Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1860, p. 1

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c f ci APYNITtSI tlor t j other copptqypaper pnblishod lai Uudrton lino.-...............so A boyé tun liies fst Insertiéo ,(pua in0. O10 Evry pbsfquenutlu#i00,.d . 4 No ~P&Mwl 1 bedlsoçontIud uttil sla àar ffiyers loomoui, i riis i#a4*w4w1b tilerisilof thé Palla!~ité orudios Whutby, C. W BOOK AND, JOB nI'qrNTING ESTA'ULIOF[IKNT. ~111E PR<PRIETOiE OF THE WI{ITBY g *uQ wea4," vouluS rospetfully Mn dt îe puhlathat h.has procured tonme ec tht.most àerdssyleo.of Tyfiè from Nov York sud th- or ,Youudriess 9ud l# prepaured t.o xSute IBOGK -An» JOB P1RINING 5 ot evevy descriptionu Lu a superlor style sud wlth despatli, at iîo iweut remuuuratlng SFlrgt-chussPressés sud Printiag >Lshinery, 'Aucion Bll.. lorsté Bis, uiud slînillr doiorlp- tloua cf 1Prining f'.rnighuod wthiu au lueur of W. IL. UGGINS, alm"id Office, Wlitby, C.W. ZACIIEUS BURNIIAM, TD(*EQOF TIIEC>LNT AUIROGA'TE qJCourts. OffiotOtt theo Coirt'i1.'nse. I N"IELSON xG. REYNOLDS, IMIF.W OFFICE AT TuIE COURT JOHN IIAM PPIRRY, EIWA.OFFICE ON BROCK ST1 a. J. MACDONELL.'O CLERK OF TuIE îEACE. OFFICE-AT * thé Court Ilo011#6. JOHN V. HAM, 4mf EK 0F TII eCO0UNTY COURT, AND) '~JRe [»trsur oftîte Sbirrogate Court. Office M: filueakgirOfce, 1Brook treet. W. PAXT1ON, Jr", kAUE.olIICE'AT VIF. COURT He je. NACDONELL, QOLICiTU, & CLEIMi<OF TIIE COUNTY JOHN SiIIER, GOU?<TY ENGINEEIS. OFFICE AT TIE L.FAIRIIANKS, CLERK FIRST DIVISION COU 11T. OFFICE ý.. t the . Court ILoune TNSl'ECFOR tor' WE011TS & MEASURES J.for tile Coulty or a ntirio. W. H.TREXAYNIJ, 18 RI ITF iL ANI) COUNTY OROWN D'Âttoriicïy. Oio-lu Aruah'o New Brick liIookJ.:- Mcoud Floor. 10 CAMVERON & MIACPUYqILp B ARIIISTEILS4, ATTORNEY$ AT LAW, JESoIleir. te Ctue cousit " l'otncillOntrio.- brot1eAt theo Ccurt l iotsSutluWiug. GEO~RGE H. DARTNELL, BAJLReITEî1g, ATTORNELY, ONVEYAN B cor A&o, &c. àik 8v . S.Doisiildson ACos.il;;rftwro Storoe,010'ock treot W hitby B A<IISTR.T-LW.OÏFICE-BROCK strout, w iC. W. s LTITý NT YPUBLIC, ttc. 0 N. (G. HAXO, ARRBISTER AN]) ATTORNEYAT-tAW. 'L7Offcc->pposlte the Rcitry Office, Brook otrctjWltbi. -1 Uny fN, BEAC B AL11111STDIVISIONICOURT. Ad IO , i e , . .io 1t3 or cuuty ofOntaioI IMMJREON TO -TUE. COUNTY. ÂOL ~Byron 8 trse, Whtby». I OCAL DENTIOT.-OFF1CE INBROcK .iSrotovr . lMIow' Sreo ppFrnoit &,f cronec, a fair trial. G. A.?CARSOR, E. Da p HYS3ICIANg SURGEON, ACC0OUTCHER " fiesud re.idouce--Csntre ýHVtol Whith>F. Iartcloaarattention gircn to Chrimnio N. B.-Advio to theopoor every Monday~1a EAST WINDSOR nOUmE, WBifTnY, rPIE aboya Hotol ia itasted ln <a plosantand rotired patilof the Townr, on thé frontrosd. Good scoommodatlon for travailera. Good. stabling asud attentive oxtiers. - 22ý JUS? REzCEIVE», 1 Obush.). Cou., 50 fLasheis Czom Szz 100riobusiiela Tino'ry Sicp, for sale Io*. il. W. WOODWARD 9 Commission Morchant, Dadol à HUQE FELITZ, T ZACIIELI IN MUsiITUE JL Organ~, Piano Fort.eJlarmony thronglî Brag.aend aIl kids of String Insttruments le propsred te recoive a few more .>pls At thel oîê 111A regldouuce. 