Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1860, p. 2

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WhIbyTuolesay, January 24;, 1860, In «codàneowitb' the res:lution of the. prooedéd to London- to maée 'arrange. ment»ý for e"funding" the whbe.Of'our -ns. tiens! Idebt.This ho appear's t.bave'aO. compl lih.d, wîthosuIltgooci sacces, aou t bid fair taefféet a lrge-at lent a Con. u(dêrale mmving-whuisý mnking duo ro ,vision for the. total ezîlnelon of the. dqbu in 650 years. To ordinary indivial4 lto 1 would ummai mpossible that snob a rpalt thould cWil for toyîbng but ippr&al. Not toi boWever with the. "Two-day's Pro. mier.!" He lus ot.setlsliod., Moved by Ibat bc<,hl.sprtof oppOsItion to eacb, mmtd ovgrymemmre îhat'. do.. oct emanate froni hiinotl; ho l'ergets -bis country ùn bis. unbrildddesire for p lii a- itinction. the h«omrble gentema, yev$to discooer the fi ing ptruewby which the Ministeulal 'Portetalis shah bé TBýiSôor h1s'adaiiO>n. W., ea wbper in hl eur that i neither 'Finianeç," for y4 Convention' kTown CoumoAl. baf past six ýIç,lsckon Saturday oeninq'. All it1 entbers presnt. Hia Worsliip the Mayor ila theebair., ùiît Worship laid before the Conuncig the rusigîàtion of Thomas Danford, lae Chief Constable. Msoo letter pf Thomas Down : ug cood~aitg of elb. itâtc, of 4h. -drain, in fr»nt of hW preAnios duônDundas street. UIý Wosb[p irg.d U'p'on thO QouneIl tii. ».oeM11ty of taklâ#*hnmediate stops towards removing tlkis unisaneoé fromu before Mr.. Downi!ng'm door. ET-LAW TO ILEPNLL TILE £5,O0ULWAT Mr. Draper o»*,ned lbave tW introduce sumd poiticil panrtizsnsbip. In doinq te ho a bîul&w for Jpahveproe The bilI' dwarfs ils cwn possible growth-gives up ms.rOa4 w1rst "ret &bd the next read- te part>' wbat migiiî bo meant fàr maingq ordorefor tjîpnext meeting of tiie kid ; hourI>' usr>ows thi i.re o f hi$, Com»ugi. utiltyand rendors thuo pgoailcAte mnoces stAN»IJN COXXITTEES. Of hi@ foblÃ"Aonsalmost an impossibihity .Di». Gain5 sneooed by3Mr. Laing,, nov- Es, oewweaý1duguli&naIraid againit ii. *d tllmt-the'Côniâdô à os. proceed te bal. iuhpreguabi. facts tonuected with Mr. Gat'. lot. for asapecialccmiutee cifiBe e elc arrangementio einda oeeof tle "Besh the standing, conittoesfor the year, 4Y" wlicii with unerriug >ustiua*k, dirts. bracoordauce wt4 the resolmtion cf ithe wlth aàmavouns dehighmîron, nsy object on Cuicil paia.d at the légq ittiig. u!hchitanufl~ ls ffnsvebody, sud Mr. Peo inquirod whelm. es, Worahipj .what fi umst damage dees its bout te ruied the "Motion iu erder. MzTo tii. great scanda! of hi& part>', The. Mayor-Pqase state yenr peint cf1 anmd tôte minitcf iii.gen-ersi publie, h, order? sebnâs resolved te keep eut cf igu minit Mr. Pormy-Frem îthe rnling cf ycurt Ioa boe ecan~sd oudeavouns te bll up Wpnship at the ladt meetinig of the Couu- wbatever 1. defectiyo. Failimug *0. accSp.m cil, I understecd tuaituthe motion wculd1 phish that he lantms defeets. 'indlng acmcî p ou tha erdera cf tle day, sud tîntj t of-es t omdiriam-71arithmnetie Iucnffective.f jL Would be called i iiithe reg,,ulur order. 9 ho W>e ald faim kucuilus dew wéith s. whcle, The Mayr,--l depide the motion 4t e bar of figures, iu which all the' tiaWî m-nes, in, -onder, and I do se having lookeil up thec af. dmâr.garded; delils sud qredito..are -p recodents sinco Lime Isat meeting et'f tIe .çonmeisgd in iou àd~inired diuvoder,.sadd Cmuneil. 