Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1860, p. 1

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s, ~ôc~ Stret, hitby. w N.xt Boor to th.e iLegtrt eOffl@o Ç1~EI5 0 SVBORTPIONABE $2 TL hcyva a n sd *50 when payuable, Atoetn liaîes, Brat Insertion (par lino) (008, 4 eM7,U4 Nj1eaýinsertion, ......... 0002 Àlibeçraldiscont'a uowfd te merchauntiaanal *hhers adve.tui b >'the year.' Tblsp.aralar irclaion *fi te Coun-' '87 or Onaliifit là rond b t usnesi uman n aiWhitliy ant i yc(taty. WtEKLYGRONICLýE ,B$8 O n tuihe wonitnietî ofSATUBDAY ONE DOLLAR ]PIKÈAlINUX pabletrctîy ln atilviee. lie TIWoleky Chronileelias tutu largiAit cirenlai- tIin cf an>' other ceuntr>' haper publii§liudiitt XiTU Or ar AJasINGINuaWELY. tTnder ton lines.. ...... . $1 on c AbOve ton lînès ftrot lbusArtlcai, (per Ibîe). 0 10 X vary siubsequcaut Insertioni....... ......c004 No paper wiIl bc dbsouiined aittil al arreair- bges are W pal-p Letters enalichsngeahi, If registerai], wllF-bc aI the ràk iîkcthePubthslier w en aldressed Whutby, C. W OOK AND' JOB PîRINqTING! B TAB LISII MENT. ¶11E , PtopRIETotOr V0.ITE WIIîTBY .4<ý 640 acLEwt," 1Woil Iru» cetfu ll'vi'arn tule P"110, tuatit lie baîs proctîrca a solîte ut the ioft nlo&ëlhA atyles côf Type loin Nuw York naual otia- Cr 1Fouiadrk»ýîd s udbtpreptalcd taaexectîte 01LK UID JOB PRINTING pi qJ very desrîjaîon, in a superior style andi - ~ withideuajiitecli, nt thae liawca.t reliiinieraating ..AuctlomBitasm. erse IliIlîs, utuai aiiir dtaseri-l tidaîs etor laaýting turatilbd witlalît anu ir ot ZACIKEUS IIURNIIAMP JCe ii ris. 011k'i li h iitranIlistise. t NELSON ta. itUYýNOL1), s RILFF.geOFxIC1l AT litE tOUTl i MOfISTItAlt. OFFICL ON B<aKST., lWlitbv.I IL. J. DMACDONEJ1L, té LEIK OF TII E l'EUC .OFFIC;IIAr cJ the Court flotuse. JOIIN V. IIAM, £.Zj etrtica îe ai'iiate (va.) c Ait êheJtelst-v ffie, rue o$rt . Iui W'PAXTON;J rot ' 9¶kASURIL. AFI T TUX' 1E COUHT rit lieuse. u'ït)UXTM, ENOINIEH. OFFICE AT TH1E J.Court Ii.1îaasîa.1 FiIST1) VSIN 'VII.OFFICE J Ni'iC'iR ai'W illl'1 &MEASUItlIs for t(lac <vuial )i t uiîilît. IV. Il, TREXAYNF., T)ALLSTEIL ANI) ('IaUNTY ('LOlWN' .>Attorney. Offce--li Aralull's New liiei I4luk-~Zl"t~c<tta Fîuir.10 CAMBIRON & ilACi>OILL 1 AlLUISII$TE$ & AT'IT>ILNIE'8 ATLLAW, .I>$clbitorshtétti. C(uîîty <Joaaieil Oriatari.- t.4<Jfieit -att the a '0cloiltuié isaatt]Wiuig. GEORGE Il. DARTNEML, * T AIIiiELATTI IIN EV, CON VECXAN .1> er4 t'.,&'. Illce lv-r. S. l)aaiîuaîaîsua SCois. Iiiircbwut'e Storte, lliaock Street W lutb> B SAIctRliTi).-A 'h-.AW. '.I'-II1<K 0O1ACî'OH: NOT1AIIY 1PUBLC,&c . S Oslitwli. C. W. N. G.oIAfI, f A1RRISTER AND A170IMEY-AT-,AWV. >'dIcc-aopp#)stc thje lugiatry OMltc,hIîrock JITEPIIEN HEARLE, lIR£, LIFZ ANI) StAICINII INSURANCE ov1i otioaldisoit'~lifaralwir Store, Baoek Street Whltby. 7 »COTT'8 IIOTEL, D UI .Litinggstora. IR-11w. ii. W. CALDWELL BIROWN, (1 1VEYANlCE3t, CMLSINRF0o ýJtalçbng Afidavite, Accouitaut, littud, li sl0nî Cour ~Netairy Pilblie afiul h0eai gent, xbrIdge, 4)llee-Xiung Street, muearty opjaosmite th# aeclall. N 113-Àil bisislnî,ss .autrataatel is cen e will * b. p~im;atlyatteideal te. 1 JOHN lhILIAINGSf WILLIAÙ IPOWSON, COT<VkYAN(,ERB,&eMANCHIESTER, -AMOS W. CRONq,- A MIIITECT, CIVIL EN01NEER. AND) MONIMY IKANNAM, pRIE FPCIUNTY ANI) IsuJ'EEIOR (J Curtsp, ax4 metsuiger te the Couity clu 911' 21 W. B. mqG~8, VOL. 1. Y R &S R ATrO1RNEYÂAT LAW: OlIio- oen te Soreset Mshais, aiuitoai& 'IL ALEX. THOMPSON, NE,&c., SCARJ5ORO01TGI!, AUCTIONBER, MANCIIESTE?, EACI1, .Co anty 'Onal. