Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1860, p. 3

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étor dismuesal of Çot the French Ministry of For., ýtiAclâd more attention than 'inApolitieul way. Thé is oustrue I seiec i ton4 eespouse the Ital. Thouvenul vould, qnit- Contautlnopi- tfortbiit teasme tiheForeign bKiniatry,. It wurumo rd hs the viuit of, Lord - <owJey, the British- ambassdor et the. lte French <Cort te Londlon, hedroferec --te a settiemént cf "thé !W*mhin qesio wito~t tiassunhig othe Ecropean (ton. MeK hLad succecded Vaillant ns Commander cf the French Army of oc. eupatlon i Italy. Théel'avis fleurse continued dcprossed. The- Sardinhusu Goverumént had pteteat- ëd bgainst thé ehistmoent cf Germans bfthue Pa$WGovernment sud t1leatened t. send troopAnltote éLégation. Thte Pnssian -peace aru nlstebc in- o44ed to 35,000 men. Tihe mails f romi Bombay of DDce 12, sud Mélbournoof Dec. 17,'had arrived. Thero Jwl belon changes lut the Miniatry both in s Victoria and New Sotith Wales., Mol. 1;ourlnre mariceto-were depressed. Mr. Graham, a provision contracter, had sàopeude4 fer £80,000. Arriva: of the 11,AÀFRICA."1 The Africa pasied, January 9, lat. 15: 20,1onge 12 :49, the steamer North American (rom Portland. Mr. Daniel Hughes the s olicitor whe ab. 12nded with iabilities to is client m unt, îdg te £160,000, hadl been tried and Blen tenced te ten.,yosa penal servitude.- An addreas te Lord Painiergaton, praying * Goverument te use its influence lu maintain ing the iutegrty and independence of the Pope': dominion, was lin. ceurse' of signa. ture by Roman Catholies. .Thè\Laudon 2Ymea regards the dismis. B.al! of Walewi as a declaration that Na poleon is disposed te commit bimaieif te a more libérai and gouerous Uinaeof peiicy, ta e t bimself lutte the Itâiisa caus nsd to maintain it against -ail tho powers of déspetisus and ali the hoatiiity of the 'the Ti-mes warns the Emperor that ai. d hbgh ho may ceunt ce thé synpathy of Enkland in bis stand for t ho Italians, ho Mnuât net expeet that shle wiii join him in anoffnive alliance againat the other pow. -mi. .tther Engllsh jeurnals regard thc -chanige ai hopeful for the Italian cause. WJIITBY MAIS KETS. CIINLEJuuîuury 23tIu, 1860. The market for the lait two days bas ~r been very quiet, sud net much produce ofl'riug. Yesterday 480 buahels from fur. mers, faîl $1 30 ; spriug- $1 8 te $1 9. Oats steady at 40c. Feus active, with fair deliveries at 60c. Pork quiet. Yeaterday 10 avorageing 200 lbo. $5ü 1 20 averageing 185 Ibs. $5; .8 avcragoing 300 Ibo. $6. Ditte-Spring, $1 te $1 Se. Penn,' 58c. a 60C. Jlurley 50C. ua 55e. Oats 88eC @40c. Rye 50c. a 60c. Raly $14 Q $16'f~ ton. Pork $4 te $51. Beef $8 75Q $5. Sheep $8 @ $4 50. Illotatoes, 24c. C 30c. Butter 15. Q 20c. FEgp Od C s f do7. PFowbs 25c. a 80c. V pair. Turkeysi 50c. 0 7rie. each. Ocoese 25e 085C. Aji<pes 50e Q $1 00 'f bushel. Bait $1925 ' barrel. (Jerd Wood $2 00 0 $2 25 10 clord. I3IRTH. At Whýtby, on Wedneiday -the 1l8th inst. the. wife of N. G. Ham, Esq., Barris- ter at law of a son. DIE D. At bis