1 havu aise pnocuned hie opin. -h. b)IasOf vieor as-tumied 'rwe hie ion. o! & gentleman wmi ofuI esider goodi :onte bai ýbexcompleteyn, hi~li.m,.authorle>' on the pini-tînt opinion agreosc glilg mode niest'.eiearly tmanife&L.. Ha',Wlth, the docision I have given, sind te sae t 4efecti', iguires sn ercm v>'o ac. x ïn, üJ ceiucides witi the opinion hold1 !rAtWremit, 'than a baie of oevas.,,anud a b>'Captaia J.owe. boî 'cf eecem are siiticd te. be oalied pugbg~. làtold tofart «ud, tIase L'e-mnan'ku0 lt<>mner inteo a, inute analygis cf the brigades cf 6figures wkel Lie Globe paae.Na>' it would bc.vasuseleasaus tdiafor if Lime Leader-%mith lus 4"tînce- masu beetie," cammtot comvince the gresi Canadia Read>'-reekotier, it eau scancel>' fal 4e Lthe lot ofthîe Whiîby Clrenidle te de &e. No'verthelcs e mshah trul>' sLave tihe broad facto oethîe case.,.,Oe4r- reado-'s vir î,i~n fnubhei -on.conlusho a.T- king ith Le wme direct, andindirect, debt cf 'Csaulmib it.ameunts te £11.661,010. h tils mmes. propeseci to croate au issue cf cousol- idqtteci stock, or bonda', ah tle option efthte * punclaser, iredeemnal, until afienr 2 years t'ram tiiefinît etofmLmuany 1$6t);bear. ' ingfive per centi mteesifel'r 4thetfollowing purpse: Te psay up lu ful le sinR. i mg fumuc for tle imperi- el gunnanteeci lcau- - ýaboeut, 'Ce r<imbumnae- iii.- ouaeii.. - dateci revenue funci.for- ..s4vances nmde lu 1859. Qhn accant cf red.mp. tiemi cf dot- To rçdéem sonnait of' the Feudai Tenure funci r4 or public builclimgs-at Otta. For redemptiesi et'ramaimîden of sir per, cent ournency debi, direct sud indirect. £700,000,, 400y00M 250,000 200,000 250,000 The chau'es oirne b>' - thue revenue ému the fore- gig items are as, fol- - lois lot Intoeost sud Sitiking funci'- - Impenial lban; £909000 S;z par cent Jutereat osn- _ £29 100,000-126,000 - houai perafnuun. £21.6, 000- I j - , ii tae eoffiv.opov cent Consola er bouda tLb.su. gimi charge mii b. îteducd (for intereit) te flor sinking found per cent. )14kiig a reduction of charge - qjoes tIi. revenue clf Cauada, 140.000 4C147,00 - pe sunni. 69,000 216#000 Beél4es m4ling tbis rednotiou tii.mi- Fe prial dsbt wMlile p;4cticaiiylextî'ngnished. $.ein u p-r rsoir. ,t» bç hioneut, tbe onu- j8a t e u manufacturer, snd 1h. capitliiet to i#~li 6b. ttgoi-tahitir. NW. M. PnLrqlad presuniecithnt huviug, île Moution' in,charge lie woul c >boaiio wo, d té" >Move in. îIû 'atter. That te a>'the leastit iexhibîteci a mut et' courtes>' te- mards.him (Mn. ?erry) oni? the part et' tb. genteman iWho ns epped inu-lu seupre. cedeutoca iia emom-ta Lake tle motion eut cf Lhe lands, et' tube 1)1sou urbo finaL introdue. ec i. Aïsb (Mr. Perny's) motion iras just In tIe. saine position as Mn. Dnaper's B>'. las., mhiel 1usd be\en just iutroduced, anîd au>' member eft tl Couneil mugî,,t aismall iuterfere in euone asîl te ciier. Dr. Guna disclimeci su>' mut et'cour- tes'. towards XM.'.erry. Ho aimpl>' cen. sidend t tntiia&athe'firsi thiu1g te bc taken up b>' the CoLncil and for tînt rm-s son moved lu.it.- On t'hÈý_- îgg'e4o o f Mn. Pcfrry LIai thon, bei gas bV,- t. C u lpresent, M . Lymde Dr. G;àumu asaeutedi ho sIlos. Lb. natter te, lie ove' nutft'a ýlqîirstage.eof thé. procmoed- inga of the- Coummil. Mn., Lynîde -.'ubsequenti>' emtereci sud the notion wmjrenewedi sud carnied., The ballot reammted inlutde fellowiug cemmittee . ÉMiisDraper, Lynde, Penny, 'Ro*me sud Gunu. 6un otion of Mn. Perry, the Mayor lefi the clair fersat'es. minutes t"a thîe ceni. mnttee umight retire te propane t41cm re- pont. Ou île. return cf thie conmittea LIe Mayor resuiunci the cair aud LIe report mas adopteci appointing Lime follos.iug Lhe Stand- ing Cennutteeo t'ehLe yesn. Finance and Assetisrnenpt.