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., B Al-IF PIlS'r DIVISION COURT. Ad dreâi4-Wliitby P. 0. GEORGE JIRAIJAZON, ~ IONVEYA&NOCE. C<)MMISSIONER FOR /taking AMidavitg ln the Queoýn's Ileneh, &o. ýip-k, ]$ropk, C. W. ROJ3T. CJIECKLEY, . . URZ(4EON,-AC(,OUCIIEUII, &o. CORONER s o h onfy of Ontaioj. R. J. GiIlNN, M. D. SURGEON TO -TItE ÇOUYTV' GAUL, SOCAL IflNTIST.-OFFICE IN BR1OCK 14 Strecet, oe .1. Bigulow'si Store, sud oppoaite bl'eUaisr Olflue. 'Ail operations warrainted. Rilî'rîaaae, i fir triail. 1 G. A. CARSON, M. D>. D 1-IYSICIAN, SURGEON, AOUIEI Wllthy. I'articular atteatin giveai to Claroatie N. B.-Advice te the pour cvery Mondaiy, gzra- tis 41 EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE, WIIITJIY, wàr. eha>saay, i'iiOi'UiLTOI. 11,*Il Eiîovc I tttIis sitaîatcd i iiluhatau 'rt- ii a il p:artt tile Tiutai, oaa tha- fronat riait 4100. aiîiaiaoaîîoaar ta'aa'eller. Cou Stil)liai aal 14 <itiiti ve î,.ilers.22 jVVrxi ieals Tamaariay Suai», for mille w. il. W.. WOa>DWAlLIa, Commaiissli iclcîaiiit, Duuîcis St 11IVIJ(1 1EL1T Z, Tr IACIIERL IN MUSII', TIIE ~ t (>agagîa. Pianao Forte lliaranoaav tliruaaigli lira isattl il? kiaits ýt ~'triaaglastriinîa'aats, lm prepured ta) aicvivc ai tuw saitare l'apils it tlaci (Pr lis rnilaac4r J. C. JIANCOCK, (IlNI NI Z'11CI AI. Billas re-t c .viliil',. W(lVa alle intie W rdea' 01 .iaî .î al y cv x jarieced iwork- ala. A Iso rç, paraaag aliai 1',1tla icai a u atl .AIEItICiN IOTEL. lTA LKERIl& lATEt N 'RIU 111E w tuas, cîoa'îîar u t' aiaag i id r'-raiat Staets.1 'tauiî,C. %NN' I>EItUYN0LONNG e el'a î:il," îaur atleIlatyil L elxaa, iaig lcrsîaîats ait ti uirs. i (" El litII]m borg. aV~t> O7T c .~eaaaaplrii il ethu wirqalaipIBrok. A1- lî'ass t'saiaaîagiîîa.14 FIIANhiLIN flOUNE. 1, 1s Y, tC. W. F- le . WNVETI', Pli E, 1'ETO IL (itMFOR- t laIblae îc'aiiaa fat' u r '.ravllers. A. . RICE, C~~~~ ~ ~~~ 1Al l IAKîI,V1>114) ISTJEI,&, Ucrrîu Iluli B y lit i acet, iatb.l- ar laaa~(aai iaîd da iiita ilt kiiiaî-ail'job J"aa na liai rFcurill'ail itactadaa ta. RAIL ROAI) JOTEL9 'Frtacîlrs itl)l g tbiiîgaad attenttive Omi- A. PRIN(LE, M ERC(IIANTI'IA )l B)KSTRIEET1, TIIOIXIAS DE-EREL I3U 111),g it &. &o., GRIEEN STIRET, Wilitby , Ci NW. OAKIVOOkIIlOTEL, O AKNV(>(>D, P ANC l( PRIIETO IL 0 <j ia<îd taemuinaiodiitaoiftr traivellers, 38 HIURON IIOUs, 0 OliT WaaI1TiBaY, (3. W., 1]. bo'rT S îîONNWLE, I,î'Or'uîETORZ.- P. M. CLARli, LATY 01DISi & aXa., XLElI(IANT TAILulINu. 74, KING ST à N Vest. Toiîai,îtin1 .IARTIN98 (Laite Waasl's) IHOTEL. LI1N Di14A Y T 119 SUi3SiIIIIIBEi4lAVIN(G TAKEN ;TRE aiaîuIbd ain Mn. (7nult, is abtt ae- liad lacliutuceiaî,atiaiioa talie;aînîc.44 JOSEPII NOURNE, CLFlLK T WEILFII DIVIS ION COURT OF c rîi a hriit Iua )irlaaaîni, Insuiratace buagli, Carttwriarlih. ONTARIO HOTELI, JBEYAN ,,Jr., I'li>I'1tlb ToI, JIRCCK1 fi ecet, Wlthy. Good S-tabling anad attet'- ti' c Ostîtars. 1 CANTON iOTEL, oelleigt.style for' thue, awompêodétjaoftr'el aýc1 he#s'._Ever>lattention 1. çlte travelles, analt ithe lesutaoonxnodion Providedibri"iaianal hor's». g ÂA ws ' ii tt ~ steaiyOtler48 FOlRT WJIITBYs wiIln fturecary ou, on ]lis own, aceon. Wo4 iun4-iinsand',Brandige. >-Excellent Stabiii. Cr(-tilattention for man And borate. EDWARD IRAY. Whitby,MgayOtm, 1857. 16i THE ROSSIN HOJS. ,'oOE*fm i or oux A» ND KIe S E1IFTO OONTO. A. hOeLINhel itOPRIETOt; TIiS posesseu fiilities for aifoidirag iupbrlor aecom- anodation te the traveillinig Publie.,eqiatal toe die beait Euroîaen lotls, or to any othoriestablillî. ment on the Axaxericaaia Continent. 