Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1860, p. 2

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1 G S a (t.... ...........- 3 de. .......ruin . oui Wiest 1de. .. ~Westan..dit ... "'-t Wastl duhle Abr o . 0,p u li,0vt Uo.12 00ihl, uKis 10 a.eeta.k, w4T y -w yon. uël. Î.lui5tis Brookii pissese unit Vctra jlslisS D it 13troiluisîy i. de L.U. '. o1671 me 'ueO rnt'Olnt c eusssOOl. isnut4ii Ouit yr !e.lti vers- masti. "' 1.o. LNO. 78 l nent lt .tiseGlaise Untel, tf.au-"srdalsyii s eer'nvntti. tVi. ' o 1?,yrmet uitlesd'o Moltel. c't-lith, sîTuY olu seunry l "ius ofThusperûntsr, Wisitsy Dtvei,Nol. 31 SonsIluit, IVeilneosiusy eel . b0t. (ocil Tosaio.UetGerrl's Il.at u v lVeoulaisreIide. Witbis ls iaiSeciety,-at notsiaital, 1 monsiny srantngea. UneilTimpiar, ;ôfita ll, Tuetiay ovonnga ' picîop&eht sucn,,t., ilin's, Riteg Sireel, 0 c Ua k, . itan., , e l aotikp. su. (Ater- BI. J. PEIITLAND. FractiotlitsoW is, lilnnitý's'itut",o ligirnel ai'Baron uci tl iry 8'rsali 1 qIl iek, .m,'saî aleis ~ RMe-Ts-LOsWRY, -Con eutioznsiCiuseet, caor n ftvren assî c, bny tietio, 1l ck ae in mie us -1uii sur. Y.I. B Y RN H. uaduthrrssn tji Clnreis, esriier isi'Ceitrc Ioiauo 1 30 ocloek, a. in., endi C-ec, p. ni. J.s1111 . - 11EV. il. I. Tht)R T. 'Espttct Chancis, 3 o1cluo kp. tsi,, vSr Pis- - es-'. H. LLOYD. 't3S4pi~ 4 " of unattiatar 25 ty Baisis e lt in Se electisd inltacsamte' urbir, 'Jauauy 1800, bier. mannsu d ast theama Close au s ais J'u fraullis'* purposo- Psevan membece la tise councif: Thie'alter- ru up tn fullthtea inte. ' atloeva tlin ialsiRmisaitishe case. Tise me-- ng fend for tisa imperi. cbinissy voulit hasimple, cuit uor t he is ai gornteed a- - Uhsis osanner au ht viich nov exista for about. £000, eetiiag Majors, and seiich is founi tet ao tis'Mhurae tisa coneali. giveBû anhasui tifaçtias. daterennfuefîdfor ' . We boptta e atise snunicipaiitien talais adeences matie il) 1859. action ou .this malter, andi et once sent ipii on acecont. of redismp. . petitians ta tise Lgisiature for tise accas- lionnaof debt- 400,000 plisment ai"tise end in viese. The ps-es- e credeene o mueS ai' tise eut la--a st -opportune mmomenit fa-tise Feudal Teaur¶o'usnd 26000ý0 CoantyCouncils te entartain tise 6iijecl, or 3 suiebidng IOt.ad visaincerely hope: that tise Caunty Wb. 200,000 Council ai' Ontario vwIll nat soperiate sitis- or teieimptiou of remnainder .aut doing eomething oirartia aecnrtsg tise et ir 'pec cent,currancy disirale alteration va have shova ta ho dttet, sitant inirecct. .250,000 'uecesary, ansi reqoice in lurocpreseut inn- nicipal cytem. £2.-800,000 fha charges naoisocrnes y Tise Wardensshlp. tise reeinuean tise-fora. going items ara as fat. Janx HAL Tnomsssoac, Esq. Rosse ai' losmthestowensip of Brock, bas again been Intereat and Sinising fuisi- electeti Wardess for tis Counly. Mr. Impertai titan. £90,000 Thompaon, i il iibhorememberei, naseaa Six per cent 'nterest ou Warden for tolu successive yoas,-1854 £2,tO0010to> ansi 1857. Hiq acquaielané vitis Hunici- ma attera is nuuatiy ntimate, endiis n Total per louas. £216,000 cnoseletigg i' e p bli usinesai' tise BI tise issue af fine per cent Cosuty ait t t olieS desireti. As Contals or bonds tise an- cisairman, hiei anaese are nsild and cancI-. Ga cisarge is sit roieti ' itolry, wviie naeharacter for iulegityai (focr î-39 t ta 140.000 impatiality, unimpeachaisia. Re i e n ssing fu'nd ~per ma tadoste tise respect anti confidence cent. 7,000 ai' tise body ici% tees eievatetl bis Ca bis - prenent post n. Whila saying- ailthie in £147,0t0 far or a'MfrTisompson peraoually, ire Naaiing a reduelion ai'cisarge must aiseosauhat voeos-pericuce eso dis- upoc tise revenuse ai'Caada, apîoialso n ntise i'ct tisat for fiee yeora par annum. 