Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jan 1860, p. 2

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a tlïo wàu ittin. -or lt si4tned roligthéme adov. vers slng-, witit *masiaves. ' Th4t; thered 4gold of sutin vasldo4gia. And n6w osut f fl1 froithe ptres tsrry. skie., And cuaiiodleathe oh ts(le C un)tiis iuiiié, It appeatedlike Vite llghtrof lier own liqul4 roi'uched wthln th. soft loir oft thir Irahes. And site-ilionght, msaIatogazed on tbe quiv- erel hbie, Tisai herait, vas the oleeonnld dwmimbieî For the fait thst If yonng Puddey Casey thoen Thst %he woffidn't b. la neitc a thrlmible. ,And buutides that, #lie. nid, wlîlle Miré looked *Though lier ocheisglowed aired as red nb bon, <~sure t's nlotilu teiefurer kare he S Bo he dd-thet mane Klity Fitzglbbon. Bait 0110 ait' of lier face wum îhrowU ont by lte A nd 'twse weli that the nîcon ha diseraton, For tiigire oia bbc wboia wouid ba murther *And brioawkward viien oiut aI onfcaloîî. Althougis 41 for an mthar poai e0ç ct a84 sho For viten gdIO YOUr ri TOULW Yýil OIoy sonîetil ii lo ng r thou dac.uîlbefore lier. Till1 a fuli, Mun.i o cIý- sperolow in lier "Kitty darlno l Ihouglit youd : h lonoll'." Thon wwllcer ashrlmlieath aýxthriniblo thie À è m la thot ab th~ought 'tva, lier AA iitnrinurod bal! eut, tlîm, ttwau aow afhoerr M @fy dfdl.1 1mevmace ie utoli ter. B,.*t otiisme i aftlier sttlng, an hour 1»' hér Wbillo'b ài.ongue flowed lu atIraIns rioli and Wha:s lie rot no to go. site unongelouly oried, "Ai thon, sunre lis net bite Mr. CpOey."' Torostu, Jiintinrv, 1860. The Great Aniricau Cricket Matcis, The follewiug' outrageous report appears ,ju a Canadian paper s Nev York,- Oct. 189.-The inîfernal Ilié, Mr. Editer, wviicinevîpape.-. eerres. pondent& are lu lie habit o! tolliug bau inadé tho proveni te délie like s s penny. a&linen" proverbial' al ovethé vond.- But, lu thé wiieecourse a!fnty profession. aI carréoer I nel'er saw or hoard o! sncb bsrefaeed lying aas hmés pracliaed ou the, publie aI largo la regard te the greaI aikel ntathii Itel>'piayed at Hooekn.- Ineed net refor te pariculars - but su>' eue wlid il-iiicompare lia foiiowing report o!fiso match viti lieue aironci>'pubiiaed, cannot 'but soe thaItisonre bas beau dresdful miirepeésentation soeiorhre on etien. I -' il feel 8moewhaî rlutaut lu tins, lu a violé- soe ma unueri makiug ni>'brétiren o e i geosoqaill amendable le publie sîicturea; but $1honexsty -la tie beal polio>,"ai tisé.1 thile! iiéheu gaziug on the royal jewéis fnthe béTowén e! London. It la cumfort- -ýîg, howveor, te refléot tisaI Canadisu jour. Ïallsta' 4< itiena are uuvrang" lu ibis m alter, ince tie reporta that have been ellisésio published bave 1ail bes .Améni- oau. Tisé !oltoiug report, Mr. Editor, yeu * mis>' îýely tapon as being correct, as I vit. îusséd ever>' action I hené record viîb ni> ovu eyes :-Tic gainte cotimenoed ah s qumrt« paI Ivweive s. m. Tic Tvencty-twe bot cioketenm-tbt couid hé scareé up lun &H lAmerlos vent lu lu higlisfestimer, show- * iug tIlér feather and developing ricks iti tise hall in mch a nianuér thît betting rose toe60 t e 1 agaistsltle Bnitihero. Heovev- ora,. viantiséggineo contmenced, tie oye. ef' thei Yankees vere opeuod semeviat, sud thiri, counténancés hegan 10 véar a kiu4, of !1'akeorcé' expression, vilci tinte, wlicb tsses ail thinga, failedl te. reurvo. You -1now tise reult-tho Yankees vere akin. * ~ ~ ~ ed te deésti, oui>' making tliis-'eigiî nuns, Thé ]Britishi no'vwouî ii i, sud commtnceé ýoral- tail piayl)ng. Tic firt hall vas de- ired b>' he Amerlean Wnrigit. YouId' * lhiuk, fi-cm tic mauner iluvilcihé e'et it in,jiaut thé ,Bi-tisbers wero about te ho- 'bovbed o! tise .vorid iînmedintety, A chen rose frouftic Amenicans as tise bail * vlsizzeé from thiebaud o! tie aimigh>' Wright. But it wua o! short duratin.- The Bitisiior lçt drivéexiiticthebat, sud * - ist8nti>' the bail wamsouci ta make a hec bne fer the Alleghany> Mountains, sué thon wau lest te siighî. Tic runuing commeno- * d. Thse lwe Britishérs soored 156, sud lien n atdowu te emoke uutil the b all vas Onn.d. The Yankee Twenty-tW\o- nuaiéd * p1lI.mel lu a body after thé hatll, wiici thMy punisueé for about two usiles snd -a 1tIf ivisen, tethein greal relié!, ikm flir-theu progresa vwu arrested-b>'policeman X Y Z, vie restoned it tate' ixecustody. Tie pritiahds m ri;iuî have objeoîéd tey*À* ai; - mrsir, but lie>' séorned te do sm. Pis> -aomnceé again, macon0ai;55thé 'Yankee s ~ Csvutytwo iad -arircé ou theégreun.