father's residenco, Eut Whitby, aui Friday thé 2th iust., James, second mm of Pet4r Taylor, Esquirey,nlu th- 2let year of his age. The romains ef de- eeaiod were interred et thé United Presby. tian buria ground on Sunday lait, with the ho nors of the Orange order te which -bo~dy ho belongiW. A tory large number of tho brcthren agetnded the funeral. Théfu- îiuftÃ"td Ou animais. £M tIl lus béen used snée.ssiù1y for the Lat $ovou ears, and bai ýtîver boi cîowi te 1h1. Midé mdsold by A.dkongt.WL . Mhftbye Jan, , S< 'ikrn,(..2y Je!tn Gordon MaéKénzie sud Gordon MUttben- ANDi John G. B3ôoeu. Erward Bowes, James Bovin, David Buweu utd Givin. Pciloek, Detendantu. Upon 'filue appliégition efthe piiitlddâ smui Ilupoi earing rendl mn aflidavit ef Wilililet. 7 Trointtyuuè,,-sudit.sippetrlnK thr t thée àad' tbnasJehn G. Biýiwembuheu oabseenîdoil t1glecannerb., found te. be oérvéd wlth au elfficm cep>' ofthe lbîlunthtfm BIihl tthlu. causé. ft is ordered tiuut thé mild Méfndant John -'G: Bewes4o suswer or,,.demur te -théeîpluinitft BIi ou or béroré the 28theduuy et Februiar>' noatt, suid ir loerdered tli.cts of tIbis erder, te gerber.with te notice requl md b>' the Geri erders of, tiis C ourt, Le publishied lu 'thé "CVhretaielé" uîwsrper. pelillhéd in thé Town or Wlitiuy. onw in eueh wék elfr thé eoiu*r ,weeiru néxit précédiugtén-wut i.t day ofob-ttary, md it lsftnrher erderad thti au office cepy of tiuuil4aintllTs saidBill anud a cep>'ottipis orilcr Le forsiiwithervec iorn tue itîthr or' thé aaid <lofendiat, Joehmît G. Bowcs. (Slgned> A. GRANT, Ta Jolin G. B3owces, one of theé ab6vo named Take notie~ that if yotn do flot animer or dinnir to the Bill pursuant to theé aboyé order, titu plutilte maly obtitin. un.ordtr te take the the Diii as coîsftsmed iWgninoit you and the Ociurtnay grant tho plaiuitin OUIreliefrai dhcv Masy be enititled te oit thoir own aiewiug, anyon wuil lot receive any furtiuer notice c t ii. futsire pr4e<ii4lit mith2 oanme. W ITRtEmAYN!R, Solicitor for the nbove nair.td piaiiitir.. Wlitîuy, Juan. 23, 1800. -2-4w. Sherilft's Sale of Lands. (Joxtiîty of Ontarie y virtue cf à Writ of To WtIT: ç Fcri Faeinît, lIssîed onut of lier Mujsy-stoiit et Qit-il'st Boucla, ut 'roronto, nue] te me di eed uuaiust thte lainds anci tocneutuîuttm wluièllîwere et Cornwvall Fare- well, (1 eccsted, mt tlicfiimeetflis dcuth lt thte lîuuudu or Ehicut :Frowpll, udmiffitratrix &e. uu&udntut ite suit cf Arthuîr 0'eUry, I'luiutitI.ll Iiiuvc 5<17.0<1 nîd tuken lutexcution alilideliiterc,.t wlichtlitemuid Co:nwuil Faré. weli2deveuued,Ilui lis itb tinue, uud tiltthe fiie ff lotm outluh l iiitisat ce. ttu ipurcel er traict ot lauîti, ht-iuix threc 9utartcrs eOtuiacre lue thé s .uîu 11uiore or ltss-, Ibetuia cu>anosed et part et l)t îuîuuîîicr lt*tce:u>u nu' s 1eciuud Cotucession of tluere au post lits çbectu îliticd'it si distaiwuofe tito c-iaititim thirty amieuana h 0ituf -limk oui a eutirsc ti-tu(vii,titA two, <l-grée4esit front thue ouil n'esut ai.'ie <ut sel i utTiieice uortiu, sv- etuty tour degretut, Eur.i two chialis it;i, 11liuk. Tk eluuc