-.Brýusn Dra- per, boire.7 2'bwn Prlêry-Draper, Gunmm sud Fire and Wer-Gunn, Lynde, Cami- eron. *Prining"-Liude, Brown; Canieron. StreeUsand Imnpr-ovemeimis- Laing, Vail, Penny. Applications te Q.fce-Ros.e, Penny, Laing. License Contmittee-Tho Mayor, bome, Birown, Perry. J3oard f IIealtlt-The mîho Council. The gentlemen finat named.to c chair- , men of the severel conimuitees te wiid they bclonged. REBOLUTIONS, On motion.et' Captais Rowe, aeecuded' b>' Mr. Penny, 4h. report cf -the. epecial couuuittee on-the Aseeemeni lais mas ne-. fenreci te s seleccltmittee 'cf thzee con- sistiag of Meusib. Rom., Gunu, aud thue m n o tiqoer,.rrsc'ne 0urntem f -r.Pen, 0cddb>' CapC Boirwe tint ;WIen thIeCounseil ajoura fi stand adjourued pnl1 xo4ay tii. -0 l.apltimemt of Town offi, snd t Mr, ýDraper gpve notice 'hî'cwu nove At the iuext meeting cf thei. Counci for the. adoptionofamiriio hLc isiatturo praying for 4h. passage cfRa Pro hiu>itùoy, Liquor Laws. LAeOwas m-amteâ tW preemîthe follow ,f orP. M.'Clau, pràyiug t b. 4pp pointed te the ôffiee eftChief Cànstalel.- Dé.' (1unn7 - OrAlexander Csméron prayig foi, the on àmotion 0f Dr, Gonn'çnedb MNr., rown, Lthe &bove petitions was or- ~se ebe- xfèred te tIme standiu Commist ir dooto-appli cations for oc$o.. m The Cotincil adjoumred at halfpiasî eighi C'Election ofr emeves b V ie, Peule At tihaslt meeting«cf ii.Town- Ccun- cil-?Mr. Draper gave notice cofa motion te uti-o>m h. Legielature for. a'change luith ~fMnicipal Ja.W, su as show 'cf Reeres, and Doputy Reeves hein- elected directly uy the people. That some snob chnge, s :neces&ary every municipal eleetion that comes round, more and more serves te ltew. Wc venture tW etate tht in aine oses ont cf ton the Rle eves, and Deputice eecus are uet the. aboice cf tieiminjcrity fW the ratepayors cf the Munieipalitiem.... [cet generally thc v'ery reversé is thoe eo 3nd through the caucnssimig snd chicancry. f vocal rivais, an iiicîpable anmd obscur, man ha preferreci te the. efficient eounelllor. fiiere thie municipal couneil le comuposed )f flve members, thrce iuviiably combine ýelecitIch Reeve aud Dcpmty, sud boiû1g ibc majority, cf course, have thinge proU>' nucb their own way. Most generally tbere re two partie-two at each side-and t-ho ,reat struggle is as te which two-Shahll go i tic County Coumîcil. Wlîidb ever aide )btains the vote of the odd man, cf course uans the victory;and te thi endi bctlm parties rork might aud imain. Tins tiecelection dReecve and Doputy Ibey,, dependsuapon ie caprice cf eue individual. To secure s voe evory spocies cf artifice, sund un- ur baud mene l resorted te, suid invaria- ly a quid pro que, secuires the d sirecird ut, Iu this wqy tirs worlchiug cfthe pie- unt system, tonds te the demoralization cf he represeutatives, wmule the iritercets cf ie ratepayors are made subservicut te in- vidual vaulity, or the gratificatien cf pri- ate emîmity. Wlierc municipalities arcenr- ied toelc heot li t-ove enly, thc sanie ricky, performance is gene thrcugh. Enci ftwo stroug men carrnes n tedl, lu thc ape cf n thiek-amîd-thin supporter under is wiug inte thecocencil, andi the best hici- er receives thc support cf' the odd min. ýr as it frequeutly happons, the two at oe le-te spito tîcir opponuma, and without e 8iigîtoat reg-aéd te fitness or cnpnbihity -cabt their votes for the sehitary mémber, [me with lis cwn vote returus buisoif. In teins thc case is litthe better. A oterie enter inte caucus, procure a tujeri. c f the muemubers te pîccige ticmschvcs te ote for certain iemu, sud blindcd by pare- rpersoual motives hose sigit o etc pub- c gzoed, sud deprive the peole cf thc i I il Board instead cf fmu;e as at preset.