Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1860, p. 4

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Or TEM T LNlUI t~ubI-. 4n kcIe T'h. GIRCULATION Thau thatof ayot Paper -.in the Pràvin FAR, EXCI Tlhe circulation of all papers in the (Joui Ontario United WEEKLY CHRO ONLY 8EMI-WEEKL' PER ANNUi Tho, Chroniole iz the Paper to Advertin in. BITISH 'REYIEWS., lnglesdiâgbrzitlshPeliodicals, vis- mu Oeew FtYAieu5LT (Cozservative.) g. hg. su ton u m tnsw 571E7W (Free Churcli.) 4. ra.s rUîuuSTRum uvîsew (LiberaL) 5LAOKWOOD s- INui;uIu WAg.(zuE (Tory.) Thon.' peoModsl abf>' reprusent thea tbm..i greatpoilcl parties cf Oreat Bn.- talai-Whlg, Tory, sud Radical-but poli- tisf(rins cul>'oee fouure or thoir cheast. or. As Or gans of 1h. meut profcund writors on Science, Literature, Moralit>', :aud Religion, (bey stand as they evr bave stood, unèivalled InlutborId of lot tors, be ig considered Indispensable te i h. choltxdLthe prolessional man, while te (ho Intelligent mnder of ever>' rimes Ihoy ftznimh a inca. correct and atisfactory ro- cord cf tho carrent lterature cf the day, throaghoui the world, than eau b. possibi> obtainedfrein an>' other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt cf ADvàiçcE anaur frein the British publishers gires additionai value 80 th. Reprinta, luasmach as (bey can now b. placod In tho banda cf sabscribera about s soon as the original editicas. Per sun. * . or an>' ou. cf 8h. four Reviews ... $8 00 For au>' two cf (lhe four Revlewa..5 OÃ" For au>' tbroe of tho four Reviewsi.. .7 00 For al four cf (he Revies-a»........8 O0 Veor Biackvood's Magazine ... ..8 00 Fer'Binckwood andI one Review. .. .5 00 For Blsckwoed sud wo Reviews ... 7 00 For Blackwood sud thmce Revieva .. .9 00 For Blackwood and tbo four Beviews.1O 00 Mioney, ourrent in the. .tate w/tare iaued a*l boS recaleed aS par. CLuUINO -A discount ef twenty4five per cent. froin th. aboe. prices wlll ho allcwed te CLUIs odmngfuormore copies cffsny one or mnore cf thc aboe works. Thuas Pour çopies cf Bieckwoed, or of ene Revlew, wiii Ille sent te "one addresfer,$9 ; four copiesl of the four Reviewsansd Blackwood for $80; andsnoou. Canadian maili-subscrlb.rs wiIl b.suap. plled free.ocf17. S. Postage. Remittace for an>' cf the above publics tiens ohould aiways -b. sddressed, peut paid, tq the pablinibora LEONA1ID SCOTT-h CO. tow Noi 54, Geld Street, New Y+r thé Poterboro' Examinoil TM.URODAY MORNINO, 'rwo DOtLLARSPua AitivN as UàI NE "l'gothe la esî elrognlo j' ia ipi cf pbitbed la 'Ferb.oo *sud tberot'ore fic hetaîdvortioig medinum lu lhea 16. 1 '44 '%-/ A. MePHEBSON, P. Y. W~itl»,Apnil,1859. a 1w. RET7ESb isMasincere thanka te the oltisens. XbWhitby sud vîoluity, fer th. vemy libevsl, fatronage eseended tehim lunbMa profession..-. He new takes lhave te acquasnt hi. mimerons trionds sud the public, thathoehas fully'oomple- ted bi* srrangementa for tbe permanent p luic ef hM profesion, lu (ho Tovu cf W Iikby.- Teeth mounted ou GoIgi, Platina, Cheopliati. 