69000 [st f0 W on hus heen electeit fros 21,00 asongaet tis reproentativos ai'oftise front Beade osicng si ceiitio tsa m-tovnsis. TisaNorth appear ta posss peril deist mi liecpracicaiiy a mes opas thei'ftiseatce. TWeosiouit Boeig ar raoiso ~h. eciprocatç1 The representatis of i'front i2ants t u ..,te. nad il ,. towneisips.- have cariliallymastes in 0the an une ytise Towi'"àsoflta vrds ln. tees of thns> rammar Sool 'nt Barelia il formisng thubli-obaf the. fixel, The imt wilIl bha tie, havis patitianei tise Cosmneil Weaeaay le ï, ary taft iVednea-_ ta ropealtisae by.iaw eestabiisng the d&y4n May, th istledneaucyn d~ a ,Scheelatnt Borella, an thea ground tt teeinochance ,of ilq boing prit isto andthefiit Wdneda inNovrnbr, reoperation. ThsApiit eary lîttie for thei thsedays appointed by bylaw. Notvithstanit. des-ira ta ndrance tha taisei of edhicatiat ing tise remisnesa of thea Towns Coseil, win tisai part ai'(lhe Tow'nsip of Bench.- hope'e se tise-Fair watt atteisded", The, ; TVo islieva tist NirnsIis Jiunior Grain- publie ahouid heur in mtini tisaitise fair ian mnr Seho1o etablisheel at Groenwosi or frec, tisa wiigi-ssalesfes, anti ssany otisar nt caniiington, at tise.d ti hie hy.ias was gfond things vill h. frise on tisat day. piste tise rossit srosid bc dilircnt. Tii rish Tôwnalip of Piniering ileserves- ta WuO'LL roi -e Toxue Orisa7 have a * Grimumar Scisoel, ansd it casîlil lia Only twa appicelioa bave yet baise mode bis isitîci locatethaisa e t e nlrpriFing (ansdttisa fe saesotite) for the douivillage 0ai Orisisswod. ces lu tise gift ofi'tise Corpora tion. Doise ST e u appy-tii tee amiestoastate tiss n anavent situtiontisa Grammisu Sclisoo ni Uxtiîge, whicli ay --,lei noir unisil sentistise Commuen Scisoolnc Waaleyau lMethoiot tWtsatoenry Ileet- tiiat place, is proimroactnîiniraisiy. - Wnsrnr Faits F.te.- We désire ta cali Tisa Anaieersary Services ai' tise Wesley- publie attention ta the derlriseunent ai tise an Metisodint Mfisionary Society, Wlsitisy fort Wiitby Fair. Tise Fair cotrsr.a1ona Circuuit, was beid in tise Motisadiot Cisureis Wedneoday nisit. The attordiice, tt un tisis Toien, on Wesineasy eveioi alst, isciieves], sotl ho vcry namerous. the 25th ieît. Ciseser Draper, Eaq., ce- rapies tise chair on tise occasio. Aller iîîiermnl off the remotiia aof the lais the prelimînary devolional exorcises moeo- lingisMflîn gooae rioýgis iits, (tie audience, sesiiiraSwu Tise roainsi' tise-late lamenteil, Mr. large and Iliglly respectablie, wsns ddrdi- Mcl3ien, sud nett ecni Whitisyunotil lasi eti on tiesa uject and in Seisali' oi'the -reat Tnsrsday otght, couaeqssentiy theo fanerai Misoionaey cnterpriee, by tishe lles a saupostponcd until Ssînday, tisc 22ad mat. Rose. ~ ~ ~ ~ r Gnlm ,vi:1r eisa"s, Wco. At abeout tse o'acioco n Sunday