4r J. C. HANCOCK, WBOOT AND 8110E MAKERI,.5 nOMMBRIAL Bisildingo, Brook-st. foi ,)W hitby. Work mad6 te ordor cf W M.gurod Material, and by oîperlenoed work- meon. Aise rapalrlng donse wlth a eatness snd AMIBEICAN NOTEL. WALKE1t & PATTER8ON PROPRIE- torn, cornser of Young and irront Streeto. Toronto, L. W. 1 PERUSAON JOHN METCAL#F, (1LERK OF TUIE FIFTII DiVISION COURT, Jomprioing the Townîship Brook. Ad- irs:Canitingtouu. 14 FRANKILIN ROUBE. LIND$AT, C. W. BF. JEWETT, FROPRIETOR. COMFOR- *#table aoommodatlon fur Travollers. Whitby, Jan. 21f 1857. A. K.. ICE, CABINET M[AKEIL, UPIIOI.STERER, à5c., C Gerrie'm lHall, Byron Street Whiitby Pâ- pr liagnntly done,>nvd dA kinds cf job- bilz, au rparing of Furmiture attonded te. Futrniture carefally reinomed. IRAILROAID MOTE]L, R PAUMERl, PROPRIETOB. ~'TIS Re hou..ssoss od accommnodation for Travollors. GnouS Stabling sud attentive Osi.- lors. [ERCHANT TAILOR, BROOK STREETj THIOMAS DEVEREILL, ) UIL D EU, 1*&. &o., GREEN STREET, .1>Whitby, C. W. OAKWOOI> HOTEIL, OAKWOOD, W. BANKS, FIS OFITOR. 0 Good accommodation for travellors. 35 STEPIIfEN SJARLE, ..iOU fto AcouuisAvm' Tj'IREt LIBAN!> MARZINE INîIURANCE F.P . CARK K' Agent ter thé Cout>' et Ontario. Oio- ovef Donaidmoo'.IIuudwai'e Store, Brook Street LATZ 01133A&Co., Wluitby. 7 l.ÇERCIIANT TAILUR, No. %, KINGOST y. . L West. Toronto.' 10 S COTT'S HOTJSL, D UNDA$-STREETIýlIITB'Y,FIRSTDOOP- MARTIN'U (iote WslImhs) MOTEL. JJ Emt of W. LIing's Store. 18-21W. r- Da Ir T J1 W. CALDWELL BRLOWN, HIS1BSCRIBEXRHAVINO TAKEN TUE OIIVEVNCERCOMMISION -LFOR oe ' otel froun Mn. Coole, is able testf- 0 VEANCE, CIOI)ISSINERFOR ordthe boat accommodation to the pufflie. 44 I.'takiiug A*ldavIts, Accontunt, ésiud, Duvi sien Courte Notar>'Pubieosud 0Ucéai Agent, JOSEE NOTESE Usbrldgo. 'Otle.-King Street, nurany oppe.ite LERT LTIDVIONCUT0 N. B.-Al busIness ,utrusted te bis es a wiii Northumberland sud Duurham, husurancc be o'ti v i,1attended' te. 82- .lgttit, Convéyanuen, t&e. <nce- llam ' ________________________________bungh, Cartwrighit. - J HN BlLLINVES, ONTAXIO MOTEL, t LAWc, OPrince Art.&'CN4VYACIs BEVAN Jr., PROPRIETOR, BROCE Offie, rine Aben. ' fieStreet, Wliltby. Giood ttabungséudaatteu- A. AIRS, 1 B '.,tive Ostienu. '1 A TtoRNEY AÀT LAW OÈIC, R NCANTON MOTEL, C.M cr 'outéym9tc. anStreet UFFINS CXFER PICKERTING. GOOD ILsukhmacu. 'am)iceumodatiou ion Traveilora. 4@ Sut Propniétci'. TEPUTY ,REGiSTUR, M4STER EXTRA- J/erdins>'atd exainer 1h Chancr> for FRIILANDEIR 3. CLARK, the Couty of0nt4ric, B1rook-st., WhtbrY. 47 LTieIICONSTABLE, COINTY ONTARIO, lud.Ispetr ot Liocnsos lu thé Municipal- JOH MeAR,1>'of thé Tlova ot'Whithy. - 1 1) ARISTE, ATORNISE, ~.Ofilo.-' ___________ .1 '~ oruertureh su4 Court SU*réet,(op o J. W. 1CORSONNx. P ske .6teaïsad,> Tôreuto *"l<) ERLY PYSIOIAN TOTHRROOR- COL~IL kHAMLTO, Ll~îYor puaî5i . oh ýte1' é A TTORWEVM tCOUNSELJORS '41rLAW of Medic'oine ttt fUprçpss . ff1l d-WiOg, Mnnesota. 8 Kesdotie :-Marlhaanvillag'e, ee i orth 17 N G T EE T, OSHIAWA, CANADA r1M1VENTHE THEARY.AUROSIX J>.. st. 17 lieuseKing Stret iWs t orte. Gamo enppru, )luners, OsTgraA.. i lds o! WILIAK POWSON, Gumes iiiSso. .,a e : it, l'nf e * AE8 W dO, "LAIN AND:O44NALMxNT ITR 1==CUTl, ,CIVIL 3E9GINYXO .N rGlazier, Piper Maner tte.,',hlbyét B AREMER 'àgcuA b4Ui ARRTSTLAW, 'SmEC<iUNY AID SUPRIOR solitors lu Cb4ae, tI- îC. W.