28 WESTERN HOUSE,.: O LNVAS SIRXEE?, VItIT . r-MIlE ABOVLe iIEMISM hAVE BEEN XLj ast ippeelc b y the"underotigned wlaere travellers eau ixow fiiad good ammoanaaîodiou, Tie louge ile well fuirnished, wall kept, anad the SleTin teartneng romy andary. There in large anud convenlejat, and weli suppIied witl, lte best Wiaaets, Liquorts auaa. Cigaire. Haaad- soanely fitted up sittiuag roorias îf0r ptivate par- MICIJÀEL MceJAUiEY, 17 J>rcpri top'. QIJINN'S JIOTEL, tio. 'B, 5AULT-AU-MATILLOT ST1tI#T, LONVEI TOWN QUEIJEC. :ýFr Mxé to tMe Stetjnlaic Landînan fd opoite the Piritipli Americun' kiapaeg #ee~ RJ1AVJHLLE1RS AN]) VISITORfI tu the MA- cieaat Uiy t'Quebe wil iiùa naalperlur ane- collaaaaodlitiuaa itltModeratoe charges ant the aîhove lactel. TheIc lotul is ver>' eoravcaienotly sltuated -acaîrthlBiaks,Steuiabout w lirves4, anad pril- eiplil blîsiaausaa Plaüeas oftu ie Cty. f.lca lhe anad bur arc su ptaied with everv proiaaida t'îtabc tit] riakife.Visitors will litai] ery iattention paid te tlacir eoafrt aend ciptavi-i'iiecaaaid evcry iatormation iiid dirctions lis tg) the i' sar'iaalia1<loaxlitiies, 1rincipail places-1 JOIbiNNA 4QUINN. GLOBE JIOTE.L, BROOKLIN. rT ' Il E îaaalrslgaaed havaing taîke:a pos4ses- of u tlac aibovie well kaîowaî latel, %vlaaeli will bu coiaaîîaeted uis foiaîarly with thae ltrictcst pro praty andaî regard tor ftac caarafurt aaad cuiaveii caîce of the pl ie. Thieproprietur assaureslais îny friendé tlaat evrlanis nacle ruaidy as ilbraaaerly tu enter- tiai tlaei t tthe Lflobe Ilotel,8a4ithat jlie cwill bau îaersuaa.lly larescuat tu give thicn acIa ai re- ecelatnaiaisWis lis $4oat. Vlaclieuse liis lieai tlaoroniglly papercal, paitiatedan ad reiaovatcd, aidf is fltteid lai)lit eveay respect ii siacliaiiaîamarinr is toeain re satisfiac- tioja. 'flac l'airaîd table saajallicl, aws foriaaerly with the berçt ctataleaieand driiikaible». Calaad 5- ly. f'. DAWES, Proprictor. TRE TERRYAPIN. l[ l itlliiTfolig 0F MIIS WL kuxuwai ulad..<i, urf îîow lai oa0UL»tteta 01 tltu i-d Sic. NI (Il tNj*. lMg i4root, Torente* (titîaerly ka'1,t lmjtMr. 1iirley. ie prenulses laavebecîuîa -w ty renevate] thruônlueut, uni] lttaI au-i.iii the lirst style. levery prouuable tieli qley Ii isca"iu. A eigar divian fitte] uip se- îPi1tciue.V iuîîî m lc aietubut thte boat bruinais tare îcnaaitted tu catoten 211 CARUISLE & McCONKEY. RtAILRtOAD IIOUSE, 41ORN EH OF lIt(>CK AN]) IUNDAS Sîs., Iliîby, <Laite Wieiaaakmoiu's.) Tîte Snb wuciIlaar îags ta iitaoue lt the iii luiihiants of '<V hita, at lte travelling eotunity, ttahu i tats taikaut the above finit ci aasItotîse, whiluie uts fitradiiiaîaiii ut tiancnat]etacaiua atanater. tacts, &~iaIa.îitc., etcitiq ielidt atttonents4 iout'. AHl.aîii.ns kujit un tue procmises aire waaraite] ficthe nea-tia'1é. Chiae 'lurars. 'THIOMAS DOWNING. hI'Ititly, latinclaItha, 18517.8 VINJiGAII I VINEGAR 1I1 T I E auaîcnîrucîîtiaes leuive lu itifirn tue itiliabituritm sif <V Iitîa> tit1 ithe publici, thtî liu us no i'. uuxuaai'ua'Iauîigi7iuîgar ulta aaaulatnian ajiuliî¶ uhlai alacis prepiuretadtiply M fi1a ote- sile t(;1eciaat tta] otflti, itt greutly rci]ua-ai pri~ic.'fl, Tral ilua-namljitiy àabtîwailit. AI' eniltr. b> aiuil piiuziltnaaIIyticdalta. A]Il»mss. NA'J1IN MLE 117h/tbly. A:uglist il, 18518.1ait DAILY STAGE. F ROi'M Bih( )UGIIAM TO FRENClHMAN'S Lllay Staion, eux tue <Grant] Trnak Railîneai, eaannetiaag wihl te Sier Morning and Evening Trains. _M JAMES IIUBBARD. N.ovember tr], 18.57. 