Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1860, p. 2

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JUIL Amuvis '., PIIu r m- a Eut Pr ssTran*, .........9 O, A. M. T auda nezi. Q, 'do....... 100P..n. -d. do.......T 80, p.m., he Weekly'ofSatsui Wo - de,........ 9309&~._ _ .......t.............0,~m 1 Gmnwod,Brogum,......1209GO, oon. At the Town Hall, ýery Moadaýy tmoralng, at ehtit.ed te serve for ~OWK OONoeL. Tôwu Rai on yeut.s Evibay Moitday .vepIag, At tise Towu MlAm*mibeum ver,,ila il Ataot 1 10 i . ..,. ti4f thre Connu Town Council wibels! at the Pros eMesnait, Victorla Butidin =,~olkItssetril s osbe .blee tisu SBtre«t, incet flrtThundairb.fote full meon liai. aeaceds, n!tsitermi #ol .y, thonth. bybv scedd n htteml Orange Taodge No 130 %Pcond Tuesscisy la tier lbers viIl meet wrth ih. appreval o pve~rwon*h,à, lookp Fc k 8treet. tise .ratéj. Lodgoh, et, 9 ecHd onVr(dav las eve ldivhdual differenees of ep!nioaý express L. . l~,4éTi, ziet l tie rane Hlltithe Ceuneil àaidý -wsare foi7 persua mreon d intie Ii.tFrflay iln every mentis e!halsie! ats nivrt L Q ê M.7899 usâe h ie Globe Rotei, lcsuee -ie grt. Brolin ihegrst f,1doya vrnoi.W.tOu$i Sons Hall Wedkwidsy 0vOI11enlg . 64. floot! Tenu, plarsi, u a ri$'&rrîs ' àalpciv dti peiviffa'lag Drhigt Wblttbyl'iilbarmonic Society, ai Son%, liai!, jear tbpze ere nà euethiise46m>eetings$ Mondqvenlns. lie grg r~umber fhihwere. attende QeoZ Tempars, Sons Hl, Tuesds)- evenings Misions umUeTInOLby4 ail tbeî zembers. ' ýTherevwere very fe> gpIo Wýý t mrý et. jolinfu llg Street, meetâihgs ids!ai. wbi - - eeýwes 1i o'alodk, s&.m4and 9 o'elol1 pin. (Alter- net afull tedscsu najar useSaas. BEY. J. PENTLAND. , ment for, the-Ïvant, of', f qucrumi, o4y! Fr.. Sooteh Cisurci, Malînulcai' Institut.,A *orn4l eBiEron ans! Mary Sireets, Il e'eleck' tOok 1place ivicéIrigtihe joar. T6s fiâ l mvaags.fitti g tcrrnýs ti cnü tq 997, igt d,11 ' 5.c,à,lnfl.d 6P-.m- ing fiised Ïail fisbusiness before tien- REy. J. Ir. BYRNE. Weieyan Mthodisi Ciînurcb corner cf Centre including tise ols! siffielty. of suais long sud inud Mary Streetn, 10 30 o'ôlook, a. m. and cstly standing viltiste Bcard cf Scisool aB ocek, P. ni. BtEY. J. B", T. Trutee-tseyconalades! tieir aittinga by tyie Preqbyterlsn Cliutci, Meohanles' Iin passing a resolqitien cf tisauls to, ibeir pro. 11EV. B. H. TIIOU3NTON. siding effleer, visicis vas a honorable te Ilaptist Cilurois, 3 o'eloek p. ini., every Blin- îisernseves as te Mr. perry, te visose abilhîy HE.1. LLOiYD. sud effciency tiscy pais! but a tribute cf simple justice. âncuin BaIes,. Long may vo luve te sectise members cf tise Corporation nf tise Town cf Whitby af. U~1r, $err&np's .Uocv of Sal ter a long twelve moutisa deliberaiions &~Pt here a- U, ilctiDaygi ppoi)tted, huperate at tiseexp:ration cf tiseir terni cf and tewmn. ma-de at tite ojice of thi. offleitis equai isarmony ans! geos! fel. paPer. Auotion orders recelved, and-1 arrcrgenent8 made lfor oC/le? Cotet»,y us A.ucetionuersakiesA iNew Election lor the nbush ward, or Auction Bille prlmtedl lu the>beçi atle Bt <srther Teduces! prices.. bw.PSrtie proauring tkeir eý 18 at. t7hs o9»Î« WM iietheir Badeu ,oted ra17thtsProper head, free of charge in aU 1the isut«e.of, t/te VcCR'4 and Whltbyg, TueSday, January 10, 1860. NOTICE. Parties indebtes! te this Office for Job iWork and Advertiming, are