- Vhere s municipaiity la entited ftes Depu- yReeve lot hbu bo elected inluthe sanie canner, and at thc sanie time as Beeve; id lot those langer municipalities have evon members in thecauneil: This alter.! tion we tlîink will meet the case. Ticenma- Iinery would be simple, andi work ha thc unie manner as that which now enxista fur Iecting Mayers, sud which is feunci te ,ve 150 mmcii satisfaction. W. hope te see tho municipatities take Iticu ou this atter, sud ai once oud hu wthtioue te the Liegielature fer thé acconi- Liebuient of the. oud lu view. The près- eitnh a mucat opportune moment fer the ,ount>' Ceuncils te entertain the subjeet, id, w. sincerely hope LIat -thei- Coaty eneICil. cf Ontarioe mill imot-»opsMate ith- it doingh«omeuhiugtow&rds semrgthe, isirablealtoratjon we bave siiommito be eessaV ' sud retquieed ,il Oumr Preumn-u 1Mr. Smuth seconded by 1Mr., w.ribt7 moved.that JTohn Hall Thompeon, Esq.,. beWavdre;m. Thé nominations were thon put. b>,be clerk in the order in which they were r'e- oeived, and reeulted as follows; FrM'ïW4miteM ess r lt,~ei Hiloj I!e l ' -Whité" Wixon,O ai, , Meure 13ýW11 ,Campbell. Gamble1 Hart, MbGregor, Pitt, Robinson, -Rowep Sangster, j'à itb, Thompson, Wriglý , 2 M. Whî (Fickedm, sm*,îxcused fromw voting.: For aaiifwo-M relrnH . lî, Pirt aud Robinson, .4. 41lthe. otiier., rsmbq.ý vatiuj nay. Captain Rowe w"~ alsêo usdfp eig 'Tbr John Hall -Thouipson.' Yens, mes- ers flrtiit, Brwn~CambehGamble, nat«, MeGrogor, Pirt, IhstcIi%. Rowuitïon, Rowe, &tngter, Smith, Wiïxen, Wrîibt, 14, «-Nays, Mesers Howitt, i oWhite, Ks(Whitby,),White,, (Pickering), 4. Theý Cleik declared John Hall Tbcmp. sOn, E.4q., to be duiy eloeted Warden for the preseut year. I rfhe Warden baving been conduceoc to' tho eh air I>y hi$ - mever andi aeconder,' mei5gra sm ith and ýWright, took the usual deelaration of office before Hie Honor Judge Burubam, who was attended for the. purposo. The Wardeu briefly returned thauki te the menibers of the Couneil as follows : 1 41 GIn<TizEMN of the Couneil, 1 have most rcspectfully Wo thauk ycu sincorely for the kindc mannor in which you have elected me to, 611l the chair, and at tho same time t4 express te you -my determi nation and desire, as far as possible, te act in such a way as te desorve the confidence yon have placed i me. As chairman of the Council it sÉall always bc nmy desire to doserve th. honor yen have conferred on mU-ESTANDING cCOuMMTTEs. Mr. 'Smithîseoodéd b>' Mn. Gamblo, meveci thta 'cemmite et'ofive be appeintoc b>' ballot-te Propose the standing Committees for'g îl p'eent year.-Carnied. The ballet resulteci in tavrrof Messrs. Mfieti, Ratolit!', Robinson, Sunith sud White, (Pickerng.)- Ou motion cf' Mr. White the Wam-den lefs the chuair for fificen minuteî ium order te give île Committee ime te iake up thibm report. Mn. Memett broàght in tle report cf thc select Commhîtee, pnepesimug lhe foluos.iug asq thc $tatdiu-, Committees. Finance and Asses.nient.---Wri'-It, Whiitoielmim1 sl. ~ucaîôn.Hes.ttCamupbell, Sangsr- ter.- CouUy Property.-oisou, frewi MeGrigor. Roada and Bi-idges.-bowc1fHant, ]lautlett. Printing.-Smniti, White (Whihtby,) Contingencie.