1Moel, ho. Teth liled wlth ifGOLD AND STANIEL F01LJO sud vith Doctor Jonc's new Invention th. non. coroalve pari emetâ-equal 80 gold, îut net so c05(17. Teeth extracted y the usùal promiaa without pain. ÂA te of tweuty years ln bIs profession, Ju, s oues' te, uates teli s patients asl bt protemloula l . -and -udepenionce eau aceempl[sow&rd@ alleviting human sufferine. In ihe trestinocfail affecciona of th. Teethi, ci"s sud -facial ueay,m-Tlc-doloreaux, ho0 r.Jn » pratioe h ave alvaykboeen ttnded ;Wlth ah.greatest seine. OFFICE st ta. old Dental Stand, over Jce, Bigolow's Dry Goode Store. Ruvaxxsm.J.Hamu Perry, Rhq., Mayor et Whitby;- N. G. Beyacids .î., SheilAf, CO0.; W. 1. rremayas, haq., Dr. Choee sud Dr Guna. Novomler 948h, l8b8. DENTISTRY, DR. C. O. JEROME, IN rotumuIng thanits te bis numerous frietd and he public gencirally for (heir liberal ptronage inoe.lie conimoend practice ln tbf.i Tow vawouid homo tae occasion te state te ail those who are irequiring Artifllal Tôoth, that ho bas nov obtaaed a tcblue fer wrkin; 8he vulcanisod ubbcr, upon vhich ho. yul nert aili kindm a-nd styles of Teoth, ~eap, /o ha# ow r beondoie be/ora wlýth (is =rocas". D. C. C. Jzmvswlll guaratea. 80 lot the most dtiffionlt o'vlwth -tho groatoat preelmion lu> ail full cascs, parties cau h ave Blook Teetb wlth Solid Ouais, vhleh lsg lu every respect, tam su parier te sny other kind et womk kuovu la use. Thia er k ishighl op rovod cf by ail cf the l,éding Dentiste fla NewYork, and pris. cipal oties'thtreugbput tbe UaitedStaSe. owicg te fts boîag mach ligbtor and cf a non-crcuivo naturo, ana 18 lI, after a test of tIre. earsff, decmcd hlher sud more preferoble thsu gold or env cothérinietelic plats. DU.Jaiexx would visb 8te,8e b.borne lu mmnd th cba o bueatly odaced the, prices whleb herotofore were the, standard. He weuld aIse farthem suite (liat ho lias becu coawatutly uslng tho shov. named mateinal tom noverali montha pait, durlnig which (ine o b bas put np a groat number o et casensd iIl Instances (lie bes cf satisfaction Las bcou manifoeted 'by (ha patients. Goi, SIJ1ver sud Platina Pla4u muSw op te the Latuot Stylos,9 Okeaper t/ian tum;~ and War ràtU Ail Surgfical operatiens cf (he Te.th or GOums skillifully pefonmed. l0-Teeth extrseted vithout b oana eft elcctriclty. l'aý8ou lam atenion gfvýe' onte oregalalen0of 0hc1 dreu'p Te.th. Conu aionFe& Al worl, Warmato P.S. Ukl sud examine spelmeus oethIis wri befor ogtiaeyou teeth iuseted ls.vbere. poBLOc., M Lomu i Sept. 1à, ln . ' ~ l-Ww fjrmSsoulbeus s r evre# d ta fuir- wlth su «oellot,. rtlia lu ueh ýqwastts m.?y b. e M* su arn e !tpurêý Bouw l a.*qual te thé Importied irtc.. ChutiyX ý J dbhWOODWARD. No 1ôc W . *4810« . wu= xthtsoff'07s74c- 'w l* vs" Boue, sud ther odrso,lng£oR'MI, a G.T. ue:.loi trv.UlmgPetR.e a 00M m t, l- 1LtI 2. fretvery glt DL lnsdp. . Letton for Mentiland p;=ca Eiaof Kug-a ire mouI1 dempted bythe Wgh nîsil go- tpu sLgW le.iudlnpubroP PtiekerluwTisonto sud il pis... Wet of To-, ais 5. ~ '~.B.E.trivellubPct 08. DufolrdeII%1hiY Oro M10 &.C4,and t7a0.mn. L of the Tb hffils forPekering snd Dunb&rtn are ouly mailht byah. momuuug Irâingqolàg West. North Miil ve dally aftor bd arrivai c -thé train froniToronto, for Brookbi, Mnhes-' ter, Port Pou- ,Beah, Lisidaar, aliB- verton, Port froc ver, Ashbumn, Epoin Utici r n sd IxbrmUget aise for &Uthe eorreapoedlng of- M Waeil as made up aitime fer