- saiNt tg NÂs B Att)EWETT LAW T02attOe " W i ànoTw 1 n, o ot toI: £W luO55o t vi, oDAZLY Sbln.cmrt.fl attention fornimand hirpeé I~~ 'EDWÀRD RÂY. IRE IN WOMýiflhYaU. VTAM~laMO A u the TOZ IDKIO my,oinouv"a' 100dum ý e#, ffl :pcl b sbthf ment Ro shoelor'oayoho-9ohlh ~EAOEPRMIeS HRAVE BREN opno j fieudorSind where oea»uw cd gocu oommojation- The Nons.is voel! fonuuh.dw,wellpttand thé p ng.utf b bnsumd thv buattcn. lao i.pald to manad hors.. Tho bsr-room i# large nud "écuvecit, md w*»llsupplied with tho best WInos, liquors. and Olgars. lland- «oly ftted upslitthugroomà for, private par- ties. MICHAEL McOAULE'Y LOWER TO'WN QUEBEC. rao. goiMd Saw&eamkztLadkWfand eppcsft qwRAVELLERS AND VISrroILS to>the Au- Yaient City cf Queboe wiII feuS saperlor se- commodatîcu st XMdeat. ohorges At the abovo botg..The bote! fs very oirveulouýtly sltuated uesr the BaukoSteamboat wharves, aud prin- cipal business places cr theo(31ty. 'Tétable snd bar -Are snppled, with erery prooturable ostable aud drinuble. VIsltor wilih fiud évery Attention paud to their coufort sud oonvenienouoevory latioatn d direction a&te the surrouiuk1l looaltios, principal places of resort, e &o,.1H NÂ UI . Io FroprIetor. GLOBE MHOTE3L, BROONLIS. T iM R undersignéd bavlng takeft postes- cf the above well known hotel, whlclî will b. oouducted sas foruaerly wlth thé strlctest pro priaiy aud regard for the comfort Mid couveni euce cf tht. public. Theprprito moiroq i@msnyfriud: thut tainthon ot te Gobe ote, sd tâtliewill be personully preiseut to give thein uch a re- coeýIfonun as .hls vont. Thé hou.ehbis boen thorongbly pspored, pauuted sud r.uuovat., and us fitted up la every respect lu .ich a mauner As te lusuro satlsfac. tioa. 'The bar sud table suppliedlasfrunerly wlth the bueostables sud d; Iblées L'al sud Sse. 6-1 7.~C. I'.EProprietor. TRE TERBAPINq. rI HE PROFRIETORS 0F TRIS WELL kuowu ualoou are uow lu occupatioun cf the. old ST'. NICHOLAS. King street, I'orontoi (formnerly kopt by Mr. Marley. Thé promise* hasvo beennewly renovatcd tharoughiott, snd fttod ut, iu thé first stylo. Evéry procurable délieacy ln tesson. A cigmr divan fftt.d uup se- paeâtoly lt. whioh noué but the boit brauds are pciruuttgd t. enter 28 CARLiSiLE * MoCONKEY. RAILROÂI> ROUIE, ClORNER 0F ROK1NDDNDA ts., 3,Whltby, (ltte Xilcokou's.) Tho Sub scribor bogs th anuoune t thé Inhabitmntit cf Whitby, sud the travailla oommunity, that hé bas talon the above firit o5asouso, whlch ho ias f tup lu s e novsd cuenlont ner A fit-rate Table Lqurvodatthis Motel. Dmn ners, Liuoheoons, &oc., ca b. had ea moments notice. AIl Liquors kept on tho pýremises are warrsnted tha g art id4. Ch"ie Cigare. THOMAS DOWNING. M'hitby, >aroh ilth, 1857. 8 VINEQ4AR! 8VINEGAR 9 1 T UIE nnderslgnod takes leave te luform% the Inhabitants cf Whltby sud thepublie, thst lue us now msntifsturing I1ngar o asporo <quelty whloh h. ipepcdt. stupply Whoic- salé te lkereiantîs sude othr, et grestly rédûccd prices. TiioTradé llborally désît -wth. AI' ordérs by mail jumctually atteuedt.. Adriç ATHAN MILLERL, A:igust 1I 168.aii DAILY STAGE. 1J'ROM BROUGHAIL TO FRENCIIMAN'S JO Basy Station, ou thé Grand Tnunk Railuesti, ouunectimg vlth thée D Morualng and Eveuing Train.. ..q JAMÉS HUBBARD. lovcmbcr gril, 1857. 