Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1860, p. 8

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i-rqp. ou mdl,écadr the question cf Ilthii oicrati O jjgé yeîl o0or UaiUe prujeci us Vi oàl 1w - l e r deria apat ofistadominlen," sud net "Uionbe es oPoIces,hDnoct 14%Q W Se 44 lu .Ikhé nroi~sd upen te litepeenos ! lm of . n te yAis ft lu î111îý .1, of rovnces othticsNethorIta- "ecmmuita o t osniouil enti. d4 nd -e oters, hsevecr, ok adileroent viev Tucsioodithmlerpoloa ib ellilen. ve, the quionedUeIneei noloiblsAter tUai et U.0ro t 'ssagalomois, ' m 'Ilsnt1cy recegnisei thUe igltothe Us Tu. flit!igpam r ~'mCaidpotitioned our j atht=. Ül t l' Bi Legisliature for a eirgOer- tUnion,'muds Uey ielri buorcpeumcfeldlne e iacret loyat te eting lu Ml for Canada "a more e eipropor- Jam tine 0ecssiInInoel~sltraitcSr0en ofthegeneral royenue àaire. outIct lte oan roqmwellooore a fonlu e polegd iaandudr âu:uoma.,&m .andt proxuote Us. objecta -Use pc- Oflth e<'- tonlcarctrpC5esig usret religions, kslo<f M.Peae . A commttie cf Us. UMM& bai ad lh- ttuichnata, roosin, ttln en atl lv i:"ldoc>te.,& reduitIm peaklssg lfareul languages, s Lgiitive Ccocilj, ansI aise a coiniitl of tic wlie Ocu- liuthels l bYan my upetsdivees ntersâts. Therefore, A y, drev cp lUic seinlof 1888, leng Je4r1Lýthey d iter Use reqclalte umbr fpr-reportaeupon ti thre cr f Use Province 'mhh exenl-weha b eietat Bl-: nasitai lnglacit. Tue Union Pr- joehem sesccc nly mso. aying g~emaii, dlu eparteit rom Holianit, as u J el oicni o es u cu- bc«set 'NW table showa se 'sai.e pbJi eeeA to su =ndentnkinm The ct-is mii htm"If Use pesos suid safeW:,o ile pro., ' ine.191:- Beiglanu er. allo Zisml rme Ueir o'm n.ci-l 4vertiaa"ca l nooUer asaedmi, stittio, sd cies seI ovmie. T e hn, <' e Canada shouhit consent te tht E E ~ ~ ' lectl PInce Leooof Saxc-Cobonng, and b.cinessure "bu tichy observe l s avIng swo e, uganero acording:tte econati--a& hc . . . . tut esswurecegnlit, sud bis rhgtas an lu- If thercet vetEl LOer Câ»<avi 9------------------------------dpeueni severeigo guaranieit byUe ns caintb.e omuachideisîcroi, meri ein resen-t » povers. 'Rollandt objectei the U. la osesf "seearguments lu faveur e clltiic T8~---------------------------spartien, asuit Uocgh êt. isd, doguse n union10, they appearlu asuggestoéters of a con- goltllen,. mncIsit er ais Ilo helgim, tron dency, 'mblit 'oult net lbc il ro , ý5 -4 cl o. ly provenici rom rccoîegb Ie atligblyY "IlTo have but one leglolature, -' lest dominion iy thc interventi Of aFech "mi t to executine goveromente, 'oult lu 1n forée AUscgreai pavera 'er. e shal thUe "sone respecta inàonvenldent; ad od tlAsesbut Xfe^04 -- inxpeiendy o l non cf tclncctrhe "ssseeR&9 (b n <o$rafts eilc safrry, 'menti 'ic'~ '4. ~ hnxpeieuYarm sen, UaiUsy cmpiid "ne, e 'c4ppendeui ufouit eatisfautory or Rioliani teluaccepi the termsaofcaai gei prudent" 1 opou in Londton. Tuey go on lu blut at other mor vcigbty Zf e p vERwMbe luteresting l ouotain.efthUe remsens, 'mblc indline Uscin "trongly te Use convcticn Uai Uic social happlnoce of Use poc- - -- grievances otf'mbci Use Belgints ouzo- pie ansi Useir internai pesos,, are more soeurs E plalueit, sud lu markthbefr elmilaiiy tlu Uses coder. Usir soerate goneromeote. Tbey ex- souci are 00W csug Use people of prescit a fa6vouîable opnon cf afeédéral union îou frofhilarmmet. tail Us.e Briis Mes Ainuucolonis, un- j psuUpper Canda to ee it smlrreey er 'mhIlc"eci coloy mîgbt retelu is omn ~ g g Vhe A"ieSRVWwe for 1880, luiroituces tgléis cllature for purposos pumely local in Ueir ï, la yotUe eienisof tht yeaminUsheNether- 41oiject,nud ali questions 'mhluh coud affect ~ E Iita lo obernngtht," Isowhn Deiglura 'mas tlelr relation lu Grea Drltalnorete each éthcr Joincit Rolnitlu1815, lu fori thce king- "slght b. setticdith Ue uIitegi ir. Il"dom