tise body" leyen, of Newecastle- Mr. Lowry, Free vas nemovesi fron Mr. Mcflrien'a leosrei- Churcis, Wisitisy;1Mr. Siater, Weqioyan, douce ta St. Joisn's Churcis, Port Witly aof Bosemanvilie; and Mr. Wilintson, Wea- i'or intertion. TIsetinerai proesesion iras loyen, ai' Toronto. Tise receipt ni' tise acconspaîsicil ty a l arge o cnrse o isft felowi- sms nd .suscrptins orene.zena, ansi h a -,rreat nsnny of she frienils ni lenoseleiged si uthe remit ai' tise prosent tisa deceasesi fronts a distance. The Orange. meeting aod tise efforts ai' cliectrn dur-c mess of tise district alun atteodes int large ing tise pont ytear': force, ansi seaikedin s procession inmediate- Sahisati Day Collections . ...$15 90 ly oi'er tiseboses. Tht attondanco sens Eveniag Collections. ...31 02 vr ueos JueieCollections,............ 53 Mr 1fr MBrienwsuntatise primeofai'lire, Sohiscriptiansaet Meetin........ 80 0iseiugonly tirty-fise years oi'age. Iofensa Tota .............. $36 5 &nattieai' the Cossnty 1Fermasiagfli, Ire- land, wshence lha came la suis' Tows'ipinst Picksering t7auneil. 1840, wiiere ose rsiiled up toatise periosi ni' lits deutis. Ho iras very widely isoosn;i Satiirduay, Jan. 21, 1860. and si s eelleespecteil by aIl selo knew hlîtu. Tise Couneei met aetishe Townu Hall, A fosv seoks prevs tale bis ileassi lie Broughsam. reet (acceimpantesi by Msl. iVeeis) ta tise Allishe memiscra preacos. Southera Sosies, oxpectins ta rcusst thile do. On motion sf NMe. McCrotght a liy-iaw cltinng beaith, whmci it sensbut ton, appar- iras introicesi and ipaqssoiappointia7 tise ent lie hast ibean filling t forrsanme linte _zîliru pers ion nssectors o ni' lcsspreviotslsy.Tirenseacameitaie it tise motion v as s-eaeed sait cat'cieti. lTise ballet renaitait in the, i'ollOsing le eommittees Mesr Driaper Lynde, Perry, Ravis eand GCan. .1 t, on motion a'ofMr. Per-y,Isle Mayervo- aVi :ntisa cisair for a foir misîlts thlit tIse cuits mittee might retire, îo preliare tssir, ru- -part. Ir On tise returu ai' tisa oisîmitteu tIe t- Mayor reandth ie ciîir and.l the i-éort %miss 5l adoptesi!apposeistiusefollain; le Sui tO ing Comnnuitteai'sor the year. 3t Finance andl Asssstest.-.idBsro, Dca perRave. Town aPrspe. tys -Draper, Ciun ai1u Vail. Firn ud Waster-CnunnLyîle, Cern- eran. Pristing-Lyid, Broira, Cusmeron. Perry. Alpplicaetions Io Ojfice-IitOSOOsPerry. Laing. Liccuse Coontilee-Tiettsi)aver, Bosise, Browen, Porcs. te Uoasrdof lfrealili-Tie iceeCousueil. Tise iontlcnsfirsi usuiiesi to is&cisair- meofn'the seeral committees to eluicli tisey Selongei. t.*On motion ofai'Cptain Race, secoîsidosi Y*sy Mr1. Perry, tee çisart of tiese pehuul ;- coînmittoe on tise Assessuseet inanoas re- Feferreil tu a select caoîmiuee oV tisce cas- oitnof ni'eus e,. itaue, Gnon, aussitise if On motion ni' Mr. Pcrey, neroodeil ina -Cape. Rouve tîsat s-len tlse Caunel adjosea il stand adjose n tit Siueuiîa' the 3thi inst. a Oss motion of 31r. Perry, aeesidc hy Mr. Draper, tise Ti-eaurer irai dieciesito make out for prinîinq a table ni' the non- reSidOlst taxsiaterreur. 