Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1860, p. 1

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ôthér *%iitj' paper puibied lia or >DMoilm O lx veEE jlfa Imust -ion, <ei..Ot Mkft bo.etIiBSu...i94l6ahi999900 'zeAalm» iter.a il b s w. ILifiOili7 W. B., MOGSI(NENT OpW2it ~ori it EWIUBY 046 ta prou e e' tiilitt ~~fyE1rouNw Yrk anti oth- lP i Ob s stperlor style anal itbst le toweet rinOtirMIDtt lia 'iIol-me51,andalmiulal' desonip- rinnafîaultbe wthli n ouvet *4e-ooeIl.storg esa." 14b.1t5 C r. oasllelO GEoGg' ERÂNAlie' Bro n.VretIER.OOMI8SONE AOR. C CIUèETp, NsD9 aURGEO, A-SURGEON$,kA.COUCHER, Wthy Tor b. oulatyentionsruen oCi N. 3 GIIINthhép N. er1mo>u ýftsU~GO T i ONI « fN TRE-LEà.DINGSTAGE BOD, A hM bau roitt4md!Lfite'iVý ase- ce s : s y l for . s th e o , 5 ,! ra ol 1m.Evetyi twuatken il e' truýc6ttees u ,t*about lmaodàtion <PrOvli riva berme. I s teady Ostel ways lu;' à4',d 7T'HE underairuet bags Le Infern bit frioenaij 'Land tIhe publie, thfithe lsunoir lapomuiolOa> yli lu îrs aryou, ou h ll ewî accnt.-- Goodbiurs0les;dBrit te~Excellent Ilsl .101 fuattenttiofirMal dhors. EDWABD 'RÂY. Whtby#IIsy Clii, 1857. 18 T 9 EAWBVEPRIE S i HAVE 1BLN I.s ouLtpenea b y Lb. uudan.lgned, wireroi trsvellero " eauuw 8ud gooci aeoaumoaLiou.- >Tii. Boume le well furulih.dtwelkept, sud LIa sleeping atut oe my sud alry. There la eg oerrtaleStabliug, sud-lbe boit atten- Sanu lisM alomm ad berme. The. bar-reomIs1 lag udoOuvuIelit, aad well suppiet i wtb Lt b% aalWi, Liquors andi Ceras. Haud'. $moly ilttoti up atthsgboms for prlvate par- ies. MCALMCAL , il .PaH op, TUBE M30 851 BU. Jdn erihred - W. .19100HIOGIN.£AST WINDSOR OVEWHI'TBY, COMMB >OP OM àxDOix AO»Nio STERTS IOEi Cakeî14 Office, Whltby, C.W'< wx. eADo5tt1, ruonuoC . 'TOSLIX, PROPRIETOR; TIRIS _________________________ Rabve Hiotel ia sitanlea l a pteasudnal L. * boel ltii lgeadin u.Perovineartm retîtipart of!the Towni, outhe front rosi. poa.ems ailtu go tfW'*foWg pcrl o ae aiuftnvuil ~GO"od modrolaton fer travelleri.. Gootiboatlfopiom Lb. Liar to l oeque»aig ho ~jae'u'v. tabiug uand atteutL.vao otleui. meut-ou te canoi Continent. 28 SACZUSEU~lNHNJU§T RECEWIE»t QUNN E OTEL, z liÉ xJ9bumbls eux, 50 iAumbheis Caovz S6 8, îAUVTU-IUTEoTr emETg E OU'TU E OUN't affiUBROGTE U60 buahels TrilSxnfomaeIw Cous. 07 !tEe >~r lese1IW. WOODWAC BCUAunGT 10cryBz.frDà o LOWER TOWN <IUEBEO. __________nt __the _____Commissiaonî Morebsit, Duntisa kt a«# .0 #te ALiaabeetLaa'dintad appeuU 118fr. "OFFICE-T THE COURT HUGH FELITZ9REE ADVSTUS ateA Ou'ACUR 1 1SW,. 1 o3i ent (City o cibco vili Iand siperior ae JOHNHANPE R, ~ ...À .LOgaaIlanFertt, armny ommoduiott At âodceutcharge«a ut tîhe abou JUEW!Al IEO BROKSTt',itrul ~ancgtid tkinda o!ho tel. The. hotol la ver>euelny tae OFC0- urSTStrb g Idtrueet anor the Bankt.&eambaat vhtarveit, anal pria Wi ï ,n«Utsl '-.t,1cVl ugno paces o!fte 0CIL. u îeéelie .1evmor'e ue At rie ta~uibsInd bar are stiled vltb evél I .MCION LIL. or bis résidence. 4 preourablo oestabie anti drin 1h iltors wh LZE~K OP' THE FEACUj.OFFIEAT -anNOKSd l.very attention palal Le their couafort aut <~. # 1 J. ci, Houa. a .C.1C. onvcnleneeard ever> irtormation andldirectia C te ourt 'V.IHAN, ' SWBOOT AN)) 8110E MAER,.EI as te Lb.