4 LIME FOR SALE. ÇONSTANTLY 0ON H L)DRIOTi susuiug tspring sud Stimunor Fresh Burut L me vhieh viii ho sôld for Cash oui', at 2s <id POTâa;;. MÂTHEW OARL, J UST reeeived a cop iment of Wblskey, fro oeeoe!thme b. t ,çillery". iu thé Pro- vince, lu packages of rom 5Ste 60 gallons, whieh the subscribei oefers lfor sale'a t a ver>' 1ev figure for Cash. TIIOMAS MOODY, Commissaion Agent. RAJLROAD MOTEL, y:) EAVERTON. 000]) ACCOMMODATION JE)gouS Stabling, aud caref ni Ostier* alwas iu attendanueé. là. C. J. IL FRASER, Preprietor. p ERSONS lu vaut o! agecod axe, eau have *the. aime on applying te titheuudrsigueti t . tie Wlutby Feuudry. Axes repaired, on tii, tnust notice. Warrauted Cut iBt.ol. CLARK HUTLCIIIN8$_ 124it Axe-cmker, 'Whtby. A SITUATION WANTED make husloflo lu .sny cspacity. 72 Atidrés . D., WhitbyPogt'Office WOOL OCARDING. T ESubscr laispropréd tedo ikindm of Wool0-Oardlng, Cot-D &0lgA.?u<tbig oluSRtblbuePeelg WI olrdlg st id. peu' lb - LEVI 9. PIRE 1Wbltby, NMb145n. MALT VINEGAR. M ALT VI1ZOAR osa »ovbe 1usdla large Wl-htby, May~ ~5. ~ l ýtva i,.awl ',<n i-ý ýtuér place the-saine dày. ý The iStugos fron Lindia>. mudBeav4rt.u.sr» ive ln tinio fa-'tbo cars goung oat and wost. JANGparohasodthe :11,,stoèk'cf IL' Daulls ACc. wlt an dlticof, IR A NewStock, ..MI w'. flstter (nûrsevés tilat vos* s cange dre matI- JOSEP jRJUIKI!NS 4 Co. Brooklini, Novounher lotb,'1857. 48 i7CEET> Auco1OEF For 'the County of Oti' ISSUER 0F MARRI4*GELICENSES CON- V IKYANCER 'and C0OfMISSIONUR for taklug Affidavlt* ln Q. B. sud (J.')'. Addreusoo V LOMANTON, P. O. Township of Brook. A Town fesrod neige, sud 'twms beluS consulta, tMon, rtfct? Wluleh wu. thé mothod for ftfcio A grave skilfui mason gave lu bis opinion, Tht notbing but stonoe oould socure thé do minion, Acarpenter sald, tho' that was Woil spoke, 'Twna'.btter by fisr to défend it vith oak; À ourrier beiuxg by, wlser thauu both thosé te- getiier, Sad1trwhat yen Vienne, thero la uothlng like -$0 ta YS WILILIAM MCoB]RXEN,ý Lai4les' sud Goentlemen's Fuslongble Bcot and Shoo Mlarer, BROORLIN, C. W. Théa aboyé, has. for the luit moeu yosr,% taire» the firit prizé for Boots snd Shoos st thoéOCqan- ty show. Nonobut thé e bot uuuterial sud boit worlc- 1puanei lp mmade up ou thé promises. fils' cld fiends uud uow cîstomers wili be readil at-' tended, aud fuÉniâhed with good and lîesp work a ustual. Brooklin, July4, 1859. GEREAN IHOUOE, rSONT STREET, TaRNTON. T IIE f-ubseiber boas to announce tn thé lu- habitants ni Treigton and tho Travelling communltr tiiat tho aboya flrst-elmas Houa.hass boou Itte#d up lu a new sud convenlouit banner. A .Firmt- Cif abTuZle is serne4 at t1hii Hotel. Ail Liquneskopt on the premisos are ot the boat qua ity, choice. egarx. Alsou, a lvyery Stat)elc nnuectiots wlîli the aboyé proises. CHARIGES IIODP.KÀT. J. S. GERMAN, Pi-oprieor Trenton, AuX. 8, 1850. 80-6111W ATILAS 1RON WORKSP far'riront stIréét, Toronto@.0. 