orna- rnseîîtc4 with fiowers, tflôecng isig lsbsaind arergreens, whieh 'isskes4 itsuppcar like a littie .pai inusuwmer,tlrcre are twognrdens, and a verv4 large orchard prvslsscing t..m tisrge to four bhnll,ded bsiteN 6 f appies, whliiail <'put - ,buliclln½i4rqnirod lbrsmach ilpplce. Tl'itliîud- soluie place lhu#lobeep thse residence of.tise 11gb licit tN .~èynoýldis, Esq., and otiser gei-s tîcnenet esptaiiity wli laini a higlu recoin- sueaioettie place witi-ont ftîsîtlsarernM meut. iSeult Modeaste. For patidulars a ly to LA EEq IVhittehall,, Whitby, C. W. Wliitliy, Mlareh 2, 1859. 7 TO LET, ry îlle Store and dwelling lions, nowoacnpicd i5byJsulas Prinigle, and kaowa as tise STONE 8TORE9 ilc tîte lof tWl itbv. ressesfsingiven filîa fim rs eptestber Iuaxt. Appiy tc Il'lsithv, .luly29, 1858. JAMELS no WE. 2 Valuale .F*arm for Sale. MlAT vtule, ioFariu epntposed cf N. E. Y ,tLto4, luftise 4th concession oftPick- - cnxusg,' Celitainiiig 50 Acres,, About 120 tcres dseplcd. SThe abova Piinusi ix situated in Ilso centre of as-s excellant wheat-gruuving iictlit>', andc within abolit #six suilea of tii iportaist 'rvwn ef Witithy. - les-sus iuoilcnste, Title iiidh;pnWsble. Application tô ha made te A.MoLN Whthy; jA. LOGAN? Lot 9, Broken Front, - - THOMAS HUSTON, Whit b>.ý - lsô, for Sale A qautit>' et goed CEDAR POSTq. - APPLI AS ABOVE. Octeben I 1859 55-3m w & sm TU AUL-TUE W ORLB, T IIEsaboniber liavlng suspnded business ho Dow oiene -te Sller Itent for a ternio years1 on ver>'reasenable ternis hi% splendid V[LLAG 0FVROOMANTONq, 'Towii5ispYf Brook, onsistis'go*ýa, -- STORE&DWLIGHU, annd -~Agent et- Wiby--G- H. Daitnell. --Royal Inurance Company. FuiE re PEEIU me«T"*Ire& Tonan F ansd Merclaidleof ove descrip1tio *necf fected a esi î e !;jsm, 'iv Short peniod rr ltak4ýxàcWn oa MOreîcbndiise foi~ oue or more 9"1e$!1jVrT tc iI Life Inssîranêe on vecr>' advantageotzs trMý for the assisreci, with lî L)p or pieiits esvery lh'e yeard. Whitby, Jane, 1869. -Y r ; 20 RAJ<TFOHItD5 COr4nECT;CUT. 3W-PAIDUTP CAPITAL, $200,0060= PC01LICIF89TIYItd eiay Qu ppi)IIa-, cite tele u" Office. Wht ~ .2, 18,59.- The Sctihprovincial Assurance- -CompalàV ,OA~I~AIIQO,OOOl lieutreal, 9 Great st. Jantes Street. tq usse cepruse tilà» Monay'sPrspà tuis, wi1iereiu it wili bc f1eitnd tha avenyadvasi tag e, conistent witls seuùry, is oilored Tie rates ot'enusei rgc r evê hl tise Bonuses ilaciared will hear comparisois witil the I'rofitvs allotied by uns>' t the otîser Icadinig offices. lsnticnlarosttentjon s lm aJodcinectcd toean aqîsi-' taile regilatiebn sdopted by 'tliis Cornuan>,tas te sssrrcsden viàsise f relisuquisheil Polieles. WHITav-1iolsu Allrtn-ý gC-tit; Robent J. Gisis, M. 1). Medicai Adviscr. l>ixwp ALau.i&.-lNivcsîAgiw, 31. D. Medi eili ýdViscr. 3n State Fire Insurance Company of Lon. don,- gngland.. CAPIT L r - . 500 , OO ký7!