émurounding localtlsPrincipal Plai 51K OU 'v.C>NYCORA) j çOMRILIIldiugs, Brock-st. oreset, sclioy, c. NN QUINN. x 0 ceaofbeSri CraI 01.5 V. WhîI-Workraide to Ortler o etrit hu a ce 8., Broktreet. agobdea 'a,>sri ttedwork- rpit & t'ml TO, .uno nu.16Aisoalinu doclue wituatuas#ansd GLOBE iMOTEiL, BROOKLIN. a.hXTN Je espateir. ~THEundermigile l iîsvlg tuken -yemse of Site above *eil kuovu hot4-l, whîch w! mj E.OFFICE AT THE COUXT ANIERICAN JIQTEL. H os.. -bhé onductcd as forineni> viLla the stnicteatlpr, Hlis. ---------TT 8N~ lROEI~ priety sad regad or tha e oufort and cenveal NACDONLL,'ptr, onrc ouugatti d oitStreets. once o! the public. rt 0EK F TUE COUNETornt,* . .1 The.roletou5tsbsrmyt u Coatucli. Ã"fII<le FB~~~~rai.TSALOON- m dhmatLt Go'Ioc~u tha ie, *, NT ENINEJr. 011E AT TIIE FryIAR, ATEOF TUIE YOUNG 00 e pniahtlhyIpe sut t .Licnaola TÂTE cent ge h ansbe on tÃŽ03ýyppr a~jCortHes0 iJ.Canada," near te Royal ol4yaa King pire lieuse bnat ecu n-ýA tbouyPapner - L. VLIRBAKS, StreetWept, Toronto. ChoiceSapporsa puetanlrovcd anal i itt pl v COURT RStreauent ai uer.1 ù, respect lu s'îch a vanner as te mturetatis!t 4£IZKIRTDlvsIo OURT. OFFIC~E tien. Tii. bar anal table suppiioti, as fente ~.mtLie oavtHona' OH JETAL, iti tire bcst catablos and drraakables. Cuil&' :OHNG -------- ER)YOU'T IF'!!! DIVISION COURT, 5-ly. C. DAWES, Propniet TN~FIhi of WEIUiliTs k MEÂSUIIFS i compnilluthLb.Town*sltp Bwok. Ad- - Jfor Lb. coulty 0(ontanlo. - d a~Catungtetr 14 TuE TERRÂF"IN. ___________________ FANKIN OUSE li PRPRIETORS OF U' IS WB] «-kuoZuPRubon are- nov lan ocupatioi ~#4ft~fl LNDSAT C Wthe olt i . NICHOLAS. King street, Tern stbeaemadaoifoTroios baebenwinnoaeitrrgctF JEWETT PROPILIETL'<~ COMbER- (onely kept by n Hurley. Tire premil W3hitby, Jani. 21. 1867. 1 fittea ln thola iasfrst style. EOrY Procua dellecy lu Bonbon. A cigur divan ltted îap W. 1H. TREMÂAYNFe A. K. lICE, patteiy InLe viticl noue but Lire bot brui Y) AIISER A)) OUNY CEJWNf.IABINET MÂAKEIL, UI'UOIA~TERER, &0c., are permiltted te enter ~ Itee.. fflé.Iti ruallm Ne Bric 'JGorilles Hall, Byron Street Wîiltby. L'a- 23 ALSE&MCNE iSekM flud Floor. 10 r ituemngnoutIy donc, s1t a fina !job' RAILROÂD'HOU@E, 00 -bing, and ilepairin ~o Fîrtraitteaded o ni t Oe.OKAN UNA ( WiONEROF tWillokaou's.) Tire k à ARITRSk.TTORNEYS AT LAW, ~Wber bà (Lannute t h naie r~a~îue1ors ntare.- RAILROAI> îîOrBTErbrbgaL eueLe thé mnhit t Idmte Lb.o 4Cornty C«24Otarotli WlLb, sud te traveM0Il omuuity, Lita i _______________________Pm___fOE IrETlhietakeu tire aboyé fret 0ats g; s. v0 a I~r~IWChî our iIaae-eaih Wng., 1?AÉMER, FEOPRIETO». WTIOSlima fittoti up lusa uev ati corîvonnt gan 080510E IARTNELL, L R lue H es g0d accommodâtonîfor A firstre Table ioser~dtiresttilotol. 1 ARMSTR, TTlLNYCt>vEAN Trveles. ot ttbi&dgsudtihe 091,- nors, lounchoons, t&c., eau bo laad ut a mom 41RSER TOREYer J. S. »eu Tdailera. 5 notice. Ail Liquors kept on the. prliie cor* &o cdW istoe a'oc rea.t Wis rs. varnteiltiore sndaartice. Cee le 100104 __Store, ________ A. TWINGLE, THOMAS DO WN114G J. V HAN m~rROIINTK STREET, Whitby, Murch Iliti, 1857. y> Aitim!TEE.'AT-LAW. OFFICE-BROK I.Wbltby. VINEGBtAR 9 VINEGAII 9X1 FAw4 v IRBANKS, W. THa»O ASDVERE.LIL, Tunideratgxied takea leave to infcrîr S. E. IRAlKo1 LD E),BtBc.o-t", GREEN STREET, lthabitatto Witir aud the p nbile, S«lIICTon NOTARY PUBLIC, tî. tc. Wirby, C. ho ir tnov mantiaetrncg iegr of a sua,4 d.W.2- OÂKWOOD MOTEL, ho iapreuared toauîipplyW1 W-. G. HAN, TEL9salec0terciaant éthers, at greatîynad AKWOO, W.BANKI Fî<PRIEOR. ric ea.TîoTraule liberaliy alcait withî. E ARRISTE R1 A