1Mr. Draper gave suotice llî ie w osild ansotîne asendrensiiisi af' Ujisorepesi. iuug tis a ilîeay Bl' aiefar £13,080, uit the - uext nsettss7nof tise Cosnceil. Mir. Drapergiave sntice îs thntc]eissuisi issve at tee ese meeting of tise Cauuecl fise tise adoptîiouniof a uneoaia to tiseo- eral heanches ai' tise Les-1iuitîre, prarius, for tise amenduunat'of tise Muiiepal Ins, r a au toadroisit ai'tise etection of Iteres ands trp ar relcin0 W resfrom itthe North, eaiît 'rts rsn euoe frIadN. ,ateaure ase i ets.epmiy fooea by' lie peao. Au.Si th- nu. nei -' teerAuotess erd~se-sit.s-, md maIai îaevinr tmatcisasitiis naict outifol~e'lokîs fo tismahtaasi net W Lucol.is N.-, eorerouste.oe-)s rannychodns oiltie M. eryan-Botieon W.îae fr isita so uîtiO i'tiNo. is2,uiuime iy-fni,, AY u< arr.segeesneaiss tlools 0r 0E/seCos.sîts' roject ha elzd-n rm h u for a cturhofai'tisecompliment .No. 3, Ceacte Gibsosu, No.4, ThmihuCsiiot tandu istwoili -usi tue ,itaendusg Cisoinwniinrsanitteesr heprrri which B -ar i-n J roat ea rs th uipiCo.t SouthsOntariao poa saescasne sensible Hahiarde Nao. 51 iMtin Niglsranlee hoiliseiunrged thlsIit offices sn eaeiis for Thet tîiete situcicavore.f s' octanoore .5.' visicis Baring beothees Cime &Mr. Drapegavenastice siiot lue vnomiî Te tu îuuî lu it , isierni ess- esnTtrdaJsae Cw uto MSpîne D h ota., - licapabe menweil qaci itiiiun-tOn mtionSomMi.is amasia Dt-irithedeieaieirgenlematise CWureila tis deneesigetleandosera-o ta ha wàms- msuae at the ,next meetnofigii eit (ariser ,ated prl-ise and tise Tillacs teli', hriog ta er-ire vy tehocapable sivti nl WVieil ofte s ,- s sei poîi fo t he asuicsaiijoy Ja e cotue riansne .-el ppr. Tiseorfli aoio-oral ossotitlires. hie, P)iiii t&>Parties precunsonilelqansi es e-oi a meuteillfsmetuecsilte tisan' aeselsuetaicuotiseyo hn-su i tise uorningnsi tis ti fi P tligae t j.ssnis sir l t fniy aen f tici ate moutreemîlt-n o heui tiaCounty, andi tley ahouti ft hobexciail- Taverna, &0., aussifor siinug thes lutteu h>' Me. Mertes 'cui A cifoansi ire inuatire prnyitiig fne ua passaere11 aar fAs ff -ese4 /oceriei a eofnedemli hsaeeuhoVorohitdaesarurbrvItane pras- ieft tise ehw.lue ftinc na iO ia t)ciru avides' the spr0penlsead5 /S'eof ja/ciOg pect. t aoteisne b rcfae owthis i isanci- cd feas the isanora dduae e-it tani Iapcursrnag îmlsre urte lsesicsssia fr iiutoy iqfoLuergsetie . uii'eitsihtiniuCeIii tiŽi eiurtsnt in ailit/e seiemsof tsWÙe; ml ii->ata-teTv-tuîPrmer e «hba abd 1Mr. Tis sens nse tflicsisirsi O.umionoa'f Me. Chapsnan, ftiseCouis- seomaintleance tais peoidst ait l insP PT ITtI X. rpr.Ili Tmua atn nioie &milekly Okaaea.tnol ieMiitra otl. Ls o-Yser, andi Mr. Remît u snd Mr. Roubinson, cil ajourued illtiManai ,tise t2tls lui>'of sui ample proeiiimn. Luuur iietsîioîss. setetheet ow- lfr f(' ili'- iiliu ti efortiis '.uo is.eaihtr-aîImsCsi '-'- ele ta the Aebastae eioi-utexla inaalNo'porntaeils.iuay eot.* ' . 'inpryi3 taissa. s ieilil.i, iuuij isi tntsescl aout ia n t'oyen we usit," ops e ae, 0oa che aesi oc ;aotie a v a pres n ate if Frostatise Treasurofs repos-tstabtise ________and_-W caseLauppoiîîuaaint -ate.eeUruson.ttee.ardiu f fileODra Gun. i~~~u > ~~~tht thioraiele gentleman, Mota icover tise thing. * limniY Comsucil cao initfise fialtoaicg listsoan noi.0sai tppiuntmof 1) ow. tls--tdcî v er. 9i5îrf.iuunss tosu -leh'avlan-ib'ts -srs su u ~ te ssag iraa > slstsi Ito miniaterial o ailancecsmdue ta tise iuoo-rrstiet L.ad M. Irsa ieame seuuiui cs o' ct l j r l. c tVhib>, t TUiri î mauagrr.Fallait ofthtie ('sont>' trouas the-diffect la- Mîitidrs-i aB ro, ist s'he sa uudpe iuug Cumua9O. Git- od c Eile.