-llatcliff; Fini, Gambie. BY-LAi OONFLRMING iIOAD ALLOs.ANCE. Mn. Campbell intreducci a by-lsuv, cou- -mi - -, 'U-u-lbyV '- ' v ipu'*" "' iSECIIETAIIT. Whiîby, te voit a certain rend aloîsuice A nesolution paiseci authorhzing tic in Euis Brown. Seonîc readuug tomer- clairman te engrage Mn. James Draper, as nom. Secretan>' at a salar>' cf $25 perar umum. NOTICE 0F lit-LAi mFOa AiPOINTMENT -OF ErUIN AUDITeiSS. Tie followiug nesolutieus paiseci. Mn. Smith gava notice tînt lie iroulci Tînt thc the future meetings bh hlci-s introduce a-by-Iam fer ibis pupose oi to0 tic Towni Hall on île lait Saturda>' ini acI mornes.. Ou motion et' Mn' Rateliff s nesohution menth. paised that tle Warden louve thue clair for Fixing 4the achool rates ai 25 cents per eue leur al liait' psst 12, and mit 7 e'clocic meonîi. p. ni., cacI day durnig the session.Rem stntiToaTuuereume Ceunci adjguaed. acep> of îhe By-las. creatimîg Lie Schmooî doIt, sud asachedule et' debeutunes andi Internent cf the re mains cf the laie Ilngh McBm-jii, have tiesame nogisteneci aceom-diug te las.. - 'nTEÂdIEmiS SALARIES. TIc romnains eof tIc late lamnteci, Mn. Mn. tiproîle, secondeci b>'Mn. Watson MeBniem, dici meLtm-aci WIiLby nutil lait moveci ilat fer tic ycsn 1860 tie salaries Tîunsday uight, conseqauti>' the fanerai te le paici te the. Teachers cf île seernn mas ýpostpoed ciuntil Sunda>', ile 22ud lit. adbeous ho 'as fohiome: At about ýmvo c'cicck con Sunda>' île bcdy' HENRY STn. Scmoo,-Ilead maIe Tend-. mai removeci freni Mr. MeBricu's late rosi- on, $450; Headi feniale Ttrachen, $350 deuce te St. John's ClurcI, Port Whihby, Assistant female Tencmen, $200. t'on ifiternent. The fumîrai processicunîwu JonN STr. ScioL-Head. maie Tendher, acceaxpaniec b>' a lange dencourse cf citi- $400 ; Assistant femaho Teacben, $200. zens, suad b>' a great man>'ofeth e friands oft'ANDERuccSONSI. Scuoor,-Tesclcn, .$300. tle doceasec froni a distance. The Orange- To talc offect trmmthe finaL cf Manel memi pthLe" district auso attendec inh lange next. force, sud maiked inl procession imniediste- Mn. Brein expreaseci bis cecronoec 1>' after Lhe hearse. Thcemttendance iwu5 ihthe tonna et' themotion:? Me alise ver>' pumonous. stateci tint tic tbim'd female toeber monici Mué MeBrinic mas lu the. prime cf life, b. botter dispeused ith l atogçther, sud being euh>' LiirLy-five years et' age. Ho mas tînt h. cousidcred $300 pleut>' for Miss nativet'ofîle Cont>' Fermànagi, Ire,. Mickey. landi, Wlience. le cane 4te a sTownship lu Mn. Bongougi referred Iote e reat fali- h i dci te le eiociet'ling of£ in tîleoficioa>'ofethîe H4mury Street 1840, mone o crosie cduptoth prid fSabool ; tInt tiere dici not appuear te lbe iris~~~~~~~~~ deth oms o> dl' iom;îe sanie euergy ani a s fonnerî>'. sud aï mail neapccted b>' al hI mie nci i. Mr. Fraser concurreci sud stateci tint ho .A-foi ircels prerlous te lbis deaili le [aciroason to, blier. île Toaehen'a tume mont (accempanioci b>'Mn, Weeka) îte ïie 'tas-tee muai talon up miti tIc adivancedi Sontheru States, expeetiug te necruit île de aholara te îlhe negleci of île othors. Tic Board thon adjourueci iutil T e'eleek clining bealtii, wii ILms but îoo appan- 4ilu at Satunda> lu the mentà. ont he, lad bees fallinug lute for Borne tino pieviousl>'. Tiere nature ancumbecib b CteR7D numtnhe-lmbn ali-ccuquernug power of death., ir uliai the aunouncemseni eor Mr-. À Mr, Weeka, kini>y' atteutieons, sund the ; Kul.' scel ebrnied germas oil. As s faitîful'sud trutý-woenl>'nner hunmmi pratio.t. bleapp1id exte1rnaahl>' mei b. discharged the lait offiesz on oartb for h reases to bellevothàt ii valuabie .he deceasec gentleman deserve to e . m- ol nequahieci for th.ecureof ai diseues 1>' reeonniendod, sud are mehl appreciatecifcf l, ubd*h"r' proceedlug ,frein 1m- b>' Mm. MeBies'sfinlea. A mifit' sd ive puni 'cf the bIdÃ"aom- frein exténua vio- yonng eh ~ren survive the deceasd 'orn m Fer ents1 irnis1e, prainsia ýxit* ls irboseMintenance hia provient habits lbas susiling remedy. lu cas lbe equail>' mo saple prov*ioion. -j--ap wiêqcagoestu Iman sd beait. stock beiug subsoribed under. it -on tii. Company' s bookes ad at any ifoment the Directors may Ievy a eaUi of ton per> cent ôu5,o0f uhe muiùt, Do wynr'a"Das -Th e newi ÇOM- mittee on, à tm-o d ; ý I-t a .