N)) TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Go~o&4 ntiod«Con for bworaler»A d drnu eptual utiet lfie-pOI thi e lsLry office, Brook _________________ ktnAs, N 1IL z 1tb. 1 Hsaw,ÂO 5'Jw'U NATIAN I iRE LIE A)) ARIE ZSURNCE LLI0TTSPROWLE,FRFETR-- lias, foty . of !Ontallo. Offfic- E Go eeaaoion.ilALYSAE Fonteuldoiis the reStreColk'tno ~t Ow Hrdar SoeBrokStee P ie RKO C BtouGilIA)i TO FRENCIIMi 7- LA asss çt e-# jbyStation, on tire Grand Tnui a il aCOTT'S HMOTEL, M RCHANT TAILOR, NoR4 ING BT couuecting wvitirtire "r lyBTOO , weat. Téontai. 10 Mrnorning andl Ereniug Trains. gtNDAITREETITBYF lSTl?'.JAMES HUBBA1I D Emtf .LangiStr. UrTlqig'S(Lote Wahlab') ROTE L.- laavember $rd, 1857. J. W.CALIDWEtlj ROWN, aiIt' iAT IME FFOR SALE. "ONXY qcj14COUMMSShONR FR THF, SU BSOR&IBER ILAVI NU TAICEN TUE klVitu, Aomenbut, iui Dlvi albeve Hotatfroan. Coke, la able tes!- ONBTAI4TLY ON BAN))DUR otu Ptireud epubliA e. 4 o4ua*r 'anraasd uminer Freai, I3zb 8?- ing Stroot, urary oppoale r te e eteoinoaiu LYocvhlecvIh a IfrCahnya j, t Xîd buiueaSi5,i ta a.prMATHEW CARL ~.puPt !atuet e 2 LER TWELFTII DIVI5ZOCU 0 C )Northaumberl anad'Duertt11104ist11911 7 ZOUN E BILlLINGS, 4gei t, Couvoyancoir,t&c. A&dure*»sWiliums IA 1AOÂcEl-qrx'- &(IONqVEANOiNlG burgir, Cartwrilght. L u Of5~Fie&br.OXTABJO ROTECL, -TUST recolveil a oaslinmeut o! Wl A. MAI31,De A., UBYAN Jr., IPROPRIETOut BROO qW e my (LebstIJatilery'lanth " TRÇY A WSLOTR etctWiLY Od tabîîg ug LIastaR1 Vince, in packages e! ftcut5 te 50 galons> Oiiuaer, ouyti.&oA., "naluStreet tive (latiers. thir subserorfofr sale uit a ver: Kaaarhbsiu. .n f. âgire forCoash. _________________CAXTON ]MOTEL,, THIOMAS M001 0. . uDÂRTqnELL... OUFFINS CURFER PICKERIG-000)) Commlatlon ~FJT RG1~TAR MSTR RTA-D sco o r liTraveilera. RÂILRO» MOTEL,) Ajrlar,@»d examiner ln Ohatceny for W. CUTIIBERT. EVERT01. oOD AC£OOMMODA il.a m onty On nl, 4àksL, liLy.I rorite. B good tabling, antierfal Ostîcrd WID R P "uL o t a s i Mm , h t w e e v i . m d . C a â s u d h b '1 o t# - " i rO ; f1 l p ro ýO , o 5u p m r m u l- o o a i t e o Ifr usrsetonAnm omiîL , H. tutébat o OÂOE.î: uqraaof'uft r oa ib, et o = sM'er e)ithe pub i %ptatoSDd offe s or itmrnt f m ust it !aitngexc riv l awe T H O M A S nM OqOD Y I nar g ! v l o t i c , c r p r t c o w e r -b c m e c i a l o r o t l i e r IiO - O p er f bc a t o me)e i t a roowm . 1- T O Â O D , ~a owens pr ie s on e r iiodati6n to pb i c iv ur x w*T7 attention Q ) ~ ~ ~ tbut tb eige w here hr e, mttr O f thé ýp 0Tý' 'f d.I f rpetitti g ur "U A l b . t e co m fort o f t v e1 l6 II' GQ o il 8 1 . s w 'b tb y , 3 6 y t 1 M t ',o h àll ,6 u e a r l s Ï tt é ad ' f t 0in p r o e o p o t f r r g u a t f g n v -.~JSE VN LKE. Canada Gazette snd iii t.be NViitby. Chroniele or botundariCs, or for doing anv-thjui tend- bl».- NwTa .'nÈ SBlibUelowppro' ot al e l' ite udate ing W effect the -rig t'4f r k~y colother --- -r-N eoTàf. psirties-tr e herely n oplfi ed th t th y ar c As witnepes, my bond thie third day of 1)o required by tie 62iîd, ô3rd, und 64th litiles »L~~LT STAGE - SIMPSON & FER<OU8ON' cember, lit the ya i iiE SP BT UL.Y ainounce toi thein- eigt buiidrBdd d f Wy[wO MOrepbhahe nfal nTHé'O notic E'WEZZi WHITBY Jpi,-1ý AKD I) NDSAY -&% habtantsof Wi!,yandDWAILI) Çý MOQAN. Gale~tte] two sive TWOMNH'ntc ANDWIITB AD B4YÉR!QN. o't r-,that they barve opened aSoletG. fr h.Peitonr.'of th. application i the Catiada Gazette, Tmjtoe' Ihp o Brck 