- Tieé-es bal vas s slow eue-eue of thse.cat,issele 1ibt slip under uheé-bat un. aviares sud' puatishe batteîý out. Thé Eng. lisi fellow saw tha'dodl,é. Thé asscmbie tIýunads ung in aniou& , suspense on the z Il cf'th é ba l. it ca mé s*long ini i suaiug mailier. mal es Il. reaciod îthe * ispi thie I3iishér let drive lite llgls*ing. * Hors vas a mess for tie Yankees. Tii IÇsglWàuscmerd 116 sndud t dovu te lunch. Meanihhda thé Anténiosu Twenil>'two lunis rdout to oit for tise bail. Various bange * ' 'avrê ereofgk for intormatien re su itmwuxmly in îoo i'1'0f'111U 11 W Préererthaï lé iedsôVered'i1' hibs time thea Yankeus were d.temnied isot to lotme uibtý of 1the hall, "dielra Temple," 16Gr;eaed Seekér," asmornecîer of the. but irottipg boés k lutii. Conuir>', were harued clous t baud. Mon vith télescopes were ststioned M aal parts o liefieldo and one tor tvo express trains ve chartmredta staat 'a moments variting, if the. bal mouid hé seento lb ils %lgt in tisir direction. Evjlerytbïing' vas don-al Yankee ingennil>' could ,de.ý vise. Tiie exeitIhg moment at laoit cae. Bang'wenl the- Brltiaher'a* battI AvaY 4ev thé bail, with forty-thonnaad balloon, power 1 aisaa>' e, boiter'okelIer, ýpeu' moII, topa>' lurvey, one over the other, thé United Status Tventy-two, aud thé trotting homoe, tii. orovd, the express trains, and about 160 cahesud carniages in pursuit cf te bail, Nover va seen sncb a chuse suda'I'aeý ince thé venld bogan.- Thé vomen soroamed, thé chldren roared, thé' mien yeiled, tore their'beards, aud cursed their nata days 1 The tumuit vwu awful.4 Tho hal vas sean about a Mile aud a bal! in the distance, making dreadful . headway, for Canada. An express engine upon thé, Troy' roud va.à almost upon il But the' bail regiari>'dodged thé, éngineer évéry, tinte be madeé a grab at î4, -and hbat it ai., togetiier b>'thie anglué ruuuing ef, a bauk' 200ft bigi. Thé great trotting hons,, Fie. ns Temple vasknett upon lhe track. Tic galsuntmarecseeed imbucé viti tie na- tional1 ardeur se lufectueus under tie stars snd stripea, for aie 4"out.fiared" hbéml! on. tinol>'. Sise took boumssud his ilu p iéndid, tyle-leaped six canais, ésci sixt>' feet vide-hréw sixteen somorsaubta, sud t-taa actuti>' esugit tise bal lu ber teeti, l'ut uufonîunsîely lit dropppe ont again, and, poor Fieravas ai listaI obllgud te givé Is, iaviug rau inte a deep morasm, wieu mie uk up te ber nomrils. Thé 'poor girl like a truc Ameriesu horse, va bserved to ee t!lie wo liged te givo up thé chue. At the tinte 'I arn writiîsg tuis despatîci, sice is eugagsxd lunsiggiug hérself eut o! lier unîléssunt situation. It is bard te îqa>' vat hecar of e! icbail. ItlaI stat.i ttit Mosanrs La Mountain and IHad- dock-tic lest bailoonisîs, via recenti>' ineonsideralel>' turned up like bitruaclea on s Siip's bottons iu thé istiospilablo reg4 ef thé Hudsou'a Bs>' Comptin>, fasr beyoud thé beunda of civiiizatien, after thoir fami- lies mad gene to the expenon xo! ordcrng soveral suitse!frnournisg-it is said tiat thèse gentlemen, vion snnkiisg tiscir un. prepfitieus déaceut, sair someliing like a cricket bail proceedingtig longlu. the air witlt uuabated speod in tise direction o! lie nos-th polo. Se endcd tie gréaI, internua*ion- al.gsme, Mn. Editor, lu whici lie Ysukee's wcre kinued alive, much hoe tic satimfso- tien o! over>' Canadian, sud ho noué mono se than te your faithial corresponenst, HICKORY BROOM. déThe Great Tribulation Comin 191 Brcatbiess Msidof.all Work ho -Master o! thé Hfousé <wiio bai doué a good èay's wonk, and bas coreme oni aeîija>'hlm- sel-.-" Peuse. Sirbene'm thé Wait's havé bin sud calicé. for bicir Chrisîtas Boxes and i <s jeu vas' net at home lie>' sys îheyli eau agaiu Ibisianéixiuk sud lie lBe able hé are bin sud optanai w >ou'IlIrc- mentironfo! hand lhe placeuxan lhoave csiled aud vien I toid int you vas boul ho sajs il dldnt, iggcs-fy acos ho says as ho coulé look you up uI hen>' tinie anuétie luucon oi ave bin and pieame Sir he ave left ismost réspectilt lconiplirnumsannd weuld be glati if yeu'il reniembor te reient- ber irn as i umaianué pleme Ohé opes lte Sny's as theres sax opperitiion îurncock au you ough'nt hiot te give nothiuk acos luis mn liedo al lie vork aué avé been at il hoif anué ion iigli nirsé andué lnt>' >ear