requested to make an imuiediate settiement of their'res- pective acunts, and thereby bave them- "eIves forther trouble arnd!ezpense- 11h. ïames* of« ailt ubst-ibersin ar- z'ear on th~e 8ut of December neit, vili be struck otFour"î lista, and their accounts handed over for collection. Commenci'ng vith tbe lot of January 2860,no paper viii be feýwraded from flua offie toIeu the subseription be pais! iu advance. We fins! h necssary to adopt thse CashiSysj>nt, snd in no case shall i bo deviates! froin hereafter. Ia future osah muet ha pais! for ail Job Work sud transieni Advertisernents ai tise tise of ordering tise saine, unhesa in cases vbev tise parties lave curreut accounta or -contracta vus tise office. A compîhauce vutisohse ferma vfl oushie us te execute ail orders for priuiing and! --as!vertisiug, ai one-bahf tise rates beretefore eharge& XI hi vse-dbsire tiseir printiug- doue in lise obeapest antd bout mauner, viileau aie thse Citronide O0pu ans! examine cur list otprisL - W. H. HIGGINS. Alteiraflens sud Imprevemeuts. Tise daya of publication cf tise Semi- lVedc4y OAro" l iila future ho Tues. day tund Thorsday. Tise papen viii ho de. liveres! te Yovu subsonibera, after five e'ciock in tise eveninga cf tise ahove sisys. Tise lVueICAmOIrnide viii b. deliveres! ou Siturcliy morigs as "I, ahspd vili ho siies! ou Friday nigis tt subseribers at a Orders fer printing send ativertialng vii) l e oeies!aitishe Stationeny store, visere *b. bocks are ept, sund vbere iii parties iud,61 t tie lirnWaofice ae re- quested tecmli snd setilo tiseir âccoe.i la te absence of Mr. HiggluIs Mr. M'.. - hUa wili frauýsaci ahi business connée. t4d with tiseCkIroicl Printlug office sas! t &utory store. t Qsrisdssu! atrons wilh laseffl ri.-' Mr. James Campiscl, eue cf tise neviy telectes! Counc'illors for thc 8outhi Ward, bas sent in a discliainser ounthe grens!of Sdisqualification. This uecomitates a nev ehection cf a Councilior in tise. place cf -Mr. Campbelli. Accorclingly we fins! ibat thse Beturning Offileer is aareidy issues! bis procelamation, an&tbtiitise uew eleetion yl' toeplace- on Fridsy ans! Saturday nei. Wo are tels! ibat noiiser Mr.ý Hall user Mr. Vail, botEs cf visom bave alréas!y mufereti dofeat ho fIe content vuEs Mr. Campbell vilI again cfl'er ilesselvea for election. Mr. Francis Clarkse, vo believe, tbrougi tise persuasion of bis friands, bas been indunes te corne forwars! as a candi. diate -in tise place cf Mr. Camupbell. W. do net ap%reiens! tisaiMr Clark. vill meet vits auj <ppostion, lu al prohabiliîy lie viii bo rétamnes!by acclamation. Sehoma jfust tb. rfgit msterigl in hins te mise an1 efficient Councillor; souns!, practical, inteli. igeut, sud!possesses! cf more tissu an si- erage modicum ef common sons., ans! veli experieuces! in tevu maitera, ise muat prove1 a mont useful ans! sesirable member cf1 tise Tovn Conucil. Tise SoutEs Wart i viii ins! iniirnau bonesi ans! vatclful advc-à cate cf ifs interesta. We sisculs! feel -pleases! fer anoflier réa. sou te sec Ms.. Clarke returnes! te tise Town Counchl. Ho in a meabanha, ans!tise onîly eue, hesides Mr. Brown, aitishe Council board. We bave tise Landes! hicresi, tise1 Mercantile inferest, ans!tise learues! profes.