5ree. ___________________________ nd'almo in sone newvepiiler 1,ubiihed in -T theCounty$hoUnoonof ountis' uifeeted p ASSENGERS cea n travejl, th ipgh fre 'o i it h ntarlie Mote, whev i q1 ( wrw endinw7ý 't c oyo no fC uliw ùf-C eppos1.th place thebedonsewitb 17cdTT.copies of the first.inlti agt of aiteli Th eaés ui Pro stdiv bý,oeit,ýA EYO R X N Yate 13111 OfliCQ, Quebec,. iterplcetheLisaedy 4i.t~'tdLJ'~ Lnotices tothe Pi iein filaes e te «Lînatsud Begve*O1 arnàtloeusand despatcb., 51W N. AT Whitby, Oct.. 2OLbi 1850. Al 60ADALlE OfD Bt e~ o fice , 'W = ùy , " f'x,,OUChie ! Ce icý r P iv te 1Bill offl ie . tune.80, 1858. loteu .À e eylsth T D i o NOTIcE. E nssuesa wiLthe hëGoïernmSIit PRESEERVE YOUR REALTHf. U A A A AVING purobssed tihe attire stock of IL ' -îi urcî,rh tt eai l îor Daniolis C64, wtth an additionlo oÉ1ulcic, st en r - . - L E > Af t h a i k à t e t l i e a i a n M o f W l i t b yv a n I~ N Stck ..oe fASOEND NOFFICE 11; QUE- vieiairy, lor the, libertil paîtrituigýe ,mtO.w'iJ we fater orse s t.hst w ecadu vOnlr@ bed for Lb. Tranti n e !b.B u- non hl in c qïeo liéconnietieèd busieiîilu Lhiia 'D épartm etal N otico.1 f4iLonLOe ail who maylavor un wlth a Coi nesa of Parties resifd in , laUpper ùlanada Towsî,atid wond now Apprise ail li> ticut0iiirpt 1OSEPH HUOKINS & Co. ér elsewrboetewiLhany of the, Goverroment tht ielafuuliteds of; iintettok tIGE3TO 1N-RAL'S OPPICE, BrooilsNoveber othusv- 48 Dea rtment& éTlOrse s'uxir Poions dmousî o! aeningPatenta for 1< TSIOE A Tovabfaratieige, and 'twaa h.ld consulta. Lane or having 01.1w. of anyother kind . -1 11 Quebec, 1lkh.ovember, 1809. Lion, - ~~ge nsl15 an Fitting fir l ho wih nl enl QUIt (re i e eis " TC IJi uitb n a tl whleh wus Lb. m.Lod for fortification;heb.Goumentï orreqnuring à1114ad,,Y i0%'. Gvll ete'antiChyiRduedta' ' E la hereby givi ht # nýrC i A ae akîl1lmuaou gave le bis oplîtion, fiormàLlofl obtai natbleat Lb. Crown Landsa prjeco. 'J I ( oînîcul beùlîiaaa Jtte the 14LIt imi'tanit, it Tait oting but atone coula sceure b. do -Cor!other Publieý'Offices, :inay bave' their Al worlc triade tW order on tlic Pr(enlimcs bv is duî'ceted dt uil i r.tiwlaik. tqiul teto îli ddtis miailon, ~~~~~basiness dilligently attended to by a Reai- aubacritber aind hla own 'worktien. No ilopis, pIldla i(- dt li 'alhrtoaCi ueo Aaptradtothtaaelspe, dent Agent, wltbotLthe expense and in-lu-iit gooti and duriî.i truba i CaiprieitCI cr eriptioli antd 01i-a1ail irtic'les ait'Irorr, 'Twsbete7y fr L d.endltwth ak covenletice o! a journey te Quebcc. Solicting your cîlatoni, aji wiirnîgyUw'oaîr la~,YlwMiii or 7,ja,,inaa, A crrir blîa b, wsertha btliLheae o-Patents o! Invention aken out.,,%avé0 yom nioney and rei'cive yotnr lîcaîlîha îy tflactaireortiiaiittild iti:ytîa iii dgether, otsad liomfotith n er. ioil bvil bythin litathe bull i 1 ad'iiagiiag Said, t7 ~what you pleoue, Ibere la uothlng 1k. All prepaaid eo:nmunieatonsa, addresed ueaaîa 3osat liaafonta ne' ~ 1 altwtat Ielaata<t i. ' les ber. te Box 886, Post Office, Qaiebec, wil re- ~signeti ut f i le, iiiîdi of .î i-lW(iudig ceive immediate attention. toklrç IVib,îeCidir) îilaaiiilat. -80 lm sAYg- il. J. GIBBS Whoe you wiil meét with ail kiaids of ati abepd li b tiinu(ori' l0 thcir:la or necr- - W1l in adago i fo siotW'liiutlacy sliaafi hiive pain liascç.