of Use Unitel Netherlans, tii. union Tue report ot tic Commttee of the AsemlY, w'masone ofikossi 5son Uepart of" 81< il5iof 'mici Mr. HerySiervoi 'a, cisirulu, Wsespdil e i a povariel islvark en oneok sisilar goe.i. Wbilc p.rerral rsy, - -tie frontlers cf France. i 'mwu not ttended a union of al Use Provinces, retennthUe le- 19S,9~ 5 by anyscutdel fi OP i o stc.ll ase.mblies"l tpowers lited tuthecadop- "lu UsesWhvie e.th- jol n =togeUi ciel!tioneilavefotir -,local and doestic gncro- "lanit vis dhvidili froin Belgicin, or Use Souh- ment,"' or, s.conitly, îlocannexatlonoftbc Ilant 14,778"topvn Pcsi by dtDaU"of 5ndm'4d 5. ýWfof Motrealtel Uppcr Cana", Uiey statetUsai "duferénce cif eu#"Is, diffrnce tanatýme ine- I"Usey'oud at once iteclame thito cquailind sure, even l w &ThecBelgIanebsnddeered diseeneft' uncoon ilUsLover canada, 'ere lh * SI 21Usses s s oppreseit, b«ctea they lied not for th. "9political emisrmsment" of Useir os E r» osos been torrei.lto n ies oon vilci Uscy nover feliov-aubjecta ci Dritihorlglu. Bt itiey de- g coght, anditiey founit, or tueugbt tiiy Inuocu<re tat" sno e taeau mnthe messcnc "htet U i uof LWeuioey me sg"e." lu taine on Uis Province" tinoUsesoecur- Co Aogohr ihinga Use -Beilnaccmplalned, Ing e DiihacnarI osbaue -1 lUsat Dutlheavwere alloweita dutAsothe leglsature;"Usthe IIrodtuctionl of Use thm e iglan lave of Englanit;" Use "secfl s Egliilu P 0" "s'osueùwrsrios',snfcerem fteEnle m ~.- s~ g jg ~ Offices, Deiglans 'er. practlcali erchudeit; e cilual leglaatie ansi juiicini prpuccit- "l'eUsever.=d f au, si o igY ia sc a is ntePart c .ssc~ veoqge muarpoeto, osor, objecta àoatey DatcIs, thIathitrellon asuit t PrvInce, tht tic place elateit for Use mm Use ka yfeerodeavedon-ver. dlscorages," Set of Governinent shouldle i'mtn lisIli- M ýbe mm tuaprod , $%USIM umite.." ci c-b- 1 ..-...1 .....'Who om fai lusemithe toi llry cethle Cana. lu Use session of 1889 tise.Léglative Coouriil M)p lasth "I»------------,9 60 dis UnlnreUsligiorncadepteS a reslution iteclartug tht iey "aIli e.......te42ill2naitiered tolutUicsentiments, opinions,suit reine- "mm u .... ......... 177692 nd angecf Use people cf the bye Proinices; dics set forth le Usir report" of Use prenlece lu Use unequil tarses cf tise ictof colon; ln itheron Use subjeci of tbe Union. Tue Aisei- di " i- tànmusiexporte- -....$28,881,676 domination cf frsuoh,fiuence laUshe amnl- adoptei twto niet frasointions en tise sen 8U mbu -L M 1ocà" taielexorttios wthtise iratlon ; in tic Segnemtal Tenucre suitther su oct, ecumeratlng O<tiensconditions, mitisout obe555 m zéai 0W ti0tte mm solt- u njs cin ra , l h eetd ,wch liey iteclarei t Usy 1"'mre distiuctly op-1 7"si téin ei-coutaeoa rit;lUsrpatta.pocedtolu Uat mesecr." Ameng tUse e e Ws» nbc 'iqcwtass. Agaaodksse.tecpt e ludsiroy Use Seiscol Votentof U'pepr tvo, 'hlt haitfor ubeïn objectl lifurUser te n esmi-ÏM........ 2,484,790 *18,010 mON Canada, peasisngularuy trlking, foe cii of secur. Uctheendaney of Us. Brithpopulation, * 88a,2D5M,492 1&807,6071 Ues lan rivanc1 tBut Use itentty of vis tUe uncxation of a part of Lower Canada, Sèml"-' .* .*« .*1 81,061,4M6 29'018WSUse ait lon ý osmoe remaiableies ' tue'mi, Use coontis of Gsspd, Bonavnoture, sud sud.........4,S.M 28 ,019,190preced. 'VTe prcvialonal gvensiseen t. isDmocski lu Mev Brunsick ; and limiting Use ........ .08169 2%1%« speecnt Useoenng of tic National C ngres ucoluf members for Uic balance of Loecr 1"w h l ..... 