Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1860, p. 4

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IWIIO iliacourt 9. OGRES nd MER- Dlasu.eud Cent.s ë» 5i. EOOKELL~IAND - BRTOÇK 1STREET, (À0k he u sgltr>' Q>u,) W 'I'I1T B-V C W. BooZeaeliers, Stationera, .lerchaato, sud sI %vio dciilu I hevoe lino, mii lud ou baud s large sud mcli ascorted Stock aI lue Estabishment cf the uiuders'iged, mieb be la- selllg at uuprecc.dcntedly --ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ledgeos, Jotîrnals;, Niy-t-Càsiauu Bill Books, ruled for lie no.w>decimil curreucy ; Blauk Books of - ST.t description made tg erdar, ruled to en atrpaged sund bouîud lu a supe *îlot n he.Scisool hlooku', Writingua Melis ates, Pencue, Sealiug Wax, &otrs i., A&. IIITING PAPERS-Ppgt, Note,'Let- fer, Copyiug Foolscsp, Bank Peut, PoLI sud hluf writiug paper, ail sizes sud color.- WRAPP1ING PAPERS, hie ontaufic. Nured Manilla, liromu, commercial, El.- r -pli ant' suAd Gre>'wrapping papers-al àçzes snd migilsu. ENVELOPES-Laid, BItte, But", clor- *d, 4c, ail sizeii, and vaîleus qualitîles, front No 2lo No. 10. -BLANK FORMS-ln Çiancery,Queu1s fleuci and Cotuxsoen es, Ce-nu y ou-I Surie g le Courts, noîveul Ceuril Divi- sien Cousrt, Coînineus;', Magistralos, Nota- pIes', Clerks of, ti. Peace, Cierki; of Ceun- Iles Tewns,- VillageSsud Townships' Docds, Mcrtgagzso, sud all ferme relaling lc Lhe ..onvcysnce cf RoaluigEtale. SHEPsIEFS', Blliffd', aud <onstables' Blanki b>' the dozen, hundred, or lieu- samd, ilt'Toronsto prices. INKE39 FLULDS, INKSTANDS, &o. kWT'The 4puuter Dollar Pueket, Containiug 12 shoots fiue rnied Letter 'pAper, 12 shoets Note, 12 scit-scaiing Lot- Aer Einvelepos, 12 iseif-seaîiuug Note EÉnve. ropes, 0 Fu'oger bîslion Pesitianad llder, eue shoot cf llottitsg Papor, asid one Bot. b is of, Ink -all for-a Quarter' Dollar. TO PINTFIRS. Alkinds Of PirroPArot-Newms, Job sud coored-seld n aIrsnket prico A stili furlicu Reduction ln u alkinds of Pritîting fer Cagsh. Tic SEMI.WEEKLY CIUIONICLE at $.0a Year. - §WThe! WEEKrY CHRONICLII, tic ehespest newapaper lu Canadit, aI *One lour sToa, is advance. W. il, IIIGGINS, Pninter and 81~atwoner. Whiti>', JatI> 4, 1851. NEW STATIOiNALY! -' W. H. HIOGINS, c c o Ne taina- wltch hioludes ail kinso f Pliansd Pane> Writiug Piper., Mercisautt's W rupplusg Juuu; roccives 1W the UUd«940WU. NEW mu3sic. W 4edved by the uodoIignedè POLKAS, QÀLLOP$,- Q1TADTMLLESI Ând ltusib arrangea fcïr ýtbêPiauo Port Danl'soNew Quadriesi. W. H. HIGGINS, BrocA' Strect, Whi(by- Tb lerksof tDivision Couro AuL ouensli ocks and Accoilnts willl 1~. be !n dollars and ceno, htri. t iret 01 Januury next, in coiplilalie wlth the provisions or tte onstlidtd set. Olerks should keep this in mind when corderlng a new supoplyof forméo, and ctberwise pro pare themseives 'for the. comIng change. Sulible bocks sund forosCAn b1) proeured st the. establishment, of W. H. HIGGINS, Brook Stret, WUit5Y. 'NChe Peterboro' Examiner, THUR8DAV MORNING, TWO DOLIOANS FER ANNUX . H1F, EXAMINER inaà the largest circrolâtion Iof eny papor Épablished in J.'tarbore<, and theref'ore te hast advertioing mediun 111u0tee U'nited Conntiew', Trns-To advertiacroo v.ry libers!. GRAHlAM & RJFNFREW, S28 PdLlee TIIE PETERBOROUGH REYIEW sursisx vEET FRIDAY MORNING At Co Dollar pcr annum, payable lusadvancé. "'IIE tie liaba a circulation twice as large l su 'on iotît rpper publilhed loi the United Counties eof1Peter inro autondVictoria, tond Io tie. best advertioliszniedlnn inthe