4U LIME FOR SALE. ~1-~ ÇONSTANTLY ON lIANT) DURTNO TIIE eusiîang laiiriZ gilauîsntier Fresla Bîtnaîit flaci wliich nbml si for Cash on]>', ut atii]d MATHEW CARL, 'T Port Weitq, WHISKEY. JUST reeceicet a censmigtinicnt ofu WlîiskeOY, fiamemftl tlle Y,&tlSsaIiry'la i thtuPro- vinci', iii pamclctmgt's et frein 5 tol5t> gallais, iticla lte stîbseriher'oltkrs for sale at a ver>' low klie orCah. THIOMAS MOODY, Comiission Agent. RAILROAD HOTEL, IEAVERTON. COUD.,ACCOMMI)DATION Izood Stabiaîg, uni] ciref ual Ostîens aiwauys un utttcîa]ane. 15 C. J. M. FRASER Proprietor. AXES!1 AXES!! ERSONS bui walat et ai good axe, can lile p the Rame on spplyin te thae niidens;ignoal t c te litby Foindry. Axccs repaarad on tie irai tI notice. Wtannuanled Cnst Steel. CLARK i -UTUiIIN-S, 12-41i Axe-mxaker, Wliiby. A SITUATION WANTED j ayugman 22 years oftage, hecan g ccd a oi hani], and is willini te make himseif useful li an>' capacit>'. 72 Address . D., Whitby Poat Olce WOOL CARDtING4 T E ESubseriherispepied» toe ahkids et TWool-Citrding, Cloth -DresRing, &c4ait ii, old Establighmcant, Plckerinf. Wéol Cardingaut 2à..EI E. K Whitby, aay 241h, 1859. MAILT VIN1EGA I A LT VINEGAR Camn oibe ilag ci' umahiqnainttiai,4at the W liitby erewe I ~ttaa1 Il rn beu lotft uai]ote là retittit thii _tti cto p4 ca lais 7'prevîcus ebai'acertë Ilote] Keeper' iay b hut mndation te public tain padtlgIchue comfort oet hi VAN PDEITYWWPIEBX'AN D lilýffiAY À-ND WHITBY AND ÊEA7ERT'ON.ý p1 aitlier plaice th1s",Me daiy. .The Stagesa fro.m tfinsaay nud BeavÏrtoa a' rive iii tirne fer thxecars gCoinag asun]et Sto offiee, w3UnVyjN.RA *.June;,8, 1858. NO T I C E. T.TAVUIQ prclauad thoe etire $e,at<4 l 3. XiL I>aniels & Coe., watla an adition oi SA INew Stock, .&~j we flatter nurselves tuat we CIflgive entiresaatl- flcion te atil who ma> faivor us ,with a cadli. JOSEPIZ H1UOKINS & (Co. Brooklil, November IOth, 1857. 43 M . OPHEAD EN, LICENSED AUCTI« MEE, F.Por thte County of -Onirio. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LIVENSES 1CONç- Vl.YANCIi uni] ctmmissiONixkRfer taukiaig Affldaitm ini(J.1B. uni] t. 1P. Ai]iremss VitOOMNANTON, P. O. Townshaip et Brook. A Town touetarciege, uni] 'twais heu] consulta Wbuielu waas theo inotliod l'or fertification A graive akilftul nmuotagavi a'lîls piaiOn, Tlitt aotliaag hut mseauaîli sucuire t1jo do A canîaeihc'salal, tîtu' thaut wais wcll spohfel "wais butter by ttir teauleteni] it witia onk; A cuamier b(cliiig by, wibcr hilamubetl tleseto- gel ier, Said tny u'.lait yen pîcuate, tliere la iotliing like -80 ..M SAYS- WILLI-IAM McJ3RIEN, Litill's' and] (Icillemea-',4 Faishabtaible Boot anîd ]3ROOKLIN, C. w. TMie above, itais for tuie last seveai ycars% takeai thte Brut Ipize tor Buoté and Shees at tlie Coun- ty Shlow. Notielîttlie hcsgt itaterial anal best worla- il aîtiasui ia ttapdiiacup tmi lte pîcamises. <is eh] ficuîtîIs tlai]dtitw cîîstonîaers wiiî buc reaidil> at- teilci], aidrai nislui]d witlî gootl snd elîeap wark a i uiual. Brooklita, Jty4, 185i.Ia FIIONT STRtEET, TRIENTON. îlE Subseoriber beg ateamînnouiîce WulIte lia- been litti,7u p li a uew atn] cenveniuî.t auaer. A Firqt. CujâTale ismea'ed aeth t/asIlotel. Alu Liatuutos kejatum i te Itrelmtiire of tuie best qiaaity, ccle Cpg.irs4. Ala.u, a l'.veny Stable m ii etiimii a ia liai above preimies. J. S. GERMAN, rOjI7ielur 1Trenton, Autt. S, 18.5iU. liO-ilautW ATLAS IRON WORKS, W Front Street, Tor'onto# .-el C HARLES VALE & Co., B EG te iauforn the publie thit tIhîcy laie re eaaastruîeîaxd titose exteansive promuises oui F'ronat Stceut, (turiiacrl>' )celll)ied is thme Onaio B;ruiner>', i tlataiuuast cmoîtce istyle firn calry- ung eau thuehuasînaisa et Iron Founding& Smfth's work ix ill ils branmchies. 'fii.