4,as887v 8%047017 detaliesi Use ressens 'mhich bad led U.Dc-Cnada te 60, 'mile U.anur for Uppar Ca- us ico'mglana te me a sepaaton frein Hollsus nada vIR romain "semat present,I'vit., 65. But - P,!8,~u,47~bcoAmong Usofas 'ver. Usem- ' n s u a osdUs a change vas effecteit durlng the seme ycar lu tbmde es Ilor - taesa on'aelbaév&y th Ue pinentopinions ci certain membens Usp 2 bslansa sglist aath se M"sse an sd i more odlous by heno ise o f brotb lleu.s'e. cblefly tiose holding 0 msia il << s tokm "bc Ue are ds, bilng flaid-ai-fodes coder Use Crovo. TMr. Poulette Thcmp- .756T ms qSffl ai Icupa3 sI"l boet -u thc't stnclases," "las sson came lu Uppor Canada ln Moveonlur, 1880, Il aarge aW ta ik Due* for lolianit ouly, and as Governor Gonersi, determinci totecarry the. t-iý« nt o Pvnc%1 . aa, eWa<MPQ 0 n thUe po e fUinatalhsrs ebrougt tes IS uotesn t"itesgna, o, ii W aecniy e DbieDspote freintUseClonial offieti- w* 55eIèet dabeLtas stoppi- change s 'ord on ivo lu Uhse. peculutions uto frntng thecduefo-ioliteraof Use ocoony t ti Uey Ci1anQ utasol lutegel horemit ceon thsUe pPal complainte qf Uppet Qa- hel t Uetroffodes"Ilnet itorlng geoit luhavtour, z, êuumlw ksa1 =a gsInsth6Us. ng n 'Mtllover bu o u ntil I itves cf publIc poluy msy pesqll su Usai ou . ensilons lu s tho ecpodienuy Ilof Uselo resoval.Th soma br » ' d = o.;«POr9tiO es a tât «Unitedt Canada thélsotipaties cf Ooiemor General teok cars te banc iisitespatri f te Oumie M lpayitbe regn credtor mrs sreligion and lu q,Ive mgaiatad by pliblithUe Cana"das* sbefore Uic Union incrmedImpolataeluemon-t i oisjada se cost e tien. Tue questicu 'as brogton I"for Use information," popuiou ef Blgico miu8,41J<M0 w'iii. tht te quotelin son verda, "cof al parties con- TMmie.mouly thé lsaaeiaipei fthce f'Us d '.s ny 2,07,1v, I tte w'mer. erei2'"VIlepublication," Ris Excelienuy ,Z W bice ln hédd, *is mimaclarly vi ibink 1renuteit equsiiy lu Use t1 I ts. vely remarsIln bis acocoth e transaction, 'it pffltb" beoebUse A ae.cseedqualt- "appears,1 thlu haie benattende mtb ec diaB ' "onlbtesthe tcisod qrgo* <ecr' Reslution ln favercof aUnion wcrc tePocsssary55lb-mmi5l n meh ideit lOuoe. t ioiotoasdsadopteS, 1 al lufor the'mio f Uiehene »sePlyc aiw end e s ma s'moepinM acijecls m affetadeintÎUse, Iv0, c o lvemmnuet lu secucroBrilisuendsouy, 'do., ctcéàostt e veybmowf stIesulu amdlhccnt or op -mY." Dt tiser. and onty ecommending lunUse fellest ocon&i e PaBo& Od lquelrOWmtadence ltheprehieIonof the %nhagse ste~is<dmn lnsi hasa asent hIn OD Sia nt boidthUscestalithment of Usheat ot Governotent ln d býý Au 4-, rihtsgymse elptiences mthorlty "Us tait legialailve Wete hskn fduta mnpoue et___________ ? bM y tenusuber cU deputea à s r vasc eus rmaleiltr wihhdb froin Use northerao ensothon dlvi- ite own vote prolongeaitzlisiistence luyoni thUe ' JITMNs2TO1 "mncfet hekingitor, alsosgh thennur ofconailieticual terza, ceuS tien, or eau nov, lu M72Il TheI foinhabhta ofs lu Use ttle m5iO t ofthUre*regardeci as erpresslng Uic vieve cf Use people CE «qw m ýTete ndesioncf bis etileassit of Upper Canada on se Important a questio, may, bmd Ia ID tua04 1c'PtEs- v ine lrsacorabuy itoubtel ir . I bmra the à"lowarCa" a It dvision, ratér DBonéd d. su lu Englanit, tateitheUse ww th r om 5puai mnd tbaysre Usan th on jing te susber cf Use po - vEUs OÏbS-eu .Wmgbt readlly bav e' nTepropotin fmewsu ntaduHsl his ususi félidlty, as folovi: "lanu nva esly eqW osa uthai ralssinluBel. T"Votiseito oua omely expresélon,#i bt hsm ~uaneai thé« banni"ule Oq&YIl g m. Tue rate ofirevenue pur iesd lu Bol- "i ea>' lue esmbch vey Uic vinS bl'm - vumIhbib ave rs.is751d. Botl I"lndwus alteen floins, anS lu eiglu.tan "md as thespr ria wg c urse vi ednty ai"tlnt«orinll, Applytaprincple t saazv inevltable, mmnsci utsmbemnvs h«sl NgiIlJm, b 'b !eiibtn ailaiepventcosln :uoulatie, baSath isenIves boistatingulbet fr Useïr mo s 0 v erm so h U ddbtbut "a-cordgteluhUsa emct cf revnne ex- admisration of BitihInstitutions,a socs-as timuia wâIseiio mid rettracted rom iest divlalce,"mad 'mIa voui lu te Uyve itelS tisai Mr. Tuompoon hait dedar- "bm . MOb-u hete. rasit? Alebilàtumri.uwiich UpperCa,"éd lia i Sr tobrt PWwlnv lufavur et Uic lie teomiiedaitaee ts aallc.