wbicb lie daym ai it's s shanie telier thie Christ-' niai& boxe& took ont o! hils muntis leaitwa>'s tint is hiss peeket anué pieuse Smiere's the sweeîî hov lîlu a witiuk down below sué I guv lm sorne coidmeatîandébeén aué bileti petators îvhich he ave consunicé andlise ave loft lus cané ané epen as you'ii stuntp up leastwuys tint was wmat hé saa>s but lie éidn't tellitue toe nion it anué plouc Sur here'.sentme pots-y as vus guv ume b>' a dust- man wlicihéosalé as 0w hé veer thé reg- 'Ian ;îrapér dustmun sué he aén't boen gene long vien thère conte authber rap sud pleuse Sir vien 1I inseiSéim1i Isees au. otier duston u ilc innés me tuis eré po- try anuéaya as 0V.'phease Sir as iae's tie *reg'lar dusiîrnan sd Vter's ion'>'s hlm- * peësturr anué nevor as doué noîhink for >'ou rndé please Sir vien ie'd gone thero camie anethen 'rap aué bere's anotier pièce of peîr>'wbei piease Sir I'rn te su>' as it's ai his owu contpjink aisé tint lie iother pair o! dustmssen irai a couplé o! 1ev bing- rgardsansd ho avé left bis cané ho show as hles tIsémonenot proper oueanduéîlcaso Sir iéro'm thé nevantan, ho sîve left; ils ceint plnumnsanué bis boy avé likeirsys caliéé and *wisied péitekler for te mée ýou sué tii grocer'a carl save bes astd axeé for soet tusn' stiasouabie aud tisé buthier's boy hc j vanta te havo jial srf a vend viti >yen scoi ehe say's as ow ho 'av aIl béés pertiki careful o!f>'our jints sund have alitas seen au ayau've heen eut up fair andéýuidsonté sus eiadul adyourvigil made up vihsbouei an sudsiclike kitchin staff sud pieuseS ,' hére's tise firemýan hé' r beés kéép a vait îusuad avé aiac mé brésil aué obeese, su a couplé o! pets o! béer viè lc In a matini mus ens 'gog 05 na n'l ne cbangt an suams salé sso knév jeu iméat te 'giri es irn sisthun sud tihe baker hé avé béfI hij j - The~n4 dawult h is dinne: fBusdé lisiappetihe Morat-MASchle Lifs 12ý-PsInd& behlove -Ifrmulio rie Pare andt Loto ofpifE e tIsuannau [Froin thé HainibîcSpeoatlr], W. regre tho learas that thse: rUmored fire and lo88 of lifé at Thdlanna o à Fildity astproes obeootué. We havé béén f4nished *;th ise foiiowiny faco .aqfýthe oeineiieiy affîsir, by 'anfniend,'f 'thé,fami-ý Iy Wio proceeded te'.,the acene -of the disi asten on Saturda> laut. lu ap ,péars 'tiat Fridmsy vasthé birth-dat, of thée' youugést of Ut. êogors' fami ly>', andthé ttiHdron, of w oî ere vere fivé, vere to bave- a Pry",Th«'bovt - ,Whiéb waa r rné,va a ver, tarse'ouo, ,with kitchens'and 'offiéé4 in the rear, -part4î%Ily,?dtosd1rýts isi building. ThéIo utle. unforwu nates-a'bright, shs4rp boy' of, Ove years, and a utte girl titreéz years', cf age-the ta> beiug âue' and- mild, a àked permission of Iheir mother 'te go sud asuse ' ,thons-, selves in their pisyroont. This being grnnted thé>' Wont up slOirs1' and 'thé fond nother proceededto the kitchon te suPer.- intend thé préparation of the intended roui,' xs4îh vhich ber danlings weré te hé regaled on thé occasion of their brother's birtbday. Aftér heing theré a short limé the auxious motion sent thé nurse te se what the oilidren weré about. Sic vent, and found thern amusing hhemnseives 14 play- ing homeo." Onu akiug them 10 coma doivu stairs te lie normer>', ene of tieix said: No, Il twu Chaniey's birth-ciay, snd mamma bad giron îhém lbavé te pil>' up Ibère." The nurse returned, and lu lesa than ton minutes thé dlames burst forth., Mn.-Rogers sud lis servant mati were in thé yard viion'lie-,alarm vas given, sud immodintel>' ruslied into thé bouse, aud ou learuing that two o! bis chiidren were in thé attie, Mr. Rogers dashed up- Blairs, fol. iowed by bis; servant man, huton opaning thc door of thp àroosa he ti aines burst forth witb such fury that il would have beén- cer- tain deati for an>' one te enter, and thé servant mnan b>' main force dragged, Mr. Rogers inck. From tint féanfut moment hé bas been entirol>' icîplesa-he gazed upon bis burning dweiling vith a sud and hiank dospair, wbich nia>' h imagined, but vhich no pen an describe. An sîtempt te enter tic room was aiio made by eue of the femnale servants, but il was useless.