uîortilu ixteen let'reem, wcm&t three ohuintéi a~Ad tiv tvei linuks;, utore or lius tottue sceat lu 4slo ot titi publhie rote], 'Ihactucé orti weutrly iieug the matuas sie of lise muid puliie-roîud Lwo el-ils mioi evn iuîks. T'1'lu esandit, six- teelu i.legr-eés t, tlrcése haitîs and fti in'the iiuka nore or lesutt tl lauce o 1'cfliitiiug AOlsO al l iat certaini purcel Or tract cf fututi st- îutced, liiuu111111l îciuig inithe Village cf Osha- wtt ud4 c i.CuuîupÃ" tutti f apart or lot Ne. ton iii tue 2nd tutu. )uthtle Towu'luipofEzust Whit-,- by>, anud bîutted aud boiiudds tollewn ; coin- ytiututu4eug lusfttofr th(le miiiCotusicein ut tlic dji:tatuçe .tofuec cain fltty Iiîuko on a cours4e io thu, jecuuuy fourdegr-ecseaAt troutu aiem oudu West angle ofsîilid lot, theucco uortli acveuty four Ceg0 cm, c;l4use oîelituauîuu ltty litiuuk, Yhenicé 1uuslu uMixteudegueex, wieutoeeelînitmcuit>' toe iuuics, Tietîce soutt muiut>'tour dcirt-es, wisgtoaisecluaiti titI>' litiko;, Tlauiée osotillu xtecul doegiùs, ù:mt .oice aiiuu ucîcatut n 1e linuks. Al.wltch lanuds anud teiuerneneiti thuercexou-a tlhe mii dt-t'ewuifl a Lstatt or iiiierut thivi-ii, 1 mii uttor tr,r saie ut Public Auctiuuî as tollowm, i'iz -.-Thao first dcerited tlirce quiteruêoftaii imre. oitftie preunimsa ut 1>tihuij'# (-rock, eou .uîuIuîilt thue Twgiuty tlird tuiy ut Ajuit, A. 1). i sao, ut tlue lîuur eiti'roi o'cu-uea. n.ii. Aud thue !"at dceribeui on the Ipreutiisos u t tauoui Motida>' thé Twcmty dird dii>' of Aprili A. 1). 1860, ut thée luur cf Tweo uloeMk, ). un. ,N U04 . REY NOL DS Sieriff. C. O0. l'or C. Nourse. Shotiff's ltàee, t6 & W-td. Wiitby, Jais. 2 1 ,'680. Firo and Life Insaranée Company. Capital £5009000 Sterling. CIZIIEE OFlè7C'E-Literpool, 'England. OFFICE IN MONTREAL. I[ECTOIti. CIIAI1IMAN-WMf. bOLS01î, EQ lion. John Yeung, 1 Tliomnis Ka>', Esq. Ilenr>' Thoieuas, F.q. D)avid Torrance, Lsq. Agent fer Wlitby nnd uurrounding Dititricr. Il. W. WOODWARI>. j Wlitby, Jan. 21, it> 72n THIE- LUNID-ON FREE PRESS-, A DAILY .rOURNAL, PRLCE $6 A-VEAR. THE WEEKLY 4FREE PRtESS" PRICE $2 A-YEAR. j;*r 1it>.nîé%, Morchluauts. Monunfutotureiw, antd othere, wmil Outil the kFREE fËE.S the bet Advértiilug Modi uni for thé Wesitern part et Upper Canada. -.rTuacirculation ofthte Fax .Puosis in dou- ble thua t' it>' Laily jourutîl psubiiluejd W'cut of Ihuiiltuti. Lultois, Jan. 19, 1860. 86 OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. "(AJR MUSICAL FRIEND"? a Rare Ceux- panicît fortîje Wliutor ronths. Eî-éry liî, SIte ld procuire iai% wéekly Ever' ne, Puubicationi ct Vocal and Eî-cry Teacher, F liit Forte Munie cost- Eter>' Pupil, i iîug but 10 CERii'Ta Ei'ery Aniteur zi uînber, aud pronueued B>' thé éntire Proisu of thé (foututry, te bc <'TUE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK 0F TUIE KIND IN TUE WORLD.'