-.iU " sSwuceisihave lue or fOroirepresetatiiesfor "Unioots'disi net liaitate cpooly l aveo tisai sataa..lsa gscuuaesscudmîtai a p es. ve trm overmmCanada-.lI Use Nelier- common pmuce and a »eanof sef-proneri- Misan- bus W " ý9"mmm imdè Ill ln à prmaete« seiy oZ Muilappuethelu Uic ape tn ha it aiitoclng lieuýt lu elter rie-- en4saamd? B tact dewg&mara fdsp incsieausuprt tits caSse,;thitier theneelves lu timefrous lis deaolating eff'ei Wbthé poincOaes be a ept a'y ah citimi!Eththée s u'igintMr. Hagarmnn, thu Attorney COneral of Up. as b» 45 thlDU~ é~d h epresiiatot ___Uecuasl Ijstc oii par C5naibait declareit bis doterineit bas- j m i5ou lppl*I-td1 ~lgdion, tems InfieW en eUpier Candabya constitution Wilti héUnion. IlSe strongly,"' saiS ho, bàq *9 01» Us.clti psopl-bWa agre.ituishici uitsi« ou oqal btermeslUs a neotvl"do h eel Us.efatalconquences et thii mes.1 g' W « mb et théof e ai a t itins et fte =iallar, but a pern cmily. But lier. t me tisatwer 1 permuit lutapproaeb se!1 ab wâââ*Mfo lm iem tasm budlykepi lua wc'& ll .5 a a othar P"luc(i mosm b ôauc « thle "GaiaSoveroIgis, h veulit c e , coieit ce_ bsvese(B uddo. . lm Oae f luÙiitCaE4da, amd liai ot Use Unitedt kues Impor Hon Ma40ty lueolitholS hem moi M eUsrlanis a .nïelabis rio-the Ofeldit-"m int Iom îIV' Yet, t:signllicant hini ou t'à gé e bIaI un n"taé stoisnpurpeoshaitDeIarcs lu one coctry aïdIte ~ontiel lu Use subjeot et cemciiia <rom office enalolit Mr.1 soCu a Mam tdbusm4md bad a mud i alr edo- UseOcher. Tue riait of lie Belgiustq the.Rare u tome te question In a novlighi,1 -1 lml.pcuSaa tspaigto-t icienvscs ases an dh roelodisevota lu lia faveur. Tume. Ev be oIblhailpe- e . thBlrcOmmrehandsoitmoufstuag IntestassdoSa cierions i dS55oa e Use noeilci f M Of ab rObos,5ibt »D a*» wt- mnomind te AUs ve poison, tmd toms mm;,=mbera cof Use ImportiParliamant asassDedvefr s &» u sit mi lheamli c fmefthétlibaies of sepsotini. lit lae Irbspsuc.S. M. Pskintc , ebasucmisldthie cifce oi lbe G"&4?t Blm thécigletier e. M ma ete aId tisiUselt cf la spraie ssCeiola S orea ppeaed hUnion on tUic *bca la oatdwijal Jsiidth mostardent hopu eef î adai- goco I ti uinet reolveitheUsamnction cofi ~taIthgsi)~iiA liberai constitution wva iooteit; <frdm ïitbeluar Povince, lu roferue he l Ussenat- ni. Pd t Nthe r. Ite moud w SAN lm qm tional chaniges WccoOsecou relief arsssue-v aud abuse Usat baie anlsen usdcr tis prenant hI bas bean ugssua td tisaiUicheglulatifi colnikgisi lumaintaines As at ,acs ndu yet s remedy lu foundfi6rubg cviii cuder 'whil we labou, by Use adoption, as a constItutIonsi rie, thatthUce ubera e f Use Adlselistntatlon frein cltber scionu shoulfi rotire frein, cEce on s îvote ofwant cf confidence by a seajorliycof ths RePreqstttUlis rom thetr'own seiosn; ani > > tt4 ii aiecting Use local mattens cf eclUses -Upper o sr e Ccbda houlit become lavun- 1les nctIoned by a iusjority oftUicRepreseota- tlc'es-frein tic section lu lu ai nlsdby IL. Doubtiesi hUs' Adoption of sucbË a roa. ous proict utiniy cf Usheimuet, mortlfying. .dally transections usw compisineit of ly Upper Cens- da; biutwould lttouchUtheheart ofUtesssd e 1 Would 1h changeUthe unusts"stem cf roproscuis, tieno Wocld t equsllsethe burdeai cf taxation1 Wouii t 1hput su endilu Use vasteful extrais. gance, of the prenn systeus Would h rcmove tbthejamineof race asdcreeit1t Not ons of these things voulit1 1htaccompllsh. it vulel change ih mno, se fer as Uic Bepresotatiies o!flipper Canadaverococerued-and tatouldsido5bb edfly le avygreat rolieftlutheo onuâry-bul what Fecsrlty in Usere Usat any set of mon cnoe Use iteroralisng Iofluenros sud esebarrsaimenti of the syseteinlu huch Uiey veuld certaiiïhy lx expoeed, mligbt net yleld lu seine extent lufor rithe preuucre sUscir predecessor. bcd donc bc, fore Uscon ? r Ad rmark eue practlral ec feith Ue