-iuu, Iuc, llim otn oii raiatut ~ ~ c~5b5 ~ ~ cuirio-Aiilis' Ts TisCuuîit metnIthe To-islIit e dt ab efedt-hsan gCo ni- elaîtî - i".' ' an.ither86.UxhntdgSi - c TortTee prispcof ouriloca co.errap rary it xrio . .. ..-.. driranPclsnia,--- --- ---- --- -a 40 MaCr ta lis e thae Mealat Te ti a dti rle i aie t f p.ti t îeesi .uulami uusel 'l"lor"cu.. ...........î...a.ut;;3a) q!)soir.fpasi sixuy.lace onuSatetidey evhatg grandtont eair' iig auSadimsofsbtsapouraIoa$1 iane Wottesocech: 1515e' Tltpep m in J I h e -----0* mt netetmnittnnT w B c . . ...tby------- ---------Il 2 A ilWthuiihy, J1. 10, 1360.rshi 05, nemutteul OîsiuCî.uuhs ratt toîmivs y hePepl. onel;unona riifra csun divrateMaori tai'ar.Mettgesue eeuuruîl illiezt uitna bilatateudisuractioneanduulwethe actiotooorW OnYmatt...ai'.C.pt..Ro.is.lise7WM W axtd.A t y e is eet ing h o n C tn t eT w eu tis e Raitne ay b y-has enS noir t ai- .. .. . .. .. Ils2,19 te front i' lits prosis a.ou Diiedas c rest. eresît I M i ~ t U ~ Q i1 r~ ~î tt. M un cipa liis, m oas a alci ai teo ees sois mru m1s ae he c iqe , is selit ueil>' or ~ - ....c..p.......i'...o u t.ai' tis.dr its1ise s-o -n H it t T ects ck us -miriaid ebelote' iirtuseamC-esestNT e flicu r. lsu iris tilr'c smle ch ire - ciomsrn du arelasîc ereachn ees Cth iel nase tifv uda at stafr sli og e ue. is-ru-usai'.... e ('sussuI) e esg itensiuac rtsi e'oe St. Mm Juifiuco Cismimtro isîr 0 o uitLo Volota cmmniatn W Silittuq, nu-r.~28 180. ber Wevenur tastae tet n nne mis tHe plandi'the cl i e Wattelit e lim uriauseItuclt, t C Sc' onstabe.i s letin r o hmqD . Thesrn. e ey raso rlic u BadWsnuimeta p .- a l atai 8 Mta e Reva nsi o puuiev s natis'co tiose dis coiuentwe l roî, sha f îsmn a ie re ciefora issii-et- i - i- offleeiesftemîl. nEia il edn: o 1kJF the eople- T at souleScella chngunee IsoMr. auper liaunime2foau] at-nd n front o )lisru1mtise onRardamast1et. peenontsOTai'OFaiO erus"A ,7 hismîsblisge acrit tlc fvumny yer ls e or h i sore arpo s e. uent i m ilie Poey, t Mesrsii.mBon, îsîaisoui>gocihceud.tis sa r5 siieslsi e "~OtiiOf u4ubltt7 As O. A,ý ni e Cstm e i eaeia edcisntcam-y perisape e asiais, a b ise Or.l aei r s iase ts 'e-un.eo ie siei esros On ieas te nx rus- 'uîrua intopena ea.p- --- iic i,-ilAhtssoe mrenll tissi tSt.. s-bs haappscrata ave ntebs ro iiun iciprea d o e acti v m e t ii i buthe un cvisaI tldriasotn igntieoe PitiîJoo', sAnto osiTeL.csuute ecn apsorn.W"ieslaota.ilsniu %.te eutin C a &X Y-sumni F81860.abusier. >Ieamlutaette ha ine e irent h e1 eet. Fenhi nisace than eBoeurd.MrJif itrouueo- Iusfrpiciuaos o StltOfhl aiis4e~vilintsimisie 4ss pr- du - Ci ouris, ave isiga pou> tlav ehalantmo' tise cls--iqe isarsusa iain Rseth e i pas îrd S>' railse r o ost' ii tti a s rldi~s i ii tise standinofrtonuthitiees fsr tndpeur, aissi Brais-iL - TI:e Wus e mesipethanssiiotiiig enmnunusndefaesttng the cooperalina ni' th li t GU !e ~.tay iviluatê tih l rahtin.partiesentuae, 1-ssc on teic-e.ad ntise 150, Te00,itslanHE £35,et0once.aArlan dpo b>' luhrn HerilelftarinuseC pruruice mme11Gta payffpetitoli eaU for cnylhuug ha so ~ a ia~Coat> Cassal. IYiiis aec ide ta raainnetis>' rehtie