èLIXG6. AOAJID OF DIRF.CTORS: C7uafrma-The Rijbt hotltil 'Keie.. Colonel James Adair. TIhe Bev. W. Beau. Peter CaiishaiîisEs 11lenry Clark, Esq., -M,> Wila D,ottc, Eq.., Willisus i ers >'Roîngli, Eq., M. Ar. F. Ilt. W ls", 7Esq. Peter morrison, Esci., Managissur Dirceor. Asidior-Amnbrosce Miller, Esq. SokUior.-ý SzComupasi>. ,Sécrtar-Win. Canwell, Esq. CA'NAÀDA BRANCU filad Hace-asucll, Torvînto. Trssles.lles.John Boss, Johin Crsnvford.' Miaster, Esq. I~c-Vwrni-.1.iolîd Estq., M. P. 1". Wîi. R ýss41 Fsq., im. len- dersen,, Esq. F. W. JavW ,;Iiseriff, U. C. of 'Y erk ansd Peel. Bankers--The Bank of Monlreal. Solieitor, Thea snjgenÏiý ftset eStatus Pil*'Inxnîraqc Comnelt~re raie1bys ib 1lo AIl Lessesx wili be sottled premptl>' withont referene te tise Board lis Etsgiand., Thse nnsincss;et tisa TisxsusshavnaÃœt beau rpar- chasesi, Polie>' -holders are now guananteed by the State. ALEXANIER STEWART, Mfanaer, Jlritiolh North America. Phoenix Pire Asurance Co.! - - - D. 0. JENKINS, n.idudbtitseaiaéUntlse Whitby,JuIy 28th7 16l5i', 36 e0qu tai n lsteulsnot5 -lt intoi egettetortha ad- -19Agents forfCanada. Whitby lDrewrfeceer'eyi. 6..tris n wlr .Brook neetsne ,,ettenrao iQi8o5 ~<.. ffes wtetioii re555 nS o- 41 s t 'atifulicnt reeoml- lO8 pudWt t5ifal (3 A!14é ..FOR C- 0ATTLE Mon.~ OLAIK'- ~OD~viAE~b..premiseR.onth Whiby Nv rd 159.' ~ ~ 5 ii ~I; ~ I~A .4M, '4fflyo fitQ.. i OnSiosBck.t e Sý.,G-& ~4O'S9 _GEORGE BO-STWJCK. - WNZT~t i~~TP~P~* 2 T0 funther tuftiÉa, Mails w4 si4fe Jâiodue for delivery et t 0s fol-; manville, Noieestle, Clark,MKlngston-and Port Ho ànud» ter ouwvesdisig offices, aislo 7a:ufend-p tli en a *a.for déliv6nYaletl!Oli. tsd p.ns t.,Yn The Mails for Fickeriurz and Dusibarton âre odn]yidsled hesamoning treln'golng West.. : irsXi Male leave daiiy eftar'titis arrivIlet the train ft*6u ÏTîronto, ferBJrpokliu1 Manches- veytç'n P ort;-lleî-,-A siilni, Epacîu u, [ke andc Uxbriigc5 aJll fr-ul tisecorrcitpoudlxîg cf-'L salec dail>', isuttd on'Tuesdlay, Thursday asund Ssslurdssy for Altoîsa, Clarexneit andJSc!touff- - - ails nsrè utié for douivery>' <om thoiseoflices et uibeut 5S60p. su. E~GL1iI,>AlLS-~Fnm ChIgt ef Ajsnl., 185e, cau jetOKS 116# fatir~i sui t a re- paisl, b>' postage s4tnînp. Lettons intepdeil for Europe sîsioulîl ba post- eloi 7d'lckA M. c11 mosîdlayt. ý! - . GUSW1AT 0F IT I. ',-Tue cToa pielit th'e Cs ba -, lètte vW ninst ho pndpftid nlssd ylam,- . -, Tv an>' plainii r£ ~ibil resiri(post- ago inust lie prépaid aise)> 7:d To auiy place lu tha Eri1îisi Colonies ô os ees- sulons, eont trie E:glind, (postage înust bo pre-, tria,r Enghu1nd, ail, enouutequai tts tile post- Itge rie. PA i.CELS np te 9 lus. n-ight éeau liesent b>' puîst usîder rc-gltsois at lm Bd per 1l). te he PrUîîuiCib>' po$1tîgC stanfi lis, and nuq -bha register cd h> yiuc it tl id tionuil. No mails arce desparohed or rcccivcd on Sun On Books aimd printcd usatterfor tise Uc Stages, tihe Cansîdîsi 1'cspstage -rn-est lie îrcqais vpostuge .rs ILs,1îd on sticli sustti- Ie- the