Double 3 ajority priocple. TiieOpposition ai pressi comproses a majorlty sof thc Bepresectaties ci Upper Canada, sud a minority cf Lower Canada. Tii. lllistryarc sustaincit by s majorlit frein Lower Canada, sud a mtnorlty of Uppei rCanada. Wec.thon tUsisrmiisappllcd, on tUs topening cf Parlismeot, Roer.. J. A. Macdonald, rVankooginet, Shcrvood, Smith, sud Rose, mosi ah once retiro front Use Govermsent-anit h, leaders of the Uppcr Canada Opposition tak( theïr places li thUe qabloet, assciatad wut .ropresentegvos frein Lover Canada, of viiosE .principlosi m-suro isudpollcy, Uscy entiresi idisapprove,, sud lu opposition te Usai section « LLover Cansaienas wbe mont ocarly approati 1their poli"i lviews, lmd lu wbose sbitity and lntcgriititeyplccentire conlldcnce. lue, ti 'diffiuulty fs Use tins bclng vould mosi probabli b ave been rcmoicd bcdilthe Goîcroor Ococri .allowcd tihe Drevu-Dorion Administration tx 1adepi thc çoestitutiooal mode uf iringlog lutI barmnooY tc roprescotatives of Uic ivo scller - f Uic Province, by placlng Useir poliiy blfon Us coun-tri sud appeaig bte cloIctors. Dci v.- apprehod Usat APPUaI vould hav, becr .isseit on matureit cootituticoaichanges fi 1meeting Uic difficultieos f UicUnion sud Pre ivldlng perniasent remediee for Uic cils ve neto .deplore. Mils bave no dcciii Usat that appos v ould bave' been sucuoaful lu Lover as vei .as UpperCascMda ; ebhave no doubitlt vile bsucosefol111 If roadlenov; but h. dlfféer*a "sovlide bbiusen themsssçof u.eveo4tioms sud Use Zpresuetives of sirife sud jc4usy I intimerons, tliat 1h is bardly Possible te 4nceicg a perled vocud net coins,under Uie DoublceM 1jorlty roi,, lu vici Us. majorlty of one iedties v ouli t cther lue compelled lu aseoclate.Uier selvos in a Canti li Uicpublic met of tht 1cther scto 2lave sy bcd est COUl, ,demie, er goîdmoincot voulh ome Impossible ,Wc -r aatisf4I Ut she reoutioo on -ti point adoptcitlbr the Convention muetie heartill approvsd by aI refledtlng peroone. It vas ai 'foilova - Il2. R-Utis-fhat blghly deolrables Iltvoue "lu, vl th elating Union teasealntalned, "UsaI=ee I = geltesbould net lieforeed o "One section oftiihe Province sgalnat Use wiàhs "eté a aJorty-of Use reprosentatives 0f ilis ,"tln-yet U4h Asemblytea cf opinion thal tUs. Plan Of go0rnment kuove va Use ' Deuble )U"iajlty' veuE b.n permanent romedy foi "exstng ecil OF TEE33 uuTIVi sA»D LIGILa. Ton BE AsuFJiWEETEENEY1 Tie.la a largi bodty ef Intelligent pempons ;vho are cf tise clplon tha vere the povers of ie Leglalaturené Executive restnslned vlUtoi defiued lImIt--ed no Incrase of the debt pcrmltted vli4ut a direct vois cf Use pen. ple--our chietfOivoulit b. reincdied, vlticou snaBY ccf Use egisltive Union. lier. eau 'lueno doubi isi4ch cnslttionsi rostraluts veclud correct ra~0 i iaca bis1 bave spruug 11P, ; Uai sy pausescout aaldbsesc.ard on Use een-dl n 1efisc publicmeu odncti. increas cf th. spsulicdebi, veuklu eeutlrely cnsstsacunoy. B5ut vers vOel a4ult thtthle flnanol'abuac voeld b.ie MncvodosY Uul4*rcmody-veuld net ail the «tuer dIUe*les sud embarameuti of Use Union réa"s? Wculd nit Ues. at fo racand cr.ed seI ciat fwold nocthe de. neorÊlhulng 1effl 1 UUfeli Of ferchi; twe bodies of- Man, eprmsen ccoicies t luly different lu tiscglei sud feillg, lu mule oversui egisiate for bth couintriedoo e-e fstmWocld ot Use 1ijustiS In th reprentaticuin noremalu ? Wol etedbWaouns uUpper Canada And Use oheulu m sg over Canadians stillmain. tain Uic latter sI Uic dominant pover in Us, 1State, amd a=a inn4tgs u4dspenie c trot sgae u su casrItlocali stlrof UpperCaash But oeaeilg ssl4sth i vof, Uic Propooltien, 1 us Wa L e m~aotisrIlight. TasPrties viesitocee tl4rmedchielylnclIne luvarda 1h1eg 1eass yalgtinecetlatesso Àliaseame uni= 0(an ltbe Brdé Nosj £se.baaPrel ae a lai yvey s tiat ic ,condittens or a eeaEw no- ;- _e'- shocld Uis stop beroafier découd désirable by à ar. efxps$ hi the. peoiple otCmnadsTii. ouvtnisi, ser. liorea dptld olm sta Point, Usé foll.vlng Us. Ojnery of Gveu rescletios t- Us."rybrn. f h Ié Idiaccmion of other 0 v thet mul e .