> invite inspectiontî othair nuunucrouai 'at- toris ef'>rnaiaitutal InciaiFonaces, , Jîeeouals, NtaiuaisNEui It l)a,,rs, i'liiiii ta]d t)rauital CulsI rou Columaîst, Wiuîi]w Capas, Silîs <mand otuever>' lesciptîn ; Cneking, Paîrlor tt Box Shoves; <ratcs, CVtaaa iNthat, (aîiîdreias, Suagair Kettucai, Puaina t isaa a Furnrgu, aiIl ef whilai t t tain oal thelu ladi lsustuai] iiI n adut- vnaga-cats tenius. r--rCuuaitry urdurs iiae tuaiulyatnatuate to. Toronato, tohcr2l, 1817.40-tf NOW 18 '1>11E ' TDIE. CET YttTl LIKIiNISS AT J. A. Clark"@ lot Prize Plcture Gallery IF ),onm deire ai correct ainda lite-lUtta Ayiala-o JLtypea, Caameotvpe, l.cthergnutptu, or leaillaîr 'rntesr, or sta leien.s luia Léukt, Broac-la or Ring, forn .1. A. C. canitinauthubust style, aind a unt ttice, WILKINSON'S BLOCK 88lIroeb, itrei WXUthy. 1-1. W. WOODWARI)O, C OMMISSION MEIICHANT, INSURANCE %)ami] Generail Agenut. Ojfai-ýLaitIy (mi- piaed by JuainesIlnaligatun, Wlltlby, (0. W. Ru'ta'uîtuuas-Taous(leksai u .,Pre- sident Bua] uot Inde Tornato; W'. Gt. asmeis, Emq Maiagenr, isUn B. N. Anacia Toronto; W. W. Rnnaeia, Esq., Manager (IneLee imc Toront); %V. (iuinlle, Esq., Milton a41m,,T'f- reoute Uisa. P. McGiII, l'rcsi<i-rt BannitMuai- Inuil, Meatreal; Messars. 3Miaithand, TyIa-c & llbaieliasoaa, Tonianto; Mesars. Atidunsdai, E vans & C'o.,Montroal; Mýssriq. W. Price & Son,Qu- be .Musesrs4. Il. J. Niuad & Ce. sà21>' ATTEN DE]) te as uisuail, b>' J. C Sterling. A.Aî;ordoer eating tu Aauctioua asales;bly flue fiee, Wiitby. Messns. IIiýgiaus &Myrte aire ul tnI'aiîbori7ed te aippoant My days qotiltle, ýtcttle terne»., e, un] ho enter ihalo suaeh other arrnagemaenxts relatixug te my aiaîtioaa hasinewb ati ta> na>'coutaider preper andI neeessary.I lilial] be on iaaîd te, ratity auy agreement the>' niay tnuake on aiyjbehalf. Sales attende ii al partsof the Couxtg Pianos, Melodeons, &C. JOSEPH RAINER maminîsge tuner et Pianos, Iulodeuifs, &c1anad genenral w'rkmau ton the reaisr et alitkmfi]s etf Musical lItîlmmemîts, i14 nota' prepare] te neceive 'and excente ail] on- denta entruâted te hlm. Ahi erk nuanufaietunci]d b y him ill bc guarante cf equail workmain s4ipi toLanin luthe Provinée. lianes.ftom $150> tg $809, accordiag te qpali- t>' cf iustraimeaut. SPlaines, Mulodoonu;, and-othor Maauiîsîrý,, monits manufamtureal le crder. Partptavnt il aketa W trade. Alicrcliîrsbymlxaih reéted P. C. Whitt, cf ieftt lui w bouse rear of the Grmi'a apobwill b. punctina' tëlt4ndçd te, : ifor POTATOES. 7,*.: ~ TROUAS <MOODY,« New Taioring Establjhmeut'f SIMPSON* PIERGTiSON. E'pECItTFULLY annourice te -the: in. habitants of MWhitby and su»Ùrcuunding ounht'y,,that tehâ~Iùve opened a '~IlirieShop 'on Eroclk Streec" opppit~ tu ttOt~.o Hotel," .Where i erderqentrusted-to them inbt dn1il nentiiess and despatrcb.. çvhitby"dqc'L 2Otbi 1839. -'0, H.J. GEIBS H ASOPENED, ANOFFICE IN QUE- A~bec foi' the Transaction of the Busi' neas of Parties i'esiding ln Upper'Canada or elsewhere, with- any cf the Government Departments. Persons deirts cf securing PlaMtnta for Latndà, or hbaving Claiiaa efan>' othlir jind. tagainait the Geivernment, or requirinçg an>' information obtainable at the Crown Lands or cther'Public Offices, mu>' have their business diligentl>' attendcd te by a Resi- dent Agent, witho-.4 the expense and in- convenience of a journe>' te Quebec. Patents of Invention takcen out. Al prepaid conimunications, addressed te Box 886, Pst Office, Quebe, wiii re-. ceive inîttediate 4u.entiop. Quebec. Sept. 28,-1859. 