4 CHARLES VALE & 00.9 B EG te informu the public that thé>' haveTe construotod thomo extensive,premlaesou Front Street, (formeri>' :cupiod asi;the Ontarioj Brevor>', lu thé uuont comploe stylo for carry-j iug ou the business eto IronFPoundIn& Smith's work ý lu allîts branches. i Théy Invite Inspection o! tluelr numerous Pat- torna of Uruamental Trou Feue,loialeOnDIes Verandalus Vanit Do,'rs, Plain and Oruamental Omt rou Coumn, Wludow Caps, Bllisud ARCHITECTURAL WORKC, oféever>' descripton; Cooklng, Parier sud Box Soe;rtsCvon Moisthus1 Cauidrens, sugar !Cetle, Palu Catingu. sud Forglngs, al c01 whc (t-'oeteh Trade sud ethers on ad- vautagsouts ternis.x.Wcuntry orders paro- tually atteuded te. Teronto, Octobér 20, 1857. 40-tf NOW Il THE TIllE. GET YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's lit Prize Pltre Gallery YFyudsire a correct sudIlife-liko Ambro- JL ypa CawotpeLetter*ph, or Ikatiior Traitafér, or * Likeucos lu a "boet, Broach or Ring, for J. A. 0. eau do It lu thé bout style, sud ut short notuce. WILKINSON'S BLOCK M Brook .&raui W)YdMy.ý H.. W. WOODWARD, ÇOMMISSION ÀERCH "INSURÂNC' snd Gênerai Agent. Olie--Lateîy ocon- pied by James lio4gson, W hlthy, 0. W. Rrnxt.om.-Thoutss Gilankiien, Hau., Pr.- aident Bond cf Trade Toronto; W'. G. Casseis,. Esýq Manager, Bsmdr B. N. Ameni Toretn;- W. W. Ranscom, Esýq., Manager Queec.Bank,' Toronto; W» Ganibié, Esq., Milton MdifUTo- rente; lion. P. ILclil, ProsidéntBaul t ou-o ral ontel esrt aiinTylec & Ceo, Motreal;m'asr. n. re eQue-: bec; -, ss 1.J Nead&5o. 6ly AUCTION BUSINESS TTEDE tounipamI byJ.C- tri AU oder reltin to b>'i nsales b>'t9e undersli#tsd, sol e fattoCrneeO!- fiee, Whitby. Messrs. Iliggins A Mayerheffçr are diii>' authorizod te appoint mn> day. ofiale, sottieé tormi, &c., sud t. éutor intaesnob other arrangements reiating te ni>' aucetion bumineus§ 04 M1 na>' o0naider r ansd nocossar>'. abu on baud to ratif gyagemnt'e ryuk ouniMy Uba. auarem tte> ~Ioaattedediu al parts cf the ýCouutry. J. COPSTERLING. n 7hptItoatsofWhitby and surondIng oui1týjthaf 1the7 hsvâ,o epo'ned s'- Teli à SImdj 'Où11Brâciýï,'streét9, Ppposi~othé "On, 1ltaio ,ITotel," *béreail- orders. ontrustodtotbem will b. doue wîtb- oýj, ~ and dspstch.,, whitbY, Op. 20t$, 1958i60 H.J. GIBBS, .*bcfuthe, Transaction of thé Busi- nesstcf Paies ,resiIi -l"gïnT. Yuppè:es . n ads or lsewbere, with aniy o! he-gdverument, Prironsq 'srcus, facurmgPaet or Lanids, or" bâving Obtus cf aniyétuerkluid agahuui thé Goroenmeutt,,orirequi-ing,- ay- Information obtailuable at the Cr0 n Là. or other >ublic k)fàieg"'M ay' W havelrir business dilllgentî> atterudad toby;a Rosi- dent,ýA en, itho t thé eéxpeneo ano , lu- con venience cf 'a jouîrney - to Quebe. Paiente e! Invention takeul' ont. Al)Ipropald-, commuuiçatioua, -ad4res»Od la Box 886. Post Qifiçe', Quebec, vill ré. ceiré Inumediate attenitioni. - H. J. GIBBS Quebec, Siet ,180 87w.1.I>' DËR., R'ED. DELLENBAUGU, A TMR an nuprecdtntod sucouuf'itl practice of os'tr thlrty yéars, boing about retirii,-r fromn actver scgetice nt the roqîloît of'uninreusi frionds L:l' rtvoftheé country, bau conscent- éd te mat. wo moical proparationit, uprn whloh lié h. besowcd tho catre iiid kuowledge of hi. ienÉ'oxperienea, sud lIsn kft tlfent witis th iféen rggisti; for isa'c. To Iluese wlî are n seqshted with tMie Doctor nothiitprneedl b. said-te others, it ist but necessar>' te say. that h. bas for years prescribe for fromn 4,000 t. 5,0«0 persnts, aud aiwayh witlx the groategt ..UCcé*. -Cafes that bave haffied other médical mon,zyioldéd readil>' to bis trcstmneut, sud per- #oni; came dsiiy froin i htudredis of miles. to bo oMred. Thé i)ocor, howévor, has viot been able. tien, but bas put up his nodiobîmo iu two bottles. whlolau aemumbot od 1 sud 2. Thé number 1litu BLOOD PURIFIER.