<foplnIcn1ath dy« i inuit OOc à in 151?05 d Wplanaihould not tobisinu»te oc(,tion cf Ue lover PovInces Jlkl esonL rCnaaas 4. e affera Uionorail Us.e Bitih orUs 4 "Amaina'Colonies, places tisaIseacr lu "yenlcloio n sa eed or préesat ""I Ù uy TK~ T UE -e0<1jtrooygr itgo"o M T U xE M 'Tý, Usai #&,*7 e bere Usaitihe L- Wiaitien las.eredy ut. l et. du locea I ileprescotatiics of -Ilver thecProvince frém Use dîsastrot c<ti Lac ee vio av we, _ i , tic.eothle exig&- It nov occuples t We susvr- condépusdltise lis bleui unio. In a~iqa~5 sud~ eio5 f scIr oson9 y- Uol0vc thsae istii slstie cfectàsmtheê biges ? -Divisie Cansainte tWO or more Po.secti lttbe vli ooht htibelu j icswitk localExeosivoans»diegli-fo gte-mtbff rovrCaade i aturi]1009 gmntirecontrol over se ofieu nWÈy rlyiav Lwet Cnde anmd thoe -ouly, that BOM R nds b,ÉePrfise lis application. 0 osemon te aul parts cf ths» Provinc.e. dire, rpé te tothe iseople of r t ab n public- dolai l a ncares lay Lover (15tda s5ii5 tblgbcetpoin f cf ipagoptre b a s _ oilidan9 114 ef osiuina w direct vote. cf Lover Canida- X et oadn ea -FitaM mouneCentral AuthorltY cic hdly Mitélue Usai Use day a% aiWith pOuer te admin!gtersuch caunot' 1wicaSg' Posha tegnjsice setiers, Mansuhsioid ny, 8a»Mor. -oi f Use p11#ii ay5ism cch pe s stoW ceusarily commOI on th le WvlilPro- lndlel on decl perCn as na O5liBi r aalsiIi le vines..Leiiie om fsictc tis omci- 6 c PiCanada, vERbe irai authoriiy lbc dandy lai ddow- alei tconrl Jcainaiem jec .itgpoWçnsiiesriciyonlaiesis- br ave-i, in l lvrthat If retress i chaing~5 ipOiffl iesi siniaiPbibit rofuseit by ou 10 1 lm u ppa Dr it from inflrrlltg anY novdolai, v11beipmdeiaUsd W Const5itutiolmr- ce or vigmore taxaton taln tarOe- dcem, lusief go i, and ontlutonu- 1, qira tomeccl i*siniecasiof ex- posceL b iatostlnàd ui ibt à ea 0MlIlcud»s is~ W. bave lu the. biseAxccn1s c 00 sp.fd1stioa< "d grMa apy off public, ample Ovlo Use most secure h tihe nationl deIlt bass fer thei"senalonen vihou - ru co.moleto donis ofcoouutdinerilficnel.is e0 -Sm=th c 4hts by avrtin <>-resta me uniteil codeicîemm.'nt, la tu of nin aileilyii tePe nis~ u.ach -cf tii1 sctions the ou- h iicpalecf alteritiOgj exe.pt by tre atri «'it lsn i m.W. Ed tbir formaii nuaticu. , secse.a Peu e orlgin, but e Thec deta"laof!tUsesCootitutionai changes, se intenfeiac-fo i ~an atiompu- ly tue Convention did net décl it necessery télis7gScous, intdfmo u ainlpr poses coder donOoves,îbutseparait lulut aidonioutciy, Inasmuci se isiloco vici e îdstin tdepende"gutios. ccimh - eo enterlainiti regard té many pointe of dstaili sortinggmd eu*Yingtiao exclusive jurwa as vhtrh voulit equaiiysaccomplisi Use ends sogit diction ilaeriae*i~,0 re by the Convention; suit se, momeoiver, alic Pross1 doi tc",tliiiauUiori'. Au li articles cof the Constitution m-ut tersai Use expériencset fgMeuTy-~ t, makOi by suieotet uchpublsodisuescosudis vicisaitu cf vax adf polticl agIt- or ubjct f rnchpubic iscssin, nd e fi-tidon, and ce.mbebaMO, bas serveel 0. néally subsieltt utic poople for approval tbc- té corrobdsiate Usie vis-tforOsghl lu Ushis vw for. belng adepted. respect 01osciaho friodelerai coustitu- mi Aiery troDng feeling vis eoisrtalued lunUsoetion. 'Te ocrie P soi1Bae- leConvention, ln faveur of a tilutins!Us.rgaity lt s imb 0f poert n e i Union, pur. sud simp-and pov.nfcl arge- cishmayuImterlsdpvs Et culs vcro aitiaceli by seaoa speaker. in of suolhcirisa essuasconstttion., so faveur of tht meaiurc. Dut after fuli discus- h baien t1t9l, oaidva rtagea, as c sion of hotu proposais, asuifte! obsntacles té lu appîli t lu ils , goAt *ef froc con, N_ solties -on ltacol. have beau sut- encouismrediutheir accomplihusent-Use fol- tceulnei blsadiapoteicooc vii 1. lovlug réslutions vero ail but uanioesly -slaiery,-'orpte iatlecal cbsractar, laiopteit :- dtstunbs,.