- siens ausply represeutes!, ans! aitiougistise mecisanies cf tise Town comprise tise hsrg. c est proportion of tise ratepayers, vush Mr. Clark. ans! Mr. Brown, tise7 viii bave but i1 ivo representatives cf tise clans in-tiseu Tovn Counoil. f -.44---i Port Whitby Trotting Races. 1 The Trotting Races on tise ico came off on lait Ssturs!ay veek. Iu tise confusucu of rerncving we omittes! furnishing particu. - arà hoforc nov. Punas or $20 roit TTrorrsas aMI>PiC. sag, mile beats 3 in 5. N. Ray's "lBlacks Tom" 1 2. J. Rowbottem's &ÃŽSaucy Kite, 2 1 tir. Mm. Huichuson'o IlSenoca Chif" Puais or $25 FOR TROTTING ReSaiS ovirs» SM Tus Ce. OsirÂnzo, (Tom except- es!) mile beats 3 in 5, te hamneus. N. Rasi Fanostr 2 2 8. C. Dawes IÏBlaokbird" - 4. 8 2. D. Kents, " «Lady Sîhver" .3. 4 4. Tise veatho vwu extremely cols!, andi no doubt proventes tise attentiuce on tise ho. b.ing more ýnuiercOus As ilvas tliere vas considerable et- a gathering. Tisere vere no entries for tise purs» cf $20 for naies! berme. Muowrno hirrnu.-Âlectueviin be deouveret! on -Filt!iy veuing nazi by tis flei. Dr., Qerfet 'Port - ope. SBab. jeot '9ýàt Lite." lThe domou f ti lin sbs opeWndt l-pst7-l'oehflg ted t. office for Piin ~iéePrset. > as-Thos.Dovning, robui Tveedie, Robt.Xiller,- ' Of ILAcmzm, xjLMTà - TEA!T Ha wAa of ]Euxa.-W. -Lyon Mackcenuie lhaua 1goc e many eaeuîrieities. e s anowrnpîuraia bd bisý barclftoin isaving eaeapedtise g1 a. lu 183?, insteas cf living ou te b. preseni a~ Iffvs Omesteas! ferbirnslf ans!hb Lt fniyi 1859.Borne 'pipe are-isa rdi > Plesli la bis nevspaper, tise Meaoag 1Abe recail to memeq tise charà d of tEse-bsuî 22 yeawsnd ask myself vbctse r Joisu Brcvu's sas!fate ai Charl'estevu vwouli *à been -'far preferable, bas! h beci mineits 188?, ýtisaitise scenes 1 bave smoc pases! ilircuo gi, I bave neyer auj besitatie, a InackaOwlcdging'tisatoit assures!)7 vous R4p, noble -disintsreste!ueas on beisaif of aruelly oppreses!ans! despias! rxace, ii>eil *frigstenes! Piroali bas repi! vus a lbaltel 'and tireby madie Johnu Brovn an itlustri ous ersuiphe teoOur jouis, teacbing tiscu ever to prefer tise public- velfare te ts< *gratification cf a vain cr-sordisi sehllineass D 1ihavo lives! to sec Cinadian leaders hlor. rcd, aik mb paltry partisans cf mercenary fbanda cf cfflce-bels!ers sud-place-seekerae unite! but by eue bous!1, an appetite fer pub. r lie pluntier-wihe tise buîk cf tise people bromain in a-pathy, chose pisauteis, or are ronses! jute temporary action, visen requir. ed te givW success to e ne W andi vision. ary psrty cry,_ for the sole benefit cf tise voîl drilles iarpers vise 'want tiseir baud on tise crack." Bàarcu, RînîuSocixvv Muzvne.-Tse sixtis Anniversry of tise Witby Brancs Bible Society, vas bols!ai tise mecianie Hall in tisis tovu, on Friday eveniug hast, Jannary 6iis. Tise report, cf tise Secretary vas réad ans! adepte! snd ordere! te b. printeti. The folloving gentlemen vere appointe! office be4reri for tise enusuing jear: B. J. Gunn, Esq., ML D., President. Beys!. Meus. Lovry sud Hunt, Messrs. Caldwvel, McCabe, Agnew an! Heucs,, Vie Présidents. Rev. J. T. Byrne, Secretary. Thomnas Dov, Esq5 Treasurer. Mv. James Bain, Depository. COUMMTE. Meusrs. Hugs Praser, W. Gordoen, G. B. 1all, Boas Joisuston, Wrn. Spanca, Siser.ii' eynolds, Cee.onrmaci, J. Hum Ferry, Yeoman Gibson, W. Burna, Ciss ter Draper, John Bengougs ans! J. Crol. ]Pickering Agrlcalturaî Society. The Aunual meeting of the Township of Pickering Agricuitnirai Society vas bols! ai Brousgham, on Wcduesday the 4th January, vison tise f9lIowing vere abosen as officers ans! Directors for the ensuing jear: Truoman P. Wbite, Esq., Preaident. William Mayor, Vice.Presidenî. Caoper Wilson, Tresuror. John Pisillipa, Sccretary. Directora :-Messrs. 