ý Superior te the purcait cxtrict of' Sarmaputrillil, uailo outirely of rectsanîud herbf o! tItis sind' for migu eouîutriecitqhu best propertiei. of wluucl are oxtracted by su. etutire new eliemical pro.'er.. lIt mct in larger douéti asai active piuyLtic, lu. amller oce as an uutertitive workiug directi>' on thé Liver sud Kidiucys, exp>ciliuug tluerefroîîî al morbid ruatter, thus à;bringiug jite atioUn tali thes orgaus that mmi>' hâve becoumo luit I tivo, sud me>' bé relied oit to cure Livr 04Llmplatt*, and (ornplaitits ef tue Kidnelle, It)gtpie-It C- n- s'umptumn, Dfqpeia, General llhtq, OId VI- Mor#su rofYUl &dt-Rheum liIPs, S&oreg, Ak'r- of lut ad Aq'e and al otlier Iii%#tasej whbelm iisvc iluir corugun it à disordered or impure atatof cfblooL It la o! a streuugztlteiiccnature, sud wili muver weaken or prostrate tué body Tho uumber 2 ip a' FEVER NMEDICINE. And mut noeor. bé,toketi oxcept in couuîmoc' ion witn No. 1. It vili tue,, curé Iujflammatory Rlimi- mot im, aU kinit, f levrs and Apue thce avxrsi 4fecteo 'olds, and au Plabin., adoSet;'Clroaie or 4cute.-Tliuue nuediclimes wili affect CURU~ net rellnovals troinun ea [rt of the body to Ilice otiier.1 1 gWr Romombor te prevont coiif-.tion, thirtsc 1aMog sarc pirepàred b>' Otto Docrom Fut wex DiLLESSAI'e,, wluo ha. pracuieod iii But- Noi over 27 yesrit. 'l'o provent friuad, s correct likeccu cf'tlhe Doctor le on thé wrapîjcr 0cfesch beutile andi "Dr. Fred. Delleubàuglu t& Co., Buffumîn, Nil.' blown lu tho gl&«I'. 1>ireticnA sccounpmuig ccli ~~ b 1te.N li.solil for $1 per bottîs; No. 2 fer 76 cents, Witlu this simuple notice tluey are offered t. thto publie, roiyintr ou tluéir ri rtussilu uoocuuuneumiug tluemsiues. For sale b>' JAS. H. GEERIE, Solo Agent iVlitby. Whltby, Sept. 14, 1860. w A 5 1-Y 0Department al Notice. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Quebec, 171A November, 1859. NOTICE la hereby giveu that by an order iiu ;onncli ýbeaiug'date the i4th instant, il la dir ected that a duuiwbaek. equtal te the dutiost paiti, b. siiowèrl t6,9hip Bullders on Cordage of evér>' description and ou a. artici. cf trou, Copper, Braea, Yellow Métal or Zirue, manui fm.turi<T or unmufactured, aotuali>': uumcd andi oumployed b y h utébIidiiîg anmd tiuig of auy ship'iilt'withilithé limita ctf itl'rw' vine., su pn aiI;pf vwh!ch. articles, (includiuug, thue Cerdage), 'duttes cf Cuust.-uuus shah have- been plu byt tem. (or b>' the pesontOT c-- 1%02s fromn WhOm they saa ihavé purchase3 thé stume),'upotu theif' importation Imto Canadw. Théetrder lu Coucil iturtber directs uhat the' Ship. Beild r a pliying 1fer thé drs *bat k shahl furnish tInt Courebof etCuateumbwitLuiit apecili- eatinu cf thé Cordage sud other articles utpoit Iich lio daims sueli drawbnok, sluoving thé' quantities sud V Uca, bywbom sudwben u - p'rtd'sud thé ainiountof'd ilte stsdas thé name oeth thi >ui> r'ai in ; tile bsildiog, and rigging o! whi!eithte w 'olé cf te article4 ineutîcîuled vere usmd sandwhéuu the seidnhlp or