Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1860, p. 3

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iiÇl k , Éimportance Ladl taMniâ relation te tthe Congros.. 1 The att"ydance of Cont Cavour as uativeocf Sardiia àtcAemch ta- ttoa,'but notiing vaocaLy h Wa on tire anbject. Jo vas cpoa*ed tirt tire t" Bell Pavera wold ho areented only by mInstera of foreignairr. Thaeir log paveas il dendl Pienipotontiari Tire Pat rit aaya tiret Prince 'Go hor iii decline te attend tho don aus pluiepoteetiacy fr Rosais ntile sa g1553 ic epreeated bysanme imprtn me f thre Cabinet. Tire Parie paet1,tit el andar sataxmm Mat have oîined- eio guar. AuteesbeSr e eediag definite an era te ;Ia lreiatieu-if Frnance, and tht e 'Con- gres endij-e iqpossiblo if thee neiples of non jnterrQta had nt been ecepteai 1aH tire pevera. mWeratos Jere snmmonted b>' legraph ~frO~ th contqendCalaae ouncits eLad on tira lith arraiI. Le 914de.is te ,oieauceceeda y Sic agir Heve. )i .na Mruflelai bcemes nmmandej dt ger~y n !jer Gene a Malcolms and Bjfeter. ieada eoftira M divisiorns. the qip Norfolk had arrie fror Mot- hatnL* tll £212,000 of go Tlr total * 9a ao1fMÉra tI ytti C or id ,Tire - Iliroe i a 1à u ceeçt dLaya rbthtreport ef Arlouli id ilied Ser, aLs 1encoricate France, anda t a vennel e il nixroctly expocteai ote Ru anenio A SVW aper etys tir Z lonIr iàthned p,,,iÈi6on forc en ai 3eMâhant mcept tire atrc, viicir heing geL lb, hm-intel, id Tirepror reCSeiV on tire lff t Ppl unia, virho tenteal a latter fri..r 1yFatirer. MAR BkT lWtM-WILLT- Wiitby, Ja -ira, hy thérai Ic. James',ilyrne, Chari ltemnam, te Jane WilIV tir of Whitby HEWS NMC~ -By tirey. cire Brwe, Preabyter inircsd g et tire ,rlgof Né arkce, rer. rsiip f Whitcrrcleh 1. ca.eaeo irebrde' ftlrrjr~fl à lfcwrrca, Tea et ne Br Igad1 m4Jore# nful ut,;, 0 i de Orange nuira- Scoarit re.-iment18r, "toc cf Mrr gword, te. te Firaelden eeg. A&cclilrld Mc.Milin, cf t Gwillà7-'bnc7, C. W. Wircen tire Miriierna got tirou*.qb witL tire necceery cerees y by law etabi- 1mbh witlra e vry epprepri lecture on tirei occasion, tire Iridegrocas rediatel>' af- m tecwarscl rejuaeteai te edd fcw worda ont lirensubject, andi affterbcire dgoe ia snc- r tien cf al l rvitei ns witr es, draw is sword freme seaabiseri,d giving il mbo tire iride' amro, aaid,i,r tirprosnoorf al tirera eaearblcd. 1 novx et rine yeni, oï dear vife, te plrrrge tsakeai averti hi saybremc, je case you nfila-d nme rae.' fithful te tire macriago ie w laleer place Irtaeen ame am y-4s, ut, rrrtby cf a aou monta' long~er existence)anceafoatir jeu viii have thint aord placed t tireieati cf a your hed at yeur reruico pi ent eom- i ed vecy foclingl>' impreanei tiehe aring cf iairoart-fett remarks, ai se il endod. lsntorestneg to thoase a ering troan hkeadache. A. ceataira r dy ftbaed lat Dr. Mitae'a Clo terniLiver pille. Pcepuced b! Fleming Bros. Pittsburghr. Tire followrieg is a tampie certitlcates avceivodl daily fcom car cvn tinen. Nov Y air, A r-1,82 Tireso ia te certifhtie hobeen euh- ject et times t cors e Ie lie; one.e limes tire pain weuld ir e tonru I coulaf et