'George W. Pest, Robert Campbsell, William Wilkin, Thomas Annen, Samuel Sumuxorvilie, Joisn Goulsi, George' Mimne, James J.- Davidsen, snd George Burkeo. Tise places for hsolding tise difi'croni ha id 'a 't or Èûhsues! iiivrant for a, new -eloctiot. et Ris Worship. also presntes! the reposI of the select Comnittee appointes! tet thse mattèe sin dispute betweeu thse Cou.ý citl ns!ibmBoard c ior 0Trstees SETTLMENT 01?l DL» DIPPZOULTY., * On moticu, tbe council ventetpcon. rnittee on thse report of thse select couimitte * appointes! by thse Council andi theBôl Board te Settle the matter cf account i dispute between tise.two corporations. Thse report vas reportes! from Ccir àmitteýýof thse viole, sud adop ,tes! vithout ramenaient.. 1 The report stated tise vholc amoant re. c eived by thse Board cf Sobool Trustees to ebe $[611693 35j, expenditure $16,266 211 leaviug a balance cf $427 14J to tise credit of thse Board, te visicis balance vas tobb tadded amount of overpaymenîte James B. Hawley $24, viicitise Council are te hbave refundes! by Mr. Havley., Thse report coneluded by recomrneuding lthse respective clerIcsisud tresaurers of both bodies, to oseule their books in aocordance vush the report. STREETSAN» IMPROVEMENTS. On motion cf Captain Rowh, thse Counn cil vent iute Committee on ibis report. The. report stated the reception of tenders, for supplying atone te, be brolcen for the use of the Town-one froua James Camp. bell for 20 corda ai $3 50, ans! another frein George Keogh fer 10 corda ai thse same price. Thse report vas adopted; and, ou mo- tion cf Captain Rove, «resolasîies were passes! reccmmending tisai Campbell's ten. der for snpplying 10 corda te be deliveres! at tise markset, sud Koogh's tender for 5 corda, te hae delivered at thse gaol be accept.. ed at tise prices stated. Dr. Grun made souse objection te thse price cf $3.50, alleging tisai he vas inforan- ns! tisat stene could be procured at $3. Tise Doctor hovever did net perastintl his objection, aud thse resolution vas alved te pus itisont a dissentient. Leos or Txazm THqous» DoL"i N A GAMELINO HaLLI AND SSBEQUENT ATTEMT' AT Suicio.-A few days aines, a rnem. ber cf a Neorknsinsperting hoeue, visose name ve auppresai thisacicitation cf bis friondis, came te tii cii7 ou business, sud stoppes! vush a mercantile frieuci, rpitling in Nintis Street.. Fnitiay nigisi le visoites! a gaÃŽnbling bell ou Fourtis mreot, antd before leasing, deposites! tIrée thousans! sollars vush a voraciens. "tiger"l kept in thislu stitation. Feeling wellostisies! tisati vouls! not "ope ifs pouderons andi marishe java,"i and! tisaitthe depotit vas a perma. neuf eue, hie besme seaoffectes! by lisios tba be returuâes!tos lodgings ai an carl>' heur yetertiay merning, suÏwalloees aibout anounce of laudanum. Fortunate.1 ly, bis'conditiop vas dismoyeres! sooe'afteri and -by tise- timehy ais! cf a pisysiolsu bis_ 11f. wasmaies!., W. udersta'! isélaàin a furway cf eevery 'ad -Il eave for fisq Estufew days1 a wiser ifutnet 4ter tise aevlyi ,Ward, on t ut ,e il ît re 4g nh TOWN PROPEILTY Mr.Macdonohl, (tise Major elaci, pre. sentes! the report cf ibis Committee. wiih vas reportes! frein Committea of tise visle andi adoptes! vitisout amendment. Tise re- port recommendet! pajinn of ae- ceuni cf Malx. Pc-rie $3. aise te tisesmo 8u 9d ameunaicf account lefi standingv over since 1857. Mr. Brion 2s 6d, Denaldson &Co., $6.40, and! $5.50, te tise Hall Keep. or, visicis includes. 