s4hipsecearéd 1er s foreign Port;,tho saitispo. Ship-. Bailder tes cciuratio ré rediby the Dopautméut, afllrmiaug ita trut 0etthie ceuteuts o! ïueh ýpecitoaien te bé attached under esi tu sncb déclaration. Thé O (bl8eôtorh'v'mg uetlsfd Ihinixeîf-that lime amaunt cf -4raywh#auok olaimed lah'corrct, abhil e.rtw 1thp ïospcliti. sAud transmitthe mane te thé Departluent,whsraupou, aittrdu. exsmiuatiou,,théi Collecter vil!l e anthorized te psy the. anloünt olalm . - TAiedravbek,,hordioeforé ýnintioned to.sp ply teob èhlimportations OtUl, of tlue ifruM sf.ies1, svloro made loto tinsProvince subsé' queruti>'t. thé Sventh day of AUgat,1850, thé day upeh'Wlhtt ct5 I. a.78 gruug4 wbolckon thelmportu&IoAUeuti Âbloa. calicrti a es,'oe tà force By Co msd, R. S. M. OUCIIFTTE 71 cCeuummauroCstm mdExie 10a:NwpPS o l. AZr~s.We~~4lo And, Nfào antbl ID n'l, Il - c ¶ - A l5i~<'USd'~r w. effstau.tly4p r Fr. 't," t ' ~*c "thé PfShbiFFOrtr& "<"'~ 'r. "Q - * * - A ann4n1~t,, /J'BWUbsiwIbe17.t epnls ic ,l kne Qat# f W'iý v BOOTS,;AND]) SHOES, war,,which ii.fwiU sel! at 'GresàIy: 'Ied. swpbiezib r andl hie owp workmin Niop, ~bt ~ dand d4al atras tcbeaîdat4s; savo your rnpney and pevyonr hoit1i !Y. JTOSEPI! BÂNDEL Ne . W 18N'4 AGRICULTURAL WORK$b ]BROC-K STREET, WHTTBY, (A few rodw south of the Bank of Montres!.) ýXanuracturer asud Dealer in ail kinda of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LIGITAND BE1AVY WAIGONI, Mýarket and Bob Sleiglrn, Two-horse Culti ratera, Piougha of varins noke and style Schruffiers, Corn suid Potatoe Cultivators; Seed and Turmip Dilla, Road Serapea t&c. Th4'a8hing 4laektine. Repaired on S/torS Overythiug lu the aboelin'o attendd'& te with Punctuslity sud Cheapuesa. Agent for Pattermon's combiued Reaper sud lMow- er. Whitby October 12, 1859. 58 Coal OU1 and Lampa. T I ubacriher bas; just reccived a rery. e tll:asaortm'ent cf Ceai OuI Lampa of > thme ueweat pattern,and with the latest san- . provod-burumera. Prica -- From $1 and -Upwards. Hlia Ceal i 011i.denorizrd perfectiy pjure sud free freu ny suutpleusaut tsunell, and is moitiat TGronto Pricea. -Tt'gesa s ight equuîl te gas, at lemu i lu h aif thé cost.,, Fluti sud cenumson Oil Lanupsasltered tu buru CeaI Oit a tan hotu- notie. . GEO. YULE, Jit. P.S-Statinu-y, Scîteol Books,, Vioilis, Flutefi, Accordeonsia, sauperior Violin Stringg, fôr sale chcap. 4 M. NOPIJADEN [SOUFR 0F ,tIARRIAGE LICENsESi, AUCTIONEER LAiàD AGENT, DIVISION CPU13T AGENxTS &o. WiiI bcowwlliupr-te attend prom ttI>'asd cure'- Infly tean>' business 'érth wllec ho mi>'bh 1LAideuce-Vroom1auton, Brook, iConuty ci Outauro. 88w-tf THOMAS XKYERB, L1ES~AUOTIONEER FOR TRE COUNTY OON-ARIO. 1ZAMRSSALES lu thé Country viii re- X£ceve, Promîpîttention, ,cou reau.ouiabie ternis -Lkewisc, Gooda consigned oui couin- -Mission te thé Auction Eouna wilI 'bc ditçpoeeod cf te the beuut advautige. t3#ies st thé Auttieu Roomi over> SÂTUui,Ai. Dheease cf HRses, liuRbenes sudSpavins, are trentoti with perfect 1succès. Ad'lress,,when by Pest: THIORMYULES, Aucticuo us Wliitby, Februar>' 25th,1P59. J OlIN W )ONEY frout Proseoît offé'rs fer, saole, al kinda ofEartltc'uwarermaîiuufaetur. féd î ut.,hi. pottor>' lu Precot, ab oxoediuugly ion' price». THOMAS MZ)ODY Agén, Wut'îbY. .B. Merchamutà and DaosylIdt te their advant4gc te inepect Mr. Moouey'-.is tock,tt tii. agent' lu Wliitby, sud examine is* list of priaia bofore, coucîudîng expoua.ivo purchn$ses -Whitby, Nov. 17, 18.59. 