And- ley# Brougluani BlsainGreenvood sud £1»-. sal dily on Tneaday, Tbursda su Satu rda ImAltonas, claremont ads ud i- ier localMvleairede. for deiver>' from, h.ofiesm LCe anI ML16 MILS-Frin hlotToE ArS.e paid, byido the other t:Jy plaeuâh Uopultd p e s, (d épostg th thr Tosy lmllb.UitdStts,(teop sttb road&eroiste: Ngo niuet esp th.d orr r onSu dssyBocsaud plthedtma cle orte ue statesveganda pootge muetb pro-sî y pag n stamps, dorosncb Foternos PtoCLS leet Ie olh"'e otb Ailt (miarulet oipetsilobdMiag bthoe t prolad, muas tm propali Postg stemp or (bevy Panont oferaden. 0ewsacsor (atheorouhNetldieor ook@dlandl, musted ber paithe Uostae Stamps te adenostge ind behî 'dutr p OFFICe IIRms.- Wd oekshmatrens.p n nted. n.Suiss, re tin t 0,.w E Posage Smut ep a . umhash Postag tm or e. autb fradd I NUuAN<IB effected ou Bunildings and thler contente. Every information snpplied on application ta 8h. unàdersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Travelfting Agent, Byron ireet, Whitby British Amuies Auuva."c ompascT, NI;OOBP£MTE under au Aot of th. Third LSession cf 8h.e Moventh Provincial Parlis menu ppercantda CAPITAL £100$000. Irsuranucet efted on Buildings sud their ecutouts. Every Inforaaton u pplled- ouap piicatign t th. e rslgnd. Maia. iakb forth. S.sanorforPnrts. ý l'. ,JOHN AGNEW, Travrellng Agent, Byron étreet, Whitbl O ieS »l555 N» liq 0 500el ONPO XUEPE OFFAT à 00.,j 'Ageuta fr Cenada L Whà& 0,I. W QD lu nimpn, iOWD5Dip of UEAtiIII5IWIun of th. verybest lu the Townihlp ofD.'I gli.Town ]Lote, Perr>', and Sernia. 'Al» a h* Town Leia'm the Towa of For atil.Lou. and18 on flrgdr4U Mech.ile snd ootes deuirous of- baud. lui eau bave frOunil te18 m'outha to iako'the finIpaymuut. 'Bond for.,& ous~ Ades~ d October 17, 1859. as9 Su s cres of.exellent sUd in the S. E. snirle Ci ett1, lu n8-he,& con. of Uxbridge, 1qh. timbeon 8h. land je trot cia., pin.. Alan for sale or to jet, 8 âcres of élesr.d land pia. W. angle cf111, Ond Con. of Beach for- nmrli owi:by -Mr. Roberts. This lad 1à under oltivation, and la execlent order. It- 4ii . od te suit purehasers. or viii b.ý 1.8 bs àstesdy tenant. For terrns spply ta ÃŽRAS. JO)HNSTON. Maiton, C. W. Torento Towahip. or te THOMAS BEAUL, Whltby.- M l, la.B.ed vii show the land ln Uxbridge Malte», Nov. 158h, 1859. 4 Ifons. aUd Lot for Sale. T HJ»Lt c0uSins one-Icurth cf an arre ot exoelbt Land, whioh inmin a bigh stateofe cultivation. Tiselhouse la a Franie building l8 by 24, and comfortably finished off. Itisa518w>- tedl lu a very pîcasnt part eft8h. Village et Ux- bridgebStn nar the churcb, 0heseheol, the çt o, sad 8h.eplace of goneral business. Wre andmnay b.known b apling te Win. lierj>ro wetor1aet Dr. BR0,$ rC Land Agent, Uwbridge. May, 1859. 1 JrOT No.27, luth. 8rd Concieu cf Whitby l (teWILKUsTAEN) adjolning the Town of Wtb.Apply te the loni. B. C. WILKliN, CarrigPI9.é, Cnus. W l"Ire, Esq., IBlleville, cr80e 2'e lion. Jus" oc qoe, » a -4 Kola., sIn" CsbI.11uéea' upl.-1 VAL.Dieksou. 1N4SPZTOEO0Y AGENOU-W.M. Lamssiy àu m dLIaman. MlceSerig Coutftuted I Act of Palimnt Ap».cles ln àlithe (olonl, whers Premluzns seeuelv.4asud CWshs stt.. 1 1 Ageweln evsr3r port of 8théwo;;d. I OFFCE-M TOBSO1$T *XCEANUE. OAPITAL-TWO MULLIONSSne. %3. pa.wmse>SMTwo hundred 'Thouaad ouaSterling. 