îthe W'yIL.IAMfr[ M2c rBIElÇ, Quebec. Sept. 28, 1859.1 8w1l Loin ago i fo iiiupoia tg eur inîaairtiati<l> latoCaiii. LdiesO'anud Gettleuit'#; FogiiileBieoot sudD .FR . JOSEPHI BANDEL. Tie arderiii Cotaai i'lic r lrel1n t'tiu ___________________________________ ept1,;;Ii~lip, Buill er fo )Iii4-r thae dr.aw--a; k eh Il Shoe maker, R D LEN A G , Rp 1189il ,k 14L N ÀU H a1OaW-.W ftirisia tua'('u lituo utisýtuiis na>.. i- 03O IL N . W r V FFAILOP N. 'Y., Cation t ilIe cordigia ail o: ar airtie!es 11131.11 wiliieli j "lf lcl iiit iaou t el'î ba. slaa:aa'iaig thie hai fe Lie ysrsLuien TERanunnprecodentcd %uccesfil practice N. W. qaîaiî.aaia .fll$ ,ynha'iaaa <aalu The above, bsfo hast a*eeli etain ver t t er, bigabout retarint i, Rf ~OIS vauana u anaaa i ilr iia' i o!ieiîirLy yers beWngous pora<'da aitie ,im o i .ilî<s f itiriiite baid au.c; î- tl i itîle r Boots sud Siioc#a ut téeColin- from setivé praetice tit é requetatof unc eroliaUJ.aJURL W R S te lan t i£-soLail, l týcbllii, 'e ty show. finsi l -ata-he <sty iecnsn-auni-giaî4ig f -e la icailiai wianle of'thae ri Ocm t W Norobut te béât iitîsîcriaa and bbéat work- edomk w eielpeartintr1 BOKSIET IIBY, iaiaeîaa.tadw<re t'>eJ aid i î tt' au' 1 ,iiior il ttl p mae ,nte.rnie.fi"Odc, ahhoka t oe té c..aiî< caST'RElE'TiIa'W1111ot;.ii raaî a1ie< tien ai Up u to i e r tîllab c. fils oid w hi.ch h oeb as b s adth n re a ti k n ow edge da s u th f th e B a t k of! Mo n trea .) Ileiiioiar a e îP ort;l v tu a tla ' i frnd s ,antu i n w ao te l a h t b. rd e iy p o lis long exz nle c , snd lion lie* the ni w itta1 (ÀA few rod stl a i o t b su p r e b he 4 ii ë t la 17aor ua .3anfcturer and Dealer ial kinds o!f ril 'ui1; tr1a11l&iaaii jr1ii~ a> s wi B o k t u a t u a i l a15 9r e w u ti n t e d i t i t t h e D o c t o r n o t i l a g l i e & )al i > e a r t a î a e a t . a lli r i ît a g t l a a r t r ia tî i o u t i t' aalM id Br- kl , tiyi18 9 b a it-to oth rg, Lt la but, n ee aary te say. A G R LC U L T U R A L 1I 1P L E M E N T S < tti u acli c t u bctt t b 1 elid.uiii.ar Seuli that lhe bas for years preacribea for front 4,000 -t u tel dcli i ln. GERMÂln HOUSE, te 5,OW persmei, awayto i ilthétegreratetot LWiIHT AND iEAVY 'WAaGOti8, ' to aaraollraat i i'ti: delalin l tt ei, FBONT sticcéas. N014raeMMtiat have badiled other unedical iRONT5TEEETIENTO. M0u,4ylelted reaadily Le hie trentinent, aundipar- Market anti Bob ScgaTwo-itorseculiýnl c1ttyteS"letvlildttiwi* h SL ubseriber baga te anuonc e te . In- nmset cine >ally from bunaireds o! mahes to tie rettors. Ploughs o! voi lotis ti'>b'eanal style eaaaie.tuIlia: ll'u itaeat lceiiia ilrdt T l'a ad te ra ore . T e octr, iow ve, b it ot ee abe. eaitltii t he lIs> Ollettot uW;lLbe autl.oa z'd tu habitants ef Trentotti té rveling ierot. h. oc tore oer, iiihn becuarie.Scbrtifflcrs, Cern"ant Pâtaîtoe Culat'vaLoh< îaay litainuînanuajiaaeai. eel-cmmunity iritthe above finoacison os. hasuisenkbubs Le cueevyha eiiein w ote.Scacandi Turip D.rillsRond hcrapres &c. 'Vieêtar:wlai.k iaerc-Loef"re nacrtaine i t(up. ,ibeen fiti plu a new anti ceuveaienstit uer. wLin bh a ut aphis 1mad 2. ThénneiuOloThni. t -l t -h 1prtlojý o* '0ÀO rt 1a a l em m tti âo. L O IP R F E .X c ie e ard o h r ai ' , ew e îaiae ilito this Pri l.e r-ale- BLOOD FURIFIER. 