Nutons'rDco-i-les eaot ui aersit fond.oialI hoa s ilpaees attite uitnitîn. Surcle - es uu csels-sta' ue-Cosat' Cusu lrîtg eai Sies unor 100 ai Connheeaeutaersi'dtSe suieii'ltiiicgnetmeuu filiobsi toena rs'uouiM. change lete lise Aiset 12sandtaL y. Itot a i e oraut ct (li r ata scntl- M .Drpctind lntistr u - iii motion of Mr. 1'aminci, r -. hraa )ls eount 'e a5 Wtisv tii h craille soin ta thsînrseitaO (tatisa tmas minra. .. e. Por>' e inq ui r poil ohTWne ill M.a ,uMrui, sI.Lio.iy Coni 1ý««Tissa >e»tm l lilasuIllliteap&uiripoluit ni andsutesaneta oeraiepSte.pJususos Dr hpmouras eft whiis of the 'lireiuouimiiof hoipratidesidfIcreabrtnera teouret notrbu anaifile ile v vi e y ~ a ar - o î m e d a f is va ~ u ta at lt e o a l li al set o n e x ii af it c sa ter la Ja e, thu re se ai mi qu s bi ai o 'e at d r r> u ju ti> o d e S cs- ta >' ut a s sî er ' i' 21 u er a u n s us mu uifo rg ls the on ie tio i i' tu la thei.es& net rnd-cai ei ceitucymnbiOtseispsceai fa a&btita s-a or al ne r-assait ai'b t M Bu et îe Jmit ÉIi. apo,:tu hae Jrr of nser rogs tY . IL.os ra bi'uo>'ir a'ttiCa %tul et -T is a sspea i-s sha nsaiWbrte. t i is >'-ch orn fisco psat l e 7l thêa miliai;_____________ Ibce ispt sorai >' ail - ' - t. i ei0"t.tçyster ie, ayn. is2', bu tanditattu Fttpeceii.ti lYre.ntsjNcaeS rats it25 ceprytte loftat s, h1rtlai-tf iCo nt'o -an c lil ortsrChatss fat'étb1 ar oat ecn -nt et e év and a ieptes n e i ng reebtaiue£300 iai'j e t'The u-la ocl'e adilet inisis cdla - -moal.ern. ni'sao asct:LboI tt ia> ilussattv. iui ie nicesa'IMeshmsDno-iviala oStealli sy iiraeietaeln xpne t1 el- au .gris bie pts oustn Iesuu ecsrruaak 'eai.mc'ts rnd.ir tts leyh u ianiishseis s l jisirutpca res.45ubsrsat ein i Ci- Caibb i ts -oe oriis ts rt ii 0 pr me o ur> th a 5b isy u Ii-l--- Ctmein i'ts Forase -asrr.ui tsen'belusaQarmrS"uuu i ts -senpt.n- sbl a av m anioeaa W 'i " tN "iga hv tigspety t nlai sle soatse la o 'SEv . lc. a psai' C eels, v uise ber ftiseass-e C ancdLas,- it t o n ar î s nmpe o b al-pta ailîiete ei'aai.Wsse uiiaita ca-(si u ilal-h ffc vr.reialhasa ag r tsi.dean' o'eua ion aadr oîiuisamleaceli f thitrs sicmi u 'me uraserts ste i h 0ete i i ëa]ta icmsS gahistu"$4m pro.ào t y of ' ourctlt Ievs ui-, lmÏrmy-rtrsFOinasyf~5 Is E Ol. NDsttar' .syt sîtîtasnu acn H E.s s r gS tri a e i usg l a, anicsuenii-tIeSid gn'a caleinivse Ito i puvs -f va t haoc eotù1,elIIatifte a 'h,"' - "ehtsogl.Eii lot feri aaemi v c fisl piS.lapsit dIf irivep atsebisealecti 14 or w i. V oglnriI e Rè OrmNýs-as. on £35, l ienBs per cent-it C epatiniwil c ens L.t ne. b f.. ~ sic isa* ie: . bvegmes1a i a anse EBrown- ettuitT.eamasnu -ureod the Trautee i ' c uinoe osa> at>a>p is 5bsca Jetsf33u ptaisindavim ausetstt fmuethe oar-9 P0*tse aeaa-et rou inilv itisett-lu-trnaatsleisîig sat lef bis eat rspeftlaircmplims.tu £5,00 aub t ne ale ba e I eeoe0tepte was t a e i ccrac ihf icr soli tar he 'euljOiýr s>., oeil itetsarber testsaomuaidpese 01501 15 tasf a (bi grat sc eh l a reli ai gisit" l ais wbe iv s an Ri yDrcor. W r ai i . ..srt alealltaioa - s temsîotna ed s ogb'Cne agisSo i ut .iu~-ld =11 forayte g but;w i 'e, t he ra e o 3d-eti mi le nde 0 Cu iieil c- echootmie bu as fuIlamo: ewli.rmi t h isi nIsinic o t e .nas n$tyO u sCIe 5 n Oprttc erc _o cae k C ou t oiat Ii r m i i t e rj t e U iny D r t iead g e-ml d laich e 30l ofusî n wo -tli , seni ntaa1e au e b ev. e vi s Po-de a~rm m-- ~-- ~ - ~ a eM altPer . Thnuire htheta ta'is or , 40 haiienae s-sh-r 310i ti Co is,)t hedisailtis yak ati visbaiai t w-êo -o vg w- th~i- ep ouI "ni ' a is t . iéêah i Jth skote P55is15, mmaSfeniu e -atrs-- at ld no t c i 'a us-t' i a ait mies. 