87W-î-ly DR. FRED. DELLENBAUGII1, 0IF BUFIeAILO, . -yo, AFTliI an unprccedunlted siiecestil practice Aoe over tlaîrty yeiars, bcliaîg aiortiaii frein active prauctiecut theo neqiacutotuaîcua triends li aIl parts cof thte country, liais conseant- cd te malte two iedicail ;rcpiiruthuxs, mîprux wlicllue hais bestowed the cure aild kaiowicdge eti bai lng expceiace, uni] huit left theai witl thîe different drugglsti; fer sa'e. To tlaosc wlîe aire acquainîci] witlahIe flu)etor norlaing necîl be sai d-to others, it iii but aicecsa'ai-ry 10iaay, tuait he liais for ycairs prescriberu for froni 4,000O te 5,0 tai'ao ronan<d atwaay,îwitlathe graaihest sîmecesat. Cuises tliait have baiflecdcilher inedical mni, yielded reiaaily telis treataneit., anmd per- semas came daily frein laaîndreds of iales te be cured..'Elae Doetor, laowcvcr, titas uaot beentable. like otiters, te cuire everytirag wih onee prepair- tien, but tuis put uaplais miedieiîaeiit twotimtties, wiiieliartariîumbea cd 1 and] 1..The nuuaaataer is a I3LOOD PURIFIER. Su>urior to thee pnresh extraiettut sairsapigarillia, amade entiraaly or routs aad Iacrbs t Ilatxi n tor,>igoi countries, lte hesî îropertiaet ofwliac-hu are extraicted by ait. catire aauw uiasanieil prt eu.. 1h se-ts ira larger <lest-8s sitaactive pluVàsie. lr; siaauir cnes ai;ami alteraiive wn-rkitajdireetly en te Liver and i]Rdii.-N-s exelli nf rctti ailna aavix î» t fi7ui ia19te ina i01 alléd nîaiy bd réied oaa te uire Liaer a'rnp1aanîa, ced (4rnuploiaats îef LMe Xidlepto, Iayet(a- îilmto, L#ii5ipi4, &'uel'al Dblite, ('Id Vi- r 1Jah ou md'1117 q,latidai]tl otitar ,bisca-ises wliehl tiaIve ti i~r enma l, a lisiarteret.lor iauaîaurc staife ut bîooi]. itis vile areg nhc ai ure, afiia ivili nc'er weukcn or praî'tnutctlath body lTe nunaber 2 ip ai * FEVER MEDICINE. And i1ntitnvr bu tokeoa execpt Ilx cohilt'et la wiîaa«\,) u. I lawiIlaiaucane I/amatihifi,- masaal l;iu,,t' Ièveerv ao!l Ayuexisthe aur#t e=et. o(id, azad aUIl ains, ,î?elhea. Û'1ronie an' Aa'ti-T'itse auadiciiies wiII aiîcct CURtiS, tt reuituealstrouai ene part ef thie body te th. otîicr. r-- rRcuîucraaber to prev'cnt eumat'ý,asioaî, tîid-1ic Medtciias airca *pncpircal ly OLia l>aoTaat Fitra fait)a uver 27 yctarsç. Te larcvcat tIncia. aieorrect likvcssof thtec Dacttr il u taahue wriiapaur dl' ciittlîcttla, <ai ,1'Dn. Fred. Jeell)cluigla & Co., Bnualo, N. y9%' lalowi i in theata ta,.Diret ýla u tcatup ty catuctla b.Itlc. 'Ne. 1 issaîli]lafr $1 lper botthle Ni,. 2 t'ar 755 cenats. Witla titist sillaple notice tlîcy airc erelfrcdlte epublic, nel-% iiLoax hii Vitiacua li rueeuaiutcaîdig tag lia,.iivcs4. Fur ellic byJAS. 11. GEZItIE, sole Agent IViitly. NV'litlay, Sept. 14, 1Sit.59. w & sl 1-Y NOTICE is hereby giveax ltait b>'ait on]cr iii Ceuauwil beuniatg datte ltel4th limtuant, it is directe] tht î ii]nîîwbuuck. eqtital t h lite hales jattial, be aloavel eho lip Buailrs on Cordauge of every ]cutcriptiouuax aanonai rticles et inen, Copper, Biasa, Yellew Metailor ZAise, luxaluitu tîactareîl or ttnautnlaietircd, naialîy ise]<a]d csuupla'yc]b y thrttin ite buildinxg atati] iggiutg- ofaaamy ?11 1) balit <ail I lii hlite hats or tois Iroa- Vaatee, ami iUPOJauil i"a il articles (itxuluduuxg ic Cordauge), dities f ust-mil.,, lauu haîve huut i] i Cii wbv.,ux ,(tor b y thîta irsota oanper-, sot» frmi itaaile>' siaitliahue purclaiuaxIbe sainea), aipen heia ialltaittiolti ittuCainatda. The Oudut' hum t' -taîcil ii attiar ineets abast bbc Siîip Builler ugiî3ug ltir thee hnuwbaîk &hall tanlsia thê Co (tcîr out CUstLOMAtinitiia s apocifi- cation et the Cordage anditultier uahuilus upon wvi ielc laahî tîs alu draiwbaek, sltewiaig thei qutautities uni]values, l1Y whltamauad wluaa un- poend a]lte ameattof tIifie petitFtaxa] aise thte nuanu ut the sh ifpor <ahi pLtalthle bauild]ing ami] niggiaag etfinliclu te wiue o httte articles anentiuaucd inere use] au] wlaeua lteésali] ship on shtip jaeleitarcal or ai breani Porh; thae sai] s peci. fientions lai bu, snprprtcd te .ai f he Sluip Bilahderotolta celartna >' edhyth -Dapartateiat, allMink tha Irimhhltitu coutents etianela upecitlcaiion te bucta clie] anier Seul toiueli aecla'ahieu. Tie Colietor laîvlng satisfled himixeif that the' mntiat of dnuwîo,tekelainici] is correct, shal 'cetit'y the aipeillcation six] tranit the k5ame ta> thae Department, wheaueupuau, cIter due exemitatien, the Coletor ilil bc autitonize] te puy the ameuntait etd., Thecdrawbacek lacreamoctore atentionci te ap pI>' teus"oa luxlortutionstlyetule peclilid anti.