1i.'tly te tha e ea it ay cf'A.g 18;,m$ Al Liq tirs kept on thé promiaes ane o! thoiencier te athépurcat éxtroet of han»ta iat,Iled t"I ilc hect2Veeýp9 aut best qnuality, citec Cic aoarp. Ahlmo, a Livery umade entlrely or root*anîd Iterba or im ailEverytbing in flic aboyai lino atttendcd te grnitîiîca rtva l,.isaathae iipatiri; ..niti Or-létffo l couedonwih teaoepoie.foralgu conatries, te hast proptcrtiet of whrîclr witb Paînctiiîuity andal (ieapness. Agent ableailelit, tuiicss ii ii u tableoreennocationby au endreioie chwinicndpamvera54 'il IAitGzs NODEiIATE. t aotaeila langer dome s i iiactive pîaI'. o t:rsnwcmint çpr ndMw udefjt te-J. B. GERMAN, Propreo mhe usa usieaiv okagiacI r. ' R . . oUIErE cd, nthe Liver anal Kidaiev'a, cxyrh~i aue %anaaa b-iby Octber 12, 1859. 7 fhiia-ni' fCatiaaJBîic ryTrenton, Aug. 8, 18,59. 80-GimW ail mnorhid moatter, tlitat*bningîiiac ataitot <n-Irl I] _____________________ Lit an acrgusîtatniat iu ei LivOal ai't ic, oal Oil and Lampe, TO THE AGRIOU'LTITRIST. nyATLAS IRON *WORKS, a lmyhleai on ta0 c ins ipi i it , l ua and(avi pai(tûlthe Kiaziej< iapiad Ca- jar Front Street, Toronto. aM stuipton, D V#M dpAa. (nra aîm i 'g -- - ui, rafaa>l lilt-th'aSuresmb' , e'--" Il bFri bas just recciveti a Vcry Artificial ?vanuVe. - O A LEGAE o., lor IMland.A4ge, andlaut1 tlicC.lt ICtwlaiclt Ulicnewest patternrufld -'itltthc latest tari- mir! deIoFlif1a. ýLjB EU te inforn thé public thtuit they hvravev ale t ian g r îire . proveti buriucîs,. Pia ir iii tu."'b ~~raa' a'it Irien L centracnteal those extensive promises on state o!blocal. Itis o! aitna1ttt liftreftra, roxx. $1.and 't.pwvai'd. "io<aanigia t'accariaJ la et'l atoll Bnoecy, ia the îuacat comploe style for Carry- The im c l'etFon tré, frtînlui.upe awhéOtaj aa wl nvr ekê o mnami it oayr 11i doon'i: jaf'clypir .)Pai.w'iit'lir'at :lt al iilaa'ai'ai' ses lugeanthre business of F3VEK LMEDICINE$ anti frcc frein îanîy îajllea,îrat.izuîcli, anai M.iuaî.re, Guaiiia. Bottes. Nitri ait(ial:r ,t ani a .l..ugj~9i Anad inut nver be taet ecept i coiînerf'n is sciaut 'foronto Pnices. Tt givea nightlarlita',&. . be u7uhaKvILAingLbX m1tu@ wow A&with No. 1. lt;wil theat cure lu IM matOie h -eqîîaah togais, aLlest; th-in haif te corat. la Chcarher titain Fîrun Yardhllairc ms ,utsakaado eeaa Aras uart Fluii undi coraîmon 011 Lanilis alterca tu, AND Or £ASIE It A Pl 1>T.IC TiY. dalaiite rnpc. t, of0/COMa, aadil Ps iaut flut ruu They nviteinspetioneiri aerons Put-or Arluie.--TIitcae edicinos wili oII'ct ,u îLEs, bti-ta Cuail u1 t an lîctrs noticel'r'ice $Z'" rientoi.. Froua tlarece tof ve et. 1. ten o r an n a Io a c t, m c ne net reiuovala' ot n c 0> 0part <> th eut ody to t hte G EO. Y U LE. J %,. Istitcie ti t :i<ce Vorandaha, Vatuit 1Dn-rpq,Il'lain aud Ornanionta othien. P.S-Sttionery, Sciacci Books, Violima, l'a u it ra ii hini-of' threî'ecwl. t'ica. onaLIrait Cluinaîs, Wiudow Caps, SUis sund Ig Rentenîber te prevent cnif'aioil, tîreite Flottes, Aceaîrdcotikr. uindi superier Vieli ole1- f ~-. AR CIIITECTUR dL WORR, MdWcnea are preparoti by (>LîtDoairoit Ficu tnigs o aeco et*- voeu ILLgNAIUOB wîî, ha pacicet in i la rn-, o ae hu.à74 LH. W. Wtlt)1)WAI.H>r L 01 of overy descnîpteta Coeking, WParterYAndît'r. tutu, 1859.74y' tf ýt re Stoves;- Grutea, Ci"en Menthes('aIsudreus, Suîgar Te pra'veut trains1,a correet hkileeasor the WitpAY h hoe Kettica, Plain Cattigsb ;;; Forglng, ail ef Doctr lai on thre wrapu'er of catch bcoue. aaîd ' I(T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lien. whiels they ciler tte iTrae aud ithera ou md- '"Dr. Ffed. »ehenbaiigii &Co., Biffalo, N. y e16 U. LUIHADE«N OUR IXUSIOAL FRIES.ID Din vantageot orits. W couutry eiders pu'e- bhowa in th ewisu. hincctio t colaîpanyisng C n e a c r o m sini B 3 tenta tuaiy attendeti ta>. cach bbttUe . 