't ilJurehibitod a setaîcen mpsialr U o, ati s fiea slias!imu os,>'h ceordistits. reaucbittpIfl,,uîut*ur , n li mluij t u -li te py- h cpauil.auasetsby 'assoe tisstctslim t, " t matI t nteSel . itSrbylas ndstitl he fo mlege i-hal-bseraToaebge 1 rtat hemoio ituslr.lthelaliantrep ; abhiît lu m i rit o opoit ion stua ,a ssu iassi Assairsopt aSe é . S a es aper, $0. a in esevnoau ihlegapri, sd i- îa alt ate alpsc as cub £tê i'rtios5>'5.saiauiu.iue.inte.tle a ui ma in ifi tu ie se Uti le tio xifA st o sie Cchartaer . À B.oliaiehs eren vca raoinrede. To ale eleThtisp isutiii i' arh Paustii (ilyai'tie Pace ccloiog gaubin apsasslapointqtis biai-ai u O t eisma atêrnof anee ata 0Scmprocre ctat a - oonpay!. casi$25caPursoualittis t'P rss>aet se t4 tdo m . y btR ai' thpe s> . aund o b i u n - i es l liyta o a th u w e r si i sn rd e h f- ai'ýCl r o h e C t *15 Ciregaded~ ulSitieseiods a te u NS._ hiron t iesas i eain t vslf jý 8 i)tg it ry i n b s t h c a p i c e f o k , -T a t c uýr , m m m u ai a-itb e ocsj ra uly tisaik e acl 0 t a 1 .5 ioe a eyf r o nit hrir bfsf ort e ci l ea«g o ti r T h epo ll e a a t w a yesl u tl i a itas lvd . 'ul ilas-t h i s ses l u ti p - sif Cîndau- tyersndgf uuaer ita ho srvethe i an ipropaigladûtae ù t gof te e a soeetisaum, sitc dser inma is e so ratela ngi' tej ahi'ih swçale Eaolee iissistFd U. M a ier]tia ti vsth ra Valcgabi aitt ' e Vre iii tinlimhe at fir-iîficg> at ua dis5f'sbsl s ta ha ala i, 41)sen's il a> es iateais aa.klg5 g elSseuamas . phoxtral> aluie p ytseCaui ast e ist as vosstse 1qepya i 8' 41 ltsaoamt inbsue fiesop la.' adP ue réte , am.5ic s i i firisv tIseaductaselevLian : 'r k ti vli(b-otitWo : .iL . e Mr.e , ttli ; e r rq en sst$ARE l _ s cae. lula IaIItaO>o9geeertl9e ,Iueaspose ofOlcaBry et i -.- der tif the peeattrtiyiorlis. suasni. ho T o ioro *mjm s- th faotia t bc he cAo4ýief,, th jRýt f ý0 0 ContvCouac 1. 70AWTOCS IJONIii. UWYU.IX FIflST DAY) LOMC Mr. Campbell itoveci tise 5c 1'lnmeà fIl a nyCmclOf no omôiatee th isacs ,ýtariiieît sithe Court Houso, in tise Mr. Whsite (Pickering) desiod, t Vitihy tîsis day. Thfloiollowiîsg tise osotinis Wsucgrried, oha ~ssifiles iltîsir corîicates Witti te pl"n'atifin as ta> tiej s Isa? .8oj clerki isether the statue bail bc-eIaw; asaj Bros~oCasispieli Co ble y giving tise proper notices as re aar , esett. HiisIlp .'IcGrgor, P*r t .lor. H idfnot sous to bo ,ndeý R~tliiR hîîo î .tsn'e S n) to , r h, lie eing oppossisi t he o i ,la i t , Tlospîs Wiie (ikein)White, sidorcil that whon Appli cations or hh 1- (Whitbv wixoscore. lit. tiseY osiglit t eact -ý 'ilbyItxi , îii.sitA the certilicate of' bh Coa E.CTccTONc OF WrD. .,sict Municipality, certifyiîsg tisat ail tihl , aMr Visseaecaciel h !ii. Witomonts of tise lase hasl becn'0sple UWIîii iseil hat Triseniasi P. White, andl ilat tlie County Cotineli : s1 F e rie o hopoetya. oiily So colloil epon to oct on thesp