2.urv lm A«d go Md OU uloim, ow du 1?IR INtIBNCEon Buildings, Furnitur. M sd Merohandiue, cof evcry description, of- fected on th. moët favorable torne. "t. short perio riaetakea on . Lroha*Miu e fr one, or more sonthe. lit ur0'~o ttv.ry sdvautageous terus forth. Maurd, wlth auaibonne anddluvision of Initois r7 Jeyn OHN AONzW Whbitby, Junot 1851. 20 lpHliSqX INSUBANqCE COURPANY. W-PAID UP CAPITA&L, $10OIOo.M- Pt.OICIES grasîted Imnediately on applica.. Itioti, wthout referenoe. t the Head Offlo9. C. LYNDE, Manager Whitb -Volt. 2, 1859. The Sc.ttieh Provincial AssurgnmOO Company - EsfabUuA.» . 1) 125, and Iuec7or&kd bg.a BP.e dof 052Paruaownt. CAPITAL -_£19000,000 OAwI<A»-UEAD OFFICE: Montreal, 9 Great St. James Street. Sszoê.a.-A. Davidson Parker. I NTENDING Assurerare respeetfully re L nue.tpommse MAisCcmpfny's -Prospec- tue, wberoin it wiIl bc found that evtry â4van- tace, consistent with security, là cffered. , rho rates of Preminins ehargd are 1ev. while ih@ Bonuses declared wilbtercomparison with the Profltrà allotted b7 5fl7 ci the othor leading 1oe.. Partieularattention la aIse dlrected toanequl- table regnistion adopted by this Company, sm to surrender value of relinquisbed Policies. Wuivu.-Jolbn Agneti "gent* Robert à. Gunu, M. D. Mdicl Advisru Finies Anar.-Niven A«neow, M. Du Medi- col 4dvIser. -M Statê-Taro Ismsumc C.psuy of Les-. dont Englaude EAWUID 3TAar i 01DETIU anLIàauEEN. CAPITAL ...£500,ooo STRRLIhSG. BOARD or DIRECTORS: aoimnuo-The Bight Hon. frrd. Kesae. H. B. ShrldanIM. P. Colonel James Agiir. The Rey. W. Beau. Peter Carataire, Esq. The Ron. B. Béothb. John James Unwia Cisrke, Esq. ienry CJark, Esq.,M. D. Niehol. asDenpnys, E.q. William S. Potter, Eeq. M.A î William lHenySnh A.M.. ?. M. W il oIlh é Peter Morionq, 1Masnagircctor. Âud*or.--Ambroee hUer Esq. U.ilora- Kessrs. Muelr &HBorne. .rw, ',William B. Wilfiama, Esq. Bmk4p#&-Ieunr. Esuoin & Company. Bowa!.W.swlEq CANADA BRANOR Head Uffice,-'.Maonio Hall, Toronto. ZI.u05be.-Hon. John Bosu, John Crawford, o* f .Dreoor.-Carman-Wm. 3Mo BW0hitb Y. Steam and Plaster MIIl for Sale. TrHE ASSIGNEES 0F O. STONE, OFFER .1fer sale on easy ternis th. Stesin Plaster Killsnd Furiture théroin,set Port Whltby., Application te b. made te J. L. GRANGfER, or N. MILLER, iby Whitby, Maroh , 1859. Whty7 Ira=m for Sale. ACRES 0P SPLENDID LAND. LOT 200. 0,1> hConcession ofToa;1 Acres olesred. This Famin la itu.ated vithin feur miles etflBeaverten, on the travel rosd te Mars; the land Io cf 8h. best quallty, sud i la the centre cf s geod settleîncnt, with a Scoel, sud s Sswmill convenient. Alise North half oet Lot 4, la tho 108h Conces- sion e1 Thcrah, conslsting cf 95 acres, 12 cf whlch are eleared, and fronting on tlhe kortage Besd, neur Camemen'is Mill. STENMSLIDEIÂL. M Apply t D CAMERON. Boaverton, 10th .iuiy, 1857 26 Fox SALE. TOWN LOTS lu Whttby near th. Bay,- TAIo? illieLot ntDuglCreek, French- Appl> oG. H.DARTNELL, Solicitor ho, Bmok Strut, lfA4~. J une le, 1857. 2 FOR SALE IN THE TOWN 0F LTon NOS. 9, sud 22. TIIEY ARE SITUe aI. tted on Dundas Street, bêtwccn Mm. S.