- Thie agonized Feelings of the mother are tue saored for tie columns of a uewspaper, aud vo forbear usluding 10 tient. Thé once briglit and happy humne of thé fnsnilv, replete vith ever>' oomforî sudditixur>', in nov but a lioap of smoulderiug aibes, and iu tieme vere discovered tbm romains of the lest uitle one. Théenrgin e! tic firo lsand muat ever hc a mystery ; but il la supposed i tathe litloboy had, hecome possesmed of smo matches, Nwhicg b ha bi prvure rmeintsae in mie cIosétý suaS iu playing vith ubeme iad met fire 10 thé build, iug, wbiinsulésa han twe -heurs-se rap id wus the conflagration -vas entirel>'con sumned. Thc only tWsnga snved wcre a foi books, a ciest.containing a portion of tic silver pinte, a piano anîd a harp. Therc ws ne inisurasîce on 'tic building or i1h contenta. On Sunda>', vien tho funeral took pince, tise wiole count>' emed t( have tursied ho givo expression te theiu sympatiy lu thia, the osîl> way opor te tien. Th iseuuerous friends of Mr.Rog ors in ti»pince havé icen muci mhockcd b1 this melanchol>' accident, and ho bas theui deepest syrnpntiy. Truly, déGod movei ini a mysterieus va>'," and happy are the1 Who eau iîesrtilisay, "Ils>' will be dotie.' 1 ront the Altar tu tise Tomb. DEÂTI!or Mus. FIELD, Dur i nrlIpDox uiIVEn UAIL5LOD A CCIDENT. .1 (From flite New Yrk Tribune.) Tic circumsanisces nutending thé deaiti of Mms. Field art- tonciîing lu tue exte-e. Sic was fonmeni>' Miss Atnu H. Tuthili, n prisncipal lu the fs-mle dtspirtineriî o! Breoklil Public Schooi No. 12,, amd for 9 nunibér af years hué heen grenu>' hc- lovcé i>' ber scialars anué nl i o kncw 'ion. Mn. Field, viso is n veli Icuown pe- moiegist, nesiding 0o1 Broadway, Williamts- burgi, as n mentiofo!tise Bonnéo! Edis. cation, formeé tic ncquaiuîauc.c o! Miss Tutisili. The acquanîtanco iponcé loto loe, anuéresuhted ilu hein being nitrrieé aI Kiugstou au Wednesday morniug lait. On tie occasion o! ien resigniug hon scioi Misa Tuthili vas prc»enteé bbher achohans vili a valuabié keepsake, as a mark ef s!. fecîtinlie>' bore her. Aftor ioaving aie pnocecdeé ote cresidence o! ior aisten at Kinstton. for the purpome o! prcparing for tisein nuptialâ. On Tuesèn>' cvenirsg, Mn. Field bofu Albany for Kinston, visoro ho vas met b>' hen brother aud eue on uvo gentlesmen fron thIis cit>', vio véré prés- ent t lte us hie inlesestiug coremn>. On Wéénesday mirning lte happy cou- ple- ps-eceéded tote ehurci, anceonpanied b>' aga>' part>' e! ladies sud gentlemen lu mliegis. Pour gentlemen, wvIse vre uus- blé te ebtain scats in lie sliigs, irere pro ceeding &long on foot, vian Miss Tuthils sdece;éaled ber atten-tion ho tient sud ne- suanked uhat tho>' lookeé more like pal béar. cms han véddiiig guemrts.Wia aI iae g nifleauce uheré vas isi tieéféw vends 1 Ticy vere united at 10 o'cloceanu after thé ceremon>', Mn. Field sné bis happy bride enosscé thé river on tise be, lu créer te take tisé express train. There issé teen smni. deuils expresse« regardeé tie afet>' o! the-ice, sud irben once faini>' aoross lie>' congnatulstéd caci othèr upon tiseir isafet>'. 1 Wheu lié accident occirredt Mms. Field suad iser fiends vero sitiqà tegeti-er lu tise rrear of thé ail car, ciathiug sué jestiug * ogether, Mn. Field bèing otaide., The 1 Englue tore îirongb tise car, carjiug Mrs. Fjieid'vithi4i, reqkinig bolshonerlegs, snd i mangbiing ber body fnigitisiiy. After lie e fireI crash, ler subané iailéneé te' iber q rccxo, sud réxnoring ýa- gréaI quintit>' o! le Br ir id lg Pe Fe do 1tuisai md:at tdialr ýof tiei- wildest, grief, hé fellu ale in thé.: morning, aud",*ea,ýhe again. awletAli 'augenrhad.,puamed. 1Thbeody, of h. ý ui, fortunate 1Iadý'wustalrén ta intouy5 téd ç eom'p"~ied by thei. bereâved hua. band, brother and sistérs, and "ody ber' funeraw!iItkeplu~e at 4bç saumeo.-urcb ?,ozkiwhhUt tiv daya mince à, thé omre hour, -h li utdthéi. bàppywifé of thé .ocboeu. Que of:« ber heart. 'r i w QERtA L.N OTICS MMIgolig W, 9.25,a. m i blilgoI gWo .69 2, a. Express o . .... 9 ,P. ni. ý.Mnrea7t' ti, 23 Minulte -fileter thtan8 Wl~tytinlt ; PÀwt par Crtwd Trunk,......... 7 009 s. M: Enst ilo. do..... .....G 0 0#p.'ni. West do.' do,.......... a 30,' . Wesçt do. do.......... 6 001, pni. Irooklii rince Albuert, P'ort Pur- ry unâ Offies North, ......... 9,001,a.m AfiîLurrn, Utica, Epsiom, Uxbridge - 0, . ti atnd ScottI................. 0j 4réuwood, BrouxRliain, ........ 00,9 a. m-. - AILS MOltIVu.t But por Grand Trunlc,.... .......90 30j, a. in. Ens4t do. do ........... 00, p.x W est do.. do........ 7 30, p.m %Vogt do. do. ......... 9 309, a. in. Brooklti, Prnoe Albert, Fort F'er- 1. 1 r gIill «Nrh ......3 00, p.mi. gifla Scott,............ 