60 cents for tisree meais furnisisetot persona confines! in tise, Lock- up Mr. Lyndti, snd Mr. Bigeiov., found faul i vtisah items for meals. They dis! not objeat te tise pajint, but tise7 ar. gues! against tise conatantiy recurring ex. pense which thoy contendadth ie Lock.up woulti entail upân tisa Tovu. Mr. Mactioneli replied, bis argument going te show tisaitishe ceait tiste Towni cf eonfining prisoners hintise County gaoi vouiti far excees! tisaicf piaeing tisa in tise Lock-up, ans! thai it vas not neoassary for tise Lock.up keeper to supply meals to prisonors. A raiclution for paymnocf tise accounts recômmendes! in tise foregoing report vas then passes!. FIA1 N 5E5ET Mn. Draper reportes! from tise Corn. rnittee. The report recommendecl paymont cf tise acceunt cf tise Rois! Comspany, for repairing Brock starcet, viilo tise suit ho- iveen tise Corporation and! tise oas!Cern- pany rérnainesi pouding, in accordance vush a résolution passes! by tise Council of tise 'previens joar, movet! by Mr. Hotigacu, aecons!es! y Mr. Tremayne. Tise acco n t arnounte! te $303 59 exclusive of un. terest, andi vas cemposet! ef tIhe folloving ite ms: Liabor $127, teams $91, 355 yards oif measurémorat $35, suporintendence $50. BT-LAv TO ESTÂBLISE A POLICE OFFICE. This by-law, wviiciwvasiniroticeti by tise Major eleci vas rend a firat ime. The by.law proposes! toesctabiis a Po. lice office aitishe Tcvn Hall. Tise Mayor th attend slaily ai erntain heurs. Tise tier eoftise Couneil te. b. dork, and tise fée pucis! ble b>'tie Mayor ans! tie lev, t epin ute fise Town Treaaurj, aud teo evmj part cf tise funds ef tise Muuicipahiij. 'Mr., Macdonellui support of -tise bull, irge! ^tise admvamage -of hoelding a polie court misa certain place, incis as tise Tovn El al adtransatiug business vitsin epeci. 'os! heurs. -2e oademnes tise practice cf lstices cf tise peso.int.rerlug Iu ans! tait. 49 UP casesoe, breaches cf Town by-levs, und peoketing île fous-ison ail snch uses:,-k ho teàde!, shouls! proporly b. rougisi foethée Mayor, BLaea l#l>epti c t i ua tiebillo lu wuM bu u urnm lm isn ureconnucted by the présent Mayor, viso e ld tise -Court at bii ova office. Captain Rove supportes!tise bill, stating tia e c.ouls! nots'e tihé force cf members' cbjectiens-wien the establiisment of Pc-ý àie, Ofl!ciýwol,cestn6tbing, but 1Ã"a4 ýho. contrary.vouls! prove a beniefit,'- and a, #a- Ving I-tise Tovu.* He ,contendesi tisaitise business sisould be, donc visere the, reccrà4 vere kepf by thé. Town Cleris. Mr. ýDra-, per aIse opposes!-tise bull , iurging thé same ressens p ut forvars! by Mesura Lynde ans! Bigelov, ans! Dr.