68&-*-44w' 'THE nndersigned bas a Isrgo quantitycai lndmof:'uareé Tuber on laud, vuhhbé w!! dspséofullierud terniste'prUs-9 qing tho isumo.' -JAMES B. ýCANPBEL, 80 4in Askbumu P. 0.,,'0.-W. CIRO L . Dtrbiem.eisiît e i hDis Tud f. h~ ,jJL le AÀRTHUR, HAWES. .8Reforonce.. kitdl>' permitte.4 tGoge -Ko-e---Teà ' Feonn"T. O. .Ptïf5kl su ÎiIL da ýEiévmbr1e 1 89.4. Pý'lÉeSC1IOFIELD 4O.'F A lt afi - ù le o ftùd-RoCo ekyironna r &- t L.Sl Ib'L c ]Boïe lb' .ý4, a1eàsAmérlècan Grey Cottfou 00Barrois of Sat, 10Barrei f fHrig thé veae 1800, tqe adltpro te tîto C A SH'R'Y STEM, Which yl otuable theni toell m imiotclwt-aper, aud give goerael stiltron. "L. IL. SCIIOFlEL] & CO.'_ TO 0-LE T. T WO coniforttilje dwcilii:g Ilon6eq u imte centreo 'f thme Town, te m'on3t loy. .Appi>' te thue Proj>rictor. A LIL thofze that are uncicite.dto the enhs t- hreut hllem' hv Nte <r Býok neenunt. wxî ojuil aller the Firmt diy cf January, 1860, sud puy thucir reaàpetive acco-îtta. x. .sehofiefld &CGO. FOR.,SAjjL'E,ý A SPAN.OF M1ATCIIED IIOlIISE'S, And i§et e: t lverot untoi Inarumefsa, aiue0'1 wuà Pole nami Sh.mfît,n n hieli tiinte il! lue given by furntslîirug aîuprtved4 eudorsed notes.4 T. IL MeMILLAN. W-bitby'. Oct. 5 1859. r' PRlVÂTE BILLS. PARTIES, INTENDTNG- TO MARE alpîiiatiou to lime ULeitivo Assectn bly fer Priniue or Local Bil, eitkwr for granrtiug'exciuaivýe privile-,es, orconférriug corponuite, ýpoworm'f(îr commu'eiml or othor purpo.qos-of profit, for rcgukl:ti:tg aurt'cys or bettndarieq, -or forrdoing amrytliin tenld- ing te ef'ect,.tue rigbts cf property cf 'other parties-are herelu>' uetiflcd tbnt uiîey, are requuired by1tîe 62rud, 03r, mmd <41h Btiezâ [Wîich Àarc' publistiler] nlufîl inluthée C'mada =a te twe give 1W'> MONT'HS'* notice cf îtealupliotutiQu lu. the 0aaada -Gazette, aud atin. iiu'somuespnper puuhîis'hcd in, the County of Union cof Coumtif ies afe<d;i séuding copies cff the first sud at ef sumch notices t. thé Pr.ivate 13u11 Offi'cc', Qgtcbec. ALFRED) TODIJ, 66 Chief Clerk ef Private1ill Office Crowundpatn. Ilîchcummt> of Otttwalv,,wilI liueopen: fer suie or ctzuucthoen;onaut ure-te isth, linu. uéxt. - ForLits e't the lot% sd néi naion. ofsa. A NDR~1ttEL 82 Mutl-s Assut ottn'mvmr OUI MUSICAL F2IEND. "0UR 3'sI(Ar, FU -,-D;" a P,,,ar2 Coni- paniotu tortue 'eiluttr bMolt, Ever>' I'irîiet, 1i ho-mld lîricnre'thia wcckly- Eitr>' <,Sin er,' i ubi'ction cri Vocal fsud YuýerY, Tuaaoer,i in ot iusic, «ut- P.veryv:p , iig but la CE.NT'S a B4Y.t46 entire Pneu cfhuintf'y, te bu "1TRI BFSTAND, CIEAI>EST Wt)îK.OF THEKINDIN TIIEWORLD'e Tivelvo fall-sisadPuiýeeVocalautti >uo Forte Musie 'for 1letêtu s. - 'Pal>,$; clf-yearly, 82..tu0;,Qunrte rly,$.5 SubiiiiflWt. "ur Msicl ued," orn enter il f'nem Ithenerest Newsqdealttr2 aîîd 3-cii will have Muslc em outh e i-uro l*mil> nt u inaiguiicàtcot,an4ir y0f vaut Muie cfor A..&c, u becri be te t h a'eemt'cudo Çcýutsau ,,pUpags, pting qul' H IE pi Nny, sI.2 ew5 ork m \' loy y ST I 6f R. 'A4 j. Ihl.. ,ýJ 1

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