Old NewcSntle itrict. A Il ns'cerg addrcsed lte'lte Publlihers, will bc punetuaiily attended te. T. & R. WHITE, LIVERY STABLES. IMPROVED-,FARXSXML SIT]S, TOWN -LOTS, &cý. FOR 'SALE, ONEssxprovcd FamimnluWitby, 100 One lmproved Faim lu Dalington 50 O " " Maripena 50 acres. Wild Lands lu Maîs, Somerville, Eu. pitrasia, Arteniesa, Luthser, Chthamn, Dover, Il ungorford. Mill I'riviiege lu Hlasupten, Township et Daulington,ue et tie very ben s t icheTowuship et Dar. lilgton. Town Lots lu Beissiauville, Breklu, IHamspton, Port Puni>', sud Sarnisa. Aiso a fcw Towun LoIs in thse Town of w IHI'BY For tale- Lowi and on Long ('redit. Meliauici ausd othesoi desirous of buiid. iuug can have fs'om 12 te .18 niontis to iake lise fird îayusc'nt. Seud for a Cincular. Address, pogt'paid, J. il. PERRY, Whit b>' Ocloer 17, 1859., 59 <sclolaDeecCommon Flousg Chan. For Sale Cheap, and on l-ea-: ceraud CouAity Court Forme. Vivisicla Court Blanke ah Fift' Cenltm - per hundred. Uvagltrate'ys Bhmnkse Notaril Blanke, &U1 for Bale ut- Toronto Pnacej. -PRINTING,ý 0<Of ry'd«erptiong, noatl>', exp.. ditiegl>', and cheaply executod. -At-the Whitby Reaing Boom will blIund aiithe Dii>'apers, md tise bateot publicaionsi home sr A Foreign. Wf, B. HIIaigiNB. NEWS!1 NEWS 11 ALL TH{ELATSTIIOME AND FOREIGN Newse Me l;vieoMagazines, sud reEAutN G OO IBO[LE BUILDII<GS, (Brook' St.) ?ssu09.c, SwÏois:-$4 peususni, pay- -ý4 a1quautorl>', lu advanieo. .Iawyarà sud ý[orohsaut&' Clenku and etheru, %îises.ocupatien# presttiens ofro eni ret. ~toRe"~aiugnduriug tise de>' mlii Oui>' heasrged $2 per sanuni, payable quar - u'yla admices. - W.itey, Febniar>' 251h, 1859. STATIONERLY - AT CITIë, PIRICES. .~ W.. H BIfGINS - cy 'Gîtruill BflIngs, Brook St. WbIdi1 Bonable Terme. T~ilREEged lfaims in tic Township et ATherah, CeunI>' et Ontario, mith imi proecments ef 20 acres on cach Lot. Fer parliculaus appl>' 10 Il. J. Mscdon- eIl, Whiîb>', Barristei, or te 1). Cauneron, Beaverton P. 0. Qetûber 17, 1859. D. CAMEJION. 59-2in-s 40-2fn-w T lE 1)siELJING 6lsi>' lyocetîpiosl mmm. b' .1.Niurse, in 1'crry » Bloak", cmm Broce Street, One- $HOP on BROCK STREET, osth et R. Campbeli'a Store. Ono SHIO? AND DWELLING eus lljuc Srnxxr, seuIls et Felird'tf Ilote). JfIWSvconall niailuidissgs lun varions parts eftise Town. 1Wlitiby, 241h Oct., 1859. 4in *.m -2D . POSTIPONEXM. FÀIRM FOR $AL. T lI soîh-tai etlotNo.20, breken front, T in tîs)iettoiitlfhi;, elt' NWlitlsy, eostaluluîg about 100 acres, mil ho sole luiii ioeIos, b y Publia Auctiosi ut lilcaunsWaketlold CeaIs Çu'm., Auctien k<art, Torote, nt sDoon, on Saturday, January 7th, 1860 not 2M b otobeî 1859,a» pravoieul>' a&entlue. Tite lot ln about osse anti-a-bait milCes frein Wtmtby Station, ausd tîtene are' good farta build- iuîgu% ispen il. The'Éanticulursud condiions uoiyb.ltsdal thse sale, or upon,,uppliction te GREENE 1tiIAWKÇINBI Toronte, Sept. 15, 1859.5-I Mi ss~edwll show tlra Iowa inUxbdeid.I MteNov. 1Mb, 1859. ,4 3 1ULROYED iFÂ1#IS VOIRs&20u. let.-100 acres soulh hait cf Lot -No. 19, Sr&7 concession of Whilby, kuowu an part ot tbe ABM TRUNII ESTATE; Oui>' Imo mlles fron thte Town of Whitby. flnd.-50 acres South Wst quarterçf Ut -No , ùL ôoelno')r Ingdl abotit eight mlles frontý Bowhïanîilie.ý rd.-54) seràeSouthi Buttquarterol Loti NÈo. 18, 1115 ecfcesiotu of Maipêoua, about 0 miles front Linds>'. k Thse aboi#ementietedLcts a ire t-ciase Parmilu a higlu stale uof cuitiu'aticn, good Buildings, aud nr important Tovtn&. , WilIi9 éo old reasonibie, sud ou tivoi"h- 1)1. termes. pply ~to 1.Til.rJpL .4gent for t/te Qwner. Whitlty, Oct. 6, 1859. 