1 .igla oli fMr $1 lier botthi; ui'u cI<lCE i acCoin- A are Toronto, 0(.tober 20,l857. 40-tf No.$ fur 75 cents. With titainîpisi inotice IstuER 0F 31ARRIAGE ICENSES, %J'A C i")lll'oar teM! er o io i'arcttd wcc thoy are'ff.eréd Le tha ,uhlic, rely iug utheir ' ns. __________________________________vintuiesîlaircooineaa uag thetimaalveo. Fr AUCTIONEERLAND AGENT, ac"Suir 'Vaiiuii ' '.ct it a.CP AD E N , %ale by î i~r.DMKuiOX COURT AGENTr, &C 1. Eecr'v Cui, p litFlte 1 U1îe tist JnAS-irottiaul E.Jia'ry Aaaitalt> îaaaî , <'ait a' a IVih e iiaf t ait " tii cine Pvîle ncie lnaia c! tli' iaintr, t 'd ri th For the County of Ontio. t hT YSURF bMARiIIACGE TACENSIUS.CON- )or JL V#-.VANCEIIalatiC(MMISBIONER for iche- takintg Affidavsivna ta>. B. aid LC. 1. nced Addîns-s. AI' VJOOMANT(JN, Jr. O. Ttnwiithip o!linoek. *by -NOW 18 THE TIllE. 30 il m V OI M N 's AT SoleAgen Whihy cN information Wanted. 1%F .itIIN IIOPRINS, virc EMîGILATEt) "J te Ciau)ia lun1830, frotitose uisir ch f Dataiti Stoko, Iampehire, Englaiti. Any infotiuaatiott contiiated to tItis Office nc aciaghawillbciretalikfuiiy êceiveti i-y iea lrothe-riCiarles Ilonpliria. F-Pr s mOiee, Luladeutl, Nov. 17, 1858. MALT VINEG-A-R. AN'S J~ ~ou ~ errect andl ilfo-ilkeAmbre- VNGRcnnvLem a rer A N S ty peC am o y Lette r i pi, or L éatirer r( A L T v î ( Tratiber, or ai likeies lu a iiiket, Bro mci or [L oru alq ia ttcatrei Hing, for J. A. C. cas do, It ilathebelst style, W hitb'v Br-ewerv. 1 i 0anal ut mirt notice. a WILKINSON'S BLOCK FUItTIUER NOTICE. 4U 88Broc/ Streei ïl y1i.- Il. W. WOODWARI), -ALaiersous indebteti te us, eithcr bit 11 IOMMISSION MERCHANT, INSURANCE Not or Book Accouant, will pieuse cuill TI 81( >aalGeneral Aet iý-Aeyoc-adsettie tbe mrnée vitheut delay, anti Agnt Oica-Lilyocn ,t2 d pied by Jm sH dgsn, Whithy, 0. W. sav tV.ClS littrzxîcs.-hOn a lrkson, Esq., pro- L. Il SCIIOFIELI) & Ce. ident Bonitl o! Trade, Torento; W.G .Cassel, ehi*bb 'ilu lt, 858 28-tf a q Maager,Bun>eB. N. Am ricusTornte; y su la iti> W.W R nots Esq., Manager Qne600 Batik, - T rotoi - %. G nabie, Rsq., Milton M ll. To-N E S hTL XT oito ,,lion. P. McGii1, reâdnt Bak or'lMon- NE S!NE S ! tnmul, M ontrea i Mosan. M aitîann, Tylece k F IdItateiluon, Tovonto; Measura.Andensen, Evans A LL THELATEIITIIONME AN)) FOREIGN aiske, & Co., Moatreal; M :>mra. W. Pnice di SouQtîe- M Nevupapens Revieva, M guzns au e hre- bec; Mas iq. 1.J. Nouai &Ce.'- bon ly ivodicaiis te Ce fd u tha tLa 'y ACTION BUINESS DY, ATTÉENDED te'* au amui, by J. O SterlIng. CHRONICLE BUILDINGS, (Break St.) a Agent. Ail crdera relattig ho Auetio sales by the' - tudérge, shonîti ire ftuit tieCirrouiclo Of- flce, W hitbv. Mosans. HigPns k M iyoriroffer TuuîxiEfU Mmcurrniot-4 pèvaun -ati py- &T1ON are dualy autiroized te Appoint MY t fsaoele, abe qusrterly, in advauçe. aiwaym seule * ormi, t&c., anal Le enter intn snob otirr Lavyors' Anti Meveharits' lenko% ndiotrera, sAteta osie oe n eesr hs cus n rarrangements relatitig to my anetion busines+ v1s opjai.ni velt thLIentfront nesoit. on f Y bc--a A I 2 p er a nu î , p îayab l e q ai mv malte on mybehl - * 12tadvaîtce. n have l ttI*m e il11patsof Lbe Country. ýràgn d . 