- Gün. Tise y .as usys vere tiscu tason, -ans! r emîtes! as foi. Yeas, Maconell andI Rov. 2., Nays, Draper, Wstion, Hall, 'Bigelcv, Lyndo, Gun, ans!M'Piserson, 1i. REBOLUTIONS& On motion cf Capt. Rove, secondes! by Mk. Drapera te pay Franci Clarke amount of bis acconuts as r eccommendes! by tise report of tise Standing Commite, on sireets ans! improvernents. To pay thée helectéosof Jurera for tise Tovn los eacis for escis day's sitendance. ORDEIM 0F TEDAY. The folloviug orders cf tise day vert strueis freintise notice paper on metioi of tise Conciliers isaving tise same i charge. Mernerial te amens! assossîeni lavm-Mr, By-lav te appoint Inspecter cf voigst ans! moasures-Capi. Rove. By-lav to, prevent accidents by fire-Mr, Bigeiow. OOMPLIME4ARY RESOLUTION TO TEE OUT. GOING MAYOR. Ms.. Draper, secondes! by Captain Rove, monve tisaitishe tisauks of tise Ceundil are due, ans! are isereby teudoemd te HRis Wor. slip tise Mayor, for tise able snd im-partial manner in visics Ecpreside! over ibis Counahiltise pasi yesr. Tise motion vus put by tise Cîcris-ali tise members riaiug simultaneoushy, in tiscir soata visile itvas being rossi, ans!di"car- ries!," arnidst enthusiasie applause. Mr. Perry sais!, gentleman, tise motion visicis yon bave juat doclgredi carnie! in 50 fiaîiering s mannor, musti hEigisiy gratify. ing te me. Wisen I assumes! tise <uties cf tise office cf Mayor-electe!-as I vas lu se isandacine a manner, by tise visle people of tise Tovn-ahl my energies vere directes! te, discbarging tise duties impartially-to tise beat cfiny abiliîy-and vus alltise consciousueaawsics My own breast vas ca- pable of impàrting, I isîve ensicavores! in all my votes ans! acta in thbe Counil, te dusabuse my .mind cf suy secinal feeling, and! te treai ail questions as tiscy came up as became tiseiseat! cf tist Corporation. Tt Sh te oeu, gentlemen, tisaï I ans indebtes!, 1rïise good ordar visiis -basmrarkes tise deliberationis of use Counili-an! I isere Bay hi vush pride, that the -Council for '59 wihI he a bs.igisî star lu tise hiistory cf tise Corporation cf Whiîby, for a bettor, or more ecenornical body,tso Tovwnonver isad. -It is yeur careful conakleraiiou, guidiance ans! suggestions, tisai enablos!" me te dis. charge tise sities cf MajOr in that saifac- tory manner for visica you are incline! te give mie credit. I retur u e ry varmesi ihanka for tise great kinduesa jon bave shevu me ou tise présent, ans! ou ahI former occasions. Mr. Pcrry resurnes bis seat- atuidat Esearty applause, visic s ajeinet! iu by tise spoctaters in tse body cf tse bah]. The Council Iben adjounud. The Woir Outrage. Tisemin, Weir,ýrho committetI s gres outrage upon tise pe-mon cf a Young ladly, nurnec Christie, ai St. Marj'a, a asort time ince, '1a stilî, ve behievc, ai linge, - oving to tisc poteucy cf tis euah o hcf vue Io pesseused te semeen hum frein tise bhans! cf justic. Tise vay invlicli tis euce lias thus far heen conducteti, is mosit isgrsce. fnl, ans! refiecta nôo utile diacredit un those upon vlom sievolve tise administration,:of' t ho lav and! the protection of tise commun itj frein violence ans! cutrage. Tht a mari charges! villuse grave au - offoes as that attnibutes!t Weis., ahouis! b. tvhce put un. dcranratans eaistirne le -allos!teos cape, evideuces a degré. cf carPelessnesa on tise partcf tisose wvIeh"liabm in ebars%> amcuntiug te ubsolut. crimiuality. Thït la as !elgutiy aliovet! teo slip, ve u see- neréason tetiouht. Rat! be bhuaa Poor~ peunilesi vqaboutiinot!cf s ve"Ifhj x a fuif At*tse general election lately bals! in tisa Province of Victoria, Alexantder Keefer, Esq., a Canadian barristes., vas returnati by a majeriîy cf npvards cf 500 votes over bis'opponeni, as one