aeiîircr day or niglt. H irrg of Dr. MfLoness Cclbrated LiScr I, prepar. eti hy Fleming Bret., 1 tant ân et a boz, Of whicir I teek twe pilla en g g te lied, for twe igirts. Tey n eetire- ul ily. Seme lame iras n- elapteti, nai I Lave Wa ne mere treuble front ick adacire. tu M. JOILNSTON, 118 Loy alcoo. tn 8>Pu-cianer& ia ocaeel tk for DR. MLAN> CELEJRII RD LI- VER PILLR, manuflctareti by LEM. ING BROd. cf Pittuburghr, Pt. Tirere are cIer Pilla purporting te ho L r Pilla, nov irfore tire public. Dr. MULA a gene-r mne Li er Pilla, altoIis celebrater ermi. fage, o-a new bch id aailBU ciaile sa dcag tore. Yomarna prie. sfa ik ih daiudrtof rtferrd to. À reet ci,:t ae ere,) *ttt ir a ire courray fosr Fittecar DirrrNO t, the orne arcant fr tlb, 'emale Pilis, Me-ar' g lit aeer. ie irntiiingt in tire eri dnrgeroara tiias-or irrnd ceruarrycaail, obstuee- :Ucc ilarhr t-icpliel rira-ý it ta tcrrIftucy sarttee. Il e, bcrig on thre rareatiri ÎtaDoliia1r', baurthe Gev- Grat ia, te pueront rue andti mi Afféetinur,- Lirrabr, FaUitiraan alunik- is efereba ri, tcacs o taite, ruai ittra-agbr a rnt crîurir iroarm, elata-ruc ,li hartill anhcireernttu- trlerirr Canitada. Joli. mhnirts, 1.0.Il-driraL- Co.) Iolaerter, N. Y. ira Wr-ra. Irctwe tealaps eciria-n mirt %vi, erarr sboutterut rarai. -For sais by &Iil ir G. A. aniitec tDun or.t Brock stret. tell 'praperty, tire bist alcool 11ilaM, -statbles L lot Nie i. ~att'ëdthe: papons et ady doorný hWi titi; te uxeridi (#Dc;.eirgucon tirs I8M- 111tarihie r4rraisec'l ,al Notice.. iýstl; ntalo ail' to llcpu., toc lufetr',-"-- re te vooplpllerisla-se royae c tie aoya ahaaelcora trerk Green of thq Chiolt'Br 'fle ole.as tt. R ow ai u hous liraMeacide Wet of entres]. C Fc 1ýIulpl Java e aulmDoif. ON SALE, kbpand vtried Stoet cfDcy Gooedr, kep t, eobtantly on luand. . 11laofnd C L, Il. SROFIFXLD & Ce. ilen4eSC AnD evar e ripioteof FM1lY cexfr tkalror Cenutry prdat O, N 8 A L E, N. -Wantod a1lot goodpua À compnlete Stock ofaolllrrintia etGroies, and ln e arî toc ir o cf LrqtrA-c, .q4eice ircaida Vira-- i itby, Jsncary B, 1880. toge lui, L. 1H. sCItOFID&C.i ES nu 30 lraof Otti ReeIIedtWI& Wlrtlo m r:îippawa. Lt ÇCIQlL) i. Y~ A ',A ON 8SAL E, «Mhiean tresarrb r dom cer a u, dhuv-l h i JUST R ECET 64 Chegsa rouh Toits from 2à,, 3dM. te 3s. 9d. per lb. 27 Boxes, Tobacco frein ls. te '2à. 6d.'iparlb. 4 Bales Âmarilean* GrayCotton .4, Boxes Soap. iô -Boxes Candies. 36 Caskis of Liquor. 206 B3arels of Sait. 10 Emnels of Harring. L. Il. 8IriFIEiLa-& . Tire Sbraicra-hav-e resodu n or inaarina, an tua yelar t00, lu adhe uaco rn------ CASII -SYSTEM, BOKS 3Ji Wiin yleaabla aire u rl -e cele,- âate gis fe gerecl mtiiclorr. frgE suliscribor lbas recei ], a itnd i L. Il. 8CtlOïIEMJi & Co. Freshrrh j-ls of GROC lES of evi TO LET. TEAIS. Hyson,1L WO careir, attreToe, ru carat teo. Aprin te lf( othereufe Twnao-c. o* ppy oYodeJysn . 