- -Cochrne'. and Lynde*s Creek. Ir aBSa LIBERA&L. Application te ho mode to MRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 88, th concession Darlington. "Christian Offring"l pleame copy until forbid LI1V E R POO L Blacksmitlis & Waggonmkers Shopa For Sale or to Let ut Liverpool, T WENTY MILES EAST OF TOBONTO (A .LDepotsud htatlonofet8he Grand Tmunk Bail- wsy). Encli Shop lias s Cottage sud a quarter et su Acre of Laud sttachod. These promtises bave bocu lsiely erected vith lu a short distatce eft8h. Kingastea Rond, and the lailîay Depot. A good busqiness la botb trades canlie dont by et.ady and good work- For further particulars 5pplY teUD July 28, 1857. L 2eroo FOIR SALE. AN excellent nov Trame Cottage, nearly lu Athe bourt cf tue owu cf Wiby, sud vithin a few yards cf the Main Street-DMundu# Street-tagotlier with îwo-tltthsetfan acre cf lsnd-sttuohod. The houso centaltîs six spart.. monts, busa excelent comma, sud there la good etabliug'aud ail necesaary ou, -buildings, nd asauperier ump ef gocd wster on th. spot. Tom TomsýI, c, hioh wlll be fouud very Il py toJ.. A. MAYEROFFER la.'Chronicle Office, Whit&y. BEAVERTON., FOR- SALE CREAF.0 AMILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS .tI.otàglou tôte .Beverton Wharf. A lare sud profitable Milllug business eaube dons bore. Favorable tonms may b. nmade with the Proprietor by s P"cl sMilleor. A1lyte 3ILJAMES ARMSTRONG, 3. B.-Thro la a tsI-rate opening at Boa- *ortou fur the Ktabishmeut of& Foundry. Beavrtea JuI98, 857. J. A. VALUJABLE -PIROPEIRTY for SALE., qiEct.s ud in1 omisesuIatey oeoupled by J Kv. J. À XcMDlaa 'tUla, lthi Town- tp gà .tigthr wth isquatte ofe 14 iQthîoto. -lstrlà v r cT of te Tmes 18.d S ternms vilbeMade tohatptOhs.A pliloa9tio b. Mmea$0,t- 1s WhlBb'. sale. - Tenuùs moderato, Titi. indie utffebL ILMRTN A pialati bemadetéJA M UALL.AsR&.ATN WhlItb;J.lOGe o-,BeknIot î1e, .~- Baristers st 14w.1 THKA HSTON *- s'y.,180 8- v51v Also, for Bale N XCELLENT-CILAED ARKetof5W À =CE f odAR POSTSactdes, nearlynli under tho plougb. Thero Octoer S185958-m w h 5 STONE DWELLING KOUSE, À Aloôan»sd otfiesoNsud agood orohard.. 3 iiPRYE FIlISThe prmisésaare-shuae on lt No. 14,in the 3 IXPOVEDF.4M Sud Cn. ef Whltby sud comprise the North irens à m'a sudOshava are reapectlrel>' wlthiln tbeoinâ ýoeeand a&hoit ailes eft he. prome. - lst.-100 acressouth haîf of Lot No. 199 Srd conÏieslon cf ,Whitby, kuown sa part of, the Qnly two milesa frin the Tovu ef WhItby. 2nd.-50 acres South West quater of~ Lot No. 29, <8h conceso c alngton, about -eigbt miles from -Bowmanvllle. ' rd.-50 acres South Emtqarter of Lot No. 18, 11th concession cf8Mairipooa,, about 0 miles (rom Lindsay. .The above mertioned Lots &te firat-class Parmma, in a hbigh stateo f cultivastion, good Buildingsasd near important Towna. Will bC scld resouable, snd on favora- ble terni. Apply laJ.H PRY Agent/or the Ooner. Whitby, Oct. 6, 1859. 56 TB ALL THE WUULBy' T 111E subecriber hsvingaanpoade business ho nov offers t o or lent tors tom cf0 years, ovoyraonable tenna bi* splendidi promis ir eluth. VILAGE 07 VROOXAMItON Township et Brook, oonsisting cfa STORE & DWELLING H1OUSE, With (vo Kitcain, s Sitting-room ad Pari: r sud attaclîod te (lié store leas vol l ftnihod office aud Wreboumc. Thie build arc first clas Trame Buildings. Price.