United Stit(es, tlisa Cat.adhiti Pss s~W111 lie te elicet oidelivîr>-. il trnsl.ctst NeYspapers inelusiiiî, tîsoso ses- Eligland, gnîis-thoe pni > otaeSan or tlise>'caunsiot ha finws(rufi. :Newssparu for the lBritisIt West Tudlie4, or xNewtouidlassd, nunst ha ps-é itid b>' iPostage tsIY2d 13<1ceels; ssnd frTda, iAustru lia, andsu other isînces heyond sea, 234-d eiçlis. -OF'FICE IlOUS. dYadsss, froin '7 a. mu. te 7 P. sM. Stundaiys, fs-eusn' te le .. l'ostal;e Stausps cau bc pnircliassied e fic oiut * A. 11cPHERSON, P. '31. whithy, Apu-il, 185p. a13W. DENTISTRY! DEN"ISTRY! J4~Jones, BLD.Sureon DnItor. R FT-RTNS bisinccre thiîk-is us,, tise eiui.s, -Whitby and Vie! ititi, 1vr tigaevu-r- literai patroiguge extended te hisinit ilis profitssiuL H o uw takels letîve te acqnalît ii uîru frucudis iitIse puulie, t1wa ho ias fiîllv conîple- tedl lus arrangenmcnts for thse perncstit prsutice Ot bis pnistemsiosi, in tise Town ofW fib- Taecthisnuissted oun Meld, Platinis, Ciseoplastic1 McaaI,&C. Teetîs lillcd with TGOLD -AND STAXIEL FOIL, ..4Z anulwilnPecor Jo em. Inwivention dtspol-e- érnosii, .p eau ce't-q nsul teogold, su t flot seo costly. Tecti t extnected bv tlie usîsal preeess4 wvithittpain. .I 'A, Tsnictie e ttweutvy yeruî in,.i*proftefuilîs enables Dr. Joenas te gnaraisteg,0,o;,lis uenits ahl that Ésofcssioissl kili ausul expeyinçîcccu eits a1ccomnpbslî trIwasrdm alleviatinghuniaanffÏcning.] in tise trenstient uît'sll sffWenosic seTactis, Dr. Joujisp opcrtins lsax1nM,>g bepnRutnied B I~ows18 r endo Stciew Sanloe J W. 1Tyi qema'ne, Èsq., 'Dr. ("Iîeckley andTDr. Oun', -t dceed Ibigher asic mne preferpble'tliango1d': ranr ether metuliepliite. . . s tina-bo ai, restyredu~t -he -pnices ',whlib hirtifèt tate thsut ise fias bSehioltuil ~I1 puat, durlng whieh tint bie -bas pua ,up as'qeéâ numbeË,?ess lt ba:nftea tis# hst1be cf f oatlifetlbn/Lsbeen maaiifested b>' thqts patients. ~ - - Gold~I1vr' aC PltinaPlates 'sut Mltgurgical openstiiuf tIse Teeth or Gum% aktiltfally perft*iéd; catisextraoted th bujeenaoft leTr-cit. Pari, Con#ultation 1&ee. -ÂAl C'rkWarr.anta d4 moiJe. .Lu5y ifemtre1- e loi £ iîUUi5I 5w TH~E KING OF 8'F2ES.- e eBJXC7E ALBRT, PROrTECTIONIST, aÇ~a. uÇ~c., ~c. Cal and examine) ÃŽiOFTNqtRYAN. SRIPP'S SALE OPF LÂNDS or"Uir 9 N SATUBDAYTIhE PjsenslcrA 14 i8Çiut w-Ive (&elock, noon, *si be sold 'b> Pubîse Acien, lit nM yolle, ila' thsCs.rtlieu iiis- the e is for elthyi- tIs r" i,, tititexda4ssircskwliei½tlselindenmen. tiônd ddj ~sîss ere.~lfpqs~.iluntile un- derneîtueiid Iliîs asd'17eeménts tîsareon, sizie4 IkMunme niser and - tir viftfft&ot eert*is Wnlrts oeiErs Filetai to sdrcal'l Tsi the uCourt cf C(îsmmon.Pieu. le>', dttideiât. 11 us ise couity Court. - ~'Weat hsdt otLot 5. , lu thsae levenith '* con- list fieC ,1 t>' Cont.- oe f nisr tStr itu>sssnau, dewa.ied,Ade- faiids isiter twlssc ite aid sterýlngPagq- usail, .