!.. Twelve fill-sized Paiges etVeelind PianoForte Mutia for 10 cents. Yearl>', $5; lIIit-yésriy, $2.50; Quartori>', $1.25. Subseribe te "ont Musical Friond,"1 or ordér It f1ront théefléauest.Newskléir, sud yen will havé Music énongla fer yoenéture fuumilj a',u inui ififcant ceat und-if yen wsnt Miisie fer. thé Fute, Viein. Cuiet, 'iarlonet, Aerlin,- 1Fothe . est origh EnEMenz»1001u $5For t6 eboit oigna Eso nNu $5 or t ~b. nla suyon loua-. Aî C7ofthe' Semi-Wehkly Chronicle, foreueyca (pstge froc,), for the boit OIXTE WAIU A copy of tb Weokly Chroniele for orne y ar,_ (postage fr-ee,) for the second. botý orýîua1 Anthomu on SI-mnra. Hl. J. itàcàoneil, Esq., Maýyor of Whitby. John S;hieor, Esq., P. L. lek. R. J. Wilson, Esq., Bârrister. . J. Gunn, Eiq., M. D. R.Checlcley, Esq., X. D. Compotit s ut'send in their :produe. tions undor mii t the underaigned, on or bofore t6e 15à day of April neixt. Bach Eusy and Apthem te bear a motte, and to b. accouupanied by the name and id. dress of thé writer, with the motto -on the envelopxenocleaing the same.* The several Essaya and Anthoms te ho. corne the property of the enbIisher. 1» Compotitors for the second and third; prizes te be confined te porions residing in the County of Ontario. Thé fourth, fifth and aixth prizes, te Le eicluiively confined te the Teachers and pupils within the County. W. H. HIGGINS, - Chronicle Offi'e. Whitby, Jan. 19, 18601 Stationery of ailKi«nds. FOR ALE AT TORONTO AND) MO.- telprIces. at the Chronicie Office. W. H.LIIIGOINS. Whitby, Jan. 10, 1860. WHITIBY READING ROOX. THEIBY REAING OOM 'S and la weli stecked with, newapapers and periodicais ef ail kinds. Termeu.0 4 Pàeymnnurnq Students and Situstod in the second flat over tho Chrofficle 'Office. Entrance throughi tho Stationery Store. W .HGIS PRINTINGO T IIENEATEST AND BIST PRNT tien, eau be had c1heper and quicker at the Chroniclo Office titan any other establishb- tuent in the County. I L AwYERS AND DIVISION COUffR Blnscan Le had Cheaper than at Toronto, sud wil b. found te Le printed on better paper. Boy at tho Chronicle Office. N-. H. HTGGINS. BEST KEIUISENE DIL AT M1ONTI1EÀL PRICES,ý » .FRSALE 1DY GIEO. YJLJR. TELEGRAPII STORE. T IIE aboyé oul is perfectly pure, with- Tout smeil. The aubscriber- has also- a great variety o GOAL OIL LAMPS with latoît improved bornera, for sale very cheap for cash. Coal oul lampsa al cern. piète and ready te iight at 75 cents each. 52-w OEO. YULE JRN Grand Truak Raulway Motel. (85mtk aid-- of.aitwall Oc-pa, Père Jlib . E VNDçRSIGNFI> 15EG8 TO INFORM T iii frierudutanid the publie, thatbiiow ini posessionofteaoehotel, tebenm of riululle will hli future curry ou onitliii own iccount.. Good Liquors, Wunes and Brandies, Cigurs c. Excellent stublini-earefal attention for man and horme. JOSEPIH RUEBOTrTOM, WIl itby, Jun. 19, 1880. Prp. ilo.g BY-LAW. Passed 11 th Jan., 1860. Tofix te lime and place for holding lte Annual klection. ef Diredtors, "53/ - lte Stockholdera olte Port Witby and Lakes Scugog, &mco and Huron Road Company. W]UJIEREAS for seurdry goondand suffi- dient renions, thé Aunuai Election cf Direetors as required by the By-Law passed thé 28th day of Doeuber lao, bus net beén proceecued with. And wbereas it is expedier.t that Direc. tors for thé said Company fer the currént year 1 should bo elected as soon as