-..mpro::mcnts:ppear, Tii. ý'>ý2-e tretibefore ,,,Downing'sMf inas ebockiug staté,sdti enilowl have begun their laboriellif theyeiteceed in abastlng thoe uce. WHITEY UAUTRR tFMs*-WO haveý listenedtea gooci deal of -taik'about the importance .of-,our periodical faire, but ai- * thotmgh the.. next ,fair takes place - on WVed- nesday the , 6rst cf Fobruaî-y, nothi'nirhae beau, doùe bi the Town Council towavds in- forming the public cf tho fact. The first Wednesday iu Febriiary, tii. tiret Wednes. day in May, the flrst Wednesday i Augnet, and the first Wedneeclay in November, are the days appointoci b> by.law. Notwitbstaxd. in- the romisnese of the Town Council, we hope te aoe the riaim- well attendeci' The. public shonld bear in mmnd that the fair ià froc, the weigh-ecales frec, andi mauy other gooci things will be free ou thnt day. WIIO'LL FILL va Towx OppicmEs?- Only.two applications have yet becu made (aud those for the sanie office) for the offi- eu~ in the gift cf thie Corporation. Does any oue want a situation ? Whuîby, Jan. 18, 1860.- (Tîraug i imacverteuce the fellhesiug mas The maniIons of tbe nom Board met ai the. Town Hall ni 7 o'clock ou Tuesda>' eveuing. Preseut-Messgra. Broinheivou Frseon, Lynde, fiprowle, sud Watsou. Mn. Jous BENcGOUGII, CHÂiLMÂN. Mosans. Penny, Fraser, Lynde, Wteu sud Spros.le, mare uoniîaed ini succession te fill tiechçain, but sevonaîl>' declineci. Ou motion of Mn. Fraser, secouideci 1> Chairman for 'thé preseut ypar. - <OMMITTE 98. On motion cf Mn. Penny tie folîoming cemuitterivenre appointeci. ANYDEnseir ST. So.'zoî,-Messnai Penny sud Fraser. HENRYmTm. SULiioOL,-Mossns Beugouglu snd Brown. JoIna ST. SOumeL-Messrs Watsouncin wife by, a riing e evwore on ber linge- Hee- bad oegrohed anxionsly for ber body, a ae. wasfoundin the. histof ',missing. À ebnm-red and miishappen mass broq'gl into~ Ii. roora of the. dead' iie examined, as, lie exautiied al. Upoù' a boue in the clasp. e4ilcleton of, the band. h'foud'arliug. Upon it'was engm'aved-his own name. L hp4Obeenpreuted by hlm to bis wife oný her hiappy ý-brida! 'day. Wfied ho .foumd t h u e , ibis sad1 consolation tri- serr :, M ient isbisi 1C i d f rj o y . . W h eý 4 n h o l o k e d a g a i n .. : -on ticblackened coýrps., hie lois a foli s seeme& -,With a deaid.iingwoight"updnthe seul, andi aillwas ebanged. .Nothlng C oulc command lis attention beside, and ho wae. borne from, the* rcom ravingý wild as a mua-_ imea, exhibiting a l~eing as. strong as conci be pictureci by the unet extavagaut, imagination. 1 MOTHEIa PIZDs BER IuAUOiTER. Mrs. Barrctt, wifcet'f James Bnrrctt, of Lanwrence ha l lst a cbild and. Élie, toc, wag a froquent visiter at thê dead-house. Saturday sftcmnoon she caine, ftccoînpamîied by a yonirer, daugiter, briiîging a mimmia- turc likcncs e oftte lest, l'hé miniature- represenfeci the fcntùrcs cf a yeuîîg lady cf unusual perserial attractions., A livehy bcnuty daiiccd in ber youtbful, fresi and rosy face; an expressicu of a nature ah- most angelic buaîucd in her ee. Wt this the mether nid sister came seelcingr the original amoiiig the dcad. Tic bast one was fouud, but the fair face wnas burmi- cd away ; the litlîe and graceful form was now a shApeless trunk, which was receg. nized eulyby a fabrieco the dress she wore, a sumnli part cf wbich was uzot destroyeci. The niotier