1 U p. mi. Green wool,Broiighain,.....12 00, noon. MAYOB'S COURT. At thé Town l Iait, evcry Mondily înoriling, nt 10 o'elock, a.i. TOWN< OOUNIIL. piverv Mtoîay eveniînz, nt the "Awn Mil, Frocea muons Mil, Victoria Biniidinizt. Brook Streoet, niodt flirst 'liirsdity hetore figil mnon fili cvery fmolntil. ()ranrivcLolgo. No, 130 §w'enicl Tues'lav in oery î,îontlî, Catwýii's tock, Brook Street. A. tiAIi'JuON, Secretary. Nde N. 860, second Frîluv ifi cverv uoilî t sprow te a ote1, Port Whîtbv. T HuâTois, Secrutary. L. 0. L. No. 167 nmuet in the Orangre Hall, Orecnwood. on tie iast Friiav iso-pvnrv monti,. L. 0. L.No. 789?inpet nt the GiorbeIotol. BrootMin, the llrst 1'ridoy n cvery nîonuti. WMw. L. 0). L. No. 951, ment inl0 l'vlt'sHli, Iinfil's (rock, on the mîft Tiiiirsday in overy i noîtith. W. Jenniirs, Secrettary. g.ons o'.:îenim htyDvsoN.31 Songs -issu Wednticlay evenings. Ji. A. Ã". (4eod Teînîîlars, ailtGerrie's 11,111, Wcdnotsda% v eiiiigA. Wihitb)y ýPhil1garuo)nIc Sociecty, nt Son's 11.11, bloniîîyvenîngs. Uiood Wcplar, Sono liait, Tunday sveningis fin guildiyo%). R}!V. ..ENTLAND. Fric $entoh M, iru4h, ltcelînici' Ingtitult*, à .,lNfry 'Street%,11il olock, P 1EV. T. t<WBIY, <tivégjtniil hbureli, corneor of Byron and itriteots.11 o'ciock, at. fil., jinîd6p. m. ir 1tEV. J . '.BYRNE. wpu'iqyali Methodîst <'huý sreli, cornier of Centre nnd Mar rv t s, 10 0 o'eloek, a. mi., sud 6, C'cic, P. In. Ir 14EV. J. IIUNT. United t'Preshvh.(riun (hnrclh, Mechanicç' In- 4tititte, 2 30, o<inck, P.ini. 11EV. IL IL. TIIOINTON. r -taptîisî Choreit, 3 o'clock p. in., every Suin. i da. 1EV. i.111 LLOD. Auction Sales. *."m,'. sterling,$ B00À of Salesé latpt /,tue as usial. pays appointa.d, arnd term8 made at th7e ofiee of thûr paper. Auiction, orders received, and r-ranflements mad(e-for other (Çiuy t.W-Azctiou hBis; printedith bue ot style a snt ther reduecé pnices. b:-P-arties pro-uringq their bills at titi offlee will /have t/êeir ASales naIsmd anck'r t/he proper /tead, free of chargqe in ail the isques of'tte Tlrekly and &tfli- WeeJlcih,-oniele. WIth Ims a.pritited wardm. great thalglistu. ,: ntl inctagl .g ,y we advocMe Pouce. l'rogr..KoldBrî Whithy, Thursday, January 26, 1860. The Wardenship. Joirx HAItu, Tndmi»soI Emq., Reeve of3 the township of Brock, bhm again been elected Warden for Ibis County. Mr. Thompson, il vil ho remcmbered, iajo Warden for two successive years,-186 and 1857. IlHis acquaintance with Munici- pal matters is unusuali>' intirnato, and his knowledge of tho public business of the County ail that conId bc desired. As ohairmar, his mannérs are miid and conoil- ator>', whie his character for intogrit>' and impartialit>' is unimpeachable. Ho is a mant b ceserve thé remprot and confidence of the body which bas clevated him to his présent position. While saying ail this in favor of Mr. Thompson personali>', vo musta ase say thal we expérience smre dis. appoinîmuent in thé fact liaI for Oive years put no Warden bas been eleoted from amongmîtisé nèeprosentalivés o! tisé frout townships. Thé Norths appean to pessess s mouepol>' ef thé office. Tic>'sisoulé réciproosté. Tise representativés o! frent tousspishavé cordial!> asitcdlu ts éelon o! Wardens freni thé Nortis, and il wanlé net hé loekbsg ýbr toc mucl te ask for a rétsus o! thé complimeént Sontis Oîlario pomsemes soe sensible asé ver>' capable moni velI qualiflil hto oc- cap>' lhe honorable positiono! Wardén o! the CeunI>', sud tise> shoubl nol ho étcind- Ule 1OIWnU lSUMg'4L -U 1W M&IA'58J P.JIU pamdby thé Tevu; bas fair>' drivén hlm ras>'y. se,. u théeuoe or tvo othéné *o composé bis clique, havled louîdi>' fo the repeai oflthe ,Railway, by-Iaw, sud now becmuse 1r. Draper lias'coeéforvard and mlticipsted their danling viisI, 1fr.,Draper bitte!i>' denouucéd for danlg q i trférne rilli the. plans o! tishce ue"Wblal ,viii *allsfy thesé discouteuted persous,' who, .ne hhyglt itx s eu ovu v-, viii stot even tiseîs ho.coulent? '1l viiiper.ý -hapi hé fend sornévbat igconvénient, sud ponbapi expeumive, te humour theïrvbims aiybnger.