posai- Be ut therefore enactc by thé Directors of the scid CJompany, that thé next Annu. ai Meeting of thé Stockholders ef the said Company, shahll e heid at the Compauy's Office, Port Whitby, on Wedneday, thé 25th .anuaryp 1880, at 10 oeclock, noon, for thé purpose o electing _Directors for the thon 'curront y car, and that the votes shall b. taken by ballot, sud that those absent miyvôvt. by prozy. £ï: - JOHN WATSON, £ 10lreid4nt. .JOEL BIGELOW, Just, rece*ve est wiII- -be, ,baiiiý per cent per tinnum? Whitby, January1,180 FREH RU-,.., 3WALRIVA LS 08, F CHR1 'TIEAS ANB N' YIEART 3 6OGfi Myeml au'sWho1'el la IBROCK STREET, WHIITI3Y. T HE subscriber bas rci -ad~1 lOW n - "daily receipt of IFreuli Arrivals of GIIOCERIES of every kind, ineluciug:. TEAS. Hyison, Young Hyson, Hyson 8kmn, Hyson Twankey, Imperial Twankev, Gunpowder, Souchong, - Congou. At 15 percent- reduction on Prices heretofore charged. S yRUTTP S. .50 Ceuta. LIQUOIRS. Port, 'Sherry, And other Winos. 10,000 Gali. primo Whiskey Sugar.-Loaf CrusI4ed Tobacco for Smoking. and Chewing. Pickles lin varlety. and1 * -ilS * -~ ONL $ý%OU, OLNE 0F SIINGEII'S CELEBRÂ'TED SEWTh-IG.-M ClNlS wIXARLANTED tl etliethéanme lun - e s a.tloîc mot l MSingr &.l i STV s ftua ,or #1.'. 1bave nmode sin ipu-ueî 'uli~urslemr-t.-ZÃŽ: maut.dii i <vu! patent icAtier oai hé mitci-éen widuont nil. ~a-îak-mladag--u ljcIîi 1 ilsruiî-g 1 ii-~ cluiea lctor, ouingî<: ue cii énîiuuaa l - kuiiug üoit 1t uecloth 9t1141 listits nli 'da ~ - T e otcumî fa-l i-iig o te l:iilnt ie i s auoutrirel>' ,ol.-% --d 1 lda uiw in r<î t-. Ths ahnae wp au xuctluth -ltau itt i- t i tke fuAmi w a PRfiIoilE re I im'. eceî-td iituicuuutmthotÀ mftnnuu'à' ondara i e Msuai-citia.ri %!.uk'aL -,k a- ou-s, -Puivite Families t tud otbers, a-ho tire îîinjr Ènu> avhu' -lIonise iil'ri-î-oîiuaiendi: g -]aca Ior généîraul lae. - ltèuud tie follewing et-rtifictt, writleu lu>' ie two Ilurgcuut 1auu1-.11tuat -s-iîi Biet nd tlShoe NnMuitiirert§ un Oanadai.- - Mlouitretil, Dec. 1859., - MntétDcc. We tuke picamcure l in earine tk.stimoay te thue - Wc have nitedsmoyen oft-E. J. KNai4 î-wln cnn:plete workilng ofîlue Machinés Mýaîtnfumc-lnr-- Muteiclitucs L.:Our fucîtur>' for teUiciuat six auauuuur-. 4, éd by "M'Y. E. J. Naglé, luuîing baud durc-inluuréteuontsl iîve no esiuomtîaioiu.umuvg iitl v uli tortbe Iniut ix moultl. The>'tarc cf Saucr vu'ry respect cqniulto the uoest apî-cd Aue- Pattenu, antdcquid lt4>a i' c f our icqiiauîittuuuèe uuin mulleiie,-otaiual tc u-ci eu-Ali cf the kind. lime. IIUOWIN & CHSILDS. CR{I LDS, SCIIOLF S& A MES. All communications relative te Sewing Machines, etc., must Le prç'paîid, ais miono others wil Lé ereceivéd. E. J. NAGLE, CAA.DJAxNSEwN,I'< Aciuu'N.E EsTÂn.LI.31131Eor, 265 Notre Damue Stréets Moutreti, C. LF. Fctor>' ov-r Barithey & Gilbauut!i Cautml lan Golden and other Syrups at 1 Spices, &c W'And every article in the GroceXdo g IL&UOm; êILZ e m AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CROCKERY. CALIL ANI) EXAMINE? àTH10S. H. MeMILLAN. Perry Bleck, Brock Street? Whbitby, Jan. 6, 1850.f 70a. -45w