-c-'s in ieis le tirnse stuc At tue tlInte of his esuis Iissdiitso-i i nt Ift>'acres ett Lot Ne. 7, ili tise icreisthetis eesïos cf the luviiriiii of Bsiek. Ilt ie Cousrt ot Qsîcen'.s Beneis. The Zissîssuers-sîn B-aik, pîlaintiff, vs. James Lochas-t assd AîîsrowLers, defendantst. Lot 15, iu tIse gril conession of Seýott.- Lot 19. iii thse 4th coisîcessien ef Scottr Part et Lot 1$, it thea lth co;ncession cf Ux- bridge, Coitii9itiSd '2 crcs. Lot No. 10, ilis tise TtlCcessi..-on of exbidge l,e~r J'art of Lot fCSiii tise lr5t eoiiession or Uxhridgc, as : Iuiîlo acreç. - NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Siieniff, C. 0. PearC. Nolawpx. ÇIit.tr.(555f* wVhittsy, -Sept. 2c, 18-51. 52 ti SIIERIFP'S SALE 0F LANDS. CeuxNY r 'r NtÀsoj ý N Satunday, t4se Tisird- Merc, A-D. Sfl,~ t Tweive 'oleoka,' neesi, wilIse sold b>' Public Miction, et, mu> Office, in the Court ileuse, in tise Tom of Whitby, tise riisa le, and intoesa't erslly possa$s, in thc usidennieticned lisuds'ý asti 4ecucmcuts tises-cn, -seized by une Un- der, asd b yi'irtue of certain Writs of- lieni -Yacias t0e cdirecteti.; viz: -> - In the Cots-t ot Qu-ccn'uiiech. -William P.IIosv'faîiid s&jebx( - Chsarlesi Fitchs, plaint iffs vs. Patul F.Wisitsey! ds dent. -dfi -Lot 28, Broken Front, in tise 1st conces-1 sien ut Pickerinig.' - In tiseCouit cf Cemmon Pleas. -Laçisian Davitizon. plaintiff vo. mufles 0 Ail thafp'ýbui-el - or, tract cf landtini the- Township of Brook, in tise Coun-t>'.of, On- tar'iec'be;ng Lot iuum'b&N,-jineteea,- (19)ln thse Tn-elftis coÈcess'ion cOf i thé hdTru sisip cf Brockd, withýal1- asic! sngular, tue TI the Court ofjý<eti'a Dessol. James Lai7sgplai-it11V$.4 ' eter Stouten- burgis, deend..fanLr. - All nd ingu4rtiat ceitain piece or Alnd iîrtgufin,-teof Reaçh .aforasaaid ,and Jleing .etmposed cf pa's.ui <4 ba t ev in, l ho EigA ceptésài6nof the saidTonship, d 4ag, aIl1 tb,art çeretofore ceuis-yed byoee 'ihonmas Botien, te tise saiti Peter 8touteh- burgicontaining thrée açi:es, bouIi.ène-- more or lesa, sand- aIso, eutii4'oth'er ieç or -pavcelo-fIland stituvîtèt in the6'saied'TDw. shipofRecla, be n osposed of -paut-of Lot -number Seyen, in tbe- Nit conces- - 'mon of.1ta saïed fwii ,pRÏ*eh, ansd known as ail tise remaisisg part of ci lôtwFbieh bas-net, biiher1e b.esé oilÃ" taxes ~or, prec!Wusiy coil4'Mé,y!<b gia~nwi ndpae6acâmmen 5y*bôà.4m 800 palicthât hebhi monapustyks of er voundnleî BOOK AN ok *vey deserli with deiâpath, -- Priem.- -Fiust-eisss Pro -AuictiossullsIi tiens-of ?nifttin being ordered.- i.a Corts. 019 CHAM WTborab. OLERK OF the Court -H, ch. egstry 01 W. UCourt Lieus£ aCt tisaCeas-t' JO sTNSPECEOR, .1. fer the cen C>UISERl SgrOffice.4ttise GEORG kUCRISTER, SOLITOR, sOsha;v1,C.- m-One-Opp StolWbitby-, over DonaldsWn Whitby. _DUSS J. -W. c~i £ieon Court, Mots [Jibsitge. OiM tIhe Mediel HO N. L -dl i Vans Sfc, sâpe, -c AI -5 --W 1 -l'or sala Lois and on Long Grit. e

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