56 Hfouse and Lot for Sale. r iHZi Lot containe one-fourth ofu acre ci JLexcellent Lmudj whsiola in iu a higb state of cul tivation. Vi~e bonne le a Frasue building 18 by 24, aud eorufcrtablyâisêht'd oift. iI. itua- ted Ilu iàvery piessattpart eof the Vill'sgo et Ux- bridge belig Ïusaiiueclureli, the sehool, the ?est ofice, udtIhe places of generai business. Wi. e kr F!eaaYaudma boovu iLitioss'seor t r ' AO DWEIL BRiO1N, Land Agent, Uxbridge. May, 1859. 1 FOR @ALE CHEAP. Tj OT No.27, luth. rd Coneessifot of'WIlitby JLj theW 1 UIN Fàu a ijoWnisgtiet Town of-- Citrryug-Flce, CIAO. WsLhws Es,. or te J. V. î , BaritY'. July 15, 1857. 2C Steam and Piaster Mili for Sale. T lI, ASIGNEFS OF O. STONE, OFFER for sale ous easy terinis tise Stcssm Piuler Mil1 sud Fursilture therein, at lPort Wiitby. Applicastions te bc insîle te J. . RAGR W litby. Wiitby, IMrdli 2, 1959. Parm for Sale. 2O0 CREFS OF SPLENDID LAND. LOT 20 1jin ioltis cuncessiniof 'horah; 15 Acres cls'sred.'-iThis Fssrm is siturîted within four niiles gof litsverto,î, oit the travel road 10 Mara -,thte Iin iis ofth ie beut qutiity,sund Iol l lte o<'sts' e'si ood setulemncst, witl, a Sciteel, andi a Sawinili cosîvciient. Alo iseNsrtdiliai et' Lot 4, iu the lOtit Couces- elân ett Thorssh,* coissistiisg of 9.5 acres'- 12 of wbich s Mececsd frosstissg on tise Portage D CAMERON. lbeuv.rteu, loth July, 1857 26 To LETit'tot well knc-wn Fn minithe ofront cf thea Township of Whitby, known es the. FARQUHABMK PROPERTY consieting 400 acres, 800 of which are cieaIred, frac frein stuSMm, snd iu a bigh Mtte of cultivation. A GOOD B3RIRC OTAGE! with out-bu1ildingas ud Lwc ,dweling bouges -fer laberers, s a crçe orchard with tbe ehoicest fruit which %i ii produce from '$100 te $200 annuuily. The property is beautifully situated on the risng grestd, oeemtile north efthtie Couuty Town, uffordirg evcry facility for thse sale of uli kinds of Preduce sud Gar. don Vegetabîca;. ibis being one of thse best Market Tewns castit f the City' ef Toronto : the Grand '1russk Statien distance lwo miles, with a full view ofLake Ontatie and Windsor Ilarbour. The above preper ty wilI be nold on easy ternis ef paynieut, if parties wish te pur- chose. TEiMI :-Either te lot or fur sale, eau bc known by applyiug te . Il. I>ARTNELL Soliciter, Wisitby. or by letter te JOHN A. DONALDSON, Pesit-àMsster, IVesten. Possession given tbe firat eof.Aprii uoxt. Whitby, Mev. 15, 1850. 089-44w-lm TO LET. 7IHE wcIl known Drug.shop T aud dwelling at present oc- * ~ cupied by G. A. BaýnuIêtr, situated en the cornser of Dundas and Byron Streets, Wiitby. Pessession cau bo had on or after the lOth Septesuber. 1paid te 1. BOUSE.441 For Sale, or to Lot. A COMMODIOUS AND PE m.BRICK COTTAGE, ils 1 et an acre of land, lu lhe North -Wsrd of lie Tomn et Wiitby, on tte Eut side cf Breck Street. For furlier parliculaîs appl>' (if b>' lot- tcr, pest-psid) aI, W. H. Tremsyue's office Whiby, or to ttis ubscriber, Casil, Mankhau. I' D. -0. JENK INS, -WIilby, Jul>' 28tIs, 1659. 