H1¶IE stuimribéns beg respefu>te inforan their friend ansd oustomersgérai, that the>' t év Rmvd eWiaoé'sNéw Brick Stock, fltôck Street, whéré they hVI epeued in addition te théir A. LARGE AND IVELL SELECTED STOCK OF :ONSISTING 0F rm]93~.L,TOIBÂCCMoS Black sud Grecet tîmte Cîtoicect Brauds. Cliuwing aud Smoking. QOFFEES, W-B 1 il 0 RWosil&Javs sa" e ADemiuugo. Luger aund Vahenola Raisins, Tuigi sud Cnrrsnts, ~ '1' ~i~ - Cuîudied Citron, Limon aud Orangé réel, Museovado, Yeliew, Roufined snd Crnslued Spiccu Pickles, Sauces, Syrupo. And everv description et Famil>' Grocericg, whicli thé>' are détenmined te iehl et thé lowest pnus fer Cash or C«uutry Prodiuce. N. B.-Wantcd s lot of god Butter and Chéese. J. S. DONÀLDSON & Co.1- Whitby, Jsuuary 2, 1860. CAUTIONAR'Y NOTICE."- DU BLIC Notice lu heu-eL>' ivén that ail par- I sous found remeving or takin s ay titi> sand or gravel Irenithé Beach en tleé anda et Mr. Wm. M&clntesh, Luake Shere, Whitby, with- ent finit obtslli$tg pérmismion front the under- sigucd will bc proacuted acording ho law, JACOB BRLAIDEN, - - Port WhltLy. Port Whitby, iL. 9, 1859, 4t REMOVAIi. '.51 lias reunoved hM stock ef Drue 1Pas leté,t No. 1,Commerial ]Buildingi Brock Street, opposlite the new Brick BIocI of James Wallacé., BEGS té munourtée te bis-numéeroa fnienda und etittoiners that héno àw i CDn on bis extensive business or C-ARR1AGE MA-K1-N4G, IN ÀLL IlS BRANCHES,- On the promises heretofore oecupied b>' Mr. N. RATY, on 'Mary- Street, between Byren snd Brook Streets, where ho is prepared, as hieretefere, t e eute al -redrs iutrustéd te, bis caré. CÂRJIÂGS, BJJGG IES, SLEIGIIS, CJJTIIC. IW~Mnnfutnre anti 8014 at thé Lowest rémunérating Priéesi. ALL WORR WARRANTE!). LUMUBbRand PPRODUCE LIAKEY IK.EXCHIWWL; "at 3MARKET r1?JGE. D. FORD'S long expérience of thirty years lu thé principal 'Manufachonies of thé States and Canada hui given tuait ex perience ln èvery branch ef the busitiesa îvhich few have beén aLlé te arrivé ah, and for beauty cf desigà, élégance of finish, durability, aud solidîty of werkmanship, bis work cannet Leeèxehled. YURTHER ARRIVALS'0F M:W STATIIINERY 1 Juat received by the TJndérsignéd. W. li. HIGGINSI M-Cail antd-ber. Spécimens. 42 Xerry, Merr Chrismas! JJSugtropened a good aqiortmuuîit of Gro- creaong wlumch -will bhé iunnd Teas#, Sugars, Cofe,<oo Shel4 Ci; cong Powdier, Bunchi and Sadtana. RaikÙsinsCurrentâ, Citron',ami- Lemeua Peal Flvcring -Extrade, Wica; Muetcrrd, 7bbacco, ue.., e., 1 Thrèe groom cf PANCYPPFS. Wyhitby, Déc. 1.5, 1852. ~Through servfant wenu of rheunlyhiab- £1 . . ood W"ge. ÀPPly nt the Chron-. ici. office. L ~PmRY. 52-, joHN; WAI Whitbî", Jan.' to lot MI e# nt-e ree NOTICE. -,HE Annul Meeting of the stockhohdérs o f thé Windsoôr Rosid Company, wili tike place -ut Scripture's hotel on Mf onday, the - 8ixth day Of 1P.bruary inext, fgr the éeécing Direetona and officers for the eniuing yer. -- B'order cf the President, 1 rd y«r or- tt ;-G. .-A lw, educalýý' 1 AIL rr Z . - Whitby, Aufflt 16, 1859. MACRINE $75.

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