1.SCllOFLftlD. * 5ùkm, -* * ysoi Twakey, And r A li a-ltira lit t-a' u aisirtütallu thelis ibrari- 4 aJlor syNnrar -r t e Qutltàuta,wvili C.ltg W- l'Wet4 gy c et tekryý 1800, ÇonigottSui ancrai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -ae iai ~apriP 5Par nt reduat z Wirthy;Jrrlil'~>t~liai Os-y riaes heratofore-ar d. To! ( it iR a-a t l iaè, ; cairf he irnderni-miaet,Pi Luhat X. 5r le tire ItL'a-o. eai'icLer4'ra i s'y U ps. Pi c fimaris agee d-aa-k tira) tia-ra., sili tuc Spi' iak torcherai, irîrît War-hatite. Golden d- t e Tire flairer ruai la-eu tira a-rrr, bh prrriy o e tl Tise -Anivaersary Weetiflg n of tire Teowe eoflVitisy aLWhii~38lu,"8XET4-MEN STOCK 0O Wall J beWM ~ thtie Woleyan Motheriat ( Block, BkStot J " itly, NOV.189 Crown Lande Department. * Qitebe, lttlDsoeecber, 1859. T l ati lia lira h'rewrasirlp5aif Ayiai'n and L liiochs o rmI> t Ottoa, will iru open for ait. tac. Fur Ilea-i tire loto ul ome rnittaus e oie. apply te Robrt Fuaraj:, r tsae, tirao -landa -Agent, le Wakaefield, t ,rIÇ.C»u.y.1 ANDRIt'<iV UUSSELL, 82 fln-s v p4belsta-tntt.'omaidmcriotte. COUD WOOD WANTE AT GADTRUNK AILW4&Y. ]L NDES IGNED arlîl teoer, na-~ ery herure, at MAIa, oe t froteO & ~ear tri rt, e t r uraniTranwkllaillay-1 bsinteaabeté trileiraCtalasays noe tien-Jasarraeun-. Weil te lire el t ce ian"faslt anmaaao card aatWood te ai I t H la-chro arrcWhiteiY. TIlOSMAS >laOuY. Wlilîir, Dete. 26, 199. * .79, rnJ N ~eaterdOM Enetml oar e 1laeed28th D <A it almlaofMer IIIIRES th4 Diroctora P of Co .Byo7 it nthe sud U04 Moi whreas tIre l irectoru Co any, aïe autlricd AndAl I e iSth ie-ic, Cap. 190, Bylaw for t e holding An imet4&a V tayure ator the aocd Monda ber.i t thereforeoenptd y t etfMC rtl aapaaarY- that ti, ai nt fthe stcçkhoidar Sa~ll bc hod at eh 0r ok ia, ** n . de hrors on fr thet d that the vow sar .10 OW, "j"S1! IALI Cl ~th Baia1 Ànt e &aid o e Anuel ir f tir-slairi UBIi&N )14 LO1 'f tir ad aiS ýl àr.18 la tCilty t fUretaid viftrbu icct iay tige ! ftiho MaiSdaefar a- C't CtiuptOtof atkoray A caan yvtiy raal de nase. th tmvmid )N& i op ~~tai1 qe bh ( The CIRCULATION oÇ tise IT]BY 1 ým n dail rcitolf er mn WhM'key Lo edsn fvrd Bad ~Than that oftmyotiser 1oâd 1paper in!tise 1ro inca, and FAR EXUEEDISj TecfrcnbttiWsof al Usàe ot6sr papers un tise County of Ontario united. WEEIJYC'IIRONIC LE ONLY 1 rj SEMI-W7EEKjY,482.5 PEI& U l Q.hronlkle in tise ?àPerte Vistiflg5Carda. [ILLA1a- 'A* p7Oêars ha d ù l1JOQlNa 70a.48or Vau.- 'siuiý "We*.'8 ~1 L pu4X J" W". C e, C«» à C tt.'1e 11)01, mu i<e, C4rrest, CüresaWess Màousllecesbis,~O boesaeîtatis eam lmu wge o 41 01 PPE. tfi eCuu, omn whttbiS.Do. Ilu se. 43w. D«&, th A > -- teFcm r pa as ,u q "i r ofth rrh eo n u it i p a 0800 , atb* L tire PInD& o fuint ar t tirey J l li,188. 8 tcaft CAoitTIONAEYZNOTICE. Ooet a~tti aa fouesi oat;aC4X, là be"y givu Mtal e r- M pes00 55lr. Wimolaleir.ja*a $Lqm ireWtby, uth t.m wloq iSL poa..eot.Sosnoerdlg le law. reer, 1885JAOB.RIDN A. M. BUELL,'. ÂGO ortM»11Ny Port trlehy, Frab 9, 18$. 4 atarie, ardtS ireta -deer . 1es t <Jatarved bis ft et Dt vug, Plt, .t tez peiyg tair . Cget odffoa% Jicui tse, uewoki- o.1 sarejara etofeeUM 1 -- ogeatta* esw ktolçiB m o et ca !as ud<W I- 0125 AND) S9ES r trctaleb (Le a ti là »4a! hm, <8.lds ohaslsnlratet Le4 tds

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