Ç23, ifour *quai sauai inatalments, vii?>intrct at tbe rat o eili rcent per annun, or 9926 par Brook nords ne wittou rocommondation, its lndustrlcua inhabitanta la a sufficient recoin- inondation. For further particulars apply te BOSS, MITCHELL, & 004j Merchante, Young Street, Toronto, or te (heo ubscribr oun(lie promises. M. McPH-ADEN. Vrcomaîito, Brok,.Sept. 17, 1859. 56v-K Fariito Let. AParm tot Let for a torm cf yoars, in thie Township of Darliugtcué, about two miles ensofetBwmsuvillo village, con- tainin g about 150 acres clear, with. good Buildinga. Apply on the Faim te Mmm. DANIEL GALBRAITH. Darliugtou, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w AConifortable Family Residouce situated lu ah. Village oftLàverpqol, Tewusfuip ot Pick- ernig, adjbinlag (ho Troucbmauls Bs>y Station of the Gx.and Trunk Railva7, 18 miles frein To- mete, ceasistluu cf a Cottage contaimiug Niue Roosas, with every couvonience roqulilte; s largo Bar» sud Stable attachod ; s nover failing well et wa - ter; the Grounds are tuasteolly laid eut, and planted vith Shade Trocs; aie, &Large Gardon veil teckod vitb Truit Tro.s; the vbolo covers tvo acres cf (4round sud cannet b. surpamsod ln tho Tovnahip cf l1lkoreag, for Ite couveul. once and rendy âmo& ast ho -Bâilvay. Termes nade easy. F or funther partleularsauaPI, te the subsoniber, Yorkvillo; cr80 Mm. Wil niurdy tipoa the prenîlses. Possession giron forthi- with. GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkrille, May, 1858. 17 For Bale, or to Lot ACOMMODIOUS AND PE iflE santly situated a BRICK COTTAGE.,, with, j ef an acre cf land, in th. North Wamd cf 8h. Town of Whitby, on (ho Euat ide cf Brook Street. SFor famIlier particulara apply (if b>' let. ter, pot.psid) ut W. H. Tremayue's office Whitby, or te tho subscriber, Cashill, Markham. - whitby, juIy 28th, 1659. For Sale Cheap, and on Boa- sonablo Termm. provemente cf 20 acres on e«Ch Lot. Fom particulars appI>' te H. J. Mscdon- ell, Wbitby, Barmlster, or (o D. Cameron, Beavorton P. O. D. CAMERON. October 11, 1859. 59-21u-u 40.2in-w in (ho Town cf Whitby. Possessicn giron on elle tnt cf Septembor neit. AppI>' te JAMSROWE. Whltby, julyls5. so- TO, BE 801.1-ABAIGAIN Jin tuh. conter of BEAVERTON cini Appi>', Ifby l.tter pot paid, t Whitby, Apu l 08, 155. Apply peronhlyl or 1y letter, poetpfid, 80 D. MoKAY, J~.4th 1860. 8dtf TaiN8I S. Abram ,logan, 6 BROCK 8TREE, WHRITBY, TIn-Smith and Bell-I{aDger, &o., &W. AVE TroiFhs putap on (lelasteitAmeni- eau sud (anadiaun impoved ostyles%, vitît ire,> bold-tasta. GalvanizedLigitig roda. Ccuuty ordora sent by post on otherwise proulptl>' att.-tide!l t. 4-12rit. BLONDIN ONCE MORE! GFP -Esubmciber requests public atten tien (o bis uew stock of supemier Ste. The>' inclade thoetollow ing nov patterns : TUE KING 0F STOVES, THE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROCKET, PRO TEC TJONIS Tt GRAND TURK, MRON »?JE Caîl snd examine? 