-lus, aiwecutmasuie balethîs Pronei sute- quenl>' te flhe Seventîx alti' et Amtqnst, 18518, te day iupuui wlich tIme Âct 212 Vie. cap. 711, graintiaug a dra'î'baackocix leimprttitioîclati abe a 1tlsn curtaicases, came into force anad affect. B>' Commtani], R.S. Mh. BOUGIIETTE 71 Commuisiener cf Fýt and Xois« A large qnhttyof ld.$einspapero-suppileal 'fuitr to 'r ), Reaing 1oem derifngîhe 'a . QiTDRIL7S. i&mTMdsOutrraj~éfOrthe Piano Fortc. B7rock Street, Wkitbh, PREER~ TUtEzÂLTZ Tcwn, au no",w n îIIî W hl 11% llasuîsotm', thait nlac i8;faiitilail inita2at uIIaaasck-ej, BOO0TS ÂND - SiôES pittlig for Lde"-cimnutn4 l Ctrens>' 'tveur,'-dîicb lac 01 sil ut Grotti>' Rediîed1 Ail wor'k mafdé tci-der eau the prexilsesj, b> <mbseiber uti] lais en crme. o uleps, baut goi] and] dutral,e tuteriaahs,aaî Claoap i'atas. SoliâitIng Y()tt'r c , stoun, u ni] intrnitag yen t gave your moliaxe'nd I rc-crne your'heatlti b>' -pcuaiagBoots ali] tio<es frcita the 'uradet. Wilkipt9hu's Blbotk, Brock st., Whitby, o~tre yen ill muet',wbtha al km], e o t tl tieuni goil 1thfrouai sept. 1, 1859. JUVOII,±fl AIDEJ¶L. N ,BROWN'S AGRIGIJLTIJRAL WORI<S BROCK *SiÏEET, WJ-IITBY,, (A few rodq soti oet hea Banuk et Montreal.) Manufacturer aind DenIer lin all kinils et AGLUCULTIJIiAL IMPLEMENTS LIGIiti AND ItEAVY WAGOON5,1 Market andl Bob Sheiglas, Twe-liorse Caîhi vutorai, Picaîgbs cf va rieras nîtake and style Sebruffiers, Cern MAidPctîahee Ciahtivahors Seed arnd Tumraahp Drillai, Roui] Serupes &c. PE.verythting lin the aibove lineanttanded ho whth Puncîuauity an] Cheualaneas.- Agent for Pahherson's cotnbinei] Reaiper snd Maov- or. Whitb>' Octoer t.12' 18301. Coal 0OÙ and Lampe. -fine -ausortmvnt 'fcf tal Oi lanj e thie ncwemt jatterauud %itb the Iaieaat atm- provei] huriers. Prices FProm $1I and Upwards. Ilui Coul 011luiii]cnuhorizci] pertecti>' parc ciii] froc frotn'-atm>' tuilabtasant kcmxclii di li selaI at '1'rontt Pnhçcs. 1h gives a ligat eqivail te gais, ait becs titan Iîulf lte cecI. Flîxid amui]coînnitn 011Lanmpaialtercal te buza Cuti iiaI <aueurs anotice. (lEO. YULE, JR. P).S-Sationary, Scitool Bookst, Violine, Futites4, Accordeuits, airai supunior Viohin .Stringas, fer sale dhae1. 74 M. M~CPI>HADEN Conf'cyancer, tauMMI~Sion là Q.B. & 1.0. l$ifflIb10F 4?lAbtitlAGB -LICENSEIÇ, AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, DIIVISION COURtT AGENTe &C. iv'ill ho wilîiata aaatten mtyadCure- îa auto li l i s i îcs s a u it hi u c a J i l i e n s b e Ruiiaette-a'nuaaaaataxleck, CeunI>' et Ontario. o-t THOMAS MYERSe « LT('ENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIIE COUNTY OF O0NIrAIO AlMER'S SALES ittaie Cetattry w'ill ne- F ee Promupîtaul4Ilrtioaa, 01oua vlli henuns :-Likewiseé, G(la'oalsesigaxed oua Catl- nîission te thte Aaactitat iheoinris-hi he dimsîecil ofto the tacst adaiatligv. Suies it thto Auctiota Itoomat anea->' ATU'uiAty. Discuase ofIablorscs, lhitaghutieuiand]Spamaiu, are treahe] avilla prf'et sitcciss. A] raiss, wheu b>' P'ast:a THIOMAS MYEIS? Authiot ioIons, Wuithay, eebiary 2tht, 1859. EÂRTHENWARE. JOUIN bJt)0N'EY fi-DiliPrôlsectt ffî.rs tain sale, tI lkitîtls at Iitithi'.at ir ait n Ilacun- c] it luspottthcr'iil'tusceýot, it ex(-euailigîlvii' THIOMAS M-)011V N. B. ilerchuaps axi] Deulcrm ijlfliid àta t Ilueir advntaaget o aaspacetr, !Meoauy-' stsluk,amî lte tguai in Wýlitbv, and exftmiiie lai»s lt prices bufoeu eiiatg experataive pi chamatu Wltitby, Nov. OS8ta 1s-w.