86 Whitby Bréwery. GRAINO'ý FOR CATT1Lý" Foe SAILE. CLARK *&WOODWARD. Whiby, Nov 28rd, 189. TO BE BOLU-ý-A BIGI ANEAT DWZLLI.NGITO0USE8IUATED luintIse Ceter cf BEAVERTON éoëm rlengolx Booms. Appli>',if b>'lette: puttpid,, CRARLI.8 ROBINBON,EBQ. Whltby1 Apuil lebW 185. iv o. ý, ri MjilAT vaînushle Fainm npoed et N. E. ',i et Let No. 4, lunlise 4th eeucessieu et Pick- ernsg, Containing 50 Acres, ,About 20 aicros oIsoppsod. Thse above Fairnsi su situaled isnlise centre et ans excellent witet-growinq ioesîity, sud mîtisin abhout six nules etotise import, ut Tomn et W hitby. Tosiumi;jnodenalc. Tille indlupttable. Appliclon te beanmade te JA1K. McA LIAN, WhIIb>'; JAS. LOGAN, Lot 9, Broken Frent, Pickering, on te HM S UTN Also, for Sale À quantiW ofetgood CED/tIIPOBTB. AFPLY AS ABOVE. (>tobor 8 1859 55-smi w & §uni TUi ALL THE.WIIRLB, AND) HALY F 0 THE T fIE suhuteiber haviugosniended bu aineas, le now offers te Bell or lient fer a tariet years2 ou veq ressouebie tern is masplendid promnises in tise Tcmnsilp 'oftBrook, eenuistissg «ta STORE&DWI*ELLING HioUiSE, WIIIsW Rim o i i tssBtLlng-3'Ã"sand Fatior sud stfaebed'ho the store le ut iell fusished olnSce nd WuiebnoseL Tise buldin ere fluet e"tt Frime Buildings. 'rlce £250, ln foui Aqual aninual l*utlmente, wlhi Interent et lie rate of1sigisI percent Pei*U u, ,or 9£25 par annum rTitàa indunîulbus Ib*Mmntà le-s osusifieet reomu- meùndatlen. Fqtut'tlser pirua!ds pi h 398, MTCHL &,hCO., Me -b-at- î 01111 Streo, Teruto, or- blb.ubsoriber'on thse prelae. - M OPHAPENm. 'VrS oln, Bilo, Sept. Ji,1je9. 86w-if 'Lot 88, Sth concession Durfngtô. id ulrtisn Offerlug" pieutes opy lntiPi>r LÃŽV E RIO L.' Bia&mi a- &Waggumk e$ Shops Fez @aie or to ut at Live,'itol, 'WENTY MILU MEST 0FTOBOI4.TO (A st u AQre of Lând attached Tîsese prenoisos have been lately oreeted wltls lui a shlort datas.ee et the Kiugston lfoad, sudie the Rsiiway 1DeSpot. -A-good busiitoo tu bâtIs trade a tib. dene by iteady and geed work- Mon. Fer fortiier partlctilara apy tc URY Llv&rpoel July 2891857. 26 FOR BALE. A N.oelýent uew FîufflCottag, IYr 'lu -LthébâiS t ftose ewxs et W1.l ansd witiiia f1#3 yrds of theMXa!lStmeet-undas Streat-tOzter vitIs twoe-4ths ëf unâcere of landa. ttïü..ed. The lbeuse centainei six spart- mnts, Isunauexcellent colar, sud tisera lu goildstabliiig sud ail ueeeseary. on -!buildings§, aud a 1aperblor puinip ef goed watcr 0dû thespet. For 'l'rmes, &a., wlsica will b9m ound vory libra.AîpI ~J. A. MAYEUU<>FFFR Io. Chrouicle office, Whitly. BEAYERTON#ý -10019 AILIM CEEA?. A MILL l'H!VILEGE AND TOWN LOTS .tontgluu te tie Beavrton Wharf. A haero. Favorable ternsis na ybu uado with thse iroprieter l'y a I'ractieai Milier. Apily te Ut1. JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.--Tlsere iia fs ia-rate .opeuing liBa- %crtexî for thse Estolllinseuit efa Feuudry. J. A. lierton, Jsîh28, 1857. 28 VALUAJILE PROPERTY for'BALZ lir'store sud Promises istely ceceupied l'y T Mr. J1. A. Momil isu, aut Utica, in tite towss- ship o licuscî teoLhser %Vtleti isirter acre of nssly titiateui for uy ibus! lss Tue Villitgeot tilou la listfise contre et the, Towuanli, aisci ail Ithe travel o11 thi Break reatl pas1ses 4tllsiongis it. Ternus wili ho mmdc teémit t urisasers;. Au- -plication te b. inade to JAS. B. CAMPBELL, 45 ASlshssrrs 1'. <0., itcsseh. TOWN LOTS. Fi OR ale, Lots Nos. 122 and 123, FKentl $srtes Y t'f Brook Street, ltise Tfown etf'Whiiy. TIOissoî'c Litma sre meut eiigibt;i uiuted' for ii~iliugnrpoe-i are euicloacd aid miutid inluie ierst part of tihe Town, asîd wiii ha disposcd t, esi liberai ternisg W~ A clear dccd ivili bc giî'cu, trocetrous aI incusniîrssuce. Apply te V. 0. MA YERHOFFER, Whithy, or te J. A. MAYERJIOFFER, TO ]LET. ALARGE TWO STORY BRICK STORE Awiti, aparmn»i th ie saniete accommue- dite s respectable faisiily, ansd assotiser large Wooden Fuinie lieuse adjosrsing tlise saune, cou- ttising aitogotiier Il)roonsat§ d isirgceeclar ne excellent weli et wster witls a pssmp,4nd ssii ancossar> out bui!dings, sud s good gardn.