cf tise mombera for tise district cf visicis, Beeciswortislutise ca- pital. Mri. Keefer, wvis anov aitending te, bis legislative dutias ai Melbourne, ha, we, bselieve, tise firsi and! onhy native cf Ca nada vise ba becomo a member of Punlis. mont in Australia. ht la env -painful duty, ibis veek te ré. cors! tise vtrj - susden dats of a fellow. tovuaman ous!er cimeuinstances of a disiréua. ing nature: on Friday at, Ms.. Tisemas Davier, a marc'aautof Barrie, vent jute bis souaoaun&vas in tisesat of asking bis wife visen dinner voulcl ho resti>, visen ho droppet! deas! ai hem foot. Medical assisi. suce vas ai once obtaine!, ans!tise doctes. pronounced ithidises etoftsieare I1The dcceasad bas! been a iev minutes fore wahkiug about tise tevu. Mr. Daviès vas a young man c0' couaislerale promise; lu Lise full viger cf mansoo!; 5e jeavesa s vi. do* an! tvc utile cisiltren te meurs isie los. Àcôaoner'sinquesi vas bols!by Dr. Pais,'viici résulte! in a vertlkt as ahov" Du - SUuday bis remains vere fehlcloe thse grave by.a lirge enceurse Of people? Wholis assemble! te psy tise lai tribute bpone Wîhui lite ladbocu respects!ans eateores! by aU vwho kuov h irn-tmrul in- the midst:cf lite va arc l atÈ' 10e, tisevif, cf1 É.0 -L% (Eev!sodL sud correctes Tise illiveries of &boutths ma ans $1 25. 1 Spring vheat as in- ativarace of e for heut RX.& IL ]ARTIN. Barriters nt Law.s Hamilton, a .W.,? Jan'y 4.j,1860. > 82-s w 51-w. To whom it may Conoern., j»ý the- part of the igler atisrities;, .and" shenîtid anything ike compoundiug'a felonyl appeaorîoseimplicats!therein sisculs! be visites! vitstise severést penalty the lav Arrivai ofthe 'iCangaroo, mýad &~'rabla?, ý ér'tewéù p r Ya'gzlo an Sais. bae ~ uaripr4tad. a. jai bae arerives!. Pbeýbd lim -therepodrtibat ofthe Popngbas fclies hPeiencny o ise ongras o ls Plenipcteia is ufound s. ,»bt Frencis Goverrnment bas! telegraphe!t the powers concernie!, '1Mai the opening cf thýeongess would net isake place blefor, Jaury AT19IAh. Th Lndn eaT l3RId Tlno'ne t Th"émee Londornial las àno pun ht acompleute orn i Pe1 Xais e app dr'lith ateen thenal .l->ent; ofgahe; Mdin- ibtera efotispoispeneen th Mn- ispral efo.rtheuIoirtuionlspr -ta cebiet e Contitut inl bpar, ht bmih t l h o ublihcd ili e o ughiton immdiatelybfrtn e lI eeoCn mnor>s speeches hig'hIy cuiogistic of the Volun., teer usovcment. The wife of 3fr. J. H1. Gurney, mertiier cf Parliamc..t, had clopes! with one cf the family doujesties. Tise lady is possessed cf baif a million s.e'ýing 'in, ber cwn, riglît. Thse Belgian Goyernment bau agreed to forard its mails fr Canada ans! the Unit- et! States by thse Canadian stea mers as Weil as the, Cnuard, ans! it vas supposod ibat, thse German Postal League would adopt uin.iîar arrangements. FRANCE. A pisampislet, entite! "Tise POpe and! tise Congresa," Rigne! by M. De, Laguar- renier, bas been publisi~, auds!attracts great attention both ini France and Eng. lans!, as it vas believet t express thse sen- timents cf the Emperor. Thse pamphlet la written in a spirit cf conciliation ans!cern- promise, ans! aît4ough it doca net. proposei toe taise away the temsporal povers cf thse P.