-44w SQUARE TIMBER. -3 avill isp o ierltr epairties ne- quiring theatanai. A ication, :if b>'lette-.*, (peut pal]) te hbe 80 'lin 4se'reP. 0., C. W. CIROULAR. HEUa]rsigiaei]1 hegAý te batimuiteto Ilais ,TFiaxld.0ani] tutePublic Venerailly, t1itt ha 1E . uni]oher st]CLesh. O O 'aatlicu -eitrnIn ilinvwiîh pmm*a i; Nvilf i] hir interestu - 'netuall>' attend ed te. DiIvision Court Collectious particiIaniy.aîc- qiwftted, VATIRH WS - ..Refrene iq kinidhy permitted tle George yKnt ThonaaKeenap, T. C; Patriek, aq I4nbay, Noembetl0th, 1S3P. :4i4m ON -SALE, -A "eem,1eeStock otail kinds of rceiea, ana afilli ,nock< of lquors-, Cac Vîbuadt-i tie1851, L. ý!. SCIIOFIELD & Co- 30.Barrelo_ et ,Old 'Reetified Wbhakey fronm 1 . 11; SCIIOFIELD &Co. O~N 8AL*E,- 'ehoieanld fll as 4rtwecueetCrqckeMy un, L~. Il. SCIIOFIELD &Co. 64 Ohest r'reh Teae frozà,2s. 27 'Boxeà ýTobaccé from Is. to 4 Bales Ameri<cau Grey Cotton 10ý Boxes Caudies. 38 Oasks fLiur 200 .Baarelsof sâlt. 1,. Il. SC'IlOJFLeLD & CO. Tie Saabse4ribcrs haive rcsolved 0aa eoacing to the vear 1860, tledcre toe a CASh SYS.-TE-M, Wliiclî avil cnaile htiacaito ell mauehca cper, und givu gelcrial itisfiatttoî. TO LET. T WVO centertalle i]snclirg IInnýes la the ceauitre a*jfLau Towxn, tho rea: hin» #-.:AppI>' te tîte 1'neîiiehen. i.l1. SCIIOjFIEL]). A LL thosa iltt acune uadble] clto e fusbseni- bers eitiîa b>' Ni'te tir Bock nacvnnr, nil mlttl aller ltaie First dàty of Jtauuary, 1860, <ad puy hum rriesuctmne accoulauts. L. IL Schofield &,Co. A SPAN OF MATCJIED 1HORSES., Ailatt f ai'.un :lulalaitc"I Ililanaîcas, ùao lViLh Polo atî h:f'a on wbIich thtîxew-i bu given Lay furnaslting nîiprrved c-ndorsed noteii. T. H.Me LLN 'Vaiby (c. 5 3551> i- PRIVATIC BILLS. ]?ÀRTIES INTENDING TO MAiCIE application te the Lcisl,;ative Asrseau bly for i'rivate or Loacal Bis, -cither for 1rauti . eclsve privileges, orcoîafera-itx corluorai 9,pewers f'or conmmea-ciaal or etixer purpeses of profit,' for i'egulatiuug surv-uys, or bintîariea4, or for doiaxg aatythiitg tcead- ing te effeet the rîghils ofLîrperty ef other parties-arc Iièeuby notified thait thcy are requirei]1;bythc Oend, fi3rd, cand 04th ltilcat rwîulicu afe pablishlafl lin fuîîll ite Càîada4 Ge,,?ette] tino give TWa) MONT1HS' notice cf lteaippliciîîion in thie CUanadia Gazette, andi also ina souame mesapepciaiaisIl irai the Cotant>' eofUion f' Counîles afiecîei]; standingcoptes orthie fit-st iniast uf snch notices 1'thie Ptivaite Iilll Ouli,lQuelace. ALFRED TOi)D, 61 Citief Clerk cf Privauto1bill Office Crown.LaxidsDopartment. Qucbec. I1lit/e December, 1839. TJ 11E lainads iii tuie Toîwîîsliips ut Aylix i a aaal 1ilîcks, cliiuai'ty tawi, will bu openi>f ai -cle l'un tctauaîl tctlilt, uOa 1<1 i ér tiiStIî- .Jix. iicxt. -1 Fo ianbus tQIte lot ut i and emiiîIiius t sd. aaîiay talo'bcit Fainic, B.qniru, tCruwiitaa( -! Aget, l 'atiiî,ii Cuauit *.. TODR BE SOLD-A BARGAIU ni.îiaa six Roimtua. AppIy, ifl'y lot ten ypost îîaaIdu Whi CII.AprilS -401 IN$O8,59 S KEJIOSENE 0WL UX.E4 LaW iL Eutnel>' fi-ce frein smell, anail is cheauper lueauî an> iè eIIa ll h gixu g * iig iaxatenial. C IVE, I-T :'VRIÀL Rcmornîtogi tfeni the Agent ý,r Whitliv, JÂMI'i L, tàil, - f N B IESTEII & ATTLORINEY AT LW SIAIteuiters iniChainery, Wbitby ,C. W.-.- Oflcc,-next <ber 4NPrtb ofthp ReWatry offilce. ail ý -ilW ' ý Ï-771 .iýîci Sei 1 1 wilitby. jalluary 2" . 81*4'li 1

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