- Tise lot coutalus ai aln isers, ituate on tlisc cornuer et Diudas uand Asdenuen atreeti; lu the Town oet Whitby, only s few minutets walk freini tise depot. AIse assothen ver y handuenie Two Stor>' flouse il,.te usne locality opposite the rcas- douce cf John Ilisner-splenditl varatidsuh round tise sane, a good well eftcstr sasd cl*- tem ru et ot wssten witls a puusp ils cscit, tise front part in laid out 5cry lisatsdssîsiisel i ngi rua- mcstcd witls lowers fioecing A aita asd overgncehis, irbicî ua eos it alpoar like s little parstis isi uninier, tIser a sie two gardes, ansd a v'erylarge Orehard prodtsiciug, fî'î,ss titete tour hundred husîsels et appicm, 4 itii 11 ont huildiuns rcqnired ton uchma ,ace. Toiisstssd- soei ecahaliber seicroai ofot tise 1ligh Sheri , N. C. Rieynolds, Emq, auJd etîser gels*1- tinesi 0< reaptabilitywh ichis sa higis recoin- iseîdtiou et tissspiace witisout furtiter coin- menît, lient moderato. Fur particularu; appl.ytO ., The Bcottibh Provincial Assurhuce j Company@ FdobUghed A. D. 1825, and Issaorsaùd b>' 6 .Speial Act (if Partisent. CAPITAL, - £4L,OOO,OOO CANADA-t11iXA OFFE Il Messîreal, 9 Great St. James Streot szcnaTvAu.-A. Davîdeon Perier. r NTENDING Assfurera are respecttsslly T X qnesated te perniehse Cmay Popc tuts, wlisrcin it will bce tound that every advan- togea, -ou sitersl iitîissceurity, i.' effored. The rattes et PÉeniuns charged are low. while tise Bonisss doclared wiil beareesnpaniuons itîs1 tise Profits alietted b>' amy et tîte otitor ladingi offeces. Pauticular attention im aIse directed te au eqîsi-i table rcguiatioss adolited b>' tii Conipany>, au te stirronder value otnehinqtsaed Folioles;.f Wuss'nt.-JOiitt Agnsos', ..gent; Robert J.1 Gusisi . 1). Medictil Adviser. PRssez ALBuitr.-Niven Aguiew, M. D. lMedi cal tdvlsir. -n Blute Fare Insurance Company' of Lou- Sdon, England. CasUà'REiiD ET ACT Dor nîltiOisu AELSAMERT. 0,4PITAL . ..£500,000 STERLING. BO0ARD OF DIRETORS G7uirma-The Rigst lHeu. Lord. Resue. H. B. Sheridan, M. P. Colossal James Adair. The Roy, W. Bean. P>eter Cans;tairs, EsAq. The l1os. B. Boethby'. John Jamues Uuwiss Clarke, Esq. lleny Clark, :aq. M.1Di Nicisolosus îyil. Wilhinni M.P. 'tter, Liq. 'Wiilissn Hlenry Rougli, Euq., M. A. F. M. WVelIs, sq. Peton Mo rrison, Esq., Managlu Director. Auditor.-Ausibroge Million, Esq. 8oflsUrs.- biMsans. Millar & liuiso. .Survyor.-Williams 9. W illianis, Esq. ?ok.Mur. Raissoni & Company'. Sec-etcs'p.W us. Cawehl,lEsq. CANADA BRANCH li{,d Oflle,-Maseuic Hall, Teroute. 7'rvsteea....Iloi. Jdhn Resis, Jolin Crawford, Jas'd of .TI&ct&u#.-hafrmn-W-m. Me Master, Esq. llice-Cuirsan-W.P'. llwlsnd, sqM. P. P. Wm. Rosa4, Esq., Wus. lien- ders,,Es;q. F. W. Jarvis. 'Eq. Iheniff, U. C. et' iork anîd I'col. Besîkers-Tîse Bank oet Moutreal. S9oiftora -Resé, Crawford & 'Cionibie. Tise enîgagemntsftuetaStsite Fir n lurance Censpats> are gsiaraiited by s rospousible Pro- pietaiy. Ai l Isseis wili bc sellledproniptly witieut retarecii&o thIe Beard lils Eglïatsd. Tite business eIthte Times lsaving beu puir- ebasedl, Fehicy -isoiders are new gturateed b>' the Blute. ____ 1 lVitbys>, Jan Jianager, BritfaS Norf?, AsýSro. JOHN AGNEW, îs.5, ~~ 189 gentas W Ait, Proecionaglat LinsudDaa. b>' Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £1009000 TNbURA'NCE et!octd on Buldingusud tuler c ontente. Evein sformations uuppîied on application te thsa usdersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Trsval»ag Agent, Byron Street, WhItby Britlis Amerlos Assurance Compia>', INCORPORATED tînder an Act et the Third Sesion efthtie Elcventh :provincial Faril mnst oft Upper Csala. CAPITAL £100,000. Irnurauce ettectod on Builingst and their contenu. Evon>' inforution onpplied en sp phoation 1t iseunudorsiened. Marine Ifiska forîthe goanon or torPnkts. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, IByronu Shoot, Wh tbl Phoenix Fixle AsUrance CO,' ~BTABLISin 11782., GILLEPIE, MOPPÂT Ai 0., Jefeecia thse upot fAvorseteus a LQ m~'s4ititout r*reu6 o tis.éth$ l on-. B. W. WOODWMtD,. Mtent, Lopnt, crV>ntar.e -Wluitby, Ag1,1W The. Ceolaiasoneta'bllsbed lu 1846 sud -ite p remený Incoiuele 3V.awjflvéuwaj Pounsd. Sehbýd CépIti-Oi*é1ilHOU'$terling. Ceulutdb o flra uent. Agée ncl 'malte colon sIwheré-Premiume are~ ~ ~ In r6ev4 sd9lesttied.nel Ageucies lu every Part efthtIe werld. 19 loyal Insurance Çompany.' 07#10%-22 fOEONTO FXClfANùEL CAPITrAL-TWiMIOflSSTG. FIEE Pmiruma, 1858-Two buudred Tbouaaîd Pounda Sterling. Rýe>ve usdt on hand te mut all daimu, over aix Hunid iThouaoad Pouadse rUnes. F'RF, INSURANCEon 'Buildings, Furniture aîsd Moreisasdize, cf Cicr>' deseriptlon, et- tected on thse uont favorable ferma. Short period risuki taken ou Merolsajsdk for oue or more nienths. Life Iirsune.en'ver>' advsutagecsss terme for tise assured, with sausilbos and dlvlaioui et P. oiita ever>' Ave yeuis. JOHN AONEW, Agenit, W1ilby. Whitby, June, 1859. 20 PHoeNIX INSURANCE COMPANY. BAStTYOSD, CKETOT igrPAID UP CAPITAL, $20,00.ffl P OLICIES gatcd Immedistely on, applica- tion, wlt iîout retoeoice te th isened 0ClIce. 01, LYNDZ;-,e su ad tIse pubhle goeonisly for Ilsei libeleai paîneissge siuée ho commnetd preehice ln Ibis Towu, ould bore take occasion te eluite hoal tiiese Whso anc req9irig Arlificial Tcethisat be ha» nom ehtaîtued' a Maciie tonworking lte: vulcanfisesi ubbetý, upon whiai lue miliunsent, ahl kindsanasd styles ou Toctîs, gWchsapc,. L'as ha# *er blsýesnobÉ/are I witbsthia procussa; Dr. C. C. Jxnewa wiil guarssîîee te fit ltse meut difileusl casa mits tisa greateat preclalon lu ail tlI canes, pallies comitbava Blocle Teetls mitis Solid Gunus, whiei is, lu oves'> respeoct, fur supenior htean>' otitor lind etfmerlekuemuw lu useo. This monh & ie happroved etfb>' e11 <'t tise leadissg Deull;ts sun Venr, sud prin- cipalI ciile. thrUgîSOUt tise United StaRtO.oMir g tote las ranucusulsligister sud et a non-eot'estve nature, Mn il la, atr a test eft tIree year, doemed iigher sud more preferable titn goîd or an>' otisor metallc pite. is, Jnsosra meuld mis 111tebe bouse in mmmd, tisa ho an resty rduee tie islee wh beretoho bes mere istau dad.te ife mu«d .l furtsor etae laI hetau nr.cnsWlah liet tsae uit hodbuaferial o eermotlssni pseav turu hicblme bas put up eal gona, put, dringt caau l il int acs ite boua cfniero 'catsesieandin t. beo susito t eb lse GoldgBilver. and Platina Plates nult du la lLate# triée~ ClWeper tatha#ua and "arran"et AUl SuMglal penaliàosettie Teetis or Guin ukfllfolv uertrnsed. 