- Wbat lm thé equio 't hé,iir séaldssg ïo repal, the Railvayby-law'l.We *iltell thern whaf hiséir ,own -ignorance and stupidit>' la toc gréaIte percive. Thé repéal o! thé £35,000 by.iav bcaves thé tovu hiablé te thé SEVIINTY-r1vm TiHoufAND Pouxns by'-lsv, on ici ten Per Swn on £50, 000, can be at ônc cald lu' b>' lie Bail4&y Diréctors. Were mattérs sleved te reniain as thé>' are, thée Ribva>' Direc- tors venid net hé lu a poilion te avait Ibemmeives o! élîbér hy.law, sud vilh thé expiry ef thé charter in June, Ibère would hé an end o! boîb. But no-hese Match- men muet sot thé busy-bedy, sud like all other mcddiesomo persons,the more thoy interfère ils a malter, the grester lise mis. chiéf. au Methedist Misaienar>' Societ>', Whiîby Circuit, vas beid lu lie Metiodiat Churci lu hm Town, ou Wednesday evening lait, lie 251h lit. Chester Draper, Esq., oc. cupied thé chair on tie occasion. After thé preliminar>' dovotionsl exorcises vere gene thriughb vit, thie audience, vbici vas large aud higil>' respectable, vas sidéness. ed ou thé subject sud lu bebal! e! thé greal Missêiousir> entérprise, b>' lie following Pbey. Geuttlemen, viz: Mn. Gralsant, Wcs. boyau, o! Newrcastle ; Mn. Lowry, Free Cliurci, Wiitby; Mn. Slatert Wésléyau,' a! Bevmanvillbé; sud Mr. Wilkinson, Wes- iéyan, o! Torouto. The réceipl îf thé folleving suma 'sud subseniptions vere se. kuovledged. as thé resut ofe!lie' présent meeting aud théel, orts, cf oéleetors dur. tusg Limé pit yean s: Sabbsti Day Collections. ...... $16 90ý Evoning Coletions.... .....31 02 Juvénile Collections............ 9.5.3 Subsoniptieus aI Meeting ........ 80 00 Total.................. $136 00 » Pikering Councîl. Saturés>',. Jan. 21, 1860. Thé Couneil met ah tishe Town Hall,: Broughamt. Ail tie members proeut. Ou motion o! Mn. MeCreigil a By.lav- vas introducéd sud passeé appeinîting tic feleowiug persena Inspectons a! Liceceso fer tise proeut year, viz - for Waré No. 1, By ren W. Leavens, Ne. 2, George Lcug1 No. 3, George Gibson, No. 4, Thomuas C. Ilubiard, Ne. 14 Martin Nigisaader.. On motion o! Mr. Cispmau, s By.iav vas passeé te previée for tlic eesiug o! Taverua, &e., sud for éefiuing thse dutios o! Inspecters. Oa motion o! Mn. Chapmau, tise Cous- cil adjournad tlI Monda>', lie 131h ès>' o! Februar>' next. Compliment from L. 0. L. 680. Oshawa, Jan. 23, 1860. Sr,-l have becs autbonizéé te write te yen b>' L. O. L. No. 686, ho sequaint you -ual lu smeved by W. W. Brown, sué econécé b>' R. T. Manuel, asnd carnicé uuanimousiIhsta vota o! thauks be giveis Mn. Hliggins, o! WhiIby, for Printiug for tuis Leégé fro of charge. I rémain jours, &c., G. A. B. Hunacott. Mn. Higgius, Chronicié Office, Whiîb>'. JUSIOÙ GRAMMAS SCsîooLs.-Tié Trus- tocs ef thé G rammar Sehool aI Bondlis il viii hé socîs, have péiioncé lie Counoil te nepeul tié by-law ostablishing thé Sehool aI Bonebia, an thc grouné that Iheré is ne chance o! its being put mbt openatieu ITus spéaks ver>' littho for thc dessine te, advaucc thé course o! educaliosi in thal parte!ftise Townshsip et Rech.- Wc béitove tial weré Ihis Junior Gram-. îunr Sciseel estabisicé aI Greonwood, or at Csuninglon, -aI tié limé tisé by.iaw vas pussed, thé resait would he difféent. Thé ici Townsip ef Pickerng éesarvés, te havé a Gnaimsr Sohool, aud It coulé net be bélIer located titan a& liéeutérpnisiug village et Greénwood. 1 Wé are happy ,te hé abile stale liaI tisé Grammar Sohool et Uxbridgé, viel is now usitéil witi tisé Comme -n Sool ut liat place, le progr.suin&,admirabi>'. it venta pesfr er uvîswret ie ý L.- if tisé lisis wer e aI once pieced lu thé S ber- if's hauds,. sud the mesus resiized of meét- "t ing the-é dbenuuet issued on the crédit ei thé Non-résident land fund. lu' addition le lte ahové amount there il aise a coisiaid. erablei surn té the'credit of thm' (Jost>r.fi n thé Treasèurer ef 'té-United Countiée ofe York and Peel,. Wurrsr. FanCFa FI.- WO déiretoe C411 public attenhiositheîiéadvenblséîujento! tue - néxt WbithyuFair., Thé Paii Corés e t0 e Wqdaesday uqxt. t4à stteadar.col, boliavmsd, wilibé ver>nnioreous. Thé hy-lav on tijîs subjeet inîreduced b>' Captain.Rowe, sud passed' b> thé. Count>' Coucil, will bo fouud te set heuéficiaiiy. Héerelofore the practicé *0.8 to psy petI Jurors ah the rAte of 3d per mile undér 30 miles, sud 6d per mile sdditionsi aboyé 30 miles. But ne Jurer vas euîiîile e5 cent fer mileagé, wbere bis travel via under 15 miles. This law opersted ver>' unjusti>' upen thase Jurons who were brqughît front 10 te 15 miles Saa> from their housses; to serve tiecocun>', sud 'il was high tlune tint a more equitabié inoasure weré passed. We tiereforé find tiat Captaiîx Rowe'a b>- iaw is aoo cepted viti favor by nl clases. Un. don il tie petit Jurer,iu addition te bis dollar n da>', viii roceive travelling expensés, at the rate o! lOo.per mile foi- ever>' mule ho actuail>' travelo, wictien tic nnmfier ho large or smnii. Coisnty nouuicif. SECOND DAY. Wednesda>', Jani. 25. Tic Ceuncil met liortly after ten e'ciack. Mentions ail proeut. COMMUNICATIONS. Tic Wardcu read tic foilowing eesnrns.