M.pownsl ecsiîdedhy Mr. Howett, tionof i'tiiose recorde.. p m moveil'il V'npiisRoser hc Wardess . * - 1Tf.,Campbsell exîsiaineil that ho e M.r. îsiiith secodoil 1y Mr. Wrighlt, a osoosiser oi' b Tohip oaei Mq)Vpd i tJohn lait Tliimpgon,Essj., tho Sy.lasv ti question s paaoed, b beë Wulî I. bis colleagsîo',%fr. isiî o, 'a s * tlseisillfttions seore ithon put by tise memiser, %vosili be able to ap-ak Ili slerk i ider isn vhich the y are re. fart. ea454 a'ovtdI ireslisted lis 'olosrs Mr. Witeo(Wlsiîisy> atspil th For N. Wlsiîi.. M sraBarticît, Rewttt, h-1 benlic llyît7complied sith, and l Us uisîop ilifl', White, Wixnna, 1.Nypropr ntices liait Soen pubFiid .Mess t ii Ciniliel.('anile, lliart, Whitby C'lroicle. MoC riPt. lt'hinssnn, llowe,.13'n st, Tise motion ca rree, 'i 1«mtî, lmîsoi, Wrmzit, 12. lsilr. Whitîe cil neent itt Cosusmitîc.. <Pickcîisii ieiised fi-n, vs'ttngq. Mr. Bartlctt tn the chair. For CliiRoue, MesqsnBTrcon, liew. On imo(tio5ini'fMr. Wiglii4 , hV itt, Firt ni itiiusoi, 4. Ailtithe aube-r ieruse, reportril progresS, andio onembr4 utiiqi' suiv tptain Itowe wà I bave ta ait aguuiiito-niorrose. aliseexeiî- iîssoni oiîiz truTn 1 Q ii 11:111 I Iisîjsosî. Yens, 1%ca- 1Mr. Smiths iotroduîreu bis 114u r ors, fl:ruli' ilroii, Ciapbeoll. Gumble, appoitaiment of aîîslitnre, îstli e ns Hasrt, Mc Psir loi i clls, Rohino, I iiiit tili, oued on mostion tise Colneil foire, Saiur, Se niliî uxn, MWrigiit,jinoacommitteo thereon-MNr. lioe,b t1t, Nue- lfss's li-îevitt, llslop, Wite, the Chair. (Wisitvlhs Pue(Piciseinz ),..Tise Vasden nominaici Joepjh Tise CIlvlreiiJoh l aîil Tîsom o f iUxhrit ;. so:i, E;. ., lie dîîly eleîed Wurdoa for Capien ainrwe orcondeil hy 1u. 1, tise îîeeies'sîîsxsoinînmved te tieoame of Roisi. Il. 14, iThe MV i euiain eii~lens condueiel tn usqthe othor auditor. b r nn Îechutair i seooer n econder, 'Mr 1Vigitst ecooded y'rCan Megelo u i 'L, tuali the sinai movedin taaindinesit tisat Robert 14, deciaratiiîii it uce bcfiire luis Ronor ion of liroolita ho ise( other audits,. Jsîdge huesais, chu eau utteudedl Var the A divtaion lsus calied frOitet purtise. nmoue fori scsiogUedon ahesie T h oe a r . -îî rie u v r pr ei sr n e d i lis tits t aS. v l c , w s n g t v d o o e tise inosh 4lthe tosnreil aiiit ons : The original Msotion sstîen orssi ', oerlof a i- . Vusii, iliav-o siMOcaO -Ay. muet resteflvi hu'iik yn siîieresy On motion ni' Mr. White (Pise fuse the hi îiiil,îî : ictili rosi vsur eondd i iy Mr. Ratlii, a resOlsîios eleetoed ni-' fl liiise cruil, an' at tIse cd, tisut tise (isctii moînoriat thc ~Pe 55055 tisen-, îrista yoîs my doteront ciffl Legialatiie, prayisg sisot ise,,. na Liosn si irie, us ise ai possible, to act pal inse mn)'horo aiaeiided, a ns j isn suds ilsiv r n4 isieserve the cnenatosce aesilbees ni' Cotisue Casiiiei puy st a Ycm lias-e, lý-Iili, ni'. .19 chîirsssn i' orsilt exeeeding $2,50 per deim, and tiio Cssiiil sliî'll uiîcîîy ho nsy iesire to olitugr expeissu ist exceeitg 20 censt desorre tii, h iscis t01rIvue îsiferred on nis'i, andililîat 'Messes. Hoîvett. ltsi« mo." oan e i eooer lie Ceoramttc to leu coxIýTE9 nenmcsriul, and repîort tise proesrt oi e.51, i issisir ii. Tise Cosîncit thon adjoornei. lot, 4 lut lu -0

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