& tihe mcii govem'ment - "5 . Rasa,-That lu Uic opinion cf tibis itRte aM'WQ.1l 8edcrotlreates ssrioislY "soesebly, Use bust practimable rmendy for Use lu destre7 te CeP]. The. obi4&vant "adéenle nov encocoterodith Ue goeenient oeftaoàino t ct ootopr, tiLltere 'y déCanada la tobc ouaidi nthe formationeof tvo 1 t e r1849 tus i Une0elernet- 18déor more louai Goieromonla, ltévllci ha"hb lu IUsmutiho est evlao i 1force la focoi Ilcasemitted thUe contnol of asU mattersof a lclnei theUs* lain s4o sle ceraiStais. Id Idor setilonal ciascici, soit sous, joint au. Tie r. iètson 0= 4f an gblq ApO' id é torlty ultarge4 it Ili sudsmattaro s arcamne- riluu tbMlése* n let t ln.Cessaniiy comme lu hUsections cf thie-'j.may vil U WcitedciInstruction:- IL .. 1l1"...lt,'Msalitlsy lb. consolida- kt 14, eY ti-c o..ôdesctyiaW ib WI? àfl le6. .0. Rmklod,-That wvue the detaila efthUe déth rdistribution th gyeamula cf. )r "changes propascdin luthe, lui esolton are "tdé 1Wr o itociyaca4 dé"oeeemiiy suijeci for futur. arrangement, f " di èremo8lu ico nat b.q "yît tUss embly doems IlIsepérative 'te de- ta dviin -t i "clama Usat ne gevemniicnt wveelieluastis- déseaite, 4 ceci or ied Iàmatéou- i«té sctoryt te people ofUppor Cna"avblub cernelcifdireciht] 1 n e s t déisnoct béseit on Use princlîsoci Ropmsn. "mucilaoter ta ausoIiOEnur "téton by Population." ' .e. &Joiat e"I$stes if Ite adiantages lu b. derlneil roseUsi" plan té e cwptain pso. Ilmust ho apparent lu evemy intelligent porsn. "lusnté omm ib4 ' ces mr . Itlat éleafy necesaary 'Usai Uic coin-. fr.. .,ti5 b1l, tMon uef the Iterni "lgti.. froui d'4 vion -v isto a LskeO Sipelorluthe mouUsof the t. Lawrence :"vetoa socu ,lhi'yts e hould te seccredtaluisUs seuiona-or lipperCa. "titien of ys t igadto,<o inadsa migisilie depnlveit of anu tiet te Use "généalemi c gaa fioImm océan, amd Lovwer Canada seglit io.ueut off fren"dé - , fo-U;.,csim Us te interfor, embepli coder condtions laid doson Ids~r bY a rivai province,. ne large publiecdéeit, tte, Bot lit h M5W onescr<1 uedv 'lasa commun obligatioai for Use eqeal and pune. Use oocssrýlutu io' PMoics e4 t tuicharge cf souci, echti iovIaicla deply, veakeoBoii ~ du1'~ êoncen ilualholing soesavermis.NolUser Use sanoilc otbhéï a Iza s ean Use Intimise&d -profitableommercialnlu-luhomm kd l et tercoumirs ici eiaisisivocoUpprsuit lovetes hoth .r ~ i6i eCanada, suit espeuilly lutvenith.e steru sec- conduci fur jrcpse ,tien'«flipper Canada sud Use city cf ]Montra, W r lu homittefiniuomessdong tie futh» r oileof botter 1 Use ivo c-ctrii- Hov desply Iiiudlsmneuld iCgdolyti Jt bc 0eltiscôns, ver.a cmor dstcalcmaniossO-Gorasbd ls.sithe- luOM itshoever valcblng tUic-bosndua oe f tioa ebaie" ?tue twO PrOvlu0e-v*e our rslivay trains asuit ebae hiàbud' ospitta . tO5in te luilu soppefi mldvay eaihUs i-s leascbing atofeiL mitnda vancf hile taifsg, pehmsviei l-hE, a lgsilà 'iveen ithe cocotrlua 1 Tie constitutional ss. Pr aot; con ic t-eté hodeslroit, thoWtfer Ue kgesit d,,-.planvé o.»- o'~smvI mi'e A cn irlas hcy a--i inle d"aeéS feingtalue -P ofen", eit m onMlcd vesslagl uMau= 5joeu 'M'lu b»1v . ~- É -~happospte Lis "Bt, mccii .1.0toral 5 mhent, folisoo oit the prewnt provin=cia l orBs G Il tend to deieat ,the. Purruce of11,10 anud perpetuate the , dea. ofsiin The. mime Coselaslon sho e frre a P4 119. local go%-erusuvut hy éleOctive bitieý 'écbordlnate te the genersi lcgWsaturs x "ercising iA courLm col e nc Sd l qJ4ae~ M<a douot coûle wluhla the 'Provnce lu 189Lr O f RsiIroodcehe r 80 R o p!e ot hefoeraiUic Nort - Union dlii W baveu Unfortuuat li, c- ofe hBlld bt tho fo d op trctfr , speeh onthatoccaion llL hwthî,. princ amieof dedes forl au e or trcri lu ti89 lnSdJuctloosl iorOdurdhi, u t snon ill.bWUc ae nor sud rucO0cedl ofby tBlms t tefolqulogettrothch 1r jeu, vast ,o led u tlw iktii. musur. ubuite lb. tImperi Prlaient l188 ,id d,, The.Blli provldes for Use'establishuît Of, "central district At Montreal sud lis Uelhof" hocd, luawldcli the goveruiocut shah . t "rcd ou, sud *l4ere the. Aoembiy chil mecL "Tbeother Parts of ipr and of Liver Cn ar"ach to e dc[ied 4o hm di*ig îît "rpsdthat these districts should be fon , or theapurposeqof becornlug municil Jdài 44tricts, "for the IMPOsIOncf taxes aid t ct Il o i osSpese. Wth regrd to u "frpchisc, thev. election it b t à 17 : o Ui luncpal sud 0icgenîr4 46electlpo." 5ii ttus point, then, tèrolaoa clour iîdia "toPbtIln thieminde of tie Iniperlal authrîî5 Us. principle cf local goveroosct for 14 &Hploci purposes," sud joint goverrunent Il oer sý q4ilons of comuimn liatoricat" should ié at t ~b faaY nev CanadisuCoriatltuti9i. h t truc that between 1887 sud 1889, ti clioee« Go;eimment for worklog out liii prinripie wu 4cx1iehat changed. The filt Idea wauth, each province should retain lise"distinct l% lsture," but vitu dlm-ishcd Pcwers--quetio4,î of commerce, inde, customs' duties, navîgatio sud thc 11k., of -om- oninteret," bel,4 traneefto -"tsomejclni lgislatve authi, But the . me influence that fuil7 P> vsllcd; wss tien at vork ; sud WC acrordcgi percelve lautherecomineondat of LoffD'nhÏm, îl bandln the trthblof lord Join Ruffei, t tii h"ldstinctileglsturcs" vcrceach tebciptt. seded by hoc local bodes, wlth prohaâbly a nos'ý llmltefi juredictlon. ht may bc obeervcd, hic cicr, Usat these local bodies ver. b reoti sein. franchise as Uic general leglalature ; t tbey*eretoh e indepeudeut and soverelgu vit tissEr ovu s piieres ; ual the general leglilil vss lu b. preîented by su Luperlal Act-by rterme of the. Constitution-" front encrooch on the pow.rs of Us. local bodies." Dut Uie ctd hlnh flnally pssed file hope Psnllsment, Ignorefi Uioprincipleo f local 1 laion for local purposs, entlrcly. It gave the. goueralleglelaturo comploe.control mer matters, loarainsd gencrl, scelleoai' an cmmuon. It Ilhai Trefercuce," s lot Durhamn remares sf Imporl policy geui c, "toUthet"teof parties J 4Euglsud lustead4e thUe vants mnd circeumcaso f the colocy, Men oflnflueucein Upper, and especiallyin lloiý Caoada, demanded Us, complet. subjogaton d thc French ; Useir syxnpaisers lu Ecglaý' echoed thc cr7; sud Usé substltutcd Bill "Lvs fnamed andt psssd lu accomoplssh that obje rmore effectuslly. This vss plalny ovovcd9 Uste time. Inu us speech on introdurlog il, Liii Johu Ruonsil, afler denisnlng that Use Aeesol or Lover Canada, 4-used the. veaponsocf Dx~ IIden lu support cf Uie principles of Siraffordl Usai Uiey 'mure Ilextr.mely exclusive, extreuul 'hostile to Ai mproveusent, tluheUic enerlo .-"0te*ri 0 f itlsh enterprlse," &c., &c., ex plainefi Uic sos id ojeci of Uic moasuro tIs.wod, %r to cv1j-for tuLs sprl-theremn bog" tecxmtely,c .t4molvlocs or ad«ermncde of proceeding ::=a esl~to admit Uic luhabltsiOf bi "cuties to weuitmembera lueu e leglolati D"4the Frenci rscs lu lu represenisdby pero "8 lo teir lova opinion, tut d- i e. dm aof "pqemucofvblch it7bi.usdsol Heuçeith.e quai reprent$ci cf Use tx Provinces ulthoet regsrdz-'.-s-pons:se hIeue. mthé'aIa O fUôc'rea rlile blm* a bBçrt4 Md'ee mb~ldla i. làt&Amit subsaltld u a ois t. The main obje et cf lie.BlD puprcoved atiremine., Mot oalyàrc i. oh th.y <ba*0 extasielèsl inflee eir lJppsr Pjvle Theii.debatos, Ns9w iot Issl~é 'qi b. HsN i ommolZ 1 te ;ade re s5ti585dU"*î lo ar for lb. bengl lu W* lchm sertendi Ti. dspimportacee of ithesubject lu se eue« c .mc acast5flI cssfclpensas erffl d làkuflesh Moa ba o

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