'Teetb oï raced T subseruber -roqut putterns 771ES KNO 0F SiOI TUWE PRINCEi DAYY Ç QM subscriber, Yorkvillie; or to M i. WilliaismPurdy upon tise prousigs. Posemolton given torIls- wîq, '4Ã"RtGE BOSTWIOL. WgIT"Y ,ýP00T OFFýICE. ,'AkIRRANGfflÉlqTgFOR 18M, TrTNTIL fuither ltottee, Mals *il!1'b. olose. I) udducfo dllvr> aIIbs iieas fol- DciiMals ,gel ug ant zis--Ombuire, Bei- manville, Newcastle, Clairk, iUngstous sud 1o Ho pt, sud ,other corrs'pondiug offices, aInetlise G.T.Re R. travellinîg l5os Offce geiug East, lu- coludliz ga] lplaces oi lte West et Kingsten, aI 7é or adels5r.ap. s.s.,adM.. t Leflers for Mentresi, and places EatitOfKiutg- »tpu are oui>' slospatelied b>' the nîgbit iai go- pniaujroiing West, incîndiug Dunliortor Pickerinug oto5i<and alfplaoeu Went etTe- re'nte,aOU thelb G. T. R. R. travellinsg Foat Office selng I,êst, elcss4'u at 7 a. su., and lit 6 P. M. *.Duetfor delivor>' libeslst 10 O.ni., anudat 7 Rn. Thse Masilsfer Pickering ssusd Duuîbarton aIre eisly milled b>' lisc sir.usling& traits going West. . N orithMuile bave disil> alter lte arrivai of thse ftrelufreju Toronto, t'n r eoklu, Manchos- ter, Port Pery enoît, Liids, banillîsu, Boa- vçrton, FPort Iloer, Atsisstiru, Epueuin. lticus sud Uxbiige, aouefer ail tI.se eorrespesudiug of- fices. Maille àsïebseinadoe apal sanetime feu And- ijm Brougîsasu,, BUlsauut, (4rcatswocodM IL-- Ji le 1, snd ou T-êtoesay, 'l'iu"4âdy 'aîsd Satsurd*>'. rAlloisîs, ljlaréo-nst- ud Slositi- ville. -fMls; re dite, for, deiveu7 frein tîssom oces Attabout5iàO8pin. 1 JCNGISII M ILP. f licn Isegt of Aptil. 1858g,- cleltt-ns lton Gresîl Britutin muet fie pre- paid, îy postage stiup. ltera iuteuîdcd ftisn Erope 'slteuld bc pnt. cdl benrt7. u'ciec'k A. M1,5 Mut) Nt)isyài, I1STRATION 0F LIiTTEIS.-Tse change fero itrsii, additions- te cpoet aïe, la ms; followi, o ens eclà letton viz~ re au>' plnce is) Briiusb Northt Âiericit, Id, To au>' place i!il ti) United States, (postage nnut boc pssrlid mise >3d; To an>' place lus Gresit Brituin and IrcTaud(p-ost- age nmuaI Wo prepaid usso ) 7ud To ais>'plsace ln tisa British Celssuscu or IPosoes- jetons, ei ia sc estlmud, ( positage imunI be pro- Te-au>' place lu France, dorotharFZsreigneoun- triast, sis Englahd, u nant equai te tise peut. age rote. l'A fiCELS iisp te 8 1Ibo. weigîst eaui betseul by polut under reguilstionis eaIgla d per ls. to be pn-epqi'd b)' poutîlge stlsmps, sunid nus>' ho egistor cd 1,>'pay'nseiit 't' id ciitieii. No-usasîs lre dcsMptisold or receivod on Sun a~,Booku sundprsintcd ustteror-lte tnitce States, tIsa CanatdusitlPostage smuet ho pro p sd b> postage stampu, ansd on uuch malter /rosn tisa tJited States, the Cai-adiatsF osstage wiii bc te colecet on doliver>' Al ltrsi;nst Neuiaptîpers incltsding tiose tor Enigliad, musi ho 1îre1,siid t>' Postage Stautp or, lite>'catiuiot ho bul'oranded. N woopaus flo thBritisit Wemt Indics, or ,N'ewioujdlasd, iis ha î'erg pssid b>' Postage Stssmp, 1%-d enchi; and fer tssdist, Chiin, Aistra lis, sud etisen places beyoud sust, 2y,-ld oaci. OFFICE IIOURS,-Week'dsi, front 7 s. nm te 7 p. in. Suîsdayt%, frout 9 tc, 10 as. m. Postage Stamups clon ho pîrelsusaed et(tise Pet A. M&PIERSON, P. M. Whitby, April, 1M5. 68u 18w. DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! 1J.B.Jones, M.». Burgeon Deutist, &c., R TRNS bis asisseere tlsonsieste tise cit!ixcus RIWlsIitliy anîd vieissity,,ltor tIse ver>' itierai patronsage exteuddl te bu lun his profesalons. Hle sow takes l]cave te autîsint shis ussîrotss tinondi§ansd thieptblie, tisa', la ito ily comple- Led husasrnussgcuueuts for tlise i'nseul prssctioo ef bis profei on,lunte Tom et ofW hitby.