62 #c. JOHN BRYAN. Brock Str-eet, Whitby. o3JUST opEN~c burgb, contiinIgtbreaeeàwîïrtW more or less and also, a1,thatqth1e&-,p"' or parcel cf lan 1d si ttald z1 èsa"dý Town- iship;et Beac,- being -compoee<e--ofpaût'of LIot ,number Seven, in the.i Nioth conees. sion. of 8he said Townshlpof Beach, &ud. kuo* a ail the reinfing "pilt of'naid. Lot which -has iètitbert* been sold for taxes,. or previeusly couvey$ by John .Waggoner te'Thomas Martin, which uad", Isat mentioncd piece or liarcelmtay b. d.' cribed as follows,- comimeneinig on front ef said lot,. ut or about the distance of twelve ch ains and eighty links, ou a cour» - South, Seventy-feur degreés 'west, j frdni'.- South ea>mt angle of musid lot, . and aLt the - South eat angle of land sold Sor taxes ; thence north ixteen degrees wst eighteen chains ann& tw6iityifive links ; thence north eventy.four degrees cat, tc the western. litait cf land deeded to, Theons Martin;ý thence south sixteen deéee' at oight teen chains and twonty-five Iipks -b 8he. front cf aaidlot; thence, alonpgZ ho front of 8hamid lot te the place of bçgipning<' NELSON G». REt0L1bS, Sheriff '0 Office, Wbitby, Nov. 28, 1859 fH undersigned'will psy 8h. hîghest Tprico in Caoh for any quantity c'good BEEF BIDES delivered at his Tànuery ma Gr.enwood. Ailkinds cf kept constantiy on hand for sale, ver>' lov for Cash. D. Mc)&URCHY. Greenwood, Nov. 14, 1859. 67 CORD WOOD) WAND= GRAND TRUNK-RAILWAYe T RE UNDEBSIGNI.D wyl recei'.coflcrzun- -t1i hisrsdsý- .511 Jan. next, fom the dcliv- cry bofore let AIxil, of frein 50 te, 1000 Corda eof goed ILird Wood> ut the uvsnd Trunuh Balway Station hao, aubjuct te the Company's inspe tien sud nieusnrcneunt. - Wood to e u8th and a haif f ect loiîg. Also w,'nted any qusntlty ofgood Ilar4 Woo4 te ho dt-livorod ut the Harbor, Port Whitby. THOIIAS MObY. WIitby, Doc. 26,J869. 7 CASH FOR mPRODUÇE. Thc Underaigned- ia prepared, PAY -CASH F O R auy.qusntity 0i Wheat, Barley, Peau, Oats, o SALT ]FOIR SALE, CHEWAP.- Wliitby, Sept. 28, 1859 5 Oate Wanted. IFimabcriber vilI psl the h<nheat market Tprie for sîiy qnaity e of p4Ot&tedeliv- ored at hI. nill lIcithe ard conoeïssbe#whig- by. QiTNM9WN Wlmtby, Jan. 1n, 1860. ff-Sm INFORNATION WÀNTE., (-%F WILLIAM QUINLIVAN, wbe Ileft XKil- "riwh. County cf Clame, lrelsnd, in 38U or '54. Wheon luit hoard cf -ho--*" working ou board of oiee e the, Bsltinicvateamers. Any information coceïnlng hlm' vii1b. ihanktnlly receivcdb lits sôn, are uniai . sideaýin Whitby, C. W. United States Papera plonge copy. Januarv .86.5 tienis of 'b.iug ou deampticn tan à a Prengso ad lIa. Ilorseillsm, dnting furu>Ihc< ZACHEUS DBU TLDQE OF THE C'i>UN e> Couùrts. Office lit thec 4 JiELSON G. RE gRIF. OTFIC: JORN HANt 1 D EGISTRÀ-B. OFFICE H.J. MACD CLERK OF' TIE PE thie Court fouse. ~..1LERK 0F THE COU] Fgii>i- cf the Suri-op thoel&-91stry Offie. Broek i W.,PAXTO Tk.AISU18EU. OtF1CI H.J. MAC» Ç;OLUCITOR, & CLERK -> Couneil. ÃŽOffient the JOHN SIu court floulga. 'JOHIN GO] fo ta,the Coly cv f <On W. Hf. TB B AU'IISTER AND Attonxay. Office-ma eeid Imîor. BAR181STIU1S,& ATT( Selieitkor>.to (lie Coitnt --Ufflce (Cuurt Il GEORGE H. 1), A JRIT *, TK cBAStr. &c..tT&E RiAy. OffiW os.uciaiv t, OTr, totWiC. W N. G. iH Street, Wluitby. STEPHEN 0 -,%IRE, LITE AND MA _Ugent.for (lhe Couinty DUNDASST.nREETW J. W. CALDWI d~NEAKB.C JuIy 15, 1857. ten

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