tlirew lhersait' on ti'rermains; she arcuseci berself and gazeci upon the miniaturt, anîd freni that lier cyce again wandered te the romaint cf lier cbuld. She faimîted and wus borne nway. Thoâe pres. eut turneci away hcart-sick. Those who bnci stood ûrlhm tirough aIl until ncwv, mol- ted tintil their SyMpathy awe4kned teous À 8SIITER INDe MU R 5Cm-E. Among the missing t ira etrpctted wasâ James Hurty. He came frem New York- nenrly a year ago, accompanieci by his on- ly sister-xis cnly reletive in .Aitcr-ica. J.hîay had lcng liveci fol' cacli ctmet' ulcîc. Eus ferux bclow thc lîend ivas found te be berfcct in death, only the flesh wus bitter- îhly ronsted by theflorçe lient. Ris body s'as reccguized by n kcy and portemonniale n lis pocket ;ndded te thus cvideuce, bis boot iras pulled off, andc upon bis stoekiin vas found hus initial letter, whicbh fad beau carefully threaded thiere, hy bis dear sister, i Who now Soughlt hîim lin lier despair The trunk cf théô deceaseci wâs taken te the City Hall, andi the key founci in lis peeket fit- ted th c k. To ïdd tehte griefofet i sistor, wbule it prcvctsgain tliat- the vîleat depravity t an exist anug the most awful scenes, te trunk wîus breoken open by some villain wbu1e it remitied ut tic City Hall, and ùIl Lînt was practicahly valuable, us well as ffat iras moat bigzhly prizad ns sncred me- i NmiuvY Omcmc, Jan. l9.-Crstepber R. Haiiett, toiler in tIe Market Bank, commit- ted suicidee yestenday, b>' hsliug strychnine. MHe mas 25 years od, andci ad boen marrieci about a yoar. A collhiio occurneci on LIe Hudson Ri- ver Raiinoad express train froni Albany,_ sud île Siu-Siug traini, botb geiug oe ira>'.- The near car of the express -train iras smasleci, ton cor imeive pussngens more mere on 'louis huned,.sud co, Mm-s. TIcs. W. Fielie kilieci. Mns. Fielci, late .mis Anus TaiLle, bato Principal of eue of île. public achools la Brooklu, iras narnieci >'ésterday mernimg at a siiton's bouse lu Kingston, N. Y., sud lad juet starteci ou bier bridai tour te tthe Sonth. Mm-ý. James W,, Menton, wmo mas couvansing m ii M. â Fieldi ai ile moment cf 4h. accident, ias ilmonom over île bauk into.tbe river, fimhl- iug cuilie le. 'He mas bui aliglul>' iju ed. The accidenihsppened lu duesaine ira>' s tinat on. ti. Marirmrenàd -yosterda mornung; the express baviug beos cern- pelleci to.st.pon the resci for soeep4r. poîe,ý mii>!,' itheSing-Sinc, more too close bebinci te be stopped in-season. Bish- op MeCleskye cf Albany',le amng iL. ee- rieusi>' i*i-eci. Eigiih t'fthue iujurod we-e ;Ieft ai - Tam-myto'wm,. sud due renaunder I*eugh tote iis civ. Of tuais wbbilW âIirived ai Vilorfafroni tha1 proviens munhtbaù u n*ing-.,-a-y ià rhod, many aviagmnae" ZOO a.. weks. Coarse goldba many places, and some claim.jPa whthi6ut the aid cf quiebsllver.' Bn- wôuld winter atDoufflï- Yaàiè, sundWeetuninster, al of ivhom eutë,i glcwingr anticipations, of the yiel4e the cemiug* eso. . Stramige Occunmence; at a FýmWer il. of t ( 1ro-n fime C lic sg çeT imuuu ,,Jan 1.) - Onue cf dueitrangeui occu11rebces iappen' ecdyesterday ni ttule 'funeral of -'Xiohaet Gtitbrie wwlu>mis ccideutabykilued duo-day- proviens --on due Northwoegem-n ra5way, mmi oh ave ever boon- caluedi upon. teo- cronicle. The fazily oft'Mm. G < bmiie, consisting et a whfe sud tlureo obildren, bad made extenbive arrangements for- the'- - a commedutidn cf the fniends of lme decesséd: at the fuinerai. À large nunuber otecarria. fios snd s numerous assembl ' of mourners- irere prescut iîcuthe. undertakeu', Mr-.