- nientiens réceived. Front thé Wardcn e! tise Ceuni>' Cosîn- eil o! Sintcoe, calling attention tu a remolu lulian pssed b>' tuaI Couneil, adeptuttg a memoîlal ta tie Logislature pnssyiîg hial addiîiouai saccommîodationx-ho providcé foi, Lunatici. From thé Cuunty Ciork o!fbise CeunI>' blouncil o! Simoe, vils a resolution pnss. éd b>' aaid Council assuming he Nnmrows Bs1dgàê ita î Couùty work coujointly 'viti thé hountI>'o! Outario, sud statin- liaI the Reevé o! Ori lila W dbeen appointed a cein- missioner for tisa purpose .o! carryissg out tic resolutioti on thé piart o! tic Cou'tl>'of Sinicoe. Premstmeint o! tic Grand Jury utthle lait Qurter Somions of tic Peace, pressent- inig lu a favorable manuer tic stite e! tic Gstol, sud récomntnding thé building o! a vood-siod in tic Gaol yard. Cemmuuications fron theicTrustes io! florelisatmsn rSebool asking te Itave receiudod thse By.law ostablisiing salé Scicol, inasmuci as tidré vais ne chance o! ils being put in epperatien, sud mîning uhat. in conséquence thé susu of!. $200 per annurn ivas hast le lie Eilàcationni funé o! thé Ceunt>'.' - Freux tie Solicitor o! thé County CÃ"un- cil iss relation te tue' By-lIav. for lte pay. nient e! Grand asnd Petit Jurons, vili epin- ion luit m.ld By-faw was illegal, anuéeu- clesisug draft e! a xîow By.iav. Fs'ôm lie Clerc o! tic Peaèë,e, nclaaiug resolutien pass"é b>'the Magisînstes o! tic Count>' lu Quarter Sessions, in relation te tic accounts e! thé Slseniff foermileîge, irith opinion frens Cnewn -Law Office os, case ordercé b>' the Mag-,iatratesýto hé suis- mitete tiste Attorney' Gênerai.' Report of tie Count>' Engineor slatiuîg ameugmIt other malters liat $100 iné beén e4cendéd lu ropaining Scugog Bridge, sud $47 22eta ou répsirs aI thé CeunI>' Build- ings ; aisoenéclosing accounts for upplies furulsieé the Gaol. ISEBOLITTION. Ou motion o! Mn. Smithi, secondeid h>' Mr. Rabeliff, a resolutiln passod tiat nil communications sud pétitions Wc thé War. don and the Ceuncil, hé reférc te thé respective Commitoos te vhicis théeusatter appertaiued.f ALLOWAKOR. Mr. Campell movéé thé second rosé- ing o! ibais bylsv, and that tie Ceisucil go lute cernmitteo thereon. Mn. White (Pickering) desired, before tisé motionvas cannicé, te, hear smnté x planatiers as ho tuis bylav ; sud as teo wrbeher tic statué isé been complicé vitlt, b>' giving lise proper notices ai réquineé b>' law. IHo dié not iviis te hé usdérstood as béiug oppescé te tho hy-lsw, but ié cou- sidered liaI visesapplications 'of! lis kind veré made, lie>' ougis tho hé acompsnieél witi thé certificaté «o!flié *lerk o! thé Municipalil>', certifying liaI ail thé requin. monta o! tise bsv lad sees cosaplei vitÉ"; and tiaI thé Coun' C osincil asbuld ouly hé calleilupou' to;act ou the produé. lieu of thèsle riecords.ý ..ýý1l Mn. Campbell explaineil tiat hé vas uol a membér o!is Township "'Couneil, vhéu- îhè by-iav ln quémtlosa vas' 0pased, but that isis colleagao Mr. White, 'Who vas thon a membér, voié be able te speat as to, tli Mr. White (W hitby> atalti :al hhéJav hmd bèeaufull>' coniplilviti, sud Ihatthi, proper notices ,bail héén publisised in thtis Whitby (J1ronfcde. Tise motion'*as ejd, sud, theé Cent- cil wéuV lite o ussittee mémnm'rs Qiotsui> t.JIJum.' P,a),l ýrW noe e ding t22,00'pefr .doiui, sud -trav- elling expenses net excéedisg 20 ceuts'per rnllé,and liaI Meois.srleHétL.obeins6u snu1d tise moy en hé C9snittee'tu 'crafi afd nsýemorialIssisad report thé présent session.- Thée Conneil then adjourned. 1'fflRD DAY. " Thnrsday, Januar>' 26. It mas eléeven vbeu thé Wardessio thé chair. ' Tieséeveral -committeé hît heë,u al 1thé oýnî,ngsuadtbe.previou ar. noon préparing, tiél: 'reports. Of Tiemuias an d oliré praymig bisaI the aunt 'o! 8500 appropristed,-,ast yean on lie rond betiweonthis' Qounty - àod Vicloril, butwvich îsmoiunt vwu' sotme by asimlînlan appropriation fnom the. làtter couSît>',might l ho éxpersded ou Sinée streel, norti o!- Borýlia.