0. STERLIN G . W atbyq F br aaatl g>t, 1859. a on te ~~flilb-yMu. e) tarer ef, Planes, keloaeous, POLKAS, be~ ~ ~ & ct :u:u .an generilvorknuau for'IVALTZEs, ling Le tho repair of aili kktiuiof Mu*Insi utruument», .la nov prepared Leresia n deueall or- GLOS Ofie<er noisWbe t Aitwôrk msftuu» bbhlfficeîb-a g ArsItet !euloka UDIL itg al bPou0 aOG e. tiumontse3paiîifotated to o e . U ' LIUQN PIR ', e i f lis 1'ôov ubouse e Ï4 t ho G ra nm r-Bw sebe,tanillbe puuaý3y tendeal Le. g2 Raritcnie-a'omatoiBrock, CealiaI01 nul1\1E lUNI)IN"il1E vtflXLTh" itainiai an;ua.af Twel"c ~~faihl-sizeai '. c-at'eif aal1siuoot Mil nain or10 i en a. THOMAS MYERS, nai,5i liiyrani,5.(;Qî'nel,$.S LICENSE)) AUCTIO-NEER FOR TIIE i froaautie areitt Newdeutaalt' <a!i yn ull mia 1.1eMurle tiugj l ay~oiar autisa f iails ai, un COUNTY 0F ONI'ARIO. * îiiaitaitleulnntoCea; tuuai it' ysr>wanat SI traie for 1tire Finie, 'tanhiti. Coi et, Liurculct. Accordion, - ~&C., &C., subr ibe ta' tIi, ?ÂlCNtERrS SALES inthtie Ccnntnyf will nec- - ceive promipt attenîtion, on reusmîllel"m LaD arma :-Likwiae, Ganacotiaigaîcal ouaij eatiaiagI aiomcitti-~ aliiito Lithe AitationRa hueiwiilliec dispoacal rte the iratiiaivanitiige. saleitat trs>Aaautioa 10 Ceutsa lNumbet; Verarîr $2.50; ocrai eveny SÂ'iunn.& JitiIf.yeanly, 012 . Di.aeaite oe!les., Rihrgboncs anti Shavlina, Ail tia Iiack.'<imiibrstiitt 10 étitrand llnal ire treuitat i iti perfect tauecasai. 'ti,lnirii)ctuiriig17 a','anaat .0 ac Adaircas, wheîitiy l'on.a oailrti aalai.' THO(MAS MYERS, C .SYOR&G. Antiou Rooiir, 70 1.è7 Nian iNiw Yonk ------------- l Whith, Febuury Stls,1859 - ---y1OLC0t ]EARTHENWARE. TOT1 hMOONIEY fiou Prc-lcOtt OffirM for prie. TIIOMAS 319O(DYI - Agen .WVhithv. N~. 13, iterchiints ,td i)ealerm wU ill à Ç~to tieir advantage toîneet M r. lMoouo,%toc(k,lit tile agent iiWhlitbye asid ex'îrni,,ie tis liât of Priee~ before eoieludulig cxpcisdvc plirchosem Witby, Nov. 17, 18511. 8-4 E ,nntiérî;igied lhua. a lare qaiantitv e!ftil 1' btiîofS tiré'ru har uand, w'iicIili e viii disçpose o fen libenai trmis te paruies ne- qurinigtesaime. ADr ction, ' if y iettc7, (pout puiid) te hé JAMES B. CAMPBELL, 80 4in .<4aklazarnP. 0.,-'0. W. (JIRCULAR., HFE Undo runad beg* te aîntmte t» Ilai Patis aitaglaitla C ,ma'aea Patieeial Curt Ci lc-letlbpirii Cniv vo-on questeti. ARTRUR HAWES. -pSl. Refereneos kai-y pcrniitted tO George rouîpt Thtom"ntaKcona", T. C. 'Patrick, anti (;. l. .nuoti, sqnire.'1 1 Llntisy, NovîOmbcr Otit, 1859-.' 48-Sm ChaIWni-cry Noice n1To urIe AN-r DALL, liasja-1lîiiitt TIOBErT MOQiNn ai dFRANCE£S MOON, blii> IVife, ifdant. thre T.avtiiiuî a'o' Beicî~iili Lii'e oanIit>' oaÇOttî rio,e, cIruiuaa. ai ce,-,-d&, (U. tie, itiiakti tilit e ont on"iitanut flic 1,-t <1<>'of .penian 85D0) arne i a'-. before ian cf' tiia IAqek iathie Saneireai Wt'aliesaiti>, theut' httauv oait' )iiiitirv lieL, te conte lunratail prove îlî.îJoe IIse flire, tire ti:u,sl,ei dMai4truinia n arialn of the -suai C'ouart, att Ina, Caiîltt'i, ta agee listil, inuthe ofi e'Tonoutt. o(r i.dafauvît thtercot' tliey tu~~ ed 'si-oc tire belleao of Wt10 t an Tues da), tire24th diay of .îanairy hél ex t my 1p.ia elbaauabers. asje a 10 dteptoeal ivoaLire milt claiaaîa, .-tai if l(t fe n tho aii'a, thte Rmne aili lacâi iraid tt aîjttiîenté,d ipoi lit mx ai na 0lamben I t1o!fte ock, no,lw c tajEetiuay, tIýo ,Tîtdsof lébraary atéXt. - ' t , 1t é 7 t l d uiy of N o v e m bî e , 18 ,r9. .- À1<.LULL, -STRAYE D, ) 0M lt)Llit JjiMrilirIDM ibe [J. A. CIsrk9a list IPrizO Pict'grO Gallery 1

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