- Treelh monîsteti ou GoId, lastin, Cheopliustie Motal, &c. Toctis ililed witb Mr GOLD AND STANIEL FOIL, . sud wuith Doctor Jesse's nom isivcstineu noness conesive pari ceuse;l-eqiuiî te goid, sst set se couly. Tcetls extrcerl by the usisal proceas ,iîthout pain. A pnsttice et twent>' vautan lu lus profcess, enablosi Dr. Joeues te gtisraittea tuelisastienut* ail flhnt prfogi'csaioîl kili sund oxpenionca calu aceomplflit cirdi; slleviatisssz itin iufferiuig. lu thse tnestm<'sul et ail streccIiofettIse Totii, gutu,»ansd faciasl suov»-Tic-dolercaux, 4-c a b tiip î iStin ise genmite t ucceas. néi% Caîl qnd eaie 62' 4>&oc sreiet Y y. SERIPP.1S SALES. CeUnD>ofetOrttsrseio 'bN BATURD.Ay TE Ye4 10Ç S eteut.ssuth day etf Decaîsuber, A. 1). 18,59, nt twelve o'eieek oon, wilI ho uold b>' Psshlie Auctiou, ait Myoace,Iit tire court liuse, luinthe Teins etf Wbiiby, thse rigZll, title suid iliteresl .it h tIse undermn tienchd dceîilants sàeirenssîl pasehs in stise un- dcrmeutinedLindi, sud Tenenisthereon, secized by metc snden and bil vfrtue et. cexain -Write o e! Flo Eclo te eireeted, riz: Iu tIse Coure of cetunPleut.. WillsnniCorrigal,~ plaintiff, vs. SylveuterltUd. ley, detendat. loy defendsut. *esst isslt of Lot No. 5,1sii the cleveitîs con- - ecesiei etfSeligog. j lu tlite C9' utV>' ,Çort. Jfteb sher, "fil-vli J6b» Sisier. and Teatamntof Sterling PîgnusJeesede fendants. Ail tise inlercal wlicîs tlîetuid sterling'Pallg- susu, dcceusod, in bisq lite -*nle sudst the tirme et bis doatin had ilu ts o> hat>$ oes et Lot No. 7, inth ie' scveuhh'àonoéi.uien oethSie Tewusip etBrook. lIlte Cossrt et Queeiis a&neIs. The ZininermniuBaiuk, îplaintiff vs James Lots Nos. 7, 8, assd la, iis tise 2nd oouseeetiien o«Scott, Lot 16, in the 8nd concuas iou oftSctt. Lot 1litite 4th concession of Scott. Part of'Lot 18, lu ths 7th ecesionôn ýfUx- bridge, coistiiinisîg 0 dearesq. Làt No. 19, lu the ith conueas.i<,ýflofUxbridge Reqir part et Lot No, 28, in thse lut 06culIos or Uxbidge, eoitsiig 100-aicresî. NKELS4ON G. RYNOLDS, ShriC. O. Sheni fice, JpaY. Wlsithy., Sept. 22, 1859. 5211 ( BJiERlUFF'B BALE 0F LÀNJ. CeUxTY OF ONTÂIUO,? )N Saturdey lthb. - 'o Wit: f'-Third di eof March, A. D. 1860, t Twclva'ýpWbck, Doon, wili be sold b>' Public Àuciion, nt ni>'Office, lu lie Court Hlen1se; là tbâ Town of Whitby, thse rigit, title, snd'iustera inch fhe underuîoptioned defendasito »Àv- ensali>'poseqs lu thé uudermetitioudtIi4g snd tertemorulntis reon, smimd by:ýme un- der-, Ind by virtue et certain Writsetf Ftawi Faciag te me directcd, viz: lu tic Court et Quiee's Bencb. William P. Rolewand. md.JoIsu-ëharles Fitch, plaintiffs Ys. Pâul,.Whitneý, deten- ' daut. Lot 2'14 Broken Front, in thIssfcone- sien of Pickerng. Iu the Co5urt ef Common Pleas." Lacilsu ,Davideen, plaiutifi,, y, . l7zy Joisnoôn , defeudau'nt. Ail liaI pnrcel, or tract cf atnI lunthe Townshipcf Brcck, lun'thê côfu.ttrof n.- tario, beingLot numbçr-'Ninee-en, '<1i5in tie Twelfth concession of, thse aid, Town- î;iip of Brock, mith ail ansu týr, tenements,' hereditsmets and appùtnÃŽ ce thereunto lunsu>' mise blnig Iu tIse Court ofQueeu's Bon&k s James Liaing plaintiff vs. Peter Stouten- burgi, defendaut Al suad slwtgulsr, that certain peee or parcel otlsnd,- situsted sis the Township of Reaci, sforesaid, sud being compouted of ' part oif Lotnumliber Seven, iu the Eighth - concession of thse sid Towusbip, sud bemng allthat part heretotoro conveyeê "by ëne Thomas Boen, te thse said Peter Stouten- burgicnamu ho uayde more Or- as, sud' aise, à l-i*àt ôWtieté or parceief land situsted iu the Md T~oA siip cf Reach, being compcsed of li? Loitnulnmmb Sev n lïîb tfouu, 1 Wliltb -Feb. 2, 1859. Whitby,,Yg. 18th, 1859.

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