- Berry, arivod ihth tuhe -âse, About the. saine time anetier carniage, contai"ika moman- richi>' sud fashiouabl dnesséd, iras driveu. to tic deor. Tie-ironia alighted'., aud eitered tbe bouse. To th.e stonigh- niuent ef theasoembly, te, al luom ahe was a total étranuger, allé greeteci tue chidnen orf Gutuirie as lier owm, snd they in -, m-n ad- dm-ssed lier as their mether, manifestitite greatest je", mùigl-ed %vitl surprise ai soeiug, lier. Tiie mit', cnithc other baud,,wssceSa- foumded. Sf ie enot ubat to sailfmor wira> te thfîimofethua sudden aîid'stmang.iàpper, uîîcc et' eue wl c laimeci aise W, be .Ie~ deeeasd, and Whe as ddnsssijý -kTî clîildreunas theirunother. Blge knemwý1 s e lf to b c t b ir t p o b r h y j nt4[pd 1, hIn al~ m tm~mm snd in the full confidenice tîat bis fhrst iif was deaci. Tiisuppositioniieing mmx- evei'throwu -b>' the suddeu sppesrauce of'~ ýone claining te ho thnt deceaed sylfe lhe other wit' c-egn te uliraici thoebchi ren, foi- nett elitglimer tbnt thoir miothoer was lIv- ing. TIhe m-cal nuotîer (for îi eh the.8tmn- 'e iras,) ussuned bern uaL the childnu-e.i4 miot te biarne, ns île>', ns mel nïs ileiriftih- er, lad reasen toe lee .berdead. 8he. liad descnted ber husbaud, inithe' City' of St.. Louis, mIere tIc>' lived, 'sud abortl>' sier ward causeci au anueuncenienîcf ber death to be published hu the newspapers cf thai cit,'. flut sue ms nt deaci.' Leaviug St. Louis, sic lad livec inhuChica-o, 'not Inow- ugc tîmather 4husban'à mas hem-e until alie sas LIe acconut eof bis death pûblisb4in le papers yeaterday morniug. She lIgd corne te reeluin ber children sud to, behold fr the hast Lime ou eamth'tho form cf their- 'aLler. The mppearance cf the stnanger imdica- cd thmît élue *as Oeeof tînât nufmmerons cinés. ut' shandoneci momea sWho sai alcng ,ou' idewaika sind atimat tIe gaze of lièenious mnm b>' tic gady trappingi et' their tmadL. 14 mu>' be wel suppoeccitit a eqeme olomcd tle anno unoomentof hem- rei1tÛôji Le tue deceased in huîe fun ,erulsseéiàl1aTe. Tlic frieuciswI lad - congrogated to psy le lait rites to thé doad, suddnlyc*i lheir mincis andi refuseci te fýollow the lme'%M Lo he ccmetry. Tii.>'aIse declgreâ' 1Xt lfe mife (sIc wbo!n due>' hu4 aupposed t c the oui>' mi honld net ao o. Th. traniger cffl'rèo psy the esr 4ju' ea oft' he famuil>, but the frienda woi*Wràot ?emit; t., u LIe midàt fÇedcem b dèrn~. 'usien,'h tI tnsger inv4ted 4h.euiirëe Obil., tnn ae oncarnage. Tbey'obeye.,ùd h ie -c arnTago mas drivep sw ay.. - e bél s . ef the housesihom-tly'ftèrivardi4 -'esaimg [me'ronain ofethde deeased, :but Dtiýim.. 'le meunier followe<L- On ariving-lrli. onotry iL iras mejoindbPy the 'ca-riaLgecCou. iing the neir fouud motber'and heiil1 lren, irho, mii the imites and underlaker loue wituessed its bumqi. ,Thomeuthd, ren ire conveyed by" tIroir mt'thm- )tU osv bome-wiiere'we kueir not-sun4mhd& bat-ire conld suppose it. obola better ime hnn thai froinm wiebhýhey WËrie se smranug r sud umepeted1y takon. Anr addre oasteL evernenite ouse g the inîegrity an ope's domniion, 'y r. by Roman Cat The L.mj-dpa 2Ti I cf Waiewshi as bleon la diaposed t ore libers! sud g, osai inself ie umaitais ht agi suiotisur sand aIl an bis stam nanket for r> i quiet, . estenda dl $1 30; s1 ateady ut 4M active, midi quiet. Yc $5'3; 20 & Officai .A -' Quuut, 1ê'&jnui Hie Exceileno> the. Gevei hi bees 'pleaseci te mal. tii.' pelulmients, vis: -fouis 8ihneoa Merlu, àEsâ3 Member oft he Exeèutiv'eCoq Province cf, Canada, Thie honorable' LoulismS'n.' be eue et' HonMajesta (hoUa' li the. law, anmd fort4 part FI k U vU m B. IL. f [ivi-m 1

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