ýp, it advocates a curtailmený cf îhem, and urges tisaitue Romagna shoUýýd net be I rcatore! te tise Papal domsinions.,- Tise Frenchs var steamer, Duquelielin, wbile trying ber engines off Brest, Pan on a reef, ans! rapidly unk in deel, watcr. Tise Bourse closeil fBrin un the 2.3rd uIt., reî&tes ai 70f SOc. SP'AIN AND [Oitocco. A Madrid! iciegram of Dec. 2Ist, says: 1 Yesterday, $00 loors, atiacked tise Span- !h, but were repuse! energeticalîy, ans! compeilete t retreat in great disorder, eau cd by., grape shot and panades. Tise Spanissb as! 51 wounded. I Ton. nen-ef-var, formerly statione! at 1 lavania, baye just arrive! te re-cnforce t tho squadren ai Agesirag. a A greet quantity of provisions bat! beenb lispatise!t te army in Africa. s sCanadiLan lu the Australian Parfia. 81 r EB. S.- apt >er cf thfe N.E. 0. C.vil! JLb$openes! on theo 14th day ct-ibis inutb, at tise Ora&n >-Han, Victoria Cornere; adJonrn- cd Le Vrecmani<,n onthilat..t; te Uxbl Village on tiseIlis - te Malicîaeter ou the81is te Saott'B Hall On tille IOth;-,andstheil.romaindo tise tinse Ktathe ii, Viotora coers. AI] vieS- ing tu recoure the erder, vlpes tk cis an!goeomutheniselve ma-ooorDnglv.' By or ô ofa C. M. WIL11AM u&ÃŽN. ,,Jan . I ui, 1860. -5 - i - _gCultural Notice. THE AXNIJAL MEzTlNo ofthleCcan ýT le turéa S0yf Seu(nt o s, M t e, W hltby, os. i z , ncsday, tise-ictis int., ai que oclcik, p im., fert the electlon O cf offo. &o. W liîb, Jan. 4 i, 1860. s - ,n t r n o t o . soft veathr, ad but Uttiwoffbxig- Oats are. eagerly looked a fter,. and! sel freely St the bighest quotaticus. Thtt-Sprng,.$1 to $1 ée. Plour $5k -@($6. ?eas, 5e .5e llarley 5é s5e -<)ats 85de c@ 8e. Rye 50c. afle liay $14 Q $6' ton. Pork $4 to ffl. Beef $8 75 0,$5. ,Sheep $3 & $4,50. Potateê; -25cé. e 30c. Buttar 15. 0 20C_ Eggs Dd CI18sfdn... Fowls 25C. Q Soc. !R pair. TurkeY'450C. Qt 75c. eacb. Geese 25o @85c., Apples 5e @ $1 00 1? bushel. > Hidea $5j. Sait,$1 CD 19 barrel. Cord Wood $2 00 0 $2, 25 ~cr! OtsWante FPIE.osubseribor viltpay the hlghest market .JL rie3 fr ay qlantty f god ut*deliv- by. QUINTIN MeG)wAN. Wilitby, Jan.10, 1800.1 INFORIMATION WA-NTJYU. 0 F WILLIAM QUINLIVAN, who Iet gKU- UPrush. County ùf Clae, Ireland, in 18M5 or. 54. When ]uot Lourd of -hu vas ,%orking on 'îourd of one of the Baltimore steamers. Allv iifurmatiou oneri.ig bimwIvill b. thankfInily received by, is son. 1'trick ;uinilvani, whgo re- iide» in M hitby, C. W. -United tltatoà Pupers ponge copy. Jaunuarv 9, 18,6 SThor îngli.servanat woinan of cleinly iasb- £1 . .(ood Nwague. Apply nt thse Chroit- Peremptory Sale of Land. WILL be old by Publie Auctiono the premises in Wbihtby, on 27th January, 1860, at lnoon r'lat weli 'known 'and valu0bIe property, ituated on Brock Stret (tue best ýstreet in Whitby.) irAwW OTL lT Logether withtehoe buildings, stables ind appurtenances, being to*n lot No. 1, et of Brook Street on plan ot lots made y John, Shier, P. L S., of property i' ;aid Town of Whitby. M. Jiryn, thepresent occupent, vii îhew the promises. As ibis -must be disposes! et boru f», urchasers are requested to attend thi ae. The Terma viilb4. liberi, -and! a )art only viii be riredilM bs. l'le exact part iculeirs, and conditions àof 1 l' Tise Subgmc thse vear 186o, C AS] Whleh vil! ci andi grnejang Stise 1ropzletds .ALL hse eau Aafter te.1 ansi psy their L whikby. Juans mST 1-4 AME onf X) Lot No. fev meontisa in foreheas!, lu Tise ovicrt ns! lie Am ofi Wull b. belti PRIDA Y 1 Crovu 1 FINANCE àND 18598OXENT. 1 ti 'w el t]

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