- Thé by-law pnssedb>' ticTonsipo! Whitby vesting a certain rmail aliowsnce lu Etias Brown, was passed. Csspt. Roe éisitroduccé aàh>u.isw on tÉus mubjoot, huich vont throîg ail ija stages anud waa passed. The by-raw p rovides tiat grand sud pe. tit Jurers shall have.$1 per dient oaci;-,sud tuaI potit Jurers shah bé paid travellinig expoumes aItishe ratée!ofton cents per' mtile. On motion ef Capt. Bavé thé Wsrdei lefI the chairuntil 2 o'cielck. The feievwing communications vere Repart oit' GaoI Surgeon wbic stsated tisaI tlie nisubér e! pnsonors cenfincd de. r.ng tihe year was 144 porions, o! vient 3 were lunatis, nué tisaI -one e! sail ua- tics was sont to thé usylunt, sud ,îhe tvo citlios werc .stil1in gaoi. Tint gond isealtit psicvssilcd, ansd thaI there vero ne de aîba dpring the year. Aime sétting fih the siévaîstagea e! lihe gaol librar>', aud robm-, inenîdissg furtier adlitions teohé made te tls.) hooka. Froru théeflosî,d o! thé Inspectnrs of .Asylunis aîsd ?isisu. Frern lie U. C. o! Hluron sud.-Bruce', requesting thé cooperation e! thé couucll. in pctiiosîing to, abolisi tic lav foèr col- lectuîs mnali debts uîsder $100 n'u for a change in tiec Asseasmeut Law. Prtom thc Wsrdén e! the Couinty e! êti. cee, lu relation le the Narrovm Brtig, tnd wiether il coulé net ho misé sel-uslas-" in& b>' tiecleilctien ef toila. David Reeser,. Esquire, Reéve e! Manki. bain, bas' been appointcé Warden -'cf the United Ceunties o! York and Peel. TiHE HAupES'a Fzai I.vEmvîaAnos.- NO teeOtimnn>' as' beén given béfore tiq, Commiltee o! Investigationina lu 1Ëy ý plicating Republicans vits John Brbois' raid. Mnr. RéaX slatomestsRhaticaiiy Ibat the movémout wakixovu' but ta ewfévpér-' Sens, as Bnown vas a accretive, man, snd kept bis owu counsels. _Noue vie acconi- paniscé him té Harper's'Fenrry but Kagi vas iufonmed o! ýtue plan, 'vixicis'did sotOa témplate insurrection, but'ruuuiîng oi .e: groem. Ré maya aise that Brown sud IbÃ"s. lu is confidenree ré RadicalAboÉtionisto- vie deuoincede thé Rétpublicans. .W.feh Senator «.Wilscsn muée bis speech ut Law- reuce,- they ausaiieé hins for, failing to, ap- 'proacs tieir standard o! dut'. 'Mn. Wil- son nppéared béfoeétis écmntittee, .u& stated that lié lad vritteun-,te Dr. j- B f Boston, for original-,lettér vbleelEsdbéés réfenrcé le b>"- Rosi!. lebtter ws rteluMa>' 15j jt asbSsan «il ed 4ýsm »te thé ciféfeethaï Brevu l, ntâsdod usink ârnâ furnisised -for -Kanamas' by thé. ao~tiisoispiséd,'sud 'sévîmesthat; thé>' shoulé hé vitbdravu front hum. Mr.,Biair, o! Co[linille, v*he nanufsctured the-pikos vici figured ath ~arper's 'Ferry, ,status liaI lise>'vere ordered durn he Kansas, troubles as oapcns'of -protection. e Towardâ thé' close o! tise lat-sL u', vllesiEnglan va'saimost slaiméd at thé prospect o! the French -iuvasion, tiers và a sintilar movemeut, vhich resulted iu raising lire 'voluntee-' réè enta oeeoe vh wuvascalcledthe Temple.'CorpsM n vas commauded by thé famolis Erskiue? 'afténvands Lord, Chancelier. -'Lord Bidon n séd te ttell a story about- thms regirnts 3paisingin réviev"héfore George 114. i t , upon askiug -Enakinelhe narné o! is v55 ansvéred, "Tise Devil's Owss.t' Théeusine v as aidotéd bythe peopie, viso earried out hinides of the ftnoss of tis l namiug thé other regiment (o! vhiis tise t présent Lord ý Camnpbell vmsa s ember), Th DILv_-l1s Inicb.. Grat.rn5e - 4terever istoi ,and xéâaîîlemfouistai 16h i ntI, tise wifi. of.a son. -WBîL-In ne: vîfe of Mr. Wu-r o *FÃ"RMA.-Ini lls' uuit., lie vif oisa dasîgliter. 1stIma, the Vwife 31A FfItT[I-P.AKE, Thoîmpson, nt the i imoti. r oTuesci Josopi C. Firth ans lI ake, boti o! Ogha ofIi» bride's falisé on thé 111th ut., lJxbnidge, te- Miss Prince AilierI. onuthe 17th iuL, b Mn., Jolhn Reliil., 0 nîcboti of t wrigit. DO W-lu Mont Ppter Dov, aged 6 .a native o! Kiibry IVHITBI * Tiore is noe cii cesar>' tereport, -e, * active, with a $lie] véet offered dunin, Spring asoid to-day pie&: Wieat-F-ill, $1. * pesWa, 6v.60eO. * Banc>' SOc. na 55C t (121»88è @ 40c. Bye 50C. a e60e. 'Park $147-t 16 Bcef $1 75 @ 'M5 - Sheep $3 0$4_ý * 'tte,2-ri. g Butr15. @ 20( - iw m 5e @ 0o Tunkere .50c.- Q (Joue 25e @5! Apples 50c @01 Rides $5J. Sait'$l1 2ù 9 bal .,erd 'Wood:$2 C NEW ADV] TBE 2EXT QUA T the viii b. halé atthe IMt W1sB2TESD Y J For 1 t Hforss,Cattle an sud .1kindu of prod 19s iunerossa buye * uateudaSc. fzarusç --tse Fuir or whitbv a * dis' othcir ssrp v s tmepiO A

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